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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 7, 1906)
TK2 o"son daily- jbngnAi; ror.TLAup. thuesday evemiho. june 7.- DID YOU EVER SEE THE LIKE BEFORE nonEYoooa m mctic regions P O RTL AIM D'S N E W DEPA RTM E N T STOP. PLAIN STATEMENT REGARD INO THE CLOSING OUT SALE . OP EILERS PIANO HOUSE.. ri 7 '! I'' 'J y , v t f rnTCTax-FllhtHTian1lTr F heegrephs o his bride who had just left for Europe. Sailing in their own Teasel, the Arctic Laura, they will spend I the irf honeymoon, exploring tha Arctic "regions. -v--.i"ri; i,--Z-..'LJz'. ' m Wilt TEACH FOOTBALL GAME Yale's Famous ';: Coach", Will In , struct in All Parts of the -r .: , Country. - i fr-, ELABORATE CAMPAIGN ; HAS BEEN OUTLINED Big Conference of Officials and Man agers Planned to Be Held in Oc ftober When the 'U ewJRuIes JVOl Be . Interpreted. ? : (Journal Sptetal Bet ties m ' New Tork,, June T. The effort of the revisers of tht football rules to secure .the .eradication of all the evils com plained of la the aene will not Tall by reaaon of the lack of competent oftl- . rials Jo properly Interpret and enforce "the new code lf the .central "board-of officiala appointed by the American In- "tercolleglate " football -rule committee ran prevent It 1 The plana outlined by the central 1 committee are most thor- , ouch and complete as at present laid town.' and it la proceeding to formulate schemes fop -their- further Unslor Chairman Babbitt of the. central board announced the appointment of the per sonnel - of the-" aectlonal boards wfrlch are t serve in the four dlstrtcta ap portioned at tha last meeting of -his committee and mad public the lnstruc tlona Issued to the new boards. - - 'The committee named are Incomplete, and have the power to appoint other members, but these wl)l be named at once, ao that the work can be formally organised In each district, . and may be carried to early completion. Tn New Tork Ave men are to aery on the sec tional board. Theae are to provide for the atatea of Pennsylvania, New Jer- TV Delawaja antlMary land , a a , welL Three hare been named, Professor J. Fine of Princeton, John. H. Minds of Pennsylvania and Profeaaor Babbitt - of Haverford. One of the two to be named will be a representative of Cor nell, and will be appointed by Profeaaor U M. Dennis, while the other will be a resident of New Tork City. , ,: In New Ingland twe members of the committee will be Walter Camp of Tale and XL K. Hall of Dartmouth. . Three other lnatltutlona will be represented. In Ohio and We at Virginia, CW. Bay ace will serve and will name his own committee from a Hat of names to be nominated by the -Ohio conference of : college, while in the . weatern states the committee will be named by the conference oollnces. Including the nine leading universities In the nee t Ion. The central board, however, recommends the tttakliabed IMS Alkalihe-Antiseptic Makes the gums strong and healthy, gives the teeth a pearllustre, pupfies-the breath. What ' more could you ask of SOZO DONT?v Do not experiment ' with dentifrices, v Tiie teeth ; Will not stand it- T. ' . ; ( Stand by SOZODONT and tht teeth wSf stsnd by you; : appointment of Profeaaor-' Waldo of Purdue aschairman, of Profeaaor Ray croft of Chicago. Profeaaor' Adam of Wisconsin' and Profeaaor Jameson of Michigan.-' No- provision la mads for either. 