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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1906)
,TII2 OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PpRTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING. JUNE BJ 1CC3. . ' . "" ' " " .......... -Ii , ii . -J-: ,. , Some of ths Chorus Girls Who Will Com to the Heilig Theatre' Sunday Night for a Summer Engagement.' BABY CONTEST WORE INTEREST- I HQ THflH ELECTION. ,- . v" .. ... . .... ., .1 ..... Ths mothers sad fathers of Oregon are taking mbre interest In Ths T Sunday Journal's baby contest than thejr did In the election, apparently. I Even when the candidates for office were moat insistent for .votes plo- .' X tores of pretty babies flooded the of Acs, until It looked like a first-class - e photograph gallery. , : . It la not .unlikely that many of the - handsooae -Uttle -fellows whose-, pictures have been sent to The Sunday' Journal will themselves be cendl- date for high of floe some day, bat It Is safe to say thai-the- honors they, may win la the future will not five their parents the pleasure that will " X coma from victory In The Sunday Journal's contest.' - ' -X - Kext Sunday another pace of Brett v babies will be published, and it is likely that lt-nrlll contain -ee -or the -prlserlnnara. Tha prlaes .ars -worth competing for I JO cash dspostt in a savins; bank is the first and then thara ars thraa beautiful allnr cum. . Kvr bow m.rtA ivMT T trW-wndey years -old -in -Oregon and Waahtpgton IS eligible. Behd In the" beat .picture you have of your baby with the name and ace and the parr. - ants' eddress.-.The contest closts 'Pn Juna c. - J... m vMMMMMMMMMMMMMiMtMMMMMMl STEALS-BOOKS. AND MUST SERVE EIGHTEEN MONTHS ' W. H. Howard, recently from Ban Yanclseo, wss sentenced this morning - so a year ana biz monins in me pennen I tlary ty -ClrcuH jFncge fleere fer-greU-1 . bad to have something to Jigs on.' rrlnr an apparent taste for literature. ... Howard was arraigned on a charge of Stealing from M. J. Hlgley at 111 Co. lumbla street li volume of Dickens' works. It volumes of- - Kipling. . four volumes of Shakespeare, a typewriter, a, mirror and soma silverware. He is said to have pawned the stolen goods. Howard pleaded guilty. Judge Bears asked him why ho stole the stuff. ssld Howard. - "I. bad f been working a boat a week for a man and asked him two or three. times for money. He -Said ho could not give ma any and X had to get something to live on." . . He said he was 1 years old and had never been la trouble before. SAVAGE'S RESIGNATION DUE : TO, SPIRITUALISM V f .y '. : Famous Preacher's Belief Led to His Withdrawal From t ' . Pastorate. V;,L;. -r TJaeraaTtpW ServtaaT" ' New York, June . It la made known today that the resignation of Dr. If loot J. Savage, the famous preacher, from the pastorals . of the t Church of the Messiah was the outcome In large measure at his belief .and advooaoy of tbo oUima of spiritualism. Ills retire ment, however, was not the result of any official action by - the board of trustee A close frisnd af Dr. Savage said today: i . "Dr. Savage never spoke of aplrttual lam In the pulpit, but ha was an enthu siastic champion of Ita claims at times. In his lettsr of resignation addressed to Rev. Robert Coll ye r, pastor emeritus of the Church of the . Messiah, be said Ms ohvslclana had advised him to take an unbroken - rest .for three years. His resignation was accepted." Pendleton XHvoroe- Case. . t (Special Pwsatek t lit JeerseL) - Pendleton, Or, June f. - Anna B. Beard has sued for divorce from-' Wil liam Beard. They were married, at Denver In August. KOt, and have no children. Plaintiff alleges that her life has been mads burdensome by lndlgnl ties thst defendant has Inflicted upon her. A.. decree Is aaked.restrelalng de fendant from selling or la any . manner disposing of personal property. , ; We've Started Moving. Tou"ll have to hurry torget one of the remaining una planoa or pianola piano or Pianola or organ at the present re duced prices. Office fixtures were trans ferred to our warehouse yesterday.; All plsnos or organs remaining must be eold quickly. If you want to get a fine, brand, new Instrument at actual factory cost price, and even leas, you better call here today of this svenlng. Ellers Piano House, 151 Washington street. ouiiuinit ooicPAjrT nmrmwrn omwivviam ooarjAJTr -v- .'V