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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 7, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL', PORTLAND.. THURSDAY EVENIftd, JUNE 7. lg:3. 13 TISE cure MEN Edited by A.HORAN OREGON PICKED TO RELAY RACE CAUSE 3 FINE HORSES FOR f Wc will treat any single, un . complicated; qilment under7 absolute guarantee. ' No pay unless cured.. We are estab-' III L1EEIKIG OF EXCITEfilEHT SEATTLE In Four-Cornsred Track Affair on Whites and Reds Have Lively Tilt Finest Horses on Pacific Coast Will Race at The ; Meadows. lished; 25 years in Portland. ", Saturday Eugene Men Are Favorites. V-'-tv" i in Selecting , Position '' : :. " . -; in' Race. NO L1EET s CONSULTATION-; FREE COMPETITIONS WILL c ;v BE HELD IN SALEM "Hayward V, Athlete Expect to Win the Hundred, Two-Twenty,- High and Broad Jumps, Both Hurdles, .Shotput,- Hammer and Diacue. sttA-Wal ntanatrh t Tb JdttT&aL. University . of -Oreron, Euffen, Jun r . n'u. VI. ntMt A He hM . i.""-ana wta vvii-w hvw - - - - : In Salem this coming Saturday between the University of Oregon, the Oregon Aa-rlcultural college, Willamette uni versity and Pacific seems to be the topic of the day among- the student at Eugene. - The meet, coming- a few days - tlons. promises to be largely attended by the students from the state university who look-on the day as a gala one before their hard work. The track ' team and Trainer Hayward ' will leave for Salem on Friday afternoon and an excursion will be run on , Saturday morning. .' .'..' Much speculation a to the outcome of the meet Is being engaged In and the fact that the first four places will count instead' "Of the flrst three'ts gnr lng deeper thought to the problem of -whlch-teem -4e-ejeln -4ewla -the -most points. "AU of the four contestants un it Is natural that the Interested ,,enes Inquire as to the final outcome. In Vi i oawm miwK ficrnrtnir la Hlna. Anna and with first place counting- for five tKjlnli, second place 1 tor terse, tnira place for fwo'and 'fourth placo-for one it le thought that Oregon will win by over Se points, divided as follows: ' rsieoaet ef route. ' ' - ; .. VO. OAC, WTT, PU. 100-yard '220-yard 440-yard 880-yard dash i : t . - e i dash n . 1 1 dash 1 ( :l dash ...... 1 7 MHe run High Jump f i e Rni&d Jump ........ I 1 I Pole vault .......... ISA hurdles ir - -t - 120 hurdles ......... t ' .' 9 Shot put ......j.. v t v' 1 Hammer throw ..... 3 Discus throw ....... 7 . 1 Rtlay (one mile).... 0 Total rrry-n if- i Is conceded to Cor- : vallia. but - thero- are many -who -think that the Oregon tun can make a bet tor showing than It did In the Cof vallis meet in, Eugene and can make a strong bid for first honors.' Alt or the Oregon men are In excellent condition. wuo tne exception or. nraeaux, ine qua-rcer . man, ana win enwr 109 mass hoping to break, more records.. ... Harry McKlnney. the best . weight man that Oregon has ever had. will go for records In the shot put' and If Ik new record le made It will stand for quite awhile. Dan Kelly and Captain Hug are. also expected to do great things for Oregon. . - ; spectacular ever, held In the capital city between the colleges of Oregon. YESTERDAY'S RACING AT BELMONT TRACK Moorsal Bnertat Service.) : New York, June 1. Yesterday's raoes at Bemont track: Belling, seven and one-half furlongs weiDourne won. reranium secona, Far West third. Time. 1 :IX. i. Five and a half furlongs Gold Bal loon won. Royal Breexe second, Sare- clnesca third.