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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 7, 1906)
V Tl:s onzcoN daily journal, foutlaud, thukcday evening. june 1, V SniilBLER 18 101 STOr.t OPUiS zl 4 A. IV STORE CLOSES it 6 P. U. 162d Gnniio FRIDAY ECOnOLlV SALE Tomorrow FRIDAY EC0W.1Y SILE Tomorrow Tht "Dlfhrenn Sterr 5th, 6th O Washington Sts. Buy fhc YJIritc Goods CHEERFUL (Continued from Pag On.) Puter bllevca that he may yet es cape final punishment for hie crimes. It is his purpose, .he says, to set him self right before the people of Portland and of Oregon If It la possible to do eo. lie expresses regret that his friends in Portland should "read so much about htm as a criminal and 'a, fugitive from : Justice.' " . ."This Is. a deplorable condition for a man. but it shall be my endea- to - fix It Tjjf the best I can." he sal ', Puter was convicted of conspiring td defraud the. United 8tates of pobllo .lands in December, 1(04. At the same time McKlnley, Mrs. Km ma Watson. -DanJTarplfir and Frank Walgamot were Also convicted of the same charge. ' Sentence waa postponed and Puter became an important witness for the " government In i number of land fraud1 rf-aaes. He was placed under bonds of 14.000, "but wag later permitted to sub stitute for the bond another with two 'residents of California as bondsmen. ' .The document - was never filed in this . It was .largely' through Puter's testimony that the late Senator Mitchell waa convioted. - ' '-- ," Shortly after the trial of Senator Mitchell, ruter- went east and did not return until today..: Borne eight or- nine . .months ago rumors were circulated : of '.wholesale frauds 'Ntn. stats', school land . certificates and investigation traced the operations (to McKlnley. Puter and eon- . federates. Puter and McKlnley are said to have- realised over 1100.000 n a few months by means of forged and counter feit land certificates. ; -- - - . According to United States XMstrlot ojrney Bristol. Puter will be brought before the cdurT fur scntene at nnr , AD HEN'S LEAGUE PRAISED ! BY LIAKUFACTURERS Communication Expressing A '. precfation of Madeln Oregon ; Fair Sent to Dasent - " 1 : Thirty" wmbfire-o"irn league met last night In the Chamber ut iJommerc to wind, up the affalra-nl ' : the "Made in Oregon" : exposition, , whloh.. waa . held, under lh ... league's, , -patronage. The following 'letter- was - read at the meeting:- "Mr. Bury I. Dasent, President Port-" Ad Men' league, 1 Portland. Ore ' gon. Dear Sir At a meeting of the directors of this association held on the, Ith Inst the undersigned was in structed1, to address to you a communl- vatlon expressing our appreciation., of the effective work of the Portland Ad Men's league In - eoneolving , and carryg. rngout the .recent "Made la Oregon" : movement. . . - ' - "Realising as we do the great value of a, movement - of this kind to the entire community, as also directly to our manufacturers, we feel called upon to express our appreciation - In the Strongest terms, and we sincerely trust that there may .accrue' to your league, a also , individually t, its members, one measure- of benefit as result of he epletvtkl work undertaken and eon ummated by- yoa.'