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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 7, 1906)
' 'THE OREGON- DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING, JUNE 7tiSC3. FEDERATION OF CLUBWOMEN It's an HOLDS FINAL RALLY TONIGHT DON'T NEGLECT THIS GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY TO SE Fact CURE THIS MEANS FOR CONTINUING ,, . . ' '.; v YOUR EDUCATION. '. vVA::-; ATTENTION, STUDENTS Established OREGON DAILY JOURNAL'S V EDUCATIONAL CONTEST Your Choice of the Foliowing List of Scholarships and Cash Prizes v as Remuneration for Services Rendered The Journal - - " DuringYourTeisureH6urs This S ummefT 77"-- - CANDIDATES 'ALREADY NOMINATED. ) . I .Y. M. C A., Portland. Orrn. M.,tT Balmon' street, Portland, Orecon. ' "HART.E8 -fiROSS-.,. . 1UTSS WiRV SC.- POWKLIj. J.'. vi MI8S MIURK1 U CL.KMONS..,. ..University Park. Portland, Oreson. MISS AILKEN HACJKMAN... ; . .MrrtU, Park, A rleta, Oregon. HORACE A. WILSON. .V.V55S Halsey street. Portland. Oregon. MISS- NELLIE MAT SHANNON.. .'MS- Tenlno street. Portland. Oregon. - BERTIE J CHASE.-. . . ...... ...... .11 Clay street. Portland, Oregon. CLAY JONES...... -...401 East Twelfth street, Portland. Oregon.' PAUL NYGREN,. ;.,-.'.. East Third street, Portland. Oregon. " M. K. OWTNN.;.,..;..l Thirty-seventh atreet, Portland, Oregon., EVA NELSON . : ..... t . U . . -i.-,. ... ....... Newberg, Oregon. OKOROE D. KINQ,. ...v-. Kingston, Oregon. JKSSE MOORE. ..; . ..T.;.7 Tualatin, Oregon. STANLEY STEVENSON.,....., Halssy, Oregon. RICHARD W. UILVlN,,i..4........,.......-Jv-Reeurg. Oregon. JOHN BENSON :....,... Chemawa." Oregon. . PASH PRIZES' I., To assist a pupil electing to attend any Stata -oriHvate institution providing free tuition for a period of not less than ona year. .!. flam conditions as the forgolr.g ..$800.00 . . 100.00 , I, Cash for incidental expenses in addition to. a seholarsh,l to bs selected , from the following Hat .' 4. Same conditions aa the foregoing ..... ..................... . ..'..... Bams conditions s.s tlx foregoing -......... .'. ... ' I. Same Conditions aa the foregoing. .. . ,- SCHOLARSHIPS. .-ACADEMY pF THE HOLY NAMES, Astoria, Oregon Tuition for full arademic course. Value .,....,....;............ ALBANY COLLEGE. Albany, Oregon Two years tuition In the classics), ,.- trlent1f1-cadrmlcal or commercial course. . .. ........ . Jn bookkeeping, snoruiana or 100.60 75.00 60 00 J5.00 IS0.00 400.00 aretrtna rt--for-nne "veaY'i luitiun i -commercial courecs . .-. .w .-.r. .-.. ...... '. "'-.' ' 100.00 CAPITAL BI HIN'KSH miXBOR. Salem. Orecon Ten months tuition' In.. COLUMBIA ?aVERSITY. Portland Tuition and dinner. on school days r -for behoof year pea;lnwing- Bcptemter-t,-4iP0 . ........... DALLAS COLLEGE.-Dallas. Oregon Free tuition for two years Jn either ' the academy or college valued at . . . . .... ......... j. ....... . . . CILLES4UJ5 SCHOOL OF EXPRESSION. Portland Two private-and ons class- lesson per weelc and use of library for ona school year. .;..... ... HILL MILITARY ACADEMY, Portland One years tuition...........:... "HOLMES BUSINESS COLLEGETPortlandOna or more scholarships good tf. for ona year's tuition In the bookkeeping, shorthand or commercial i ; courses . . ....,..:................'.............. HOLMES-FLANDERS PRIVATE SCHOOL, Portland Ona year's special n I vers! I y training, one year's normal course,, or a practical English INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCB SCHOOLS I of cranton, Psnnayl- tOiOO 100.00 1J0.00 100.00 loo.oo too 110.00 v utile Anv of the reenter home study courses valued at. .. McINNVILLE-CXLlGI!V-McMlnnvU ' year valued at ,.40.00 -a: ORKOON CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC, Portland Ona pianoforte scholar-, - "! . 'ship gond for one year's tuition and the use of musio for the course. .. . 200.00 ; 7 4. One -violin scholarship (Sevclk " semi-tone system), same as the pre- . ' ceding : J i.'.'.iv. i. .-;.v", '." -.-. ..'. 125.00 -- One guitar and mandolin scholarship, same as preceding. ............... 100.00 PACIFIC COLLEGE, Newberg, Oregon Two years' tuition 100.00 PACIFIC TELEGRAPH INSTITUTE, Portland A life course in railway and commercial telegraphy, railroad accounting, typewriting, penman ' ' . ship. etc... Hl.t PORTLAND SCHOOL OFTWMESTIC SCIENCE. Portland tTrWrCrT.