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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 5, 1906)
THE OREGON' DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, ' TUESDAY EVENING, JUNE 8. ' KS3. flMIIUIUIIE RACING GiliJE Paul R&Incy Bids Fair to Eclipse tht r Heavy Wagers of 7 ,r" Famous Bettors. " r HOW LATEST PLUNGER ' r MANAGES HIS AFFAIRS Eastern Pacing . .Will. Begin on Grsvctcnd Track on Thursday of Thhi Week Brooklyn' Derby and . .Suburban Handicap. , '; "' j By J.'i. 'A, Mat-Donald. ' New York, June . As fleeting ami aa dainty ths bloom of the rose la the luck and fame of th racetrack plunger. Bo far this season the. money mill of tha batting rlna has failed to- a rind forth a raal hlgh-clas operator. :Ther 4a no naw star, it wna not elwaye thua, for aa aura aa tha' cyclo of tha aaaaona wa 'tba production of at laaat ona naw and great money prodigal aach summer on tha Naw Tork turf In tha old days Plunger Walton waa tha king. - Than eama othara tha fam of "piill". Dwyer Uvea today; Kiley Urannan, "Pittsbuig Phi," "Joe" Yeager and "Pavy" .John aon. "' ... - last yaar tha dlatlnotlva naw atar In the high ataka aambllna flrmamant was lacs aicuonaia. mi year that It waa "Joe" Y eager, and ao on back to tha aarly alfhtlea, when certain Indl vlcluala bethought themselves of wsger- Tng fortune on "CKF wTiTnTeild TUCK of Si rsce horse'.1 The plunger comas today and la aona tomorrow- For Inatanca, Yeager la not on tha around hara at Oravesend while McDonsld's-llght la burning ao dimly ha la acarca olrvd In tha dally frensy of tha rlna- Who ts the. coming stsr bettor, of tha . year? .-rc-.iThat, la- tha interesting jueetlon 'being propounded among tha professional bet- torn just at present. Bo far Paul Katney of Cleveland, Ohio, has been playing a --brilliant band. Ha will probacy take . tha place of Drake, Yeager. .llcDonald and Johnson In th limelight from now'yl Rainy- bet -enough ' -- money to win IO.000 on his colt Hoa , np. Hu who III put dawn 160,000 aa quickly -aa t&OO when ha thinks ha la. right. All in all. this new comer to the turf Is going t-euppl ythe spectacular color to tha. batting market ot io. . When Saratoga Starta. ... .1 f When Saratoga'e aeaaon whirls around It will be "Kalney." "Ratney." every, where. Just aa it -waa "Drake,".. Drake." - Galea,-' "Uates." when John '.A. Drake and the Clatra faction first Invaded the eastern field . In 1(01. An Interesting - personage Is this rlaing plunger. Kalney, Two years ago this young millions! a Inherited t20.000.000 from the Kalney family ot steel trust fame and Is bask tng en thla aide of the 10-year mark. ' found- life waa not full without a atable -Of racehorses. - lie Immediately engaged .-Bud" May aa his turf mentor' and ea- . tablished a Tennessee stock farm after the atyle and custom of New York's millionaire set. -1 am going to get the beat racehorses and than bet on them." ha announced at the outset. . This he thas don. Within 1 months th Ohio . -youth has spent Just t31,0 tn further ing his turf ambitions. 'This baa been mainly along the line of securing a win- ntng stable. - And what a formidable collection of ready-mad raeehoraca he has todayl U tow-roped the beat ob tainable. Whether It bo a sprint or a cup race Batney haa now a horse ready and fit and worth a bet. II m Just staring to 'gamble and within a month he will be observing only tb high points. De Mund, recently .ee,uired ai.a440.Blr Wilfred at Jll. oa and Horace K. 1 JI5. 000.' are some of hla proapectlv breadwinner. In the old daya "Phil "Dwyer did the cam thing. His horse were winning a couple of races every day, and tht . owner waa betting f ortunea to win bags- tellea, for tha bookmaker generally offered odde-on prices. One day he wagered US. 000 on King Cotton to pick ;up elgar money IS. 000. Th King lost 'and Pwyer than and-ther started on th toboggan which eventually landed htm a the dump.