-Youra very. trulyt I . COLIN H, McISAAC. Secretary. - The league will co-operate heartily Jn any "preparation for a big celebration or in cxmrtn ox juiy. , some matters still to be .attended; to in connection with, the recent fair will be disposed Of soon and the league then -will -bold smoker and congratulation party. . iST. HELEN'S HALL GRADUATES CLASS-THIS VEEK FourteerhYoung Women to Re jeive- Diplomas Upon Con- : eluding Course of Study."'"" . - Announcements are-out for the thlr - ty-seventb annual oommencement at St. Helen's hall next week. The first fee ' ture of the exercises waa tba studio reception and - exhibition of -drawings " this sfltrnn, which continued from I to i o'clock. Monday--aiternoonan : peretta. "The Three Bears." ' will be - given by the Intermediate and primary departments, which promises to be a quaint arid amusing feature- of - com- ' mencenwnt week. Tuesday Is music ' day, and In the afternoon there will be ''a pupils musical recital and In the evening the commencement 'concert. Wedneaday evening will come the com- wtenoement exercises and awarding of . diplomas. , -" --- - - .: ' -. The ball is this year graduating a r!aaa of 14. From the regular academic i-ij, course rarer the eight-following: Miss '. Janet Gray, Miss Genevieve Seng stacker. Miss - Elisabeth - Armstrong, Mix Kathleen Armstrong. Miss Ger trude Jones, Miss Isabel Hughes, Miss Helena Hughes and Miss Arlln Davlee. -.-' from the kindergarten training course r six will be graduated: Miss Ethelwynne Harris,' Miss Sara Lead better. , Miss ' Rachel Smith. Miss Gertrude Gill. Miss Katherlne Gilbert . and Miss. Elsie . Jiackua. - ." ..':-,-, j, FINE FEATURES IN w THE SUNDAY JOURNAL A page of pretty babies will be . among the many fine features in The Sunday Journal. These handsome ehtl area come from many point In Oregon and Washington, and are entered la the . contest for four valuable prises. - For "7." the entertainment of the yotrthror-read-" -mtu of The Sunday Journal. Happy " v Hooligan. Lu!u and Iander. , Little Jimmy and Old Bachelor do funny . . things and there is a full page of abort ... stories.-pusxlef and tricks for the ywwirsv- , a.,t; -' The women . will find some capital hints on what to wear in summer on the fashion page, and there' la a fine - article on how to be beautiful that 'every girl and woman, should read. -i. illustrated story tells what clever " American girls are doing In Parte, . 4 . Among tne otner xeaiures imi are Instructive and Interesting are "Meas ures for Coant' Protection." the ""Work ers With Hand and Brain." "Around the World With W. J. Bryan, story of the earthquake at Del Monte by a well - known Portlsnder, illustrated story of the oldest white man born west of the Rocky mountains. . . - - -P , , ASKS BIG DAMAGES- . r. y FROM HIS EMPLOYER ' (Miela1 Wapatch THa. Joemat) Prairie City, Or, June.7. H. N. Put- A Sumifter Carnival of YJhite - rraaee Sends TTs the Dainty Rosejnarie;vhrth . J; v . .v : WASH GOODS SECTION FIRST FLOOR. Description on paper would do 111 justloo to this dainty, pretty, fetching representative of textile beauty from the looms-of Alsace-Lorraine. When one sees and touches this beautiful, sheer - "Queen of Cottons" they are ' brought to a, quick realisation of the value we offer tomorrow. Thla soft, sheer and ' bewttchingly pretty ..goods is shown In charmingly beautiful. ! small floral effects, pretty for street or evening' frocks and gowns. We v imported the dainty, pretty atuffs and marked It Inexpensively at 40c Ife a warm favorite and will keep yardsticks and scissors flying fast tomorrow at tba extra special price per yard of .' 