- '-General training in domestic science for one school year or the ' '''''evalent In special classes 100.00 BA(.4iU HEART ACADEMY, Salem, Oregon Tuition and board for one " : nch'ool year . '. . 100.00 ST; MARY'S ACADEMY, Portland Tuition for the entire academic course . . i'ruwyeare) or board and tuition for one year .'....... r iOO.OO .' .'" . gntlatiorrs are pending for several -other-valuable scholarships to bs added. ':r im foregoing list, thus affording a still greater number and variety for the "i.twyiers to select their prises from. " ,. . r':"r"CONDITIONS"OFrTHEr CONTEST. T. ' J!lrst choice of the prises above mentioned to go to the contestant making ' highest score,- that is, receiving the most credit points or votes Allowed on ' prepaid subscriptions to the Dally, Sunday and Semi-Weekly editions of The Oregon Journal .during the months of June,- July- and August;-second cholee-of . prises to go to the contestant making the second highest score, and so on until no less than SO prises are awarded, provided there shall be at least 20 active ' contestants who have achieved results Justifying such liberal remuneration.. - . , Any, young person of school age who can furnish satlafactory references aa to character and worthiness of aasistance In the endeavor to secure a good educa. ttnn may wimneln provided, hdwevcr that successful contestants will be re stricted In their choice of scholarships to such. "as aria suited to Ihelr "personal TlSeT ' the scholarships will be non-transferable. 0 - - ------ .-- " Candidates for adtotarsblps may enter the contest at any time between the opening date, Jane 1st, and the close, September. 1st. An early start will be found advantagbjus.' HOW TO COMPETE. : jfnring the entire time that the conteat Is in progress persona paying advance '--subscriptions to The Journal will have the privilege of casting a certain number " - pf votes in favor of any young person whom they desire to assist In winning a scholarship. The business of contestants will be to Induce-their friends, and strangers, lfThey choose, to subscribe foFThe Journal." If they are hot already ' taking the paper, or renew their subscriptions by paying up for as long a period : In advance aa convenient, thereby giving the contestants the benefit of the votes allowed on advance payments. A cash commission will be paid contestants en all new subscriptions secured by them personally, or procured directly through their influence. --: ' . ' . Votes will -be allowed fn all advance payments on subscriptions whether solicited by the contestants themsefves, or paid or remitted direct to The Journal -office, or through sny of the regular agents or collectors, but In all cases the 'money must be In The Journal office before credit will be given for the votes. Blank voting certificates or ballots will be furnished on request to con testants or others who may have use for them. For each subscription prepaid - one of these ballots msy be filled out to correspond with the amount and length of time paid for, the number of votes 'ic the name of the contestant fsvored, etc., to be voted at the "convenience of the subscriber or contestant,-but' no ' ballots will be valid unless approved by the superintendent of circulation. - Contestants need not begin turning In their votes before June 11. -On that - data the polls will be regularly o pored and remain open until the close of the contest. As soon as a considerable number of young pople"nav.-commenced ' active work the score will be published dally or as often as convenient, so that ".."the public may keep informed as to the progress of the contest ' - : ' VOTING POWER OF SUBSCRIPTIONS. ' ! ' The voting power of subscriptions will bs In accordance with the following schedule:' . ' - . , ' , Sally aad Suaaay Journal..... s'-. Price by -Time. ."' 'fjarrkir. Mall. Votes. ' One Year . . . . ,T.0 07.00 -" J, BOO .' Six Months ........ S.iS t.U TOO Three Months l.8 l.0 00 Two Months ...... l-0 ! 1' .One Month . ' .05 " .0$ , 68 ...... Sunday JoaraaL. - "" -..v.- .. , prteeby T-v,-.-- - Time. ' .. Carrier. -Mall Votes, 'nnri TesY-rr.r .;t.i o 1 t2 0 - 800 Six Months ........ 