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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 7, 1906)
V . It: THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. THURSDAY - EVENING, JUNE 7. 1CC3. NEW TODAY. Ffcnk LTSaith Heal Co. tat AUU ST. Between 1st and td. SI B. nut Near tha Bridge. . Do rou know the .- method of the - fee. trust! Tho people of the set ud middle west have bn to victims. One let the beef trust et its .trip on town and the populace, la at Ita mercy. But It will never cinch this old town while Bmlth la ' ' , ; "f ighling tBeef Trust" Fine Juicy Rdaat Beef, no bone. lb,. 10 fine Juicy Pot Ronst. Beef, per lb...8e Sirloin and Prima Rib Steak. . ,12He Choice Boiling Beef and JBtew Beef, . PCT h I r. Xte 'Round Steak, choice, per lhr. , . . ,. ,10 Nlea lean Roaat Veal, per lb ' Roaat Mutton, per lb. 8f Mutton and Veil Chop, per lb. , ..lOe Roaat Pork and Pork Chopa. lbi.12Hf Independent alautrht'erera. The only ones ia the city. ' "'. "",-r..'." Especially :hw pricea quoted to peb.- pie i who nae quantltlaa. - CONSERVATIVE INVESTMENTS - - coicraxsnrci . CECON M3QTGAGE5 msn-GQACC INDUS- -TCUL-CCND5- PORTLAND CEAL ES TATE CGND5 CCI.PC2ATISN AND ; t DACLCOAD C9ND5 . Theaei saruritlea ara In convenient dv tinmlnatlonn aultable for investment of funds or all lssr4nd to'ue of their ronnervatlva and non-apeculatlve char rrlanlnatlnaT - investora. -r'rthtitttrh5niiriint0A a a w oaa ev waara aa Hainan adnata a nnraa ::: X -1 snirt I ftmneinii . Zioanbsr Xxohamf Ulig. (Baooad jnoor) Green SUbwood, per load.?1.50 Dry Slabwood, per load.,?2.50 At the Foot of Lincoln Street PHONE MAIN 3119 Acreage Wanted We hav cunt omera for from ona t fifty acres. Improved and unimproved. In any direction within 2 ml lea -of tha cAiirthAiiss I XXXO, mXDS ft TTHjUbT OOafPlaTT, It: Second 8t. -Phone-Main T004. e$8tOOO Front street, : 60x109, - corner;. Income,, tlt yearly. :,". v . 52,000 Second street, 100x100, fine corner. .. ' ' KZjTSjaXla. SOS OomraerolsJ Block. Kaar two aleetrlo Unas, cbaap and on away terms.. -- CEDERBERQH ail n- .- -.. . - m m and i Waablnston Streets. On Grand ' Ave" near Market 9 3,000. B. 82, Care Journal. Sixth and East Clay Streets 94,500. B 81, Care Journal. Water Front ror Ba.le 59 feet of choice) water front. In city limits, contalna aJxmt five nrren, railroad throunh tt; a fine mill rim position: easy terms. Cnll on J. 8. TAYLOR, Ilk Marauam Bids. TOtT WATOX SBOWl MARRIAGE LICENSES. C. W. Lyons, : Clara Brooke, IS. - -' Cksrka . tiaraner, 14 Farst street- SS: Usr L. Bsaasnn, a. Adolph ii. Klatcl, , Sellwood. , Oregon, . 34; Mamie Smith. IS. laeerg Tuner Wilana,-S3S Waee street, St; Elhet Osrdlner, 22. L. B. Biiaaa, l Ooeby street, SS; Harriet Ij. Baker. So, 0. A. Starer, s!S Broadway street, 2d; Bdss L. Bailer. 25. - a - B. B. BaydeS, SS; Laura A. Lssteascklaef er. Araarna S. - Park. Sna East Thlrty-sersad Street. SS; lla H. Mstbewa, -2. tt a. Bern, Ariel. HJ, A. M. ProeheUI. SO. , rtmt Psnl Ssuse. 2; Helen Lukt. 21. link tlisrle petterna,.aii rrout street, SB) Csaraje MrBr-lde Ulitaer. St. Wedding Cards. W. O. Smith V Cm.. Wask tng tea bldf-, ese. Fourth' snd Washing-tea eta. Wedding and celling card eegrased V prints. B. T. Rosktoa. SJ'i4 Ws.hlagto1 1 Ms Sarrka Martin, room S12 AHaky h'dg. riamntiia aad Saa aaodsrwerkj lamaaa flraa. Pnrtmnd fmjm an. L . 'i m j , , . I Bdwaed llelmea. andei taker . t0 Third vtreer: slabwood to; A Fine Lot - -4 Mor e Lilamath falls WEATHER REPORT. Tb Dakota etorm hat remained nearly Ita ft Mine tline iu.-resscd nrr Hi In Intimity. Tke lowest barometer reeding m w i lorheo t Wtlllston, North Dakota, -and mark tfttc dtstirrbaBc II en of th most notable" la tkt b la turf of tha mum ouretn. ror seldom, or arm, ass a baroanrter reading been noted In the Paired Slate at thl season of th yer. Msstorateiy beevy- tain bar oouried ta Moot. una, I ho Dakota, tbo upper Mississippi vsl ley. the apper lake region and the Oaaadtaa northwest. In ronnectioa with - the develop ment of thla disturbear, end high winds aro a us noniana, in Dakotas anal toe ta aediaa northwest. . Tke hl(k preeeure rs, if-.niMj rmtroi ni i xaa norm i aiirornia meat ha moved l or I a to Oregoa and tbe ralna n tni aistnct bare practically ceased. Light frosts orurrad tbla morning In exposed place n naiwa uregoa. eastern Washington ana Idaho aad they nay be expected again toalcbt lb tbe aaiaa seetloas. t- - Th Indkollnoa ara tor' fair and .warmer weather In tbla dlatrl.-t Friday. ruBswveiiona uvea at a a. m. , ranse timet Tessa. Ststlont ' u.. Mia. rroHo. llakar Cltv. Oreeoa . , A'l , M .04 B ' .04 u l' t ' 4'- ; : , ' .41 M .0 .. T4 , , .a , . a)1., .-.14 rt44 .) .T4 .0 . 4J ' , ' T fl ' , .0 40 . T ' . , . .If 44 ... .0 70 1 ' .90 Boatoa. Mllurkiiull, Chicago, Illinois. Ui "nr. Colorado......,..,, flH rilr, Missouri...... Ml loa Aniirlaa, ' California, ., 7 Kaw Orleans. Limlalana.. St) h Vork, New , York 1 . Portland. Orrajon. . tn . t. louia. Miawxirl. ....... HN . alt Ijtka. I tah M an tranrlaoo. Tarlfnanla. tu Kpokana, Waabtnatoa an lacnma. waaalfif fon. ..... -AN . Walla Walla, Waablnftoa. 84 Waahlnitm, I. C ... BtRTHS. TU tbe wife ef C. Lewis Mead was beta a ana June a. -rETKBHANH-Jnn . t Mr. snd Mr. Wll- Haas u. Peterbans. Mnteeeatk snd 8prlns, a boy. roi RNIFB Jane 4, to Mr. and Mr. Wllliaal rournier, ooa market, a boy. - CONTAGIOUS DISEASES, Bertbs Menake, 123 Twelfth, meaalea. , talrln Peter. Una llaaaalo, meaalea. ' ' lwll and Manor Dotao. Tnlaeralta. Park. meaalea. ". I . Kail Mclliimphrer. fnlreralfy Park, meaalea. tlertrune Klrld, 8N0 I la arson, meaalea. I'hlldrea of w. T. Hm.ll. 423 Pifnrd. meaalea. W Ullin aTaruaaa. -me amat Tateirtrr-TYnholT ferer. '.-. Baby rVaal.JMd Prent. diphtheria. ' . T. O. K-ark. Hotel Monarrk. dlphtheris. fir or re Vaa Water. ,t Twelfth and Kaat Mnrrtaon. meaalea. . Robert Morrlaon. firs) Krerett. ana a a lea. Ktnir Kruefer. 