The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 06, 1906, Page 9, Image 9

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!,. 1 '
ficiiudg m i;i
New XoVic Sports Enjoying Nov
elty of Pulling Off Real V ;
. . Prize Fight. ,
Splendid Showing of Cornell's Atlv.
: " letee Call for Congratulation for
the Men From Ithaca Columbia
May Play Football Thla Season. -
: 'i ''-.' By Manhattan. " ' -
', ' 'JloarsaI -Rpeclsl "
ewYork, June - . The "rt Ighttng
'am a certainly In cur midst With
tha ;Tsrry Mcdovern-Jtmmr Brltt and
tha Oua Ruhlin-Bandy Ferguson goes tha
flrat night, followad by Young. Corbatt'a
fight tha hast night, to say nothing af
tha dally goea at the varloue "clubs."
ws-er ahead of Ban Fraaeleoo in the
palmiest daya of fighting. ,
' W may ax pact befora lone to have
regular to-round boat a batwaan all tha
top-notoher unless tha court ara eallad
In and decide tha wholo bualnaaa a
violation, ot tha , law and atop It. It
' wilt dapand In a large measure .en tha
conduct of tha fighter and tight pro
motara whathar or not thla la dona.
' Thara la In Now Tork a vast population
which would Ilka . to eee first-class
fight eonduetad in a propar manner.
Tha showing made by Terry McOov
arn against Brltt waa a. aurprla to
everybody here. I had never aean Brltt
In tha fine, and eon fee that ha waa a
-jdraaptMilnimant. . McQoyeraJs. notwlUvri
In 10 per cant of hla old-time form.
Had he been, the Call'ornhm would not
bare laatad half a doaan rounds.
I aaa Oua Ruhlln haa taken on naw
front sine ha beated Fararuaon and la
.Insistent , In hla daalra ,'to meet any... of I
tha many heavyweight near-champions.
It'a a great pity aome of the claimant
ta the title; do not get together. Oua
la probably as good as any of them.; and
that la not taring 4 g rest-deal. r r
- Feeimr ro-o
J,J mast confess to a warm feeling for
-old Bob Jntaslmmon,- and ha-ha my
good wishes whenever ha goe Into the
ring. - He Is a fighter- from tha tap-of
1 tha gong. ' Tha old man la getting along
tn years, full 10 year past tha usual
. retiring aga In tha ring, but any man
who geta Into tha ring with tha Cornlhh
man knowa ha bat bean to tha wars, and
thla applies to all of them from Jeffries
. down.; . - .' :.: ''-.i,'..'.
'- Cornell probably etULJs at tha old
. stand at Ithaca, but It would bo Justified
If It waa not.. When the track team of
- a eollega takes tha Intercollegiate chera
. plonahtp by a long margin and her boat
craw beat out Harvard with ease, there
la luetlflraMnrt for almost, anything,
Cornell haa alwaya taken a higher place
In athletics of all ktnda than her posi
tion aa compared with tha other big
universities would Justify. Tha proba
ble explanation of It la that tha great
;Jodypf .. Corneil-..-nndrsvduaee - era
. of tha claaa who go to college far a defi
nite purpoee. They mean bualnaaa and
hey carry tha habit Into, their -aporta
as wall aa their atudlea. It must be
galling to Harvard and Yale that they
finished third and fourth, while tha
. feellnga to tha aona ef old Naaaaa when
Princeton finished way down among tha
also rana may be batter Imagined than
. put-on papeAi'.H ui-. ...
. ' Xarrard , Man Xopea, -'
Harvard hopaa to get aven In some
measure by, beating out Tale In tha
boat race on June 1$. While beaten by
Cornell, the Harvard crew shows Indi
cations of being tha beat tha Cambridg
Itss have had in several yeara.
This week, and probably most of next,
tha Harvard crew will - work on the
. Charles. Tha laat of neat week they
, will go to Red Top for their final prep
.' a rations for tha race. It la customary
for tha crew ta spend about three weaka
there, putting en tha finishing touches
and getting tha men acclimated, so that
they will be in good trim for tha race.
