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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 7, 1906)
n:z ohzgon daily journal; ' fortland, Thursday evening, r june 7;. icox DLOODIIOU OECIES IIIHT IIARRILlAf AfJD HILL 13 REALL1 FEMININE O LOCAL POLICE IIL JfllU THEIR FORCES IDSFOR '. rN mT v... Council Passes Ordinance Order. Ing Purchase of Pair to ' ..; Track People, . , WILLS TAKES SHOT AT " POLICE DEPARTMENT 6yt That in Vlw of Recent Event H Think Bloodhound Ar Needed Decline to , Roart Chief ' Criumacher Behind HU Back. J . The city of Portland la ic becoms the possessor of a palp of bloodhounda. ; . ' At the regular ton of the eouacll . last evening; Willi ordinance carrylnf , v-an' appropriation of $259 from the ape ; elal' fund belonging- to the council wu Ly "passed under suspension of the rules. P Since this waa Introduced the United Railways prealdent. J. Whyte Evans. . hd told the councilman he would de '.. 1 fray the coat of two bloodhounds, and , though the appropriation haa been made ; the pure has price will be refunded. . In urging the passage of his ordl , .nance. Wills staled that he had re ' rently had good cause to learn that. the '-. . .city need trained trailers In the ahape of bloodhounda. Mr. Wllla la the uncle - - f Beoele-Bauer, the young woman who . :' haa twice run away from home while ' mentally unbalanced, and he haa been !,-"', pereonally' engaged '. in , the search for v , her. Largely on thla account no op , ' poaltion developed. "" "V ''.' Take Snot at VoUe. - C " ': "Ae the chief of police la not present ' V' I '"' defer aaylng what I Intended," ... aald Mr. Wllla, referring evidently to - . , the actions of the police In the acarchea . for Miss Bauer, "I. don't roast a man .behind hi lark." , - .. . Theae. bloodhpundat l bought, will be the only animals In Oregon held ready for- public aervlre In the pursuit- of rrmale , nr TmIllTv ( simK imfns. tunaiss aa Mia JlauerT-"""'""'"". : At the next , council meeting.. June "";. 10, the hearing of objections -to the va ' cation of a -number of croae atreeta be ' ' , ' t ween North Tenth and Twelfth 'and ly Trig near fhinermlnal yards, peTltlon3 . " for by the Portland A Seattle Railway ';';., company, will be continued. The atreet :T . committee haa been over the ground. 1 ' but owner of adjacent property hare .... .not yet been heard. . . , Sharkey Introduced - an ordinance ; . carrying an appropriation of 1300 for --. the purrnaee of a tapestry of. Lewis - and Clark which waa on exhibition at the Oregon building at .the exposition. -It waa referred fto the way and meana .l-4.ommlttee t -;; .--,-." Xattle Oennaa Bead Saved. ' ".' . The veto of the mayor on the ordl-nanhteedTopr6T5TBtrrnia-rmtt Oerraa a band", irom playing on the atreeta waa sustained... Because ' of faulty- wording tha- veto V"nf the mayor on the ordinance granting Warren Bros, the right to operate a ,1 ahoddy factory at Nesmlth and Lorlng atreeta waa auatatned. Afterward Shop -, ' herd Introduced a .' corrected tneaaure Ptwhlob passed, under suspension of the rulea. Mayor Lane In vain declared thla ... to be apectal legislation and eu greeted thaCtha- ordinance prohibiting auch ea ,. . iMhllahroeiaa be: amended tffjncluda pro Vision requiring dust leas . machinery.' ' " and Bennett suggested that the council . aliould memorallae the legislature . to .''',. prohibit auch factories In the elate. . , Bennett Insisted that the application - of A. Oerdea for a saloon license at Haw thorna avenueand East Water, atreet ; be returned io the'commlttea nntll be L tnewjil. W9rd. wa.wllllne; It sliould be granted. It haa recently become the - custom of the llqiior license committee, it la aald.' to recommend saloon appll ' ratlona without reference to the wishes of the councllmen from the ward In ' . which the saloon Is SO- be iocated,j' . THE OAKS TO BE THROWN - OPEN -SATURDAY- Amusement Park Has Been En larged and Many Novel 'j ".' ; Features Added. -v' -., On Saturday afternoon of. thla week .' the Oaks will be opened to the publlo In ' its new dress. The : management aa aerta