123V Tnlon srenne. ateaales. Kllaabeth C'lereland. 40 Kest Tareatr aereath. Bieaaloa. Timothy Balllrsa, IBS North Klfhteeath, aaeaaiea. Margaret, Sheldqa,, Tl flende. meaalea. DEATHS. BAHN Jun , gopbU Raha. 54) years. M rHSf ioe BVlChsrlk" , Prosf. 8 yssrs, et. Vincent's hospital, poenmonia hoaoltal. nenhrltla McHAROI'B Jnn b, William IV MrHarf lie. zh year, iot Roaseu. tuberensnaia. - T-. 7 f UNDERTAKERS J. P. Flnbjy A Sna. fansral di rax tore sad mbalmees, eornee Third aad Madlsoa etreats. 0 rdcr et eoasty eoreaar. . Tvispboas Mala S. Paantsf. M-Batee A Ollbangh. nndertaksra an embaimera: saodsra la every detail, as reals ssd Pis. Mala 4 SO. Lady aaslataat. , A.- P Hemetoek, andertakar sad emhslmer, Bsst ThJrteeoth and L'auUUs av. Paoae Ball. " Blegl sraves fia. Family lots 7B to tl.onn. Tb only cemetery la Portlasd which per aetuslly BsslntalBS sad cares for lots. Fee full Information apply to W. H Mackaeal. Wor cester ctlock. city. W. M. Ladd, preeidest. - 1- REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Moore Investment eomnanr to Maria A. Rock-el!,itorth h ef lot IS, black 47. - jan Otlo B. Evans snd wife to Humphrey- ' . Pngh, lot 11 snd 12, block 23, Mount Tabor Villa ..t -.- I William Rleobel to Soaan t. Rlechel, tola SS- and 27,- block S. Pealnaolsr : -Addition No. 2 . ,,-! 8. M. Plynn to William Rlerbsl, lot 2S , , and 37. block a, I'ealnaular Additloa ' No. 2 , I Ocarge H. Mesial snd wife te Edward ' E. Bebarrsll. kts 10 to 14, block S, ' Mend-m Park S.M0 81 mo Mlkkoaen to Wllko N Inks a nan and , , wife, lot 20 and 26, block S, Arleta Park No. S l.SOt Arleta Land company to Sarah D. Har-. ' rla. lot IT. block S. Arlela Park No. S. -, 1 Cnlverelty Land company to Fred N. Rathbone. lot ..IS, block 1. I "or t smooth. BOO Mary Devaney and . husband to M. H. -McCIbbs. lot a, block las. West Irv Ingtoa TM Colin K. Hsrbangh snd wife to Ions 8. . Blrkerton. sboat d.M am - la eecttoa f -1, township 1 eoath, range 1 east 10 Samuel Kelrbea et a I. to C. 0. Randies et si., lot S aad 4, block IS, Msegly Highland 10 Title Guarantee A Truat company te ' Henry E. Albert. W H, bloc k21. Mol laday Park Firat addition S00 Arleta . Itnd eompsBy to F.llea . Barn bam, lota 4 and 6, block S, Arleta ' Park No. 8 .... 800 David Oondeell and wife te Mollis Bever. lota 1 aad S, block 20, Eaet PertUad - - - Height .-v ,.r.Tr.c TOO Msnhsttsa Heal Batata compear to James Mclntyre et L. nouirlded H er lot B. bloeavd, Bartaeb Parh ddtllss i-.: ' 21 1 College Endowment ssaociatioB to R. . ' Mclntyre. audlrlded 4 ot lot s. block . S, Partach Park addition . - SIS Maahattaa Real Eatats com pa ay to R. B. Mclntyre. undivided M of kit I, block d. Same additloa SIS Colleen endowment saaoctatloa to- Jamea - - Mclntyre et ai., annirldea lot , block 0. asms addition SIS Harry C. Kenney and wife to Minnie I roster, eaat an teet iot a ana eaet so feet of eoath SO feet lot S. block 103 -d.'arnthere' addition J. 000 A. M. Eggleatoa and hnahand to W. H. Scbrette and wife, lot 10, block 4. Crratal Sorlnra additloa 12t W. K. Smith and wife to Joseph Paauet. rirtS aire "la: JlcoBXllna donation land claim, township S aorta, range 1 west ..' MO Osrrett A. Lyons te Tbereela K. Lyons. lota 1. I. 2. 4. S. block 3. Portsraoeth VI1U Eateaded 1 Mary White to Lawrence C. J Laraen. . lot S. block 70. Sellwood 3M Charles 0. Htrahe snd wife to laaae R. Ollllham. lota 4 and 0. block 2. Obereat. 1,829 Job a B. Kelly to H. 7- Camming, lot , B. row A. Pleasant Home cemetery.. 10 Char lea Bchulenburg end wife to Henry , Kb ten, lot 1U, bloc a .us, nalcn addi tion 4.000 Eleanor K. Wis and husband to Joseph MelK-h, lots M, 14, block 20, HlgbUnd Park , 900 P. H. Johnson snd wife to J. , D. Ken- . nedy. lots 1 aad 2, block I, Alblna : IPHneetced - t ,......,...,.., r. ... . . . 10 Chsrlee W. Scarrttt ead wife to E. R. - namnee, mte in, rz asa ks, ana eaat '4 of lot 24, brock SB. Dalveretty Parh .... , S.2O0 Adolpbas Bos lor aad wife'- to Fred All wen, lot 12, block 14, City View Park. 1,300 William M. KlltlnsTsworth et a I. to Marr - 1. Smith, lota S aad T. block 4, Walnut - M. C. Pettys'nd"wl'fe''te Walter' B. Day et al.. S seres beginning 4S rhalna So'Mnks-eat of 4artbwst eornee eec- ttva 81. towaahla -1 north, range 2 eaat . IV Samuel Holm to .August Rosen, lot 5, block -27. MrMlllea'a additloa .2o0 tfeorge F. Bodgers and wife to Joseph R. . , nitney. lot 1. niera sis, uiiuaaa s Sdditlc) 10 Pacific Realty A Investment company to Joseph T. tsivagetto. kits IS snd 17,- Mock S. Stewsrt Park ... 2M B. Mclnnaa snd wife to Fanale M. SntherUnd, lot 4, block 1, Btroug s ad dition , t.000 Arleta Land company to ( "Baric p. Prey, lot 4, block 1. Ina Park s 1 R. R. Betd slid wife to James Dunlaa, lot t black 124. West lrviiigton 1 John F. Becker aad wif to Otto Welbel, lot in. aiors ,b, I or a annitton i.jue sTeorge E. Wagaooer and wife te Frank I Ulir. lot is, moti i: iot , niora S, Bungalow Glad addition 1,000 Charles f. Barrett - and wife to Mirk . f Hoover, lots 12 sad 1.1, block 11 - Penlesslar additloa 1. SOU L. A. palterena nd wife te Or Har. man. mta l sna a, aiora l, staple- wood addltwa 400 D. M. Smith and wife to Charlotte R. Huff, lots T snd S. Brewne addllUhi 87 flat year insurance snd sbstrarta to teal eetats from the Title Guarantee A Trnst eorBBaar. St V asauutisa sir a v. NOTICE. ADVKRTtflUMKNT rOH-ll COB WaTfR . JtV.sTKM 1n eltr eouurll ot th iltr Wallowa, la tlie eonur of Wallowa, atala 1 ot Ureaxa. Kili. rerf Itta . bidt np U and In. rludlna tha alitantn tfav or June. tor lb roaaUuctiua of a water aatea fur - eatd eltr. water aball be taken from Brar eraak almit 2)4 nil Ita from aaid clir aud.tbert mum it 11. a tfviuiH 1 1 1 10 iuc ,;"". Tb auln lie lln t ba enatrurld f M-lnrb. aaarhlB-bandad. wood alorplpe. There shall be on It-lock