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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1906)
1 - THS-OREGOn-DAILY-JOURMAt. POnTLANDr-AVEDNESDAY-EVENINO. JUNEerrltSS " mi i is i STEVEHS" PLURALITY FOURTEEN VOTES JUL :Cootlnue4 from Pag On.) .-- Uo y isiUt that tha nUu wa done according to the forma preacrlbed by T Uw and that there waa no friction dur ing the atlr day. , It la claim- that ' th charge that I0( man voted fraudu i lentty ta absurd for, aa they claim, tha ; Mabw would ba almoat tha total jot , of th pradnct. ; . ' " ; Tt la stated by Sellwood resldsnt that - II ar I voters wh had failed to rlii ter found It . necessary i t take the proper oath and eeeure a aufflclent number of witnesses lit order to vote, but that It waa dona according- to the - proper methods. - Tha euburb la In a state of Indignation today aa tha result ' af the charfte.. .,'--i- '..,' "There 1a no truth In the chargea.'j oo ' far aa I uow." said Postmaster -Jaok- - eon. th .' eloctlori passed ' off , very aulstly and 1 heard of no dlsturbancaa ar charge an that day. However, I was Tra,t th pond prwhirT -6te4: X have heard a great deal of talk about the charge and there. la general de rmal." va" ',':'!? v ': : ;';i , There h.av been no official charges .brought to liny .attention," "eald County . ClerkTlelda. ad consequently X know . nothing f . the rumor exoepl what I have heard here at tha office. There y seem ta be no foundation for the charg."-' . ' . -f 'V r ; ; , Yo foe Sheriff. - -. .- '..'. . i "f . PIECIKOT,' 1. .. 4.... (..., .... T.... , . ....'.. I lD.n. t ,..,V..,.,..m It.. ................... .......... 11 V ll..iV...v.-.iv..,.......,nrf... 14.. .................... ........'.o , H - a e !TajPaaiaa.vejL .jMitUtk - T r!4rv V.i It I t ws 1 1 71 , , I EO.,....r. ,.a $1. a - " 22 - W .... 2ft. a- jir; nnTTttfV m ra 5. ST .......................... ..... ............. ....v. SO at.,......, 4 BO. M 8T ..r.jf.. ... BS ,-TiTiT ............,..,. a . 40 , . 41. ....................... ......... 2. ...... ......... . m ......... W... 1 43...., 4... 4S. , ........ ... 44, 4T ...... ........... 4a i. ....,.,. M ft...... , M M. ...... ...... ............ ........ .... ....J M.. ST i. ........ ...... - M ........... . . . . r . j. .. SO, .. ......... ei , .....T. ea .... ................. 4......r............... .......... ' 06.. m STl as ......... TO................................. Tt. T3. -Ht at aee T.... T...... 111.. ....... ... ... t ... j... 1. ... TT TS. M.A- v.... iljsMaeit4eMa4' m ' M.'."lI!ri."lI.!.!!!!!!l.Il'.l!! M ST. M y.......... as ............. . m... ......... . ... . so Totals 1201 74 1 1TI ir. tit 17 Will 1W! 14NI 11M 144 161 47! 1T4 '42 '2l 107 -lie 7 1M '14 ibt Ml III -aw mi lao . M .-4M ITS 4 not 82 11 1T0) TT raw nsl Tt 44 A 3 US 145 1 10H - 0 - 49 IS JM islLOlJ 47 . TO 44 1M S - SO tl ioe .! 