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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 7, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING, ; JUNE 7, 1E03. TODAY'S MARKETS SUGAR SUPPLY IS GETTING SHORT Tying Up Shipping in the South Retultsln Small Stocks in, " i' V t Northwest. y STRAWBERRIES ARE ; :. NOT EAGERLY SOUGHT Smaller ' Demand Due to J Poorer ; Quality String Beans Higher t With Scarcity Another .Rise in .Poultry. tJi-iSZlL Jl. ' front Street,- Juns T- The prtaelpel f V lb Portland wboleeal market today Another advaaoe In poultry. ', j '.'Bugar euppllea getting ghort,".;( '.'. - Kgga are tixm but unchanged. ,' Heavy storage ta creamery butter.- .- Strawberries are eomewhat neglected. . Droaaed aats to a good poaltlon. Mill greet nearctty of salmon. , , Boepe advsnes with kick tallow, -" String beana scare, and higher. - ' .- Pesraes coming slightly bettar. - -Apricot aappllaa ara small, t ; j V ' California saw onions firmer. ! Old potatoes rataln aeeakaeea. ' - -Wkaat and flour rather eteady. atnet ara: " ' ". Sugar Supplies Betting Shark, Tka atrlka af tha aallon at Ban Prancleco I ruuelng a ecarctly of aappllaa of eogat In thla kvltt Generally epeakmg Portland jobbere secure kll their Auger via eteemahlp from Ban Pranctora. Th tying up of a number of th boata plying between tbla city and the Bout a will therefore eue ahorlBg In local stocks. Not only ara local Jobber enabled to oacnr a lower freight rata on engar shipped by water, but stock can be denveredj bera ejutrxer than sent by rait "Th many delays ef freight between the faater train and tha alowrr"itom era. Now that th boat ara tied op the trad will" 1st compelled to ecuis ateck aaeerlaad. Thla -will cost Jobber more money and they will not be able to net' freight faat enough to supply th demand. ' Th higher eoat of bringing the anger by rail will be paid out of th profit of th Jo btier. there being change iarjtr.nmt aaeteltons, Ih . Sueur market, however, ia In a stronger poaltlon everywhera"WOT-11ur-ex reptloa f to Pacific coaat, Winn) tb , war between the California. A Hawaiian and tb Western Bugs Refining company eonttaaee an r becked. Th adraaoa mad noma tin ao by tha Hawaiian baa never been met by th Weat. era, and tbla baa resulted In practically all tha boalnaea ef tbla territory' being tamed orer to the older concern. . Everything belnr equal -tb Hawaiian would fat tb business. That wkat tba tobbers -J, . .,.. , Another Advaaoe la Poultry. ' Teatrrday's Idranc la th poultry market wa fully sustained alone front atreet today pad. rbtchens bene and roosters are showing a, additional gdvsnc of te a pound, makhn a aat rlaa for th week Thii laFoT 16. Bprm and dueka at cemln rather freely and priee' : In (he line are aomawbat eaalar. ". Bam ell In lower. ' .. Bee ar. firm but 'nnebuaeed with receipts font about equal to demand, with aooat aales knur tb treat today at SOet - - - Kearr, Btorafe'fVOreamary .Butter. v i Tber I ,erf haary atnrltx rperter In rreamery butter, aappllea of OHretde- stork are not quit a liberal aa a few date ago and the 'trade la etrantna' up. - That beat' deamnd for butter, pt -tha moment la from 'th autalde. .aoatatry jtor ia good. y"H irnlr t uaUone.. , ' ., - trawbarrwa Ara Somewhat leg tooted. . ;. ' While receipt to tb strawberry market were not o liberal today oa areouot of tb na . fanrabl weather during the pa at few day. . auppllee, bowerer, ( were folly up to th praam t demand, aa the trade ta not ao analoas to par- -tbaae ao acoount at poorer qualltr. : etrtng beana were rather acarc today, and the prlc Is about lofiand Be a pound higher. Peaches ar coming to aomewhat better eup ply. Bom Improeement la fuallty, too. Prlee am at $1.16 per box. . Tber la eenelderabl of acarelty ef good Jptieota avjkccount of .tb email crop la Call orala. ' ; . .. is ..-!'... Ilrrmrm-aarut .ontom are firmer on accouat of th 'anfarorahle weather la th Booth and higher price are ruling her oa account of aa adraar thfte. OM potato ara weak, but aoma trad la reported at lower prtcaa. Xfw ar firm sad bnchaagad. ,. y - Iflaar.. ifl tea afyarloBa. JUrkatoI , Vraeaed. real aad bogs ara quoted steady VtJ wl t h aa lea of the former aa high n T. alreawad 'hoga com rather slowly; . . Lennox snap to SOe per 100 poos da higher. f the an pa ar generally up oa account of Igher prices oa tallow and rorrooeeed OIL . -Wheat I steady with aomlaal trad. Prtr ama. Bom trad of eonaequeae I still ,rs orted aaad to ftour for Japaaaaa account. -. Praab salmoa cnutlnuea In llirht run, but f rleea are already ao high that the trade claims h pnbllo cannot afford, to boy.. Thua receipt pre up to requirement at thla tiro. , , ' Th trad pays th following prleee to Front -treat. PrWa paid preducera are lee regular pommlssloBs: -- Orahv Plewr aad Peed. " WHEAT Club. t27oj red Buealia. TOc: kmeetem. T4aTnc ralley, 7071e. . ' BARLIT Teed, 34.U0 rolled. 