- All of tha man are In tha beat of con
dition, and tha progress of tha craw to
; ward winning form In tha race with
Tale Should b eteady-From now on
. they will begin to take longer rows
dally. Tha laat week and a halt haa
Here's a cigar
enjoy at all times.: :Y r
light and satisfy. . Smokes like -a
teficent Vcigarcosts but a ;
nickel. ; . ' i---.'i"--v: :'.''.'
' ; - J Jit Your Dealer's
, - ,..,. ' . - t , -. . , ... ,
been "SpenfTTX tratntn g thrra fur short
distance, and they have not gone' tha
full couraa distance In twa weeks. With
tha second crew, tha 'varsity will row
over tha longer couraa on tha Charles.
ao that tha men will be In trim for tha
hard four-mile pull on tha Thames.
...There Is a ehanca that Columbia may
nave football arter an;
Tha . threa committees appointed by
President Butler to 4nveatlgate tha -ath.
letlo situation at tha university are
busy diacusslng tha question of tha re
sumption of the game, and It la not un
likely that football will ba favorably re-
portea on.
The student committee, which rtre re
sents tha general body of undergrad
uates, la strongly for tha reinstatement
of tha game next fall. Tha faculty com
mlttea la at tha other extreme, fighting
to kill tha game entirely. Half , way be
tween tha two tha graduataa propose
a compromise advocating tha resump
tion of the game in MOT.
The etudenta expect that tha euggea.
tlona will ba smothered, and In order to
accomplish anything the? will do. the
neat best thing and awing ever to the
side of the graduates.
Should tha Joint committee report In
favor of restoring football In 1007, the
report will go to Prealdent BuUer. Ao-'
coming action laxen oy me uni-
verelty council laat fall, the prealdent
haa final say aa to what will be dona
Although It Ta known that he la against
tha game, the students believe he will
not go against- tha graduates) on that
score, .particularly aa there ara many In
fluentlal - men, graduataa of Columbia,
on the .committee, ;, '
' ?: i 8P0RTIN0 GOSSIP, v
'' That Polish girl who la -In. a tranoe
aught to get a Job- with Jimmy Collins
Boston Amerloene. - .
" Muggsy . McOraw waa arrested - in
Pittsburg for assaulting a boy.. If they
should ever get out an Injunction, to
prevent hla making any kind af trouble
It would deprive Muggay of bis oocupev
uon. .. .. . . -
...... . ' e ;e . . - .- -
labell ' of Chicago atola third twice
and home onoe in a game against the
Highlanders. IsbeU takes all he can
a- - p'"""hnr py tr",i m
now. T
Rube . Waddell doesn't propose that
tha Liberty bell shall have anything on
him. To combine all tha attractions
'.The bree;.. i of thoroughbreds in the
Argentine Republic are aura to be heard
from. They are searching the world for
tha beat sires, and the matter f coat
cuta no. figure.. when they make np their
mine they want a horse. . The recent
purabaa of Dlainond Jubilee from the
klnga stud for 11S0.O0O haa been fol
lowed by tha purchase of the great Fly
ing Fo colt Jardy rrora M. Sdmond
Bian - paying tha eaormona : price of
11(0,000. , v v
e . a '
B6me intereftlng facte have. Juat been
made publlo concerning the amount
apent by the. various foreign , govern'
menta on the breeding of horoea. In
Franca the amount la -(1,640,000; Ger
many. It&O.OOOr Austria. 1790.000, and
Italy. S620.0OO. Russia apenda an en or
moua sum, but the figures ara not ob
tainable. The aama ta true of Turkey.
Tha sultan haa four large atate atuda.
Thetendffgyll to lntiteman thi
prlatlona for thla purpose. The various
governmanta regard It aa a good Invest
ment from an economic standpoint. . It
Improves tha bread of native horeea and
makeo 4 he - procuring af eavalry ; re
mounts eaaler. -
W. Wame la now at the head of the
Hat of winning Jockeys in Germany.
with O Connor, the America a. In third
place. . ; , ... ,C : .. . . v
. , ,- - e a..
Danny Maher doea not appear to ba
riding up to hla usual form thla sea
son, ho etanaa nrtn in tna iiat on win
nlng mounta and third tn peroentago'of
wlna. ' , ,. ; ...
