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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 5, 1906)
i .J THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENING. JUNE 5, 1909. . ' town Topics' I - tOMIOHI f UHUIEXZXTa. rtr- star . '.rind VV.V,'.'.?.V.V.V.V.V. r ma ... 'A CoeTlete Wir" ,."A riaaaaat Kay1 ,,,, vaudeville . ...VUtTU A minstrel troune. composed of eea- n from the t'nlted Htites stesm.r Princeton, now lylnk In ths harbor. If arranging to give an entertainment foe tha benefit of tha Portland Beamen'e ln atltuta. Tha performance will ba given about June 20, and will ba similar to tha ona given at San Diego for tha Ben nington fund. . Permtaalon to gtva tha entertainment waa obtained by tha men from Admiral Goodrich, .command ing tha Paclflo aquadron, and Com mander Sherman of tha Princeton. .1 For Sale-Dargains lJ,ton hep wire,' tit ton. y It tone ''Remnant' . plow ataal cable. ."-, - -'-1 .0,009 feat different aixea 'pip. Ing. " ' 109 ton pulleya, ahaftlng, ate. ' Metala. ecrap' Iron and Junk of all daacrlptlona bought. 1 M. BARDE &S0N aamn An ausAir. . . The Rev. Dr. Arthur Smith, a dlatln guUhed Congregational mtaalonary-Oom China, will dllvr an addreaa at tha Sunny aids Congregational .church Wert neaday evening. Dr. Smith will apeak on condltlona In China, and may aleo . refer to tha work of tha Congregational convention, to which he waa a delegate, ' Tha Rev.. Cephas F. Clapp, who waa a delegate to (he convention from Oregon, wiu gtva1 an account of tha eonve ntlon. .""K practical illustration of the scien tific method of health culture waa given at' the First Congregational church last '. night by Professor W, Earl Flynn and Mra. Louis Mclntyr. . Profeaaor Flyan . 'delivered a lecture upon the exercise, of tha musclea In tha., way .beat calculated to prolong life, and at He conclusion complimentary tlcketa entitling tba re cipients to free leasons by Mra. Mcln tyre thla evening wer distributor. --At UcCoy," Orejton, today was held tha funeral aervtca of John C. Fletcher, who died Sunday at the Good Samaritan-) hospital of Brlght'a disease, lie waa one of tha beat-known ranchers In tha vicinity of McCoy, where he had lived for many- years. Ha waa a Mason and "an Odd Fellow.- He was born ",evJ-TStton-- laiuornia, in ana leaves a wiuow And two htldren. : ' Water . through boa for aprlnkllng yards of sidewalks, or washing porches r windows, must be paid for In advance - and uaad only between the hours of tand a. m. and ( and p. m. It must "not be ueed for sprinkling" streta.-Jt used contrary to theaa rules, or waste fully. It will ba shut oft Tha water department will receive water rates at Hi Umatilla avenue. Sell Park, next Wednesday and Thursday t:a a. ii to 4: p. as., from those - who may prefer to pay at thoaa places Instead of at tha regular water offices. - . Cactus dahlias.' They are tha 1a teat , Introduction In dahlias flowers odd and fantastic good bloomers very popular '.and satisfactory. Ask Portland Seed company about them. Front and Yam hill streets. Phono mala 473. : - Steamer Cascade for Ban Pedro, Los Angeles and San Francisco, Wedneaday, June a. I a. m. Tickets at Thompson's -xgenT, TfTrrrnnns wain tzt; atret dcK, Telephone Mala 2H. JURY FINDS FEHD IS GUILTY Vtrdict Returned Against Wife- Beater In Judge Cleland's "' Court Today. ; RECOMMENDED TO THE MERCY OF THE COURT Sentence Will Be , Pronounced by Judge Cleletid Within Few Dayt-L. Wife Reluctant to Teetify Afalnat