1.21 V 1.00 200 rorfurther 'information, if desired, apply to Contest Department, Oregen - Journal, Poreland, Oregon. , i held that position for nesrly 40 years, and. being T4 year of age.He was a pioneer with Wells Fargo St Qo., enter ing their service In the 60's as mes senger between Jacksonville,". Oregon, and-Yreka, Caiifwoia. Ha-aad-C C Beekmaa. banker of Jacksonville, made trips - alternately between - the points named on horseback, carrying treasure and letters, the trip occupying about It 4-hourj The division over which ha ttad and his trips to this -city had been fre. quent during, the past SO -years. - He was well known to many of the oldtlmers of rrtBontiw-rstr---;-- :; . , Mr. jSraiLjittt,Dicken , (Journal Special Sarrtct.) St Paul, Atlnn., June 7. As full of enthusiasm as . they were at the open ing a week', ago the delegates .to the biennial convention of clubwomenral tled in the Armory this morning and began their concluding sessions. House hold economics and pure food legisla tion were the chief topics Of discussion during the day. - ..The final, rally tonight has been ar ranged as a special tribute to the fed rat ton president.-. Mra- Sarah a Piatt Decker,- of Denver.- Greetings - will ' be extended on behalf of the four sections of the country, the speakers Including Mrs. William Douglas Turner of Cal ifornia, Miss Carolina it. Beaumont of Minnesota, Mrs. Percy V. Pennypacker of Texas and Mrs. Walter Stokes Irons of Rhode Island, j . .' "'" The election of offloers resulted In the recommendation of the nominating committee being adopted, as followsr President Sarah 8. Piatt Decker, Dou rer; first vice-president, Mrs. Philip N. Moore, StT Louis; secontl" vice-president Mrs. Mary Alden Ward, -Boston; re cording secretary, Mrs. . John Dickinson Sherman; Chicago;- corresponding- sec retary. Mra. Charles Perkins. Knox- ville, iotinennee; treasureiM"rs, Jo'siafi" Evans - Cowles. . Los Angeles; auditor, Mrs.,- Percy- V. Pennypacker, Austin, Texaa; - directors- Mrs." O. '; P. Ktnsey, Indianapolis; Mrs. Sarah Evans, Ore gon; Mrs. II. A. Johnson, Kansas Mrs. Alice M. Johnson, Rhode Island; . Mra Guy R, C AHent '.Vest Virginia; Mrs. Philip Carpenter. New York: Mrs. Wil liam P. Orr, Ohio; Mra Frank htek, Wyoming. .. TO HOLD CARNIVAL FOR TEN DAYS Mardi Cras Is to Replace Pro posed Autumn Industrial Ex--. . position Thi Year.' ' . FUN AND FROLIC WILL , BE KEYNOTE OF AFFAIR Change Necessary Because Lewis and Clark Exposition Grounds Cannot "Be Pi-epared;in"Tirne"to Hold In dustrial ' Faif.'"S ' .."-.'.T, 'lit! ... .. "Dally Journal withoaO Snaday, Price by Time, r - - - - carrier. Mall, One Year ......... 15 00 Six Months 2.00 Three Month . .... 1.X0 Two Months ...... 1.00 One'Month .SO , Semi-Weekly JoanaL ' . ".-. Price by Time. Carrier. Mail. Votes, one Yes r v;v.'iiy.. Ti," " liso 400 , . 4..-" iTI 100 too 1.75 , 1.40 1.00 .(0 Votes, 1,000 4 SO 200 120 60 Btx Months A. ' mm. BANK AND OFFICE RAILING ; 7 WIRE AND IRON FENCING Barbed Wire, Wire and Lawn Fencing, 4 .. Poultry Netting, Etc. , PORTLAND WIRE & IRON WORKS Phone Main 2000 263 FLANDERS ST. Near Third ; An Uncqualcd Offer , A set of our famous IIT False TEBTH for 910. Painless extracting free with: this offer.- Exam-i. Inatlon and consultation free. Crown and Bridge work a specialty. Extracting. 60 cents - . VIOE DROS., Dentists - TXIXP A1TO WIITOOTOI. -Mala SOS. 4pea Sreaiags aag iaacays. . A great carnival of ten days', duration, resembling . In many details ths Mardi Oraa of New Orleans, will be held -in Portland Jn the coming fall, instead of the Industrial fair and livestock exhlbl tlon that was planned. The carnival was decided upon last night, at a meet ing. of the committees in charge at the Portland hotel. . . . Tbe change was made because it was thought Impossible to complete arrange ments for a big fair between this time and the first of September. It was also heckled that-1 would bs Impossible to prepare the exposition grounds in that length of time; Tom Richardson, who suggested tbe carnival In place of the fair this year, explained that It would be Impossible .to secure livestock -for the reason that owners had already ar ranged to attend other meetings. The same reason was also given for the in ability to arrange race meetings at thej time or me rair. . Adolphe Wolfe, chairman f the com mlttee, presided at the meeting last