' e e' . ' " ;. .
W. K. Vanderbllt contlnuea hla win
ning career on the French turf. In Pree
tlge he haa one of the very best horses
of the year in France, and thara ara
other grand horses in hla atring. which
will keep him well ta the front of the
season's . winners. - ' An accident to
Rauach. hla premier Jockey, which will
keep, him out of ' the" saddle for a couple
of weeks, haa handicapped the stable
somewhat, but be la atlll winning raoea.
Pianolas Must Go Too.
Why don't yon - secure a ' Pianola
either a slightly naed one or one of the
vary lateat Met roe ty let Everything
must go at once.r Payments as you
choose. Ellera Piano House, 181 Wash
ington street
you'll thoroughly
OREGOTJ v . r: .
Riders Are Busy Getting Into
' Form for Saturday's Race
'VV :;;.'.' Meeting. ' o "f '
If Weather Conditions Are Favorable
Irvington ,Will See , the Larjreat
, Crowd in the History of Local Or-
(anUation. T..-',
-The- only matter that has been defi
nitely arranged for - Saturday's Hunt
club meet-la the-waather.r Thla Tnorn
Ing president' Downing received, word
front the . weather bureau that rain
would cease falling by Thursday noon
and. that Saturday would be the fineet
day of the entire, month. .Thla .news
is vary welcome to the Hunt club rid
ers, who have been In constant training
for tha. meet, and moat of them re
quire a dry field In order to do .their
beat Jockeying.. A wet and heavy track
will have Its drawbacka and aa. there
will be some rapid time made In tha
races It la to be hoped that tha track
will ba taet. .
' The relay riders havet been at work
for noma time getting accustomed to the
trloks and turna that will ensue dar
ing their race, and today Captains Lead
better and Tanner announoad that each
rider haa been thoroughly , drilled and
that the teama ara complete and ready
to start. Tha chief difficulty in this
race will be the work required in, get
ling thjL.oraBeoppadi.tbJajUie re
qulred space, and .returning them to
the orlglnej -starting place.- Several of
thd horses are hard to manage and It
wlU give the riders -all that they can
do to .gat their animals atopped and
ursa.inj,une,. -
. On account of a number ot the mem
bers entering more -than one horse - In
two eventa It will require some time be
fore the official Uat la made np for pub
lication. Aa near aa can ba learned the
following rider and horses will start:
Threer-eighthasbj.lia pound!,
r, Effht pedtd. Tisarthallei nn
Barnato. Bcott Brooke on Jo Jawett,
Henry. MeUger on Cricket,. Jamea Alex
ander on Ladlce It, . Df. Chapman on
Queen. Bonlta la alao entered In thla
race. . .' .
Five elghtha ran,' 110 pounds C H.
Leadbetter on SUmy, J. C. Mnehe od
Tom Fox, BL B. Tongue on John Bogga,
Thomaa Tonga on Mike Wisdom. Call
Bond la. also entered. ' .
- Seven eighths run, 110 pound Ralph
Jenkins on WUl Wehrang, SL B. Tongue
on Our Choice, B. M. iAaarus on Paul
Jonas, W. O. McRae on Oregon Bun
shine. Two mile race, 1( " pounds C. H.
abetTer on HrBenhett.TCXaaa -
rus on Moron go, BL B. Tongue on Ore
gon Kid, F. W. Lieedbetter on Raclvo.
EL T. Chaee on Vines, Jx. I Lead better
on Bob Crawford.
- One quarter mile daah, each rider to
weigh at least SO pounds and to. carry
no weight Dr. Emmet Drake on Del
monloo, W. af. Davis on Waldorf Caa
torla. D. A. , Pattullo en Red Raven
Spllnta, J. A. Horaa on Irish Lad.
The edda that prevailed on Tuesday
did not change over night and the
chances are that they will be post
R. H. B.
St Louis . .......
UtTiad KMZmiZA - -
. . . i . . J
At Philadelphia.
R.H. X.
Cincinnati .1 10 t
Philadelphia . . S 14 1
Batteries Winder and Schlel; Ptttln-
ger, t paras ana jjooin. . umpire Klein.
