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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 5, 1906)
1 THE OREGON DAir?jOUKNAlir-PORTLANI.-TUESDAVEimiGUNE 5, 1900. i - HIT BY SEVERE GALE- "y:, Steamers Roanoke and F. A. ' Kilburn Arrive Here From Ports In California. MANY PASSENGERS COME FROM SAN FRANCISCO Captain Dunham ' Reports Having Sighted Derelict Logs From Big Raft aa Far South as Caps Sur, and , : Going South With Current. Two steamers, the Roanokeand F. A. : Kilburn, arrived from coast porta dur--- Ing the night, botU reporting severe weather Sunday night and yesterday: Captain Dunham of . the Roanoke ro il' porta that h etruck the 1 heavy blow : Sunday night after having 'left Eureka ' and the atrong wind and heavy seaa sent , him along at a lively rate. The 17 pas-' ' sengers .were subjected to some -violent tossing but their experience would .have been much worse had the steamer not been running before the wind. . . Many scattering ,logs from the raft lost by the steamer Kranpes IL Leggett off Cape Mendocino were sighted In the vicinity of Cape Sur, -which goes to show that the logs have drifted some - !0 miles since he rsft . broke up. al though southerly winda have prevailed COASTERS a good, part of. the time. The Roanoke left Ban Francisco Thursday night, half an hour after the "" departure of the . steamer Pomona, still the latter had not reached Eureka when the Roanoke left thatort for the Co lumbia river Sunday afternoon.- Captain MerrUun-oC the JCllburn also reports having encountered the storm of Sunday afternoon tout his -steamer-only gained time aa a result of the blow. The Kllhurn.jreEhed. Ore enwlcii. dock J'Q.. i - at I o'clock last night, bringing 74 pas- sen gyrs-mid t tews ef mUrellaPfPU Trel gTitrr TTapTginrWi I H iii atso repeat - having sighted some of the logs lost by . the Lease tt. . ! . . v.'.. . - .. --" r. The KUburtl Slls tomorrow night and . ine noanoue puns out inuriun man ; FAVOR INSPECTION. - Owners ef Tranches Operated for Birs ":. Believe Bew Befnlattons Timely. ' "Launch owners in general are pleased to learn that the government' will soon assume jurisdiction over craft propelled . by gasoline, despite the fact that they may come unaer me le-ion capacity limit. The government inspectors of hulls and boilers will find -It their duty to license captains of any email craft propelled y power and operated for , hire, . and the rules recently established -prescribe that, master JBf such craftjjio matter how small, will have to take oui a license. ' The license will not be difficult to se cure, it Is understood,- but the inspectors wilt have the authority to revoke it for display of Ignorance or negllgsnoe in operating the craft and for this reason it la believed .that the hew regulations " will prove a safeguard against accidents "nd loss of Hfo.-;-"-";;;--" Th inspeotors are not in possession .of tbe necessary blanks and permits and .it may be some time before the new reg ulations will be enforced. TRADE WILL GROW. Csptais Oreat Future for the Philippine. ' . ! Captain Mann of the Brlt'sh steamer Tottonham says that in a few years : vessels carrying . lumber and ether Tfrelght fn'in this eosst to Mantis will not have to return In ballast, because the Islands have the finest assortment of hardwoods to be found anywhere in the world. - Lack of transportation fa cilities places 'the material beyond ".reach at present." "The Philippine islands abound with .. Immense forests and I predict large shipments of hardwood to the Paclflo coast as soon ss railroads begin to 'penetrate and tap the-regions remark ablv"rfrh"ianirnber: - !WlthAmerl will only take a few years' time to de velop" the islands and, then sn Immense 20-DULE-TEAr.l PURE ThJe Trade Mark Guarantees the Pmritj ; MOST BORAX IS ADULTERATED - WITH SODA Which Is Unsatisfactory --r and - ? s'" Often " Injurious TEST YOUR DO RAX JjQtoPPrinLOHjt Stroirf Vlrjefar. If the borax bubbles it is impure . and shows adulteration with soda. . Aa pfllf sw awffsanf HAniV I " ss-e: i i.iiiiaa , Will Not DubbU When Vinegar Is Applied -: Deoause 2Q-r..ULE-TEAM CC.TAX . Is Pure M ' If your dealer hat not JO-Mule Team "Borax, take no substitute. Don't buy bulk borax. Write us, Inclosing 5 . cents, giving dealer's name, and we will, nail you apscksge, and Include 40-page Illustrates wooiciet, uorai u tne nome. Connanr. Races Bolldlnc, - - --' -:J IS II j . .A. aSSTi; t . T V ATRST rutrscn-T cuaoos " ' KmrTTVEt-T BEWEWCIAt. ; In Bosodont Tooth Pasts are combined the antiseptic, alkaline ' and astringent properties of Soxo dont Liquid and ths smoothness of Bozodont Powder. - Will not .harden in the tube or decom pose. ; Is positively free from acid and grit. Will not tarnish or scratch the enamel or gold work of ths teeth. Sold in col- ' lspsiblo tubes at all stores. SswT Fl": "A tic I gtrkitt Wtr itrlanJ," ss SMMjisf sad ollnxlk'e , lutl itory for ths (hUirtn. Hau, a Rtrckii, New York City. trsdf will spring up with ine Pacific coast. "Manila will eventually be the great flty CT Ul raTMt. TMfTirw ques--tion about It. The city is growing aiaagKag!ii-jtyy--buns-bJocka, being in course of construction when we were there a little over a month ago.