Her Husband. --t . , Harry Fehd waa found, guilty of wife beating by a. jury In .Judge Cleland's court this morning after a short dsllb- The stsr witness for the prosecution wss Mrs.Tehdrrwho-Witlftsa thst-her husband came home at 11 o'clock at Bight and becauee aha told him ha had no bualness staying out so lata struck her In tha face with hlsnat. Tha assault occurred.. on May 10. and Mra. ' Fehd's - face -waa atlll dleoolorod when aha appeared In court thla morn ing. 7 She testified that her- husband had 'a habit of getting drunk and beat ing her. Fehd teetlfled In his own behslf that 7"amtt t Daweos) ataet,.ynlversltyl ha .did .riQtietrltee h Is w 1 f e and accused Races! ' " Rscea! '..:.. - Races! " Portland Hunt club, . - : Saturday," June t, 10. Beginning 1:10 p. m. . Eight racea - Watches. diamonds and Jewtotry on easy payments, tl down and to ojents per week. - AH malnaprlngs tl; all watehoa cleaned tl. Metiger a) Co. Ill Sixth at '- Butser'a seeds won gold medals at the exposition. His lawn graaa and sweet peaa were declared tha beat, lit Front street, between Temhlir and Taylor. v We are atlll Bailing aya glasaes at 11; a perfect fit guaranteed or money re--XundetL-. Metiger ColU Sixth Street her of" befni" anTaJc6fi6rflnar "When, she gets drunk on alcohol aha always hollera her bead off, " said he. He said aha waa drunk on the night of - the- assault, and ha had placed bis hand over her mouth to keep bar from making so much, noise. She. bit his finger and he puahed har head away to make her let go. When ho gva her head a ahovo It accidentally nit tha aide of tha bed ' and blackened bar eye. He also testified that his Wife scratched his face and. pulled his hair and seised a butcher knife and tried 40 atab him with it. When. Mrs. Fehd went on..the.wlttvt atand aha, eald aha did not -want to testify a earns t her husband. Deputy District Attorney O. C. Moser naked her a number of -searching questions and Fehd sat. looking at hla wife, tapping Ms lips with his finger aa If to indl rata that aha ought to keep silent. She aald aha was afraid to testify- against her husband. Tha Jury recommended Fehd to tha mercy of tha court. ' Sentence will ba pronounced In a few days. Mrs. Fehd has been held In the county jail aa a witness sines Msy 20. She was released "this morning and will And employment In Portland. - LMY USE HILL'S DIG ORIDGE Harriman "Lines Seek Advarv tagtout Crossing of Coium- - .. bia and Willamette. L: . GRADE LEVELS ARE NOW . MUCH TOO FAR APART At Annual Election L. Gerlinger'Ie Reelected President of Columbia i- Valley and Wallula Pacific Rail- roads With Other Officers. - An ' Important element In v the fight between Hill' and Harriman - rallrosd companies on tha north bank of tha Co lumbia la tha uaa of the big brldgea now being built by the Great Northern. and Northern Paclflo across tha Columbia and Willamette rivers. The Harriman companies have commenced :. construc tion of a railroad from Portland to Ta coma and Seattle .and th.'T desire the privilege of crossing ihcSe bridge on advantageous terms. ' . - If a compromise on the north bsnk la affected and a Joint construction agree ment Is entered Into. It will Include trackage rights on the Columbia liver and Willamette river! bridges. Grade levels on both sides j of tha Colombia river are so wide apart on preaerA sur veya 'that It would be Impossible for both ' companlas io -use 'these bridges, there being a difference of about It feet at Maegly