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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1906)
THE OREGON toAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING. JUNE 6. 1SC3. tJSW TODAY. FLSsilliWCo. Axsn Rnn. irtMn si lonn mif mm iw "Filling the Beef Trust With clean, healthy, whoienomo meats. . the prodnct of rwgtm's rangvai.'- Fine juicy Roast Beef,' Ib'T. 10 Fine Pot Roast Beef, lb... .8 Tasty Boiling Beef,. lb... ...6 k Sirloin Steak, lb . . . ...... 12 Prime Rib Steak, lb.;.. A-M Choice Shoulder Steak, lb.... 8 Roast Mutton; lb;,'. , ', .8f ; Roast Veal, lb ; ;V. ; .; ; . e . ,10 Mutton Chops, lb...,.,..,.10 ' All our meats are ol the very primest quality,' arfd so much cheaper than other butchers can sell to you that you must resolve there is only one, place to trade, and that, place is Smith's. Wjp are Portland's "only .nde pendent slaughterer. v,;r . Special rates to- purchasers in " wholesale quantities. " - - iJ?erCent INTEREST -THE. Savings Bank - OP THE- - TRUST COMPANY . " Pays 4 pee cent on Certificates of De posit, r . . - Pays t H par cent on Barings (lnterosjt compounded semi-annually). Pays t per cant eo daily balances of check aeeouata. . Banking near ,...... t a, to, to) p. m. Satirdayj, cputeX p.m... Saturday evenings...... I te S o'clock ,240 Washington Street ':. ' Oottbat eeoad, - J:: r ' Portland, Oregon' , B8TABUSHKD IM 1T IS " " . GOVERN El BT THIS BANK isjusttally:trongarid- , active Board of Directors, whose ' individual success in V life portends prudence and conservatism in directing the finances of our depositors. ,; ; . i When opening a bank a- n count or , - enlarging - your ; present . facilities, consider thesafe-rnanagernent tf this: "; Banking House. - " " . - ' Resources over 1,600,000. : ' S. & ear. Id and Oak ! '- Peeae Ex. M. . PCK7. I. COHKlf.... Prwldmt - H. fc PFTTOf ' Kn ;rs Mm,',. Vlce-Preeldeiit V. Ul PAGET ., ..Beeretarr 4. O. 0OLT&A. Aaaietaat Becretary Portland Slabwood Co. Green Slabwood, per load. $1.50 Dry Slabwood, per. load. .$2,50 L At the Foot of Lincoln Street ' PHONE MAIN 3119 K . Kear two electrlo 1 1 nee, cheap and en ,. aay terma. , .. ....... CEDERBERQH '114 Commercial Block, Second and i : , Waahlngten Streeta. A Fine Lot On Grand Ave, near Market J ?3,000.B.-82,-Care-Journal 0-4 Block Sixth and. East Clay Streets t?-l,500. B 81, Care journal " ' - . . . -.?... Water Front Por Salli84 feet of choice water fmnt.;la cu Hmlta, contain about live -T, "T-ilrijd through It' a flue, mill tif.rinf(lon; av terma Call en J. & AlLu.i. ill Mrum Bldg. . NEW TODAY. WEST SIDE We want ' for California buyer good income producer, (10,000 to 121.000. f 16.00O-r-26x eet on -Third etreefe Centrally located. f 12.00O SOxlOO, corner Water and uiay atresia. . ' . ' ' 98.OOO Quarter " block, . corner- -of Bocnoan ana Hcana streets, income 11 per cent. .. . , 12.500 Pine quarter block In beet residence part. Twelfth and Mill; two f 6.50O Pull lot with three buildings oa rirsi eireet, income biow. per en num. " . : ' - j-.,. 922,000 A Front etreet bargain, a nne iwo-eiory Drica Dtiiioing. income 11.100 per annum. 1 ' $ 4. 50O even-room home, Sixth, near .,., ;.:':.- .. .... ,.;v u EAST SIDEvI ll.OOO A great bargain on RasaeU etreet. ..--.'. ''. . ,-v o flT.BOO Half block on Union and urano avenues, cioae in. . . (lO.OOO Two-atory brick building en union avenue, near cast uu streex. 9T.OOO Quarter .block. Seventh and Belmont atreeta. 915.000 Quarter- block on Grand avenue, one diocb norm 01 xiawroorne avenue. ; : . . 1 : 95.000 Quarter" block; corner Seat rontn- ana caec jviaer streets. 94.500 Quarter block 100 fet from xiawmorne avenue. ...r EAST SIDE HOMES ; V 96.50O One of the best modern real- ,. aencea in - irvingion. including mag nificent carpet, not two year old. 96.00r Fine room house; beet hard- wooa nnisn, neat . view-, or city, run block. Woodstock. 93,250 e-room modern Bouse, corner tot, roast I weniy-eigntn ana oaimon. 91,30O T-room houee on car line. eaey.terma. --,-7- "--'r' INCOME PROPERTY 97,500 Two etoree four flata, new, BBodenv paya"blg fntereet - 912,000 Two atorea, four flata, can De Duiii on comer tot,-- nuningxp treat, and bring handeome revenue. Corner Lots. Close In Oct a ' corner the " beet In veetment yen e make, eJwaye In demand for big revenue from flata, houeea or-bualneaa property. Not many In the market, but Jf,baye , Jjrnme choice ones at buying , - 580-Acre Farm ;1 In GUMam ' county, 410 in cultivation. Thla la a nap at llt.SOO. or will trade for-income property fnrnA Lambert, Whitmer S Co. 10S-10T-10I Sherlock Building,' -404 B. Alder St - - Phone Main 100S. WANTED All Kinds of Inside REAL ESTATE, Im proved ori-Unim-proved. .; F. ABRAHAM -.113 Second Street Unusual Opportunity Wo have two partly finished hbuaea, each with two Iota, near to car line. Will sell for lees than price of lota and on eaay . terma. A chance to make a nice pront on a very amau. investment. xnese w - surprise you. . . BUST ft TAST POSSZaT, lUH-HMrlank -r Every Dollar: Invested tbrnngk this coeipany rentalns- la Oregon for the fnrtker development end 'ex teneloa ef kuaineaa. - Bverr dollar la aecered by JLrtt awrtgagt sa lscocaa gcoparty, lasutag f Absolute Safety And returns te ' the lnreator 0 and 1 per esat Interest, , parable - seml-anaaelljr. Ihvestmente : Are for sped