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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTEAND. WEDNESDAY, EVENIKQ. JUNE e. 1ZZ1. ; the Stomach . - Nothing will cure Indigestion that' doesn't digest the food, Itself, and give the stomach a, perfect rest. 'v.w.x : You can't reasonably expect that any weak v stomach : will retfaln its strength and get well when5 it is compelled to ; do the full work that a , ; sound stomach should do. $ ; You wouldn't expect a sick : horse ltoetJweUhenitJscompeUedJodpa full day's work every day of the week. Your stomach must hare rest, , '' But it isn't necessary to starve your . self in order to rest your stomach. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is a perfect , ditfestant It will digest all of the food lyou'eit regardtessofthe condition -of your stomach -; -j- 1 i w Kodol Dyspep sia For Indigestion. Dyspepsia. Sour 5tomachT-flatnlencet IleadacherWater Brash; Belching of Gas, Nausea, Gastritis, Heartburn and all troubles arising " from indigestion and non-assimilation -. of the fobd"I!;i- I had dyipepsia ta Its Vorst formj wm re duced In weight to 118 pounds. After ualns two and one-half bottlea of Kodol. I was completely -cured and retored to my uual weight jfl?L pounds. - - J; LUTHER JOHNSON, "1. . i . Att'y At Law, Cleburne, Tex. KODOL DIGESTSAVHAT-YOUJtA' rlJ, e fs m U MAKES TMI stomaoh awirr. Sold br Woods, OUrk ft' , Mm 1 S.S.O.W1M 0...OklMW.t.A. r ca l L2E Co. ul SMdsaoc Bras; Company. WASHINGTON COUNTY J ; COMPLETE, UNOFFICIAL (Special- DtaiMitok to Th, loaraaL) Hlllaboro, Or, June 6. Complete un- ezeept - one precinct: -Bourne - 1.611, Gearln 1.1ft, Chamberlain 1.444, Wlthjr eomb 1,475, Galloway 1,011, HaWley , 1,41. - State - Representatives Republican, W. N. Barrett 1,885, W. K. NeweU 1.71T, B. F. vParay "1.881; Democrat, F. J. .Bailey l.llt, Walter Bernards 887, J. D, " W4rth 787,' - . ' County ' Judge Republican.'' J. W, .,' Goodwill 1,186; Democrat, J. W. BeweU -. 1.487. ' ! ' County Commissioner Republican, w. j. Butner 1.668; Democrat. B. K. ' Denney 888. ' - Sheriff Republican, JV W. Connell - ,lir Democrat, E. J. Ward 121. -r-r Recorder of Conveyances Repnbll can, Willie Ireland 1.61: . R, P. Wlrts . " ' Coroner Republican. E. C Brown 1.841; Democrat Charles Miller 187. YAMHILL, REPUBLICAN UN STATE EXCEPTHEAD (Upeelar Dispatch to The Jooraal.) . ' McMlnnvllle, Or June . The Re ublican state ticket aaide from gov rnor, la elected in this county. The fol lowing bare won - outr Stat senator, . Caldwell. Democrat;, repreaentatlrea. Bones and Crawford. Republicans; sheriff, Corrlgan, Democrat; clerk. Oeorge Jones. Republican: recorder, Turner, Republican; treasurer, Foster, - Republican; surrey 01 Jones, "Repub lican; judge. Bird, Republican;' coroner. Culver, Republican; - commissioner, Booth. Democrat. 1 ' - . . 1 - INN COUNTY RESULTS. Complete Beturns OIvs live Hundred Majority for Chamberlata. . . - pMal Olapatek to Tke jMraatl ' Albany. Or., Juno 8 Unofficial com tlet ote fop Unit county: Chamber lain 8.885, Withyoombs .1.885. Benson r were opening up goods right along sample of all novelties are - shown Jiero- hot from ' the . tnakersr-4 Underwear ' that . soothes. . Vests that decorate. Scarfs jthat ornament Everything from hat to hose for men and boys' wear.. Today we show the new . gray shades in men's fancy Hose. Special values ; at 3 pairs for 50c. ClotliinqCo Men's " and Boy I .Outfitters. m end 168 Third St ' 4 