2S.00OM.00i brewing, IM.00. CORN Whole, tMSOt cracked. fS.M per RTfJ flftS per cwt - OATS Produceru prtca It 1 wklt. IX.00 jun.oo: gray. 28.0rt2.00. w PLOUBV New aaatern Oregoa pateats, t in : atratrhts, $3.oa8.0: export. M i if: -aUrT3. 48: graham Ua S,snj whole -K-y M.7S: ryo. oV .06j laW a.76. MltXBTnrro Bran. I7.80 per too f" mid. dllnga. Iirl.00; abort, country, 130.00; ejtr. llpTio: chop. e!.0021.B0. " RAT Producera price Tlmothr. Wtllamctt ralley, fancy, I10.00OH.OO; ordinary, T.00 g.OO; eaatarn Oregon, $14.nngiA.oo: mixed. ri 80.O0; cloeer, e8.0oej8.OO; grain. s.Mtj 00; cbaat. 18.00. . , v -- Sattor, Eggs aad Poultry. BtrrTKBi 'AT r. . b. . Portlaad eweet eream, c: aoor, lc. ,. . . BUTTBR Olty creamery. ilHei estalde fancy. B0: ordinary, ilV: atore. 13 o. IOOS Ko. 1 freak Oregoa, candled, 1BHO '"cmtaWB NewPull cream, flata. Iiueisct To ng America, 12VkfJ19c; California hat, r 'pofjT.TKT Mixed eblckens. le per th' fanrr bene, IteiBH per lb rooater. old, 10c per lb: atari, 11 par lb: fry era, IttaYiTc; broil- " Wa, 16ft ITc per 'lb; elri-'durka, inula pr lb! aprhUT duck. 18c per th; geeae. OAlVe per lbt turkey. lAc per Th; dreaaed. aoe rrrbOjnjbav J BOKI.OO par. dos; plgeoaa, ' . Iqav Tisl aad Xldaa. : ' ...'. HOPS Oootracta, 1006 crop, 10J10U pat lb; l Orrgoo, ISHAIlSc. . WOOL It clip Valley, eoarae to medium, Mr, fine, Bnc: aaatera Ortgoe, 100210. . . -r(OHAIB New, 80. ... BHB8F8KINB Bhearlas. lBOJno each; abort arael, 2fleV; medluna wool, aO)7S h ieng wool. 7 Refill. 00 each. TklXOW Prima, per lb, IHOc Mo. S aad 1 na' p. tb. , ' - HIDES Dry. ho. S, Id The and up, 16HO JTH per lb; dy kip. W. 1, l it IB lbs 14c; dry calf. No. l under B Tba. ISe: ealted bld. ateen. onnd, 80 lb and orer, lOOltrj cow. ' HeHl kolla. aoond, oaToi kip, 18 to SO Iba, Oc; calf, ouad. (odor 18 tba, lie; green, onaalred, 1 leaai colli, 1c per lb leea; (oraehldea, aaited, rack, 1 78; dry, each, il.onaiOl eolt hide. SBQMci goat aklna. rtmmoa. each, lOtjUe) Aofora, tck, BOcO 10. - ' " , Prulto aad Tagetakrae. . . - POTiTOKS Beat orted. TOe per sack: pen. Sncen' price for car M 80 per cwt; ordinary, fxrteRCi producers Bnc, (11 new potato, 5n!o'?B JohMnf ptll' OiisuaL Wa t.-f80( Ymhctn' price, ft. 1, It 36 j No B. 12 00) r"a. IS per lb; aew California, 100iaj3( garlic. Page per Ih. PBRBH rRCTTfl f-'AppI"). ' 2.BrS.oTl; aanrea. Taney aarel. $! ".tt OB; aaedUag. 2.7o: bredltetraneea. W AiOiM; banaaaa, Be ft,: lemona, choice. M l'U4.4o per bua; faao, V,ii&.M per box; llmea. afeitcaa. f7.1 per IjO; taagniiaa. 1 ptaauppla. Miraa, .6; JOURNAL'S DAILY ' - TIPS ON MARKETS '.-' By Bvardlng ft Farrell. ' d ' Tha egg market Id flrmar and d d stocks ar well cleaned up. d d Kancy creamer DOtter la steady . d at 1 cents and tha prlc kii d advanced 1 oent a, pound. .' , All poultry seeded tbla d week, as the market Is bar. d Ship Immediately all you ' have ' d on hand, The market la t and d a131 centa a pound for hens, 18 d , to II cants a pound for spring d .chickens and 10 cents ; on old d d - rooatera. ,- ? '- -d d; Tha veal markat ia good and -will b from now on. . Frlfea ara . not much . higher. Fancy . amall veal la at 7 and cents a' pound. Lara veal from I to e. cents a pouno, acjuuruuia w alse and ouallty. : Good demand for block hogs. , ' . . - ' r,, :.v. Hawaiian. ; atrawberrle, fl.0O)l.B0 per crate; gooaeberrlea, Baoo per lb; eherrlea, fl.xsail.00; plum. 12.50 per crate; aprlcota. WOO; pearhea. B1.T8. - . .v. . VBOgTABLBS Tornlpa. aew, $1.80 par aaek: earrota, (1.&0 per eark; bu, .81.60 per aack: pa ran I pa, fl.80 per sack: Ore goa radlahea. BUe per do: cabbage. California, il.5Ox2.O0 pvr cwt; Oregoa, 82.00; bell pepper, UiefSOe lb; Mexican tomatoea, $2.75rat.OO; riorlda, 14.80: paranlpa. Kc$l; string beana, 10 12c: cauliflower. 1 dos; peaa. ftQ.H lb; buraeradlah. 6d7e lb; artichoke. 75 par do; bntbooa lettuce. 11.28 per next cranbarriea, lereeya. 814.00 per bbll One ha and Tilla mook, 810.00; piragua, Oregoa. BOrTBe per doa bunche; Wall Walla. $1.50 per box; eouaah, l4Ct spinach, 7V- per box; green onlooa. Oreaon. 12S per dos hunrhea: enrum- DBIRD rBlJITB Apple, evaporated.; I3I"T lBc per lb) apiicota. isqie per Ih; paacnee; I21SH per lb; aaeka. Vio par lb lea; nrunea. 80 to 40. THci H' drop oa each elxtaanth mailer alee: flga, California black. Biftle U California white. Be per lb: date, guldaa. C per lb; tarda. $1.88 per M-Ib bod. Oraeerla, aTuts, Ita.. " ' BUOAR Sack baale Cuba. $8.80; powdered. In. 15; fruit granolated, $8.18; dry granulated. f.Vnn; ennf. 1. $5 OS; beet granulated. Weatern, M.HfttHHawallao. t.OK: ellra 4.66( g14a C. $4.4S 9 allow. $4.88; bbla, 10c; U bbla. Blc; boiaa, boo adraneo on aack baata. Ilea 2Ac oa ia aayai mipia, najua aer lb. ( A bore prior apply to ales' of teas tha a car lot. -Car tote at apedal price ubject te Buctnatlona.) , HON It V $180 par etete. v : COrPER Package bra rule. $ld zSV ' SALT Ooarne Half ground. lOua, $.00 per ton: 80a. S SO: Ubla. dalrr. BOa. Ill 00; lnoa. ffdTTS"; Tmporled-Xmvoot7-tt.