He nertoda. aamelr ene. two. three, foar aad Ave reara. which neens In creasing security end deereaalng liability. uau or write xer tan laiormauoa. Northwestern Guarantee 7 &;Tru$t Company Lamber Bzehaage kldf., aeesad Soar.' axowt WEATHER REPORT. : Tks ' westera Jew nresrare sreas have united and formed a slngls dlatorhaace of ennsual severity, which la central this morning over the Dakota. . Light sbovrsrs hare occurred generally la the Paclnc etatee and beery nine base fallen In Montana and The Demotes. Local rains hare also fallen la the lake region, middle Atlantic and New England . states. The barometer la rlalng oa the Pacific elope and a blgb praeawe srea of eooalderable strength Is eentrsl off the north California roeat, which wtll move eortbesst and cause fair weather in thla dlatrlct Tbursdan, with He Ing. temperstures. Showers, however, are indi cated for tonight in wasters uregoe sne west era Washington, und light frosts ur be ex pected la eaatera Oregon, eastern washing ton and Idaho la the early nva-nlng. The berouieter eentlnees blgb ever the soutb Atlaatte tates and fair weather, prevails la that sec tion. Observattoaa taken at S a. ., ParlBc timet .... .: Temp.- Stations ' Max. Mln. Predn. Baker City, Oregon. ...... M . 40 u. . Bnalos, klasaeckaeetts..... 82 . l" -' .02 Iklcago, IIMnola 8 . 7 .01 Itenver,-foloredo. 84 t. SI ,Jt Bansss rity, Miaeoun.... s, T4 . . Los Angeles. California 82 0 hew Otleane.', Louisiana.. 02 Kew Tork. New lurk 84 ;t 5 74i.,0 To t T -. 14 taoeehsrg. Oregoe. . ...e. . 8z ' 44 .00 St. Loula. MlMKiari.. ...... 82 11 J) Salt lat. ttak ;. (IH ' )t.' .24 San Krandaen, California. OS M .a HiMfeane, Waehincton.,... m 44 - ' .01 Tarnaa. Washlngtns flj 48 i .24 Wells Walla. Weablngtoa, to 48 i .let waablng ton, U. K. as ff amath ra $ MARRIAGE LICENSES.' M. D. aultoe, Uaatoa, Oregon, ta; Maema J.Wttti. IB. - ' -- , l; ! C. Welker, 111 Motiawk etieet. ST Olto Weedl,, Wtaeoeala, M; Ida n. Merqearar, xt. r1wrrf D. Rom. t7 Jo-Bhlii. IfrV.lioii 14. rraek C. Algw, HtJ Marlaa atreet, 34) Ageal Jlm1 A fee, Boaebnrg, Oregon, M; -afaeda albert C. Small, 3T M1U atreet. Ms leaa Clyde W. rem. Salmoa etreet, 7 Lmlee Oeaear, M. Wedding Card. W. O. gailtk Cm.. W.a- mgtoe bld., cor. roartk aad Waaklagtoa eta. Weddlnat and eelllna? eerde nmna e annea. . t.- auatitoa. mu waeauigtoa at. kflaa Bertha Martin, ma ail All.kT bide iBBipiaa; aaa ane eeeajewora, aaaaooa givea. BIRTHS. WTLKINS Mar . to Mr. and Mra. taalh 1. - ftuBiD, at. .incenc a aoapitai, a eo. -01 AKTO.VIO Mar SI. to- Mr. and Mrs. O. Dl Aatonio. nhd Hand: a ka.. HICKS Mar 17. to Mr. and kfrt. Praak B. ' Hlrka . 103 Knott, a fcor. 0IB80N Mar S. to Mr. and Mra. M. P. Ola- enn, 178 Mrrhereoe, a girl. MORRIS Jnne X to Mr. aad Mra. 'Hubert Morrle, BeO Sixth, a flrl., PEN.MNfiB June 1, te Mr. and Mra, A. J. a-raninaa, DOV .Hoeoe, a firi. CONTAGIOUS DISEASES. Marie tvilltanu. 238 Cherrr, ararlot fever. Ethel Trier, 74 Juhneoo, BMaalea. - DEATHS. PARKS la thla dir. Jane g, 1906. at bta late reeianM, jioe tlawtbarne are., or. aeaayier B. JTarka. aed M reara and nonUia. . ra. nelal notice -beraafter. ' DHISCOLL Jnne I. William U DrlarolL B reara. St. Vlneeat'a koanltal. anoolecr. EVANS-Jnae . Bldred A. Crane, reara, 110 Porter, m Mil ileitis. ' . BANIUNkWane a. Jaoea I. Ranlllaa. M . reare, aaphyxlatloa br gee.' EU.NDUCY June e, Mary S. Handler t IS rrere. SOT Moata-omerv. tnbercnloala. UNDER J nne , Julia Under, ft ream,- 6Stt Korth Tklrd. aeal t. ' UPPITT June d. Clara P. Llmvttt, 10 year, St. Vlnrent'a koapltaL diphtheria. MATOOVIClt June 2, Deeer Matetrrleh. ream. -Meraeam amlcb.- uerltuiiltra. OWBNrJuM 1. Harry W. Owen, 10 dare, 110 aaat Bixteeata, Inanition. PRINCE June 1. Thorn aa H. Prlare, M reara. rortiana Heigatt. valvular heart diaeaae. UNDERTAKERS. ' t. . J. -P rinlar A Smv.rnnenl Mrectore end emnalmera, eurner Tklrd and Madlaoa atreeta Otftcer ef eoeat enroaer. Taiepbone Mala i. minning, M-Entee m ulibangn. anaertakera 'ahg-itrtiTkri(r4.sfinr Wvyr wteitseventtr a .u nne. aaaia eev. uaj aeaieuHi; A. B. ReaMtack. undertaker and amhalm... Beet Thirteenth and Umatilla ava, Pheoe Sell. rood 71. Edward Botmaa. anderUker. 220 Third atreet. Stnarla ravea lie. ramllr Iota ITS tw 11 MM. The only cemetery la Portland wkich per. petoaiij ueainuune ana enrea tor iota, w or mu lnormatloB acDlr to W. B. Maekenaie. Wer eeeter blerk, city. - W. M. Ladd, pmldent. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Hibernian -Ravings- bank ' to Alexander ' . inriauo, ton i, io, eioea a?, Mil- waeaie ran m a a. m. wood ana nuinena to w. b. 11- fea lot B. blaek k. Wekb'e addition. Brnent A. - Hamilton lo Jerrr Loatch. - 100x70 feet beginning 78 tret weet of " Wirt la-eaat-Hne of " yitaTntl atreet exteaaea aeeta i.tos reet aooth of intaraectloa center line Dlvteloa treat I Blele Ellawortii Hamilton te Jerry Lnalch. aame nronertr ........ f.. .. .. T. kV McHollaad at al. to Grace Har- rlet Palmer, eeet 11 IW-t lot S and west SO feet lot t, Backman's Second - addition 1,128 flerman Savings Loan society te A. M. nngcx, tot a ol aeetion iu; noruweet H of northwest eertloa 28; north- , east U of section 28 and eaaf H of aortbweet M. section 20; southwest 44 ef northwest 44 of northwest - ei soutkweet secttoa 10 and southeast K of northeast 4 and nortbeest H . sectloa CO, township 1 aorta, range I saet, containing 478.40 acres except 1 Ldtiaarelle ralla addltioal 1,000 Frank Botefuhr and wlfeJ to job a j. jrrsser, p acres in Joanna a, wittra donation land claim, aecttone 5 te 1, townahlD 1 sooth, ranee 2 eeet . . . . . aaoo Arl.ta Land company to William B. Chambers,' lots 18. IT, block a, Arleta Park Mo. 1 Lydia J. Campbell and buaband to 1. vottnbe and wire, lots-S.