The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 06, 1906, Page 14, Image 14

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G. Luxon Meets With Fatal
' Accident When Car Jumps
y Track "and, Turns OverA ;
Victim 'Wm Riding on Front Plat-
form When Accident Occurred
: Sharp Curve Said to Be Responsi-
" o R. fl. Luzon.' an employe of the Mar
. .hall.Wells Hard war company, wii fa-
' ' tally: Injured last night in the derail-
scent of ar-10 of the 8 line at Corbett
... i, and Qibbs streeta, arid' died an hour
Osier. The accident .occurred -at - 11:46
. p. m. e the car', was wunorai mi
. curve at the intersection ' of the . two
. -streets.. Luxon was riding on the front
platform when ' the er left the raiiai
and in attempting to , lump he -was
cauaiit beneath, the Wreckage. Motor
imi Stenwls and Conductor Dean ,es-
"catted eeHoue Injury.' alUioug-h the for
mer '-was cut by. flying glass. Luzon
' waa removed . to the Oood Samaritan
linanlial tthMM It dld-
- The car wae coming toward the 'irity
' rm the lest. trio, and according to .the
carmen waa running at a low rate of
, y apeed. When the curve waa reached
he heavy ' vahlnla jumped ,lnn iracn
' ,. and after running on the ttea for some
distance turned completely over. Luxon,
Conductor Dean and, Motorman Stenwlg
' were : rid In g on the- front , end of the
car. Luxon jumped just as the car top-
: - pled -over-and made the fatal -mistake
In leanlnr of f the wrong aide.
" Great excitement wae occasioned by
the crash, which could be heard for
blocks. In a very few mlnutea a large
- number:bTh"e realdenta- of the-' vloli-
Hv were on the scene. A call waa sent
tarengine-TOmpajrTrlkoanlthe fire-"
Wen gave assistance. An outbound car
arrived shortly after the accident and It
'' -Aid-ast. take-long, with the, aid of-the
--, firamep ... to ralae the .wreck: r-ana Mtn
. (ate. Luxon. -;-'.7 , '' j.'-.l
Conscious When Vaksa Prom Wreck.
The, injured, roan waa- conscious, but
suffered treat paw. . ire.-Kueoy -
tended Luxon until he was removed to
,.' the hospital in the ambulance. Before
the surgeons could make an examine-
; tlon death relieved the- suffering- of the
.Unfortunate -man. . ..- w
' Deceased was a native of Canada," It
7 years of age. and resided With his cou
sin, Q. L. Rolph. at 1ST Chapman, street.
He, came to this city about IS months
ago. and secured employment with the
Marshall-Wells Hardware company. The
lug parlom and an inquest win be Held
to fix the responsibility. -
The funre, at which the adcldent, -po
cur red has always been regarded as
' Jangerous, owing to Its sharpness. The
- statement of the motorman and conductor
-that the car waa running at a moderate
rate of speed would seem to indicate
that some obstruction had lodged on
. the rails. r ' f' .:-. . i.
JarisoslTanoona Baower.
yt jnrt-Trtght the 1 young - people- of-the
Rodney Avenue Christian church spent
a very enjoyable evening at the home
of Miss Bessie BrledwelL Union avenue
A Chronic Invaira Woman Is Restored to
;r Health By
,, emajBaqs) turn aai oaaaa-i js .
M' RS. UZZIB BHARPK. ' 10S FrleMdl
.ship, street. Providence, Rhode
."" Island,--writes: ,:.'-;... -
"Borne time ago I wrote you, asking
sdviee in regard to my health, describ
ing my symptoms. '
."rollowlag you advice and taking
Y year xaedlciae foe only tve weeks. I
a at ffceakfal say I an a well woman.
JL"1 had suffered for a number, of r
with constipation, Indigestion and fe
"" male tronftlei 6f tH Worst form. .1 wai
. unable to do my housework without
help. .. ,'. I .
' "After taking Peruns -1 have experi
enced the-wtost-eatiafaotory reelt.
am like a new person. -1 do all my own
house work, thanks to Peruna.