-4ittir aia-aui. c:a. HO.W- ettra one. nnu. za. oa. 10a, HooifM AO; bulk, too lb T $l.O0y.nrrr aeka. 80, n8a Urarnnol lump rock, $18.80 per ton; 6 lb ock. $a.Ori 100, $7.78, - DRAIN B AOS Calcutta, HC10c. ' : RirK Imperial -Japan, No. 1, Bet He.' 1. BQBHe; New Or lean bead. Te; Alax, 8e; Creole. .BUe. " ' - BRANS BmaTI whits,' $4 SO; large wMre, tt.oo; pink. $3.00; bayou. $8.00 Limes. 8400s leil-n rda. ie. NITB Peanut. Jumbos.-Be per lb; Tlrgtnla, mV nee lb; roaated. tJt per lb; eocoanuia. BoQSOc per doa; walnuta. 18a In U Jar lb; plnenota, Hio)12V(e per lb; hickory nute, o pair lb; cheatnnta, eastern IB lde per lb; Brexlt nut, 14o per lb; fllberta, 14Q18e per lb; fancy pecana, lSHQiOVkc) almoada. 14HO 4ki Palata. Oaei "Ofls. TCto.-r'- - ROPg Purs Manila, la;' standard, 1$KI bal. lie. COAL OIL Pearl or Aatral Caaea. 1H par gal; water white, Iron "bbhi,14c per gal; wooden, 17e per gal; headlight, 170-deg, caa, Sm per gat - OASOUNIr e-4cg, eaaas Ue par gal. (roa bbla, ISc per gal. BENZINI 63-deg, cacea SB par gal. troa bbla 1SU per gal. ' TTJBPf NT1NB la esse SBe galf weodea bbla 9.V per gaL WHITS LF. A IV Ton lota. Te per lb; BOO-ht lora. e awe lb; lea lota. 4 per lb WIHB NAILS Preaent baata at $XmT UNSKFIV OIL Pure rau. tn B-bbl lota. 8e; I-bbl lot, 83c; caaee. B8e per gal genuln kettle boiled, caaea. 80e per .gal; B-bbl lota. 64c: 1-bhl lot 88e per gal ;' ground cake, car lota. $20.00 par ton; leea thaa car . lota, $30.00 par ton. ' - ' Haata, Flak aad riwrlatoaa. PRISH MEATS Pront- atreet Beef teera, 4e5e par Tb; cow. 8f4s per Tor hoga, fancy, ftk Oittf: ordinary. Tlitth: poor. 7t7 nec Ih: bulla. a5V.c per Tb; real, extra, 7Q7c per lb; ordinary, enuti per in; poor, oc id; .mutton, fancy. BORHc per ll; lamba. Be. HAMS. BACON. ETC. I-ortland Pack flocall ham, 10 to 14 Iba, 16c per lb; 14 to IS Iba, 1414c per lb: braakfaat bacon. U4320e per lb; picnic. 4pie per lb: cottag. Wle per lb; regular abort claara. anamoked. 10e per lb; amoked. llc per Tb; clear baeke, unamokad, 1014 Pr lb; amoked, lle per lb; TJnlon butts, 10 to IB Iba; unamoked. Be per lb; amoked, Be par lb; clear belllee. -unimeked. 11c per lb; amoked, 12c per lb; ehnuMera, lOVe per lb. LOCAL LARD Kettle leaf. - 10a. 12c per Tb; 8a, 124c per lb; BO lb tma, HHe per di; iteara rendered. 10a. 11c per lb) 5a, U per in; enmpoono. iym oa. CANNBD SALMON Columbia rlrer. l ib taTIa. $1.80; B4b talla. $2.78: fancy, l ib Bate, 81 00; U-lh fancy Oatar$ fancy 1 -lb oraai, $2.78: Alaaka taMa. pink. 80Q0c; pad. $10; aomlaal ta. tall, $ 2.0a riBH - Rock cod, Tc per tb Bounders, Be per Tb; halibut. 6c per lb; crabs. 81.80 per do; trlped baeair 1214c per lb; catflah, Te per lb) salmon. Potuoibla rlrer ebiawok, He per lb, ateelheada ) per Tb: herring. Be per Tb; sole. Ba per lb; abrlmps. 10 per lb; perch, 6c per Ih; black cod, Te per lb; tomeod, Tc per lb; trrer ameM,- Te pee Ih) lobatera, la pet - Ob; freab mackenl. Be per lb; erawBah, 36 par do; ahad, Be per lht at org eon. 10c par To. OTBTKBft Hboalwater bay, par gal. $2.26; per aack. $S.75. CLAM Hrdbe!l, par box, $200; rator atonaa, $B.W-per bog. . LIVESTOCK MARKET HAS A VERY QUIET TONE No Change ip Sentiment or Price ' Fair Receipts of. Hogs and 3, Sheep but Demand Good. 7' Portland TTnlon Stockyard, June . T. Llre atock racclpts: -- ' Hoc. Cattl. Sheep. Today BO at ,407 Week ago. 4 -...VII 1.861 Month ago, I. 207 1T ' ... Tear aao BIT BOO - 178' Th llewrock market reflects ao change In sentiment, tone or prlc from that quoted yea terday. Becelpta of hot and aheep- are fan with good ateady demand.. Cattl. remain rery quiet. - ' - . , official llreatock quotatlona: u - Hoc Beat eaatarn Oregon, T OO19T.K: blockers and China fats, $8.60; stockera and teedera. 80 2RQ 60. . Cattle Beat enter Oregon ateen. $4.00; beat cowa and heifera, $3.26; stockera and feed er. $3.00; balls. $2.50. r-. ' Shaep Bhearilnga, 4c; lambs, '06c. ' ' EASTERN HOGS ARE STEADY Slaealpta AJmowt . Xavlf of Thoaa af a T.' r- ' Ym ' ' ' , ' Chic go, Jaae tc Uraatork receipt!: ' ... .Hoga. tattle. Bbeen. Chicago ................ 17.000 8.000 15.000 Kanaaa City 11.000 8. 800 g.ono Omaha 10.000 2.800 2 00 Hoga ateady with 1.000 left orer. Recelpti year (go were 20.000. Today's prices ranged between $e) .oq.&6. . . ' Cittle Bteady. , ,' ,, Bhaep flteady. ' " Deadly rpaat Bttea. are aa crtmmon In India aa are stomach and liver disorder with u. Kpr the hitleir, however, there la a Sure refmedy: Electric Hlttera. the gret rtoratlve mdlcln,f which r). - A. Hrown of Ben nettavllla, S. C, aaya: "They raatored my wife to perfect health, after years of aufTertn with dyspepsia and a chron ically torpid I liver." , Klet-trlo Bltlera mre chills and fever, malaria, bllioua teen, lame berk, kidney troubles and t, Under disnrdera. Sola on guarantea by bkidmore Drug Co.' Prlca too. . i h m EXCHANGE FOR POIilLiifiD San Francisco Wheat , Men As : sociate .Themselves With Lo- cal People for Purpose. BIG ADVANCE TODAY ' V IN CHICAGO WHEAT December Option Two and s Quart . ter higher Than Yesterday July Two' Cents "p September Has Two and 'Eighth' Risa. ' J ."'ii':4;; : BELATITS WHEAT TALLIS. rioee Close Cleat - fSaln June T. June T. Jun e. . laoft. July........ September. . December.. . ..B .UVll .RIi.BI .ant- g .02 .K2eA .04 '43 .81 B .81 , Information of a reliable character cornea to Tb Journal that a party of Baa Pranclaeo grain men ara about to aaaoclat themeelvee with people - ef thla city actlraly engaged la the trad. They ara making preparations to eatabliah a grain exchange In thla city la tha rery .near future. Mor deftolt plana will Ukely be given out within the next day or ao. V ., w ' Chicago, Jnne f. With Liverpool eooalderahly Rfrfhier kT the opening and thla atrengtb mam talned during the day, tb Chicago wheat mar ket wa held much etronger today. Tb open ing waa firmer and higher with prlrea adrann Ing tlirongh th rut of th day. Tha large gain today waa mad by th deferred option. December being tta higher at the eloalng, while July atooS Be op. The gala ta September waa lltt. , Official euofatlona br Orrbwk, Start Cook company) " ' . '. . " - .. whhat. . meb8 potittr: JnTy":..- IB W IflrTB- e.7A Bept 1B.ST 18.60 1J7. ,18.60 ; LARD.. - . 8.87 .-V 8. BO 8.02 ' IH - 8.08 ' 8.80 SHORT RIBS. .: S 67 B.47 : B.42 - - B.85 , B.22 . B.l July...., B.0; 8cpt..,,i B.OO OcC . I,n B.ftl B7 8.00 SIW July.. Kent.. Oat... ' B.62 B.8T B.20 GENERAL RISE IS MADE BY THE-FAV0R1TES - f ;vf " SST GAINS. ' ' '" '" Anaconda ........ 14 Mexican Central... Amalgamated .... i katy . Bugar ............ 4 do preferred..... ftmnklya Mlaeourl. PadBe..'.. Baltimore ....... IS Norfolk .t. ....... Bt. Paul N. X. Central C. A N. W. ...... SliiOnt. Weatara.. Cheaapeake ...... u Pennsylvania ..... Canadlaa S I Praaead. Slaal , , O. A B., 2d pfd... IVil Reading do Ut Bid He public Bteel.,.. Loeomotlre ' S Central Luther .. ift Pcnyor .......... S do srererrea..... Rorkf laUnd Southern Railway. Rrla Baut&era rwcino. . ureal nanara biu. o. ocaei ....... llllnota Central... t do preferred Leularllle Bt. L. 4 8. W.,.. Northern Pacific . . JV'Texaa A Paclflc... . KFT LO88BB. AtcMaoa HI Colo. A Soothers.. Bmelter .......... H Tennessee (al ... Col. ru Hlt'nioa Pactfle..... the day tbor waa a good aivanc In the general Hat, aoma laaura being eereral polnta higher tbaa the previous closing. Bala were-quite baavy, the traneacrJoa to nooa amounting to 448.400 abarea. Amalgamated Copper, Balti more It Ohio, Colorade A Soot bera. Illlnola Central. Beading and Republic Bteel were tha moat act Ira feature.' Illlnol Central had the largeat gain, with a Bet rlaa of 14 polnta. Moner rate ruled between 8U and 814 per caaU-Th cloauig of tha markeLWi ireak: with prlrea near th - tow--point. OfOclal qoouttona by - Ovarbcck, Starr M Cooke company - til DCSCRIFTION. Anaconda alining Co.... Amal. (Copper Co ..... . . Atcblaon. com.......... do 'pcaferred Am. Car A rounds com. - do. preferred . . ... ..... Am. Bngar, com. ....... Am. Smrit, 00m... 42K 4214 1 41 1MH 160 do preferred Baltimore A Ohio, com, . -do preferred.,... 1194 10 i(S Brooklyn Rapid Tranalt. Canadian Pacific, com.. . Chi., Mil. A Bt. Paul.,. Chi. A N. W., com Cheaapeake A Ohio Colo. Fuel A Iron. com.. Colo. Southern, com..... aosialaoi )' do let preferred. ..... IV la ware A Hudaon UelaMLack4V We Dearer A R. O., 00 do prefernd. ......... Krle, com ..... do 3d preferred...... . do lt preferred...... ITllnola Central. iAuhntlle A Naahrllle.. Metropolitan Bt. Ry.... ManhatUn Railway..... Mexican Central Ry Mlaeourl fact tic. ...... . K. A T., com.. do preferred ... New Xork Central 0 72 7 lmis. 71 4 7m, 180 lid sn! ovv, lwttilim Cotton Oil.............. Locomotive ....... Vt... yederal Bmelter.. Norfolk A Weat.. com;. do preferred. ........ , North - American N. V.. Out. A West.... Penney lvanla Hallway... P.M.. L. A C. Co...... Pacific Mall 8. S. Co.. Reading, com do Bd preferred...... do lat oref erred. ... . 51 U liWS I38118B t 3 KIM 143ti 146 148 Jtep. Iron A Bteel, com. . 81 20 He- pref.t 1 a,l . ,. Sork Ialand. com do preferred Southern Railway, com.. do preferred Bon there Pacific........ . do preferred. do iat preferred ...... Bt. L. A a. w., com.... do praferrrd Tcxaa A Pacific T., Bt. L. A W., com. . do preferred tnloo Partflc, com do preferred Central Leather, earn... do preferred. n e-im D. S. Rubber, com..... . de preferred 3d r2e"i8 '80 'ei 152 i TJ.'.-Bi-Brce, oa., com... 41 ino do preferred Whecf A L. I., com.. do 2d preferred do lat preferred Wlaeoeetn Central, com. de preferred . Weatern I'nloa Tele..e. Wabash." com. 4.. -' do- eawfeeeed. ... ... Woolen v Northern PaclBc B4 2124 Aroarlraa Car Alrooadry, pi ef erred, ex-dlrl- deed 1 per awnt I Llvarsaot Oettoa Kir aer. - . Mverpeol. Jsa 1. Cotloa fa tuna cJoaed 1 July-..BSlH, S.M'4 $ . BH4 f ' .wt"! Kept BO . J2 .80 . .k2A le ' .til. ,BlS , .;.- i - CORN. , -July ; .801. - .811, ' .8f4 ' ' M Bept-.77r.w-r.8Tl4 r.rt--Jirft -Dec..... .411 Va .48 H " .Vt M OATS. -: - July...".r .BSvi.