48 ST WITHYCOMBE JAILS .J'llTO POLL PARTY VOTE '' (IpH1 Dlssttek t T JoaraaL) Cottage Orqve, Or June 4. Cham berlain la ahead 1a all local precincts, aa la risk, Demooratlo candidate for sherlft of Lana county. ; . Oearln "and Galloway came out ahead In gohemla, aa did Chamberlain. . Out side of this Republicans are in the lead. Cha- berlatn leads ' hia - party vote over 149 per sent here. A fw outlying districts are yet to ba beard from and tt Is expected that Chamberlain will get about ta majority In this section. Many Republicans, voted - for ' Chamberlain, The rest of the ticket waa generally Re publican. Leading Republlcana are at loas to know why "Wlthyeombe did not poll his party vote. - JEven farmers bolt ad him.: ; IN POLK COUNTY. Chamber lata Xaa fcead of Vaady . Vusdred ta Ooaaty. : (RpecUl ' Dlipetcb ta The Jon-malr Dallas. . Or., . June . Unof t lolal com plete retuma In folk county give: ' aovernor cnaaiberiaia. 1.II4. wi wiy- comba. 1.111. . "."', ' Secretary : af " State BensoaJ. i,IT, 8 rout 156. v", ; ...- s.u: Treasurer Matlock lB. Steel 1,411. ' Supreme Judge Eakla l.tOI, , Halley .,-- . ' r -- " Senators-Bourne til, Oearln lots.' j . '.The entire Republican -county ticket la elected, except M. P. Ellla for sherlft who waa defeated by J, M. jOrant, Dam- oerat: .. " ' - Woman suffrege has been - defeated. Prohibition waa defeated by nearly 400 votea. . . .. , . DEMOCRATIC LANDSLIDE.1 T.Tj Chamberlain 1,017, Wlthyoombe 1,711. . Polk (complete) Bourne 117, Qarln l,l; Chamberlain 1,214, Wlthycemba LIU. Sheranas) aeawlata. OaaHii la- raltty. Chamberlain , 81, Wlthyoomba us ! Tlflamoek Bourne 13. Oearln 111. Chamberlain It. Wlthycombe 141. . Umatilla bourne 1.(71, Oearln l.Stl, Chamberlain 1.117, Withy com be 1,711. Union (complete) Bourn. 1.117, Oearln 1.111. Chamberlain 1.410, Withy oombe Mis. Wallows Bourne 100 plurality, Wlthyoombe plurality. . Waaco Bourne 1.110, Oearln 1.114, Chamberlain 1.1(1. Wlthyoombe 1,417. --Washington (complete) Bourne 1,111, Oearln 1,1(1, Chamberlain 1.444, Wlthy combe 1,471. . . Wheeler Bourn 111. Qar1n .-111. Chamberlain 1(4, Wlthyoombe 111. ' Tamhlll Oearln 104 plurality. Cham erlala 111 plurality. ' Total Bourne" 14.701, Oearln 11.110, Chamberlain 11.171. Wlthyoombe 14.011. .' Bourne's plurality over Oearln 1,011. Chamberlala'a plurality over Withy omb M10.. - v f . - . Halfsenik'i ; Tot fe PRECINCT CaamberlaU Wlaa Ballea City aavd Bans , Wall, la tha Oonaty. -. ., - (geeeltl DlMMteh to The Joeretl.1 The Dalles. Or.. June 6. The , full count of Dalles City gives Bourne' lis. Oearla-414, . Chsmbcrlaln-iM.WItay. combe ' 461. ' A uemocratio eyelone st ruekrTha-witmty: em side- of - Bailee City precincts heard from give Bourne 14. Oearln 100. Wlthyoombe 171, Cham berlain 111 Four precinct were not In. Tha state ticket la estimated Re publican at 100. - Republican -county elerk and treasurer are elected by about 74 majority. Hood Rlverr-Tmf ur and The Dallas voted In favor of licensing liquor 'Saloona. fu ll 11 10 M H IS 14 7 tl 10 10 11 l w 14 17 :-4.t. ....I : .............i... ...o. ...... ...... I ..J. .....J. JtJL . ........ ...... ...I 10 914 - 44 S9 1 ISO ire to HI SM 1M 1H ire 161 131 14M 101 16 IIS 12 ISO m in 71 as ISA 1 78 Tl S4 14 184 IS "IS .44 ' : 4t! .441- w.kt 142 1T 1M 181 its J 00 let 'ISO 1144 114 S41 13 141 S10 12 14 10 147 Wlthyoombe Carries Bogae miver YaHey Seotloa fey Small Majority. Jacksonville,. Or., June (.Complete returns . from all the preclncta except one In Jackson county give: Chamber lain 1,401. Wlthyoombe 1.172; Benson 1,117. Sroat 1,121; Matlock 1.111, Steel 1,414: Kakln 1.104, Halley l,t:i; Craw, ford 1,111. Miller 1.011: Dunlwar 1.11. iTTJp.lJJlUaouDlo l-184GarinUZL jne county is itepuoiican. except that the vote on state eenator Is very does, with probably a Democratic victory. 144 144 10S 120 tl 175 tl M i! 14T Tl 40 40 ii . as tr ti IT 7 15 IN JACKSON COUNTY. GOVERNOR'S MAJORITY. (Continued from Page Blxteen.) Grant Bourne (OS. Oearln 42. Cham. berlaln 70S. Wlthyoombe S74. . Jackson Bourn 1.614. Oearln l ITT- Chamberlain 1.101, Wlthyoombe 1,171. Josephine Bourne ' 100 - oluralitv: Wlthycombe-104 plurality. Klamath Bourne 411, Oeartn f 477: Chamberlain 15, Wlthycombe SIC. - Kb Ire Oearln 100 plurality; Chamber lain 111. Wlthyoombe 144. Lana Bourne 1,18, Oearln 1.171: Chamberlain 1.141, Wlthycombe 1,077. -LJnooln Bourne 100 plurality: Withy. eombe 100 plurality.-- Linn (complete) Bourne 1,177, Oearlq 1.141; 'Chamberlain. 1.3I&, Witbyoombe 1,(4S.,. . Malheur Bourn 111. l Oearln 111: Chamberlain 117, Wlthycombe 177. ' Marion Bourn 1.047, Oearln I. (II; Chamberlain' "1.711, Wlthycombe Mil. ' Morrow (complete) Baurn ' III, Oearin III; Chsmbsrlain (It, .Withy combe 61. Multnomah Bourne 1,141. Oearln ...........i .......... ........... ...... . . f -. u . .' ....... . . 4 . . . . is 49 .......a... . 41 .., 4t -' !- - - 41 44 45 41 47 41 41 60 SI 61 61 $4 IS 61 17. 61 (4 (S (I (7 (I II - 70 71 71 74 71 71 77 71 11 ) a.'ag;"w4i. crtcrri!.!v;!U." efo Totals . . Plurality . . Iwwi ii liV'-XiTtOVil-II I :t U-l -l M I " II I f I II IU. W M'rSk 1 ; A v Thiirsday, Friday tit sa it iT ' rt vvcr t Ill 101 ill 114 I . v OV 0V' .. a O - tO 3 , Altil ' A OOllall IIA1 . Ill 70 17 14 I I! ' -tO rV1 .ACte . (j - ' ' ,JMI 4-x mtXTJCKB in solid A4tl mm , 111 114 171141 : 1 ' V, . J 40 io loi io .. ..'v;,r pJLm4&M C--V VA .'''I'" !4tH----C ML i ( 11 in 111 us 174 - lvV .,. -. ". " I UWh 1- --. JeSLi -" I ,S? VJ. - ,!l -V- Vc - .fir A- Mix -vmh im1 i J f" . : --,7-.?.- r r . r J inn ritiiiuiiviL ato w . . . 1 - -.r 1 . 1 175 110 iti "i ' -j" - r" (" - C ' !i-y'1 . ' ""' nxiiiei' monaD m 151 110 114 171 - ,--' JjT - ; r ' r- .n .l iTN'''"-'-"" - weathased oak flnish. spring I-S is! ffi .MiXmfli 'V j:- in. 14 114 .111 .--i-,.- 2 ,; ' ..; W-'-'..- .' ,' u.... ;.'.,...-.-.-- ...',. I 111 l50 111 121 ' '' '- 1" '.,'..U.' t v. - v. ..... - i. . I A '. 16 105 111 ; 15 -1 ! 1 11 . 1 1 1 11 1 ----M--w----Twfr?CT - s I. ! ) jl GOlfERNOR. GUARDS C STATE BB hiofd pi Sfminn 111 !! J!i I -WHILE CAMPAIGNING- H3S :! 1 1! 11 li IS Intwrts at Washington Part of ":v7i " tL) ' X II I H XV J 'IW ( j ' J , Chamberlain'. PoHcy as ,VZtt IJllllW lUVj) t ) ) III" 61 lit II rEMtSlJtlVag:-:. L.'V. mba-all. CHambarlaialJougg I - 11 If ; ,- 5rfcaiV'.i7ll! BARGAIN TABLE PRICES j LlJJ I g I . I - 41L- ' ? 1 16 IS 15 41 12 I ....'...,2i747ol7i7J 4.. 