"I want to reconAnend Peruna to all
" who are slmtlarly .afflicted."
; Rgcommenda Pe-ru-na
Mrs. Mary C. Dart, Cardlngton,' Ohloti
rites: v . ; ,
"For two summers I wss under? k doc
tor's care for malaria fever, and I eras
- told that I would Just have to wear it
out until fall. ., r ; - v
"I made up -my mind to try Peruna
'and since taking It 1 have not been
troubled at alL I have not had 'chills
or fever for five yeara"
Mrs. Llssle Ixhr. 116S West Thir
teenth street. Chicago, 1 Illinois, writes:
. "I take pleasure in writltig yon these
Knee." thinking there " may be other
women suffering as I did. '
"r. Kartman told aasieraat ailed me
aad haw te take Perns a. Vow X aaa
I - . fu . 'i t . j -
s - ; t f
' .::V.- tt:-
s - ' A
-y ,
' j
- - , - H
:. v - At
' . - ' ' .r!f:- " Vff
, m
s. ml
l x
The Board of Trade nd Improvement
association of .Montavllla and Mount
Tabor are- preparing) to celebrate Mon
days victory of annexation to Portland.
The date of the celebration has not been
fixed, but will be announced aa eoon as
arrangements can be made. .
It is proposed to nave a bonfire, in
Which dry goods. boxes and a barrel of
tar will play a conspicuous part, and a
parade and wind up .with a, banquet and
apeechea. The ?lty officials of Portland
will be Invited to attend -the banquet.
It la desired e let the city officials of
Portland know what a wideawake and
progressive people they have annexed.
The . Montavllla board of trade has
now reached a membership of .100, com
posed of the eubetantlat business and
professional ' men f the town. The
board of trade has determined to em
ploy every legitimate effort to put-Most
tavilla t the front. It la the purpose
of the organisation to inaugurate at
once an active campaign for street im
provements. .;-..".
"Grading- and curbing bur streets is
now the most essential thing we have
to fight for," said Dr. Deveny. secretary
of tuo' , board. "After we, get what we
need in that line, we shall-turn our at
tention to other .matters of, interest to
Montavllla. f i. , v...- - ..
The Bunnyslde Home Training circle
will meet at 3:30 o'clock this afternoon
at the Bunnyslde school.- 1
Mrs. C. M. Wood will deliver aa ad
dress at this meeting on "When Doe a
Mother's Influence Begin? " ' In addi
tion to the address by Mrs. Wood, the
prdfcram will contain other Interesting
features. - A-cordial Invitation Is ex
tended to all who are Interested in . the
work of the Home Training circle " -
Rev. Arthur li. SmlTh," "formerly J a
missionary -tftJtirthe Congregational
church in China, is-spending a ahort
time in Portland. Dr. Smith w!U de
liver a lecture at the Bunnyslde Con
gregational Church, East . Taylor and
East Thirty-fourth streets," Wednesday
evening. June. 1. on his. work and ex
perience with the Chinese people, j -j;
and Ivy : street The occasion waa a
farewell party given by the T. P. C, E.
aocletylnhonor of Mlaa Jennie . Eric lb
son who wJUl -aoon, go - to Calif ornla.
Miss Erlckson was the recipient of
many preeentr'and in her charming way
exoressed to all her appreciation. The
program consisted of music and games,
after .which, a .splendid . luncheon was
served.----'-' -f
.Get a Fin Baby Now.
tf'-ron- ever expect to possess a most
dainty and elegant Baby Grand, a royal
opportunity awaits you now at the cloa-lng-out
aale of Ellera Piano House, re
tail department Everything must go,
and these beautiful . inatrumenta are
now offered, , at : such ridiculously low
prloes . that any .weu-to-oo nome can
afford one, and we won't . split hairs
about payments, either, but you'll have
to' attend to -r this -at . once tomorrow
may be tod- late, fillers Piano House,
Sil Washington street .
- atenvs Tralnla AsaoelatlOB. , .