- Time, 1:07. - , The Eclipse stakes, five and a half n 1 nr VI. 1 1 Paarl mil firm n end, ConvoUo third. -Tlme 1:0 -. . , -The Grand National steeplechase, two and a half miles Good and Plenty. 170 pounds (Ray), even. won; ' Grandpa, 160 (O. Bmlth). I to I, second; Her rulntd. 140 (Donahue), It to i. third. Time. :. Gatebell. FeUaheen. Gold Fleur and Glen Fate also ran. . Belling, one - mileTelephone -won. Neptunls second, Just 80 third. Tims, 1: J-. . ,:. ... Seven - furlADjrs Pretension won. Mandarin second, Loglstella third. Time, l: -. ; ' , . , , v;v- ..) YinHT.QMPW AWn nARCMPhl TO HOLD JOINT PROGRAM The yachtsmen and oarsmen of Port land are anxiously awaiting the coming of Saturday In order to try their skill In the .first raoes of the" season. The events will be held opposite the Oake and will begin at o'clock. It le the intenuon 01 mt imcni ciud 10 noia special races on July 4, end steps are being made already In preparation for 'that data.-" ',"". ..'" " ' 1 A LUtle Better Style A Little Better Wear A UKle Better Value IS FOt'ND IN CIIAUH MISSION CAT SEOE, $2.50 $3.50 "jjoc "As" Saved" tkey wear".-. Top & Bottom Shop 303 Washington St- 11 CAPTAIN TANNER'S TEAM ; v: . WINS RAIL POSITION Approach of the Day of Meeting Causes Riders to Become More In- ' terested Than Ever and the Ten dency to Wager I Strong. - The. heavy rains of the past' week have Interfered but slightly- with the training of the Hunt club ' riders who are preparing for the race meet on Sat urday. . All of the horses are reported to be in perfect condition for the run ning, .s. 1 Thla morning President Downing; waa notified that every horse that la en tered In the races has reported at Irv ing-ton track and being given the cus tomary workouts? ; Oregon Kid showed up In great form this morning in -his workout of a mile and a half, making the distance tn the remarkable time of 1:4.. " , ' t ' . . -. , . ' The two-mile relay, ons of the races to be run on Saturday, which was orlg Inally placed on the program as a doubt ful experiment, baa developed the keen' est competition between the riders ' of any 'race scheduled. - Several times dur lng the progress of selecting rldere end horsee-Wa!ms and' "counter-envtms 1 came so insistent that-even the -arbitra- Ton-"-orhe-TioniTOTpe-Tndetrt--w unavailing and the only way of settling the matter was to toss a coin. Almost every available Hunt club horse in town has been tried by one aide or the other in an effort -to cat the maximum, amount of speed and yet secuie animals that could be controlled perfectly. The teams they stand today are about . the strong at that can be drawn from the club and fins team work has been de veloped. The "Whites seem to have a light advantage In epeed, but that la only a part of the battle, and team work Is of the -greatest consideration. The Reds were going through their evolu tions shdrtljT after o'clock this morn ing- and seemed well satisfied with their cbancea :. . ' Owing to the conditions of tfce race It is necessary for , one team to concede the inside of the track for the entire two miles. This was a matter of seri ous contention between Captains Tanner and., Cronln, but waa finally decided by lot. the Whites winning "the pole." . The lineup of the teama will be: Whites Captain A. IL Tanner,- Wtl. 11am -Walters, R. It Jenkins and I,I Leadbetter. Beds Captain- Ambrose Cronln, W. G. afacRae, Charles Laadbetter and Jamea T. Nlcol. . SEATTLE DENIES