Junotlon, which Is only a few handred yard a from th Columbia river bridge alte. To enable the Harri man road a to reach this bridge on an easy grade they must slthar aecure a eomr6mlsathatHIttn1ng both roads) to a grade crossing at Maegly junction or get a trackage-agreement that, will enable the Harriman trains to operate over Hill tracka from Vancouver to Portia nd. ; zrz ' - Anptml" election of officer for tha Columbia Valley and th Wallula Pa- t ctnu railroads, th two Haiilinaii oess panlea that'ar building a railroad Una down-tha north bank, was held at Van couver yesterday afternoon. Tha old officers . wer reelected aa follow: President. U Gerllngcr: vlcevpresldsnt Jamea P. Stapleton; secretary. E. M. I anda:,trsurr, L O-rllnger. f. J wise, chief engineer, ana u. AcmeiJU.Cov.seUJ th betafetyoll and fine gasolines. Phone East IS). ... For Rent.- 155: a t-room house.. l Montgomery, between Third and Fourth. For Quality, Quantity and Quickness go to' MorrtBTeetaurant. Dr. E. C Brown. Eye-Ear. ' Mirquam. Panama hatter. 111 4th. Phone Pao. 107. MANAGER PANGLE RETURNS FROM LOS ANGELES Says Comio Opera Stock Will Open at Heilig Theatre "Y. Sunday Evening. Manager W. T. Pangla of th Hellig theatre returned today from I.oe Ange les. where he ha been arranging for the appearance of th Lottto Kendall musi cal oompany at tho Hellig rn omle. op era stock. Hs report securing for the : Hellig production some foremost art iste. Among these are Lottie Kendall. Robert G. Pitkin, th well-known came. ln. Ben Lodge. Mlila Baron. Myrtle Vane. Laurel Atkins. Edgar F. Seamene. tha popular tenor. Belle. Iialo and Beealc TannehllL Ben Lodg has been with Savage productlona for years and Is pop ular. "Ther will b a choru of about 10." said Manager Pangle. "Th first bill, opening next Sunday night, will ba "The Rounders." to b followed by "Th Tele phone GirL" Tha proahictlon will ba put on at popular prices." ' Mr. Pangle reports that Dot and Billy Bernard, remembered by the patrona of th Columbia, are prosperous In Los Angeles and, are Inquiring after their friends hero, Kolh and Dill, who are well known to Portlandera, are playing O V la' Los Angeles to crowded houses. ' SEASONABLE :' NIGHTSHIRTS ,: ' : AND '' - PAJACIAS - ' We've a most excellent stock of slumber garments in all cloths and at all prices. See them. Hcwett, Bradley & Co. Haberdashers 3 J I Washington St. BROUGHER CHOSEN TO LEAD LOCAt MINISTERS Elected President of Ministerial Association at Regular Meet- ing'Thia Morning. ; : - Th excitement of two elections on tha aarae day would have been too much, so tha Ministerial association put off tta annual election yesterday and B rougher waa elected president to suc ceed Dr. T. B. Ford; Rev. A. J. Mont gomery wss elected vice-president, and Rev. H. C- Schafler secretary. The mlnlater are planning a picnic to take place as aoon as the weather permits. Dr. Mouse presented the plan and apoke of tha picnic of laat year at Dr. E. P. HIU' summer home, which promoted better aeclal feeling among th ministers than three or four years of monthly meeting. Th question wss put to a vote and commanded the II rat hearty and unanlmoua vote given at todays meeting. Dr. E. L. Houaa. Dr. Clarence True Wilson and Rev. A. J. Montgomery were appointed the committee, and Dr. Wilson asked that sweethearts ss well as . wives be In cluded In th picnic. A letter was read from tr. Brougher. who Is In Albany, expreaaing the appre ciation of the ministers for