-' Bom time through tne coming tunmir Kalney may do th earn thing, - for -the best racehorse nAy some Mm disappoint. -- " : The arat a are as. - . , . Th fastest sad stoheest race herse In all tha world. That la what three American breeder and on French thoroughbred1 fancier are ifondly dream Ing ef the day. . Not th atlnt of dol- lae will prevent the attainment , ot -JLthts rherlshed deetT. For June ia Auguat Belmont. tnatsnca,-on chairman of tha Jockey club, will bring to this coun try from England tha celebrated "triple crown winner Rockaand. far whom he paid tha magnificent aum of 11:15, 00 n A Clean Score Handled of BIAXOaTD) WATCIXI have been aold by our SAaVT ranOOT iriTIat, and w have yet to hear ef a case where a customer complained of laierepreaentatlon. . Wa are not Infallible, but If w vr make a mistake w will make It good, - - IAM0NDS OUR. SPECIALTY Wa know people are more skepti cal when buying 9XAMOsT9) than whea buying anything elae, the moat, timid buyers cannot help to place confidence la aa; ' -Om GUARANTEE " With every Diamond wa sell w give a aertlncat abaolutaly guar aataoMg th quality and value of yotir purchase. - Tour ssonay back leas la Pr cent of the cash pur chasing prlca within one year. Marx' & Bloch 74 Third Street, Near Ock Largest DiainJ Daaerr' W Oregon. - s ' ' ' NORTH CENTRAL RELAY TEAM. WINNER OF THE Y..MC. ti N" 1 f I ' ' la' ' ft . . . ' '. f . . ! I saMt-as-aas-as--watasSatlii if I im i i ' "'i taaTgi bmmmJk.' Reading from left to right, top row, the winners are: Tibbetta, Johnson, Burns, Barber, Gearin, Gather. Middle rows McKinnon and Darling. I Bottom row; McPheraon, Thomas, Richard and Hunsaker. Dome time in tha future yeara Mr. Belmonte!ieves1!lJ2rl,lfi thoroughbred a raoa horse grater man haa been Sysonby, Hermls or Flying Fox the faatest and fleetest equina, tb earth has ever known. Within rcnt time th breeding of race horses has become a science aa exaVt and as def inite In reault aa tha cultivation of th potato - In Indiana. : Speed begets tle axiom of tried and nroven theories Bo 4hn th beat race horses In their battling daya are best fitted for th servlcea of th atud and tha perpetuation of .the strain of tha thoroughbred family. Clarence Meckay ef- Ne York purchased Meddler for over half- a hundred thousand dol lars two yeara ago, Hn Innks forward to tha dsy-when his great horse win beget -a- world"a - champion. Harry Pa a Whitney holds the mighty Htm burg tn leash st Brookdnl farm In New Jersey, confident In the belief that some dsy a son or a daughter of this $71,000 beauty will stand out Incom parably the monarch of the turf. But still another rival aspirant to Messrs. Relmont. Whitney and Mackay arises this week. From far away Argentina comes the Intelligence -that In order to "breed the fleetest race horse In his. tory" 8enor Lauro of Buenoa Ayree has paid the tremendous sum or liao.oov f6rTitrdymelort bt Flying Fun A and Oraces. -Edmorid"Bhnc. tha Whl ney of th French turf, sold -Jardy for th reason that he possesses in sire, Flying Fog. a horse for Which ha paid 1117.009 and rates of . better calibre :J ' .T., " . 1 L .. " i " VnM.U mvUUIVO' aiwUBvnnu vi t itaaivai . What taaro Wants. ' Liauro desires to possess himself of Hamburg Belle, a daughter eT Hamburg. at the end of . this season,' hoping that th union of this daughter of Hamburg and Jardy may give to South America a racehorse capable of beating' Balva- tor's. mile In 1:15 t-. At tha preaent time the experts concede Bysonbv. a son of an English sire. Melton-and Hermls, a son of Hermence. a royally bred horse. to be about the best all, around thor eughbred'a ever foaled on this aide' of the Atlantic. . Next yaar Beldame will have a foal by her aide, the get ef Med dler, and It la