REPORT ABOUT OAKLAND NINE. Claim Is Made That Statement About Player Going to Quit Is Without Foundation. ' ' The Seattle Times of Tuesday has the following; to say regarding the report that the Oakland team waa In financial traits: '-. - v. , , ' "Al atory was sent out last night from Portland to the effect that- the members of the .Oakland team were In a etate of mutiny because their salaries had "been cut; and that Van Haltrea wae worrying for fear hie team would be aisruptea. There la nothing to the story. The sal aries were cut all right, and eome of the players kicked, of course, but the team le not going to be disrupted, and It will play at home this week. -The man who wrote the Portland story probably talked to Buck Francks, and Buckaroo- prob ably put the case -up to him good and strong, hat Buck is quite a Josher and does not always mean what he eaya. Buck Is always Just going oarstrlkeor getting through with one on tsje Oakland club, until now thoae who know him pay no attention to hla troubles. It Is all very well for players to throw back their shoulders, push out their chests and ay they will not stand a eat In salary, but they know away down ' deep - that (hey are pretty lucky to have a Job at all on the coast this year, and thoee who stop to think about the matter are not putting up any big kick, for they know. mat tne reaucuon is xor mis year oniy. and that they will be treated right by the different clubs." Johnstown and one or. t we others of the Trl-State league are oppoaed to Sun day ball, so that In all probability noth ing will come or the plan proponed by Arthur Irwin, manager of the Altoona club, for the Trl-State lesguers to play Sunday games at Coney Island. Reds Relajl Team, Entered in Hunt Club , Races. ( The . Members of the V Team and Mounts Are,-Reading From Left to Right Ambrose Cronin , on Tom, James Nico'l on Joknnle, VV. Q. McRae on Granger, iQt H." - Lsadbetter on Udlcs. , , : . : v, ' ; 'v. ' -. f. f M Thomas Scott Brooke, on. Joe Jewett, Entered in Hunt Club Three , 4 -: v Eighths ENTRIES IN FOR -SCHOOLS' TRACK MEET Portland and Seattle Schools Announce MerTWho Wil i Compose JJheirJCeams, -:'.,.. . :.;A--. . Bpeelal Dltpatrh to The' Joaraal.) ' Tacoma, June 7. The Portland en trlee Tor the triangular track meet for the Portland, Tacoma and Seattle High schools.- which, takes place here; June 10. are as follows: 0- and rr 100-yarfl daahas Foster, Kllti. Maya, Meiers, Miller, ; Roberts, Robinson,. Zanders and McDonald. "220-yard dash KUta, Meiers. Boberte and McDonald. , Quarter mile run Ktlta, Meiers, Mc Donald, Robnett and Miller. Half -mile run Breeding. Robnett. Slavs. anT'Roblnaon. V ' ' Mils run Breeding, Maya, Robinson and Robnett. - High ; hurdles Duffy. Foster, , Mo- Oulre and Hawklna." Low hurdles Robinson, Zanders, M0- Outre and Hawklna ....... , s Pole vault Foster and Robinson. Broad Jump Foster, Maya, v , Miller, Zanders and McDonald. Bhotput Foster, KUta, McDonald and Hawklna. Hammer throw Foster and Kills. Discus Foster. KUta, McDonald and Robnett Relsy race Breeding, Foster, Mays, Meiers, Roberts, Robinson and Zandera It Is believed by the High school boys here that the Portland team is not very formidable. The Tacoma team haa not yet been selected, but will be within the next day or so. : The Seattle team eeleoted to meet the Portland and. Tacoma teams Is as - fol lows: . -' -r ' ' 10-yard dash Otsh. 3. Thompson. Mattson, Rossman, Bartow and Bauman. loo-yard oaan Ulsh. J. Thompson and Byrd. ' ." . . j-, ..: , 120-yard dash Olsh. J. Thompson and Byrd. Quarter mile run Olsh. McAllen and Livingstone... v - . Half mile run Coyle, Harry Thomp- eon-andV Hugh-Tliempsea. ' Mlla .run Burnav.