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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1906)
TIIZ CHEGON - DAILY JOtJRNAL, PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING. JUNE 6, 1CCJ. TALK TO FLAGSHIP Officers S, Club , Together- and String Cable Over Bottom Cocoa Deans grow in 7 ' of the Willamette. the trunk pous vu rL" - ' lit? I- - I (ID I I a l M and Umba of a deli OPPORTUNITY IS ONE : ' SELDOM PRESENTED Colon of Chicago Fly it HalfMatt : Today aa Mark of Rtapect to Mem- oryf Late Rear Admiral N. K. Hughev JLong on Retired List. , Henceforth It will not be necery to Mr a launch . or take chances In ,a flat-bottomed aklff If wishing to com municate with tho flacshlp Chicago In the harbor. The officers bar clubbed together and Installed a telephone and East IIT Will reach them any time when the line Is not busy. . , ' "Yea, thle la the Chicago." exolaimed one of the offleere of the flacshlp this morning in answer to. a all from a Journal representative, .and the answer came clear and distinct "We have the colors at half mast to-' day In pursuance to instructions from the war. department. Mm a mark of re spect 'to the memory of the late Rear Admiral N. K. Hughes, who waa retired In 13. - Instructions were received last night from Washington to fly the col ore at half maat. . .j. . . ' -it In not often that we have the SpSdTTWnJTy of communtcalTon wIlhT shore by telephone." continued the offi cer, "excentlns- when In the navy-yard. because pur vlslta are aa a rule of brief duration and It does not pay to go to the trouble and expense of laying the 'wires. The wires, of (he ordinary In ' aulated kind, are run under water from shore and brought on board of the ves sel through one Of the air . ports. -"The department does not provide for ;' such luxuries a telephone service and the line waslpgtalled by the orfloers, -who cT'uB bedfogetherj' " . The " f tagshlp- rlll remain here nearly a month .and iiithe Phone will come In very handy," , The .Chicago Is the first vessel equipped with a telephone In the harbor. The officers, of . the gunboat Princeton -pot takyn-edvarrtage- or the oppor-4 : tunlty yet and so have to carrjr on com munication with shore In the old rell- , able Way-by going there In person or aendlng a messenger. , ; . ; t Arabs seek work.: V. 'S" ' " eMBwaaat . v'' ' Stokers Trad Pes arte d the steamer Al . beajr emerge Prom xtldlag. - , Hardly had the German tramp steamer Albenga left down the river yesterday afternoon before the Ave Arab stokers fi oiu their hiding places and took a stroll about . the city In search of a sleeping place. Some good Samaritan had kept a-watch-- ful eye on the steamer and gave the Arabe-tha tip the moment ahe sailed. "We leave big ateamer because chow chow very bad," said one of the dusky ', strangers last night In an Interview In -front of one of the down-town ho-1 telsr-where they Intended' seeking shel ter for the night "Plenty hard work. Our summer suitings are so well 7 woven from ' accli' . mated wool that rain', and dust do not despoil them 'of their newness in a few weeks. ?'X'.'" c - After being caughi in the -. rain, a brief visit to " the - pressing-board and hot iron ' will bring them out neat and -shapely. ; ' ' Two-piece summer suits" to your measure $17.50 to iWcsh Vests To your, measure $5. '.'All fade and they laun der beautifully. Fifty pat terns. '. .. ".. ": ' That S!ay"F $30 cate tropical tree.' They contain- tlx times raon food val ue than beef. 1 We usa the : highest cost bean that grown and tnera l- notblng la our coca but cocoa. That I why It Is the most delicious of cocoas nm wuutxb a. lewitt ca. no muchee .chow chow-and air time no ood. . . v we like nnd work on snore; can work bard If -we get place and we make rrrtgtirr" we wem nan steamer. but get no chow chow. Here buy din ner 10 centa, get plenty eat-Flne chow