1611 144 Temp & - ' yV - - ' v - - - ; . - . - - f f v ( ti ' . 1, 1 L 4 ' f I ' . -(y;44..,4:. Vl-t. !"W'1iiJly . f f - V" 'llii T JT T n nail i mf iiiiii in 1 '-':'' . -(' i ' -' MR. HIRAM NICKERON. . . - , ; Putty's erance Advocate ends and '' ' ' (Jesrssl Imc11 Bmrhre.) Washington, June S. Senator Oearln has received a telegram from Governor Chamberlain of Oregon urging that the usual appropriation for the hydr- graphlo work - of th geological survey be granted at this session. Ths house haa cut th appropriation from 1300,000 to 1100.000, whloh would result In suspension of stream measure menta In th west.- Senator Oearln will try and have tho fuU amount restored in th senate.- . . , L indorses Broken-InhealthrthiHnt suit of a dUeasu con- L''io'" (lpH! DUpetcfe t Th Ioaral. ' ' Harrlsburg. Or., June I. Consider .waa manifested here yes- regard to the proposed amend ment to the local option law which was defeated In the two: precincts. North and South . Harrlsburg, by (0 votes. Prohibition also won out by a, aingla vote. ...... Oeorge B. Chamberlain' received 101 votea agalnsf Jams Wlthycomb 106; Charles V. Oalloway led Willis C Haw. ley by (I. securing 111; John M. Oeartn bu.t. happy health by thengJVirnVvrhfroSN result tracted on the battlefield, and suffering: from a gen eral breakdown, Mr. Nlck erson was restored to ro use of Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey. -T This Is his sincere let ter of thanks: t A r When a man la discouraged and con stsntly suffering he very naturally haa a deep feeling for the remedy that brlnge him -the happiness attained through robust health.- 1 tske teaspoonful of Duffy' Pur Malt Whiskey overy morning, beaten up with a raw egg and two thirds of a . ties of milk. On retiring at night 1 ike a tablespoonful In hot water and augar. - . . - . Before I began' with Duffy's I waa badly broken In elta and oomplotely run aown. . KytlglillJfJ -a Ijegand foot was cold up -el'TlVe lime alia 1 (auld not keep, warm nights. wit also bothered with shakos, con tracted through eaposure during th Civil War, whn 1 served in th United State Army. . t -;- I roommndd Duffy's Fur Malt Whlsksy to all old soldlere, or. in fact., to any parson who Is broksn In nsalth or growing old. --. Now, though I am A temperance man. despising the Indtscrtmlnste uee of In to I rente. I heartily Indorse Duffy's Pur Melt Whlekey. HIRAM NICKERSON, wsrrsn Ave., miaaieooro, stssa PurMaltis Ivee power to the brali Is an nitaiy pur, gentle and Invigorating atlmulant snrt lonlcj builds tip the nerve ttaauea, tonea il n, atrengta and elaetlclly to the muscles and rlchneea to the blood. It brings tect, mei flvee po he vital talne. hi th heart. Into Action all he vital foreea, it makee dlgeetlon perfect, and enables you to get from the food you eat all the nourishment It eon li te iniruiuaui inr .nrwgiim rn.n, oeucaie women ana sicaiy onuaren. It strengthens sad Sustains the sys tem, is a promoter of rood health and Ungevlty, makes the old young and keeps th young strong. Seven thousand doctor preor(b and MOO hospitals use