- V. Thompson . and McKay. - " " ;;; 120-yard hurdles Coyle. 3. Thnmnson and Livingstone. ( -. - . , 120-yard hurdles Coyle. Kerr. Liv ingstone and McKay. ' . ' Hammer throw Emerson. Ellis and Pullen. . - Shotput Anderson. Bartow. Olsh and Rossman. Discus Coyle Olsh and Furdy."" l" Pola- vault Thayer. Purdy and Kerr. High Jump Bauman. Osbourna Thayer. ",:.- Relay team Llvlnaatona Covla. Ma. Allep and Olsh. , But three entrlee will be allowed from any school for any event Where the cities have entered more then that num- per -tne names of all but three will be withdrawn before the meet The Seat tl list le practically the same as for the state Interscbolastle meet which team wonjamstaii competing teams. :. Sntta naye Tmmt Ball. ' : (Speeta! Oteeetch to The ImiuI I ' 1 Butte, Mont, f June 7. The locale showed their superiority ( in every de partment against , Tacoma yesterday. The ecore: . . rlutte.. .......000 21 0 24 0 It 14 I Tacoma ... .....OlOOOOlt 0 S I I Batteries Toren snd Swindells; But- ler apa nnea. umpire Huaton. - : ,N Mile Dash. FOUR STAR MEN DROPPED , EROM ACADEMY NIKE For Breach of Interscholastio 'Agreement Dr. Johnson Sus- pends Players From Team. ; '" There la considerable worry at pres ent among the backere of the Portland academy baseball team, and from "the looks of things at present there may be eome very odd doings chronicled before the final gamee In the lntersoholastlc league are played. - The altuatlon shows Portland academy in the lead for the pennant, with one regular game and one tie game with the High school to be played. - The regular game le scheduled for Saturday." The cause for particular worry is that Portland academy will be mlnue four of .her crack players from Sfigl llSigsMs 1 fcJai a-sllsB PshaasS 1 f sill sit esssl sfesrew esyp SAVJliajiej S I ej Qjea j 11UUS1UII Pherson and T. ' Myers all of whom have been suspended from participating In baseball again this year by orders from Dr. Johnson of the academy. . The charges against the playere eu-e that Reed violated - the Inferscholaatle sgreement by playing with Multnomah, Houaton played with the Maroona, My ers played with Woodburn and that Mo- Phsrson intended to play with an out side team, but rain prevented the match. In the eyes'of Dr. Johnson all are guilty er a breach of Interscholastle etiquette, and. In keeping with the academy's stand for clean athletlca, the young men may not play any . more baseball this year. ,;"" . ,': . High school appears pleased ovr the situation, because withthese fourVien out of the team, the High schoolers feel confident of a victory. Still the High school team Is eharged with a similar offense. It le stated that Earl Reed and Mc Pherson of the High school also broke the agreement by participating In games -eutsldeof "the leagua Reed Is sild "to have played under the name of Wilson' with the Maroons on Sunday, and McPherson Is charged with playing under the name of Manley in the same team end on the 4ame occasion. Here Is where the shoe pinches. Mr. Harring ton of the High school declares that hie . players. .wlU.not be barred.from playing because Jhey only Intended to play but-dldn but- academy people state that both young men - did , play with the Maroona . ' Will the High school faculty punish Its players the aame as did the acad emy T - - " --.