- - .. .-. : SCHOONER IN LUCKl Zttls Bennett Oet .low Immediately ' '-"tlpon alaachlnr the lver. ' Wind and luck was with the schooler XvOttie Bennett - Saturday, afternoon when she arrived off the Columbia, river bar and she did not lose a minute in picking up a tug boat. With ber sails spread she kept pace with tbe tug while a line was passed aboard and without interruption the tow for the bar was In progress. " " " The Xottle Bennett was II days on the way from Ban Pedro, but Captain Rasmussen reports an uneventful yoy- schooner lay in a dead calm. 8 he com menced loading lumber at the North Paclflo Lumber ' company's mills this morning. . .. AT SEAMEN'S MISSION. Mrs. B. A.. eaJ ; IN Arranged ;iUe rroa-raaa for week's Ooawert. The weekly concert at the Seamen's Institute tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock will be under the direction of Mrs. E. A. Beats, who has arranged the follow ing program: Vocal duet. Miss Nancy Beals, W. 8. Rasmussen; recitation. Master 8. Gold stein; vocal trio, Miss Nancy Beals, Miss Frances Bingham,.- W. 8. Rasmussen; cornet solo, M. J. Impala, United States flagahlp Chicago; reading, Miss Dls brow;' vocal solo. Miss Frances Bing ham; reading, Miss Maud Llllle; vocal eolOr-Mlse-Kancy Bealst-trombone solo. w. s. castelluccl, United Btates flag, ship Chicago; recitation. Master 8. Gold stein; vocal solo, Mrs, A. B. Price; read ing. Miss Dlsbfow; vocal quartet. United Btates ship Princeton; duet, cornet and trombone. Messrs. J. Impala and I.- 8. Castelluccl, United States flagship Chi cago; vocal , duet. Miss Nancy Beals. Miss Francea Bingham; reading, Mies Msud Llllle; chantey, eeamen; national anthems. 5tGfl STOKERS HERE, White Men Aeeept risoes Deserted by Mohammedans on ths Alseaga, J -White sailors and firemen will be en gaged at this pert this afternoon to fill the place of the half' dosen Mohamme dans who deserted the German steamer ssr-, LlAlbeng While she was-receiving lumber at the mills of Inman. Poulsen A Co. The Albenga will sail this afternoon for China with - 1.708.000 feet of lumber, shipped by the Pacific Export Lumber company.- The big steamer went through the bridges yesterday afternoon fully laden, and docked at' the coal bunkers near the Alblna ferry landing to store up with fuel for the voyage across the Pacific ALONG THE WATERFRONT. The BrTtinstemrT3tnwrcTrir BUS to arrrlve her tomorrow evening. She Is reported as having left Vancouver, British Columbia, for Portland this morning. " I ' ' The British ship Bardowle moved to the Portland Lumber company's, mill this afternoon to-load lumber. The four-masted schooner which has been oft the bar for several days is be lieved to be the W. II. Smith, from San' Pedro. She stood in close . Saturday night, butvfalled to pick up a tug In time to make the bay that night and so stood out agalrt. -. Twenty' steam schooners are tied Up In San Francisco because of their own ers refusing to grant the sailors' de mand for an increase In wsges. - Several tars have deserted from the flagship Chicago and the police are on MARINE NOTES. Astoria, June 8. Arrived down at 4 and sailed at 10:& a m, steamer Costa Rica, for San Francisco. Outside it lie i. . four-masted schooner. Sailed at 10:60 a. m., uerman steamer rwuman- tin, for Hongkong and way porta and Schootter W. F. Jewett, for Redondo. San ' Francisco. June - I.