The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 05, 1906, Page 8, Image 8

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' .mmmmmmmmmmmm
Umatilla County Will Give Cham
berJain More Than Party .
A Strength. -v '
In An Part of th Unltacl Stat Lydla,
B. Plnkham - Vegatabl Oompoustf " "
' Hm Kffeoted fSimliar Curaa.
Douglas Prebinct Has Light Vote
Senator Aldrich Has Resumed
Diplomatic Relations With
President's Daughter and Con
Chamberlain Is , Gaining, Says
President Does Not Want Sea
, Many wonderful cure of femil Ills
ar eontinnallj coming' to light which
hav been broug-ht about by Lydia E. -Pink
ham Vegetable Compound, and ,
; ) as a Consequence; of In- j:
I: i "y " .,..."'rfdifferenc. j ' - :
gressman1 Longworth to Be
' 4 Royally Entertained.
. Chairman Sweek at Half u
Past Two O'Clock. : . ;
Level Plan to Com Up
for. the Present. ! r
v 4 the President. -
Bourne Also Secure Large Advan
1' tage Over GearinM-Duniway, as in
; Entire State, Receives-1 Huge Ma
; joritj Over Opponent. AJ " . " '
All Now Seema Smooth and the Sen
Bridal Couple tfu'st WalMn Wake of
- ' Petty Diplomats at Nobility a Func
tionsMrs. - Roosevelt Entertains
, Cabinet Members' Wives.
Where Withycombe Was Conceded
Fourteen Precincta Yet to Be Heard
Prom in Which Democratic Vote la
Strong Tv D, Taylor la Elected
Sheriff Oyer E. J. Sommerville. : '
Washington ' Haa . Lets Deposits in
Savings Institution Than', Any
Other City Navy Short of Supplies
ator Calls at White House to Per
sonally Explain Inability to Attend
Function Because of Business. "
Majority the Majority .Haa Gone'
for Chamberlain in Many Instances
Every Report Swells Hia Victory,
Through False Economy,
I 4 " fflpMlaf Dlapatcs to Tbe Joeraal.l . '
p-Draln, Or, June' J. Only 'fit out of
aV total of 180 registered votes were
cast here yesterday : Mjnny lumbermen
and sawmill; hands- refund to , lear
' work to come Jn to vote. " - '
. f Kor Governor Wlthycomb'- received
. ' 3 Is and Chamberlain 7S. votes. Bourn
;-. 24 3," Gear! n 4. For secretary of; state
I" Jnson 16,' Sroat SO; ' State .treasurer,
'. fsteel 16r, Matlock 18. Supreme Judge,
. bkln 15,2, Matloy 35, Attorney-general,
Crawford 148, Miller 43. State super-
Intendent of schools, Ackerman '. 14.
(State ', printer,- '"Dmrlway 148, . Taylor
39. - IjiboT commissioner, " Hoff 155.
thirds -.Socialist) 23. ' For. congress.
Hawley 152, Galloway 44. .Circuit Judge
. second, district L. T.' Harris 171. Joint
' representative ninth district. W. T, Vaw
er 158, Bowersox 14. Representatives,
J. 8. Gray (Republican) 145, C. &
- Jackson (Republican) 14. B. A. Hun
frakor (Democrat) 44. R. 1 Wlnrilfred
, 1 Democrat) 82. County judge, M. D.
Thompson (Republican) 121. Q. V..
,Vuiiaiutt rtJflHTWrarTrBHerrff, HI T.
McClallan 121. Dr. K.-V. Hoover (Dem-
oratl 78. County .clerk.
(Republican) '104, Z. N. Agree (Demo
trrat) 107.' Treasurer, - J. E. Sawyer
--. Republican) - i 30, " H ItHonttngton i
4 Democrat). 12. Surveyor. Oscar Kd
tvards (Republican) 7, J. O. Hefty
"Democat ii77TmmrfgT8rigr,"A. E.
Nichols (Republican) 156, Thomas Wll
n . (Democrat) 44. .Equal suffrage,
Tfes 124, . No, 85. Local optlonr Tea
, 18, No 1477 About 20 .Sociallata "and
"pis -prohibitionist votes were cast, -
' ' fmrlal DlMeteh to The Jsuraal.)
Olympia,. Waah... June S.A stranger
whoae name la said to be Vanslack was
atruck by s. Northern Pacific train In
the tunnel underthis Hyabout-lV:0th personal call to withdraw his ae-
o'cloik today and literally . ground to
pieces. He had been employed In the
Matttngly stables here for several days
Trior to a-drunken spree, -which termi
nated this morning- when he entered the
aleep. -Only- few -cents were - found
on his person.- The remains are lying
n the morgue at Whiteside's undertak-
Ing parlors. ' ' : '.-''.. . '',:''.