- r- 8hould P. A. loee both games to the High school, and ' then should Colum bia win her two gamee from High school, the league rsce will terminate in tie for the first three teama. The outcome of the dispute will be awaited with keen Interest - v, GIRLS HOLD TRACK MEET IN WEE HOURS OF MORN RpeHal Dwpatek to Tat JxarnaL) -Willamette University, Salem, Or. June 7. The annual field meet of the Olrle Student sssoclatlon waa held on the athletic field yesterday mui nlng at I o'clock. The academy contested against the college. The score wast - Acadsmy 4, coUege 12. ....... Carrie Belknap, Willamette's star bas ketball center, made the moat points for the academy, eeorlng 47M. .Her sister. Stella Belknap, was next -with IU points. May iFleld waa the star for the college, making f points, and; Ruth Whipple waa a close second, making I. v The events were as follows;. High Jump, I feet I Inches; hammer throw, It feet 2 Inchea; 100-yard dash, 11 sec onds; broad Jump, IS feet Inches; shotput 21 feet I inches; dlscua throw, 17, feet 1 Inch; 100-yard hurdles, time IS seconds; 220-yard dash, time It sec onds; pole vault, 4 feet 1 Inches; 180- yard run, time minutee 1 seconds; mild run. time t mlitutee Is. seconds; 440-yard run. time t minutes. - This meet waa kept secret and no one witnessed it but th4 young ladles-of the. university. . " " WESTMINSTER HANbTCAP TO OPEN GRAVESEND (Jearnal Sped! Merrlee.) Brooklyn. N. T., June 7. jTo make the opening dsy of the second session of the Brooklyn Jockey rHib'o spring meet at Oravesend more Interesting and attractive to sportsmen, the Westmin ster handicap hasbeon added to the list of races for this afternoon. The race Is worth 110,000" to the wJnner, and It Is expected that there will be a lively contest, as a large field has been en tered for the event - Some of the beet eastern end western horses have been entered for (he rece. It Is to he over the regular handicap distance of one. ml)e and one quarter. ; . The Springfield. Mlxnourl. rliih In the 1, club ie weetera association has h Cy Young me Daren in, , v . PROSPECTS FOR BIQ MEET1NQ ARE BRIGHT Among the , Fleet Runners Will Be . Bearcatcher, Martimaa, : - Royal Rogue and Rightful Beit Riden ' From California Track to Pilot, c -(neeUI Dlepeteb to The JooraaL) . - Seattle, June 7. The race meeting, which beglna at the Meadows Satur day, ' June 11, will compare - favorably In the importance of the horses to race there, and the quality of the racea with. , any ..meeting now In progress in the United Statee outside-of New York. There ere more really good horses and In fact more of alt kinds than have ever raced here before, and the fact that the betting ring le open to all rep utable, bookmakera baa given the game an advertisement and a etandlnsr-wMob it haa never hsd before In Seattle. . At thla writing it looks aa though 10 or It books would be in operation, and there Is no doubt but that there will be plenty of -support for them. Seattle itself haa never been In better shape flnenclally; the floating popula tion In search of amusement waa never greater and all things look, aa promising" aa posslbls'for a great season, The horses are already on the around. h"0l"oneaerlngrthaf'of BarnyBcnreIl- er, remaining to arrive. - .Never before hare horses of the claaa of Bearcatcher, Martlmaa, Royal Rogue, Tony Faust, May I N., Rightful. Oorgalette and others' come to Seattle tTa.