that .here not another resort In all America Ita equal from a standpoint ' of beauty and attractiveness '.or original - features. The entire grounds have been reconstructed and much of It filled In during the winter, so that the Oaka Is not only much larger, but charmingly - laid out with ne-g lawns, flower beds 4 and myriads of the clusters that were one of the great fealures of the late fair- A. hundreil Ihoumnrt dp'larhgl peen aapenaea in' what win be known as tb Avenue, a trail of beautiful and ' original buildings, which will house more novel amusement devices than are . now installed In any other park In the - country with perhaps the on axcep ,, tlon. Coney Island, New York.. A splen did feature will be D'lTrbano'a aug men ted band of 49 musicians, who will ENORMOUS Mmlted vVlfotmnt of .';---rr--V ' r ' '5 J-'" ' ' -OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS " ".-'- ', - . " Col. T. B. FullervPresident (Ex-California Bank Commis- Captain E. E. Cainc, Director (Capiulist and Ship Owner, -oner). v ' ' : -: .- '-r. : r ; . Seattle, Wash.). -. . , j; ; ; ' r-: . Hon. Truman Reeves, Sec. and Treas. (Treasurer of the State T. K. Stateler, Director (Qen. Agent Northern Pacific R. R.). -of California). " f-v - , William Crocker, Director (San Francisco): - mm Fifty Stores Now Being Established on the Pacific Coast MANAGERS WANTED ' . JWhb Can Influence Cp v;v,- Share of Profits ancl Salary t Rlghf Party ' , PACIFIC SYNDICATE STORES CO., Incorporated HEAD OFFICE: Unlort Savings Bank Building, Qakland, CaL Railroad Officials Declare There Is No Truth In Talk of Joint Con : struction and Use of Double Track Railroad Down North ::'' ' Bank of Columbia River. . ' ' ; A high official of the Portland at Seattle and the Northern Pacific Rail road companies , positively controverts the recently published statement , that overtures - have been made b'y the Har riman people or considered by the Hill companies for Joint construction and uae of a double-track railroad -down the north bank of the Columbia fiver. He said: '-....,..:..-.. i. -. ' i-- , 'The statement is not, I rue. No auch proposition haa been' made, and nothing of the kind considered by our . com panies " ',--. A truce ' on the plan suggested , has been the expected conclusion of ho fight on the north bank ever since It waa started. But it Is entirely within the range of possibilities that no peace will be declared and that the Hill rail road companies will pursue their pres ent course steadily to the end, nd will complete 'and operate Independently a double-track line from Kcnnewick to Portland. In that evenH It Is fully ex pected, the railroad projected down the north bank by the Columbia Valley and Wallula Pacific icompanlea Will be built and operated by the Chicago, Mil waukee St. Paul Railway, company, under an agreement with the Union Paolfio system by which these com panies will practically unite in fighting the Hill companies for traffic In sound v' " Shrpeas Will Be area. 'Statements made to the. effect that there Is not room for three -railroad trfwke-on the north bank of the- Co lumbia mean that the. construction of more than that number would be very expensive. As a matter of fact, money and engineering skill can easily pre vail over' the obstacles nature .haa placed in the way. The physical need for two separate railroad llnea down the north bank, in addition to. the present line .pt-lbe .Q. R. A.N. oil the south bank, la not riaime by any trarrio man. It la aald that all the traffic of the HERE'S WHAT IS CROSSTTHE:WI LLAM ETTE RIVER Plans are maturing for the building thla aummer of a Staters' school at Uni versity Park. ' A" block " of : property, ironting on the St John car line, be tween University Park and Portsmouth, haa been secured for this purpose. Rev. M. A. Qulnlan. president of Co - lumbla university, at University Park, In discussing the matter thla morning, tld: - . - -. . ' . -The. nee riT8IsU5-hodl on thr penlnauia Is a presstng one. My Infor mation Is that a site has been secured and It Is more than likely that a suit able building