33) . .fob worn wwra WAITIWa FOB ' V 0RERTEST of. the SEASON'S SALE of We say Ready! . Come Friday: '.Here's the "ne plus Ultra, of value ' in Sklrtdom. .. Elegance and beauty " . , combine In. tbeae rich, heavy, rust V ling Tariet Petticoats. They're -v that good -their equals -are . not ' Shown In any other than thla Port-, '..'land store at a price leas than'' ten dollars. Choose -from black, white, Alice blue, navy, greens, light blue, apple green, corals, -r garnets and dainty pal pinks, in r plain '. and changeable-, effects. - Skirts are In the accordion plaited 1 rlounes style and have an nll"ilk , dust ruffle. Type can. but faintly portray . the quality, style . and .' beauty of - these rustling, silken garments that - this" house offers ' rerularly at It. 50 one and a half v- dollars less than confreres sell an equal value for as a surpassing magnet ; '' '- to attract scores of buyers tomorrow, w offer them aa a remarkable Special at ....... .,.......;...........:.,.,....,,.....i........,.,f4.e8.- JATITTT. 0OTimAPW BM FBXCB. Patron may chooee tomorrow from smart, tignt-iitting uoveix uoais on of any all .grades Included at. AZVJOUDERFULZSALEOF- $3 to $5 MILLINERY at $1.50 "'BI JOC:"SAXOKBiAKNBX BECONtr . ,A . - FLOOR. ' We've the finest corps of designers in the H Millinery Shop in all the West, jt'a an -; organisation we're proud of. The world ., la theirs for Inspiration and they love their art as a painter loves nia specialty. - We. know of no other store In the. North-' - west that doe this part of It business so thoroughly. And tomorrow's offering . hundred Hats new aa . the-, morning trimmed and tailored styles that's tbd -f baaiar - All- hand-made shape of hair-' braid, chiffon and dainty all-over lace,. exquisitely trimmed with pretty- flowers, . f ribbona, fancy feather. tc Tou may , suit your fancy along the color line ; from white, running - through the be-v witching shadea of blue, pink, red. other. Actual beat tS.00 .to. 15.00 value in town and Friday at... .S 1.60 Vomen'srBeltsand Handbags. i .- :' Annex first floor,,, s ' What'' your .lack In umtner . belt, or the lndlepenslble handtygaT Need a new one? Let these opportunities wait on the need to the proflt of your purse, Tou may bytthe 9M sTsndkag for A line, of . Women' . Fin '" Leather s Handbags,' made of fine seal grain leather, lined with best moire and . fitted with coin purse. . Frames -are leather-covered and aecurely riveted to bag. Strong, solid leather handle and best patent spring catch. In ' black only with gilt or gun metal . trimmings; our 1J.00 valued-Special Economy Sal price, each... fl. 59 .JlfS. leather Belt 4Se. -; A Jin of Ladle' Leather Belt made front the beet soft leather laid in . fold,, with double end well stitched and strong metal buckle. Come In black, brown and navy. Sixes SI to - to : - ur -- best Sc - valua- Special Economy Bale price, each...... 46 Heed Cushion Tops? Must hav a place for a few of these. Look around at the" couches and In the cosy corner. Look through "hi den. . BO Cnihion'Top Ua. Cushion, Top with plain back, top tinted and staanped In an endleas variety- of floral and conventional de- signs; value Jo 60c. Special Econ omy Sale price, each 13a? Hotes Anent notions FIRST FLOOR. notes . these. - Better let Bargain your notion to buy hav sway more you buy, more you save, lc glaaa jar Petroleum Jelly or i VaseUne. Special 10 S-os. bottle Witch HaseL Special lBe J So Best Imported Proton. Tooth Brusbes. Special .......... .15a) 10c bar Tranaparent Glyoerln Toilet -Soap. Special .;... ...,.T lo round cake Williams Shaving Soap. Special ................ -3 I So Whisk Brooms. Special ZSf lo package of 100 Paper Napkins. - Special ..i, ...... ,..04 16o Ink Writing Tablets, ruled. -Special - . . . . . Oa) SOc boa. Writing Paper and Envelopes. Special .......... -lOf So botUe Le Page a Gold Medal Muci lage. Special. ..3 Pair SSo Scieaor. Urge and small sixes.' Special r..i..o"'Wf Nickel-Plated Safety, Pin. 1 dosen on card. Special ...i .44 So paper Engliah Pin. Special.,. 34 lie bunch of 1 dosen Shoe Lace. -black. Special .....Tf Beat Luster- Twist SUk-Flnisb. Thread, - 30 yards en spool. ' Spools I . ... .Bet Ironing Wax. makes Ironing easier. Special. sticks ......... i .... .-.54 SSe Fancy Gold-Mounted Shell-Back Combs. Special 19f nam ha filed a suit In th circuit court garnet 3. I Stalker, a well known busi ness man of this place, for damage aggregating tlt.160 for falee impri eon men t. Putnam bad been' In th employ of Stalker for some time when arrested and It Is understood that he want $!50 from low of employment. $10,000 dam age and $100 attorney' fees. , the largest and beat selecief stock of tne western i-oa tun ana ire cnoice. ...,..BAX,FPBZOm. etc.; to black. On extreme t the Children's I'ftic Hats for Half IN THEiBABT-TO-MISS SHOP. ' , . . - SECOND FLOOR. r . ' Children' Hat of .fin, mull, chiffon , lace v or embroidery . and - - trimmed' . with flowers . and ribbon In dainty color or whit. They , range tn price from 11.00 to - S1S.00. -- Speclah-for- Friday- Economy Bala Summer Hosiery mouu or TO WOM3UT AJTD FIRST FLOOR. Fine Imported Black, Tan and Whit All-Lac Hose, full finished; regular . value SOe.-, Special.- pair. ..... . .28 Wowaen' Tt a SOe Moae .-- . whit double sole; regular value TSo and SSc Special, pair.... 494 ' - - ' . -, '; ' -.', . - nTi sse Blaok Oottom Bos le . MUses' ' Black Flne-Rlbbed Cotton Hose, finished . foot, linen k spliced knee, sixes OH to 10; regular value ' SSc. SOo and SSc . Special, -, Pair ........194 , CJUldr' SO TJmderwalst 1SH. Children's White Knit Underwalets. rater value SOo., Special 12H4 Women's Pretty Summer Belts and 'Kerchiefs : -' ( ; nr tbb aul " thbt floor! ' . WOBMa'i . Too Belt) as. ... Fin Silk Taffeta Belt with gilt buckle and new three-piece . back In black and whit: regular value ' 7e. Special , , j , . , t ,254 New narrow Leather Belts with fancy strip of - silk, white Or black... black 'on white, champagne on brown, navy and white on navy;, regular value 7o. Special .......... ........25a Weaaea'a Baaaerekiefa. - A lot of new All-Linen Handkerchiefs in four different patterns; regular values SOo and SSc. Spoeiat. ,. -244t Fin Initialed Handkerchief (Rlch-I ardson's) Imported by ne direct from Belfast, Ireland; regular values c - and 4Sc. Special, each . . ...... 25 Rtchardsors Pur Linen HandkerV, ehiefe with and H-incb hemaa quality that washes well, at for ,...4f COLUMBIA VALLEY IRRIGATION CONGRESS . rftpeetal Dtseetrk te The JesraaL Milton; Or., June 7. Th Umatilla County Development league has appoint ed a commlttt te form ta Irrigation) VW1 a v I U. - Children's Gloves WOBTM TO SO VAZB. peoUl rriday M : PAIR .. - . ;;. Pretty LI ale Thread gloves in fancy, and plain weaves, a color choice In-' ;- eluding 'tana; grays, reds; values in the lot to 0o the pair. Choice for -Friday for .V....,.........25 A SILK SENSATION THAT SHOULD SET THE TOWN- AGOG TO- , ., Y .- ... - MORROW. . 