-- ,i JMttt Bept-.,. ' .3 ..v 'st' M .MSB - -.. I Strike of Sailors at 8an Francisco Is Caus ing a Shortage in Local Supplies of Sugar Jobbers to Absorb the Higher Freight Rate. CONDITIONS GOOD AT WALLA 17ALLA Falling of Nearly Five Inches of Rain in Ten Days Assures . ; t Good Production. SITUATION BAD UP r ' . TO TWO WEEKS AGO Generally Believed by Producera , That Harvest Thig Seaaon WiU Be Fully Up to That of Year Ago Some Districts Better. "": 5' ' (Bpedal PUpatch to Tb Journal.) , v Walla . Walla., Waah., ; June 7. Nearly Bv tnchea of rain, (bat has fallea tb put 10 daya. baa' practically assured Walla Walla eounty'a wheat , crop, and with favorable weather eoaditloaa the next 80 daya laat year yield of 4.O0U.000 buahel WIU be -equaled If not actually exceeded. Thla la tb opinion of fanner, wbeathuyara and others who keep to ctjse touch with the wheat aitoatlou In Walla WalU county and southaaatera Waah log ten. . Up to two weeks aro the situation U what m known aa the llght-land dlatrlcta. Includ ing parte of Eureka Bat, the Toucbel country aad the Snake Rlrer alnpee, waa decidedly gloomy. During the cold aaap la March about 80 Per cent of thla land wa receded, but before - 4no aew grain bad attained much growth tha drought that prevailed la - April aad May ram aa, Rvea without the normal molature the new wheat faaed fairly well up to the middle of May, wbea whole Belda be gan to- ahrivel and ftf up under eloudleaa ik lea and continued warm winds, snd for two weeks tha outlook tor even a fair crop waa vary discouraging. Then came the unprecedented rain laat week, changing th altuatlon like maste. Klelda that gave every Indication . of being ruined are aaaumlng a healthy appearance, with everv pttwpect tbntvrhe-ield .wlH ee,a (ood. 4t aat aetter, tbaa toat yeerr- -apb. only except I no la the Tonchet country and oa tha Snake HlTfi ampeai waira the anil li iTraaninrT light aad the yield la thoee dlatriru will probably not am oyer 18 buahela to. tha acre. Soma farmer are cult lag their grain, foe hay. but a majority will let their fleld stand and take chancee of favorable weather eood 1 1 Ion between aow and th fust of July to mk a crop. The acreaaa In the Toucbet district, aowver. le eet aery Urge and a ahortlfe In the yield will rot materially affect -th to)aF"ylrii of of lheounty.--wrtch .---ttrlr intimated, .wall be about eouai to laat rear, or 4.000.UU0 bushels. -' ' i Better Tana last Tear. About SO per cent of Walla Walla county's whest Is raised on Eureka flat and It waa thla section that was meetly heneflted by the lata ralua. County Cominlaaloner McCaw, who la farming about 800 acre In the vicinity ef Atklna etatton, on the tower part of tha flat, etated y eater day that grain In bla eee tloa hwke bettar than It did laat year at tbla time. He baryeeted en a recite of 28 bushel aa acre laat year and etpecta h yield ef between 2d and 80 buahela thla eeaeon. C. I. Hall, a big farmer f Thlel etatton, farther last on tha Hat., estimates lbL tie will harveat not leas than 26, and expwta 80. buahela thla year. Both fall and winter wheat, he aay. hi attained a floe growth and la all beaded out. Ia the vicinity of Clyde and Pleaaant View prominent farmer eatlmat that the yleldwin be even -better - than laat year, especially tha fall-eowe grain. An averaga of 28 buahela waa barveated In that vicinity laat year. .Partner eaat la the Preecott dla trlct tha land growa heavier and conaequently lightly better crop ar raised. Kail and apring wheat all orer the Preecott diatrlct la In flue condition and aa average yield of not leaa than 80 buahela la expected. Borne flekhj tuatwera highly cultivated wlU go not leaa thin 86 bnehlsir fivorsblr weather-conditions continue to preyalL . : ." Oood Arouad Dial. In th Boring Valley, Dixie and foot-bill dtatrkfa proa pacta ara very eneoursglng for a bumner eron. A Journal rnraeauuye dror ever tb . sooth end of the county between JvtUm Walla and th uregoa line a lew say an and lntarylcwed a namber of the big farmere. They all declared the proeperte wer much better then laat year at thla time. In aoine.Atlda where the grain atanda vary thick ea the ground It waa knocked down by the terrific downpour of rain laat week, but In a majority of tnetancee the (rain la rapidly aaaumlng Ita normal atand. Broe Perrel. s wealthy Ruaaell Creek farmer. wlU probably tner a Arid of 40 seres of whest that waa lereled by rata.- Mr. rarret Bgurad an harveat. log 40 kuaheai to tha acre from thla Beld, a hla torn will rua ap ckwe to 110,000 If th grata fa lie to reaom Ita normal atand. A few other Belda are damaged allghtly but the total will not materially affect th 114 of the foot-hill - diatrlct. . . A bowery weather haa preyaileff ever smrs Key. 3aVTha. total precipitation haa been cloa to flre 1 1nches lnc that time." brlnglnf th excess rlnfll for the year np to sn even lnca.-Crsln la now In whst I knowa tb "dougk." nd anch -wther a -now-pemila la what to needed to perfectly form the kernel. ax rsANCTSM imrnro stocks. Baa rranclace, June T. Official closing: Bid. Rid. Belmont ...... 84 25 Ooptier- Mr .18 If'nlnmhla Ut IB Caah FloV 1" !( (lnnnlier .17. Home ......... Jim Butler ... 1 26 Lloa .......... .74- Mldway 216 Montana V 1-87 North RUT .... .SB inamooancia .xi Dixie . poWftoJ4,v. -J" Jumln ......... 