night, and Dan McAUen acted as secre tary. A lengthy discussion followed the suggestion of a carnival rather than a fair, - tn which till who were- present participated. ' Mr. McAllen was untiring Iri his opposition to abandoning the fair project even for'thia year. ' As a result of the discussion and ex pression of opinion a motion was made and carried discharging. aU-conimUtees that had been appointed to arrange pre liminaries for the industrial fair. In their stead Chairman Wolfe will appoint a committee of ten. which will arrange for the carnival. . The committee will be named within a few day a They will appoint subcommittees to- assist. , . ' N ' The carnival. It Is announced. Will be the moat elaborate ever held In t this section. It will likely be held latV In the summer and will draw an immense crowd of people Into the city.. There will be unique features In every line of outdoor amusements, parades, aquatic carnivalsand every . feature that will assist In making the carnival a glitter ing success. . ... I ' v...-. .5. : TWELVE THOUSAND BOOKS WERE READ DURING MAY 1 Miss Qleason, the temporary librarian during the absence of Miss I worn, read her monthly report last night before the board of director. The' sttendsnce Wfffe wftnA In ' Mnv and RhneM a Am 1 elded I nc res se over I ho same month Of previous years,. although the attend ance usually falls off markedly because of changing spring Intereets. The- totiU circulation of books reached 12,600, and In the children's room J.900. In ths cataloguing department 1,09 books were catalogued. ' The attendance In the reference-room , . 2,704, and - In the periodical-room 0,016. The collec tion for the courity school libraries la( been Increased by 401 volumes. Miss Florence Baxter and Mrs. J. B. Casto have benl appointed,, regularlmemberi fit the ataff after their apprenticeship. The usual number of bulletin on In terestlng current topics have been pub lished. A large number of trade cata logues have been added to- tho engineer ing department of the reference library. VETEBAN EXPRESS . i y MESSENGER DIES Mr.. 8. D. - Brastow,. superintendent of Wells Kargo A Co., headquarters in 8sn Francisco, died . Tuesday afternoon at Alameda after an Illness of about two weeks and was burled at Shasta, California. lodayT. Mr." Barstow " was perhaps the aidest j express , superin tendent in the United Blates, - having DIAMONDS .; - and " ' WATCHES On Easy Payments at less " than elsewhere for cash. We' cn 'save . you money by' ' simply walking a couple of blocks. Our prices on , ixajawsoa, . WATOKXS and IIWIUT are . below those asked by any. up town Jeweler. We carry only the best of goodal which we can fully guarantee., Our stock. Is tbe most complete In the city. . - OUR EttMSt? ; . r--' . f 1 ... '. .. ' One' third down, the balance 1 on. easy WXUXY or XOVTKX.T paymenta . We give you posses sion, when making -the first pay ment; demand no security charge no extra credit accommodations. Marx & Bloch I 741hif jt5tft3et, Near Oak I FOCETBOUND-OVERTOR- MURDEROUS ASSAULT Ed Foley, who about a week, ago. dur ing an altercation-wttb a -tnllow-work' man, George Fogerty,. slashed the latter in the neck with a raxor, was yesterday afternoon tried before Judge Cameron in the municipal court upon the charge CfTLmarntwltw ' a dimseruus - weap and was bound over to the grand Jury tn the sum of 11.900. ; ''Foley and ' Fogerty were ' members of a crew- of about a dozen painters who were under contract with the O.- R. ft N. company to do some ' painting be tween Baker City and J3unttngton. While quartered In a. bunk-car In -Alblna at the foot of' Russell street about a week ago an altercation ensued and resulted in Foley dealing, Fogerty a wtcked slash In the neck with a raxor, Fogerty was taken to the Good Samaritan hospital but his "condition is much Improved at the present time. . .. 1 ' . Among all carefbl dressers of Portland that we are showing ntw and exclusive styles in " .1; - v a Men's Furnishings We select and offer ' for sale the finest grade j)f merchandise to be ;: found in the market . r-y--!;':-: , Don't waste your time looking - around, but come to us and we' will show you the right thing at the right.price. . . Knox Hats and Benjamin 's Clothes "--T 7 ' ----- - -1 - v , - Jfc r 1 jr 31? Morrison St., Opp. Postoffke 3 As to Value None Do or Can Give Better . ATTORNEY VAUGHN FILES PECULIAR LEGAL PAPER Perhaps the most peculiar service of a legal process ever known in - this county "was made In connection' with an affidavit filed In the office of tbe- clerk of the circuit court today. ' The affi davit reads: . ,. iJ'I-W. T. Vaughn.