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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 7, 1906)
n:2 orGbirpAiLYouniJAK aaaaaasaa , ') " i III ; Toi7ni?c!23- ' t TOKIOHT g ampiebtbts. nrlll.....,,a.n,.,...jiajra Hawaiian Bin ....... .."TD Eternal ntf" Irrl "A Oonlct wife" BUf . ...."A rMBt Orand ..... Vaaaartlt Pinlaf Vd4t1U Walte Ttaiple t'ncrt Bureh Beta Cltcua. ,36th and BeMf b gtreata "Slavery baa been abolished and I re fnso to go back to t ha poor farm." de clared James 1. Hill In tha municipal court this morning. No, the Individual at the bar waa not the prealdent of the Ureat Northern. In faot, the only re semblance to the railroad magnate wil his lark of hair. Upon, the showing of -the pTfllce that Hill has become a public nuisance Judge Cameron gave him days In the county jail ' to , deride whether the poor farm was a . better place of refuse. t 'i . .".. In the case of. E, .0. Luson, who was , killed by the overturning of a "8" car Tuesday night last, a coroner's Jury has declared the conductor and motor man guilty of negligence, but not of .criminal Intent, ' The accident occurred at the comer of Globe end Corbett streets on y curve lit the track. - The rear lea pd the track and. turned over. ' Luxon, the only passenger, .was stand ing on the front platform. He jumped oft on the wrong side and received fatal .injuries..:.. .. ;- v; ,v. A. M. - Cronln has reported (hat his blooded fox hound. Lane, who captured r a handsome cup at 'the recent bench show of the Portland Kennel elub, .has fallen a victim to ths dogpolanner. While on the road 8undey last the dog was fed ground glass. He Is still alive but his life Is despaired of. "A number of fine-bred dogs have been poisoned in -a similar manner within the past few : weeks. - .'-.- Returns' from every preolnct In the state show that a unanimous vote was recorded declaring ours the - greatest studio In the west. ..That's excellent. - We - have - the- finest equipment - that money could - buy, and . operators - re nowned for their ability - and skill. You'll find as in ths Elks' building. Seventh and Stark, and open Bundays if rem. is till .E. W. Moore, expert " photographer.- -.- By crying hla wares In ' stentorian tnnrs Franrls Pstrlck Handy.-s Slaga is -vendor- of- hot tamales grtsvously offended the peace and dignity of the monup-and-was-arrested-ia st -night by Patrolman- Ben Peterson. Judge Cameron levied a fine of it on htra this morning and Clerk Hennesy, the pun ster of Oak street, said something about "It didn't pay to be so Handy' with your vole'' ,-;-. ..,.;. ' : A, musicals was given last night at the First Baptlat churoix. by the . Port land male chorus for ths benefit of the T. W. C A. building fund. Arthur N. Do Vore conducted the voices and, Mies Anne Dltchhurn. contralto, and R. Ji. Hockenberry, basso, carried ths . solo arts; A-4arge -crowd -filled tha ehuroh I- and soloists and chorue were generous ly applauded. . ... .' : The attention of the members of the 1 was called by Mayer Lane laat . night to the dinner at the Commercial club June IS, which is a part of the ; "get-together" movement. . Only munic ipal officials and their guests will be present. Matters of great importance , to the city are always taken Up and dla - ussed Informally at these sessions. . ; Watchaa, diamonds-and' Jewelry : on eesy payments. 11 down and SO cents per week. .AU mainsprings IX; all watches Cleaned II. . MeUger Co 111 Sixth at Concrete Construction Co-. 