-7.-S. eto?a 2. aubdlrtaloa of rlo- Or- MPattoav . Tract .........77 . 89 Mary Smith and husband to James Smith Jr., souta H of nortnesst 44 or nortn- .... east ft section 10, township 1 south,' : range 1 east 0: wT Taylor sad Wlf. t B, Wr Ball." lota 1 and 2, Prune Place 1,100 Ctnda .Llnebaugb to Camilla C. Davla, Miiuo feet lota 1 to 5. block 10. ' Hawthorne Avenue addition .......... 100 Ctnda Llnebaugb to Alice fl. Mecklen , burg, west 40x100 feet lots 1 te 8, ' block 10. aame addition in T. Tom et al. to Jennie "HaV Tone. east 25 feet let -1. ed Joining lot 2, block 1 resales' addition Merrl errltt Lindsay and wife to Loula C Otto et al.. lee-4). Week a. Clover-, dele Kxtensloa Amanda Bush to Helens Pauline Ander sen. Mb) 1 end 4, block 4, Hawthorne --Avenue addition .................... Elisabeth Baa to Martin Jacobsen, let 11. block IS, Irvlng's Harbor View.. Bllaabetb Mobr and bnsbsnd to Jobs M. Orlmahsw snd wife, lota 10 end IT, Bernhardt Park ' Kn 1 i ..... . . Title OusrsnW as Trust eempsny te Charles P. Mlckland, 1.20 seres begin- nlag 1,720.4 feet eeet of point la west ' line section 4. township 1 soutb, range 1 eaat, 1.230.4 feet south ef norti- 2.000 -400 1,000 400 .Ml eiariiea eectlon. 4 , TU Mitts B. Evsns aad husband te D. H. . . WStsoa, loU 1 and d, block 01, Wood stock :.Vi- ,,)0 Portland Trust company to Romlldk De Caieya. lot 1, block 2. Besuroir . . . . . 1T0 Arlets Lend eomnsoy to A. H. Ollde brand, lot 7, block Is lot 14, block V 18, Arlets Psrk Ne 1.. . ' 100 WUher Julian te A. T. Oosdersoa, 04xT ;' r reds beginning southwest corner ef 8 25V4-erre tract sold byOeorgslV --Lent snd wife T".7. . .TTt n,S A. B. Zoller end wife to Carrie Jobs-,- son, lot 22, block MnKnomak 1,000 King estate te Sarsb Roseeblstt, lots 12 ... i snd IS, block 18, King's Second addl- - m tlon 1,500. William T- Pigeon and wife to W. H. - , huna, lot 8, block e, aotibc arvmg- ' toa ..... William t. Powers snd wife te B. Galvln, tot 1, block 280, Holladay ed- MHnn 2.V20 Joseph lnaeet st al. to Joseph M. Ilesly, ore i, 4. m. OIQCS 1M. sa.t roriiuu, u.,vvv Mslinomah Heal Eatste eaeoclatkm to -J. M". Llewellsa et si., lot 20, black 4 10, Wlllametu Townslte 225 Lena C. Sbaver and husband to George . W,-. Howe, lota IT and 18, block 7, . Centre! Alblna addition 1,000 Plorlan Porbee, trustee, and wife, to , Oabrlel Welter, lot 4. block 1. Baft Portlmd Helxbtt addition ............ 1,000 0. W. Ot-uerhel snd wtfs to W. M. Bsnschbsch. 28 HH) feet ta nnrthweet ' rnrser lot 4. block 40. James John's ' : sddlttoa .'. .1.100 ri-lellty Trust company to- Mary A. - Oaeford, west OS .Iss-l.S..hloca. .1 . 187. dty 11.000 Pacific Realty 4V Investment company to Hllmer Olson, lots S ana . -owes i, Stewart Park nichanl Williams to John Jones. 184.6a 120 268 feet beginning 0:i2.T8 feet west snd 143.08 feet south of northwest corner ' of Alaplewood addition 1 K. KV Baxter aad. wife to Albert N. . Moores et al., lota 1. 4, block 88. " - Couch's sddUloe 1T.OO0 Title Ouersntee 4V Trust company to Kd ward Schnsck, lot e, block 10, South St. Jobne 171 George W.'Brewa to A. O. Slmols. kit 28. block 4, Lsnrelwosd 100 (. M. Croteen aad wire to Minnie Me- , . . Can ley Cullea. undivided t of west t4 , : . of remainder ef 1-acre tract esnveyed to S. M. Bsrr by O. W. Fores st al., - . 2.10 seres; also a parcel lend 1 seres ,',. beginning S chains 8 links south of , 1 northwest earner William Meclung M donation tssd Claim, m section 11, lownanin a sorto, reae i e.. , . . TOO J. U. Cuilen st si. to E. S. Cos et si., west or reroeinuer 01 s-scrs tract, ' etc., aa deeorllied sbovs Dtrkle Storey and husband to William . Reldt,, kits 7. , 1, 1, block 1, Ver- Steeg't SdiltrloB ,.-.vw Arlets Lsnd company to Ksts Hart, lot' 18, block 14. Arleta Park Ns. 1.. Arleta Land company to Oscar Hart, 1.1 ,e . I.L . A.U. A b Ma e 1M8 1.000 . ''1 t. .A. Cnrrey snd wife te Caroltae iL . a. i-i a ti in 1 4 mm. mt auuvww ' ...... ,, ... REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Title Ooaraatee A Treat company te W. g. titer, lot 18 ana weet S feet lot " lo kluek XI. UolUae Pmrh Vint eddltloe . Hi Title iuereatea -a TVu.t eMntMnr to I .UUU Uirl.. lota a U 10. In. ILi. M.j dmc l, i aaaiuaioe aauiiiua a.2iw Title uuarentee Truet companf te . Jacob kail, kit T. bk-k 1. eubdl.laloa loU g, f to 11, North St. John... 00 Petara 4 Roberta rurnltore - eumpanr . to W. K. Bralaare. kit 4, bkx-k i Bralnarg Tract Set year Insurance snd abstracts to real estate rrom the Tins unsrsntss a Trues eomnaar. 40 Washington atreet, earner leeond. NOTICE. KOTIPB OP STOCK HOLP1CR8 allETfStO. Ths snunsi meeting of toe stocxnoiners or me Orsgoe Iron A Steel Company will bs held at the ornce o( tna compsnr, room aw noer lock tmlldlns. Portland. - Orraon. Jone 18, IDOe, at 11 o'clock a. m., for the purpose at sleeting a board of directors for the ensuing year, and the franeeetloa et sncn ether boal nes aa may legally euma bstora Us resting. . A. 1. PATTULLO. Secretary. , Portland,' Oregoa, May 14. 