will be "erected thla sum mer. The fact that we have more than 100. studenta In Columbia university, is Sufficient evidence of the need of a sim ilar Institution on the peninsula for girls.' This part of the city is rapidly fininiT up, with people and the policy of th Catholic church Is to establish pa rochial schools wherever the population wUI Justify, lt-ti. . . It is known that the residents or University Park and vicinity are anx ious that a Sisters school be established Intbeir midst. The question will come up In tha next few days before the au thoritles.or th church ror settlement, Ren A. K. Smith, who was to bav delivered a lecture on China last oven mr at-the unnyslde Congregational church, failed to arrive on the evening train, f Rev. Cl F. Clapp, who attended the Congregational congress, recently held at Los Angeles, entertained the as sembled audience with, a talk., on . the work don by the I-os Angeles congress. He announced that tha next- congress will be held In Portland In 10. - At th clou of Dr. Clapp' remark Rev. J. J, staub gave nolle that Rev. Mr. Smith will arrive In Portland today and spoak""nn""thl rtrt--CtmrrertrOTial church this gvenlng, r A tunnel 1.100 feet long, the longest ever bored In Portland, will be neces sary In building the Brooklyn sewer. This sewer will be under Taggart street. from the Willamette river to East Tentn street Th sewer, for the length of thla tunnel. wlU be 1 feet In diameter. tnslde measurement..-Tb dlrt taken from thla tunnel will be uaed In tilling the tract owned by the city at the cor ner of Powell and Milwaukle streets. The second longest sewer tunnel Jn the city Is the. one for th Irvtngton sewer, which Is hut sou. lee long. -' Work on th fill between East Morrl- aon and Heat Alder streets. In progress for th psst two months, haa been fin play both afternoon and night during the season. Nothing has been spared forithe" coniroFl kfid convenient:- uf vlaltora. A large tnd popular priced restaurant haa been Installed. Among the many noveltlea la a great flgure-l roller coaster, "The Old Mill," "Zls-Zag," a remarkable Japanese exhibit . and Gregg'a famoua $20,000 Carousel, the largest and moat beautiful merry-go-round in th country. . .. . DIVIDENDS Stoclc Now Offrd13 Psp Csnt When 8tor D S (CEN1T very conveniently over one double-track railroad with the water grade that Is afforded by the Columbia. The requirements of competitive transportation. - however, - Is . another question and even more Important to the public than to the. railroad com panics. It la aald Portland is certain to have lively competition between traffic llnea, even ahould the construe tlon fight of the Columbia Valley on the north bank be abandoned and the Milwaukee run its trains Into Portland ever the present O. R. A N. tracks from Rtparta or Lewlston. Competition be tween the Hilt lines on one aide ' and the Harrlman and Milwaukee roads en .the other would be a good thing for Portland, , and It -is believed', this will Inevitably be the result growing out of present complications, regardless of the manner of their solution. ,. .Tr .; rvt, Questions Involved. Extension of the Southern Pacific to the sound makea It necessary for the Harrlman companlearto deal ; with the Hill people for trackage If the Southern Pacific la to avoid construction of an Independent bridge over the Columbia Thla extenaion also Involves the entire Question of gradea on the penlnauia. The Intereala of the rival companies are so closely Interwoven tnat u ap nun to be - almost Inevitable that I general eomnromlae will finally be L reached embracing use of tracka on the penlnauia, brldgea acroaa ins .wuiam etta and Columbia and trackage on the ertb bank line. The practicability' of Joint conatrnotlon and wee of tracka Is to be given a test by the Hill and Har rlman companies on the llnea now be- inm conatruoted from Rtoaria to lewia ton and Grangeville.' The arrangement entered into there may. It Is saUL Ul timately be extended to Portland under an agreement to. wnicn tne norinern PaclflcL Oreat' Northern. Chi6ago, Mil waukee's. SLPaul, Union Pacific" and Southern Paclflo ayatema ,. will be pat Ilea.