irate ralre at aourr of Buiwlr: on aulubla braas-wh-a (Ml atraluar at Waat four tlmae tba area ' eT the S lurb ptpat au-b apc lal Bttlnira. enreaa. et., aa Baa- be nen-aaacr o fol low rtanav of dlrtlon In nlpallna. At tba Intake there aball b built a nlt sbla Bianbol of eoorrat or adjarent atone, with a eorar of Iron with, braa lork and ' krr. to proper I r peotHTt and prerent da al as to tb strateer and la allow iamlua t tkm. . Tbe trench for 'tb mala pipeline shall h as sreras ot not- h-aa than three frvi deea and at do point aball Ib main pip b - rarrTad lea than two feet. In tba dis tribution aratem all tb matna and branrhea shall b covered at leaal tbrve fret orer . tha top rf tbe pipe. Tb mala aball ba aullsble for a aafont head and all matna and. branrhea aball ha properly badded tu' ' the treurbea to MTTnt settllnc. Tha dlatrlbntloai arateaa will require, an nronlniatelr. Lot a feet of K-hieb marhliie- hanrterl -wond -roTeplne: l TfHl feet of a-lnrb "maeblne-handed wooil etoreplpe; 8.200 feat of 4-lncb marhlna-bandrd wood atorapliie: fonr H-ltvk Iron-body brana-mouuled sate Talees: four -lnc Iron-bony braaa-mounted (atryalrea; At . 4-lnrb Iron-body braaa BKmated site.alrea: 13 standard hoary adjust sbl east-Iron (atehoxea and S.utrO pounds apcrlal raat-lroa ittlnaa There shall ha IS era hydrants, which ahall - bare on t lets 'for tw 24-lneh boa and aball b frotfroif. All hydrants shall . be so blna-ked, brted and aueboved to the IllDaS anpulvlnaT tbsBa as to prarenl bain- blown eft by water ranv. Th entire work te be eompieieo ana nr-i rlaaa. and te be doa la s good snd w,a msnllke manuer, snd all material sod labor to he fiirnlahed by lb contractor. The ekty enancll reaerre the right to reject any and all bids, without Incnrrlog oy liability for. sack re)eettoB, . -' . Paled Jon 1, ..wttV C. T. McrAtKu ' Mayer ef the nty of Wallows. Attest: C. A. VI HP1I.LAT. , Herorder of the City ot Wallows. TiaTKHOLlKRS MEBTISO wortland. Oregon. .Juno .a, - naie To th a tors no toe ra 01 u . PnrtlafMl Coal At' tereltDment eomnanr, s , corporation; Tbe annual meeting of the aloek nnwra ml laa rurnaan i 1 1 a- 1 ' rmtiiian, atlll hs held at room 420 Comtoerrla bWg., Portland, Oregon, en Tuesday. July 10. 1IMK). at T o'clock p. as., for Die pnrnnae of electing officers and for tbe transaction of each other business ss Biay , property nan before the meeting; JOHN T. DODWrXL, Secretary. KOTICB OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEETINO. Tbe SBBoal saeeting or tne atocanoiocr or ma Oregon Irs a at Htel Company will b held , lh. a r A rm aS the fiiism SMia K3B Bner- I L - lorh -bnlldla.-a'oXland.-Orgo,-Jons IS. lwua, at it cioca n. m., i iw yutyv , ef electing a board et directors fur IsVt .ensuing year, and the rrsnasctlon ef snch eiaetvaustnesa ss sas J isgsiiT vaaa.-iam-tn tba arsstlnc. A. B. PATTTJIXO. Secretory. XrerflsBd. Oregoo. May 34. - 1S08.. PROPOSAIjt FOR Fl' EL Notice Is hereby given that bkla will be recelved at the otflce -ef tbe cboo clerk, np to Moaiuy. .12 an.. . June U. IIX. for fnmlabtng arhool dislrlct "No. t. Mnlfnomab eonnty. tlregon. w(lh fuel "or'tTnr eiisuthd' Teir1 .T iTri '1. xm'ZfM' A Nfff NA V I A N-AMB R IC A N Cations esa be bad at the office of the achon clerk. J. V. Peach, Richard William, com mittee on nnpplle. MEETING NOTICES. WBrlPOOT CAMP.'-No. Woodmen of tbe World, meela Friday Bight hi W. O. W. halt. Tenth and - .Waablngton ata.-A.ll mein- hers re, i ileal rd to be pres ent. Visitors welcome. W. S. UAllAJiW. A. I - A. L. BARBCP, Clerk. COLUMBIA 1.0DOB. NO. 114. -A. ; F. A A. M Slated communica tion thla iTbnredayl evealng. S o clock, Masonic temple. Work In E. A. degree. All B. A. Maaoas Invited. ' - t p. 8. PAUCB. Beeretary MACCABEES Portland V"t. aseets every Thoraday Blgkt In K. of P. hall, 11th and Alder a la. Visitor srs weloeme. ... --. M. tANCSsr M. W. A. Bvergreea Camp. S.48S. Wednesday STsalug. Allaky bids-. Third and Morrison sta. FACSIMILE typewritten letters, sddreestag. mailing-, etc. circular Lttr o., lra Btark st. Mala 22S4. U. W. A.. Oregon Oraos Camp. No. 0,870. Moa days. ITth snd Marshall; visitora walrome. LOST AND FOUND. STRAYED or Stolen 1 bay borne. 4 years eld, weight 1.200 lbs., S bind wblta feet and small white strloe on the Beae; $25 reward If returned Prank Miller, Barnes road, at. F. D. No. S. ' " PFNBION certificate lost near Fifth and -Tay sr- l n at.. June a, 10. I. O. O. JT. oblige. . t-lrase iev same si imiiii LOHT l-ewellen Better, whtte body, black face. 1 black ear. rive dollars reward for return er for Information aa to whereabouts. .0. B. --MitcbeH.--fte ElH-H LOST Locket sad chsln. engreved "Infant . Class." Retara to C. rtsher. add Fourth at. rewsrdt - LOST A geld umbrella hsndle In or near Meier A Prank a tore; reward. . Phone Msln 8641, - IJMT Iron arrav Boor (veldlncl. brand 2C on flajik: Jrd-il0 II. T. Pa . Or.; R. F. D. No.. I. POI'ND Oeatlemsa's wsfch fob. Owner ran bave asm by paying tor mis on. journal office. . v HELP WANTED MALE. i RAILROAD -WORK. '- STATION MEN. Small tnnnele. wagonroad work, ear work, wheelbarrow rock wsats. eartk wheelbarrow work, all kinds ststion work: also regular contract work for amall outfits; good work, good price: on O. R. A N.; free transporta tion O. R, A N. ; - t. joHNsoirerrsn , 141 First at, Portland. Or. ' MEN AND WOMEN to learn barber trade tn eight weeae; graduates eara rrom is ta aon weekly: einert lnstractora; cataiegue tree, Moler System lot-, Colleges. St North Fourth St., Portlasd. : - ' SALESMEN WANTED For ane ef tbe lerovet anrsatiea In tbe west; cash advanced: weakly; Kaod territory open. Address Washing toa ursery C., Topnealeh. Wb. A RARE nnnrtanltv for a maa wttl capital; Investigate aad yea will aura inveex. ' 0 lie, car JouraaL AGENTS WANTED to sell anpertor. high-grade nursery etorh; complete eatflt rurnlaned rrea; . cash weekly: write today for choice of ter ritory. Capital City Nursery Come ay, Seism, Oregon, WANTED Tarnlehera. machtn Snd bands, . Oregon f ufnUnr; trg, uo, si ecus ta road. . WE seen re employment for member; (pedal memnersr.ip one monta s. s. as. v a., lew-Ik snd Ysmklllj - IF yos pity pool, fo to tbe Welllnatosv Par lors. Allrsy Dldg., nira ana saorrsaoai. WANTED Ons granite-cotter, en marble-cnt. tee and one merMe-poiisker. Addreas natrs Marble Works, The Dalles, Oregoo WANTED 4 aaea to work In brick snd sewr- pip factory. Apply to office Idauend Brick Co.. foot f Ankeny tt. a ... HOTEL HELP Wslterg. conks snd help ef ill kind, nr. i class hotel, wi rtortn l Jin at., near Marshall. Mr. Jamea. room SI. WANTED Finisher In furniture factory, ateady Work year round. 