1808. NOTK'B TO STOCKHOLDERS The snnusl meeting or the stockholders er tne alexicae Rabbsr Culture company will be held Tues day. July 10, 1008, at 11 o'clock ta the fore noon. st ths office ef tbeissld company, rooma 812 318 Chamber of (mmaree bldg.. Portland, Oregon, for the election of direc tors snd for the purpose of considering end acting npsa .changes In lis by-lawa and tne tranaactioa of such other business, as may lawfully eome before the meeting for action, . r. a. 3ABNBS, Secretary. STOCKHOLDERS NEEDED Portland. Oregon, June 8. - luoo Te tbe stscanoideru or tue .' Portlscd Coal As Devskipment company, a eorporatloa: Annual msstmg or ana stock holders ef ths Portland Coal gt Derstoptnent company will be held st room 420 Goeimerclnl bldg-, Portland, Oregon, oa Tuesday. July 10, lu6. at 7 -o'clock p. as., for tbe purpose sf electing of fj cars sad for tbe rnkssrStoa- of suck other bootnese aa Buy properly come before tbe meeting. - JOHN P. DODWKLL, Becrstsry. ' MEETINO NOTICES., ATTENTION NEIGHBORS Something Ma?-1 BETTEROMEt M. " W. A. Kvergreea Camp, 1,488. : meets Wednesdsy svsnlag, AUsky bldg., 'third and Morrison -etxc r ' PACSIMILB 'typewritten letters, sddreselng. mailing, etc. nrcniar ietter ce., zwi k stars at, Male fki i " i ' M. W. A'.. Oregon Grape Camp, No. 0,078. Man ners, ittb ssu msrsnsii; visitors welcome. LOST AND FOUND. noersb sounty courtbouae. roene Msm eoo. LOST Gsnt's gold meek fob and charm, with monogram "U, I." on enarm; lost walls running errands for Stevens school. Retnra to principal ef Stevens school er to 441 East Lincoln at. - Reward. v STRAYED er Stolen 1 bay horse, 4 yearn old. weight l.zoo lbs., s nine wnus teet and small wnits strips on m. ncee, t r.wero If returned te Frank Miller, B arses road, R- F. D. Ko. 2. ,'..--. i. - LOST Lady's gold watch, open face In gold with easmei ngures. v engrsreu on .... ,,nmal Cnk .tt.nhjMt Return to -, - 4S1-I. 4"WM"-..t. ., Snd 1 1 aail table reward. PENSION certificate tost near Pltth aed Tay lor sts., Jena 8. f lease leave ssme st room 10, I. O.O. P. bldg.. First and Alder, and oblige. . . ' ' - - ... LOST Lswsllea setter, wblU body,- blsck face. 1 black ear. rive collars rewsrd for return ar for fnformatloa aa te vhersabonta . 0. B. Mitchell, 840 Ellis St. ' HELP WANTED MALE. BA1T.BOAD ' WORK.' . STATION MEN. . " SmaTI tuansla, wagon road work, ear work, wheelbarrow rock wests, ..eartb wheelbarrow work, ell kinds et at Ida work; also regular contract work for small outfits; good work, food prices; on O. R. A N.( free transports km ever O. R. N. - - - -- B. T. JOHNSON a CO. i 141 Plrat St., Portland. Or. , s ..',. MEN AND WOMEN to tesrn barber tTkda In " strut weeks; gradmtsa ears frost 118 to 121 weeayv-xTert lusti nctues-cetstoeme -tree. Motor System ef Colleges, 88 North .roartk at., Portlaad. . - 1 . . SALESMEN WANTED Per one ef the largest nurseries In tbe weet; cash sdesuced weekly; good territory open. Address Waablngtoa Nursery Co. Top pettish. Wash. i , pa BARB opportunity for a man with nssne capital; inveatigete aad yea win Bars is rest. C 110, eare JosrsaL .GENTS WANTED to sell superior, high-grade Bursary stocs; complete sutnt rarniensa tree; essh weekly; write today for choice of ter ritory. Capital City Nursery Company. Salem, WANTED 1 awn at Handle Klnsey's brick yard. Pbone Suburban 2811. Sylvan, uregoa. WANTED Tsraishere. mschtns - snd bench handa orsgua rarattare Mfg. oeM Msceaem rssd. - WB secure employment (or members; special memnersEip one monta z ii a it-a. Pourtk sad YamhllL ... IP yen play pool, ge to fb Wellington-Ps aors. anaxy otag., -luire sne MarraaoD. - - WANTED One grsnlte-eutter, ess marble-cut ter nnd ene msrr.le-pnll.hec. Address wstta ' Marbls Works, Ths Dslles, Orsgoe. - -rr- W ANTED 4 men to work In brick and sewr. pipe factory. Apply to office Jlsmond uncg Co., foot of Ankeny ft. " HOTEL HKLP Walterejcooks and help of all klnda, flrat-rlsss hotet: - 847 . Mortn lxtn sr nesr Msrshsll. Mr. Jsmss, room 11. WANTED. Finisher In fiii'iiltei'e factory, stssdy worn year ronno. s rroni, comer wis. WANTED Mattress msker. 48- Front, eornee ' I. i,r Dsvls. A PEW GOOD HOMESTEADS In eentrsl Ore gon ; for Informs tlos sources a 1. turner, genersl delivery, city. - WANTED Sign writer: most he flrst-elsss workman; steed Job to right party, apply st ones. W. P. Rerger A Boa, 284 Yamhill st. WANTED -Flret-elsee bench msn. Portlsnd Saah A Door Co., Esst Taylor and union are. WANTED A fond boy for driving, deli vert wagon, tan so jsrrerson sc. - .... BOY, nbont 18, to leers tbe sheet metal trade. Portlsnd Sheet Metal Cornlos Works, 42 Hast Madison. . . WANTED g men to work In brtckyerd at Slat snd Tlilsmook. Taks irvmgtoa car. , WANT 1 brick teams, sleo brickyard msa. Residence 492 Esst VMtll at.: taksW. K. car. WANTED Energetic, trustworthy man to work In Oregon, 'renreaentlng large manufacturing company; sslsry 140 to 200 per month, paid weekly; expenses a dr a need. Address, with stsmp, J. H. Moors,. Pertlead. Oregon. WANTKD For Cnlted Statea army, able-bodied anmarrled men between ages of 21 and 88, rtttsens of United Ststes, of . good character and temperate habits, who caa speak, read and writs Engllab. Apply to Recrnltlng Of Scer, Alnaworth blk4 Third aad Oak sts., Portlaad, Oregon. A MAN wanted to care for garden and laws far the season. Psoas Bast 4f28. COATMAKERS wanted. Room It, Bsalltee .. bldg. v WANTED At once, 80 lsborefg at Csssdere; wsges '82.28 per day. C at engineering deportment Oregon Water Power A Railway Compsny, First sad Alder sts., for psrtleulsrs. MACHINISTS wanted. H. 0. Albes Co., 248 Grand are. - . . rr -- PLAN ER-FERDKBS. ERS..... ,.'