" - At Boston.
' . . R.H. JB.
Pittsburg . . 11 1
Boston It
Batteries Leevrr and Gtbaon: Dorner.
Lindaman- and Need ham, Umpire
rpener eno uunvif.
At Slew Took.
. R.H. E.
. V. f S 1
New York - . . l a
Batterlee Brown and Kilns: McOln-
nity ana Bowennan. umplres jcmslle
and O Dajr. ...
At St. Xonla.
R.H. W.
Pt. Louis ...............a il
New Tork S IS I
Batterlee Smith and Rickey: Ches-
bro, Clarkaon, Ortfflth, Klelnow', Me
Oulre and Thomaa.
- At Chloaga. ' x
R. h. a.
.. r to i
. . i i i
Chleago . . .
Batteries White and Sulllvani Wad
dell, Coakley, Be h reck and Byrne., ..
(Seeelat Dweetra te The JeereeL) ,
Willamette University. Salem, Or.,
June . Salem will have lota of base
ball thle week. Willamette will play the
Columbia university team . from Port
land. Wednesday and Friday afternoon,
and tha Salem High school W1M play
the Columbia boys Thursday afternoon.
Saturday morning before the big saeet
the Willamette team will play the
Cheroawa Indians on the Wlllaftrette
diamond. ;.'. ".',"....'.'"..:''",
- " Won." Loet " P.C.
...... tt .111
Portland . . .
Pan Francisco
I 4 .117!
Oakland .
Freana . . t
Loa Angelea 3
: Oakland Wins One.
' ' Jeer I Special ServW I
Oakland. CaL.- June I. The Commut
ers returned home yesterday and beat
the Scale le 1. Score:
, R. H. E.
Oakland.............. t t
San Franclaco . ..10
Batterlee Oraham and T. ITackett;
O'Brien and Wilson. Umpire McDon
ald. ' , .-, ' ..
Uoaraal Baeelal Servtee.) .
New Tork. June . Teeter Saye race
reeulte at Belmont track:
On mile Balgra via won, McKltt-
redge . second,- Bayonet third; time.
llll-f" . .
Five furlongs Jaunty wen, Lyal
seoonoV Gold Lady , third; time, e.tlt-a.
Cae suia tana wei won, Aucaaaia
C-rc3 llnoy end C!zd-
Czt CZsessss In Every
Fcrcn Hcny PccpSa
C2avo lld.noy Trcsbla
end Co Hot Llnoa It-
It It the function of the kidney to fllto
and purify the blood which 1 conatantly
paatlnf through them. , , . , ."- ;
When the kidneys are out of order the
ether orgaaa ara affected immediately
and yo may hare aymptons of heart
tronble, ttomach and 11 rer trouble, and
ether aJlmenta, which are all owing t the
fcldaeys beio fj weak and out of order.
U yen are elok FeJey's KkSlMf
Cure) will strenfthes and build np the
worn out tUsuea of the kidney ao they
will act properly and the aymptons of
weakaeea, heart, stomach and liver
tronble will disappear and yen wUl bo
reatorad to perfect health. . -
Yes eaa eaaily determine if yonr kid-
aays are eatototbraettlnraaioV
. . .
U hoars g bottle of I he urine paeaad
upon ariainf . If upon examination It la
clondy or milky or haa a briok-dnat sd
tment orsmaU particles float a boat Is
yoarkidneyo mtm dlaeaaed-and FwOwT'i
Kidney Dursi should be taken at one.
Feley's Kidney Cure) ia pieaaant to
take aad acta directly upon the parta
affected aad yon begin to foal batter
at once.
-It correct alight disorder in a few
days aad It has cured many obatlaate
eaaea nftor other treatment had failed.
: Deotera tald Ne Weali Net Uvs.
' Pater Prey, of Woodruff? Pa., write:
"After doctoring for two yeara with the
best physicians In Wayne bur?, and atlll
retting worse, the doctors advised mo if
I had any bnaineaa to attend to I bad bet-
tar attend to it at once, aa I could not.
possibly live another month, as there was
o euro for me. Foley'e Kidney Core
waa recommended to me by a friend, and
TT1amcdlataly - sent my vm to the tore
for it and after taking three bottle I be
gan to get better and continued to fm
prove Until I was entirely well."