thla horse wntcn August BaJnumrJiexaa-wlUclirth fame and glory of Sysonby and HermleTLater on the progeny ttf-Rocksandl will come a-raclng. In tha meantime the wealthy votarlea of the metropolitan turf live in th hone of sporting colors on the com ing wonder. Just now the fame of Bur gomaster, a giant aon of Hamburg, handsome In his sombre coat and white stockinged forelegs." Is spreading. Bet ter1 than was Sysonby." says hla owner, Harry Payne Whitney, and all tha world la waiting to sea. On thrng about Bur gomaster. Ha Is the tallest and blggeat I year, old racehorse every seen on the turf, lie stands nanos nign is ia bodied proportionately. A horse like Dandelion looks like a pony alongside of Burgomaster. araveaead This Weea,r"v" The racing scene shifts back to Oravesend. where races will be in order day. June 10. -Thta ta delightful period down oa the Long Island racing ground. A run down to tne race iraca early tn the afternoon, with a plunge in the ocean aurf after tb last race at near-by Brighton Beach, with a late evening Jaunt over to th giddy whirl ef Coney Island. I an annual outing for thousand and t house mis of New Yorkers. Little wonder th. Brooklyn Jockey club enjoya a pros pa roue late spring meeting. Then comes 8heeps head .Bay's term, with the suburban handicap, tha feature ef opening day, I June u. At thla time Harry - Fayne Whitney la determined to send both Artful and Burgomaster to the poet. There Is little question about the claaa and form ef Burgomaster. He la easily on of the grandest three-year-olds ever bred. He will probably go as far as did Syooeby, while he has every bit as much early speed. Jus a little soft yet. thla son ef Hamburg will com Into his full powers during the session at Oreveaend Just aboil t to open up. Tha Brooklyn Derby la the big event ow Saturday,. June It. . ., . . , AMERICAN LEAGUE. I - - A Clml4. It K. K. S 11 Cleveland Boston Batterlee Bernhardt It X and Bern la. l Taunt and Pateraoav - - At Cateaga. ILK E. 1 t til Chicago ....................... Phlladelohla - Batteries Patterson, and Dygsrt and Power. - Sullivan; i At Betretl. R. K E. Detroit ..!!.. IS t Washington 4 19 1 Batteries Klllaln and Schmidt! alk anburg and Wake(tld. . .. At . &ola.' . . " R. H. E, St. Louis -...Muu,..a.M. - lit New York .................... t I Batteries Glade and O'Connor; llahn and McUuir. ; j NATIONAL LEAGUE. A VaUadelpkJav . ... . . . n it New Tork JiA.LL 3 li tt l Phtidiphi-K .r.-.-r.-sr.:r..77. . ,i Batterlee MatheWaon, , Wilts and Bnwerman; Lush, Plttlngiw and Dug glehy and Oooovaa and Uuuia. t'aipue -aUana . , -- ... .... , . , - I i :. . -. -: f ,.n ' ;-v. - '.,'Vi ' .v? jAL-i-i-r--f . INTEREST GROWS IN HUUTT.1EET Horsemen Looking Forward With Great Interest to Next Sat- urrJaysTRacesT EVERY tVENT WILL' BE r STARTED ON TIME President Downing Announces That . Riders Must Be in "Paddock -Ten Minutea Before Saddling Time- Dope Shows How Chances Are. arythlng la practicaJlr arranied for. the aunuai. field day racea of. the Port land Hunt club, which will be -pulled off next Saturday afternoon. This .event la always looked forwsrd to with great Interest by Hunt club -members and 1 nubile alike, for the amount of gen - , .y, A a- v4aw aava v , aa, iiareiiw eauu ua splendid sporting spirit manifested on each occasion. It Is not boasting too much to state that there -la not -a hunt club In thla country that ran compare with the Portland club in point of the splendid character ef the horses owned. In dar ing - horsemanship and difficult cross country riding. The local horses can bold their own with . any animals In the United States on tha track and in the paper chases they are equally capable, i During the fall and winter montha tha members enjoy msny exciting racea on the tralla of this section of the coun try and lortg before the time