85c and $1.00 , FOB TWO BAT OSTLT FBIBAT :.CV ABB BATtTBBAT. -...a- Every-woman-know that ' the tide has sea lareteeagly towan ellse, and plenty of silks to supply the; shirt waist suit and jacket suiu. the waist and aklrta that jTaahfon. and comrort call for thla aummer. Silks hav again- been seated - firmly on their throne' and crowned with fashion' favor. Here's opportunity to save In buying the silk on really must have. Read - - . S.OO0 yard of down-to-dat Sllka, not a yard of which can be duplicated at - lee than SSc and 11.00 per. yard. . These are alThew spring and 'sum-' . mar style and colors. The lot con .slats of IS-lnch silk and wool Ben gali nes and Poplins In cream, grays, '"'biuwii; navy ami 'black, all pure ; silk Crepe de Chene In evening and street colorings,-It-inch .green nd - blue suit silks- In a good assortment of checks and broken plaids; regu lar fl.00 and SSo values. Special for ; Friday and Saturday only, , .,. yr ....494) ShoeBargaihsi SILKS AT : - .... '.w- ,- ' s -. '--' "' - YARD - This Store draw a strong line between Shoe Bar gain and "Bargain Shoe." . We don't hav the latter Bargain Shoe are usually Inferior stuff "mad to MIL By Bho Bargain w mean splendid, less- than you'd expect to pay. These art Shoe Bargain. 'Special are for the hour as advertised, only. :'') S TO A. SC. ..'.' I - -1 . A Bottle e Cleaner given Free with 1 Ogf oyde. Oxfords. Z We wllL fiver with any pair of Whit "va. kid or ealf a 2So bottle of cleaner Fre.- Anything you want In Whit Oxford priced at, the' - pair, from 91.50 to 94.OO TO 10 A. U, ronaea' Konntala Skoti Worth to S4.00 fog SLM Women' high cut Mountain Shoes in black or tan'; with top from S to IS Inches high r hook -or-plain relet, heavy or light soles; value to $4.00, . Special ' ( for on hour at, the pair -10 TO r omen's S4.00 Shoe for ta. Women's fin patent kid Dress Shoes, with mat kid tope, plain toe. Cuban concave heel and hand-turned eole. These shoe are easily worth St.00 and our regular price la S4.00.; Special for on hour only atthfr p!r,;v. .'v. ...i..irrv-. vTTrrr.-r.92.tJn . - ; l;, . TO IS nt. . - 7 - ; SUM Less for Men's SS.OO, $.00 and $7.00 Shoe Man's high grade footwear, either shoes or Oxfords, in tan or black, patent or dull leather. Choose - from our great stork of Men' fine footwear, made by the foremost shoe makers of America; our SS.OO, $t.00 and $7.00 values. - For one hour-only U TO Tonag Women' Shoes, Value to S4-00, for fx Toung Women's College ' . Shoe mad In patent stocks, t and T button styles, dull tops; lasts are the newest and- the general atyle la one of the smarteat for young women; all six end widths; value to $4.00. SpocinjLXQrpne hour only at. the pair ...92.69 .' . '- , ' . i'to s f. sc. :.;:..';. : '-' :' ..' ' Women' $3.00 Oxford SL40 Woman' kid Oxford in three atyle. mad , with dull top and medium weight sole, military heels; a good Summer " weight, stylish Oxford and a good wearer; our $2.00 value. Special for' " on hour at, the pair :V-':VA-'":''. '"-''".' -';. S TO I f K ' "S .' v - ' . - Women' Colered Boot. Value to fAOO, for $- Women's Colored Shoes In champagne, tad or brown, button or lace style, heavy or light ahoee; a good assortment In twelve different style; value to IS-00, Special for " on hour only at, the -pair .1..... ...1. ................ .92.69 '" : S TO 4 f, SL ' . Wesaem $-4-00 Oxfords for $. Women's best ' patent Oxfords In Blucher . or lace styles, hesvy or light sole, swing or straight lasts;-,ar 14 00 valu. Special for one hour at, the pair;. 