Mohawk Biuldinf. . f 1,180, Broat 1.781, Steel 8.186, Matlock 1714. Eakin JOU. HaUey 1881, Crawford 8.188, Miller 1.724. Ackerman 8,769, Dunlway 1.168, Taylor 1,857, Hoff 8660, Galloway 8.068, Hawley 8,006, Bourne 1.677. Oeartn 8.148, Frank J. Miller, Republican nominee carried Una over W. H. Byrd by a ma jority of 648. Milton A. Miller, Demo crat, was reelected to the state senate over Oeorte W. Wrlht by 84. F. M. Brown. Arthur M. Holt and B. K. TJp meyer. Republicans, elected representa tlTea. D. 8.' Smith, Democrat,- elected sheriff by 168 votes.- Republicans elected ' J. W. Miller, clerk; Grant Froman, recorder; Jamas ElXlna, treasurer;' HUch Q; Fisher, sur veyor; William Fortmiller, coroner.. The vote on commissioner Is a tls between O. H. Russell. Republican, and H. R. Powell, Democrat.. Linn 'county con -aty y 448 majority. Vote on local option amendment! Tea 1,678, no 1,668. On equal suffrage amendment: Tea 1,741. ne 1.148. MORROW COUNTY. Ooaptet Bteturas how Oorernor Oar- rfes Bepnblloaa FteuliHils. ' eaeetol DUsatek to Tk. jMniL) Ueppner, Or., June 6. Complete re turns from Msrrow county show: : United States Senator Bourns (88. Oeann 888. Mulkey 781. liOTernor Chamberlain 688, withy- combe BZt. Supremo Judge Eakin . 106, HaUey 428 Secretary at Stats Benson 881, Broat 85 1. Stats Treasurer Matlock 184. Steel 685. Superintendent-of PubUo Instruction Ackerman 771. Hosmer 164. - . Attorney-Osneral Crawford 876, Mil Labor Hoff 768, i ? i " . We're opening up new goods right along samples - v v ' .: of - all novelties are shown - State Printer Dunlway 678, Taylor 14. Commissioner of Richards 241. ' Congress Ellis 147, Graham tit. Circuit. Judge Bean 808, Stillman 485. Joint Senator Cole 817. Pierce 888.- Joint . Representative Oay , tit. Slusher 678. v El M. Shutt for sheriff and W; O. Hill for clerk. Republicans, elected. C G. Noble for county treasurer. Democrat. is elected. Fr M.rlf fin for commis sioner- and Victor Heath for surveyor, Republicans, are elected, . Prohibition defeated by 81 votes. . Equal suffrage is also defeated, ' , . . , DEMOCRATS WlNt t i -. 1 sasnessseSBSBsgs Over Sia Xaadred lail for Ooveraor U '.: '.- Bftator Berlon. , ; . (SpMiai.DtepaU! to The JearaaLt - . Baker City, Or., June .Complete re tarns from all but three precincts of Baker county show Chamberlain 1,088, Wlthycorabe 1.484, Benson 1.788. Sroat Ml , Steel 1,818. Matlock 1,866, Bakla 1.662, Halley 1.880. Crawford 1.808. Miller t.t6, 'Ackerman 1.128, Dunlway 1.752, Taylor 1.848. Hoff 1,168. Richards 810, Ellis 1.711, Graham 1.601. Mulkey 1,117, Oearla 1.761, Bourns 1.818. , Joint Senator - Hart, ' Republican, 1,811; Baxton, Democrat, 1,641. Representative Moore, Ra publican. M 17 Breck, pemocrttr-i.B of. gag. prnUhB rinof;ra y 1,871; Drowley, Republican, 1,802. Sheriff Rand, Democrat, 1,178; Snow, Republican. 1,124. KLAMATH COUNTY. sturaa ITaov Oovemo la T.sart Basis. orat for Oonaty Jadga. ' Klamath Falls, Or., June Incom plete returns from seven aiO? partial returns from one precinct give Bourne 488. Gearln 477, Chamberlain 626. Wlthyeombe 111. Orlfflth, i Democrat, eounty judge.. 