arrive for th holding of the-anrwal race meat there are all aorta of opinion held re- gardlng tha relative apeed of tha.dlfc ferent horses. These various -opinions and tnetr attendant variations const! tyte ' the sentiment and determination that compel the holding of annual racea In order that a fair teat may be held at least once a year for the sake of pre serving harmony In the ranks ef th rider and peace on earth to men and women ot good wllL Far be It from a Hunt club member to ever acknowledge the superiority of a rival-horse until a race la arranged and run, and evea then no matter which horse wlna there will always- be a lin gering doubt In the heart of the losing horse's owner that hla animal la the better. - - - Saturday's races will be for blood, not real gore, but the kind ef Ufa fluid that Fresteent Downing has Issued orders to an rtaera that the race will start at 1:10 aharn and that everr race win be ma on time, even If they have to start without all of the entries. Thla year every rider must be In the pad dock 10 minutes before saddling time, and for the benefit of some It might be mentioned mat visiting In the grand stand will not be permitted until after tne race are completed.. Already there la much discussion aa to who will be winners. A local dones- ter has made the ullawlng phony book tor in race: - Three-etghth dash Bedad, J. C. MueTie. 1 to I, a good thing; Joe Jewtt Scott Brooke, 1 to 10. a etneh; Cricket: Herman Metrger, 4 to . a apodal Drew. Five eighths of a mile dash On to s that Tom fo will circle the course tn three days; XT to t that Slimy and John Boggs cannot' lose: to that Call Bond will miss Jack Latta; 3 to 1 that there la not much but "choice' ia thla race. One to 1 that Len Lead better Imag ine Bob Crawford haa angello tenden cies'. 1 to 1 that Raclvo and Oregon Kid wtu throw mud on close competitors: to 9 that C JL Lea i better thlnka every thing le ever but the hanging ef J. H. Bennett number: also (9 to 1 that Bennett's rider doesn't know anything aoout training a aoree. v, ,ifhiiiiiiiiil. inn , that RiLluli JmhUia Miles lu uillllaij eul and will net "boll" over: 23 to It that V-aV-Toague forgets to come down from bis HUlsboro- farm: lOfl.909 to a cent that E. M. Lasarae wUl have hla timer dressed in kilts, and aa squat bet that "plana" are already made for the regu lation of speed; 21 that Will O. MeCrae, en ef the beat riders la tha world, will not allow hie horse to run too long in one place. 1 One fourth mile dash Dalmonlco, Dr. Emmett Drake. T to 11 for a fat chance; Waldorf Cestonln, W. M. Davis. 1 t I, Beat rreaa Ijeeklaw nsver- foHowe an Injury dressed with Burklen's Am tea Salve. Ita antiseptic and healing properties pr-rvnt blonrl petsoning. Chas. Oswald, merchant, ef Renaet-laeravllle, N. T.. writes: "It cured Seth Buri'h ef this place ef th ugllMt sore on his neck I aver new." rum fute. Wounds, Burns and So re a 13 at Sk Itliwore 1 -rii g -frw. ' . . J a-'l A, GRAMMAR SCHOOL RACE .; J.V; . V w 'X a slim opportunity; Red Raven Split. P., A. rainlln. j-yrn monax-that hajrj fall off; Irish Lad, J. A. Horan, 100 to 1 that his eolora will not blend nor bend. Tha United Stat mint to a prairie hen thai. thr will be something doing In the relay. Improved dope-will be furnished free of charge up until tha first raca ia atarted. - .. V. YESTERDAY'S RACING r AT BELMONT TRACK ftiuiml Ssarlal flsMltie. New Tork, June 6. Belmont Park race reeulter -r irevenrTdnia Tommy WadTeTTwohT WaterrOraaa second, Sir. Lynnewood third; tlm. l is. -; . Six and a half furlongs Monfort won. Garters second, Halton third; time, 0:61 !