Duffy's Furs Malt Whiskey exclusively. , . . fnM f daajraroaa lmltattona aad aabatrtat. sere, -am aeajers. ioeg tor ae svaae-mara, te v-w All drurtiet sad I aixot, $U9 .Tk are positively kasmrnl and as sold for pre: Old Chemist, ea tke label, aad be rtaU-ah seal i sotUa. iNWrt a4via aai aaadloal ooklt rr HI mly by a- ve the oork la aaadloal ooklt fr. PaaTy Malt PROHIBITION WINS BY ' ONE AT HARRISBURG pol led was 1 1 1. GRANT COUNTY. Ohamberlala Xaa Bl- lead Ova Oppo aeat U Xatarioa of StaU. . . - gpeelet Dtxtrh to The Journal.) Canyon City, Or., June Retnms from. 17 preclncta out of 11 In Grant county give Chamberlain 70S, Withy-- oombe 174. Bliteen precincts ' show: Bourn BOS, Oeerln 111, Benson 111, Sroat 111, Matlock 111, Steel IIS, Dak In 76. Halley III. Crawford 110. Miller MlTAekerman 701,. Diinlwsy (It, Tay lor 111, Hoff III, Bill 771, Oraham III. Mulkey 111. Belknap (41, -Merry-man 161. Appropriation, yea 177. no 1(1; suf frage, yea 411, no 60 local option, yea 171, no til. The. entire Republican rnnnty Mr.ket is alectert evrapt mimr clerk. CLOSE IN TILLAMOOK. WltkywajsiV Xaei lVa Three Yotea, - With row rreotse Mlewlag. Tillamook, . Or, Jun (Complete retuma from all but four precincts glv Bourn 110, Oearln 111. Chamberlain 111. Wlthycombe 111, Oalloway 141. Hswlsy 171. Th rest of. th Stat Republican ticket la elected by . plu ralities of about 100. Tillamook voted to remain dry by 100 majority. . ... ' -r . . ... ,' ONTARIO PRECINCT, v Ohamberlsla - Baa - Tew -larallty of- fraglsts Carry City. Ooarltl DUpatrS te The leersal.) ' . Ontario, ' Or - Jun I. Ontario pre cinct compjete givee fiourne )IR, Oeartn lei, .uie tvs, uranui m, namDer- laln 117. Wlthycombe '177. For state senator Hort. Republican, 117; Sexton, , Must Find Homes' Today. . W still have a few 'slightly used up right pianos, most of whloh cannot be told f rbm really new ones. , W ar closing out and must -gat rid of all of them quickly. Prices are ridiculously low. , Think of Ita (In Newton for III, aa elegant little Fischer, only III; a fine mahogany. Kimball, till; a Cable 4k Sons for (109. A Una oak-caad BchaelTer. carved panels. 1115: a Neu- geaV-tllt-a Newton Brothers. 4S; eto etc All of . these pianos go for 11 down and IS or mora a month. We're winding up our retail . bualnesa, have but a fsw days longer to remsln here, and yon will hav to hurry if you ex pect to get on of these. Store . open evenings. Ellera Piano House. - BUTCHERS-MAKE-MERRY AT SUMPTUOUS SPREAD At a banquet held last evening by tha Retail- Butchers' association of Portland In honor of the retiring officials of tha Union Meat company, over 160 butch era. Including all the officers, war pree ent. Th banquet wsa opened by Frank Schealand, president of th association. and was then turned over to I Maher, ohalrmaa of th evening. An address wee marie by H. H.