v. y. Summer Waists JStfomenirj position to know pronounce this thc most beautiful showing of Summer Waists in the . city. It" embraces Waists of every desirable1 material and style, in all the . correct colors. We offer three 'inducements for your patronage--choicest " stylesrnodarate ..prices 'and j, the privilege, of paying as suits x No charge whatever for credit . Eastern Outfitting Co! The Store Where Tow Credit la Good Washington and Tenth KIDNAPED LITTLE CHILD TO STEAL. HER CURLS Luxuriant Auburn Locks Cause .'of Babe's Disappearance' ; From Oakland Home. . ' - (Joereal Special service.) ""' ' ' Oakland. CaL, Juns' . Luxuriant au burn curls caused a . child, to be kid naped yesterday and pussled the police. Genevieve Puller, years .old, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.- John Fuller, was play lng with her sisters in front of the f am tiy rcsideuco yesterday aftoiuooii.wBOTi suddenly she was missed.. Plllgent search failed to disclose her where abouts. . . Shortly after midnight "tha tflitraeted father eported the matter to the police. This morning 'at T o'clock -Patrolman Mulgrew found the child sittings an a bench In the Beventh street station, and she was taken to the police station.-: -. When found ' she was attired to I boy's brown sailor suit with a red and white cap. Her head had been shorn of its wealth of auburn curls. She aald a man who gave her candy Induced her to. go with him. . No ether reason for the kidnaping can be assigned than that ths thieves wanted the child's curls. WASHINGTON GRANGE- TO DISCUSS HIGHWAYS ' Special trtapatcb te'TVs leeraaL) Bpokjuie, -Waah, June I. The eight eenth annual . convention of the Wash ington Stats Orange is in 'session at the Interstate fair grounds.. About 100 dels-, gates are in the city, and, several im portant matters will be discussed. One of them will be good roads, and It Is expected a, bill, will be drafted . to be' presented at the coming session of. the state legislature' to "completely revise present road laws, which are unaatls- factory to many .or the delecatea The session opened yesterday after noon, followed by a reception to dele; gates. The convention will eloaa Thurs day evening, t ... . .. . There are TT granges in ths stats. C B. Ksglsy of Pullman was elected master of .the. grange lastyear for a tern) of two yesra.2Hla meeeage'to the grange will deal with all the work of the order and a review of the work during the past year. I EASTERN EXCURSION RATES June 4, , T. S3, BS, July sad I, August T, S, S, September s aad 10. fn tka shava dates the Orol Mnrik. ern railway will have on sale tickets to Chicago and return at rate of $71.60, St Louis and return M7.50, Bt. Paul. Min neapolis and Duluth, Superior or Sioux City and return, 10. Tickets first class, good going via ths Oreat North ern; returning asms or any direct roots, stopovers allowed. For tickets, sleeping- caf reservations or any additional in-1 formation call an or address H. Dickson. C P. aV T. AX lit Third street. Portland. CHINESE EXAMINING AMERICAN METHODS fSpaetal Mapetes to Tee Jor-Ball Tacoma, Wash., June . T. T. Chang and H. N. Chow, who came to the United States months ago as representatives of ths Chinese government for the pur pose or stuajnn s: tne -workings- er the agricultural department,'' are - spending a week hero studying tbo lumber bust nees. Ths two orientals have given a short tlms to ths study of irrigation a J carried on in the semi-arid west. In an interview this morning Mr. Chang said: ' "The Chinese government expects to establish a department of agriculture similar to that of ths United States. Ws hare already established a number of experiment stations and will soon have others, We hays seen many strange tilings in mis. country, ana we nope to bservi make our obi awn country. rations useful In our Everlasting Jars. Preserve the flavor ss well as ths fruit. A child can seal or open an Everlasting Jar, but once sealed, fruit will keen forever. All glass. No metal or other substance detracts front flavor. wholesale distributors.'- - RAILROAD TAKES STOCK V .FOR TRAFFIC REASONS 'New Terk. June .