-." . "mGrty stakes, four and a half furlongs Court Dress' won, Barbary Bell second. Adoration third; 'time, 0:S2 1-S. - ' The Jockey Club, mile and a furlong Whimsical won. Accountant second, The Picket third; time, 1:S1-I. Seven furlongs Mintla won. Entree second. BatUeAxe third; tlm. fll2;rnap won, Miss CrawrordTnec" ond, Talagarthird; time,' 1:40. BARELY SAVED FROM : - G0IN0 OVER NIAGARA - (AmraU- SpeeUl Setvtca.) Buffalo. June (.Early thla morning a man walked Into the Niagara river 100 feet above the brink of tha falls and waa awept toward . the precipice. He Just caught a ledge 10 feet from th brink. A -policeman discovered him and threw a rope, which the man waa unable to grasp as he was being, car ried down. The fir department placed a ladder nd two men erawled out and grabbed .the man. He waa exhausted and waa taken to the police station, but-refused - to -divulge hla - name.' TROOPS 0UIETMINERS -AT-DILLONVILLEy-OHlO (Journal Special Servlm.) FUlonvllle, June 5. Twelve hun dred militiamen arrived her thla morn ing aa a result of the miner trouble. Owing to the presence of troops quiet prevails, v- COMPETITOR FOR CUP -- REACHES BERMUDA (Jenml Special Berries.) Hamilton. Bermuda, June I. The yacht Oauntlet, tha Upton cup com petitor, arrived at t:I0 o'clock yesterday afternoon. Preferred took Ceased trooda. Allen A Lewis' Beat Brand. JVill S. Hale. Boy.' ACTIVE DEVELOPMENT M i:i BAKER CITY HQS Complete Plant to Be Installed in Pocahontas District ' This Year. -. tSnadal Dteeatfk a The Xo-n-aat.l Baker City, Or,, Jun . Within tha next few week a many Improvements are planned for the Mattooa mine tn the Pocahontas district, under tba man agement of A. W. Butler. Mr. Butler etatss that while active work la being done ni)w . on plans and speclflcations and a haa a crsw of men at ; work on excavations and roads, tha erection of tha new mill and building will not be- dommenced until the weather mod- eratea. .. A 50-ton mill, with a pew and lm proved crusher and amalgamator, are to be Installed... .This wl)l .be th first complete plant of the kind to be ln atallad In Oregon. With thla plant Mr, Butler expect a to be able to save much larger oar cent of ore values. An electric lighting plant la to be installed at tha mine. There will also be a naw assay office and a boarding house.t - . .'j.. .- '. . .' - Installation of the new plant Is to ha under tha personal direction of Man ager Butler, who la assisted by F. S3.: Hobson, formerly consulting. nglnr for the Highland Gold Mines company. Mr. Hobson Is in the-city working on the ' plans arid' speclflcations for tha plant. - , . ' ..' An excellent ahowlng haa been made by tha Mattoon and Manager Butler in. tends to work it for Its full values. A good vein from 10 to II feet In width hss been - opened on three levels and has been drifted on for considerable distance. The ore la free milling and goea about 110. Tha vein la a good one and can be traced Into tha hill for a lataana Thira is tnnsah t now In aight for a contlnuoua run of the new mill for two yeara to com. Th rain 1 operated by a steam hoist working from a 100-foot shaft. BI6 INSURANCE COMPANIES 111 DELAY HO LOGGER Smaller Companies MustJEither :. Pay Losses or .Quit. Business. (Journal Sseetal gerrlee.) Pan Francisco. -June "Save h self who can" will be the-motto ofthe Insurance companion from now on. l De velopment Indicate that henceforth larger and atronger companies will enter Into no "combines' nor sign any agree ments "suggested ' by ..prudent business reasons' but which are really for tha protection of weaker companies. Determined na longer to endure the criticism which they claim la unjust and undeserved, a fas aa they are eon ceroed. the larger companies will pro ceed with th adjustment and payment of individual losses, regardless of what others may do. -What effect this action will have on the smaller companies Is a matter of speculation. ' It Is evident that "every tub must stand on Its own bottom" and that hereafter the larger companies will not aubmlt to tha obstructionists