4he aouth or far west, but sur ges linns ss to the" beat method of deal--lug ."with theae. sections 1 are Invited! J.;; ' -. Seleotlon of Officials. I ,,- In lt InatrucUone to the sectional committees the central "board directs them to .organise at once and to pre pare Hats of accredited officials tn their sections, which they ahall forward to the central board for promulgation. To theae Hats at the next meeting of the central board other officials will ' be added from the other seotlon not rep resented and these Hate will be dis tributed to all football - managera throughout the country, so that there win be no eaeuse for any institution failing to secure competent oftlclala who will enforce the rules. , - Then the committee la directed to devise plans to supervise the actions of officials oa the field; to . arrange, for. local and general conferences of offi cials upon the new rulea and their In terpretation.' and -to- arrange -for-tha- ap pointment 01 omciaia xor au games slong the lines laid down by the central board at Ita laat meeting. To this end meetings will be arranged In each seo tlon of all the ' football' managers tn th section at -which suggestions-will be eollctud as to the best , method of carrying out theae provisions. - Walter Camp has been directed to meet each of these aectlonal committees in turn and . confer. with them and with the offi cials tn that section, ao that the whole scope of the-new-rules may be gone over an J opinions be secured on the proper interpretations of their various revision preparatory to a . general conference of a similar nature te be held later tn New Tork. Theae prelim-" Inary conference. whlcn"Waltr Camp Is to attend and instruct, are to be held prior . to the end of the present college year. --. ., - eaeral Ooaferenoe, ' . - The general oonrerenoe win be - a huge affair, and will be held In- the early fall, prior to October l,r before the starting of actual play by any of the collrsxea All the members of the American intercollegiate football rulea committee" will attend this conference. and all the officiate In the country that can be gotten together. . The meeting will b held in New Tork. and the rules will there be discussed and properly In terpreted zor toe instruction or offi cials. The ' dcclaionareached here on all pointa in dispute will be final. , - Ittera were received from prominent Officials and college authorities all over ' the country with reference .to methoda of carrying on the work.' Some 10 replies - were sent yesterday.- a licking further expressions, especially from the districts not covered In the sundivuion provided for. This cor respondence will be followed up nntll me wnoie ground la covered and fully developed ' plans provided. . No atone 'will be left 'unturned to secure the purposes of the rules com mit te In the revision of the code, which th committee feels now depends on the enforcement of the spirit and the letter. Of the law, If its schemes for the. . education of ' competent officials are Wholly suoeaaaful. It believes that there will be no further cause to com plalntofrtho spirit of participants-In the games or of any of the old evlla that -marred the sport ' : ' HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY ; ; ;to have cherry. meet (RpeHal OfetMteh Th Josreal.t . Balem, Or., June 7. The midsummer meeting of the State Horticultural so ciety -will be held In Salem, Oregon, July and t, 10. -It will be a special cherry meeting. Business men of Ba lem. have donated cups for the best dis plays of cherries. i. The program will include papers and talks, by auch men aa Dr. Card wall, Qolonel loach,. Profeeanra Coote and Iwla, Commlaaloners Newell, ReJd snd Park, and Messrs. J. ft. ahepard. B. K. Shepard, M. McPonald, Lloyd T. I Rey nold. I M. OUbert, H. C. A two It, George H. lAmberaon, B. C Armatrong, II. a. Oil. 11. ht. Wllllamaon and othera While the meeting Is chtefly for the cherry, th walnut will receive a little attention . ' , What More Can Be' Said Chance to Educate the Whole Family in Mu sic at Eilers Piano House Expense ' Sale' jot Everything Connected 'With the Big Establishment Con . tintiss, Including