- being first duly sworn, ' say thst after diligent Aarch and ,du inquiry I am unable to locate the office or place of business of plain' tiffs attorney herein, and have this day left a copy of the within demurrer with the 'Clerk of thla court, to b nerved upon said wttoi uey, piuvldedtae mcaiw j uers wiinin Fim opiicai range 01 . saia court." , The affidavit' was filed in the suit of C. L. Case against R. A; " Proudfoot. Vaughln is -attorney for Proudfoot. He filed a demurrer to the complaint, stat ing that it was not sufficient. :. M. B. Keefer is attorney- for Case. r FINE PRIZES FOR PRETTY CHILDREN Only three weeks left of the chance to show the world that your baby Is ths prettiest in Oregon or Washington. ' Thla Is a chance no mother will wish to. miss. Scores of beautiful little ones have been oho- . tographed and the pkture have been swnt tn by- thel r- parents. That does not lessen the chance or your baby to win a prise. ' The contest conducted by The Bundsy JournaJ will close-June 10, and at that time all pictures of competing children must be tn the hands of ' the Baby. Contest. Kdltor, Sunday Journal. . Remember that until .your 'little boy-or girl is six years old he -r she' Is eligible to try for tho $10 and Other handsome prises. The $20 will be put in the Oregon Trust A Savings Bank to the credit of the winning baby, and President W. 1L Moore ssys that if the child Is three years or under, and the -money is . left In his bank until the winner is (1, he will give the young man or woman 1100. j That will be a neat little nest egg with which .to start .ljotisrkeeping, : - , And there Is the other chance that your child may be' the Winner of one of tlwi three silver mugs which are to be given to the next three choices made by the Judges. That will be a fine trophy to hand down to one's children' and grandchildren. - i ' ' . Parents, wishing to enter their children should send the pictures of -the -child with the name, age and address. The awards will be made s4 - soon, as possible after the closing day tf the contest, i , , - -r X AAAAjAAAaSSASSSiSiSSSSai 4 W WW WWW f f fVTfff f f Tf f f ff WWW 1 rxziizzzzfziiic3xzaiiiiKiiitz--rzrzrz:':zzzzz-a Name of Subscriber ? 3 Educational Contest, 1906 OltflOll 33 yOlTLAMD, OaXOOH. SUBSCRIBER'S VOTING. CERTIFICATE (Mill I Address i. ..I Amount Paid $...... ........For. Journal For. .Months Beginning. New or Old?...-...... .......... Good for - ' 1 - - '- ,u ..CAST IX VATOBi Of. ...1906. .V, i'.'.IV...V..Votea. Centwtast. , irtBOTEB ST J1 a.xrzr-r::: Supr1nten4iint ' sf OfmilstlAil. Bsiron'sSh6c SFdre navinjp; purchased ITie reniaTriihg stock of the JULIA MARLOWE SHOE STORE at 130 SIXTH .. STREET, near Alder, and being, compelled to" Vacate the C Tpremises byJune" lorwurhold a grandnwo flays wind-up : g sale of their purchae of shoes, commencing TOMORROW 6 MORNING AT 9 O'CLOCK; .-. S : Nothing will be reserved as the store innst be vacated Sat-' j LdaynighLJ(lLinidnightand R . , piir ui uuuijiicn s anu women 9 snucs in inc. piacc wc.snau sen inccnurcsuKt ai values, ai i The stock comprises the -Julia Marlowe .shoes in vetomy - gunmetal, pajent kid and colt, box calf and vici leathers, , - in lace and uTlon7up-to-thc-minnte in sjtyle; Cuban, Louis. and military heels, 'hand Wclted'and hand turned.- Oxford Tics in the above leathers and styles all to go at $2.79 - - v -- - for Friday and-Saturday-only- -t-----A- ,Tbe famous Flintstone and Packard Shoes for men in Bats., Bluchers and Oxfords, in all leathers and. all styles are in . . ; r' eluded in this stock all to go at $2.70. Sale C0a?.mcnccs Tomorrow Horning at Nine o'CIock and Continues Until en - v sviuvtt itAiua UUJ iii-jus.., II a " ' t .' . . 1 e - W Avail yourselves oi tne opponunuy to.gci a pa'ir.ot higu grade shoes at a remarkably low price. ' 130 SIXTH STREET i: Between Washington and Alder Sts., Opposite Oregonian. j ... Jtfuiiuing. jj JOURNAL WANT AD'S PAY DUST 'V