the work done by Mr. FTynn In bis lectures en health. The latter- part-of-tha aeeaiow wss devoted to sir illustrated talk by Mr. Flyniw,,.. Milwaukie Country Club." Memphis and Louisville races. Tsk Seller ood and Oregon City qars at Plrst an.1 Alder. '-- " Beaegt atntertalmmesi, - A program of exceptional merit will be given at tha First Christian church this evening by Webber's string quartet. Mra. Beal'a music pupil snd Mrs. Oll leaple s school of expression. An offer ing will be taken for tba San Francisco tVV C TiLV wh lc H hag. luiffe red. grea Ujr. VLEJSUNDVOTERS DID NOT CAST BALLOTS -r-r . . ww 0i For the third consecutive elec tion the votera of precinct is, Sauvta's Island, had no oppor tunity to cast .their ballots, owing; to- th fullure of th elec- fion Doard to organise, Ther but a handful of voter In th precinct. A difference of opin ion arose ss to th proper plac for polling plsce, with the eon se quence thac two of the election officials failed to appear yester day morning st thq hour for. opening. tha polls. TH four who were on hand declared 'that they had no right to receive ballots In tha absence of the remainder of the board, ao th voter of th precinct were disfranchised. ' Residents of' this precinct have not had aSS opportunity to vote alnco. l0fl. . ton, general counsel, win be- reappointed by tha president. Th Columbia Valley la . pushing -conatructlon work with about 400 nan at various points along the north bank and force of men with a steam plant I -drilling a tunnel Into th eaat aide of Cap Horn, where tha Harriman and HIU forces are contest ing tha right of way. There to dif ference of several feet In their grade level through the-Horn ' and the tun nel survey croes each other, so that there Is bound to be a clssh whsn they meet underground unless a eompro mll;btwTr the opposing companies La - effected, before their force meet. Bleating Is being done by both force. Numeroue . condemnation aults have been Inatltuted by th rival eompantee at various points where their surveyed routes Intersect on th narrow beaches along the north bank of the river.. Th Hill companies are fighting for an- in dependent double-track Una from Ken newlck to Portland and the Harriman people are atruggling to force an agreement- by which the rights of way may ba shared equally and one of the tracks be constructed by the Harriman com panies, i THE TLITMI IT THEATRE tttk aa I aTllItflllV Pkeae Waaalagtne aulas, W. T. PANGLE. "Manager. Tkarsaay, Trlaar sad Saturday Vl(aa, Zaae f, ( aad BTatiaee gataraay "-Ia-TeT ef'tfea trntw Icaua tai i-amous ROYAL HAWAIIAN BAND or mowLtriv.,', 60 Musicians, 60 Singers A Military Band, a String' Orrkeatra, a Maaaulla. Usltar and Biojo Chia, a Cbotr ana guio glasera. PHeee Lewer Soar, rtfat 10 row. 1 00; remainder. 75c Italeoor rtrat 4 rows, TBe; teialader. ior. - Gallery 2Se an 3f. Mat lnee Lea-er tear. Tie aa aOe. Saleeay SALS Or SIATS TCUDAT. BASEBALL Athletic Park . . Corasr Tsngsja aa Twaaty-fourth Portland vs LosLngeles tames CaUid SdQ p. am. OaUy. - Samsa Called lats. a. Snmday. XrfMtlae Bay rxlday. ADMISSION 25 CENTS GRAND STAND. 