Two la, Se and IIM. .
Weodard, Clarke ft Co. and ktdaaord
. Bruar Co. .
second. Jack McKeon third; time, 1:11.
The Van Cortland t handicap, seven
furlongs Aeronaut, ltt (Radtke). T to
1, won; Dolly Spanker, ltl (Miller), 1
to I, second; Flip Flap, lit (Shaw), T
to I,! third: time, 1:6. Bedouin, Ox
ford, Cederatrom, Diamond Flush and
Flrat Premium alao ran. "
about two miles and one half dame
Cr - Pul Jooe, oond. Pierce
third: time, S:Sf. :
One mile and one quarter Bad Newe
won, Masanlello second. Ostrich third:
time, !:0S-S.
Private sweepstakes, four furlong
Orton Dobbl won. Victory Ble second.
Step Away third; time, t:40. . ;
: Oearaal Special Sao tee.) !tZ
, White River Junction. Vt, June .
After holding the rlbbona over eome
of the fleetest steppers tn the country
for more than tt yeara, or since he was
t years old. "Uncle Charlie" Taylor, tha
oldeet bora jockey "lit the world, haa
retired from the track and will not
enter another race. The centenarian
hnraemaawhp Im easily. tha mi
markable physical specimen of old age
alive today, declares he la not- an old
man la tha strict meaning of the word,
and that la the only thing about which
he le sensitive. While It may be almost
Impossible to credit It, the old man can
hurdle a fence Ave feet ta height, kick
a hat from the head of a six-footer,
run at a clip which would distance many
men 10 yeara younger than ha la. do a
hard' daya work, Jump acre m brook
and perform many atunta whloh would
put young men to shame. ,
esaweiHsaaaBBBBBBBwaa '
(loareal Special servke.)
Boston, June .Tired looking and'
emaciated. Lou Criger, ' the Boston
American league catcher, arrived in this
city to undergo a special course of
Criger ' traveled ekme. and it waa a
sever teat to his worn and pain-racked
body, being tt hour on the road.
Regarding Crlger'a condition. Dr.
Chrletlan aald: '"He la a very alck maa
and all run down. The palna which
continually rack hla body caused him
t resort to the use of morphine, which,
In turn, has completed. lheWP.rh Started
byIncoTaaorthei iby laiailug hie
former excellent physique."
Rata prevented another game at Rec
reation park yesterday. Manager Dillon
and hla men are here ready to take a
crack at th Olanta, but the weather
will not permit. The local diamond la
a mass ef mud and tha chance for ,a
game today ar very email.
Westmoreland, Kan.. May I. ltt
Bailard. Knew Liniment Company Tour
Snow Liniment cured an old sore on the
side ot my chin that was supposed to be
cancer. The sor waa stubborn and
would net yield to treatment, until I
tried Snow Liniment,' which did the work
In short order. My elster. Mrs. Sophia
j Carson. AllensvlUe: Mlffln rounfy,
Pennsylvania, ha a. snr and mistrusts
that It la a cancer. PIms send her a
SO-eent botUa,- fold by Wooaard, Clarke
Ce - ' . ' . .
Trsffio Rssunisd on Lines Into
Pendleton, All Evidence of
the Flood GoneJ
Every Available Force Employed by
Railroads In Removing . Traces ot
Highest Water Ever Experienced
in the History of Umatilla County.
(ftWlal DUpatefc e The SoereeO "
i Pendleton, Or., June . This city ha
beeti Almost Isolated from oommunlca
Uon with, the outside world by the flood
of Tuesday, May tt. Though tha prop
erty loss was heavy for a number of
people In the dlatriot affected the loo
la not great considering the depth of
Water In place and the amount of terri
tory the flood oovered, :, ', ..
, ,Th water waa higher In the Umatilla
river than aver before In Ita hlatory.
but tha flood eould have been prevented
had there -been - floodgate placed, as
moat of the water eama from the river
at tha end of the Byere mill tallraca,
Thla would have prevented the western
part of tha city from being flooded, alao
the eeotlons of the principal part of the
eity that were affected. .