..,-...,.82 80 ;-;:::::::::::::::::::::k2, 1 lumber -sradere 'Donkey engineer ('snip blsckamltb ...... ....... .81 80 Crosscut sswdler ,..$3.28 Machine foremen tat sash aad dne fsctorr: goad wares. 5r1UZ . LS lrVHTLftrlWl f CAMP -1 slsaiiHinin a.aatin SUHSAU, . la.hsrth Bseeud St, ,r , r HELP WANTED FEMALE. Oil".! "about lo yeara of igs t6we lfss . tory. Apply at ones, Ames-Harris rierllle uo.. rum ana sstis sis. yd a helps for 1 hotel., reetsarants, atorea. of fices, laaoOiies, bakeries, families, pknos - Msm MMS. ScsndlnsTlsa-Amsrlcsa Lsdles' Agency. 10Ti4 Sixth St. Mrs. M. Aneereoe ... in -eaerga. - -. . - HANSEN'S LAIUKS' AGENCY.' 848U Washntg- ton St., cor. aeeeata. -upstairs, raoae ataia ' 2CU2. Female kelp wanted. - SCAND1N AYIAN-AMERICAN Ladles' . Agency, 107 H sixth St. Wain ovoo. THE HOMB LAP1ES' AGENCY. Pemals help f nrnlahed free to employer. . axl.tratlon Pres. lOAti 4tb St., upstslrs. -room 23.' Main 1820. GIRLS, don't iforget you need not pay your fee In sdesnrs nt ricanmnarlan American unies' Agency. 107 U Sixth at. , Male 6008. Mrs. M. Andrraoa In charge. N WANTED Girls ts msks "Boss of All" ever- aUs at 78 rirat st, WANTED Nest wsltrsssse . at Honert-Oartla, 14tb ana Jerrersue. . .,-- GIRLS, reglstsr free with Srsndlssvlsn-Amerl- csa Ladles Agency. 10H4 Birth st.; no res In adsaure; yea will feel si home m tills office. Call on Mra. M. Aadersna. ' WANTED Girls te work la candy factory; stesdy employment, gt-"d wasea. apply at Pacific Coast Biscuit Co., 12tk and Davis. HOTEL "HKLP CbembennaMe and help ef all kinds, let class hotel. 24T "Nortn lit St.. near Marataall. . Mr. Jsmee, room 01. .': SCANDINAVIAN1-AMERICAN Udles' Depart. meat. 107 H sixth' St. Msm Six si. Men department S North Second ft. Main S08S. John Anderson la charge. , , Oinra WANTKD Operators to work se ahlrta and ovsrslis. wessons gives to mexpenencen. Apply at Standard factory ,No- 2, Grand are. and fl. Taylor at.W-- r- -r , WANTED Com oetent airl for gensrsl work: family of three. Apply im lata st. 'AXTEU In dtr aad soastiT oooka. from 130 to .o; waitresses, 28 to 110 snd 22b; house work and chambermaids. S'JS to 8S0; 1 laundry islrkv . The Horns tad Its' Agency, 165 H Vourlh at. Main 628, .. J L S I' plioheTeTlcaSolivTinmraB"m Agency lor woat yoe want, or esu nnq Sixth St. Mala 690. . Mrs. M, Aadersoa In rksrge. . "' . .. . Ar-lRb- -wsted -fee - general htrasrwork; -eo washing, rnond. ksst vkx.- WANTED Salesgirl: one - who embroiders. DON'T forget this, when in need of helps, te cell on Ncsndinaviaa-American ladies Agency, 10744 Sixth St. Mala 6000. GIRL for gesersl kouaework i three ha fsmlly. esu sot jscksen st., near loin. DrRC"te saIst"in 'genersl'Tlsewcri."" snialT family, tut iiancorg st. rnone lnio. KNPRGETIO mdy with business ability: short hours, pleasant worn, gooa salary. Adareaa . B. A. Erlck, genersl delirery. city. . WANTED Pertner la transfer bnalness. ns msnsger: doing Sne business la rttr. Room Breedea bldg.. Third aad Waablngtoa ata Phone Pacific 2008, , - MALE AND FEMALE HELP. WANTED AT NCSAa "with 8100 to run n paying Isundry. Par Trttnitrisa-18crt1Tottrla-al" apstalrsT suite za. msib ottza ,- HELP wanted sad supplied, mele er famals. B, O. Drake. 80S Wsshlsgtoa St. Pseloc 1870. 114 PKR--DAY can be made by lady or gent selling photo coupons. Csll st Anderson Photo Studio, Vancouver, Washington. SITUATIONS " WANTED MALE. SITUATION wsnted by a cesatrlenttous end trustworthy msn sa collector; can furnish tbs best ef references or furnish bond; hsve hsd Song experience. Address 0 40, cere JournaL PRINTER Experienced and capable, ' good - news'psptrman, waats foremanshlp or man- cement weekly. .. Address Box D, Wlnlork, ''Washington.- 1 - GEORGB T. MI RTON. 084 Chamber ef Com- meres, keeps books and dees general erpert accounting bnalness. Phons Msln 4888.. . - SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE COMPETENT stenographer destrsa posltlos; six years' eiperlence; lew work prsferrea. '- 488, city. - . Bog WANTED Plain sewing; ' prices . Csll at 204 Stark at., room 8. raaaonable. WOMAN wlsbre work by the day. Phone Pa clnc 1614. or address room 2T, 228 Market et. WANTED AGENTS. WANTKD-Agetrtst something BeW good brJleri big wagaa. SOS McKay bldg T ... WANTED Special sale. men for ths big Orsgoe Nnrssry compsny; liberal commission; outfit free: choice, territory. Write te the Oregon ' Nursery Co.. Salem, Oregon. - - "EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES" THB Portland Employment Ca, 208 Morrison St. Phons Pacific 230. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICS- FOB MEN. M N. Second St. Phone Mala 1828. Bio FOCH EMP. AGENCY Help enpplled free. IS North Second st. Phone Mala 1018. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED House snd Int. from 22.000 to 88,000; . must be a bargain; state essb price and lova tkn. B 88. eare JournsL ., WANTED Limestone quarry. If yoa bars sny limestone beds, er know of any land for L sals earing -limestone deposits on it, -eom- munlcste wltk 0. D. Charles, 827 Chamber . of Commerce. . . - - r WANTED Lot to sirbsnge for equity la -8 S T-room bouse. Pbone Esst 8841. WR WILL sell your property. Be matter wbst It Is or ,whers located. Rend description now ' and we will do ths rest. Address the In - eee tors' Guide Ce.r 811 Msrqusm bldg., Port lsnd, Oregon. 1 WANTED Modem residence, 8 to 10 rooma, full 1 1 or quarter block: Nob Hill or Port- - land llflgbte district) owners only." Addrsss D.I0, care Journal. , WANTED TO RENT.' WANTEDr-TO RENT HOl'SES. COTTAGES, . FLATS. ROOMINO-HOrSES. STORES. ETC. Our rental department baa been enlarged . and pevvldrd with additional stsff. , We Invito Hating from LANDLORDS, offer personsl sttrolloe te and eontlnuona annervlslon over ell property Intrusted to our cars - PORTLAND TTtrST mMPANT OF OREOrrN; - S. B. cur. 3d snd Osk sts. Phrne Ea. 72. WANTED ' Desk room la good location, ground floor pre ferred, for well-eetsbllahed real sststs msa. , r.. ricHB, 140141.. ... WANTED FINANCIAL. WANTEIW-ISOO to open up new copper mine; will glrs an -extra good opportunity snd In ducement. Csll Is foreaooe Jones' Book Store, 201 Aider St. WANTED Te lose $1,600 on city property for building purposes. D 7, ears Journal. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. -T - - - -1 - - -11 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 - a H. N. MORGAN, pioneer sprayer and white. w r, . vM n..i ea.o neaeeaaoer tne asms B. N. Morgan; II years la business ta Portlaad. - WB WILD'BI'Y, SELL OR TRADE ANY OLD THING. WESTERN SALVAGE CO, 822 820 WASHINGTON, PACIFIC TBS. WB WILL BUY year furniture any old -dims. W eaters Salvsgs Co., 827 Washlogtoe St. WANTFD plsla wssblng te do st liome; price, . do rente a doeen pieces. 12 Sbermaa (rear st 10 ahermaa St.). , . . '-VM'" ' : A - 'wanted miscellaneous. -f- WHO ,JS M. 0. 'MORGAN CO.t -' , 'SPOT CASH" . -,. . roB rt7BNITCR AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS. .PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS ,77, . gi riKKT STREET. MAIN MOB. . PAINTING, spraying sad whitewashing trees, basements, barns, dorks, etc.; Isrgeat gasoline sia-syiug oulflt oa the eosat. M. 0- "MargsB & j.. ..u 1 1 , . iik . . . air . ri'RNITURR ' and bouasbold goods. Don't werry. kiee nme st eauei. - - Clftc T88. 1 x e .-''' WILL DO WA8HINU If csllsd lor. 182 Sbsr- , msn, rear of 180 Sbermsn. POR wtndoweereens, C. Zlagler, 680 Mlcblgas . Set. I'hons Lnloa 8784. liif rsivriam . Wanted Two more earloada or rurnirore for 'Prlaco; will pay best prices for any second-band furniture you bars for sale. Call up Mala SOT. Ask for John Oks. WANTED LIMK8TONB OIJARRT. ' , If you bare any limestone neos ur snow ef any land for sale bating limestone rock deposits ve It comuiunlcste wltk C D. CHARLES, - , 1 '5 S2T, Cksmbsr of -Commsree. GREAT SNAP. - . -' ' ' Wilson, ths auctioneer, st 208 first at., pays caah for anything joo hare te sell. Phone Msin-1828. WANTED Te buy 1 km for delivery work I must be sound aaa gentis. r-noue assi sei. BOATS WANTED List your boats," stsaroere. launches., barges, houseboats ana nostnouses with, us 'far sale or rent. W'e kave calls for hem avery day. East 184. . FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT THS RICHELIEU 88 NORTH SIXTH ST. Klegaatly rur Dieses, steam aaai aaa sets a THB GRAND. 48 N.vtb Third st I gestiamea si.xo per wees ana an. POR RENT A finely furnished room re man nad win. no a month: close in. an trer- tt st. .,-.-... ' ' ! ' ' " NICE fornlened rooma for two young ladies: ruraisblnga new ; sever been esedi sto istB St., comer Montgomery, Phone M si a 0838. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. THB MITCHELL, flsndsrs and Seventh Kuems, kousckseplng snd tranelest; esa venlent; prlcss rsssaaable. " WEEK JTP clean. fornlehedhoueekeep. rooms, with yarn, parinr. lauaary. oeta ur bsos kest. 20Ji BtsatoB st. O car. 11.28 PER WEEK Lsrge. slean. - furnisbeS nouseseeping-roome; launnry seat wmm e. Sbermsn, Soutb Portlsnd. ' . SLEEPING, aad housekeeping Lla da vista, S4Tti f irtn st.. LARHR slegantly furnished " housekeeping rooms; ess ranee, running water.- 10a ..arwna dals. 80814 Alder st. -r THE NEWCASTLE. 4024 Third st Pur- Blsbed snd nnrnrnisnen nouseseernng rooms; alee single rooata. .Pboee Main 800. Oesv-TH KTH frrS Unite 4W bnesskssptng rooms, ,s...f . , . , ,-.jr w..nn' - .lLln. Vila. tance. .. ';,-.' ,' V "": " &' v:-. - ."" 1 PL'RNISHED housekeeping flats for rent, 80 and io per montu. van noi Be. en IB st, downstairs. Msla 8808. - 4 . DNFITR&ISIIED . noma,-, satire Brat Boor; porcelain bath. ' gas, pbooe. 880 llthst., I'hons Main X1. - - - ROOMS AND BOARD. WILL tska a few nens -table boardera; good . boms cooking. 470 Mala. Pbooe Mala 3308. FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. OFFICB rooma. anfurulshsd rooms and eampls rooms for rest. Geodnougk bldg. Apply, sls- vstor. PART ef shop to rent, suitable for painter et .plumber. 20d Fourth st. . ..... . , TWO large connecting office rooms ovsr. Hum mer's drug store. Third and Madison. STORK for font, careers 281 North loth at.t , just tbe place for a butcher-shop snd grocery combined: cbesp rent to right party, . Apply J. Kcecmor. Commerclsl blk. - 1, 1 ',r " 1 'I, y - '' '.-- UNFURNISHED ROOMS. 