Rugs, Carpets, Etc, TtcWill End In Few Days. Did you ever see a really good new piano sold tor $117 heretofore t You can get It - now at Eilers closing out aale. ... - - Did you ever see choicest Chlcker Ings, Weber, Kimball. Crowns, Hasel tons and Deckers old at an average aavina of enouich on each and every In strument to fairly educate the whole family In mualcT You can' do tbla at tuners cioaing-out aula... No one In Portland will ever live long enough to again see choice, atand ard, brand new instruments , actually saorlflced alaughtered. If you .please, by a reaponalbie concern at what they cost, and In some Instances' at ' even les than -what they coat at the fac tories that made them1. - Remember every Instrument we sell is guaranteed. - Rumember you Can take your own time almost as to paying for ana ' Remember, too, that wo agree ' to refund all money paid in case Instrument-after delivery Js not found.-in every respect r satisfactory or aa rep resented. ,'', What more caiTbe Said? What more can we do?' We have- but a few days longer to 'remain here possibly not over three davs and although the stock to commence with wss probably the very' largest ever - offered In the Union, It la growing smaller day by day. Make your1 selection now, while you may still takJ your pled. - jCholoe means something. r ' Beautiful pianola planoa, the won derful little pianolas, the famous Qr chestrelles, and little self -playing Aeo lian organs, aeveial beautiful baby grand, a superb parlor grand, a mag nificent' concert grand, two - very fine and elaborate two manual church or gans,. numerous parlor and chapel reed organs, two Vocations, besides nu merous re various fancy wMdorn, planomnklnc .& all go now on terms or payment nine more inan rem, and at-r prlcea - far below what small dealers and agents usually pay for the eeme thing at the factory. We- are compelled to retire from th retail business. Have no further use for all kinds of store furnishings and fixings, including curtains, rugs, car, poaeraf muBio cabinets, and everything else pertaining to the -beautiful establishment-. heretofore known as . Eilers Piano House. Remember store closes definitely -within - the - next very few day. Come In this evening or any night. If Impossible to attend during the day. It will surely mean the saving of a great big, snug sum of money in the purchase of anything in' our line If you'll participate in thta cloalng-out sale now. EllerslPlano ... House, til Washington street . -. sea organs, two vocations, nengo uu ierou fine,, hi gh-grada . and standard, egurar upright 'pianos. In all of -the arlous fancy woods 'known only in DOUGLAS MADE MODERATOR BY THE. BAPTISTS , West Willamette - Association Ends Meeting With Elec- T-tion of Officers,-;, " (flseelal Dtspateh to Th Josra!.) : ' McMlnnvllle, Or.. June 7. Wednea day'e session of th,e West Willamette Baptist association, which is being held In the First Baptist church, opened at o'clock with devotional service, led by John McAllister. The morning was devoted -to " the- Stinday-achooJ -soeelon, with addressed on-- its varloua phases by Professor F. O. Boughton of Mc Mlnnvllle college. Rev, C. H. Da via of Dallas and others. - '- The afternoon session opened With devotional service, led by Rev. C H. McKee. . The subject of the afternoon waa "What Laymen Think of Christian Stewardship." The discussion proved very Interesting and ' was participated ls by- arlona layman, . ' , ; t At I.SS o'clock the educational ses sion, conducted by President L. W. Ri ley of McMlnnvllle college, was held In the college chapel. Much Interest was shown and the college gle dub helped to enliven things. I The association closed last night with an address by President Riley and a sermon by P. O. Boughton of