- All precautions ara being taken to
prevent aloknese which might result
from pools of water remaining in parta
ef the city.
BasemenW) Cleared.
" Nearly all basements have been
cleaned out. Merchant will auffer con
siderably, at all had good stored In
basemen ta In the course of a week The
city will again be In ite natural order.
Eastern -Oregon was praying for ram
and moot of tha higher suctions "have
been greatly benefited Whetis re
ported In excellent - condition. Only
parta of Umatilla county war affected,
the lower places along the 'Umatilla
river. .Pendleton, the Mllton-Freewater
country, along the Walla Walla river,
and Weston were somewhat affected,
tha . Jat,tj;,byWlld'.iHoro creek over-
flowing.' ., .' '
.. Train Vanning. "
Tralna are again running on all lines
and the traveler would never know that
a flood had visited thle section. This
Is tha quickest resumption' ot business
after such a destructive flood in the
history -of railroading in the west. -
- All available, forcea of . tha system
have been at work on repairs In this
county. Strange aa It may seem there
was absolutely no damage on tracks east
of Kamela. The rains were aa heavy on
the east aide of the mountalna aa on the
west, apparently, but the streams on the
eaat aide were not ewollen perceptibly,
(serial Dtmeteh t Tte learaatl
McMlnavUl, Or.,un-V Tb- fifth
annual meeting of the West Willam
ette Baptlat association convened In the
First Baptlat church Monday evening
and will oontlnue until thla evening.
Rev. J. H. Douglas of Independence la
moderator. The principal feature of the
opening aeaslon waa a sermon by Rev.
W. Bk Pop, general missionary of Ore
gon. .... ,)...'. 1 : ,,
. yesterday's aaaaton began at
o'clock with devotional service led by
Rev. S. C. Nielsen. Danish- Baptist
church, McMlnnvllle. Letters from the
churches of the association were read.
ThS'prtnetpal" topftr of ths -morning waa
rThe Prayer Meeting," discussion being
led by Revr-J.-WrBtockton- ot-Amity.
The afternoon was taken up with the
women's and young people's sessions.
Tha former was addressed by Rev. A.
W. Rider o( Oakland. California, and
Dr. Emma Park, a former missionary tn
Burraah, Tha . young . people'a session
was addressed by Psslor Orr of Tarn
hill and Pastor C H. Hewitt of Dayton.
In tha evening Rev. J. A. Clarke, edi
tor of tha Pactf to Baptist, addressed tha
young people.
' Delegate are present from the foM
lowing churches: Newberg, Dayton,
Carlton, Amity, Independence, Corvall la
and Yamhill. . Quite a number ot vis
itors sre attending ,; ,
Spokaaa, Wash., June . Municipal
ownership of an eieetrlo light plant for
Spokane la the object which the re
cently organised Referendum league will
soon aet about to accomplish. The ex
ecutive committee has been considering
meana for accomplishing thla purpose
and several city councilman have been
approached en the eubjeet.- It ia aald
they are la favor of the work, The
commute Is preparing aa ordinance
providing for municipal ownership of
the electric light plant. The city coun-
wtll fee-ask 4 W aet upon It at one
If the eity fathera balk the league wUl
demand that tha question be referred to
the people at a special election.
The league baa recruited about Ml
members, the roll containing name of
many prominent business men who are
In favor of the measures adopted by
th league.
Yellowstone National Park. ,
The government official entrance la
via tha Northern Paciflo, Livingston,
Montana, and Oardlner gateway. .
It la the wonderland of the world
limitless la recreation opportunities:
offering the finest coaching trip In
America and the study of nature's moat
wonderful phenomena. It may be seen
aa nidetrlp en route to or from the I
Special excursion ratea fo th round I
trip will h mad during tn summer
to points eaat. and Yellowetone - park
should be Included. Join th "Se
America First" club and tra-el via the
Northern Paciflo,
Particular at ticket office, f Mor
riaon street, corner Third.
'Banff Hot Springs.