;':: -
i, ' (ffriertsl WMirli to The Jeenuf,)
Lebanon. Or., June . There were 487
" votes " cast " In both -Lebanon preclncta
yestrrday. This is the largest vote ever
trailed In Lebanon. Chamberlain received
in, Wlthycombe 310, Oeatin 205, Bourne
181. M. A. Miller 301 Wright 1S2. The
. main lasue here was local option. South
Jbanon, the main part of the city, went
dry by 20. North Lebanon the residence
part, went wet by 1 The amendment
10 the local option law was 127 ves,
9t no. . .
(Jflnreal Special Bfevlce.) .
'. Biabee, Arts., June . General Torres,
with Infantry, and Colonel Klosterlits-f
ky, with troopers, are in command of;
tbe situation at Cananea. Martial law
Ann , In .. UIn AVAAi,.ln.n r0 n..
leaders of the Insurrectos have been
csrrlej out. The Mexicans are terror-
teed atid-ars keeptnr to thefrtiomerTn
-reductlun - works ana a portion or the
tntnes have resumed operations.- It is
thought the crisis is over.
, , (Speelal Dtopstra te Tbe JewaaLy
t ' Rainier, Or., June : I. ;The vote on
senator and governor complete: Amos
I. Bargee 24. Chamberlain 167. Wlthy
combe ITS. Senator, short term: Gould
14. Mulkey 248, Stevens 48. Senator,
long term: r Bourne Hi, , Gear In 111,
Paget 10, Simola 24.
j ;' (Jeoraal Special gM-rlee.t '
:f Washington, June 5. 8enatQlLX-roU:
1rtte has Introduced a resolution dlrect
- Ing the interstate commerce commission
to investigate the so-called grain eleva
tor trust, with a'vlew to discovering if
favors In the. form of rebates and fur
nlahlng cars on sidetracks and elevator
prlvllee-e ttrv helna s-mnted.
Amongf the many medi
cines for woman's ills there
are none to equal the famous
Hostetter's Stomach Bitters.
Every bottle is backed by, a
S3 years record of cures of
Backache, Dizziness, Faim
ing Spells, Cramps, Nervous
'Headaches, Biliousness, Co-
I ttveness, ndigestion or Dys-
1 -aa-asssaBaaaaaaisBMgwr'
(WaiMngtoa Bursas of Tke Jooroal.J
Waahlngton, June 6. Judging from Jh
number of. "significant" Interviews that
have recently taken place at the White
House, .and the "Important" speeches
that have been hazarded, .hill"
with the Allison amendment as a text,
there la every reason to believe that the
said ' amendment implied - much more,
both politically and' otherwise,, than was
actually written Into the bill.
It la sagely observed, by one" of our
"esteemed coritemporarl'' that Sena
tor' Allison haa not forgotten the art of
walking on piano keys, i This Is true of
his politics as well as of his legislation.
He may well be accredited with the
coop d'etat of the Fifty-ninth congress
who loan diplomatically write tbs name
of "Aldrich"- In the title of the rata bill
for that of "Roosevelt." and stilt main
tain the moat -Unruffled -perfect --bar-mony.
Not only had Louis XIII his
Richelieu, but verily the Duke nf
TSIuntfTvaa hia Allison. , . .
Chaplain Hale says that divine Drov-
Qufrhtjldenca 1 looking after theante.That
is giving Mr. Aldrich pretty high rank.
Senator A Id rich haa resumed dlplo
mntlcrelaiioiis with tns "president; and
political goasips are wondering what
deep-laid plots are hatching. This 1 thJ
since the break" early tn the rate bill
controversy. - ...
It wss Wednesday, that It took place,
and the Rhode Islander was accompa
nied to the White House by the "smooth-
man, of the senate, Murray Crane of
Massachusetts, whose role and nick-
-rmme f-paxeTfia1fer-arffTSretTy securely
fixed by thls tlmer-There ""was considerable-
"close harmony" when the three
got together, the tenor of the meeting
being one of tweet peace, in which the
railway not was not sounded. - -.
Mr., Aldrich -had ' been- Invited to a
White House dinner this week and made
ceptance, previously given, since an un
foreseen business trip would require his
presence In New York. There was some
conference upon statehood and upon
canal matters; the program for the rest
ion was outlined: Benito
Aldrtcn explained that there was con
siderable -strong sentiment In the sen
ate for the eea-le.vel canal .plan, recom
mended by. the committee. J
Judge Mc Bride Sentences A. D.