140; Emmet, RepubUoan, 420. welkes... Democrat, commissioner, 160; Ruck, Republican, 487, -- COVE RESULTS, Ohasaserlala Oes Two Tettst4L, Oae - - - - i JT - ' Cove, Or., June I. Complete returns Oovsmar rAmos I, Banes 1, Cham berlain 161. Wlthyeombe 60. Unltod States senator Cols ft; Pierre 111, Swift 1, Bourne 88, Oaexln lit, Paget 18, Blruel 4. . HAILEY WINS COUNTY BY OVER FIVE HUNDRED Balance of, State Ticket Is Elected by Republicans Pierce Four Hun-"cTfedVoteaBehlnd-Hls "Opponent via Senatorial Fight" (SpMial Diapatck, to Tke JearsaLi ;1 Pendleton, Or- .June I. Umatilla eounty baa given Chamberlain -for gov ernor a plurality of lit votes on the votes counted at 'noon, the count stand ing: : Chamberlain 1,187, . Wlthroombe 1.712. The total Includes all but a few small precincts. i; " ''. Bourne, -for united . States senator. received 1,175. Gearln 1.688.. Paget 162, Slraola.147; for short term. Gould 447, Mulkey t.tlt, 'Stevens 408, Amos 111. Banes 117.- f " :. For Supreme - Judge-r-Bright 128. Eakin 1.205. Halley 1.7l7HRobb,lna 118. For Secretary of State Benson 1,005, Brown 181. McDanleL 182b Croat tlOB.. For State Treasurer Butler 111 Cook 182. Matlock 888. Steel 1.705. - For BuperihlenaentoT PuWdnsTrW-t tlon Ackerman -8.117, Hosmer 111, Sheak 175. . . . For Attorney-General Brtx 188, Crawford 1.171, Millar 1,111, Rutherford 187. , ' . , , ' For Stats Printer Cooper 188,- Dunl way 1,711. Hawk178, Taylor 1.066. For - Labor Commissioner Hoff 2.066, Richards 474. i ... . - For Congress, -Second Distriot Ellis 1,524. Graham 890, Paul til, Btone 186. For Circuit Judge Bean 1.8I6, Still- man "1,1 87, -y matilla -and Morrow coun ties. ; " . - j ;- For Joint Senator Cole 1,067,-Plerce 1,168, - Swift 122, Union and Umatilla unties. - FoOaInI"TWeaanUe-moWj; Slusher- 8,638, UmatlUa - and -Morrow counties. - ..The county offloera are-a followai j Senator Klric 1.888, Skies 166. Bmltbr 1158. - : - - : Representative Barrett 1,160, . Steen 1,861. Ueuallen 1,817, Wads 1,162, Moon 162, Warburton 170. County Judge Chllden 114. GUHIand 1.786, Hart man 1.781. Commissioner le 1,828, . Kelson 1,486,. Parris 178. Sheriff Sommervml,I4ir Taylor 1,414. County Clerk Hopson 701. Baling 1.516. , ..... county Treasurer Bremer. . i.iio. Campbell 1.248. ' County Recorder Handlfy 1.101. Hill 1,88. .. . .. .. - .....v-... -t County Burveyor Kimbrell 8,671. County Coroner Dotaon 171. Folsom 1.768, Henderson 1.416. Justlcs - of the Peace Darnell 114, Parkes 847, Bentley 181, Thompson T62, s CARRIES Ur.lATILLAtf! BV NEARLY 200 Chamberlain Given a Big Vote in ' Republican Stronghold of -I'- - - Eastern Oregon. Illiil rVT(n mm The Supreme Court said j "JENNINGS, GET OUTT and we will not hesitate to obey its 'powerful mandate I We liave, therefore,, left us ONIX EIGHT DAYS in which T Clem ted to 88 H a il t. COLUMBIA COUNTY. Witaroombs Zas Ss Tnaa Two Xnav- ' And tflurallty la Stronghold. (BpMial Dtapatek to The JoaraaLy St Helens, Or., June I. Complete re turn., unofficial, are as follows United States Senator, short term- Gould 104. Mulkey 1.111, Stevens 111; Mulkeys plurality, 718. United elates senator, long. term- Bourn 807, Gearln 611, Paget, 81. 81 tnola lit; Bourne's plurality, 881. Governor Amos 51. Barsee 75- Cham. 1 berlaln 711, Wlthyeombe 874; Withy- comoes piuraiiiy, ioj. Secretary of State Benson : 178. Brown 161, McDanlel 86, Sroat 240; Benson's plurality, 727, Stats Treasurer Butler II, Cook 140, Matlock III, Steel 1,011; Steel's plural ity. 171. Supreme Judge Bright II. Eakin 114, Halley 275, Robins 111; Eakln's plurality, 681. - ,- - Attorney.Generat Brlz 188, Craw ford, 884, Miller 176, Rutherford 17; Crawford s plurality 708- Supertntendent of Publlo Instruction Ackerman 1,060, Hosmer 186; Acker- man's plurality, 875. State Printer Dunlway 1002, Hawk