35a. CHILDREN. lo. BOX SEATS.. ISO. - Baker Theatre ESS ZlSJfiJzz: V Faeae Stan 1SOT. The Baste e KigVCiaae ateeh- AQ tola wees Ma Urn Sataritar. the Craad- . eat production er tna (ear Hall , Cilna'e Wonderfnl sntleaal Drama. "THE ETXXNAL OTY" Tuiuieaaa east, swsautoeat aoanarr. ana. Biented orckeetra. PRICES gTe., at. sbo. toe; Mat. 15e. foe. QRA1ND Wek of Jung 4th Bit Orphean. ' Vaudeville AKsTSTSOWO ASO XOXXT ... at .... ... "Tue Eiprmmaa" XATDA CO. ezoias tzokas. XIXsw-OXTst Airo , BOAT. B10ADWAY IklO. . baaold Rorr. - OEAJIDiacoyg. - To 5 r Phone Private Ex. 4 -Order Groceries . Wtoke Pays" The Fifth Annual "Jane White Days" tale now fa progress b proving the mott tnccessfal we ever laacga rated Successful not only from the view of greatly increased sales, but from the igdBceat stocS of white merchandise we have provided for your choosing "-Never before has Portland seen snch ira mense and complete assortments of seasonableitnd stylish wearing apparel for women, men end child ren as well as white homehold effects of every description , Entire St ock "of Lace Robes at "Jiine White Sale " Prices This Is an opportune sale, coming J at when the demand b most wanted The prices are all snca as will cause astonishment among economical buyers. The special reductions on our entire stock, Induding Net Robes, White and Colored Lierre Robes, White and Cream Princess and Mstftrabe Lace Robes, Batfate Robes, White, Pink, Blue and Bern Hera ere some of the values : White Net Robes, the $7.00 values $2.75 tWhitfrimd Colored Net Robesr$ 1 0.00duc36.7e5L Esprit and Dotted Net Robes, $16.50 valncs. $11.75 WMteJandXiMnJL , n n n i in . i i j i i n inn i .1 ' 1 '""in ' IT-'" " ' ' ' ""' -.-"''.t.-.- --ri Embroidered - Batiste Robes at greatly reduced prices The $7.00 values at S3.50 The $10.00 values at $5.00 The $15.00 and $16.00 values all at $1 1.75 each. Our new assortment of Hand Embroidered Linen Robes are also inclndad ta this offering $15.00 Values at $1 1.75 $20.00 values at $13.75 75c. $ 1 Hosiery-39c Pr. Special lot of women's sample Hosiery, com- prising fine lislgr-tacgs-and-mbroklered effects,-good assortment of col- jiQi, ors, all sizes; 75c and $1 values... J'C Special .lot of children's silk lisle Hose, ex tra fine quality, all sizes, black and white ; regular 35c values on sale at, pair. .23 Childrea's lxl rib Hose; 35c values.. 25 Women's black, white and tan lace lisle Hose, allover and lace boot effects; also silk lisles, all sizes ; regular 50c ''lrw and 65c values on sale at, pair.7.C Women's IttUnd'nvcar Women's high-neck, long-sleeve Swiss rib-bed-yests,. in pure white; all ... sizes ; best 50c values ; at,, each . . . aaf C "Women's fine -gauze lisle Union Suits, ": "Harvard' Mills"- brand; high neck, long - sleeve, ankle length or knee, length, low . neck and sleeveless, all sizes; np $1.25 values at this low price... OC Women's low-neck, . no-sleeve 'Vests;" silk and lisle mixed; best 60c values.... 47V Women's fine ribbed, lace-trimmed Um- - brella Pants, all sizes ; regular 50c at 41e Sundries - Jo vclry Sterllnv Silver Shirtwaist Set, lar variety, at Coral Bea4 Keoklaaes lavUsbfr sink; (rest value at .....S3 Nickel Watch, stem wind aa4 stem est. silk -chain! rreat value.. 79e) Fancy Mounted Combs, with or with out stones 11.2a and I UK) vs lues. en sale (or ............ .,....BJa 15o Amber Hatpins, each. . . . . ,X0) Good Heavy Whisk Brootna.....8a) White-face Chamois, acb..v...T 4T11" Perfume, all odore; treat value, ounce......;.,. .2i3 Mothball,. H-lb. pkc ....... ...8d Hatln Bkln Cream,' Jar. .. . it .,18 ISe bar White Castile 8oap....ief Bathaswaet Toilst Powdsra and Hoap. Bpeclal at ................ Coke" Dandruff Cur and Hair Tonlet areat valu -..i, ,.;, S3d Palm Olive Boap. Bpeclal ,ff Dascmcnt Specials .At Jcne Sale Prices BeaaUfal Cat eiaas. Very Law Mead. Cut Ola Nappies with handle; ll.0 value fl.SO Cut Olaaa Spoon Tray; $I.7s value tf-.r.Tr.