1 . .... ......92.88 Olrla' Fin Kid Shoe In spring or low heels; patent tips, fsst color eyelets: 7 These' shoes are made a well a It I possible to put leather togethar; our SJ.7S. value - - ; v- - -:.r--... .--;- --i-..- Slsee S' to 11. Special at. the pair.. .91. 19 Slse 114 to I. Special at, the pair. h .. i.;;.rr;ttt:77.9l.4" Slsea $. . Special at the pair.. 91.69 -' , '- TO . SC. -.. r Bey Shoes built to wear mad from Lambeau -ealf, 'ell tanned: sole ' ,qutlted 1 with brass. Every part of these shoes I mad for service and they; our IS.4S value , . Sice ' to J.' Special St. the pair...... 91.69 Blse24 to SH. Special at, the pair.. .91.98 congress for th entire Columbia river valley and to work.that th tata ( Washington, Idaho dnd Oregon harmon ic their law on water right to utll is sal available water te th beat ad vantage without waet and to bring a much land a possibl under coltl ration. sut fbictm a bio attbaotxob . . to oki a atd fottxbt . -. . btttbsvi. fl Kitchenvare Sale ; . THIRD FLOOR. ' " A line of manufacturer' aample of China, Silverware, Glaae and Deco rated China at BAXF FBICS. Odd PI at A. Creamere. Salads, Olives. Bon Bona. Cups and Saucers,-Chop Plates, Comb and Brush Trays and a -large assortment of fancy articles at XiU FBIOB, ' ' Art Pottery at BaU Frio. Art Pottery in rlcfdark' brown cotors.-hand-palnted. hundreds of beautiful pieces to-select from, no two alike, nice for June remembrancea and wed ding glfta. .. , , I Square Vaaea;' regular value I1.S0. Special, each .904 Flower Center;' regular value S4.S0. Special, each . i., .... -92.25 Handled Jug Vaaea; regular value - -SS.SS. Special, each ...51.83 Doullon -Shape Vaaeinrihcfi)!- high; regular value S1.7S. Special, each ,'..........91.38 'Large Round Vases, 11 Inches high; . regular value. M.7S.. Special, ' each . ........ .c. .... . -93.38 Large Round Vases, IS Inches high; regular value S7.S0. Speolal, each ...93.T5 Large Round Vases. IS Inches high; regular value til. 21. Special, "each ............. ......'..95.63 txsn em eiass. : , . Special bargains ' In Libbey ' Cut Glsss during June White Sale, the trademark "Ltbbey" etched on every piece. Unexcelled assortment to se lect from. Our crystal room Is well worth a visit. . ; , wjtekem FturaiaalnrsX - Beat quality German White Enam eled Ware ' 1-gaX Watsr- Pltchsr; regular -value ItSo.. Special .....4., ......... T64 Oblong Soap Diah with drainer; regu lar value too. Special. . .i ..... 16a Oblong Baking Dish, t Inches long; regular' value 40c. Special. . ; 16a' Oval Baking Dish, 10 Inches long; .regular valu SSc Special. . w20tX- Dinner nates, -incn; regular - value ISo. Special ........... ..lOe Cups and Saucers; regular , value 1 Sc. ; Special r. .........124 Pint Mugs; regular valu ISc. . Special 124 Lad lea; regular value I4c- -v-- 8peclal 11 Long-Handled Skimmer; regular - valu ISo. Special ............12 ! Steel Bang amd Oook Stove. ' -.--j -a,-.-. - . . . - M - IS-lnch oven, quick baker; regular ' value SIS. Special -923 ,14-lncb . oven, high cloeet . and reser voir: regular value S44. ---Special ......935 stylish Shoes any Fait f Wait Oxford: 91.0s X-Ar HV-tr' .9l.OO ta pair 1 1 9. St. sc. EVERYBODY VORKS AT -. CLEANING GRANTS PASS (tpeetal. Dtopatek te Tke ioaraal l Grants Pas Or., June 7. Grant Pass bas donned the mantle of c lea nil- jnea. Testerftay alurnoou wa est aside 1 1 e H ''' I The Annual June "VJhite Fair" . Another of those Friday Sales that mean such remarkable money aavlnca for you. bringing- -to you high-class, seasonable, dependsble merchandise at prices