Tn6rTtrXSSopr lit; Dumwayg plurality, 744. Liabor Commissioner Hoff 581, Rlcb- arda 111; Hoffs plurality, 670. Congress Ellis 887, Graham - 184, Paul 126, Stons 81; Ellis' plurality, 651. Representative In Stats Legislature E. T. Connell 1.005, W. E. Fullerton 608; Connell's plurality, 187. ;' Prohibition carried in Auburn, Api ary, Deer Island. . warren and Union prectnots, but not In the county as whole. St Helens and Houlton are In Union; four saloons will be compelled to close. Local option amendment defeated and woman suffrage amendment lost. . : CUTSOP COUNTY. Chamberlain Carries , County by Hundred and Fifty rturallty. ' ' 8padal Dtopateh to Tke JoarnU.)- Z Astoria. Or.. June 8. Complets re turns for Clatsop county (unofficial) are: -.- . United States Senator (short term) Gould 144. Mulkey 1,681, Stevens 411. United States Senator (long term) Bourns, 1,181. Gearln 821, -Paget II, Slmola 146. ' . ' Governor Amos 67. Bareee . 122. Chamberlain 1,188. Wlthyeombe 1.048: Secretary of State Benson -1,641, R. Brown IIS, McDanlel 161. Sroat 468. Stat Treasurer Butler 16, Cook 101, Matlock 188, Steel 1,416. Supreme Judas Brignt 7. Eakin IJPalleMobbJnsZlltl .. A t tornay.Alanera 1, ..B ria Si 8 1,. On wtotd 408. Miller 671, Rutherford 16. Superintendent of Publlo Instruction -Ackerman 1.828, Hosmer 186, Sheak 104. Stat Printer Cooper 141,. Dunlway 1,168, Hawk 87. Taylor 171. Labor commissionsr won i,7l. Richards 471. Representatlv . in Congress Ellis 1.410. Graham 181, Paul 166, Stone 81. Except Tnneherd for county luds and Pohl for coroner the entire Repub lican legislative and county tickets an elected. ' Prohibition carried in Astoria In Precincts I and T and In John Day Pre cinct 1. i - - . DOUGLAS COUNTY. BTeck and sTeek Steo Betwaea Ouseraa- torlal Osndldstse "Belal Ihapetck to The , JemaLl Roaeburg, Or, June 4. Complete un official returns from all but two Doug las county precincts Show: I Chamber lain 1,712, Wlthyeombe 1.801, Benaon 2.824, Sreat 177, Matlock 1.017, Steel 13 s& to? Pill . . TTTN o OTQ - " That figure- is not what is ordinarily charged for. furniture.-;.ye do not pretend to say that we jean get full prices fot goods that have, to be hurried off our hands without any warning at all "to speak of; therefore '.' ' . -" ' . r. ' urn - u . 1 13 1 IM 1 1 1 1 1 f I LI ' V) 1 vnuu in r. . W HaV Jja JJk W JaU ' . V ' V.. That' ought to induce immediate sale of cveryTKhg haorderel-os ut)fr-ThV olaee j was rented to anotner. we consiaerea we na a ciaim upon iu .vyc wmcu iuc ooae irom conn vj conn unui we naa reacnea the highest in the state, and it decided against us. So there you are ! WE ARE GOING TO GET OUT, AND WE ARE SELL ING FURNITURE SO CHEAPLY THAT-WE SHOULD -BE. ABLE-TO VACATE IN THREE DAYS. But able or not. we MUST surrender the premises on the evening of the14th day of June. "This monster sale will be open, therefore, until that time and not an iourJongef. H iaiiiuii il Millie q pim.y - ,xt "This is a case in which it will not pay to wait THE E0UE . FURNISHERS 172-171 -FIRSTSTREET ESZSSSZZZS HOFFMAN HOUSE NOT CLOSED PART OF NEW YORK'S FA MOUS HOSTELRY NOW v V BEING REBUILT, b Th Hoffman Hous. Nw fork's famous hotel on Madison square. Is not closed to th roepUon t gueaU, as has been erroneously stated In a recent report. A psrt of th hotel Is about to bijuUUuLJUJUjmprovementJslsot in any way Interfering with the busl- ness of th house and offers no lncon venlences or annoyanc to Its gussts. Th. section