Pierce All Business Places
'Must Close oh Sunday.
- (Special Dispatch to Xp Jeoraal.)
St. Helen's. Or June 6. la the cir
cuit court this mornlnr Judge McBrIdethI'"ei!Urln tn momt -S??"1 of latter-
prisonment for the assault upon W. C.
Fischer, Pierce having been tried and
convicted of conspiracy with Reming
ton, the "Cockney Kid," to commit the
asssult. ' ' y .,
Mendenball Brothers appeared 1 and
filed notice of appeal.
The Judge in his charge said that
''"7 Ju " Pla ' 1 county
1 mUBt b fj0 " Sunday or he would
- 4n uructihrrand Jur3r-t lndlct.av4;
town eoifncllmun and marshal when the
Sunday closing law la not enforced.
peclal Dispatch te The JoarsaL)
"Pendleton, Or, June t. Because they
do not wish to pay the government
112.00 for ranges In the Blue moun
tains which are not to be allotted and
will be, used in common, t'matllla coun
ty sheepmen have petitioned to have
the reserve tax left off this year.
Two hundred and -forty thousand
sheep have--been admitted from t'ma
tllla. Morrow and Gilliam counties at
I rents a head.' If the Blue mountain
reserve were sllotted among the sheep
men, the Wenaha growers say they
would, have no objection to the tax.
The remonstrance haa been sent to the
department by flecrctary Hmythe- Oft
the Umatilla County association.
- (ftpeclal Dtapatrh to The Joersal.t '
. . Washington, June t. Captain Bowyer
of the cruiser Columbia, at Colon, re
ports a clash between officers of the
msrlnes and the Panama police." The
navy department will not divulge the
extent of the clash. The government
of Panama has expressed regret and
promised to punish the police, --- -
- (Journal Special Service.)
Washington, June , t. Vice-President
Fairbanks haa been notified officially
of Senator Burton's resignation. Th
senate committee- on privileges and elec
tion did not act on th resolution pro
viding fpr Burton's expulsion - "
Ten thousand dollars Is the amount
asked In damages by. A. - B.- Brown
for . Injuries sustained when he was
thrown off a car of the Ptrtlsnd Rall-j -
way company. Brown alleges. In a
suit filed in the circuit court this morn
ing, mat ns wss rining on tne front
platform of a Sunnjslde car on March
t, when the controller , exploded, causing
a paalc and a rush 1 for th door, by
which h wss thrown to ths ground
whll th rsr was moving at a rapid
rat. He claims thst he received In
juries wblctt cost li0 In doctor1 bill.
' rvrhlnftoa Burns of Tbe Journal.)
' WaKhlhgtoit, June 8. Representative
Nicholas Longworth and Mrs. Long
worth have 'jialjed ,. to . t Europe. , . The
representative In congress and his wife,
the son-ln-llaw -and Slaughter . of .the
president will be, the guests of Ambas
sador Raid at Dorchester house, Jn Park
lane . and. at ,! Wrest's park throughout
their stay In England,. and are to be in
cluded In King Edward's party at 'Wind
sor Caa tie for "tbe Ascot race meet.
This is always a sort of a seml-prlvate
affair and will enable Brltlah; royal ty
to show some attention to Mra. Long-
worth. '.' v
-1 Possessed of no precedence
ever, as daughter of the chief executive
of the United States, and ' having ' no
diplomatid status, it haa been found im
possible to accord her the "pas" over
those whose rank endows to a legal
H.rTht tl ther pl In the nrrtar of
precedence, and the consequence Is that
In spite of all the desire of the British
royalty and English society to be agree
able to her. aha will usually find heraelt
fit the tall-end or tne - procession ai
most, of the entertainments she may
attend durlnghef stay In "London;
. A Matter of lew.
It 1 mar be remembered that
may be
General Orant visited England after re
tiring from the presidency there was
no end of trouble about the question
of "precedence, although hs was re
garded in the -light of a popular hero.
and that at the dinner given, for him
by the queen and the banquet to which
TreslajsJ1 flV nttQ 19 Walic---i ft-lie WtitUT vt
petty foreign diplomatists, : youthful
peers and insignificant courtiers. At
every European -court the Longworths
will meet with the same difficulty, for
which they will . be . wrong to blame
their hosts, for all these things are
matters of faw, which not even aover
elgns have the right to change or mod
ify. -" - .'I
'.. Mrs. mooasreis Entertains.