only possible through our desire and determination ; to emphasise the Store' leadership in getting and distributing great en t possible value among the buyers of the Pacific Northwest. Linked with the extraordinary - bargains that abound in the vale Is the safety sfforded by the knowledge that quality is never sacrificed to cheapneaa at Portland's Foremoet Store, v.; ' f : Ul Silk - '' -' PMcRibbons B and Embroidejies FIRST FLOO&. Price that are vanishing proposi tions gon - after Friday. " . -.v; . Beautiful All-Silk Fancy Ribbona in fancy stripes. -Dxeaden deelgn, print warp and amber effects, also a beau tiful line of satin taffeta ribbons, di vided Into three lots . .. :. Lot 1. worth to SSo. ' Special, - yard .......10 'Lot S. worth to 60c. : Special," , ''.: yard .....25a l71rdm'td"$SaSpec1al, .yard ... .36f - BMBBOZSZBIXS. -. . - , .... , s - A lot of fin Embroideries and Inser- tlons, narrow and medium wldtba, made by the best manufacturers tn Swltserland. fin buttonhole edge - that will wear. In strips of 414 and t 4 -yardrwmrth f rotn SSo-to-SOft Special, yard ...... . .164 "TAUlaceaari4 TacC robe "reduced. Women's Smart Suitings , IBTJKJUlf TCBf . . ' , Patient waiters are seldom" loser. If you've been waiting for a special sale of these handsome new summer dress stuffs you'll surely feel amply repaid for your wait In tomorrow'a earlnga. - Special. Friday and Saturday-only.--- - - , New Check" Suiting In all th wanted colors and checks, just ths thing for neat summer suit Regular $1.00 values. - Special for two daya. yard ............... .S2t Regular $1.8$ values. Special for two daya. yard ......98a Regular $t.S0 valuea Special for two daya. yard .......91.19 Jewelry Specials Pretty, Inexpensive luxurie at ne oeseity price for" tho Friday-. eale Annex. - 1 ' ' Se Belt Bookie 4S. ,. '; An assortment of pretty" Belt Buckle, roee gold finish and stone set; ur -44c values. Special Economy Sale price, each - ....,.,,., 4.. .. 454 .'. ' ' - . : "' -' ' '"'.' ' . ; Searf Finn, Value to f o M. A large selection of Scarf Pins In a good variety of - design in gold " plated and gold-filled, embossed, ' atone set and enameled; values to .ISc Special Economy Sale - J price, each. ........ ..........-25? SSe Beaaty Fin $3o.' Beauty Plna in a number of deajgn. in Roman gold or rose gold finish, come Jhree pins on a card: our SSo value. Special Economy Sate price. the set ................ .23f ' . TS ttold Xoekt f' 4B." A line of best Gold-riated Locket. ' stone set, with two conpartmenla in - aide for pictures; our. f So value. Spe cial Economy Sale price, each.. 49a) as Faaey Bat Ftma 4B. '. 'An asaortment of Fancy Imported : Hatpins In the new green and dark roee finish, stone set; our So value. Speolal Economy Sale price, each 45 rally observed by all elaseea of peo a "clean-up day," and It waa very gen- pie throurhout the city. At 1 o'clock all buslnees house, and banks , wars oloeed. Merchsnts, doc tors, lawyers, baniier snd laboring men all r- t c t - level, clothed in ove1- i ! le; a rake, hoe or i 1 c s tc on V AU Extraordinary Sale .of Beautiful Wlfllltl fa CJIe?lk i LaceWaists, Values td $t5 -SFBCXAXi 'fBISAT ' il '. f "t); ' GRAND SALONS aKtfOND-' FLOOR, . , The Stoat Important Sal of Blgh-olas Waist Bver Off ered by Any Portland Bon. ; A HAPPY- HAPPENING to our eastern repre sentative, Mr. Shipley, brought. Him In con junction with one of the, best known manu facturers of high-grade walata for women's evening .wear. t a time' when the same maker was willing to cloea hia remaining "Wv149$4$fJjfJ f 1 ibSUFdlj"1 tjr"Bw,,l'( Wr,r)4fVTl'SB starting on his nest Winter "run." In n Jiffy a trade was made and the waists came to us at a price that wouldn't pay for the splendid silks and dainty laces used In. their make up. 