1.80 Jo mho Ex...... .20 Kendall ,M Onhlr . . . .V. ... a Ij.iib .11 irpoit ......... - - , Torixteu ...10.26A iMexloaa .! Ton. Nevada.. .JT.w Weat Bad 2 .VS Mohawk 1.60 Ued Too 1.66 aoama ....... AtUnta Bluebell O. Bull Frog. Bt.t.a,, ..... .f7 Read .70 .17 .in .14 .BOA Bt. I TCa B4 National Bank,. .48 Denver 1.P0 Koiliiee 17 A Con. Cal.-Va t.0 (old Bar 1.07 Ophlr , . U-wlee 1.76 Hold Wedge ... .17 .70 TToneFtaT 4na- raledonla ..... .41 n, . IT. . . .10 Norcroaa .no - let. Bend Annex. .oa . .16 .13 .IB .ao AH .80 .24 .02 Rescue Black Butte Ex. Goldfleld Bel . . , Montgomery ... 8 onset .,... Bcentre ....... Bayler ......... Boot 1,1 t:recent -.0.1 Cowboy .46A .42 .20 .03 . .13 .38 Uinhattta Cam. lUttle Joe May rioarer.... Jumping Jack.. Red Tup Extra. SAX nAXOISCO LOCAL STOCKS. - Baa yranckaro, Juaa T. Lscal Contra Costa Water.".........,. torkiT . Bid. Aak. 47 BO 18 ,2 80, 12 .... 47' , .... 20 ....18 a J. ... .... 79 Spring Talley water. Mutual Electric Olant foa-nvv ' Hawaiian Onmmerclal. mo.. Hoonkea Sugar.. ............... Hntehineon Sugar afakaw)! Bugar ......, Onnmea Bugar.., ., Paanhau Sugar.... Union Bngar .... 5.1 4 . Alaaka Peeker 80 S3 Pacific SUIee Talepav TVITKO STATES SOTEKsTaTEKT SOBDS. ' New Tart, Jan 1. s-aQJB iH lfeBt b1J" Dale. Bid. ,. I una 108 ........ iwn lM inn 102 ., ioaio2 102 lorrT 102 WOT UaVi, lft 12 Ask. 1 ln 108 102 Twos, registered do coupon Threes, registered.., do coupon Twos, small bonds... Pour, -regtatered..., de coupon .., Poor, registered.,., do coupon Diatrlct of Columbia Philippine 4s. 1028 12 Si" V2 B-88.. .... I 108 UTZSPOOL SKAIV MAKKST.. Lrearpaol, June .i-Offlctol arlcea: ' WHEAT. - ' -- Anea Close Oaaa Oala June 7 June 7 ' June 8 Jane T Jnlr a d a 8Sd a d d Septemher .. and to Sd a ad " l IMoembcr ... a ed to ed to Bd Sd ' cos. Jsly ; . 4 Bd 4 8d to 8d Id Brptcmber .. to 8d 4 4- 4 d 14 .. ' 1 1 1 . roxTTJuro sahk arTiarnrr. nestings ::;n:;::::::::7 fW4.aiS.rrT 1,10.784 a C. GEE WO ' Portland's : Widely" Known and , Successful Chinese , -.. . , Medicinal, Root and Herb Doctor Tils famou remedtea, tha - Ingradlante ef which we Import direct from the Orient In larg uuantltla and prepare and pat up for uae la bla up-to-date laberory. Ko mercury, polaone or druga of say kind seed. ' Purely vtgetable. The Doctor treat successfully snd gusrsnteas to eur all atemach troublee, eetarrh, aethme, lung, throat, rheomatlam, aervouao.' liver, kidney aad loot manhood. - , yCMAXZ XXOTTBLES AMD ALL PXITATI DISEASE S, . - Me false' or misleading statementa to ' tb filleted. A afa and laatlng euro la the quick est possible time od at th lowest eoat poa albla for boaeat treatmant- If you cannot eali. write for aymprom blaak and circular. Inclose 4 cente in etampa. r COBSCLTATIOsT TXZX. The 0. Oa Wa Chin Medial ne Oc,' 11 first St., Car. Morrlaoa, Portlaad, Or. Pleaaa man tloa thla paper. AT THE THEATRES." V;,; Hawaiian Band Tonight .? The famou Boyat llawallaa bald of Uon luln will begin an cngagemeot of four eoB ecru st the Helllg theatre; rourteenlh and Waablngtnn atreeta, tonight at 8:16 a' or lock. The excellent organisation to eoaa posed of BO people. comprUIng a military band, a atrlngrd errkeatra, maadulin, banjo and guitar eliiba. together with a choir sad glee club. This worhlamaua band will - ba remembered by Purtlander for their eiqulalt ' music during tha .Vwta and Clark expoaltloa laat year. Cur l-'n t "right l 1 gram will bo glrea: r .. , part I.'.- -. March "Star and Stripe". ......... ..Bona Overture "Naklrle Wadding" Llake Vocal llawallaa Honge (arranged by Berger) . Mlae Lei Lebua. . . , Inlermexao "Bllrer lieela" . ......... Moret Vocal Hawaiian Bong and JIulaa (srrsagsd by. Cunha)... . . Royal llawallaa Olee Club. . ' PART II. rfeioctapBjin Vocal Hawaiian Bongs isrrsnged by Bergery, John n. Kin, tenor. fi t WII1B "Cue IbouaanaV a Oa MIelrTirr T , Toeae Hawaiian Bongs aad Hnlaa.. .....Cunha Kny.l Hewaltoa llea Club - Finale "Happy Heine" Lamp ' Hawaiian Ponol" "The Btar-Bpangled Ban Bar." will be rendered by Mlai the rcheatra-chc4i knd glee club. - ,-.... , liStAdvaffc Sale "The Rounders." - ' The sdvssce aale of arsta will open tomor row morning at lO a'clock for- the- Kendall maalcal compaay, which begin He ngsgsment at th Helllg theatre next Sunday - night, Jsn 10,ein "The Rounders. " Arrangements can be made at tba box are ca to bold the name aeate for the eattra atualosl. aeaaon. "Th Rounders" 'to replete with . taking blta tf melody, catchy aongs . thst bars mad kite everywbere. giving the company chancee for brilliant work, which" They do moat admirably. " Next Week at Baker. - Man- Prass tha Ooldea Weat" Sunday matinee and night. - Oa Monday, Tuesday and Wednes day cveninge "Th Kternal City" will be re peated. In order t give tbeae anabl to secure aeata thle week a chance to aa thle mag nlflcent play. "The Man Prem the Golden Weat" will be the bill for the rest ef the week, .after Wednesday vnlng. ... V v: Much for the Price. , ' The amount of satlafytne eatortalnaaent