Mrs. Roosevelt entertained the wives
of tbe members of the' cabinet Tuesday
ing her
final trip to Washington for this sea
son, that ehe might be present. - The
party resorted to the beautiful circular
gallery on the south front of tne wnite
house, overlooking the smooth, green
lawn and fountains of the executive
grounds, the Washington monument and
the Potomac river and "there indulged
in the closest' and' moat friendly con-versationr-
for Mr. Roosevelt and the
wives of the cabinet members are on
the best of terms. . They were shown
Mrs, Roosevelt's I only-"hobby, her
colonial flower gardens, where the great
crimson, pink and white peonies are
now in full blossom, and marigolds, four
o'clocks, petunias and other old-fashioned
favorites luxuriate.
' A Colonial sVesideaos. -
-Mrs. Roosevelt is the first president's
wife who has ever thought of the eternal
Alness of things about the Whits House.
former raialreaoea -vying with each other
day, products,both Jorthe interior, and
exterior of the mansion. It Is a purely
colonial residence as It now stands and
she hss had removed - the gorgeous
geometrically shaped '. flowerbeds with
up-to-date plants and has left the smooth
green lawn with Its' trimmings of forest
trees to Its own beauty, with the excep
tion of here and there some old-fashioned
flowers, such as Martha Washington and
Dolly Madison were wont to cultivate.
The effect is splendid.,
Buys Block Bounded by Water,
, . Front," Jefferson and Co- '
lumbia Streets. ( ;
Block 11,. betwetn Water, Front, Jef
ferson and Columbia- streets, has bean
purchased by the Oregon Electrlo Rail
way cojnpanyJrJ'ormerly known a the
Willamette Valley Traction company.
The price paid was between 210,000 and
150,000. The ground .will b used for
terminals, for -the ieotrl-railway-now
being -built by the company between
Portland and Salem. - - ' '
Th franchise ordinance recently
passed by the Portland city council,
granting th company prlvllcg to oper
ate in Portland, went Into effect today
by limitation, this being the last day
on which the mayor may veto the ordi
nance. The company Is now absolutely
assured that It has the right to enter
this city with Its tracks and wires. An
officer of the company said: - ;
' "The construction of this road is an
absolute , certainty. - It will be - com
pleted at th earliest date possible. The
delays and dlacouragemants have been
severe, but, not sufficient to lead th
company to give up th projUvt. A large
amount ef money ha already been In
vested and . we are going forward
atearlllv with the work."
"Mr. Bourn' election Is. assured by
the return that w hav received up to
thl time," said 8. C Spencer, secretary
of th Republican state central commit
tee, at 2:30 o'clock thl afternoon, "and
we refuse to concede the defeat of either
Mr. Stevens or our candidate for: gov
ernor. Th return show without a
doubt th election of Mr. Bourn to th
sonata by a good majority, and our re
turn are such that w refuae to con
cad th defeat of th others." ' . .
Benefit for Worthy Cause.
The-Columbus club will give one of
Its enjoyable dsnces on next Saturday
vening. June . The proceed will be
donated to. JOfepbWeston, who was In
jured ret-ently, The committee . In
charge lifts secured Everest's, orchestra
and a good tlm 1 promised 16 all wh
ttad, ,,--- , 4 . : v .. ' -
"Chamberlain is still gaining." said
Chairman Alex Sweek of the Demo
cratic state central committee, st 1:30
o'clock this afternoon. "As I said this
morning his majority will be from 1.000
to C.000 and indications are-that It. will
not -be less than the figure first named.'
"uovernor cnamoenain has. accord
ing to Jhe returns received, carried 21
ef the IS counties of the state." -said
Win lam ht. GatehsT rgeetetary th; the
governor. "Wlthycombe haa not carried
more than 10 counties atid I would not
be' surprised if he carried only seven
counties. w - . - --
Gilliam, county, - IT for Chamberlain;'
forecast. -SO. for Wlthycombe,
t'matllla county, 150 for Chamberlain;
forecast, 100 Xor Chamberlain. .
Josephine county. 13S for Chamber-
Jafn; forecast. ISO for Wlthycombe.
Douglaa county. Incomplete. 105 for
Chamberlain; forecast, 200 for Cham
berlain. .
Rrturns sssslred from and the twnr
ocratio forecast for other counties this
arternoon were as follows: . .