Paasengera going eaat Via th Cana
dian Paciflo have aa opportunity t see
Banff, he moot attractive mountain re
sort, en th North American continent
Excursion ticketa now en sale to eastern
points give you stopover at thla point.
as Veil aa Glacier, Lakes In the Clouds,
Field and the wonderful Toho valley, all
ef which are recognised by the traveling i
public aa being the greatest ecenle at
traction In th world.
Very low excursion rates from T t
tand to Banff Hot Springe and r'
Lose than 41 hours' ride from Per.
For descriptive matter and full r
ulara, rail Oh or ad'lreso F. R. Jo.
. P. A Portland, Oregon.
-M- .r.
11:11 VLU
a w.rnERSCX AWiisira
Thousand upon thousands of case were opened UP yesterday and
turned; over to tha publlo at their awn" figure.: Did w standf by oar ad-
, vertleementt I should ear we did; everybody went away well ' pleased
with tha bargains they procured, at a price that no other retail or
.wholesale merchant dare sell gooda at. This unclaimed freight must
1 go, and tt la yours for little money, , . , .
. Xaoh and every word ot thla advertisement ia nothing but pur troth.
and It yon ara not entirely satisfied with your purchase, your money
will be cheerfully refunded. " v.1.,.,!, .''.J'
Make mlstakst this sals Is a take and n hum ban sad resnsm-
bar that the address Is 14 North Third street, corner of Couoh, where the
large blu signs are. j ; ( 'v 1 v :' ; ';' ; y
- The following. will give yon a short Idea of the many thousands of
bargains that will be placed upon our counters: . . '
Everything wilt be markedTielirr
early. We will fotget the regular price ef these goods t they are all th
aeaeon'a up-to-dat clothing, shoes and furnishing Sooda. ' .. v . ,
BOS f,eo dosen unclaimed freight Men's, black, tan, gray and
-. red Boa. dosen .................25
. , .Will'b in dosen package only. A
' CTJTUinbOXS OOXAASUB Ten cases of Celluloid Collars, each ens eon-;.-
talnlog 1,000 dosen; everywhere alee sold for ita. . Price. ..........Id)
aTXOZWrBAS t.OOe - dosen .Men's Four-ln-Hande, T Imperials,' Tscka.
; Bowa and Aocoto: thla la a line of up-to-date Neckwear, waa bought by
. aoma San Franclaco merchant to retail from tfie to II. to. Take your
' choice of any one of the lot or take as many aa yon like at 12Me
wsJrDKZjtOXZzrs Five cases of Men'a linen Handkerchiefs, each eaa
containing SOS doseiwbuyM mMy a you like at, each .....1
: TnTDBBWXAJI Her is your chance, men,' to aeoufe Uoderwearai your
own price. Men' heavy rib red, brown, blue, pink and white Under-
wear. In all slses; drawers and ahlrta to match the graateet bargain
ever offered by any concern In th United State... Choice.. ...... 29
BXZXTS There ar Tt cases of Men'a Shlrta; they some all color dark '
and-light ahades. . A aolid good. working Shlrtl yon wtlt .pay at any
store In th town from too to 7&c Unlimited choice for...;.., ...2&4
SATS The greateet Hat special aver heard of In the City of Portland.
We will plac on sal 1.000 Men'a Stiff Bate and Fedora. In all th
lateet ahape and In all alsea; as long as they laat they are yours, and
take away as many as youwant to at. ...... .......;.-...........lff
sronsr. . wfuosu
Srrwry Word W Say,
Ooaoera Brer Of fared Ton Saok IVegltUnate Beyatay aad .