- Deory 1 behalf of th retail dealer erd was responded to by J -N. Neal of th wholesalers. The Whol : party . than sang "Aula Lang Syne" with the aid of th or chestra, and th evening dosed with general good feeling. Low Rates East. . On Jun 4, I and T and also on June it and is and other later datea, . tha Chicago Northwestern will sell round trip, tlcketa to all eastern points at very low rates.' Chicago and return 171.60. Other polnta in proportion. Fur ther Information by caltrhg on R. - V. Holder, general agent. 161 Third atreet. Woodman Bleot Offloera. (gpodal Dlapatcb to'Th Joernal.) Pendleton, Or., Juno I. At the seml- etinn.t M-lm-nf-ftWfe-f VA4m4 Camp, Woodman of th World, th fol lowing offloers war chosen for th sn sulng term: Consul commander, Lee D. Drake; adviser lieutenant, L D. Idle man: escort, J. O. Relger; wstchman. Kueeke; sentry, A. W. Arnold; nut- agar, C A. Cola. 1 : Keep Dr-Graves Toofli Powder and use it twice Tery day. It preserves, brightens and whitens good teeihr'and" keeps-the-bad ones from getting any . worse." That s, what the dentists say.! In handy saesaj eaa or bottle, SS. Df Crsv:.' Tt:t!i Pzzizi C:s . . IiOT 1. fl.40 ' 14.10 Ladlsa Sboea ." ' LOT 1. ' 1.20 11.11 Ladle' sdo,. . LOT. I. ...... . 14.00 Ladlss s , She,. li tar t.;i;;; '.,: 1.30 ;. j IS.II Boya . ..; ShoM. . f '' LOT ; fl.4S 11.00 Boy Shoee. LOT 11.-' . v . . .. )' 9 1.15 ' 11.10 Misses' Shoeev . . LOT 11. ' 11.10 Olrtr . Shoe. - " LOT 1. r fl.85 11.11 Men'a "LOT 4. 9135 v ;:) ' lt.ll Ladles' ' . : Sbo.....: .. LOT I. $1 00 Msn'a ',. , SUppMa. .... LOT .i'-'r-i 9iio -'.r II 10 Ladlaaf . ' sUlpnra. .,' ' LOT II. 91.15 ' 14.01 Mw'g : Shoa. . - LOT It. - tin ornd'a Shoe. , ' ' '4 lot ir. 504 Itll Infanta ... Sha. .Children' a Barefoot Sandala, . . ..-504) Pair..-., . ; Sho Polish, I boxes for Sat. 292-r.ionnisojT NK.AR FIFTH STRSBT , Stnadr Taraed Away. ANTI-SALOON LEAGUE J ENFORCING STATE LAW , " i (loereal Speetal Ssrvtee.) Sacramento, CaL, Jun I. Th ute superintendent of tha Anti-Saloon leegu want, t Ion today to arrest fly es loon-keepers charged fevlth aelllng Uauor. within two mtlea t th atataj re formatory or penai inatitutiona. known aa tha Preston achool of Industry. A law passsa at ins laat asaion of th legislator at th Instigation of tem perance peopl, If upheld, will close flv aaloona In-Ion aad II at rolaom. la cruar. tared golden oak or snav hogany finish, polished leather - oobblar eat. DAT BALD PRica aoom wttt A mzal9 full comfort seat. Mad f best Oarman reed. On that will laat THREHJ-DAT . . SALE) PRICB....4 1 $5X0 E. B. BURNS DROWNS IN THE ROGUE RIVER - a Bsndon. Or., Jun I. K. B. Buna, who aspired to be Joint representative for Coo and ' Curry eountle. waa drowned In th Rogue river - Sunday morning. N partloulara hav an ob txat ran muira. - If you are languid, depressed. lnoar- abla for work, tt Indicates that your liver I out Of order. Herblne will saalst na ture to mrow orr neaaaenss, rneumauara -and aliment 'akin to nervousness and restore th anergic and vitality of sound and perfect health. J. J. Hub bard. Temple, Teiraa, wrlteei " T hav used Hsrbls for th pant two years. It loc ine more goon men au trie doctor. It la ths best medicine evor made for chilli and fever." loo. Soli 47morM, its. ror rprntati M . I. JIWIII.WIliy . ay Waodard. dark. Oa i