48 Frr nt, comer Davis. WANTED Mattress meter. . 48 Front, eoratr Davis. i A FEW GOOD HOMESTEADS la restral Ore. . gon: for Information address L. L.Barber, I oeiirery, eity. WANTED Sign writer; must he flrst-ehtaa workmaa; ateady job tn right party. Apply at oar. W. P. Berger A Sob. 2N4 Yamhill st. r A NTED FIrat -c la aa bench man. Port land Saah A Door C-. Eaat Taylor snd L'aloa see. WANTKDAt once, ho Jalmeers st Tvagdero: . wsgea 8j 2A pee dev. . Call at engineering department Oregon wafer Power A flsllnay Cemosaj, Plrtt sad Alder tu., for esrUcnlara, HELP WANTEDMALE. WANTKIt J rnra to work In brickyard t Slat sad Tlllamota.- Tab IrrUigtoa ear. . . CUATMAKKRII wanted. Koosa Ifi, Hamilton MACIIINIHlli wanted, tirand ar. H. C. Albs C-. H AlXcAROl'Nn grervrymaa te drlr wagon, take car or none and ,ork maltl; none not srtlv. honest, young man need apply; glw Hge and reference; aiesdy wurk'for right Bis a. it 12, rare Journal. Su WANTKII A roan- colored hoy ss mesa st. teodaat for tbe Junta officers' mess, I', a. b. fhlragu. I - BOY WANTED to, distribute cards: atesd osltlon. Inquire Kb loss. 2M rifth at. WANTEI Boys with wheels fee messenger work; hla-heat nay; fV on t. , Apply tomor ' row. I'ortlsiHl Messenger her rice. J01 Anieay. - Mala 177. , . . . ., r. A W ANTKD (iood bualneaa chance salesman te - manage wsll located office: email guarantee fund required. , For psrtlcitlsrs , writs l 43, ' cars Journa I. - . ' . . WANTKII rour bojs. 14 . per week; steady work yesr round, with chance, for adrance ment. . 4U Front, corner liavls. HELP WANTED FEMALE. GIRI-S about 1 yeare of ara to work In tae tory. Apply at once. Ain-Hrrl-e-rlil Co., rifth. and sls at Fl'lt help fee hotel, restsursnls, stores. f- rtcss, : isnnoria. naaariea, ramities. pnone Main S8s. Hcsndlusrlsa Americas ladles' Agency, 107 UUlh at. Mrs. M.- Anuerso In charge. - , ' HANKKN S LAPISS' AORNCT, 48H Waahlnf. ton st., ear. Be.entB. Bpataus. raoss ataia tsl. Femble help wanted. . -. - SCANDINAVIAN-AMKRlt'AN ladles' Agency. tin, siain avw. tl THR HOMR I.APIKrT ARBNCT. s e amalaea. I r TmsTaheIi"-fnriilhed " fr 1IUM4 th at., npatalra, room 2ft. Mala Wat. UlRIJt. don't forget you need not pay your fee In adrance at ncandlnstlan American utniee Agency. Ur7"A Sixth st, ; Msls 690B. Mrs. M. .Anderson la charge. ' . - WANTED Oirla te mak ' Baas Of All', erer. alia st 7 FIrat St. JT NJEt-Tye3t waltiesasa st Hobart-Curtls, 14th and Jefferson. GIRIJI. register free wltb Srandlnavlaa-Amerf- rr In advance: jou will reel al home la Ul office. Call en Mrs. M. Andcraon, - WANTKD Wr Is -re work tn -candy- fa i-tom , ateady employment, grod wagee. - Apply at - Pacific Coast Biscuit to., 121- snd Davla. HOTFL HELP-Chamhermalds snd help kinds. Srat-rlaas hotel. 247Nortli -ajaraaau. -,. Mt jamea., -wan - Ijidle Depart ment. 107 H Sixth t. Main W. Men's department S North Second at. Mala Sued. John Anderson la charge. GIRLS W A NTED Operators to work aa skint . and everalla. Lessons given to Inexperienced. Apply st Standard factory No. 2, Grand ara. and B. Taylor St. WANTED Competent girl for general boase work; family of three. Apply 128 14th st. JL'ST nhone to Hcaadlnavlan-Amerlcan ladles' Aretrrv-jfor wtiaf o(-want: or" raTT-"lfiTrr Stub St. Mala 6P0S. ' Mrs. M. Anderson In . charg. rtON'T forget -thta. when In need of dwlpav to csll on Mcaadlnavlan-Amerlraa Ladles' Agency, - I07 Hlith St. Msln K800. , . ...... GIRF, for general boons work : "three hi family. 10th. Call 40 it Jackaon et.. near GIRL to assist In general housework, amall faintly.' rtl Hancock at. Phone East 1810. ENFROETIO- lady with business ability: abort boars, nleaaaat work, good-salary. Address m. A. Krirk. general delivery, city. T". WANTED Partner la transfer bus i manager: dolug One business tn city. Room 8 Breedea bldg.. Third ssd Wsthlngtoa sts. Phone PsrlSc 2088. .' r. r . HOUSEKEEPER WANTED Young lady or womaa, or maa and woman, experienced la farm work; 1 child will not harm: a good home for one:"S mile out. at Cedar Milla. , Call at tbe National Hotel, Front and Yam-i bill sts.. June 8, 1 clock, Portlsnd, Oregon. U.- A. Spill b. A PRIOHT. energetic woman la wsnted tn get gdverttaemcnt and srtbcrlptloiai for s well-known trade paper: the work will he entirely In Portland and vicinity and will require-only - shoot these hour each day; the position will be permanent;- 12. a day can- be eaallv made: commissions nsld promptly: In answering state full particulars , sna sirs sr icssi .on reierence. -j-ne ma i losers' .Resdy tceckoarr o.. ST sad Si8 u , . New iork. N. X. i WANTED Girl for general bonsewark. IBS f PrHon jvc,, north,, corner Psciflc, Cell from 10 tin z. WA?iTKI-l.sidr tojrawl In rlt thiwiglu.Orr ' irnii kuA CallfnrnU, awiUt la iiMnufitctur and ? ) of alaDdsirU patent xntvUcInea, on tbarm; psrmanat . pMltlo. AdUrM 1) IVV Mrs) sToamai. - - - MALE AND FEMALE HELP. WANTED AT ONCB Aa experienced party th-1 rr. ror partlcnlars call Iflviu, aults 23. Mala tV28. Fourth St., upstslrs. HELP wasted and supplied, male or female. R. 0. Drake, SOftH Waablngtea at Pacific 170. 