to be reconstructed Is th section of th Hoffman House which faces Madison square and 'Twenty fourth street, and forms th. old part -of th hostelry. It be replaced by a naanlf lcent fireproof structure of th most ornamental description which will harmonise in Us architectural de- signrwlth the section of th hotel which was rebuilt only a few years ago. . On completion of th proposed build lng, th Hoffman Hous will t on or the moat ornate landmarks In th beart of New York. The new addlUon will mora -than double th capacity of th old hotel, and Its . appointments and decorative features will bo on of th sights of Gotham. '-.,. " 1,698, Eakin 1.788, Halley 1.088, Craw ford 1.840, Miller 628. Ackerman 1,828, Dunlway 1.766. Taylor 1.047, Galloway 1,424, Hawley 1.IC6, Bourne 1,612, Uearla 1,665, Hoff 1,866, Mulkey 1.010; dlstrtot 4udgrJHarrlata88lJolnt repreaentatlye, Brower 668 Vawter 1.861. Republicans elected the entire county ticket, except Quant, for clerk, who Is defeated by Agee, and Thompson, for ludce. who Is defeated by Wenaoott, Hammltte, Democrat, Is elected coroner. Local option amendment defeated, wom an suffrage carried. i - . r J,""-fT' NECK AND NECX. : Close rialah Ihown by TTnofflclal Tot of Washington County. (Snctal Dlapatefe to Tke TearaaLl Hlllaboro, Or., June I. The complete unofficial rot of Waahington eounty la: Bourn 1,618. Gearln 1,160, Cham berlain 1,444, Wlthyeombe 1,471, Gallo way 1.081. Hawley 1.416. Our Makes of Pianos Speakdoiemselves Our prices anneal to rry on want ing a reliable make. We certainly rep resent the FACTORIES having the very highest standing. You cannot make a mistake in th selection of any of th following: , STEINWAY. A. B. OaTASB, BITOT. . ' bbtxksov, iTUin irMLnra. Besides the above w have a number of others and also second-hand pianos aa low as w. u on easiest terms. DundorePianoCo. 184 Sixth Opp. Oregenlaa and;. Victor Talking Machines Bheet Muslo, .ia. ato. . G 3 Ad-Vriting - Is a, new and profitable profeaw a Ion for the enterprising young ' '" person. : . j-v.-' - ....... ... .... v . - - - W guarantee thorough prac tical training. ' " . . '. Day and night claaees. Bin months' course 1 2 Behnka- Walker 1 Business College JOks . Bldg, Seventh and Stark . . " SHreets, Vortlaad, Or. WRITE FOR CATALOG UH. Pure Lead, ' r O " Oil and '2inc: Paint MB: SOLD BY . f Second ,ancITTaylor Streets r 1 q uwtne idaj Jack Lbndorv's KSSKSCAOE. JEW SERAL E3GAH IN HE MAY SAZl Of EN JUWD APPEARS THE 2nd WSTALUtfSKT Jr7iU T nJtainc t& woQsh dog of the Nottk It is tbo nmt. xmSxenMod , moot . ailed story Jck Lcndoo ' has " ever wTttscn, and k catsisa tl reader wkh a tremeodous grip ham the fest' cheater to ihe laat. you hitve not read trur - Wl; oct the cpentJed soaie, k scad it , ".'to' THE OUTING FtBLlSHa COt&ANY, 35 West 3 fat St, N. Y. Oy,and you tvu receive a May esadber firee. y ;"t;v1--.v.'V:: -1 ; . 1 ... r : ''.-('' ' ) '" .... -i V- ' ; " .,' , , . '' tt&xrg a newjDote in the kerature A Axocrkxxx progTeai, the subject in jane is "The Gold Ganps of the Desest" , Sdmng American fiction by Gourerneer Morxia, lucwrezioe'. yicAXQaxtxxx, & Mvliotd a& cAxn iaJsae.' .'' Pitica. c&3to mrix& 'bf A. Esti IJlxxtf E&wtnx S. Biklxodi Walter 'Kk, F. M. Ware, Dan Beard, George H: ; Bnxatx,and many others in Jiaie. Tha Mmf tmshm lm Iwssi caSad "the nost wq-. of die yudyT," bat each of m OmtiatMar ttint is hintig OsavcHi Wkte kearjtiful thaatU last VA - LSSBe8j8M I rfJsSM 6NM BBS I