1 LA RGB nnfurnlsasd roeat, ground Sear. Psoas - Bsst 2988. . TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS for -rest. ISJ ' Sherman st. Is rssr of 180 Sherman at. t VERY..pleatsnt unfurnished rooms, with bath,, toilet, etc, reasonable. 800 Montgomery st. FOR RENT HOUSES. rOR RENT New 8-room cottage.- I0. 1 4-room flats. 27. close . la. Upper Alblna ' Call 421 Hancock St. -:r. KADDBRLY TRANSFER CO.. prompt nad re. . liable plane snd furniture-movers; slse star Nsgs, Phone Msln 1888. Of flee 110 K. .Third. THB CONTINENTAL COMPANY 143 STARK ST. - INSURANCE RE.MALS SEB LIST. NEATEST- AND -PRETTIEST nsw -bnngshrw; Mrrtle Park. Mount Scott ear ' Una: . not . water, beta, electric . wired. . large yard. , Pnons Msln 4488. FOR RENT Modern 8-room cottage, eleae In, Inquire 207 Msrkst st. - A 4-ROOM cnttsge on Second St.. between Hall - aad Lincoln. Inquire at 480 Fifth at. - - POR RENT 8-room bouse, bslf block from " I'nlou are.- ear!1n.-f -Inquire 480 Surmsa at, . Phone L'ntoa 48T4. FOR SENT 8 modern aroom esttsgee. In. ' quire 404 East Washington. Phons Esst 70S, FOR RENT A 4-room bones en Woodstock car - line. Inquire at 1T0 Pront at. .-. - 4-ROOM sense for rent, furniture for sals. Psclflc 1341 FOR RENT FLATS. TWO 8-room nnfumfhed fists, til Ssd 112. . Including water. 148-848 Front St. -Phone Mala 8804." -r rr rr- MODERN 8-room flat. Including gsn sad steel t range; shsdes an windows. . 200 Halssy et. ONE flat. 4 nam, Bast Ninth aad Belmont. Phons Esst'1270. y HOUSES FOR RENT FURNI. TURE FOR SALE. SNAP Pnralturs of 0 rooma at 284 Columbia . at.; cheap rent. . Per further psrtleulsrs phone " Padfle 2045. . - - FTJRNITT'RB ef a 12-room roomtng-hooss, close In; good business.' Csll OS 11th St. FOR : RENT FARMS. FOR RENT 400 seres Snest dairy and Stock ranch In Linn county. V Clodek.' 8c 10, Or. AUCTIONS. OILMAN'S-; , No. 411 Wsshington St., nesr the ' new , Pleldner building, does s general suction, commission and real sstste bnalness; will purchase for esah bousebold furniture snd . storks of merchandlss. or sell upon eommls. stnn; hsvs regulsr ssles st salesrooma or sny psrt of ths city: bsvs bsaements for storage; delivery wsgnna st moment's notice , to sny psrt of city. Phone Main 24T."I. Cssb sdvsnced at Oilman's. Ns. 418 Washington St. BUSINESS CHANCES. DON'T eome bete first, but don't bar poor etty property, fruit snd gardes lead, wheat, stock er dairy ranches nntll yea see ns. North West Lsnd Co., toe Gosdneegk bldg. P. 8. Ws sleo hsvs bnalnees chance- of alt klnda, and caa k-cats yoa right. N. w. U Ce. - , WRITS ss qnjck about recent Important de . velepmenta of the Hurst Antomstlc Switch dl Signal Co. t buy stock before big advance. 1. P. nurst A Cs., 208 MKay bldg. FOR SALE Family hotel ef 100 ronms, elear ln ever 8A00 per month: very high rlsaa i, Thla would bs a good buy for a buelneaaj woman 'n Bisnsgs. Fnrnlturs ef lbe.rerSfj beat: wodera apartment, 1 muet be ca.liC gnri particulars sdUresa q 200, care joarnsl. - BLACKSMITH-SHOP wltk of sn sere lsnd, tools tnrlnd.d. Moditt Scstl SesTt Estate Ce. fkeae Btett 2284. Aeats, Oregea ' L ; BUSINESS CHANCES. V LONU-PHTAriLIHIIED atesm cleaning and d.e. Ing plant for eels cbsap; doing Kh.1 bualneii Ill-health caoas (urisslltBg. AftUrsss M 31. ears JournsL , POR SALS Meet markup, ding good huaiesss. "" 838 Union are., norlh. 1300 PARTNER In good paying reetsursnti. one whs Is willing. la workv 40 North SUlii. WHO IS M. g. MORGAN 4 CO.t . WANTED AT ONCE An experienced perty wltk 8I0O to run a paying laundry, pot particulars , csll ion" yourtk St., , upstslra - spits 2a. - Msln oojo. - ' HOME8EEKER8' EXCURSION evsrlsnd nj be,ng organised to go to Harney eonnty, ; Oregon. Por Information Inquire ce) Com. merclsl block, corner Second and Waahlsg ton sis., or phone Msln 012. ; ,, . . POR SALE Restaurant and Ice cream perVw on Wsshington st. chssp. ll.Soa Address .1 K 84, ears JournsL. v., ... MERCHANTS WITH SMALL MEANS es.uwi win nsndie a well-nested country -atore with poet and siprses of Acs, clearing .orsr 1100 per rronih, -. - . . " ; - ' riiCUS, 140 Plrst at. i V . ' . POR SALE Saloon: paying prennsltioni ng iTp-r, jauurees uor, v so, care journal. WANTED To talk with people- whe under. . '.T '" ' .1 ma nil lecturing; 1 q , v. , om good altes, waterfront or otherwise. R, , L Csta 118 Bscoed.- . -.'..'....," ' WANTED Partner wltk 21.800 to tske kslt .Interest and 'management of new greesrv, ' good aide lines; ellllug to open new stores la ' several towns In Oregon snd .Wsshington. . C B. Clement. 6lT Cngmbet of Commerce, . A SPLENDID Ift room prlrate boardlng-hooes,. s"V lunrnoia, in nearr or city, cheap. , i,- OTTO A CROCKETT, ' , , J ' . 848 Wesklogtoa st. POME8EEKERS ' ESCl'RSfON Nsverlsad r 7 " wa.wo ro go. to. narney eountv, Oregon, Por Information Inquire nm Cnm aierctsl block, corner Second, and Washing., ton sts. Main 842. Address Arlets P. 0.. Bog 200, . . - 18 SHARES for sale In sn old eatahllabed -ntureair ouainesn It par VSIUS Sf IO0 pe ' share: with the stock s sond eala.ll ml. tlon can be had ss traveling salesman.; Call ea jui. -jnira st. - - ONE of the beet paying- ennfectkmerr. 1 Ice . cream nerior and cigar atands In the city for . . tbe money: snap if takes at ones. , CalL'at -' ' 820 H Pint at. . v . , . r '. AN bo neat, rarshle mas can acquire aalnrereal in ena taae rnsrge 01 a country bank la 8 ' Bsw ' growing town In eaatera Oregon: must hsve good references. 