McMlnn vllle college. - -. About 60 outalde delegates and Visit, or have been present at the sessions. - The officers for the ensuing year are: Rev. J. H. Douglas, Independence, moderator-. Rev. C. J. gcottr Carlton, assist. ant - tnoderatorr Rer. J. - W. Amity, clerk and treasurer.: Stockton, REFORM SALOON STATUTE PASSES TACOMA COUNCIL iBoedlntpitca to Tks IoernL Taeoma, Wash., ' June 7. Tacdmas reform saloon ordinance - paased . the council last night by a vote of 10 to i. Mayor Wright la supposed to be against the measure, and If he vetoes It and the liquor men claim he. will It will put quletue upon It as it will require 11 votes to pass it ovsr his veto. Pro viding he does veto It such Indignation will be stirred up aa has rarely been manifested against a mayoralty exec utive, as thousands of people have been working for months to line up sufficient councllmen to pass the ordinance. The ordlnanoe prohibits side-door entrances to saloons, limits license ownership to one saloon to one man or company, abolishes boxes and wlnerooma. pro hibits gambling and theatricals In sa loons, forbids female workera or vlalt crs, raises license fee from t0O to l 000 snd requires saloonmen to give II, bnds: For --weeks pat Vha saloon- men have been buying advertising space In newspapers snd summing up their arguments against the passage of the ordinance In Waok-faced type half an Inch long. . .- , -' ' Forest Orove SWs Show. ' ' (Srlr DtaMtre to Ts Jesral.t , -' Forest Orove, Or., June 7. The fourth annual rose show of Forest Orove will take place on Saturday, June t. Great intereat hen been . manifested by the people of the town and vicinity and. a large dlsplsy of roses la expected to be exhibited. Prises wilt be awarded for the best displays and specimens. XATB TOW A COVOatt ' . L A do of Ballard a liorenound By rap will relieve If Have you a coldT Try It for whooping couch, for aarhv ma, ronaumptlon, for bronchitis. Mra Jo McOrath, 127 K. rirst slreef, Hutch inson. Ksneaa, writes: "I have used tHllard'e Horehnund Byrup In my family for five years, sad find it the moat pal atable medicine -1 ever-used. Sold by WOOdWO, Cisjra s VO ' Scccid BlscOaat 7ilh Every Ptofccsc Doal WcrryVdch Us Grow Now for Another W . V ' FOR FRIDAY WE OFFER YOU SEASONABLE MERCHANDISE AT PRICES THAT MEAN" pT"'''. v ; A i REAL' SAVING . WHILE SOM E OF THE LOTS ARE NOT LARGE THEY ARE , - r iill II ilfii This ta a term full of meaning when used by this store. You may depend upon it that there are fjoods to bo sold at little or nx profit. : Wo cut these prices for the benefit ot our customers;lWeJwant you here sure tomorrow that you may (Jet the direct benefit, and get here in the morning if possible, as some of these lots advertised are in smalt quantities. Ws place on sals In our corset department 2,500 pairs of cor-, sets in all sixes. They come in pink, blue, gray and black. The makers of these corsets areR. & G, Warner's, J. ft Royal Worcester and several other makes too numerous to mention.-It is unnecessary, to tell you the regular price of these. Friday only. as long as they last, take aa many pflOrj W wanrx: Bargain No 2 .In our basement we will place on sale 800 large Oval Pic tures. . These pictures we bought to retail at $1.50; they come in gold and Flemish oak frames, the size is 19x15. Fndy onIy7rice9iJComehere-s-settf Various Small Gooda on Sale Tomorrow lifOiSNotion Dcpsrtccnt- BELTS-Belts inTthis lot were never'sold for r less than 25c, and most of them 50c and 75c; several kinds, silk, tinsel, patent leather and samples' of the latest wide, leathers. : Friday only - BAGS-Automobile, carriage, envelope; all the latent atyles and colors; regular $1.00 and , $1.25 values ........,.v....i-...........'8 " BEADSyataL-jinbei.orJ'setjjem . etc.; regular 15c and 25c values. . Friday v only . ...L,'.. ...... ..i...r....J.8 - HANDKERCHIEFS For men and women. T These values are-sure jqjbring youjto our store. . . ' . " .Women's embroidered 4nst'tched Handker- chiefs; slightly soiled; some worth as high - -as 25c v "1 .... i . i ......... . . ..... . ... : Women's Swiss Handkerchiefs, i fancy . , Women's Swiss , Handkerchiefs, lace trim med . .............tea Men's pure linen, large sise, ready , to ; use , Handkerchiefs ....14 ':, 98 FOR $2 AND $2J0 WAISTS. ' y Hundreds and hundreds to go. - The newest, - best snd most stylish of the season's waists; lall $2and$2.50 Values, at 8. Over 50 different styles to choose from. Open bsck, - open front, long sleeves and short sleeves, -r Special-Friday ,8f We have a small quantity of ladies Raincoats. V.lotig tan, the very latest design; these will -, be placed onsale Fridayrr-You -take your. choice- for -fi-.-l Ti-rs TTTrs irnTr,TTm('M Thes.e are regularly worth $20. , li : r- $10.00 Silk Petticoats for Tomorrow $5.23 We offer tomorrow lot of a hun dred - Silk - Petticoats, . which - we placed on sale a, week ago, they Were all" gone before noon. We promised you another lot, they are here, so come early not to be dis appointed black and Colors. Reed Our FrMay Specials I Relating ; to noiewareS: The Guarantee Public1 'Alarm Clocks ; . . r. 50e We will sell ss an EXTRA SPECIAL 10 bar - relsor 20&-dosebet flint-blown Table- Glasses that are regularly sold for 60e to $1.00 a dozen. It's a great chancer! '"dozen to a customer. , . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... .24 Our ribbon department will hold special bar gains for you tomorrow: - ' Fancy Ribbons, all colors; regular 35c, 45c and 65c; widths 45, 60 and 80. Special... 13 J4 Fancy embroidered white (Wash Belts; good values st 35c to 50c., Special.. ...... ..12 500 yards of Embroideries from. 1 inches to 3 lIlCllCS ' e t e eUh. ai 18-inch wide Corset Covering; good value at ' 50c: Special v...,.34f Hosiery Boys' fine ribbed Hose, .all sizes. . iron made; good value at 20c.........12j Ladies'. Burson Hose ;" sold "everywhere" for 35c. . Extra Special . , .S4 EXTRA- SPECIAL About-ljOOO- ladieaLaam. pie Stockings will be placed on sale tomor . row assorted colors, plain and fancy. Ex- tra Special ... .... . ... ...... ... . i,.. 38 I ,: LADIES UNDERMUSLIN WEAR. Corset ' Cover Special Trimmed and plaited ; good values at 40c Now. .'.a-M White Gowns, 4 rows of lace and plaited mus lin: good values at 75c." Now....... ...494 "500 Pillow Tops, Parisisn'and Russian "effects," complete back andfront for pillow, 22x22; good values at 75c Special..., rf.iriz. 48 f 38-inch iannr.Monair in cnecas tor waists ana dresses; sold everywhere for 75c, Now,,49f 36-inch Cashmere, in al colors. , Tomorrow only ........ 344 DRESS GOODS. ) r Mohair in checks for waists and 54-inch fancy checked Suitings; an elegant line to choose from; sold everywhere for $1.25. . Our price T9f This eventful Friday. will.take you into jQut " ' ' n ' s ''"' ' ' .' "' ' ' a i " inuuussecsnu and show you specials for Friday and Saturday.7 Mrs. Potts' Sad Irons, set of 3, with stand .69 ' Best galvanized iron. Wash Tubs Small 29t, -mediumSf,: large 654, extra large.. , 1-gallon" galvanized-Oil Can.. .,.,...... .19e ' 12 Clothes Pins .................... Tin Cups ....... 2 Brass Lemon Squeezers .....9 Ice picks ....... .....4 Ice Chisels -TinCotianders ..9? .Japanned Cuspidors ..-... . ... . ....... . 4 Spiral. Egg Beaters ,......2t . Japan Candlesticks ...... ...7. Be' apan Dust Pans ...'...........'..-..... .i.. 6 Soup Strainers .,.r.V,.......".i......,Oe Tin Tea Steepers ,u ,.', . ...... .8 Wire Garment Hangers ,.5 Package Tacks ,'r.w". ...... .i. 1 25 yards Picture Wire..,, ....8 Dover Egg Beaters .........6e Paring Knives ............ '10c Cake Turners . . . . . . . ... ............. , . 5 - 50-foot Clothes Line ...... ............. .10 Shopping Bags 1. .................. .....10 Scrub-Brushes ......... 5 100-foot Wire Line . ............... .3ar Steel Chopping Knives................... Hand Scrub Brushes. 5e 5 yards Shelf Paper...;..............5" Fancy Edging, roll........ ......... ....... 6? -Sink.,Scrapers ....... ,6s Asbestos Table Mats ............... ., ... -. 5f '" Mop Sticks ............................. aOe Single Egg Frying Pan.. ............ ,;...6 "Many-barjtainswill-be found.', on nnr $ti lOf and 154 Bargain -Tables. BoysLSuH.Spccial J.'--'-' ; FRIDAY pNLY Just received, 100 Boys Suits, sizes 3 to 12 years, in popular grays,' in Russian effect,' Special for tomor row Only - --'.:-. --'--t v.---fv:--r '-r. $1.48 V J Big Barflairis will be Foimd MAIL ORDERS WILL RECEIVE OUR VERY BEST ATTENTION. BESIDES THESE BARGAINS WE GIVE YOU OUR SPECIAL DISCOUNT WITH EVERY PURCHASE: BE WITH US TOMORROW. . D-D dDdDD-DDEN EA ENTIRE CORNER THIRD AND YAMHILL, STS. mm3 m C.AVR MONiEY AM work auaranteeS- fer-ten years. Lady attendant always pressnt AU work dons absolutely without pain b rpeclallsts ot from ll'to SS years' sa. perlence. - - . - Oold rilllnas. " Brtdse - WorsV-OoM Crowns, arUflclal Teeth. B0STCM PAINLESS DENTISTS ttlH Msrrlson at. Opp. Meier raa -and Poetoffloe. DISTRICT CONFERENCE : OF'METHODISTS OPENED lnrl.l IMraatrh Ss Th Joaraat) Joseph. Or, June 7. On Tuesday evening the 'district conference of the La, Grande district of the Mothodlst Bpisca- pel church ofiened at Joseph, attended by th raslf1na elder and a nuonher of ministers .of the district. Rev. Chsrles r. Wheeler, the local minister,, baa had jeherte,ot the erranisinsnt, ; f 'O -A f you have any blood lw 1 n 1 1 a it. aissiy, Umt I I r.T' ! rl hmnnJt tmibtt. W it m I I I. Cwiihiim, aasscrrs 1 f I NATIVt acaas s m m mm I I ' mmwm. lnaTimsiil, St. I ins 4 fct& Drftk sk IX am aiDrjf. , MT 1 Mm. I i m Hw S rSSS V SafcTiLas Ca -A INSURANCE STOCKS GO DOWN FIVE PER CENT ' (ImtssI Cpeelet Serrtsa) - London, June 7. The Royal Exohanae Assurance company has announced a dividend drop ef per eent.-' The eom pfny'a sharea ha e fallen heavllr: The Insuranee market la ievous, due largely to th. San Fraqclsco disaster. In which the company loot heslly and has had dlXflculty la estimating Its actual losses. dlood poison rot mil tiai mm team we havs tasde the cure ef blood polsoa a ss laity, Ptlsin .limsliiy as TerMsey SIssS Petssw rVwaoentlyCarea. Yoaeaa be treats S st home ender same narentv. Capital stOSOnlX Wesollelttaeavistobstl. sste esees. It yon have eiksaetad the eld methods ef treatmeat. asd still hsve sebes snd palas. Manas Patehee la U oath. Bore Tkrosk Pimples, Oopper-CoUired Spots. Ulcsrs en any part ef the body. Bslr ef Cyebrows fsllln oat, write for roofs ef is. iw-pece boob nee. , COOK REMEDY CO. nam, cmmc. s.t.a I hns ml flit its sai 1 speibsla , OAPBUyiS. Tbeisi'i'imiVMfcessJe aiiww yeevs iniaiw a. mm . ' B... a Martls" a. SSI Wrtlatoa FnrtUad. Orwai er-by aialt fra lbe Tatraat C. 44 tiaSiis at. Mew Yerk. rmien.saee.waaa eat, ff lha. tHMtart te aaery. urf HMHwanl w. meethas Tre" et rieab Caanai woeda, llaa e Le I a Best Juraod. Scclfs Sea:t2l-Pc;s:i C:;n::3 A POSITIVE CUm -a? It aale by es arvstanti nf yerTnSeajaiatteB tka Bl.d.l.r and 1 am. as anas so rat. i:te aatrkty aae iea.iw.ltf tit. anret eaen ot eanen aa4 el4 so waiter Im kmf etaaUlos. Ikeelataly (aralwa. sola y srasswa. frtoa tl Ml. at by . Prloa tl M. mr hr paid, ti.ea, t beaes, .rjEiinei-nn-iQ WeeasrS, Clarke A Ca. Na Every :: , HKiinmi e-.M"- masvtl v.. i. i Tbe new tn i mt e. n J . a mn,flletn)T ' I a. . . . r. kilt m. . - . I ' I l , . aa . a, a. i -.7 1