14 PER DAY, can be made by Isdy or gant selling . photo coupons. Csll st Anderson Photo Studio, Vsocouver,- Wsthlngtoa, SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. SITUATION wanted hv s eonaclcntlotis snd trnatworihy man ss eollector; caa furotab the best of references or furnish bond; have had PRINTER Experienced , and capable, good newapapermsa, wanta foremanahlp or man aaement weekly. Addrres Box D, Wlnlork, Waablngton. '; . . GEORGE T. Ml'RTON, ft4 Chamber of Com nirrcs. keeps books snd does general expert sceonntlng buslneaa.-. Pbone Mala 4SAS. SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE COMPETENT Menogrspber desires position,; sit . yesr experience; law work preferred.. Box - 488, city. - .-.-- - WANTED Plain aewlng; prices t all at 20414 Stark at., -room. 8.' reaeonable. WANTED AGENTS. WANTED Agents; snmethtn new; food seller; . big wages. Sot McKay hldf. ' WANTED Special Bale. men for tlm big Oregoa - Nortei y enmpany; liberal eommiaaloa; outfit free: choirs territory. . Write to tb Oregon Naraery Co.. Ss lem. Oregoa. r AGENTS Either sex. $1.00 sn hour lotrndiic lug Dr. Ilitll's Klectrtr Comb and Brush ; enret hslr troublee nstirre's way; no drugs; lies terms free; postage on esmule comb. Sc. C. S. Itormr Mrg, Pittsburg. I's. Co., 14W1 Proa are., MPN and Women assnts. 8.1 to $.1 every dev. Paradox Novelty Co., fiSA L'nioa sve.r north. 'Take Woodlawn car. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. THE Portland Employment Co., SOSVi Morris st. Phone Psciflc 238. , HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICB FOR MEN. ,.20. N. Secrmd at. 1 - - 1 Pbons Mala IBM. BIO FOUR EMP. AGENCY Help supplied free. Id North Jtecosd et. - Phoa Malq JSI WANTED-FINANCIAL. WANTEIitnOO to open Bp new eon per mine; will aire an extra good opportunity snd la ducement.. Call la (orraooa Joaes' Book Btor.4 -g!U Alder t. WANTKII To lean tl-Vid en eHv properly for , buUdluf purposes. D J,' car Journal. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED Umeatona ouarrr. . If ros I any It ma tons beds, or know of sna land for sale baring limes ton depslts on It, eom-r munlrai with V. l. Cbarlre, ' S2I CbAmbsr i ot tommerrja. T- WANTKU Let la a T-etm boos. ickaag for equity la Pbon Beat SfMl. WK W'lI.L aefl ynnr property, to matter what - it m or wnere mcetea. beno oesripiion now sad we will oo toe rest. AsVlress u in reators' tlulo Ce- Ul Msrqusa bids., Port land, Oregoa.- WANTED A small bouse a cottage, new end. modern; amall cask payment; msec , aw moderately priced. D 47, cere Journal. WANTED Kaaldenes ef to 11 rooms, mod era. good repslr; Nob Hill or Hortlsnd - Hrlgnta: will pay 17.000 to $10.oj, but alu must aiasw. D 40, ear Journal. .WANTED Derlrable , residence lot' oa or near Hawthorne are.) must he reasonable; might ease nunaratoe; alee particulars. u . 'care Journat , WANTED Modem residence ar t to 10 rooms full lot er quarter bks-k; Nob Hill or Port' una Mrtgota; wnera only, u l, journal. WANTED TO RENT. WANTKD TO RRNT HOl.'RES. COTTAOES. CLATS. ROOMI NO-HOUSES. STORES. ETC. v Our rental department has been solar gsd aad proTldefl with additional Starr. . We Invite llatlna from LANDLORDS. . effae personal attention to aad eontlnuoos snpervlsloB ever all property Intrusted to mr PORTLAND TRrST COM PANT. OP OBEOON. . S. B. eur.sM and Oak at. Pacoe Ex. 71 WANTED To rent er droom boos -.' it auburba; large grounds: gir description! aw rent aaked. , Address Renter, lOS Cor belt at . : . . WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. B. N. MORGAN, ploaser snrayer and white. washer. CaU Beat . SX43. Krmemoer ta Bams B. Morgaai U years la aaslaass la rertuBa. WB WILL BUT. SELL OR TRADE ANT OLD TH1NQ. WESTERN BAI.VAOR CU , BZt S2 WASHINGTON. PACIFIC T9S. WB WILL HUT yonr furniture any eld time. western Mirage to., aui wssnington ss. WANTrn Plan, waskln to do at hornet nrlee. eneents s nosen pieces, ins Bnermea trear WHO IS M. 0. MORGAN CO: SPOT CASH" ;i FOR rCRNTTTRB AND HOI'SEHOLP flOODS. i ..... PORTLAND ATTCTION ROOMS, . - , 21 FIRST STREET. " MAIN 66SO. .- y 'r.'.;' PAISTIMO, evraylng end whttewshlnp -treeei ossemata, naraa. ooca. ere.; aargeat gssoiias - eprsytna outfit on' the eoaat, M. G. Morgss mv Co.. 822 Uatea are. Phone can bit. Pt'JtWtTOTtB l ml " buusewild auada. ' Pen 'I . worry, loea tlm sr atoaey.- Just pbone Pa sine T8S. . WILL KO-WAHHlNO If railed for. man, rear of 180 Sbermaa. y IBS Sher, FOR wlndnw-acreen, C. Ziegler, SS8 Mlcblgas sv. i-none t nion Bin. -r-s- wrw wrrstrrcrr Z-i Ws nted Two a esrloa ds' of rarnltnr for 'Krlaco: will pay beat price for sny see- ena-nand furniture you bare rtsr sate, van . up Mala 807. Ask for John Ohe. WlNTRbtel.lllRHTtlXB .OIIARRY. I If yoo bare say limeston bed or know -or ssy isna tor esie naring nmesuma sve aepealts a It communicate wna , .'CD. CHARLES. , ' f 2T.- Chamber, of Commerce. - . - GREAT SNAP. V; WlUnn. th a action eer, at 3(18, Pint WANTED Tni hny s horse for delivery work: -am st oounrt sntr genua, rnone r.aar s i BOATS WANTED Lint voor boata. ateemeva, - lanoche. bargee, nrmseboat and . with us ror sale er rent, w bare cant for .them every -day.. Beat 184. WANTED By mlddle-ared gesllemsn. ticket .Portland to Denver. D 22. rare JouraaL FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT LIHB RICHELIEU M4 K0BTH SIXTH BT- Klegantiy riirnisaea. steam a eat aaa bsibb. THB GRAND. 4IM4 Ni rth Third st, gentlemen ti.25.per wask and as. NICB furnished rooms for two yerrag ladles; furnishings new; never been need: 878 14th at., corner Montgomery, mob Main erso. URnt vrn-fimiblir-r)ii: tl.25 and ap. jolt, cnton are. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. TF1B lllTCHKtU rUilVUr. .b4 S-rBts vMtM, BACaM'keaBpliTuf stud - traMteBt; w - vatnt; prloti mMMtk J . t. tl.taj WEEK IIP, clean, furnished bousekeep. rooms, wltk yard, parlor, laundry, bath, fur nace- arat. 201H at a a toa etc D ear. 11.28 PER WEEK Largs, cleea. ' furnished Konaekecplng-rooms: lanndry sad bstb. 184 Sherman. South Portland. - SLEEPING and boasekaeylng Vlsts, 47 Fifth st. . Unds LA SHE elegaatly 1 fnrnlahed bonaekeeplng -rooms; -gas range., Winning- water, Th Lswbs- aaie. atioH Aider at. THE .. NEWCASTLE. - 402H Third St. Far . nlsbed sad - unfurnished honeekeeplDf room; stso singl rooms, rnoa Main two. 2Lrl RNIHHED boneekeeplng flat for tent. 88 ann io per montn. tall Kid seventh sr lownstairs. naia fsxa. 4. PNFrRNlSHED porcelain hath. 1 rooms, entire Scat floor i Phone Mala 6982. FOR RENT S-room flat, clean and newly Painted. 810 per month; parties going awsy. 'bone Mala SMiS. tVU Seventh st. '. LA ROB wetl-fumlabed- housekeeping anllea. I J. 23 per week and up; also nice large alngle housekeeping room. l.7B. 28Vt la loo are. S FI'RNISHED honaekeeplng-rooma, rlrat Soar; nice yard, lew rent; no children. 874 Ft not. tOOMS AND BOARPr WILL take a tew Btore table boarders; rnud home cooking. 470 Msln. Pbons Msln NBATLY furniahed rooms, modern conveniences; valo single room; borne cooking. SOU Sslmon, corner 10th. LARIIB enfalde room with hoard for two gentlemen!-- Brat rlaea In every respect; price ' reaeonable. Phone Msln to.). 2Mi'14th tl. FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. OPP1CB rnems. afnmlsbed rooms aad sample rooms for rent. Goodseogh bidg. Apply la vat. -. ' PART ef shop to rent, aultable for painter er plumber. 208 Fourth at. TWO large connecting off lie moms over riom- mer's drug stars. Third and Msdisoa. STORE for rent, corner. 281 North JOthuaLi just the place for s butebvr-ahop and grocery combined; rheep rent to right party. Apply J. k reenter. Commercial hlk. STORK for rent 2NS Washington at., bet. Fourth aim Firth. UNFURNISHED ROOMS. TVO tlNPrBNISHKD ROOMS for rent. Sbermaa St., In rear of ISO Sherman St. 1SJ t VERY pleasant anfnrnlshed rooms, with hstbr tnllet. etc., reaeonable. SAO Montgomery at. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNI TURE FOR SALE. ' SNAP Purtiltnr nf S rnome at 2S4 Columbia al.; cheap rent For further particular pbons 1'srtflc So4f. .,-.-. FfRNITI RE of a IS-roowi room Itig bouse, cloa In: good bnslnes. t'sll U3 lit at. . ' " V' FOR RENT FLATS. ? ; TWO ft rnotn nkfurnlsbed fists. Ill aad (11. Including waler. Bid S4d4i Frrnit St. Pbon -Msln r.4. ONE fiai 4 rrxrna, Ettl MBtb aad Belmont, l'boas Kail 12T0. , v . , . . . , ... FOR RENT HOUSES. FOR RENT New fi room eottsgs. . 10. S 4roum flats. 87. ems In. tppsr A lb Is. C all 421 UsBcsck vt. KADDE4ILY" TBANSFKR CO., prempt sad r . llabi plsao sud hirnlture-mover; also stor age, (bona Msln ISM. Office 110 Si.v Third. mi- CONTINENTAL COMPANY' , 24 BTARK ST. - INSURANCE. RENTALS. 8EBUST. 1 NEATEST AND PRF.TTIE8T new buturslewi Myrtle Prk. Mount Scott ear Use; hot water, bath, elsotrle wired, . Urge yard Phone Mala 4498. FOB RENT Modern S-room cottage, close la. laqulrs 2d7 Market at. A 4 ROOM rottsg en Second st.. between Hall ana Ltncain. . laqulrs st M Fifth St. . FOR BEST 8 modern 0-r.oom cottages. In quire 404 Eaat Washington. Pbone East TVS. FOR RENT A 4 room houae on Woodstock car Hp. Inquire at 170 Front at. t-ROOM- house for rent, furniture for ssle. - Part.,. lft . - .' .! . FOR BENT House, 11 room, modern Improve ments, oza li-tn t. apply tii iztn si. FOR RENT. SIS Houae, I .rooms, nice slew or river and ' l-ortland. 1100 Willamette boulevard. -- Inquire 1241 Greelrp at Wil lamette station, St;. Johns car. TWO S-ronnv modern cottages. Slat at., Kenlt- worth. si snd fit. . Key at star, or pbone Esst 7.1. v . . FOR RENT FARMS. FOR. RENT 400 acres-Snest dairy end etock ranch in Linn counly. . V Ckidrk. Scm. Or. BUSINESS CHANCES. PON' coma her firat, bnt doa't bar soar city property, rruii ana garden lead, wneai. arses or dairy ranches until vaa eee aa. North West Land C., SOS Gnodnoagh b'dg. P. S.- We also have business chance- ef aYl klaera, aad eaa locate yea right. I. W, L 0t WB1TB as quirk aboat recent important da viopmvnra or tna tiurai Antomatie awiicn m Signal. On.; boy atork before big advaaos. I. t. nurat A Co., 208 McKay bids. . t FOR SALE FamllvkoteX of JOO nmaV.Cleai n'm e. rw s ,,!, . rvrj aifii ,mw This' would be s pood hay for a basinets woman tn msnsge. Furaltura of tbe very best: modern apartments! must be eaah. For particular addreaa Q 300. ear J crura 1. BLACKSMITH SHOP wHh U of aa acre land. tonla lerudd. Munt Scott Rest Estate Co. Pkona Scott 22S4. , Laata, . Oregon. LONG-ESTABLISHED steam cleaning end dre I In plant Jar sale cheap: dstaf )ud bsjalnesar in aeattn cause tor seiuag. suarsea at si. ear JouraaL . . WOO PARTNER la good - saylna rsstsnrsnt: one wno is wining to wong , eou , NertnstxtB; I WHO IS M. a. MOROAN A CO. I W ANTtfD AT ONCffAd e-fperienced party With" fltio to run a paying laundry. For particular cell 1SAI4 Foartb St., apstalrs. . suits -28. Msls 6A2d. - . .. .-.t fMaBRRBRS-BffHt ennj orgaiiiori a to natnc nMno, Oregon. For information Inquire SOB Com mercial block, corner Second ssd Wsshlag. toa ate., or phone Main 842. WANTED To talk' with people who nnder- atand all kind of manufacturing: I have tern, good altee, waterfront or otherwise. R. L Cate, 113 Second.. - VTEO-rtrleT wl)h tlJrOnJ lt btJt interest anq management or -new groccrr, good aide II nee; willing to opes new stows la everal town In Oresna and Waablngton. ' C. B. Clement. BIT Chamber et Commerce. : SPLKNDn) ln-raea private - bnardlng-hone. .very good furniture. In heart of city, cheep. r.. ; , .- OTTO A CROCKETT. - . 