Mrs. Stephen 8.- Wise will give-the
paper of the week at the Home Training
association. She will take for her sub
ject "Mothers as . Kindergartners."
Everyone la cordially Invited to hear
the -dlacuaalon.iomorrow afternoon at
S o'clock in the committee room of the
city hall. Children . will be cared for
In the nursery. . i
IT all the wome la the .world who
have beam eared from a life , of
- wretchedness and misery by rernna
If all these women could be as Rem bled
together, what a multitude. -they would
make. v. ' .,'..,' . '
'Women from the north, women from
the south, women from the east and
women from the west; women in high
circles and women in the lowly walks
of life; ladies of leisure and house
. There Is no class or nationality that
does not furnish a multltuds of women
who have been . afflicted with some
chronic ailment pecullsr to Iheff-sex
which has been relieved by Peruna.
- In almost every inatance these women
have tried other remedies and consulted
numerous doctors .without any favor
able or permanent results. ' 1 (
At last they have resorted to Peruna.
Generally because aome friend has ad
vised it ' , - -V -'
'They find Peruna to be exactly the
remedy they have . been looking for
many years, ... ' ---.
Peruna la one of those remedies which
one woman likeaiO recommend to an
other woman. , ."
It Is a remedy that relieves promptly
and Its benefits remain.' ; ;
. Pe-ru-fia for Weary Mother .
Mrs. Hattle Harger. Castle Gate, Utah,
chaplain O. A. R.' circle and member
Daughters of America, writes:
."Since I have used . Peruna In the
home we have, had no Illness of any
kiad..; ,
. "I am the mother of two children.
One of them aaa troubled with catarrh
of the head. ...... -
"Peruae eared this trenhls Im leas
thaa tkree weeks. .'. - .:. -,
"The other child had a bad stomach,
causing an unpleasant breath and. loss
of appetite.. -"
"Plve bottles of Verona eared the
stomach dlfnoolty.
after using Peruna for -five weeka mv
health was restored,-fhy - strength"-r-turned
and all pains disappeared.
- "I recommend Peruna a s a special
benefit to weary mothers and children."
. Keeps Pe-ru-tia la the Hotfte
Mrs. Christina Btuevea of New Hoi
stein, Wisconsin, writes: ;
"It Is with pleaaure that I inform you
that I am well.
u i lumwia Tour inninirtioni. ffnsiir
Peruna and Manetlnw
am now able to do niy housework
agaitv ,i -. . .
"I thank" you many times. Dr. Hart
man, for your valuable advice.
"1 believe, had I hot taken' Veraaa,
Z would aot be aaaong the living.
. ''Whenever I have a little indigestion
I ftm a dose of Peruna and It helps me.
. "1 keep Peruna In the house now."
Mrs. Carrie King, ISO North Cascade,
Colorado Springe, Colorado, writes:
"Peruna has been my favorite and
Only household remedy for nearly live
years. I have Suffered for years with
biliousness. However, Peruna cured me
izjxMiiea made me a new and healthy
iy I
, (
of the east side, who have been living
for many years on a Tillamook farm.
have returned. to Portland to live. - Mr.
Holmes was In business on the east side
IS years ago. When be returned a few
days ago, . he ' was completely lost, so
areat has been the changes wrought in
his old haunts In East Portland. lie
could not find, East Burnslde street or
Union avenue and had to Inquire his
way. Mr. Holmes is now It years old
and has returned to Portland to spend
the remainder of his days. He has pur
chased a home on the east side.
At the meeting of the East Bide Im
provement association last night discus
sion of the recent increase in insurance
rates occupied the foreground. Many
of those present were of the opinion
that the Increase would prove part leu
laxly harmful to the east aide. The In
eurewoe-mew present -naaured the.. meet
lng that such waa not the caae, that the
Increase In ratee waa general and would
affect all parts of the city alike. The
statement was recently made that the
east side would be the chief sufferer
because of the -rise in insurance ratee.