tb public gcta for Ita money at tba performance of "Tba Eternal Crty"--t -tbe-Bakee thaatsa thta week U large Indeed. The alae and fm portanea of tha production have surprlaed and pleased th peopl greatly. Tba coaaeqnenca Is that the audiences bare completely fllled the theatre st each performance. No en ca go snd ae that play Without being vividly- Im pressed. The muete by the great Maacagnl at sot, tha meat of Ihe . many enticing fas tares. VAUDEVILLE AND STOCK. "A Convict's Wife." ' A aucceia In melodrama may be Men at . the Lytic during the preaent week. The play. "A Convlef 'e Wife." la full af energy aad etrsnn ou ltnsttons, together with a trong comedy pert, and a beautiful little lova tory running through th production sum up the ehrmenu that go to make aa attraction tatereetlng and worthy of patronage. Th Illustrated eoags and moving pictures art better tbaa ever. . At Psntages. , , . There to a veritable mln of fun snd good yaudayille st Psntages this week. Rslph Cum. mines Ban company put vai b.iiu,i.i comedy,, th Hunt dog end monkey circa hi n treat I or um tnm aaate, eua, ut uot vtian feeturea ar good. r:z;!r--.;; At the Grand. CZ: "The Bxpreasmaaa." the feature act at tba Grand thla week, comae direct from the Or pheum and has tb distinction of being tbe first vaudeville act to occupy a at age to Baa Prsactoco since tha earthquake. This act la predated by Armstrong and Holly aad at a character etetch which la one of tha season's bits. Another sketch which goes big Is Ella worth snd Burt In "Domestic Pets." Nslds, a dancer, baa a apectarular effect for her tuna, and tbe mermaid finish to the specialty to a via ton of beauty. , At the Star. Weather rendition la Portland hay astbtng stock company la producing this wsek, with mirthful results. Tbs star la aow tha horns Where TAKZTX, the 0ABBBT ZSTaABTD In the SOVTBt SBAS, Jj most at-. traotlve place to spend one's summer vacation. S. . 1 AatTPOBA aalla from San Francisco, July 1, with a party of happy people on their way to wltneaa tha unique native fatee that tak place July 14. The S. . BCAJUrOBA will remain over In the harbor alx daya, affordlna ampla time to make the trip around the Inland and vlalt the native ylllaijea. Clement wrarge, tne ramoue writer, naya "Tahiti Is one spot worth while nret-elaes Tate San Francisco to Tahiti and back.- at 11.60 to I per day. vrita lor OCEANIC S. uj e e - - t inigf ::vr anoCoKE t .-; WE ASSURE OUR CUST0MET3 r0TTCTI0N REGARD. ,.e. JJESS OF -COUBUIZ" C. CC "rTITlOIl TRANSPORTATION., ALASKA EXCURSIONS B. S. Spekaa. Jaaa T, 111 July 8, 80 1 Aagut S. -"ASOUVD-PVeiT-SOtflfD'--, UCUKSIOXS . V STIST im BATS. SOVTHKASTSSaT ALASKA BOVTX. ' Prom Beatlle st B p. m. for Ketchikan. Juneau. Bkagway, White Hon, Dawaos ssd Pslrbsnkev. , .- B." 8. City af Seattle. Jun 10, 30, 80. B. B. Humboldt. Jon 4. 14. 23. 8. B. City C Tepeka (rU Sitka), Jaaa IB, SB. . komb aotm. , Buoond sailing f. S. Senator about June XB. I0E SAK T1ASCISCO 9ISE0T. ' from atoattla at B a. m., Queen, Jsn a, 31) ITmatlll. Juaa II, 2B-. City ( Puabto. Jun 18, July A . ; '-' Psrtlaad Offlo. B4S Waaaingtea St. ' , ' " . ' , , Main BBS, C P. DU!AN,.0. P. A.. 10 Market St.; Baa frincleeo. San Francisco COOS BAY ' Freight and paasengera for Marsh fleld. North Band, Myrtle Point, Crxjullle. Bavndon and all Coqullle river polnta. Thursday, June T, at I p. m., from Oak treat dock. .Tel. Main tl. North PacificS, S. Co. ROANOKE 2,500 ' tons, the only first class passenger ship sailing for San Francisco, Los Angeles and Eureka. -V Sails Thursdajr, June 7, Tunel21and July.5 . at 8 p. ni. Ti?.keLPfficjLl?2 Third St., near Alder. . PhoneainT3T47H: Young, Agent. ' ; ' sTKAxaim Tagtgr aa-tlie mtnr- The only steamboat maklna a round trip BAXXT Except Sunday Between " ' PORTLAND and ASTORIA r... .. . AVSTS wat ronrTS .- - Ieave Portland....... ...... ..T:Be a. m. Arrive Astoria , ...,1:0 p. m. Leave Astoria. .............. .1:88 p. m. Arrive Portland :00 p. m. lluU 8ERVED A JLA CARTE) - JjJcrtland tandlny, A'dsr Strwet Beek. , eveaorut lennnina, vauaaaai aioua. H B. SCOTT; AenU Phene Main tS. "REGULATOR LINE" The Dalles. Portland 4 -Astoria Navigation COei. Boata leave Portland and The Dalle dally, except Sunday,- at 7 a. m., arrlv in about I p. m.. carrying freight and i iengere. Splendid accommodaUona for eutflta and livestock. Does Pool Alda an, portlaadi Wot of Court art-. The Bailee. ., PhOave BtAla B14, lVrtUad. , ALASKA PAST AMD POPtTLAB STBAMSBIPS - Lmh Saattla ' "ITTTT:K80aT," May BT Jsa 8, 18. ' DOLMUX,-' May 88 1 Jaae 1, Is, 84 ' CAIX1N0 A . BTetcilkaarJaBan." Ttoflflax." Bllsss.- Btag. way, Os sects with W. P. A T. route tor Atlla. Dawwa. Taaana,.ema. at. For All Boothoaatera A make Porta. Call ar arnd fneTrlp to Wouderful Alaeba," -Indian Baskstry." "Totem Polea." TXX ALASKA S. a CO.. Prank Weolaey Caw. Afeat. Agaats. Portia C Or. SSI Oik St. S. S. F. A. Kiiburn , fat Ceo Bay. Baraks ssd Baa Praaclaee. . 