- at Thee Frio th Stor Saonld Be Orammad '; . .
r Fall f Bagsi ayess. -" . . t,.,;,,,
-OrOTSge i Rsadli-thCloth1ng tor-Men, Teuthe and Beyey-we ni
placa 4n sale, starting tomorrow at I a. m., 1.000 Men'a Cheviot Suit
in th very latest, up-to-date etyle good patterns. Every store will
Jxesk you $10.00. For thla jiale , . .. .f 2.09
Men'a Double-B reaa ted pure all-wool Cheviot Suite, Tweed Mixtures, and
alao in plain; regular stores will ask you $11. 00. Unclaimed freight
prtc . W...S4.66
About 1,000 Men'a Worated Single and Double-Breaeted Suits; they ar
- In th lateat grays, blacks, browns and almost any pattern that yon '
might wish for; regular prtc $10.00. Price . 96.44
There Are only ISO Men'a Bilk Panel Lined Cheviot. Single and Double-
Breasted Suite; aa long aa they laat they are yours for $7.41; they ar.
regularly worth $$5.00. hut our prtc , -nri.Ti i " . $T4S
Brlaw Thla AA. With Toe, Thla Zs ST Sfombug, or Fake Sals Wo Mean
, Stvery Wer W Say. aad Bvary Arttol Advertised
i.t... . . Ton Can Stave fo the Aaktog.
Thla means we give you thousand upon thoueeade ef bargains,
which are here In the atoro for you. but we are doing eomethlng for you
that no other merchant or adjueter ever attempted, and by helping ns
to get rid of thle merchandise you help youraelves.
ttmtt I lino pair of Men's
In all sixes, the lateat ahape. Tour
About 1,000 pair of Men's all-wool Cheviot and Worsted Panta; tegular
, price $$.10. Unclaimed freight price...............,..... '.f 1.23
Men'a pur all-worsted genuine article. Men' Panta a pair of Pant
that other stores aak yon $$.00 for. Our price for th unclaimed freight
sale . 92.41
tOCOSS -Here are Shoe for you for a song; TS eaaea of Satin Calf Shoe;
regular $!.?. Unclaimed freight prices.., sgg)
Men'a heavy Working Shoes; other Store ask yon $1.10. Unclaimed
freight prlcea ,.".....................91.40
$$.50 calf leather lined Shoe .91.60
Jlhere ara 10 jauea. consisting et tt
. 7. 10 Shoea. latest design. These will b sold a long a they laat take
aa many pair as you like 92.48
Do not wait until tha merchandise la gone, eome while the stock 1
near complete, make your purchase and if yen ara not entirely aatlsfled
with what you have bought from ua. ask tha superintendent tn charge end -your
money will be cheerfully refunded on any article that la not entirely
aatlafactory to yon . -v: , . -v-. v
AU merchants desiring to buy tn bulk win call between the hour ot .
S and 10 a. m. Inquire for R. S. Wilson, who haa tha enttr ehsge ef th
. wholesale departmfnt. Ton will b able ta purehaa gooda her during
thla unclaimed freight aale for th coot ot th freight, but term ar
strictly cash. Thar Is nothing misrepresented in thla ad, but tha mer
chandise la here Juat as advertised. - ,
' a fbw sou SYBOXAxa of ni stwrs FvxjrtsBXsTa xan. -';
SLUrSSSBOSaXFp Jap Silk: regular teo kind, her et......r,,, iT4
-OOIAABS Men's Linen Collarej regular 11 H or,.. .......... '..4..2f
Sfwyr SVZTSV BZTBA SFBOZAXr (00 Men's Suits will fee placed up
the table, an aaeortment of only one ef a kind, and w will guarantee
a perfect fit upon thee suits before leaving tha etore all alteration
will be mad free. Theee eotte at retail would range In price from $T.
to $$$.00, and your enttr choice ........96.00
sTTXat KAgcmtl I S FB Men'a large, fancy Silk Handkerchiefs; other
etore) aak Tie. Unclaimed freight price.......... .,.,....234t
SOTS' WTJTTS 1.000 Boys Suits wa have not got time to serf th
out; seme w hav from $1.10 to $10.00. Tyur eholoe for 91J(9
sro sasTAn AaoABBwa tscs addbsssl
hA rJ-Tn Tr
1 Criers Tl X Ftled iho sy Tky
C":f tlaag trwy Itafmaded si
. , tfcUcTatery r.-ie I" -cy f
A. W. t
.VII 11
8 A. H. UNTIL 9 P. f.I.
.. 0.. A ChOKM. ; :
Wham We Van Ton That ST Othew
good solid Working Panta; they some
unlimited choice... ....... ....eSd
pair to A case, patent leather, regular
r r