and "anythtng-to-galn-tlmo" - taetlcs of the ''llttla -fellows. They must either "make good" or quit ' Nona appreciates the crisis mors than those aama little fellows . It haa be come evident that delay in the settle ment of losses is largely dua ta sys tems tlo tactics ef tha weaker companies to gain-tit- GEREMYKIN DECLARES DOUMA IS IN WRONG St. Petersburg, June Premier Geremyain in a statement seeas to make plainer tba relative positions of the government and the douma. He ax plains that the douma la mlstakeh as to its position in voting a "lacx or con' ftdence In the government." The douma la not entitled to Interfere in either the military e foreign policy of th nation. - It la entitled to share in the legislative functions within tha limits of fundamental laws The ministry did not resign when the Mack of confidence vote was taken he- caua it felt that ether ministers would meet the sama fate. The ministry in tends to draft Ita owa bills for the peas ants' improvement.. The government maintains that 'com pulsory expropriation must not b th bturig of a plan giving UatartdTTia peaa ants. A conference of the nobility la called to meet about the middle of June. Secretary. Y.U.CA, ma L W. PETERSOIf. ADJUSTER nn nn T ; Unclaimed Freight, Tomorrow Morning, -at 8 o'Clock at ' 34 RI. Time STREET No Fake. No Humbug, Rcgardlng4TifahSalc '' It will b an opportunity of a lifetime 'to aecure Men's Clothing, Furnlahlrtg Oooda and Shoes at practically your owa figures. . This sale la being conducted on a basis to get rid of the goode Immediately. Th eale will last but a short tlmtt at these prices, tha merchandise la bound to go. Theae goods wsre secured from the freight aheda and wharves, merchandise shipped ta Saa-Francisco, but transferred ta tha terminal In Portland, have beeti "placed In this salesroom for Immediate rwlapdeB&-r'E3f . : , Tha following will give you a abort idea of tha many thousand ef bargains that will be placed upon our counter, starting ' ' ' .. " : '" ; Tomoi'row,June6,8A.ri. Everything wilt be marked in plaia figures, ao corns on, but come early. Wt will forget the regular priee of these goods; they are fit tha i season's, op-to-date clothing, shoes and furnishing goods. YOSTS 1,009 "dosen unclaimed frelght-Men's - black, . tan. gray and red Hoae, a dosen .............25 .:. ..... WHj ))a n josen packages only. ' '" CBUV7.0X9 OOXXAM Ten case of Celluloid Collars, each aa eon- . talnlng 1,909 dosen; svsrywbere lss sold for Sfe. Price ....If nOatwaaVB f.oOO - dosen. Men's l"oor-lnHnda. Imperials. Tecks, - Bows and -Assets thla Is a Una ef some Ban Pranelseov merchant ta retail from tie-to 1 1.4. -.Take your' ..choice of any ona of tha lor or taks aa many aa you like at..,..12He) MAMJMMMCWTZTB-Tr cases-of Men's linen Handkerchief a, each ease containing t dosen i buy aa many aa you Ilka at, aach ........... .1 ' UauUtmSaVaV Hare la your chance, men, to secure Underwear at your own price. Men' heavy rib led. brown, blue, pink and white Under - wear, in all sixes; drawers and shirts to match tha greateat bargain . . ever offered by any concern lnulhe United States. Choice. ...... 38dV ; SKXXTbV-There are Tl cases of Men's Shirts; they eon?t all colors dark . and light shades. A solid good working shirt; you will pay at any store la the town from lOe to 71a. Unlimited choice for 25 "BATS Th greatest Hat special ever heard of In the City of Portland. ' Wa will place oa aale 1.00s Man's Stiff Hats and Fedoras, ia all th latest shapes and In all alsea; aa long as they last they are yours, and , take away aa many as you want to at... ......lSd rnts-Asi xorgtrr - rucxs tkxs laMCmAmin or'vm' exjuaam nxxomr must sa mu nromji n , SASOV . OOstBS TO A OXOSS. ; ; . ' Wa Msaa "ffvery Word We-Say, WTaea Wa Van Tea Tha So Otkea Ceaeers Beet Offered Tom ataek leerMsaaae slsigslss, aad --aa"i -rr Tall ef Bag OXrOnOBO Regarding th Clothing for Men. Youths aad Boys, wa will place on sale, starting tomorrow at t a. m., i.tOd Man' Cheviot Suit in tha very latest, up-to-date style good patterns. Every, store will sak you llt.e. For thla sale ..92.99 ' Men'a Double-BreaaUd pure all-wool Cheviot Suits, Tweed Mixtures, and alas In plain; regular stores will ask ye 1 .. Unclaimed freight price . vt 4.9 About 1.099 Msn'a Worsted Single aad Double-Breaeted Suite; they are .