Columbia county, majority of 110 for
Wlthycombe; Democratic forecast." 100
for Wlthycombe. -Lane
county. , incomplete, . 175 tfor j-- -
Clackamas county, between 200 and
100 for?hamhrljiin' tnrumt ena
i UhamberUln. Biuwnelh Renal
wa defeated for the senate.
Yamhill county; between 190 and. 100
for Chamberlain; forecast 260 for Cham
berlain. . . : -- -Tillamook
county. Chamberlain and
Wlthycombe running even; forecast .60 hycom be.
" Tor rhamberlalnforo.
TXjf "''TRfl""rti TTN'f liaj j..L.l
" Late . returns from Clatsop courtly In-
cicated a majority of about 200 ' for
Chamberlain. . Th county had been
ciaimea oy witnyeomb by 1.000 votes.
Keturna received late 'thla afternoon
ljhxw that th Ynl -1m Chamberlain win
underestimated For - Instance, this
morning it was conceded that Wlthv
combe would carry Clackamas county
by 200, but comolet returns from ?1
-out' of 29 precinct now show Chamber-
Iain leading by 21 J- votes. At this rate
Chamberlain will win the county by
300. Thl alone will increase hi ma
jority in the state from 2,200 to 8.300.
Eastsrn Oregon Is also- standing by
the governor.' Reports from La Orand
give Chamberlain a lead of 200 in Union
county with only a few precinct com
plete. Chamberlain la also ahead of
vvitnyeombe- in- Morrow-county. .1 Ar
lington precinct give the governor it
majority. Condon precinct was close,
Dut unamoeriam won it by I vote. -Down
th Wlllomett valley ChAtr.ber
lain gave th opposition som sad sur
prises. On of th greatest of thes
wa hi vote in seven precincts of St.
Helens.--- There - he- broke -- even witb
Withycombe, - Wherea these"same" pre
cinct -wer carried by W. J. Furnish
four years ago by 800 majority. This is
of particular Blgnlfcence for th reason
that Chamberlain , ha shown great
strength In what was considered a
Wlthycombe ' stronghold. .
Petitions from residents , of ' Ariel
awd-Woodstock Wel,e-mcaw'ttft County
School Superintendent! ftobTnaon f or the
district . boundary - board this - morning.
Th prayer Is that - these; suburban
school districts be consolidated with
District No. 1, th Portland district
These . petitions are being considered at
a meeting of the board thla afternoon.
If they are granted 'they will Imme
diately be passed up to th Portland di
rectors, who are also to meet thl after
noon. -The directors will then place
the question of taking In these districts
upon ths ballot at the city school elec
tion June 18. -----
Petition have also been received
from Mount Tsbor and South Mount
Tabor. Each. wUl be .voted upon ep
At a meeUng-At-the trust of th
Portland chamber of commerce today It
wa resolved to assist In ' every way
possible the promotion of a big celebra
tion tof July 4 In Portland this year. A
list of 54 applicants' for membership
In 1 th chamber wa favorably consid
ered, and th name were added to th
membership rolU A committee com
posed of J. Couch Flanders and E. C.
Qlltner waa appointed to devise ways
and means for having a record kept of
coaatwlae and foreign shipments from
and to this port, snd reports made ang
ularly . to. th. department of commerce
and labor at (Washington for publica
tion, , -- . - -r -r
Excelent order was preserved by th
police department all over the city elec
tion day. Th usual tally of fights and
drunkenness was decidedly short. Mayor
Lane, through Th Journal, expresses
himself as well pleased Indeed by th
work nf th police department About
the poll everything wa carried on In
an entirely orderly and quiet manner,
Around town. the same condition pre
vailed. Mayor Lane wa. especially
pleased that all th ' member of th
fore carefully .abstained, from mixing
1n th election themselves Or Interfer
ing In any way.
keep With a Woods Jbsg-.
A sheep with a wooden leg is a curi
osity at th farm of Ira Qualntanc in
Ualla township. Pennsylvania.'
Early this ysar th sheep waa struck
by lightning. Its foot and part of th
leg being torn off. ' A th animal was
a valuable oruu Quaint nee concluded to
try an artificial limb, - H covered lu
with-wool, and so well does th sheep
use It thst people would not detect the
difference except for a slight limp. -
(Special DUpatrb to Tke Joorsol.V
Tendloton, or.. June t Of the. If out
of 40 precincts heard from up to. noon
today tho state ticket stands aa - fol
lows: 1 ' . , . .. , ..
Bourne l.HJ, GearlhlJ.SJt. Chamber
lain 1.431. ..Wlthycombe' 1.450, Eakln
1,124; Hallry 1,416, , .