- 11 TAKING PLACE ished. - The Port of Portland - dredge that made this fill haa started on one between Eaat Alder and East Washing ton : streets. v It la estimated that It will take about the same quantity of material, 76,009 cuhio yards, to make this fill as was lr th lust' finished between .Morrison and Alder streets. These fills extend as far eaat aa Union avenue and are about IS feet In depth Wklla thla work. 1 expensive .to the owners of the filled property, they . express themselves as satisfied with th result ' The Sunnyslde Home Training circle held a meeting yesterday afternoon in the assembly hall - ot tha- Stmnyside school. Mrs. C W. Wood mads an address on "When Does a Mother's In fluence Begin T" - A program, of inter esting exerlaes was given by the school children. !A publlo meeting for the benefit of pa rente Is being ar ranged for th evening of June It. - -- ''- ' ' W. . A.v Klrkpatrick and Fred Rath bone are each building a hsndsome residence at University Park. Mr. Klrk patrick Is building on the corner of Syracuse and Hodge streets and Mr. Rathbone'a home la nesxlng completion on Bowdoln street . . ' . - Graduating exercises of the South Mount Tabor school will be held at tha schoolhOTise on-the Section -rom -tomorrow evening.' B. le Paget of Port land will deliver the address to the class. Miss M. M. Bode will give se lected readtnga. -, va , ' f ... "...-'...''' ' t . , Th steam shovel, used by tha Paclflo Bridge company In loading Its ears with dirt to make the Orand avenue fill. Is being- converted Into an - ell burner. While thla repairing la being; dona work on the Grand avenue fill is suspended. - Th location of th Brooklyn engine house was settled yesterday afternoon. Chief -Campbell.' Dlstrlot Engineer Hol den. Dr. Raf fety of tha water commit tee and Councllmen Rushlight and Wllla held a conference at Brooklyn and de cided that the location ahould be at the corner of Powell and the extension of Eaat-Twelfth atreet rlt was decided that the water committee, which owns a tract of IH acres on East Twelfth street should deed to the city a lot to by 100 feet as a alts for a fir engine house. Plana for the engine-house have been drawn, and will be S by 74 feet. Bids for - its erection will ba opened June 8. ' : - - . Special Rates East. On June rT f Jand J?i thi.Cant 8IanPaclflo will sell round trip tickets to eastern terminals for one fare plua tld for the round trip. Tickets will be good for . stopovers. ' with a final limit of 0 days. For descriptive mat ter and full particulars regarding the available routes, etc., call on or address F. R. Johnson, F. and P. A , Portland. Oregon. " . 1 ' . ' TO SHAREHOLDERS!, Per-Cnt Ouarantssd.- Will Pay Ovr 30 Are OattabllhJ . . v V Prospectus and Information Free. Write Today " ij celejt KAmc:r:E THE POTENCY OF LAUGHTER ' An old lady kissed by -the sun of many summer was talking th other day with a discontented girl and th suggestion she offered is worthy adop tion. "My dear, sh aald," 'Veep a pleasure-book and your life will seem happier." Th Idea Is good to record each day some direct pleasure would mean th ' realisation of countless unap preciated Joys In living. -J It ' may be only a bird not or the subtle scent of ' clover, a newsboy greeting; or the hum of . humanity's workshop, that sounds a chord of mel ody, it may be an encoufaglng word or kindly action or merely the pleur of work well done that shows against the background of dreary' routine. A record, of these simple Joy would Crys tallise thejr significance and make' theaa seem less Intangible and elusive. An other result would ' necessarily be the extending to ethers a cheery smile and a meed, of sunshine, for when the bright side of things Is looked upon a reflection of the radlanoo Is Inevit able. - ; . j. - Optimism r la the most -potent of charms. . It Is the sunshine of human hearts. and there Is nothing this old world - needs more than ita expanding, warming rays. Th greatest benefao tors of mankind are optimists with their