chow." . :, . . . The deserters have been In hiding for several days because the police were looking for them 'With Iiistruct1oiiato return them to the ship. ' They would make a valuable acquisition to U en ental show, and while they will prob ably accept any odd Job about 'the olty for the. present, .ft la more thaa likely thai they will eoon . be found among the attractions at aome place of amuse nuse- der- ment nil In the bill as whirling vlshea or wild men from Abyssinia. "1- WAS IN NO DANCER. P'Ptato r mt???!i2j?mM!!a Vessel's Ospeeleaee Of Seaside. Captain CaughelL master of the gaa- ollne schooner Berwick, reports that on his: last trip from Portland to Rogue River be was forced to seek shelter In the lee of Tillamook heads' while a southeaster was raging on! the mouth of the Columbia river and when he reaehed AatorU the other day the pilots there told him that he Bad stirred up a - great excitement by anchoring ao close, to. the beach off Seaside. - - -We were in- no-danger at all-off the beach." -said Captain Caughell In speak ing of his experience, "but the sea was very rough outside the heads and so we stood In close to shore and dropped anchor. It waa on Sunday, May 20. and we saw a lot of people running about the beach and staring at na as though we were In danger, but we could not mak 'them understand that we were perfectly safe. The ptlote told me upon my return: tnai-tne-peopierofBeaslde. hadsentfor assistance and that, the tug went out to save us. Bu( the old salts soon discovered that we were not In distress and ao turned back. - . The Berwick Is' receiving 4 tin and general mVrchandtse at Alnsworth to day for Uume'a creamery on Rogue river. , - . ..':-,-.. -, - . THREE VESSELS, OFF BAR. Craft Are Believed to Be tae Hary . Wlnkelmana amd Be ho. The lookout at North Head thl morning reported a four-masted bark and two barkentlnee, one a three-master and the other a four-master, off the bar. .-The berk was 10 miles south. . Being In ballast the bark lteved td be tho Erasmo, which Japan "May TTdrThfa port under char- ter to the North paelne Lumber com r com- pany to load a cargo of lumber for Genoa, Italy. . With fair wlnda the Erae- mo could easily have covered the dis tance In a month's time, although her arrival at thla time will place a good passage to her credit The Erasmo atea the Italian flag. . The two barkentlnee are probably the Echo and Mary Wlnkelmann. The for mer left Ban Francisco May tS and the Wlnkelmann sailed from Baa Pedro on May 1. The Echo comes tinder charter to load lumber for Sydney, Australia, and ' the Mary Wlnkelmann will take a cargo of lumber to Ban aTanciaco. , - M DAMAGES ARE SERIOUS. BUge Blocks Tors Bla Stole la Oo . ksVi Sides Whea aha Careened. Several large gaping . holea ware found In the sides of the steamer Co lumbia when ahe waa placed in Hunter'a dry dock at - San Francisco 1 Saturday. and It will take considerable time to repair here. Officials of the San Fran cisco ' dt ' Portland Steamship 'company were In hope that the Injuries would be found slight ao that ahe could return to her old route soon, but the newe received from the Ray City proved not very encouraging, although there le no question but that the big steamer can be repaired.' v , . , The caused by the bilge blocks when the steamer careened over When the dry dock eel lapsed In the big temblor of April ltV ALONG .THE WATERFRONT. . I, . Messre. Edwards end Fuller,' Inspec tors of hulls, and boilers, are Inspecting the ateamer T. J. Potter today. She will' go Into' commission on the eeaalde run ahortly. . The eteamera Breakwater and Al liance will be In . the harbor thla even ing. The Breakwater, from San Fran cisco and way ports, reached Astoria shortly after daylight and left up at S. She is due to reach Oak street dock at 4:30 thla afternoon, " The Alliance lert Marahfleld last night and ehould