It looks aa though,.Charaber!an would
be' far. In the lead and Democrats are
leading nearly all tickets, showing more
than psrty strength. .
T. D. Taylor is elected sheriff of
Umatilla county over E. J. Sommer
vllle. the Republican candidate. Cole
bent. Pierce for joint senator for Uma
tilla. Morrow and Union counties. Dr.
ft- J. Smith for-state senator is
elected. . . -
Chamberlain ' Has . Lead. Over
Withycombe in Republican
srsat Wascc
(Special Dispatch te Th JoSTaal.1
Hood River, Or, June 6. In th flv
Hood River : precincts which Include
th city, valley and' Mount Hood, Bourn
received 4t3r"t?BTOn3gr:thycomb
403 and ChamLerlaln 411. Th balance
of the Republican atate ticket had good
majorities. Prohibition In th flv pre
oincts tost by over 100. . Suffrage loat
by zoo., Th county Republican ticket
Qaa a . small - majority except Blyth
(Democrat) for representative, who baa
a lead of about 300 over th next high
est Not a straight ticket was voted.
The state ticket wa scratched . by or
der of Ths Dalle party leader, whll
th county ticket was scratched by th
Hood River county dlvlsionlsts.
x (Special Dlapatch te The Joarnel.)
Helem, Or-June. LSeen pr
cinct In Columbia county give Cham
berlain for governor a tie with Wlthy
combe. The same-precincts four years
ago gave Furnish. 300 majority. ' Bourn
has carried the county. . The normal
Republican majority Is probably 460.
Elmer T. Connell wa elected represen
tative, W. A. Harris county clerk, Harry
West county commissioner. ,..:
' While there was no opposition to th
remainder of ' th Republican county
ticket thl I the first election In 10
years that the Republican hav carried
everything. - -
- Three or four precincts went dry. The
amend ment to thelot al option taw ts
snowed " under-In"lhls "county, as also
the equal suffrage amendment
- - (Special Mapateato The Jaaraal.) '.
Silverton, Or., June 6. Complete re
turns for governor and senator are as
follows: ,
Governor Amos 11, Chamberlain SO,
4 United State Senator - Short-term,
Gould 27, Mulkey 142, Steven 14; long
term. Bourne, 6, Oearln T3, Paget If,
Simola 2.
Two outalde precinct hav not been
heard from.- Equal auffrag carried by
11 In this city. . . ,
- - - - '
. Corvallls, Or., June 8. Withycombe
has a majority of about SOS, Bourns'
majority 130. The county ticket shows
Woodward (Rep. ) county Judge II ma
jority, Smith (Rep.) commissioner 111
majority, Burnett (Dem.) sheriff 88 ma'
Jorlty, Vincent (Rep.-) county clerk II
majority, Newton (Rep.) recorder 170,
Buchanan (Dem.) treasurer about 114
Returns are practically alL In-except
Corvalll No. 1 and part ot Philomath.
A lat compilation of th return from
Multnomah county give the following
vote on local option and woman a auf
frag: . "
Local option amendment Tea, 1,011;
no. 1,441: majority against, 1.147. -
Woman's suffrage Yes, 4.121; no,
1,030; msjority, l.4. : -
San Frenciec-o;-June I. Treadwelr1
pica i or jne nan - r ran Cisco constitu
tional amendment wss so strong that
- , . . . , --. , i. 1 1 i . -rTi,
th insurgent war won over and th
motion to reconsider was carried by
a vote of 14 to 1. With thl victory th
San Francisco delegation again attempt
ed to fore snap action by calling for
Its consideration in committee 'of th
whole, with the result that the measure
waa taken out of She band of th Judi
ciary commute and referred to a com-J
mil tee on -. conatltuuonal femendmenta.
Adjourned until 3 p. m. .
Regular trains east bound over th
OR N. will leave Portland aa usual
this evening and go through to their
destinations. , Th Omaha train ' will
leave at 11:18 and go through to Hunt
ington. , The Spokane -train will leave
at 1:11. Th rslns in the-, Blu moun
tain have ceis and th temporary
track hav been put In a safe condition
for traffic, ,
"' (Waahlsttoa Bursas of Tbt Jonraal.) -Washington,
June 8. Mr. 'Roosevelt
does not want the aea-level plan to
com up at present, because It will be
followed by another plunge and wallow
ing in discussion that will serve no good
end and still further delay matters.- The
president Is determined on the lock type
and. wants to get to the Inside of canal
construction. Instead of - having t b
content with picking around the edges
of a half-baked idea ' .