'We've combined with thee hand some aristocrats some very beautiful waists from the regular - stocks stopover from some of the season's best sellers forming altogether a bargain offering which we be ne ve to be nequaUm 1n the amra is xrf -local special sales. A short descriptive: -Material are taffeta, peau de cygnes, crepe de chlnea an! Imported laces.. : The mod'" are In plain tailored and xquiaitaly - r tmmed r'rltn TmlHT)n -rrhlta, plahai llj. I -and navy blues, hello, tana, browhs. grceuis; royal and grays. In plain colorings, with- a fair' sprinkling of hsndsom plaids' in the lesdfng clan" effects! VsaTstswlTH"eTT6w"or" full length sleeves." Beautiful Imported lace are lavishly used in the trimming ef fect. -Th bear regular Valu vetc offered ...... -in Portland up to tla.OO. la a qulckatep aale- tomorrow at a choice for. ...... ....93.95 , mil A BBW FBTTZOOATU Ladies' $1.75 Black ...P.elfkoaisSiA9 - ANNEX8ECOND FLOOR. -Women'- Black Petticoat wf - fin mercerised sateen, made with deep flounce, four rows cording, wide - tucks and deep - ruf fle- our I1.7S -value. Special Economy Sal ........ price, each. ................91.19 Vomen's - Knit Underwear A BABOATB TBZO 'OB FBZOATk . FIRST FLOOR. , " Women' So 1.14 Vests fan. Fine White Lisle Vest. Richelieu - ribbed, low neck, sleeveless; regular value $6c Special. .......... . .234 Women' SLTaV Union, Bolt l,tt- . White Lisl ''Merode- Vnlon Suit, -low neck. eleeveleew, -laoe-trimmdr knee length; regular value $1.75. . Special 1. . . ... 91.29 TS Oottom Vest Sc. , Fine Ribbed Whit Coon Vests, low neck, sleeveless, extra length, sixes 7. $ and $; regular value 7tc, ' v'' 'Special, each , ........... ...,.55 Lace Curtaihsi Iron -'-rB Beds ;::y. .. 4 FOURTH, FLOOR. -- Going to 'furnish? Here's help you'll appreciate if you Ilk to save without sacrificing quality or. work manship. .., -. :. .. ,- ; SATS Xee OnxtsUaa $1.. Wbite Lac Curtain. Brussels and Rannalsanc effects. In S . styles; regular valu .. special. pair ...... ........91.6S S1AM Iron Bed $g.6. Whit Enameled Brase-Trimmed Iron Bed, patent lock rail, when In place bed stands perfectly rigid. 1H-Inch continuous' post, very heavy and at- tractrver regular-va hr $ 1 2.0. Special, each .............. .98.eS Savings for Hen Vino Care - :-SVnOXAX' FTBOAT. -' - "TUB TOGGERY SHOPPK.' . . 1 ANNEX FIRST FLOOR, . SCa' SO VaAerwaar STH. Men' Fancy ' Ribbed Fleah-Cotnred Balbrtggan Underwear. French neck, ribbon front, double seat, one of our best, aummer weights; regular value SOe. Special, each ......... .37Vtat ,- ..X SO Bolry !. , ' A line of Hen' Dsrk Grsy Cotton -Hose with silk clocks: regular value 16c. Special, pair ......... ...19et Men's To ftolf Skirt toe! ' -' Men' Golf Shirt. Madraa cloth ' In tan. with gray, heliotrope and blue 'figure, also In plain pink, and -heliotrope; regular value 7tc. Special, each ... .......... .65 ' Seen Wash Ties for It. A line of Men' . Fancy--Colored Re " verslble Wash t our-ln-l(anl. In blue, tan. heliotrope, etc. this -on style. Special at. -h...irf took great Intelsat and 4 th atraels anJ ai' ys c unwbolasoms rut. l; 1. , The latest nov"y bla."i potato, v .1 sent to k Ia 1 ' riinie not I C'a !'. , - I 1 v