reach Aatorla thla afternoon. Thla would bring her to Couch street dock late thle evening.. The Alllanoe corheo front Eu reka andCoos Bay. . - : , . The steamer F. A. . Kllbura leavea Oreenwlch wharf this evening! for San Francisco Via Cons Pay and ' Eureka. Bhe will go out with all the freight her capacity, admlta and .Te passengers. V -i .T 1 ITTI Vb.'l Look at the style ; of this suit I ; It is of the latest and most fasljionablcTcut WeThave them double or single breasted, latest models for spring ; and summer with lasting and We cannot afford to cairy : any other W selling as we do on the installment plan. ; That itself is a . guarantee of the fAll-we-ask is - a - small - oash - payment - of taking the goods v - No red tapeLnosecurity asked, no fuss, no embarrassing provisions. You can easily wear good clothing, however limited your means, if you take advantage of bur easy payment : plan and you'll never miss the money Jcs $10;to We'll be glad to give you credit, and it'll cost y ou no more for a suit here than from the regular dealer. Come in and investigate .aBaxeB. 173-175 First Street Nearly all of the passengers are booked for Coos Bay, only two going to San Frenolsoo. The operators of the Kll burn are endeavoring to place a aecond steamer on the run, but ao far they have been wneMe to-swur one. The schooner W. H. Smith, which has been outside for nearly a week .crossed In at Aatorla thla morning. She comes under charter to the North Pacific Lum ber company ' te load lumber for San Pedro. . ,,' . ' ( - , ., - . . MARINE NOTES. Aatorla, June I. Arrived at f and left up it la nv, ateamer Breakwater, from Special Cut Prices MEN'S sndOUTHSFSXnTSfull value of $15.00, $20.00 and $23.00; special price. ............ 98.50, fl 1.50 and 913.50 $1.00 saved on price on Hat, Pants or Shoes. Balbriggan tSnderwear, at 37Jc and 60c; worthT double 'the price. 1 ' - . ' Ladies Oxfords, black, tan or white ; special price 75c, $1.05 and $1.30; the same you pay $1.75 and $2.50 at high-rent stores. - "... We are away from the high-rent district. . , - JOHN DELLAR . 181-lf3 JIRST S., AND 53 NORTH THIRD, On Easy Payments good wearing gopd quality of our and -then only AND SONS San Francisco. Arrived at f:IO a. nv. schooner W. H. Smith, from San Pedro. Outside at a. hv, a four-masted bark, a three-masted barkentlne and schooner Monterey In tow of tug Dauntless. Ar rived at laUl a, m.r barkentlne-Fuller-ton In tow of tug Sea Rover, from Saa Francisco. ; Baa Francisco, June I. Arrived at a. m.f ateamer Redondo. from Portland. Sailed yesterday, barkentlne Qeorglna, for Portland. , . . Aatorla, June . Condition ct the bar at la. nv. moderate; wind south; light rsla. , Preferred Steek Oasjied Oooaa, Allen A Lewis' Best Brand. qualities. . " j ,P ..V clothing. at - the - timc - 219 - 227 Yamhill St A Carload of :-:'; : : , Clothing v ' fi mM-Scl13 v tm mm We have purchased two big stotks of Wall Paper of the latest' and prettiest designs. THIS SEASON'S PATTERNS. And now is your time to get these papers at a great bar- gain. We can save you from 20 to 50 per cent if you buy. now. .Take. advantage of this offer early and have, your choice of a large variety of -pretty patterns. IT'S WORTH YOUR WHILE TO BUY NOW, though you may not be able to use until another time. Lay them away, it' neither- eats ..nor,' drinks anything.1. .Thesepapers.are,so-cheap, you cannot afford to let this chance go by. Below are a few. price note them: 1 . '. I 75 Paper for ..:.......;.....,.. SOc .. ' ? t .r .- ' 6Qc Paper for ;...;... 4Qc V;-I::,rT:.: v::;--:."".-- COc Paper for: AOo WE 170 SCCCr.d Sts Ithb - S v ; V -v 'Lyx: :::-x ;x : x-; x WaU Paper Iust 62 Md i a e r e aaee a Paper; for i... - 25c Paper for i,...L. 1 15c Paper f orX, ; lOc Paper for. JAP - A - putiphih colorsd front I BSTVVESM MORRISOJI AIID YAIIII" ' 1,1; 30c 8c (lsef LAC li C ,X 1 ril- . - -