701 Cham ber of Commerce, - manufacturers of concrete atone blocks. Contractors for au Kinaa oi cement wort iei nam XiaArmm 'im 9mAv for thnu vhn are 7 entitled to Wear-thern-tm-Ploneer-ayv w tlllkslllnff eyeglasses at Jlj. next Thursday,' And may be had by call ing upon George H. Hlmes, secretary of the Pioneer association. s Mrs.' C. M. Cart wrtght, chairman of the Women's auxiliary. Is arranging for the banquet. It Is expected that there will be a large - meeting 'vf the pioneers this year. , X"' The"Oi,egou Cqoat-Wnffrage assocl. . tlon will, hold two meetings tomorrow in ine-- ir -ttBTe7n.u -Imuran, i ai ..i ,- .- a . . - -, one In the afternoon at t:S0 is Intended rTDanesTTabor Heights, tonight: for all women who are Interested in equal suffrage whether members of the ' association or hot. The one In ths even ing will be at o'clock and men and 'women are Invited. !.- V, , :'" At the meeting of the , Unitarian . Women's alliance yesterday afternoon ! Mrs-OUver EUawortil-.Wood of Van- , couver barracks gave an Interesting II rnstrated talk--on- fine - oollectlona of Japanese towels. She resided in Japar . . for four years and made a special study ' of the people and their customs. ; KCW V.TCE CIF TZZ KAP Wa feel a little surry that we're eaded. all th tUM, v . Tauee RueMTelt n more will baea bl eirle era o at; Tet (-ur feha Uiere a aetlefacttoa Ba'B not altMDpt te down. Beeauee that we've elected Smith lastead ut kUalar Drews. . - , For twe yeara now the eountr'n' rara Iti far Ike other war, With Orecoe ant thought ef aelther algbt time nr by dar. , And thea will rlae eome "Teddy,", aad la 6rp. aonoroua tenee Will ebnat imw tb BMuntalna, "Caat your rote for Mister Joom." , , Bat we don't .care a peaay sew year polltlrs sear rue: We'll enntiaue cleenelng lines aa wa bera- . tefire here done. With ear iwllehers thet's heated, set by re, but with ateem. And' ezrel bere( the 'faaclea' ef the eeple'a foadeit drean. UNION LAUNDRY Tel. aula SM. . teeead aad OaloaiMa. '.''All family '. waabing S poaad. Irles. patriot. Father H. J. McOevItt will deliver the memorial address. The opening addreas wilt be delivered by H. P. Sullivan." Other numbers on the pro. gram are: -VloMn and piano duet. Mlag Julia Burke and Miss Motile Reynolds; solo. Mlas Elisabeth Harwas; recitation, John Bhlelda.v "America."' by the audi ence; solo, "Kathleen Mavournaen," Miss Mae- Breelln. x . . , ' t . ' j Baron's',, shoe store has' .'purchased the stock of men's artd women's shoes on Sixth street, between Washington and Alder. The goods have to be re moved from the building on Saturday night, end -until the closing of the store that evening all IS.50 and 1 4 shoes will be sold st 1 3.7 1. It Is a high class place selling high class shoes. , ' '.: T, E.. Beach dt Co., City Gentlemen: I have been using the Japanese Ousting Compound In the Lyrio theatre and am highly pleased With It. I can cheerfully recommend It to be used for sweeping. Vrw trnlff your. Tl -Tjtl.r ltf "Lyric theatre. United States mall steamer Alliance sails from Couch street -dock for Coos Bay and . Eureka at I p. m. Friday, June -. C. H. Thompson, ltl Third street; F. . P. Baumgartner, Couch street dockragenta. Main 161. . Races 1 ..., -RMCr. 'n-trrm Races! PortUnl.JKuniXflub Saturday. June -e. HOs. - Eight races. Beginning I:0 p.. m. "T "" ' ; """ ;" Over 1.0 more children are now at tending the city schools than a year ago. The annual census has been completed. but the results are not yet tabulated. There are more than 21,000 pupils en rolled, however. 