wealth of cheerful, helpful dis positions. . From a purely physical, standpoint a aunny spirit la better than a spring tonle and th power of a spontaneous, hearty laugh la without a peer. Laugh ter is the arch enemy of dyspepsia. It acoelarates respiration and tones the whole system. It testa the capacity for oxygen, forcing I even - the least-used lung cells to eliminate their poison and etoerlng the brain - of the fogs of "melancholia." -An- elixir of life. In deed. Is laughter. . , The faculty of humor la si birthright too -often -bartered in-the -dally- grind of bread-winning and a false standard of artificial mirth substituted. The ability to laugh Joyoualy laugh aild be-a, part of Ufa's. xurrlcuium. far the optimism it teeche Is the mag net that attracts health, happiness and success. . ,.--..-., NEWEST EVENING COATS. Evening coats 1n cream lace with wide bands or flounces of heavier cream laea whose design has been -worked over In gold thread were ahown during the winter, but reappear in new guise now. and th evening coats formed of flounces of airy lace, chiffon and flower gar lands are legion. Thla sort of wrap lends - Itself particularly 'well -1 the draped and flowing mantle lines and there ar Innumerable evening coata of aoft silk In light hues made on these ma mantle lines snd trimmed, as are, the little short ooata, in delicate colors, with ruchlngs of ths silk and with lace. Enveloptng capes of chiffon taffeta In rose - or-llghtT bin -with - capuchin hood and shoulder drapery of laoa and silk ruchlng and fluttering scarf ends of laoa In the front ar charmingly youth ful and useful and are not necessarily expensive, though for .the Imported cape of thia kind high price are asked. ' CHEESE SALAD. ; Cream cheese makea a delicious din ner salad If prepared in th .following manner: Roll the cheese Into little balls with butter paddles, heap the balls on let tuce leaves or endive and pour French dreeaing over them. A rather more elaborate salad is made by. mixing with,, the cheese minced parsley and paprika. molding the mixture In little egg cups and placing on ice to chllL Serve on lettuce lea vea wMh-mayennalse- dress ing. Still another way of serving the cheese balls Is to line small fluted tlmbale molda with aspic; then;. when thia la act place In the center a ball of cheese and on the chelae a stoned olive filled with nsplc. When serving . turn on to a dish snd place about tha cheese mounds a celery finely mlneed -and - mixed with , mayonnaja. dressing..., J. . lJ 5jf A SPINSTER'S MEDITATIONS. From the Philadelphia Telegraph." Funny but true that a man can be Jealous about his wife even when ba la himself in love with another woman. If it were wrong to tell the truth. what a - lot of falsehoods , would be saved. A very goooiooking usoand la a sign that bis wife bas her doubts about him. , v. . - Providential. that openwork atocklnga and mosquitoes break out about the same time, v -c.--, . Too bad that about the time a man geta .old enough to have fun without being scolded he haa to be good on account of setting an . example to his ASH BABY'S- MOUTH- Baby's mouth should be washed every morning with tepid water. In which a pinch of ' boast la .dissolved. This simple lotion keeps the mouth fresh and sweet and prevents the uncomfort able affliction.' a sore mouth. ' with which so msny poor babies are troubled. y T Latest Phet T PRANOES MABIS JCtJiL.Yark: OariUld Boulevard, Ohlcage. atamp to pay poaUge, -roB.gAti.Am Where Baiting Begins mght " The baking of the NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY begins-vitl rigli ll-.aft?f .through the -whole . process of baking is right. There is not one point of .quality, that care, skill and modern bakejies could make better. It is perfection : itself- through and through:" LIBRARY HAS BOOKS ON GOOD ROADS SUBJECT - j"- Long List of Works Dealing With ; : "r Different Phases of the .,, , i":- Question. ' : The followin books bearlna- On aond roads are to be found Irt the .public library. Other - material - will also be found In the reference-room: Altken, Thomas Road-Making and U,1nlnani.. 