- in the latest grays, blacks, browns and almost any pattern that yew might wish for; regular price H9.00. Price ....-9VV4 There ere only IBI .Men'a Silk Panel Lined Cheviot. Single and Double BreaateAJBulta; aa long aa they laat they are yoar for $T.; they are regularly worth 115.0, but -our price...; 9749 Briag This Aa. Wttk Tom, Tala la Bs Mamamg, a Fake Bala We Bvery Word We Bay, aad Bvery ArUele Aimtlaad Tom Cam Xav f or tae as stag. ' . : la means we give you thousands npoa thousands of bargains. ZwOTe are here in the etor for you.- but we are doing something for yon that no ether merchant or adjuster ever attempted, and by helping as to get rid of this merchandlss you hslp yourselves -tnrS FABTB pair of Men's good aolld Worklnr Pants; they ta all alsea, tba latest shape. Tour unlimited choice C8d About 1.009 pair of Men's all-wool Cheviot and Worsted Pants; regular price Il.tO. Unclaimed freight price...,, .. .91.23 Men'a pure all-worsted genuine article. Men'a Pants a pair of Pants that other stores ask you li t! for. Oar price for the unclaimed freight aale . ..I..., ..r. .........................92.41 gOKOBS Here are Shoes for you for a song; 1i cases of Satin- Calf Shoes; nw""" Uaelaimed frelgha prices. . .98 Men's heavy Working Shoea; other store ask yen flla." Unclaimed freight prlcee .91.40 t l ealf leather lined Shoes ..........91.60 There are If cases, constating of la pair to a ease, patent leather, regular $7.S Shoe, latest design. These will be sold aa long aa they laat take aa many pair as yoa ,like ......i. ..92.49 Do not wait ant 11 the merchendlee la gone,, eorae while th stock la near complete, make your purchase and if you are not entirely satisfied with what you have bought from us. ask tha superintendent tn aharg end your money will be cheerfully refunded an aay article that ia not entirely satlafactory to you. . 4 , NOTICE TO All mere haa ta desiring to buy in bulk will call- between tha houre ef I and 1 a. m. Inautra for R. S. Wilson, who haa the entire charge Of ha wholesale department. - Ton will be able to purchase goode here during this unclaimed freight sale for the coat ef the freight, but term are strictly cash. ', There 1 nothing mlsrepreaented in this ad, but the mer chandise la here Just aa advertised. x a raw aroma spbcxaxb or -PAB-BBBB-ES-M COUAaa aani inen v.ouarw; regular 11 -ao or. . SOCKS A good; heavy wool Sock, tfci kind, at. .......... ..... ..... .Of Bta-aTB ST-TTB, IXTBA KTBCXAXi 500 Men'a Suits will na placed upon , th table, an aseortment of only one ef a kind, and wa will guarantee" a perfect fit upon these suits before leaving the atom all alteration will be made free. These suits at retail would range is price from f T.ia to I2S.0O. and your antlr choice , fS.OO 8XXX MABPatsTBC SISf S Men's tsrg. fancy Silk Handkerchiefs; ether stores ask 75c. Jt'nclanned freight price. ................ i ..... .23 BOTB B1ITTB l.aoa Boys Suits we hare wot gn time ta sort theae out; soma we have from fLlo to tia.oa. Tour choice for..,,.,.l,SO i - OFB XTZBT BTBBTBo) TTLX. t P. M. ' . j., KAXB 0 StXSTAXa BBOABSIBO tbb ABDBBSSL . . . . loo: rbluesp II S4 mctm in:zD, czz::z m Be Filled tha Bay Thry Ar r ti.r " I amf roay ytmade-4 t i " 1 actwry 1 ake 1-oaey 4 A. r. reter , J WiU Be Placed on Sale up-to-date Neckwear was bought by aasV- Bayers. MEQOMNTd TdV- 1 V