1 . ' . . - - Peney Brothers' "Friday Special. II. BO grade of white or red port., mus cat, aherry and sauterne at 11.10 per gallon. Phone East 387.. Free delivery I7-I81 East Morrison streat, The meeting ' of the Municipal asso- -clatlnn tn rnnalderwjiat-actloao lake In regard to the alleged election frauds has been postponed until t o'clock this afternoon. '' . .. ' a perfect fit guaranteed or money re funded. Metsger Co ill Bixtn street. C E, Walborn. furniture repairing, pol- lshlng. packing, shipping. TeL East 11. Acme Oil Co. sells ths best safety oil and fins gasolines. t Phone East Tl, . Panama hattef,"i 11 4thTYHone PaoTl 07. At I o'clock tomorrow evening. the araduatlng exercises of the South Mount , - Tabor school will be held t ,he school building. B. Lee Paget will deliver the ' , address to the class and Mlas M. M. Bode , will render . several readings. An in vterestlng program of vocal and Instru r -mental muslo has been arranged. . t The ' next meeting of the Woman's Missionary society of the Taylor Street M. E. church will be held at the home . of Mrs. A. R. Ssnno tomorrow. Ths ' members of the society will meet at First and Alder streets at f:S0 a. m. and . travel In a body to Kerrigan's station. on in ceuiCAua line. t : The San Francisco Disaster to Be Reproduced. ? 'rr Arrangementh have ' been consum mated to reproduce the San Francisco disaster at the Lewis and Clark 'Exhi bition- grounds.' J Oro,Pollard ; gt ' .Hall's pyroscenlo mechanical demonalratlon will open for a period of Ave daya, commencing June 1. '- -.--..-,' 1 It. Is auted : by . those familiar .with the calamity that the reproduction la true In every detail. - Real houses being shaken and burned, by - real fire and earthquake. ' Massive structures topple and fall. Enough people are used to populate a. small city. Including civil ians, soldiers, ' sailors - and Red- Cross -t Watsrthrouirhosw-tor-syrinkllnaaPtgTwny conevt. ye-raa or iiu.w.i. vr wasuinsr pvrenci r windows, must be paid for In advance nd used only between ths hours of I and 8 a. m. and ( and t p. m. It must not bs used for sprinkling streets. If used contrary to these rules, or waste, fully, it wUl bs shut off. ' B. O. Whltehouss and wife left today for Chicago to attend the Imperial coun ' ell of the Mystlo Bhrlners, which meets ' In that city on June It and 14. While east Mr.' Wfcltehouse will visit his boy hood home, - Boston, which he - has not seen for 47. years. i ... , , t .... Fottf couples were united tn marriage yesterday by Rev.,, - J. : .Whltcomb . Brougher. They were Clsrenee B. Set tlemler and Miss Elisabeth Park.' Clyde i Fennnd Loulss Oenser, Charles E. Warner andXilllan klrby. and Bruce ' "T. Douglass and Ina May Abraham. rr There will be a memorial entertain ment by the Ancient Order of HI- bemlais Sunday - night at Hibernian hall r in honor of Michael Davitt. the EVERYBODY ' I filnt te the XXlXie TKTgATK nert StnlDAV KIOHT to ee. IU UUIUU ' , MVslOAt OOnyAaT, wblh works r ' With S daeh sad via aeMon If ever eqealed V - by a giaaical erg aaieattoa Tlel tint thia city. ... .. ... -r ,; . v t Whatever yes de. arrante aiettera en ynn 1 " f will be- able aerare seats early tomorrow (rrldar aad sea why ;. v: FATHER ' ..' Wii wHa la -aoi working aad pnrrtinfb eeata for Mother, Meter Aaa aad tie Whole hauaud. workers. Ths Are consumes building. A after building in exactly ths same places and times thst It did in Ban Francisco. Dynamite Is freely used to rase build ings, vehicles of all descriptions are preaaed into service.. The refugees are seen seeking places of safety, camps are established and food distributed. The inventors and promoters of the above demonstration were eye-witnesses and have spared no pslns to present every detail graphically and archl- MEN'S SHIRTS. i Trlaay aad KoAIlem KoSoansU's. atarday ' Sals at In the men's section tomorrow and Saturday will be held ' the greatest sale of shirts ever known In fne house. We shall offer tie Mt. Hood makes at prices that ought to attract every shirt leas men In Portland to the store. Mo Allen ,et McDonnell. Third end Morri son. . ,: .