---Bealdaa.i.thaaa large number of horses not quite In their class. ' but which will make ex cellent racing. The number of horses of low class Is less than ever, and there will be fewer -"dog" races on the pro gram than. In any season at fieattle. - Tbe Jockeye will be better than usual, too. Of course It le acarcely probable that Seattle win ever have a rider aa good as Hildebrand waa that yeer he waa learning, but that is true of every place. Hildebrand became the greatest rider in America after three months' education on the Seattle, track and held his posinonjat the head of the jochey hardly likely that-a boy to rival him will be developed at the coming meet ing. 8tlll we have Joe McBride, a steady, consistent rider; Tim Sullivan, Frank .Graham. . Aiaxle. R. Davis,- U Fountain, Ooodchlld and half a dosen others. . -!- r r. - H. H. Egbert will be the nreaMln Judge and handlcapper. Associated with him will be F. K. Mulhollsnd and R- Llghtotv 8. J. McOlbben will be clerk of ' the stales and HL Duke starter. AMERICAN LEAGUE. At . Zjoala. - " - .j. . . B I St. Louis , .....,..,,,,......1 t 14 New Tork . .".. a I Batteries Howell and Rlnhav r-ti. VI.I...- UUK, 1 At Ohloaae.v .' v , - Philadelphia . . !... s a Batteries Owen and HulKv.n- n... wiy osurwfc - - . - -- j At Betroit, ' v W V V TV., It - .' ' " jtipi ... ............ . m 1 Washington-. . .1 e 1 Batteries Slevsr and SnhmMt- vitt. eon and Klttreda-e. . Al Cleveland. Cleveland . J. .-rf - 1 V . oviivn Batteries Rhodes aiut ri.rk . ri NATIONAL LEAGUE At Boetoa. Boston 1 . . R. H. XL r..iif,. I - I Flttabura- .. i a a a x)Bk i?n.v our es Touna and Needham: 14- feld and Phelps. v rapire a carpenter ana loowit. At ruiadelphle. . - Cincinnati . ....,,-4 ........ .e a Philadelphia.. ....... ,i. I -Batteries Frssier and Livingston; saaav ejaaav ewutn. aj mpirfj m lTrn, At Oaloaero. . r.V. ' - " "'",;. ?..- IMIl.gQ. . , ..........11 1 0 New York ...... , a . . xnoriwo ntnwr. 1 iTsra 1 1 hmm ..j Moran, Tay4err-fVriptson and - Bower- mu. , umpires cmane ana ODaf.v , y m sirooaiya. - bi. Lxmia , .................. .9 11 Brooklyn ' 1 1 e Batteries Brown ami Mr.rth t.- unua ana nmer. Ij DSDire Johnstone. PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE. Won. ... PC. Portland . San Francisco ' 4 .811 .ea .546 .157 .181 .221 Seattle . . . Oakland ... .. Freano , . . . . Loe Angeles . ..'- I I I I I W-'. P ...4 I (Jonraal Bpeclal Service, t Oakland, Cel., June 7. The Seale mads It a runaway match from Oakland ves- wroay. ncore; . -' - Ban Francisco , .At I Oakland a 1 Batteries Hltt. Sales and Wllenn- Bradley, Randolph and J. Hackett and BUsa Umpire McDonalds - . .. : ; ReaMle Beatea. ' . .. ' (tvcltl Daaatcb to Tke JonraaLV - -Seattle, Waah., June T. The Tlsera took the first from the locals yesterday. Score: Seattle . , .1 t 0 Fresno . ... I 1 Batteries C. Hall end Blsnksnshln: -emke - and Dashwood. U did ire Per. rlne.- :,: . ; NORTHWEST LEAGUE. '' Spokane Beats a rays Karbor. - (Bperlal Ptaptc to Tbe Jooraal.1 Spokane, Waah., June 7. Tonneson'e wildness practically gave the locals yes terday e game. - Score: , ,, t - ' . - ' , TH. R. Grtrys Harbor ..1 1 ! a t Spokane . . ... ixieevee 1 11 Batteries TnYinesou and Boet tiger; ainiuai auu pianiey. We will treat any. single uncompli cated ailment for $12.50 for the fee. - ' : 1. I We never disappoint our patients ! ? 