-Before the Inter state commerce oom mission Vice-Presi dent R'T. W. Rossi ter. of the New Terk Central testified that M0 shares of r referred. f.OAt Shares of eommon and S0S.S04 worth of per eent. bonds af the Pennsylvania Coal Coke company were given to the New Tork Central for t raffia reaeonn CASTOR I A Par Infants an& Children, ' ii,YcaEiTiA!nE:::tt Bears tfco BlCnntmrsof 4 , I Double Disconat 7ilh Evw PurchaaSC Don't Wcrry Wdch Us Grow The Golden Eagle's Thurday rBargain Carnival is already famous and 1 V you may buy staple merchandise at prices that are wonderful. ; - t;ff nr" thf wHi tQOiOhejrjcwjgfjnb lines cut them beyond reason. "We want you in the store on - this day and we will make it well worth your while .to come. . '. ."'.... 7- -" 1 SLOG Mcn'i ' Th" all beautiful patterns Nerflige. Shirt, 118 M BSV W. 48c .values. . . . . .. ......... --- Hosiery 12Jic;: These are fine ribbed Hosiery for ''ndrenrirMfanteed fast tlacl7- ZTwulTwear:ince iron; g all sizes; . special fori Thursday.,v, . .. . ,laW V. J25cMUiet' Ribbed Hoiry ?;-- ---IOC-: - --: -. : Misses f ribbed - Hose, all jsizesr .'--. colors " red and buck;: special : - price Thurs- -:day...;, ay-w ax'o ev p 10c 1$2.50 L;adi8 -Shoea $1.75 Ladiea . Vld Kid in Blucher or r lace," " double ,or-( -single solefThurs-" day special price. $1.78 04:OO' Main's Tfsn Oxfords $2.13 v We secured a special lot of Shoes, J,, thinking ahead, for theThurs-, day barsrain carnivaL 'These are $4.00 , values : anywhere ; Thurs : day's price. . ..'.'. VeU. JLOCBC $2.13 . Msn's f .inesra Cnlln.rsi These are all pure linen and every store " throughout! the United States sells them for 15 cents. Thursday's rr: price rr;.. .v. THURSDAY IS DOUBLE DISCOUNT DAY 50cMen'i Re vsrslble Sllh Necllties lie ' We have over 1,000 of these Ties v .' for you to select from. Nearly every one omerent, All stores selllhem for 25c - II(T to 50c Thursday,... II V .39cdozei sjThis-' is a ycWge- fringe- xowei, ixau.. Kjtner tores ask you 5c .uraday!a.pricc-iiQX 15c Rose Vases These are large-sized glass Rose - vases, latest design ; reg- ular 15c 'value ; Thurs- - dajrs .price ..... i . v,y, .'. 9c 07.5O Dinner 5et 03.99 Thursday bargains in basement , ; will have a 40-piece Dinner f - Set; regularly sold i i for $7.50; Thurs-' v day's price...... !$3.99 65c Fsuacjr "' Batiste 18 c 2,000 yards fancy striped Tan Ba ; "tlste placed on sale tomorrow - Thursday regular T 65c value ; Thursday's I Jl ( price. 01.50 etadies Hand Dars 48c Latest Design These are manufacturers samples - - of udies latest Hand Bags ; ... values 70c to $4.00; en- . tire line placed on sale , -.Thursday. If!" f . :48c THURSDAY IS DOUBLE DISCOUNT DAY THURSDAY BARGAINS Tailored Suits, Walking Skirts. Silk Shirtwaists, Petticoats all must be sold at once at a price that you will readily see we are slashing -these goods AT A FIGURE TO MOVE THEM. : ; : 00 ENTIRE CORNER THIRD AND YAMHILL STS. G. N. SMITH, lanager. t C M. SMITH. Secretary. USE Asbestos Flue Lining This flue lining has stood a wonderful test Heat does not crack it, water does not crumble it Manufactured only by, Portland Asbestos Manufacturing Co. . 70-74 Randolph street, Foot of Russell street Albina. . . r- . . Phone East 553S. ' -r . STEAM PIPE AND BOILER COVERING" SPE- VlAlil I. - vlu Ul up uu vu uiui ; iiij.v i sazssas jsaaaaaaiaiarasa tss rrrtssgaaaaaaaaaaaaaaU An Unequalcd Offer A set ef ear famoua fit raise TEETH for StlO. una ener. extractlns free with nation and consultation free. Crown work a specialty. - Extractlns, IS seats Brhlse WISE BROS.; Dentists A arm wiasnaTAa. 0ea Brealaaw aa4 aaaaaye. PENDLETON SHIPPING UVESTOCK BY CARUOADS ' (Sperlal h a Tke 7oeraaL : ; Pendleton. Or., June Althourh traf fto has been suspended 6n the O, R. N. lines a number of livestock ship ments have been made over .the W. a C. H. since ths flood- Jaraee Wrlcht et North Tatclma shipped out l.tOS head ef sltp to his ranees in Taklma coan ty. Two carloads et fat cattle and sne carload of saddle horses were ehlpped bjr Boss Merer of Alaska, ssost ef them havtntr been purchased. In ths Echo country. Three carloads sf range horses to Kansas by AJ-'C.. Ruby were also- purchased In the Echo country. San Francsico Benefit The Gillespie School of Expression wUl sire their annual Juns recital as a benefit for San FranCtsoo -schools, for which sa appeal hae recently been mad. An excellent program has been srranr 1 which wtll be given Wednesday evenlr ' June 11, In Empire theatre, corner c Ttnth and Morrison streets. The Best $3 Hat in the World i ,v . , - , ..... ... - ..... .......,... ; ' Bears This Label