'TV."9Mt aning- from Portland, i;- ' V . TTJXSBAT, mm s. T. U OKEENODOH, AgfX Oreaawtoh Dock to. S. Phases Mate Ml, laughter and th etocfe company to tb only a to the . west which playa musical fares exclusively, There m chorus A pretty girls snd msny songs are ,inirouucra ctlou of th ptoc. ' to in nis nominoi -Vt. "IVi? r In a tour of tbe world. 1128 la the circular to .. S. CO. iooS Broadway. Oakland, CaL Blip -rrison Fcno e-t. Steamer Breakwater e TRANSPORTATION. wa DriiorfPAciHC 3Traios to the East Daily3 t Throagh Pullmaa staadard aad toertot eleea. ' . '"-car sally to Omaka. Chlcag. Bpskis iz aueeoing-eara aany ao aaaama uir. t Ttoxmgh reellniac . ah air ear (aau tree! . to . Psion Depot-l " ' ; ' v Leay. Arrlva. ' ' "rago-Portlsad Bpeetal for mV ' ". "untlngton. eiy. e:80 em lffla Imui.. m . :: . : - - ".it. - eiiit, . , dtirntt m Wn P",- :IBps B OB SI noi. v . " wa i. ror an , , . plr.':."rr Blgga . ami ' " ' ajsiiy...,., g-.lBsa e:oDpaa - rv,r .... -u . . A v,JUBt,ia mysit Division. kt'fZJrZ?,," W" Points, connecting With -. " --"--s. Hon. . mivea a p. as. eaair. -ihlti '""edar, Baturdav. 10 a. at. Arrlree '!" . except -Bunder. arj"5---!a ?tTTs.;:r eel... "" ru nty sne Xamani near olnta. emrs Kuth aad Modoe, Aib-et. daek. mlttln.1 "i 4"..cept Sunday (water per. , Sunday ' T: n'' svi rITiK". BOrTTS, ' ' el"roa. rdabo. aad way pofntf frern Brekan and Uwle- , k! tV! "' " noa Trale aTii. L "J ii""1 Satnrday. Arrlv p. m. dallr exrenf Pridre. Ticket Offlce. Third and Wasuiagtna laa. Telephone Main Tit. - - eJi W- BTINORR. City Ticket AgeaL A. U CIlAW. tieaeral Paaaeafer Ageal f SOUTH Union Depot. taara. Arrlv. yveriano-- Ex press Train for Salem, Roeenurg, A.h- land. Ha- A-A.. . -7 . , Angeles. El Paao, New Orleaea anal the mmmt aaa - 8:88 pto Morning train connects st Woodbura dally ' excepr - - 1 ' Sunday with train f nr . Mount AneeL Blleeetne. ' ' ' ' Brownevilla. Bnrlaafleld. Wendllng and Natron.... SidSpas ,T:8SSW Eugene paasvnger eon- ' ect Tf ' Wnortrnrnr-wtm " 1 ' 1 " ' atoo-itnget- a-nd -Blliw- 11 ' 1 t local. . , .-. .-e-tl pm afs-W aat . rocrillli paaaenger.V-..i. T:S0 am rl r pes Bharldsa paaaenger 4:fMpm ' 8:tS am Poreet OroT paaaenger. 1110:48 pm 1)10 pm . "Ditly. HDallv except Sunday. , JEFPERMON-8TBEET 8TATTO?f. 'r . Por Pallas and Intermediate points -ditty 8:18 p. m, Arrive Portland 10:10 a. m. Por lime aad card ef Oewege enhnrhea train pnly st City Ticket OfSc. of trlon. Ticket to Eaatern pelnt and Europe; alse Japes, China. Honolnls and Australia. City Ticket Offlce corner Third md JxTssbe ' tngtoa streets, phone Mala Tit. C. W. STtwr.Erl. a, T,. rKAIfl. crry Ticket ftrTC" AgestT TIMECARD OF - - ' TRAINS Portland! Pntoa- Pint taara, Arrive. . Tellowstons Park-Kansas . Clty-flt. Louis Special tor " ' Cbehelle. CenrraUa. Otym---- - ' . . ; K- i. Oray'a Harbor, Booth nd. Tacoma, Seattle, Boo- kaneT' Lewtatoa. Butt. Bil lings, Denver. Omaha. Kan. . ' aa City, r-Bt. Louis and Bouthaait, daUx ... .--8:80 am 4:80 pto North Coaat Limited, else- :TT7--.:.;z trie lighted, fn . Taeoma BeaMle. Spokane, Butte. Mlnneapolla. St. Paul aad tbe East, dally 1:00 pm 1 am Paget Boo an Limited, for Clsresaont. Chebslls, Ceo- tralta. Tacoma aad Seattle only, dally 4:80 pm , 8:80 pto Twhr Cltv Express for Ta- . , r , corns. Beattl. Spokane. , Tfelena. Butte Bt. Peel. - V . ... Mlnneapolla. Lincoln. Bt Joeepb. Kanaaa City. Oma- ba. Bt. Louis. without , rhenee ef can. rdreet ee .. . , -; . :. sections for all point . Eaat snd Bontbeaat. dally.. 11:48 pm IA:SB pas A. D. CHAnf.TO!t.laa1afint'-ttorarB-ta"r-senajer Agent. 9S8 Morrlaoa etreet. eomer Third. PrwtlnrLOregon! Astoria &. Columbia . - River Railroad Co. "Tnloa ' Depot " Lr. Arrive. Tor Mayger. Italnlav. f1ta . h - knl. Wetport. CUfton. Aarorla. ' Warrentoa. ria- , vel Hammond, rort Bfv- . en. Oearkart Park. Seaside. 1:00 sm , tl'M sm Assorts aad Sessbors, ax- preas daily T0 pal 8:88 pa Alt train dalle. J. C MATO. O. P. and P. A.. Aetnrla. Or. C A. STEWART. OommercUl Agist. 848 Alder street. Pkoo Msla BOB. . - TNKCOMromAMuK WAV. j, J OVerlsad Trains Dally 7 'The Oriental Llmitaa. the Past Mail'' T1A BBATTLB AND BPOKANB. ' . - ' - Dally. Pelly. '-i- Lea...; Arrive. Portland ttoje scbeduls To snd from Book an, Bt. PnJ. Mlnneapolla. m . . .-: ' Imluth aad U polata Beat via Beattl B'SOem Teeea - UntS pa BiM pm T" aad frees St. Pawl. . . Mlnneapolla. Dulsta - - , ! . and all polata Eaat ate Spokane.. ....... 8:18 w S:08 em eaat Bortkera Btoamaklp Oa. Bulling ream Baaltla far Jpaaend Cklaa porte and Ma alia, earryleg aae. . Magars ssd ftetgh.-' , -f ,.. e. a. Tteheto,-JaM t. , S. S. Mlaaaesto, Jaiy SB. ; -BIPPOB TTBEB KA18KA JJipae Mall Steemehlp Ce i S. S. Xaaagawa Mara aw til aall freas Beatlle ebont Jaae IB for - Japan aad China pacta, earrylag psaeaegsrs ase . """por . tlckato. rate, berth lewarra. rtone, etc., call an a addreea K. DICKBOS, 0. P. . A., IBS Third SC. Perils a. Oragea. Paeae aass oaw. Steamsir Ch"s. R. S;:r.::: PAST T""1 . Lssaas Oaktrea rt a I a. Delias aad way I , p. aa. I ftar- ' land 10 P Say eacnrnoal I turoln B P. . Oiore and '! A 1 "J:' ' ' r, t 7!fK I ant a out is 11