'A majority in th house 'favor the
lock; typ and th people, a a- whole
f have loat interaat in th type and in, the
canal Itself to a very great extent
Sine It I practically assured that th
budget of $24,000,000 recommended by
Secretary Taft will be granted by con
gress It Is th president' idea to use
that sum for work this summer and
make such progress that the rapid com
pletion of th canal will be fully Justl
fled In the Leyesot
Toward this end all further talk on the
typ of th canal will b called off to
allow Mr. Roosevelt hia whack at it.
untrammeled . by congressional recom
mendation. , :.J.t. : . .. . , '
Xlgk lay for Clerks. .
Wage paid to 30.000 clerks and what
nots in Washington, who receive . $00
year and upward, average about 20 per
cent higher than 1 paid for similar
Milcelawhera.-But th condition
of employment are different. For em
ployee up to 11,100 a year It lr practi
cally a Jlfe Job now and th .Benjamin
FrankllnThlloaophy-'ia not in favor, '
All th aavlng bank in Washington
show aggregate deposits of only 1 1000.'
OO'OrwberearTJatroit, a city ofTtbourTh
am 1se, haa on bank with $7,800,000
avlngV"deposltT Minneapolis, not "o
Urge, has one with tl2.000.000i Cleve
land, a little larger, ha on with 144.
000,009. Perhaps nothing better illus
trate th different atmosphere which
surround "government ' and private em
ployment, and what . make it all th
more censurable Is the fact that many
of .th' Improvident employe re past
80; hundred ar past T. . ---
' Zooaom la JTavy. "
Flse economy on the part of th
house In th matter of naval approprta
tlona has placed th country In th
ridiculous' position of not being able to
man our wsrshlps or supply them with
officiant stores and ammunition In case
of sudden-need. All th tlm the
law-maker ar passing th free seed
graft and attempting to vote themselves
an - Increase In salary and stationery
allowance! Of all th legislation ema
nating from the lower house th naval
appropriation bill approaches nearer the
aubllmatlon of th silly than anything
they hav don thla'sesslon.
By paring f 12,000.000 Off this bill the
navy will be without reserve ammuni
tion for any of the Important guns, it
cannot continue needful target practice,
new vessels will have to be sent into
commission without ordnance stores,
there will be no reserve guns and no
rang-flndr for these In service and
no money to buy them. What a pretty
sneClat'le -we make In Hi world, plan-Mo
nlnf - tdbund h-lrget battleship
float and permitting those In th serv
ice to be most- seriously crippled in
their most vital neceasitle. The cause
of all thla stringent economy Is th
heavy expense of th Panama canaL .
' (Jonraal BoeciaLBer
Paris, June l. The first portion of
Walter . Wellman a Arotle exploring
party . I ready to start from Pari for
Spitsbergen.- Th . party . 1 under th
direction of Major Karey. Mi.Welhnan
will Join the" party at Spitsbergen In
about three week and th balloon trial
and other experiment preliminary to
th atart on th polar trip will be begun
July L ' '-.
Washington, Jun I. It is positively
and authoritatively denied, that Presi
dent Roosevelt was ever-interested In
any way In th packing business, either
In beef or pork. When he ran a ranch
outx west there wa a little packing
house not far from hi ranch, but he
wa not Interested in that or In any
.Other. The denial Is from the highest
available aource. ,, . ..
Baseball Oosslp.
Th Fresno Tigers, headed by Mike
Flaher. arrived In town thl morning
nd remained in Portland during the
day. Th Tiger ar en rout to Seat
tle and., will meet th Slwashes In a
aeri beginning tomorrow. ' Owing to
the-rsln yesterday th Angel and
plant did not play. '
i Ssgle Victorious.
Th Cagl defeated th Irish Slug
ger on th latter' field yesterday by
th scori-tf 12-to 7, M. McAllen
pitched a fast gam for th victor, and
also deserves special credit for hi work
with th atlck. aecurlng two home run.
Influenced by the work on - th Jetty
at th mouth of th Columbia, river a
new and deeper channel Is forming
across the bar, whll the old channel Is
showing sign of. shoaling allghUy in
om "place.
Thi was th report brought to Port
land thl morning by ' Colonel S. W.
Roesslsr, - United Stale engineer, who
returned from the Jetty this morning,
where he -spent yesterday In company
with Colonel W. H. Heuer. division engi
neer of th Paciflc- coast division, who
la on hi annual tour of Inspection. ..