-zr: tv;-.- f 2.48 Cut Olas Bud Vssea; f l.S value . i . eaioa-. man vioiet nowi; value - for ...f, 1JI5 -Inch Cut Ola. Vaa; ff.lo value f OV"V i ri i ." . 4 ' ' b-rrm 8S.90 s-inch Cot Olas. Vases; fl.T value for fT.8S Cut Olaa Bowl, handsoms cut, three ! 111.71 at . 7. ... . .7. . ... . . f iO.48 lio.ov tui uiaas iron ifassets - for ...... .-S9.00 Cut Olas Water BolUea; 7.I value ...... .....86.75 Cut Ola. Oil and Vlnecar Cruets. ach 83.15 Finest Cut Olas Bowl; III value .-wr.-. -81818 Cut Olas. Butter Dlahee; fio.o value f9.0 Cut Olaa. Jelly Dtahe. with foot. ach ..84.SO -t.-lrri-pl'd Pralt Dasket 88.88 Si silver-pita moop Tureens.. pz. 20 Hertlaa Dlnnf N. sfaraaUlss rattara 0-ptece; tlltO value.,.. .817.50 100-piece; US.7 value., .-828.00 White Haviland P1nnr St. Ban-. : em pattern " -place, $ 1 vahis....... .817.00 10-plece. lt.7 value. .. . .826.00 White Oerman China Pinner Bets. 0-pteee. 111. value -810.75 10-piece. viu......818.10 Vletna" White Dtaawr Bats. saaaVrttraoas- . -piece, value. 180-plece, fl.iO value Set of Sauce Dish aa. Olaa. Berry Dtaa 84.SO ....... fT.6S . owar .228 : : : ' : --. : : j oil Ms 'luiry U ., STAR TJlIiATHE J CseinapalDa; Monday, June e firth . Week - STaVX IOCK VUSLTAJIX . 1 MA Pleasant Dav" la Caaaorttoa With a Itrea. Tsssavtlls OUa, PANT AGES "VS Aim mi ana a nn annrrt csuaaUTED do o kohxxt viauua. ' steClm aa BTaWlta. --TlMohar aad Nolan. aTlas Alia Hsbam. faaa-Wuaaa. Mirin Piataraa. rrrtmmmtm tallr at t:S0. T SO and s. at. Sdmlaatoa 10 and IMr; baxea, !Ba. Cadl and rhllilraa admltt to ear seat St- weak dar autlmw tnr lOe. UYRIC THEATRE Bvary aitsmeaa' and yvaafa. faitlaaa't Papnlar Sanaa, , ' Th. lt.Uaiiaiatie tuaaaaa "A COrVICTS"VITlL, 19 THr ACTS. I mm p m if Mar. THE SUPREME COURT HAS DECIDED THAT WE MUST-VACATE ONE OP OUR STORES BY JUNE 15. Whatever tnay be our private opinion of the justice of the thingr-wt muit-bowUqLthe decislon of the Oregon Supremo Court. HALF OF OUR STORE SPACE MUST BE SURRENDERED HALF pF OUR STOCK OF FURNTTURET MUST BE QUICKLY SOLD. Half the ordinary prices will therefore prevail on much of our stock, and we thall not expect to reap even half of the profits on the ' Great mmY-lJP FOMITO SMJS Wc law Inamguraited to Clear Our loose . .... Every. piece of. furniture, carpet, range and heating stove in the house will be sacrificed at once. We cannot help It f . The Supreme Court, the highest tribunal of the state, has affirmed the decision of the court below, therefore we are ia for it and ,will take our medicine like little men. . j . '. .-j . ' ' - ThenMe Will Benefit ty. ir; RMortoEe It may secure anything it desires in the line of house fur niohings anything anybody uses in the home, the hotel, res-" -taurant or office t prices that will warrant extra exertion on the part of the purchaser to immediately supply his wants. - -IT IS A ROUGH-AND-TUMBLE FIGHT ON OUR PART TO CLEAR OUT HALF OF OUR BUILDING BE FORE BEING HELPED TO MOVE BY THE SHERIFFS DEPUTIES. We have got to get out on the 14th day of June. .The new tenant must have possession on June 19. Those who buy quickly, therefore,'. wul not only secure tremendous bargains, but will do us a neighborly turn by helping us to quickly thin out our stock. - - . ( - - . rr wni pay, pay, pay to cuy iaviseiy, ata) tdat at o;:ti X . i ; ! ,j rz:::: . ...I roLLow Tim 1 nwi loNTmtoi; 2' it PFHIOHMAMI a aUaan, ttataa