24SH Washington St. HolsTRSEEKERS "BXCURSION ''overUad " Is being orgenlsed to g to Hsroey county, Oregoa, IW Information inquire SOS Com nierclal block, earner Second and Washing ton sts. Mala 842. Addraee Arleta P, 0 Bos S0.2 : - 1SH SHARES for ssle la aa- eld eatabltehed wholesale Doalness at par vslne ef Sioo- per ebare; with the stack good salaried posi tion can be had as traveling aslesmas. Csll st 107k Third St. , ONE - of the beat paylag confectionery. Ice eretm parlor and eigar stsnda m the city for the money; ana 11 taaen at aaes. nil at 12 H First st. . I . GREAT SNAP Wilson., tbs saetteneer. at SOS I Ira t at., pays csah ror tnytoing yon nava to sell, t'hone Mala Jesrs, SPECIAf-1 will aeeun a ' business sa partner and nay yoo 4 a day; experience Ba l necemary. call svwvk ntara St. ONE OP THE 8 WELL EST aasresatlle bual for aale. right la the heart ef . the best business Iocs t lone on Washington St.; will Invoice about S7.000. CaU at 107 s, Third at. FOB SATJC Mettrea manufacturing sndren- nrrnrrrg ouainess; eiecirsr power, aooo run, nlag order; chess rent. Address Journa 1. . . v so, can FOR SALE OR LEASE Location for a restaur- ant with fixtures, or will give Interest to right party. 307 Tbtra at. . . BARB BISINESS OPPORTUNITY Am her from Denver for the purpose or eeaaoiianing branch of nr manufactory; w have weatern monooolv. 100 per cent nrorlts. goods stsnle: - an her maa with SA00 ran secure Interest sod salary. . CalL Mr. wales, l-oet leoa lloteir FOI'R handsome wallcaaee; 14 feet, 11 I two s Teet. westers . asivsgs vev, Wasblngtoa St. - . , vn FOR SALE Wholesale and Jobbing grocery business, 81.800. Box D 3, car Journal. BBST boardlng-hnaa la eity, to rooms: golden opportunity. - see, f vest , irecs,, s.. no, si sn,-i AT A BARGAIN Fomttura ef a SO-room house for sale: always mil: lease ana saw rent. Apply by owner, 11114 First st. Alberts house. -. SMALL restsarant and lunch- counter for aal. D-d, ear I on real. - - - RESTAURANT for rent; good paylag bnstnsse. 72 North Third st. r-r-- GROCERY STORK snd Sttnre In very healthy. pleaaant part of city: will pay Jo. InroaU gste. - D 8. cars Journal. . - -. SPLENDID chance for a tailor shop for ssle. sversgtng profit Of 840 week and ap, 847 Yamhill st. . - . . . i .1 , i'ii , SOLID BISINESS Pari per wanted. SS.500 re. 3 nlred. which ta deposited in bank aa ad Itlnnal capital ta Increase growing business; highest reference. Call 2411 Stsrk St. PARTNER WANTKD for s store: 8d0O tw milred, Ptlly secured: doing too sversge daily cash sales;, big profits'. Csll 28H Stsrk "St. . ;" ,. . .' - . . .. .' ) -- WANT to bnv a small or large momlng bonse; mnat be cheap. H. W'eet. i. O. Box 47. FOR SALE 4 room lodglng-henae, eloae In; tnOQ down and terms. See II. tl. Higley. room SO. 227 i Wssblngtoa at. KOOMING-HOI'SK llesdtiusners Cell and see enr list; all elees. price sna mentions: terms rf desired. Best A Van Foaeen. IH1V, Morrlaon. WANTED Florist to furnish flowers, st tbe Oaks 00 commlaeloa. Apply st one, 3fH Sslrnoa st. - - -- NEAT little rlgnr store and eonfectloaery. with hulMIng and cheap ground leat,. on scersint of other buslsree: price 842. . 4U7 East Morriaoa st. . FOR SALE Photograph gallery, good location. doing goon bnsinees; goon reason lor oeiiing. I) 48, car Journal. FOR 'SALE Saloon) paying proposition: oa cornet. Address imj, m sv. care journal. FOR SALE Private morning and hoarding- bouse rleerlng -i per montn; 111 regniar boarders : hous modern, fine locstlon, cbeap rent; t,'3 down and tit P wmtb tskes It; Mrnltnre seed only 8 months; ,enet 8600, Mabil sT. ..-.. FOR SALE Saloon: paying proposition; en eor- c. AOdrena ijiiiy. B u, cars Journal. DO not keep bile money, A postal card ovtll bring yoa mtarmation now re gee me tergeet return on an sheoiutrly aafe Investment of from lino to IMS). J. B. Pa I ley. AI7 Lember F.fchenge. Port land. Oregon. . lot ni YS half Intrrest. In first class paying business; mutt be a hix(h-r. 1) ti, Journal. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. NICB residence lot 1 block of Hawthorne, union, near F.aat 381b : 8ai- thla week. D 4s. rr Joufnsl. - WILL seriflce S-room honse, Isrge lot, oa Suunyslde and Meant Tsb,sr rarllne, (1.400. Inquire at Heal East Wuhtugtoa M. S LOTS and partly completed collage, near car Hue; -a enap at tKsj; on eaay terme. Beet ' A Vsa Foaeea. 81 'i Morrison. WEST SIDE RESIDENCE lAT-Am offering - .. my line mi, corner toueg ana llta. t, a hsrgaln for a few days only. Inquire at nut Fourth st. WB are building a fine 5 room rettage homa for stunebndy It will he sold before It's dose, so hurry If you want to eee lit it I very cbesp, because tbe material wo bought bs- ' for the big advance la hiuiber, etc.; modern , snd complete; 11. sod. J. E--Hosmcr,' 110 .Allaky bldg. Mala 8188. 320 ACRR8 of a "burned ever valley" tn the beet dairy il lair let la the world, J per a era. J. E. Hosiasr. 310 Alleky bldg. Mala tiad. ll.Hts) pi YS a good house la Portland; big "lot flxlOo: good conifortaiil houae: In rsi-' ' dene district; Pull Run water; big bargain. J. H. Uoamer. 810 AlUky bldg. Mala 318. FAXON TARK -"I'- . Is now oa tbs market: tor at acreage srtoss, " according to lintirovementa , , Lots 6oi29o 1100. siio. tm ; - Lots 100i2urt 8IB0, fJIO, i'.28 7; Lots 200x280 t wo, $420, - Theae lots sre swaitly In rultlvatloa. level snd tightly, on s good graded treet. cms ts .; sod 1(1-room school st Leu is, 5o fr te aay part of Portland: water free: terms. . 0. B.-AIHiITON. Owner. Lents. Oresos, -Take Mount Scott car. Bo. A BARGAIN III a block of" large lota 80a ixn - feet each, Oak Urore statmn; eaah or terme: no rock or grarel: m acres of ground ; will . divide; t8M Call on . W. J. DAY A CO.. 1 . ' ' ' ltt,y. Fourth St., room SS. . : JL'ST FINISHED 0-raom new honser with bath. cowls, stc, wiin two etia oca in,, tin net, rot 01.2UO; less with on lot. Horn Land. Co.. 14S' First St. - . . . TWO LOTS 100x100. la fin residence district. near L'nlon eve. esr; lsy well bov grade; enoice euiiaing site; oergain as sn mvest nientji worth tl.Oon: tbrt week they go far Pan. Home Land C 1411 VI First St. NEW Ot'EEN ANNS, style, strictly up 10-oste a-roonf nonse, wits full- cement I : osmone wslks. 