0 27, care Journal. ' 1 GREAT SNA)I Wllsna, ths snctkmeer. st 2ng rirsr at., nays caah tor anything yea kse to sell. Phone Msla 1828. SPECIAL 800 will secure s business se . partner end nsy rnu 84 a day: experience an aeceeesry. (all 248tk Surk st. ONE OF THE SWELLEST, mercantile bualaessea -mr.ssie, right In the heart of ths beat busrness locatlrma ea Washington st.v will invoice spout fT.iam. t all at 107 Third st. FOR SALE Mattress manufacturing and ren- , oretirg nuetneee; eterrnc power, goou fun ning order Irbesp rent. Addrsss C 88, care JouraaL- -:A.. t. -.: rrx' FOR BALE OR--LKARB Location for a restaur-' ' snt with fixtures, or will give Interest te right party. . -BOTTblrd at. - ; BARB RTfllNEKS OPPORTL'KITY Am here from Denver for the purpose of estsblishlng branch of our manufactory; we hsve westers . - monopoly, -ion per cent profits, goods stsple: . . sober msn with $000 can secure Interest snd salary. Call Mr. Wales, portlsnd Hotel. POUR bsndenms wsllesses: 14 feet, 11 feetl" two 8 ftwr: Western Sktvags Co..- 82T Wsshington at. - ,.'...,. FOR SALE Wholesale -snd fobbing grocery , business, 11.800. Bog D 2. cars Journal. .-, BEST boarding-boo ae la city. 20 rooms; golden opportunity. See Fred Vlarnck. B. Id Ash. AT A BARGAIN Furniture ef a SO-room nonae' , for sale:, always full: lease snd low rent. , Apply by owner. 811 - Plrst at. Alberta bouse.'' ' .. ' 1 ...-' .. . : SMALL restaurant and lunch counter for sale. D 4, care Journal. RESTAI'RANT tor rent; good paying bustaess. -72 North Third st. . GROt'ERY STORE snd Sxturee ta very beslfnv, plesssnt part of city; will pay to tavsstl gate. D 8, care Jeoraal. - , SPLENDID chance for a tailor anon for ssle, sversgtng profit ef 140 week end up, 847 a aiani si- 8WO will buy a good hue loess, new and second--'hand rnrallUre, sfovee and hardware; lr in rooma; rent 128 nee month. , . , OTTO A CROCKETT, . ' '':',-!-. . 348 Waablngtoa et. ., "' h -.. SOLID BUSINESS Part See wanted. 88.500 re- 3 nlred. which Is deposited In bank as sd Itlonsl cspltal te Increase growing business; highest references. Cell 248 Btsrk st. PARTNER WANTED for s store: 8000 - re. -enilred, . fully secured; doing $W average dally calk .aalea; big prodia. Csll 248 - Stark at. v .... -. . ,'; HOTEL. lOO-moia new - hotel. - sll -wsTI -fumlshe-, Complete, modern conveniences. In s good , avowing Oregon town, popumtkm: msk- Ing good money now; will exchange lor Pert- , Und property or a good ferm. 1 . . ... . IIBKKLB A HARRISON, ' , ' ... ' ' '; '' - :- 217 Ablngtoa bldg. - . ' HOpiL. asm er rent., t - Oood hotel, turn la bed complete, alt In flng order, on Imheaeh. . HENKLB A HARRI80N, ' L "217 Ablnglon bldg . ;' ,, : I 17BO A BARGAIN: cost 21,800; on account, of sickness, 27 roams,- sll full. One fnrnl. v nre. cheap rent, cornea, brick' bnlldlug, clearing flftO moolk. Call at 205 Morrl- soe, room 4. . 1 t WANT to buy a small or lsrge rooming boiiar; mnal bs cbsap. H. West. P. 0. Bsx 47. rOR SALE 48 room todgtng-bense. cloae 1n 2800 down and terras. See H. H. Hlgley. room 80, 227 Wsshington St.- , ; Sawmill for Sale . , fins imlll.. complete with rnnnlng, logging engine, bouse and messkouse, . tea roe, bleckamltb-shop, ampls boom apace, .dam for Sumlng to 21-foot fall, -atfoedlnd water newer; llmet timber lsnd snd 3 00, 000 feet logs la pond; other timber aad mill smperty. For further description csll or address SOO COMMERCIAtr BLK. Phone Msln Bt, FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. ' , IOR SALE OR EXCHANGE - ' ' '". " 1 " 800-acrs fsrm In Gooseberry vslley, Mor. row county; sll fenced snd In cultivstwm. snhatsntlsl 8 -room ' hones, 2 small bsrna, sufficient stsbllng for 12 boraea and A men, lsrge granaries, aill is rich, plenty good wsUr, shout 400 arrea In barley, sata. wheat and potatoes; price 218.000. Including crops, stock. Implements, new header wll h 8 besd boxes j would tske hslf in Portlsnd , suburbs n or Wlllsmetts vslley reel sstste , and balance long time st 8 per rent. For further nertioulers spply to THB DUNTTLAWRENCsf COMPANY, , ' ': " 148 First st. ... BUI- rneert sto SH-otne lore sna nearly - new .u-rorma colonial bouse. Sne fruit trees, etc.; 11,000 cssb, 1280 per yesr, 8 per cent. r r. FUCHS, 148 First St. INCOME PROPERTY Closs-ln property, peeing 1120 a month -nut; price 112.600. ; Csll 248 Btark st. ST. JOHNS v . . Large lot snd good l-room bonae. only 11,800. . HENKLB A HARRISON, . ,. , 21T Ablngtoa bldg. ' WILL.ssIl ssle contract st greet discount sa ' room bouse, full lot, hern, trees, stc- In Alhlsa, closs In: 2.100 down. 218 per month: . snsp If taken st once. Csll 271 North 12th. WB ksf these pisses to trade for ranch property . - , Houas, 2 lots. Mt. Scott line.,...,.:..! EM ' 'House and lot, east aide. ............ , B110 Houee, 1 lots, Montsvllla . 8 1.0 Honas, 1 lota on Hi.- Johns llne....., .ll.roO - : House, 1 lots, Wlllsmetts station. , . .12,800 -House Ind M. very fine. Irvlngton.,..s4.tSM Alee 80-scre ranch for city properly. ,.2I,0ii0 1U14CJI A KIRKPATRICK. ftwro 7. 181 First,, corner Yamhill. FOR BALK 'New 8-room houee 8 blocks from, esst end of steel bridge., 240 lcMI11n st., '82.400. J. Amherson. . ' Fi-H SALE Good Income property- stmut 111 . . ArOO; no agenta. ' Address 0 40, cars JeuraaLg '