-. '.v EXCURSION TO SEASIDE. ;,.,,'., ', . suiday, Juas 10, Another popular $1 80 excursion to Beaald via the A. C. R. R.' will leave ths Union depot next Sunday at t . m. Ticket sales limited to seating1 capacity of train. Tickets on sale at tit Alder street during ths week and at the union depot Sunday morning. -For Information telephone C. A. Stew art, agent. Main (0. . . f.., Gold and Black Sand. Ths gathering of flour gold from the rivers of Oregon ts soon to become-the leading feature of mining In this part of ths' country." A process hss st last been discovered that will handle tm menss quantities of the sand, and at ths same time save the gold, at an ex pense next to nothing. A large machine is now being built by the Beaver Flour Oold Extrsctlon A Mining company, which hss recently Incorporated under the laws of the state of Oregon. This maohlnS will shortly be doing business somewhere along the upper -Columbia rlvef. . Nof'only will this r.ew process bs a source of great remuneration ' to the company, but the mining; Interests la ' . -.. w ... . . - 1 ' . iaagMawaaawwaiiaaaw i , mmmtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm i """ " , ww. , .... - ... ' 1 -i 1 End here Saturday evening From beginning this solo has been successful from every point, and up to and inclusive of tomorrov evening you vill find unequaled bargainsThe Meier (k Franli Store values arc always best in quality and style, and prices always the lowest . 854th Friday Surpriso Sale in the 854th Friday Surprise Sale in the , SEiiiameir Goods Depar to't Rofess and Lace ' Sectidn SS3blIIS Wf5c $6 Laxvn Robes $-3.49 . .:. ,r -. v. , ; ' . ;' ' ; ; , 1 ; .'. ; . ; ;. 1 " " 1 "' ..; "' 1 " :;' ; 200 pieces of tMrty.two-inch Embroidered Voiles, hUdrtt, Fancy Cot- ; - 5 One Hundred of Them ; A 'y, 'i r ton Suitings and French Gingham wCl be placed on aale tomorrow Tomorrow,i Friday Surprisi Sale in this department Is certainly an ex- : rrr - -m -m z rrrr Z -z , traortjmary bargain announcement.. The splendid values we are offerine at a splendid reduction-The 23 cent and 33 cent value will be placed ! in Embroidered Linen Kobes. Flounced Skirt, with material for waist, in In center aisle There are several thousand yards of these - ra : white, white with blue embroidered , and - white - with pink embroideredr ddnty dr m...rhU-Th...v.Acn.. h. depUc.- "firtlSnwi SK !tifr?S ,riT5 AO) June-White Sale pricatha yard . . . ......... T T . ' for the special price the values are exceptional. ,. . . faJJ sjt mTUJjr Seie Window Display Sale Commences Friday ft A. M.; i t See Window Display Sale Commences TffitfiyftA. M. , , j Friday and Saturday Specials in the ams: Do not overlook any of these New and splendid styles at smart reductions We've planned lively selling for last 3 days of "June White Days" in this section Dickies, white or butter-colored Venise Applique,' point gare lace arid batiste -, embroidered, finished edges, 75c value, at, each: Neck: Ruching, three pieces in a box, - white crepe lis, Mousseline de " soie, chiffon ; reg. 25c ; sp'l., box. V Linen Lawn ' Chemisettes, to be worn -"with-surplice waists.