1S0O: Baker, I. O. Treatise on Roads and Pavements, lo. Ttyfrie, A. T. Highway Ccnstructlorr. 1101.. Codrlnaton, Thomas Maintenance of Macadamised Roads. Illl. Ins; and Street Pavements. (See his City Government In the . United States, p. 111-148.) . Delano, W. M. Twenty Tears' Practi cal experience 01 nsiurai Aspnaii ana Mineral Bitumen. 18tt. , - Falrtle. J. A. Municipal Admlnlatra tlon. l0l. . Gillette. H. P. Economics of Road Construction. 101. , .Gillespie, W. M. Treatise on Survey in. - - Olllmore, Q. "A. Practical Treatise on Roads, Streets and Pavements. 1(71. llendersotw ' C, R Good Roada and Communications. (See his Roclal Spirit In America. llPf. p. -.) '-- Irwin, Henry. snd others--Mor for Better Roads, 11(1. . .., , Judson. W. p. City Rosds and Pave ments. 102. - King, F. II. Construction and Main tenance of Good Roads.- (See his Text book of Agriculture, 1101, p. 444-485.)- Riee. H. Bolls and Road Material, fin 1 his Economic Geology of the United State, p. tll-fl.) . 4 Robinson, C. M improvement of Towns snd Cities, 1101. RorkWell. - A. - p. Roads "and Pave ments In Frsnc. 119. 1 - Shnler, U. 8. American Hlhwaya, MM. . ' Shaw. Albert Municipal Govarnment In Continental Europe, 1197. ... Shsjv, Albert Munlclnal Government In Oft Britain. 15. '.'"' Spaldln. r. P.---Textbook on Roads and Pavements. 108. . "'. Stone. .Roy-New Roada and Road Laws In the- United States. 1114. , ' " . XaJnreS a malaiM. (Bptislnipatrk le Tke' JnuraaLy ' Rainier. Or. Jun Z While workln on a loaded lumber car yesterday, llaa- Grew PROVE.ITe ,' - - r NOW at all druggfets, Iq three sfrrs, 25 cent, 50 cants and 9100 per bottle. PIIPP To ,Jlow how u,cklr Danderlnsj act, w wl rliCisssS aend a large sample free by return mail to anyr a 2 -who sends this advertiscnirrrt to the Knowttot Oandert ' rCo ChloSlOvr 'wltS ttame and laddrcM and io cents in ailvelf ' KNOWLTON, ogARANTEED bt WOOPARD. It Ends EMgW when it teach your table nn ton chad by Strang band, antainted by odors. Th quality, oven-flavor and freahnee arc preserved in a dust and moisture proof package, diatia- gTiiahed by th trad mark her ahown. It alwaya appear ' io red and white on each end of th package and warrant Jhe perfect coadition of th contents. For example try package of " --7------:-:-'; -W CAAIIAM CKACajRs possessing - tha rlclr antty flavor of graham floor tinUk 7 STmnam cracker yo ever tasted. , " . rROTANA a temptingly ' delicious anion of biscuit snd f rait the newest delicacy of th National Biscuit Company. .;'-:;; ''.''..v- Aa?getaUe Freparauanfor As similating the Food andHctf ula Ung the 5 tomachs andBowels of to .i.r in Jill. Promotes DigestionXhecrfur ness and Restontalns neither Opium forphinB rvorMiaxeUL KOT NARCOTIC. A perfect Remedy for Consfipev non.SourStouwXDiairhoca Worms Xx)rmilsions. Feverish nrss and Lo 89 OF SLEEP. TMSimst Signahjr of . l2a7ZST- ' NEW YORK. ' '-,-'.--..;" - . -...,.. :M , - esg-m . 1 11 .1 . j. ..j '. aer Ferris of th Wilson Csse Lumber company fell to th ground snd dls lodfed a heavy beam, which struck bint This Hair AND WE OAN Llttl Fraaees Karl lCnowltoa Is tb & ter ef Dr. K. W. Koowltott. tb discoverer of tali great hair-trowtog remedy, and her beaatt. fat- hair was grown wholly by lb na of tbl great tonle. . ' , l . This llttl girl had no nor hair than tb averag child before using Deaaertne, while now sh bas th longest and went beautiful bead of golden kalr aver possessed bf a child of bar age In th world. - . . aiaaderloeaiake the scalp healthy and fertile and keeps It so. II Is the greatest scalp fertili ser and therefor th greatest balr-prodoeiag remedy ever discovered. It hi a natural food and a wholesome medietas for both the hair and scalp. Even a tie. bottle of It win put mor genuine life la yonr hair than a gaUoa Of any other hair tool vr mad, v CLARKE & CQ. j- J X - a:- sssW--, 1 uTOiiuiijaL Tor Infants and Children. , The Kind You Hara For Over Thirty Yoar 'stdVwars..e II euffsrel sprained ankle and serious tr cuts, being rendered tin- Always Bought Bears tte & Y ' TM b'WbssWsV issWI weaWsst H"ev