But it was shown to the satisfaction of
the Improvement association thit this
statement-wa net correct.- A commit
tee was appointed to-be present at the
meeting of the executive board next
"Friday, when the' bids for the construc
tion of the Grand avenue ateel bridge
over Sullivan's gulch are to be opened.
This committee we Instructed, to urge
that the contractor building the bridge
be required to proceed without delay
with the construction work, also to-in
sist that the contractor e required to
give a time limit , bondV Insuring the
completion of the work in as short
Ume as possible.- ' ' - "
The delay. on the work of improving
union avenue came' up for discussion.
Tt waa nnlnted nut that this avenue is
one of. the most Important thorough
fare on the east aide, that the delay in
Improving It had extended over a much
eary. '-It was decided to lnvestlgas this
delay and see If some way could not be
found to compel the contractor to finlah
the work in a reasonable length of time.
-' The attendance at the - meeting was
not' large, owing It Is supposed to the
excitement attendlng the-eie'tlon.--
Chamber of Commerce Members
--Urge Oregon Representation
To Fight Against It.
Fund for Gauging Streamg to Aacer
u tain Capacity fofPower and Irri
?, gation In Danger of Being Halved
. by Appropriation Committee,
"o"ebmbata"reductl6n of 1100,00)) In
the appropriation by congress for gaug
ing streams to ascertain their capacity
for power and Irrigation, the Irrigation
committee of the Portland chamber of
commerce haa taken vigorous action to
enlist the support of congressmen and
senators of Oregon and the cooperation
Of the cities of Washington and Idaho.
In the sundry clvU bill it haa been
the rule to set aelde Hftft.eoe -to be ex
pended In gsuglngi ths flow and power
of water courses and this fund has been
largely expended in -the western states.
The appropriations committee has pro I
posea to cut this appropriation in half.
It is said such action would be a seri
ous blow to ths water power and irriga
tion Interests of, the people of the Pa-,
cillo northwest , -
At a meeting of the trustees of the
chamber yesterday afternoon the follow
ing new members were admitted: Pol-
son. Implement company. Security Vault
dc - Metal jrorke. F; - B. Jones eV- C.;
Bankers', & Lumbermen's bank, ' F. W.
Hanebut, Portland - Steve, works, J - W.
Hansen, P. J. Haines. Prier Bros.. A. W.
Cowen dt Bros., Portland Trunk com
pany. Enterprise Planing mill, B. B. Gil
bert Bell ft WUdman, R A L. Freedman,
Calvin .Helllg, Puffer, Burgard dc vCo.,
general Kieptrlc company. J. H. Oriebel.
James Anderson, C H. Korell, Frailer dt
McLean, Baker Theatre company. Inc.,
Beldlng Bros., Hotel Oregon, A. H. Ood
dard. Harper's Brats works, Browns
ville Woolen Mill store, Portland Glove
works, Olllen-Chatnbers company, Ed
wards company,' Home Telephone dc
Telegraph company, Portland Mattreas
A Upholstery company, James Hislop at
Co., Heacock dc Lawrence- Iron works,
Honeyman-Klnney eompany, Hellborn dc
Co., Heltshu. Grant dc Co.. John Honey
man Co., Burt Hicks, Gardiner & Vig
gersH. A. -Heppner A Co., Adqlf.W.
Harr, Harris Ice Machine works, J. 1).
Wlloox. W. W. Robinson, F. It. Hage
mann A Co., Hill A Zlegler, R. J. Holmes,
Vulcsn Iron works, Hyland Bros.; W.
Isensee, - Gus H. Hlnnenkamp, C. K.
Holmes.- '. -. ... . . ,
The proud distinction of .being the
first Prussisn soldier to enter Paris af
ter the - terrible - siege of the French
capital by the troops of allied Germany
Is held by Captain H. Berger, the vet
eran director of the Royal Hawaiian
bend, which la to be aeen here at the
Helllg theatre,- beginning tomorrow
night for an - engagement' of three
nights, with a special matinee Satur
Captaia- Berger, wh4 - so . closely
Identified with the musical education
of the natlvea of Hawaii, was born In
Berlin, . Germany, and received his
musical education In that city.. When
a lad he entered the military service,
and after a short period he was as
signed to one of the crack . cavalry
bands, promotion quickly came to hint,
snd when the Franco-Prussian wsr broke
out In 1170 he wae director of the Royal
and Imperial tThlan regiment, the body
guard of King William I of Prussia.