-four styles.Mech . lin.Vaienciennes and Renaissance lace . inmrnings- square r iw an- back, 65c, 75c and5c values. 43c Chemisette "and "Undersleeve -Sets,' fine - . , . i . .. x . . i . . ..- i tucKS, macnine nemsuicning, irimmca with daintylace and scalloped. t .aajaVW Also tucked-lawn yokes,- fagotingriace , insertion and lace edging on fluted .;: ruffled effects value 35c ; 3 , - 1 C , special, . .-. ;-,ir... .V,.; LNew Boleros, severe; sleeveless effects - maae oi wnne iainsooc, wiin jcrman "l Val. ' insertion, and.- edge, to Qj - marfch, up to $1.00 value. . . . . ."v White 1 Washable - Yokes, circular and" 5 stole effects, without - stocks Eyelet lrabroideiyVe -"embroidered,-assorted patterns ; fJQgs . $1J25 and $1.50 values ....... t .O if C White Mull Yoke and Stock combined,; made -fbias bands and embroidery beading, with accordion,-pleat- ed. raffle. 50c to 65c value.... ,JC 854th Friday Surprise Sale in the 9 Ladies'-- SlHfeeGfcBiiu JVe-wlU place-oa-sale-tomorro w . 10Q Women's Tailoredguits, in tight-fitting, boxj pony jackets, or Eton styles, some with fancy trim- mmg lace gimp or buttons, or fancy vests with collar and cuffs to match, circular and gored skirts in novelty goods, serges, Panama and worsteds, in gray, Alice blue, violet, reseda, rose, navy. and black. The $14.00 Value, Special .......'.g 7.00 $20.00 Value, Special. -. $10.00 $28.00 Value,- Special r...:.-. .$12.50 -$30.0a-Value Special 15-OQ $32.00 Value, -Special, ; ; . . . . $16.00 $35 JQValue, Special $ 1 7.50 $40.00 Value, Special. . .rrr.'TTTr.O.OO $48.00 Value, Special.- $22.50 Up to $50.00 . . . ; ....... .t . $25.00 One-Half. , f Price See Window Display One-Half Price Sale For Friday and Saturday. And every one of our snlts Is characterized hy-the -good - tailoring for- which tMs store's products are noted Perfect style end fit and splendid wear go with every purchase made In onr Men's and Boys Section Second Floor 400 High-Grade Men's Suits-All suits are hand-tailored, with hand-padded ; shoul ders, hand-felled collars, hand-made but tonholes. Styles are round cut, straight ouble-breasted-sack-suits, Ma-, terials- are-of - the- latest, in- the - popular eraysjnedium .and.darkf ancy, mixture. of worsteds, cheviots and tweeds. Our .regular $20.00 and : $22.50 L e suits special, suit. ...... . . . V,OJ Special -on $20.00 M,en's Outing Suits, all ithis- season VsujtjJIilajidsomely tailored - materials in . fancy tweeds, fancy wof" : steds and fancy' flannel.: Coats three- quarter lined, trousers with belt loops and turnup bottoms, styles in." round cut, straight front ojdoublebreasted sack suits; special for these :": C1C 1 C three days, suit. 4 . .V" Boys' "All Wool Sailor Suits, ages 4 to 10 V years, with Knickerbocker Trousers in gray and brown plaid chev- QC' 'iots; regular $5 values, special. vaesar -BoysVAlrAVool-F4iierade$L50wpi Piece: Suits,-in gray-plaids and- brown mixed fancy cheviotr sizes 8 tolfi years all suits are well and strongly fL OO 1 maderrSpecial :. . . , . iT. ... . .OseXJ: Special on Young Men's Suits," sires 15 to - 20 years, in all wool fancy tweeds and fancy worsteds, in. single or double -breasted coats our $13.60 ell II and $15 values at, special.. V ' American Boy, June - number, is here. A year's subscription free with goods pur- : , chased in- our Boys' Clothing Depart ment from $3.50 or up. . ' I TV W H , SSI m aininiam Baker Theatre Orasas Tbaatn 0h Siaaaae, Sm. L. iitv. tin, Pheaa Kaia 1807. . ' . Tee Borne et Hlk-Claaa Stees. ' THIS ' WHKK MATIN EH SATCaDAT. THIC