1 kiae-Taroralx view: an excellent tnveetment for fin boas or rental purpose: only I2.S.VI; half down. Home Land to., imlt First si. . - . INCOMB PB0PERTY - ' -s Close-In property, psylng 8120 a month rent; price 812.SOO. Cell 94 , Stsrh St.. ". WILL sell, ssle contract at great dlscoant oa i-mnm bouse, full lot. barn, trtee. etc.. in Alblna. eioee in; 8100. dgwn JIO. per. month ; snp If Isksn st ouce. tsiraTl North 13th..-, FOR SALE New f-room boas. 0 block freea . eaat end ef steel bridge. 340 McMIUes C. ,uu. . v. amoersoa. .- run unna income property, asont fll, tssr; Be agent. Address 1; 43. car JAuraal. PIEDMONT kite 8400. I BOO. 8n0. . aa satau. si 00 clow a, gio a month; ear lots .'have la creased ever 0128 thta year; will ia- . cresss snotuer iuu aerore ran; buy m rieo mnail. ysait msnay wihV bTtna--rsibey X 1..- Per rent: a er. t sal now on in PIsnnHma - -ttw Tke;t;t; SCT Jotiftg "of . WoodTawa xartZT neprearniative on trace every weea-aay till lata in the evening. HOME OFFICE 244 STARK ST. - - - Mala 871. PIEDMONT Greet sale at Pledmoat lots. td . knveatora ss well as builder: ay terms; . amy 1 11 ia weea. INVESTMENT CO., 144 Stark at. LOTS ra Piedmont have tneressed In value eve . 1128 this lsst 4 month. Why pat moaey out at T per eeatl Inveeted la Piedmont lata It will mate you rrom. jU ktoO per real. NT CO., 244 Btark b Tsks U er St. Johne car. 2,S.-y EACH t new Aroom houae. foresee. -gat. fireplace;-8.VI0 down, bslsnca moathly, 813 Kaat Main. Phone Beat 82. " ... s Srvt .. . X" rw Ta..g v . basement, beat ef plumbing, full iot: Eaat noiiaosy aaaiueo. . Miller, 71 Chamber C : , Commerce. . ... HO FOR BEAT, ROCK! . A greet target le now offered ef this summer resort, elrnated S mile south 1 ef Newport, Oregon; hotrL bars . aad S tbe bulldlngt, with Sfs) acre of land, soma la - rultlvatloa;- Sna Ssblng sad bunting grounds! this pises will be eold cheep, la order ta clone up aa estate, or rested ta reepeaaibfca ' parties. WILLIAM . BECK. SIS Falling bldg. 1 . SEE PIEDMONT. , . .. , - SKR PIEDMONT. ' -. All Investors soon Id anrelv . . , - SEE PIEDMONT. ' Take V, rSt. Jobae-er Wondlawa cat: ears ' leave every S ta 4 atlnntas, Saeoad aad Weak- Ingtoa sta. . - rllGHLAND REAL PfvTATBI RfAIVTY, BENTAI.S. 1NSURANCB. COLLECTIONS. Bosinree entrusted ta my , eara will , b promptly attended to. J. - . SPIER, NOTARY PUBLIC, ' t Pheae Weedlawa 02. -1088 Colon are.. North. Portland. Oregeaw - THOSH who want me to select choice railroad Issd la Albert sVw tbent obontd let BM know ' before ear next party goes. Jus 11. B. U - Rrlgg. I8S, Flrt at. . TOR SALE OR TRADE d lots centrally h ' cated la the tows of Oeldsndsl. Wssh. Writs ewser. Jamas F. jVUoa, Urrlbrg, ' Oregon. tl.sro HANDSOMB hers, brand new. well ae. - ranged, all modern Improvements. Sna enr ner. niniB ana BcBuyier, Holladay e addi Jloni beet hny on market at nrlee.- 20S Fourth. Phone Pacific 21 15, or Mala ISUO. ll.xon Nice nsw 4-room cottage: - bath ga ssd electric lights, Msbls street be. ' tweea Hamilton see. end Seymour. 1 block - from S car . and school, Sostk Portlasd 1 -. terms, i laqtitr 20S Fourth. Pbone Paeisd 2121. Residence. Mala SOOO. - ........ v,, , ,n. ow oowo sna o a msuinB from f 75 to 1 300. Swllwoad Towaslt 0w H. P. Palmer, mensger. Pbon Esst 4704. FOB SALB CHEAP aad 7 -from era; part cash. 870 Qarfl-ld Waadlawa car. Pbone Eaet MMI. Taka. BOYER. op rtve from Portlaad., Laceted a. der N. P. Irrigating ditch snd 0a aew north bank railroad; fruit goes on the markeUbretu week 1 -certlcr thaa tn say ethar section, eoia In hls-hest or ice: t Portland. Sal br th awner. Horse Lead ' Co., Hover. Waahlogtoa. - 88.000 S-ROOM HOUSE, thoroughly modern, inside Anlebed like a palace eer, tot tOOiino, with all kinds of fruit. Call at W7H Third. - FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN - ' A See stock range, aontatnlng aboat 2. soo , acre; all under fen; situated dear Rose burg. Oregon, oa B. P. R. R,; thla la one of 1' the best stork rsnges In tbe country: I also have another arooa etock range eentalalng ' 1,4211 acre, which will be sold st a eery low ' price. Fot particulars address J. B. Suthsr ' lie, owner, Boseburg, Oregon. FOR SALE Big bargain for quick sale; t-ronm snburban cottage, ground looxliio fnet, fruit - ,. snd shrobberx; by ewser. O. W. P. Town--side Co... 213 Alder St., la 0. W. P. A By.'. BUY THIS HOM B 100x121V, 6 room boner, good condition; 411 bearing rruti treee. 00 roae bnaliea: between l'nlon snd Grand sve., close In; price I'J.miO; half cash, . balance Wm -tltp; oitiif acll. J. N." Blair, .318 Ablagton . bldg. . .,.--. LOTS and fractional tots In Holladay's addi tion, raise Ijiton sve.J on half lot, t50O eoriior half,' 37iX At Eaat. Third and Schuyler. Inside bit.; corner, tl-oMI; or whole quartet ' block. S2"0, - Ct'LVER, 028 rhamher of Commerce. 1 SO ACRES T ml lee en t on tha O. W. P. est line; H In eultlvation; only $180--oar acre. 1 Call at 107 H Third St. ' FOR BEST buy In Portland 0-roora bungalow, new. Phone Beat lleM. BARGAINS New 8-room kooee. large Int. barn, frnlt, garden, cement walk, lawn; Bear ear line. tt.Sfto; t&O cash. Others tSO to 8:100 . 1 first psraneat. Honsea built on Install. men; Inte furalshed. If desired. . City . H-slty A Building Co., 113 Commercial Bldg., Msls 1840. ... A t-ROOM bonne with bath, lot 211x100, fine locatlua. Inquire on premises, SAB Water at., smith., bet. Arthur snd Meade. Price $1,830. tl.snn A-ROOM TlOI'Sk. plastered, has cellsrf bath mom, petitry; lot 7n1ii, Willi plenty ' ef finlt; situated en Drammoad St. tail . at 107 Third st - SKR Faet Slit" Real Faitt Co. foe eaal tide property. v Pe psre psi fsrtjia for sale, from on acre up. 4u7 llanthorut sre., phou' Katt 1007, ,:' ' 4"