Captain Berger served with his regi
ment all through the terrible campslgn
and was present at the fearful battle
of Gravelotte and at the Siege of Mots
snd the surrender of Napoleon III at
Sedan. : - - -f '.. - ,. i- v
. When - Marshall Von Moltke and
Prince Bismarck arranged the formation
at .the victorious Prussian troops for
the entry into Paris, after the siege
and aurrender-of that city, it was the
Royal snd Imperial Uhlan regiment
that led the way. At their head rode
(aptatn Berger. and It, waa his Voln)
panned under -the Arche de Trlomphe I
from thePleoe de Mf a. ., ' I"
mat anuuina 11 wn aer naiser as ne
Why Eight-Day y
Melt Is - Best
r., . f
Thia Proceaa Geta All of the Food
: .Valua of the Barley Into
, "'"'"'the Malt. . '-. ' -
... - . . ...
The-' usual four-day process of mak
ing malt for brewing may be compared
to the unnatural rapid growth of grain
planted in midsummer. It makea malt
quickly, but al the of the vital
food quality of the grain. - -Malt
aa moat of our readers prob
ably know, is ths Ufa, the substance of
beer,and the food value of any beer
depends on the richness of the malt
from which It la made.
- Pabst exoluaive : eight-day malt Is
made In Nature's own way, by alow
growth of the barley. All of the food
value of. the barley la thus retained
in Pabst '. eight-day Malt, and makea
Pabat Blue Ribbon Beer .the '. richest
beer in food strength. .
Pabat Blue Ribbon Beer ia alwaya
purs -and clean. The choicest hops and
chemically pure water are used with
Pabst eight-day malt In - the brewing.
AU the money In the world could not
buy better, purer ingredients. The eu
tlrs Pabst process- is. famoua among
physicians and aolehilsts for Us posi
tive cleanliness. From "the -maahing of
the eight-day .malt until the finished
product' 1 la. . poured Into your glass
Pabst Blue , Ribbon Been never ' comee
in contact with anything that is. not
absolutely clean. '. It Is fermented In
sealed tanks into which no impurity
can eaten Jt Is run through sterilised
tubes and pipes, aLored for months in
sterilised hermetically sealed storage
tanks .and pasteurised after' being hob
ueci. .. - - - v
This exclusive process placea Pabat
Blue Ribbon Beer beyond the possibility
of contamination. ' It comes to you per
fect in age, parity, and strength, the
best beer brewed. , ',,.,..,
' -f v' - Corner Third and Plae. '
iPabst Blue Ribbon Beer r,
Order a Caaa tog Toat alome Today.
Ordinance Proposed by Council
man-Wells- Does Not Meet
With Entire Approval. .
Councllman WUls' proposed ordinance
by which- the saloon license "would be
raised from .500 ttf 11.000 waa tackled
for the first time by the liquor license
committee of the counpil late yesterday
Majjy iyggestlppg. wenimade;; and
some increased licenses may be recom
mended by the committee, but It in not
probable that the 11,000 license will be
ordered. : . v ,
A majority, of the committee was In
favor of raising the license of wholesale
liquor merchants, Who are now paying
1200 fee. it. is also likely that en
additional license lee -will be required
of j-ectlflers. It was declared that
practically every wholesaler in town is
also a - rectifier, and that the profits
from the business are so great that
they are far more able to pay a higher
fee than are many of the aaloona. ,
Six hundred dollars for retailers and
1600 for wholesalers waa suggested and
may be adopted, though ths -committee
decided to hold the matter .over until
the next meeting. ; - '
The following applications for saloon
licenses were recommended by - the
committee: D. M. Jones, . Ill - Third
street; John Hogabloom, 13 North
Third -street r- James- P. .Murphy, tt 1
Taylor-Albright-aud Roberta, SO North
Twenty-third; F. Felder. 14 Fourth;
Samuel Washington, 101 , North Park;
C A. Linn, Sil First;. A. Gerde, Haw
thorne avenue and East Water. No, 147
Taylor .street is the location of the EI
Rey, a1 resort put out of business by
the council some time ago, after run
ning undisturbed for many months. The
new spplicant for the same - location,
however, la said to be a new man' la
the city-and haa-given promises, that
his saloon will, comply with the law. ,
Special Rates East.