OKAMDE8T-' PBODIICTIOJf OF (TH1 TIAB HALL C41NB S WONDlBrUI. . . j, ;-v EMOTIONAL DRAMA. "TheEternalCity" ' Isiaasae east, ' aiafalaraat sraaarj, , aof OM-nt'd orctatra. ' PRICP Eta., V. S5e, tOr; Mat., lee, k. !' , iTealaf CarUls, .S:M Sssrfv - . -. '. NtXT WEEK :- SUXOAT MATIMm AND NIGHT. " The Man From the Golden West MONDAT. ' TL'KKOAy. WpNESDAT,". BT lamroae royaler Uenans. : TheEternalCity, SKATS NOW OI BAI.H. this stats st Isrgs will reap its benefits. It Is said by those ho are In s position to know that a shipment of flour srold will be pi ad a before ths first of De cember. . .".'''' STREET CLEANING MEN ' ASIC FOR CARJ1CKETS ' Alex Donaldson, superintendent ' of the street cleaning department, discov ered ' this" morning that a number of ths employes of hi department bd J. THE Utk aad - Tooignt. 'maay, earoroar iinta, 8r-ll-Trlr Matin (Utiirdir, koTAL HAWAIIAN BAUD OF KOBOLOMr. MIHWrr Band, Strlng.d OrctMCtra. MnndnHn. Onltar, ' Banin Clnha. Cbnlr and 8k RlnsMa. Trains piire,- S6e, Vt Tr. $1; MUtwe srlraa. JBc, SOc. TSe. Haata aclllsc at. Ua Bailie 'or - aalre easasaawat. ADVANCE SALE TOMORROW THE HEILIG XIXDAXt KXTilCAX COWAXT, "The Rounders" 0a Vaak. Jatiaabi Sttadar lt, faae 10. ; Popular Prices : Xraaiac, Me, tie, 10. Matlaae, laa, st. . ' Bf1nalng tnaMrrew sjomlrr. appllratlnns for eaB tlrkata will M rrlTd at boa atere Hetllf tbratra. Pbeaa Main 1. L,YRIC THEATRE IwT Aftara and '"Zmlag Vertlaad't remilar gtaeh . ' Tb MsUdranatle Itms "A coiwicT'S wirr , - IN Mill ACTS. roixow xhk rowi contiwovs .rrnroRMANCi AdariaalM loat Bamd Saata. tOa. ! petitioned the council last night for car fare to and frnmAhelr work fhe res on glreo being "that vsluabls time would be tared. He knew nothing of BASEBALL . . Athletic Park ' ' Corn at Tangaai sad Twemty-fomrta ' JUNE 78, 9 C&'IO Portland vs. Los Angeles "' Oaaaas Call ad tttO p. aa. Dally. V ' Osass) Called ii30 p. aa. stoadays, Indies' Say mday. -ADMISSION25CENTS GRAND STAND, tie. CHILDREN. J0a i. - BOX SSATS, lie. UST CHANCE ClosingWeek Apollo Rink ' Sesson 'ends ' Sunday flight. Skats tonight." APOLLO RINK. the petition, and made no reeommenda- It habeen theustom for time for the deputies of ths city en- Hm GREAT SAN FRANCISCO '' :'- DISASTER. obo, roz&ajuD slau-s . 120,000 reproduction of the San Ftan- claco dlssster. Before, during aad after ths earthquake and Are. . . A Pyroscenical Mechanical .. Demonstration ' - Requiring four seres of space for Its . i presentation. REAL CITY, REAL EARTH- QUAKE, REAL FIRE At the Lewis and Clark fair grounds, five 1 days, commencing 'Wednesday, J unsU. 7 QRAIND Week of Jiin 4th Bl Orpheum Vaudeville ABMSTBOH0) . , AJiO BOUT X TTie ExprtHnun" HAISA 4 00. lOBOS TEOMAJf. XLXiWOkTH AJtS , BUST. BB0AOWAT IUO. , XABOLD Korr. aABDisoorg. STAR THEATRE CeaiaMBClng aloeaay, Jsae a rtfth Weak STAB STOCK J COKBAXT "A Pleasant Doyn la CaeaMttna- Wltk a llm Taadarllle OI. e ei This Afternoon and Night : Aad Balaaes of Weak . . ' , BATJbT AT ABTO .."' THE GREAT BURCH&REISS ; Educational Museum Aerial Enclave . gineet to ride on tickets furnished by thai, street , railway company, but the min'Jn ths street cleaning department hare bad to walk ct rids en ths wagons. Shows I and I p. m- - Tents: ' - REGULAR ClKCtS C4R0lKD ' '.'"' Twsnty-flf th snd Raleigh. OCA EDUCATED rjr ACmOBATS, TBOTABTtl. - rcootB a rti '. ' -.- inui a. l gormaay. X. estrone t-w" i. aregery's Beysl IleXaji L A. . v aaenaeas Waterproof TekS. 0ly Biff Chow oeatlr. ' I.0M CosifortaMe enmX" ' Ben t kkisa the is t-r ,. . Brry Mora tag st 11 ., Oa Tiak I e te i . jroysJat ee. u