2. We accept no incurable cases! V'- : 3. . We never hold out false hopes! - -1 ' 4. '. We never fan in any case we take!; ' .. sx.009 voisobt, sxnr disiabxs, sobks, raosss. STmiOTumii, tabzoo, -emm, arrosiooBUsr sbitovi SBOuans, wsakbtbss, mai on ODOnO BXSBASJIS OF TBS BTDBBTS ABB VBOSTATB. OOBBXB BBOOBB AJTD TaKBIU BTBBBTS, FOBTXAJTB, OBBOOB. 1 ; . - .- 1- . " . - . , . .J We no not offer yea any TTZX TSIaX TBXATBXSTI, ' SIZOTBIO BELTS, W0BTK-' j Zfll OBATOXB. 0 ether smIm. SMtboei ef treatment. Our .da are our own, and . While otners eopr Tnem. rnev eannoc imu.Te oar superior nwinnai nr rrearmmc . wi ABB THX LOaTttXST LOOATZS- ASO OLD 1ST BFXCIAUBTI . IH -POBTLAVD, k.rtM beea located bin isl yearn. W. da sot d Trtlm rhe.p. Inferior treetDMat, bat we sir. yrm all tbe remits of rears of ripe .iperlenea. salnea la the treatmeat of Man taoa. . eaad of oadeata We alra voa ear skill a ad abllltr la tbe treatment of illntm ef mn - f a fulr-fee which mar ha la .any war MXTHODB AID LXAKM THAT WI All ALL WE CLAIM TO BE, AJID WMt!C ' rov PLacs Totra oabb m otra kamdi tou abx iukx or aninra w bus IXXATMEMT THAI CAM BX 01TAI1TID AS rWKXXX. BOUSS e a. at. to s. u. SveiilBsa, T to Suadays, a. m. to It seea. St. Louis MEDICAL AND SUHGICAl imUOOn AK1 TaUCHTXI. PERFECT HEALTH i .' ." , " - .. , - - : : -, . makes mankind equal t all emargaacles-l-a.t least equal to the ordlnarr -ai.e.-ti.. .... 1 - L Id seeking' medical treatment there are c'erTaln"lii3aimcnTlone-Tnat"yo enouia require or your aiienains; pnyaimnn. adiihi, experience, aaiu ana an established reputation for RELIABILITY". - We claim the above requirement.,-wliioh are necessary foe auocessful treatment of diseases ef 'men. . "' -"" ' -. 1 ' .'" . .''.-:,..... .. VARICOCELEtt HYDROCELE WEAK ORGANS NERVOUSNESS CONTAGIOUS BLOOIV-POISON. RHEUMATISM PLOOD AND SKIN HEART- - - -LUNG LIVER ' -'.:' KIDNEY BLADDER AND " , URINARY DISEASES We Guarantee a Cure in Every Case We Uiider- ."..;.;.!: ' take or Charge No Fee - '.:?". ; -t- ' The doetofe of thla Institute are ell regular graduates, have had many years' -experience," have been known In Portland for li years," have ' a reputation to maintain, and will undertake no case unless certain a cure .can be effected. ..'-. . ,. ALL. MEDICINES FREE UNTIL CURED Consultation free. Letter confidential. "Instructive book - for men. mailed free. In plain wrapper. If you cannot call at orace, write, ment euocessful. - Office hours t a. m. to I p. m.; Dr. W . Norton Davis & Co. The Zadlag Speolallsts la the Borthwee. Offlcerlirasi Wot Kol , MAROONS RETIRE FROM r - a SUCCESSFUL TRIP 1 .', . - - -. ", .- ; The Tiralnard Maroona returned from Rnrlne-neld. Oregon, yeaterday, - where they played the Springfield Blues, de faatlna- them by a ecore of 10 ' to I. The Maroons speak highly of the treat ment tendered them by tne rtpringneia management and team. The boys left hniM In rather a crippled .condition. havlns no pitcher, but Captain Camp- hell went Into the box and held - his onnonents down to few hits. Hs 1 hacked ub by the euperb work of hie team mates, both with mitt and stick. The Springfield boys put up a great flsht snd hit "em out pretty hard. Next Sunday the Maroons plajTnrj Vancouver ejeam at Vancouver and will try to add another to their long list ox vtctortea ' ''.. WALLOWA-COUNTY. HAS -: FORMED BALL TEAM f flDeetel tH.eateh te The Jearaal.) Joeepb. Or., June 7. A baseball team haa been organised In Joseph and the following .officers were elected for the association: J. P. Rusk.