On June 4, I, 1. ti and tt the Cana
dian Paclfle will sell round trip tickets
to eastern terminals for one fare plue
tlO for the round trior Tlcketa will
be good for stopovers, with a final
limit of 80 days. For descriptive mat
ter" and full particulars regarding- the
available routes, etc, call on or address
F. R. Johnson, F. and P. A, Portland,
Oregon.-- '--".',...'. ., -
, 8peeiat Dtepateb ' te The Jneraal.)
Vienna,-June . Kaiser Wilhelm ar
rived here thlg morning for the purpqse
or Tisumir emperor m rancis josepn.
Genuine .
Little Liver Pffls.
, ; Muit Bar Signature of .
5ee Fao4iaelle Wrapper Bilew.
rn DizziKUt.
rci iiuostKSt.
roi sauow sui.
rfg I Pwreiy
Tesy esaall aad i
CURE sick; headache.
; single
'lumbers Allege He Shows Dis
crimination and Gives Insuf-
Four Plumbing -" eetabllshments - vts-
terday filed a protest with the board of
education against the manner in which
T. J. Jones, the. board'e architect, pre
- l ' K . ' . ,1.
In this day and age would make r
you-laugh. ; The steel rail carries
the train so much smoother and
"easief." T " TT;
Why is not the same true of a
hay carrier? It is, only you have ;
not stopped to think of it.
and you will surely buy the
Double Steel Track
When-we; tell '.you that 'we
will sell as good .suits at -
- ;," . - e,-
as uptown stores ask $15 and
even $18 may4cpend
.upon itthat it is '
A B S 0 Lljf E L Y TR
ers will verify this staternent
r and so will yoii after ex
amining these suits. iTliey are
and double-breasted-
ING SUITS'in theiot.
Third: and Oak
pares specifications for work to be done
on school bulldlnga . The names signed
to This document were: . . Gardner dt
Kendall, Jacobaen-Bade eompany. J. F.
Shea and Brady . dt Sherrett. It waa
stated . that Jonea doea not allow suf
ficient time for the preparation of bids
by cunt rectors. Jonea denied the state
ments of the- heating men.. This oc
curred at . the special meeting of the
directors called .to consider bids for the
beating plant of the new east aide high
school.- T ' ;
The J. C. Bayer Furnace eompany pre
sented a separate communication, which
was a reply to a question from Director
Williams as to why, no hid had been
submitted by Bayer ' upon . the high
school plant. - - It la probable that the
directors will make an Investigation of
,-. P
.kJ. . II
. i...v...-..-v e.-.
the charges made against the architect
At the last meeting ef the directors, .
when - the bida were opened, tt waa
found that W. O. McPherson waa the
only bidder.
Two Over ft Dozen.
.. Only 14 of th very choicest and most
costly,' highest-grade Chlckerings, Web-,"
ers, Hasaltons and Kimballs are still
here. Theygo for almost half price JJ
J0,"$1S, yes even $11 a' month buys "j"
them, We-ere eelllngloutandmusL
get rid of them.' Store open evenings. ,
Ellera Piano House, 151 Washington
street. -- - i-,'; rn
, Preferred Stock Oaaaed .Oeeda.
. Allen dt LawIs Best Brand.
Steel Track
This is , the best hay
carrier outfit you can
possibly Install in your
barn.-'.' , '
First and
tl E
4 ,
V, '