"Our department commenced making
survey of th bsr several days kgo,
but th work ha been delayed because
af stormy weather and htgh' seas ,and
there. I -no telling how soon the survey
Will be completed, but it should hot 4sk
very long aiier ins wesiner semes
through th advice of Mrs. Plnkhsm.
of IjyM. Maaa.,' which i given to sick
women absolutely fre of charge. .
Th present Mm. Pinkhara has for
twenty-flve years made a tody of th
Ills of ber sex ; sh ha consulted with "
and . advised thousand of suffering - ,
women, who to-day owe not only their .
health but even Ufa to ber helpful
advice. . - . - . - .... -
Mr.- Fannie D. Fox, of T Chestnut
Street, Bradford, Pa., write i '
Dear Mrs. Pinkham '
VI suit rred-to-avJong .tlm with famsle
trouble, ana nnaiiy was tola by my pnyslctaa
that 1 had a tumor. I did not want to -submit
to an operation, so wrote yon for ' -advice.
I received your letter and did a '
.you told me. and to-day I am' completely
rureo. raj aoctor says in tumor naa dlaap-
sarea, ana I am once more a well woman.
believe Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vegetable Com. . '
pound is tb best medicine in th world. - "
The testimonials which we are con-
tantlTPUDliahingfroni grateful woman
nta blish- beyond a doubt, th power-of -
Lydia hi. 1'inkham vegetable Com-
ponnd to conquer female disease.
'Women eufferlDg ' "from atur form of
female weakness are invited to
oiuplly uominunluate WttK-HriZ
nkham. at Lynn, Mass. 8h ask
nothing in retont for her advice. It ir-
absolutely free, and to thousands of
women has proved to be more precious
than gold. ""'
(Jeoraal. Special Service.) .
- Scottstown, Ohio, - Jun 8. 4
'Two 'women wer drowned and
four ,other-peron . probably . :
"fatally hurt In a storm early
thl- morning. . -The deluge fell ..
for two hours. Two store and '
several houses wer demolished. ,'
Every house In town was moved 4
from its foundations. Ohio river 4
bridge were washed Sway and
farmer lost, heavily. r ,.- .-.wi.
" Th" Tribune .defeated th Portland "
Height team yesterday by a score of IS
-r thereby making; th m lb JI Ip ner s
0ftghtstTaJ ghr-gam'
played well. Scott pitched excellent
ball, striking out 13 men in the (even
Inning that wer played. . ',
Any. team of from 18 to II year of
age, desiring challenges will pleas call
up K, Scott, phone Main 4018, 'Th
player ar a follow:
Portland Heights. j ' - Tribunes,
Gordon n p Scott
Horn .............c..... Scott
McClur lh.....'....- Brown
Post .t.......... ..2b. ...... DeMarttnl
Nlcoll as Barrett
Lincoln .......... ,3b .......... . Brown
..... - DsMartlnl
,rf Barrett
.If Amachev
Th Grammar School Baaabail league
ha practically closed it race and th
Brooklyn . team ' come out a winner. .
There ar several postponed ' game to
be played, but they will not, affect th
results. . Tb race in th lea rue was a -success
In every way. It started on.
May I and laated Just a month. - - '
Th standing of the clubs follows: '
Brooklyn-.......' .1.. 1.000
Mount Tabor j... ....... ..... .,'. .378
Hawthorn ' r-i-.r., f- , -7M
William Avenue M. .(21.
Highland 42
Couch .2
Ladd 10
Atchison .009
(Joornil Special Service.) -'IChicago,
June .--President Roose
velt's political destruction Is planned by
the packer and other trusts which h
ha been prosecuting. . They say he can't
be trusted, .a he Is too radical and 1
ruining great . Industrie. . ,. :
Merrill has jf bank.
. ""Th surveyor report having found
a new and deeper ' channel to th aouth
of the old channel, which goes to show
that th Jetty Is accomplishing what 1 ,
being expected from It.- Ths old chan
nel I shoaling a little in spots, but Indi
cation are that the new chart now In
course of preparation will show a new
deeper andi better channel than th old
on.. ' , i '
"Colonel Heuer. wa much pleased ,
with the prog reus of th work, although,
he had a bad day for making th In
spection.' The wind blew a gal and ter
rific see swept up sgslnst ths "Jetty,
making It risky to travel over th en
tire stretch of trestle work." " ..,
Colonal Heuer wllWeturn .from' Fort
Stevens' this' sfternnoiirwile will not in
spect th Celllo" canal- because of th
high water, but leave for I'ufet sound
tonight instead. . . x' '
- . ' . . ..., -