- manager; Jerry Hartshorn, captain: Floyd Qreen, treasurer: Elmer Aklns, secretary. This will be the champion bsseball nine of Waljowa county and It Is expected that they will play a number of gamee with eaatern Oregon teame this season. - SPORTINGGOSSIPT 7. D, Sturton tn tennis st Liverpool yes terday,. 4-0, 4-1. f In the doubles Miss 8utto',and . Mrs. Hlltysrd defeated Miss Sturton and Miss Carlner. ...... V. .-.,),., ,,.1M- The continued rains of the paat week have prevented any tennis being played on local courts. .The preliminary matches for the Ladit cup at the. Mult nomah 'club have not' been started yt .-'."( e e A special' to the St. Louie -Sporting Life cays the contributions to hetp the Pacific Coast Baseball lessnie are ss follows: P. T. Powers, 100; '. J. H. Farrell, 1100; New . England league, 1100: Providence club. 1100; Newark, New Jereey, olub, 1100; Virginia league, 190; Butk Ataatle leaue, - benefit game, I1IS.10; , Rochester, New Tork, 1100: Syracuss,' New t York, 171: Blng. hampton. New Vork.' $2(J M: H. Hel ton. 110; J. II. ORonrke, 160; Atlanta club,' ISO; Jackson, Mississippi, club, 160; Dubuque, Iowa, club, 2t; Edward tbe iUnt aelre.JISTrBI10aiX- OV Dispensary ITstKXTtL f OXTUUns. - 0 ftXO-0 Y, xor eymptom DianK. Home treat Sundays and holidays, 10 a. ml to 11. ; aire St -Corner tine, Portland.- Or. " , Hollard. 124: John McAleese, Baltimore.' ' $10, ; Total ll.ltt.I0. . - . T. yr ".-;e-e-'f.' ' 'JliiI-u i Everybody works but mother Everybody works but mothsr; . She gads around all, day; ,, V. ( . Ooee to the women'e meetings, . Takee in the matinee; .. - l Father tolls and worries ... . . .-; He haa a good time nit. - v Eveobody worke at our house . But ma she's quit, ; ' Todsy Is .clrous dsy. Ba ' carefnj ',.. what you talk about during the per ' formance. .. Reinember . the monkey carry tails. . ..( , ' -e- ,"-:' -'. ' - : . Fighting Dick Hyland, the little feN ' haw who- stnpiwf Toung- Corbetl fn flv " rounas, is in tne east and la slated t4 mix it up with "Kid" Goodman at CheH eea tonight': -.- f - -' ' "e e ' x.' V , .'".' James F.' Morley has sold the Los Angelee ball olub to a eyndloata oi business men, and the outlook now l that the Paolfle Coast league will be' able to play out lte echedule. . .... , ' . '." ',' " .. '. e e ; " - ' ' - several of the magnatee of theWest. T ern league appear ripe for a revolt ' agalnat President O'Neill. ' They declare ''; that he la ruled by Cantlllon, ownel of tbe Dee Molnea club. . .. ,. - The first ohamplonehlp tournament ot the Women'e Eaatera -Oolf aasoclstlon , will be played today end tomorrow on -the links of the Nassau Country club' at Olen Cove, Long Island. ' : - . -, e e . , , Veteran "Joah"-Rellly' Is playing fhl year with the San Jose club of the Call, fornla Btate league. - ' . ; ...we.. :: 1 ' ,"'- '.- - 'Arlle Lathan has resigned from the -management ef the Jackaonville cluli - in the South Atlantic league. .. , .. . - '.- -. 1 '- - e f, The Coloredo Derby at Overland nark. Denver, will be a great race this yeer. Over to entries have been booked ' - e e .. , , h . L. C". Carpenter, the Cornell 'funnel i who won the half mile at tha renenl lnte.rcollea-late gamee at Cambridge. a eon of Frank a.. Carpenter, the well known newspsper correspondent. . . ' ' ' " S e -; - ". J. W. Marshall, rhamnlon In tha intn. ning ntgn jump, haa been elected cap tain of the Vale 'T trsck team. ; Milwaukle Country Club. f : , Memphis and Louisville racea Take Sellwood and Oregon City cars at first and Aider. i