- Arrived, steamer Csarlna, from Portland.' Astoria, Jun 4. Left up at 4:10 p. m.. steamer Roanoke. i Astoria, June . Condition of the bar at I a. m., rough; wind, southeast; weather, cloudy. . . ' Antwerp, Jilne t. failed. May ' 25, British, bark Oweetiee, for Portland. PLANNING RECEPTION TO WILLIAM J. BRYAN Lincoln, Neb, June Cltsens ere preparing a nonpartisan reception for William J. Bryan when he returns from abroad In August STORE OPENS AT8A.M. WE "DIFFERENT" STORE Everybody EXTRA MEN -EXTRA I ALL ABOUT The things men want are here r sa. i jv waV m j r i l men are wont to pay. We're striking out boldly to win more men's trade. : We realise we're pulling against a tide of some of the finest men's stores In the United States. Stores that Port land is proud Of and with reason. ' Vet we're confldent.."of being able to do just a little better for men In the- way of price than most exclusive stores, for-our1 organisation helps bring the goods t) us for less.. If you can see an ad ventage In trading, with us we'll be glad of providing savings of which these items serv aa example , ' -,, w. . . ',,' ; , . v. :. Ken's ei.sO Xtsle Vaderwear t3o Men's fine white mercerised. Hale Underwear one of . the finest garments for Summer wear; eur f l.!6 value. Special at, the garment . -93f Men's S50 Kaadkerehlef 15 Men's pure ( white Richardson's linen Handkerchief. Special at, . each ' . .. .,.-, ....,.. .'..' .,.....;.,,. 154 Men's TSs lghUhlrts 3o Men's plain white twilled muslin Nightshirts; our best 75c value. Special at. each ...., ,.. 53e ' S1.B0 Bas Teat fl.ts Men' Special aU. each. ,.u , 3 . ..... . WEDNESDAY SEES THE LAST OPPORTUNITIES OF Women's Suits; Skirts FLOOR. WSBITBMAY TBS A' Sweeping Reduction of Absolutely Every 'Ta1l6ndCo1oni5ut lit ; the House ox a mui un Tans i (White - Suits Which Are All Independently Reduced Dur- ing the June "White ale' r Ar "Not Included - In- "T" "This List. A sweep! na reduction of the tocks of Tailored Suit, al- .lo wing-full andljceecholce. of any and all (with the sole ex ception a noted above) at fol lowing sharp reductlonk: ; tlttr-utt ...........$8.33 IIS. 00 Suit $10.00 in to suit 812.33 I2S.0O Suits $16.67 Suit i..vr$0.00 Its.oe Suits ......... $23.33 And Suits ranging in price up to S1TS.00 all go into the sal at reductions proportional. Underpriced fcw Shirtwaist Suits Reduced a Fourth : Summer Shirtwaist Salts I D slaty Creations in Wew Worsteds, . $15.00 So 975.00 Values at On Fourth. Xadnctloa. " SEE F1ETH STREET WINDOW. " A StTMMXB BBXSS AT niOl OF WAXST VBXTTT WXZTB BBXSSBA VOBT1 SB.aO.TO $30.00 AT SAtS WBBBSSBAT. . SPBOZAB ZlCPOBTAsTT SA&B OF WOIOFI COATS AT OSTB - TB3BB BSBVOTXOsT. ' ' WOnsIl WAXKIBO SxOBTS BXBTICBB A5.00 StOBTS FOB ' $3.33, $8.00 SKlBTS $53, $10-00 SXZBTS $S S7. REALM COUNTRY GIRL IN THE CITY ' Various are the reasons thst bring the girls from' the country to the city to earn a livelihood. Somej of them have been forced by circumstances to decide what they shall do for their own support, some are, ambitious for a career, others are restless and discon tented and choose the city because It provides excitement. It Is safe to ssy, however, thnt a majority of- the girls have no choice In the matter, they musCearn aTrvhig-Tmd His country home or little Vila ire offers but a mea are opportunity. From the ranks of these are recruited a large proportion of our clerical workers and aaleswomen but serious are the obstacles and dls- couragoments that meet them at every turn. Th field eems altogether over crowded, no room for even the modest foothold ssked for, snd the thoughtless, careless, heSrtleesness of the city,- Is appalling k The city s Incidental expenses, temp tation and furious competition are overwhelming and valiant Indeed 1 th spirit' that I undismayed thereby. &fe ANOTHER PAGE OF BEAUTIFUL CHILDREN'S IX ( i i i, ' i ii Next Sundav'a Journal will print dlTdren entered In the pretty bsby contest. The photogrsph come from all i-TXnolnts Yr f Uregon Slid Wastiiimtun sml I Is -taken In the effort to determine, th. tmn .tales. - , "Of course Portland ss the largest city has the greatwt nsmber'of pretty children, but the pictures that come from the chief towns In Ore gon and Washington prove that to population there are aaj many band some children outside aa there are Inside Multnomah. I This contest haa been productive of mniny surprises; I one Is, that th grandparents of the babies in Oregon snd Washington take aa much . Interest In It as do the parents thsmselves, and many off the photo graph have been brought in by the older people, whoee pride In the little one I a beautiful thing to see, Th prise are worth wlnnlna. tI The baby who is. declared to be the. prettiest In th two state will get a bankbook with a $20 dnposlt tn one tut the savings banks; to three other muga -, The photographs should be sent in as' early as ..possible, and should bear ths nam or th child snd th parent' address. - ',, , -' All "children In Oregon and Washington under -years of age are eligible.' The contest closes on. Jun to. . aAaaa......aaiaaai wwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwt OLDS, Reads the 0ldsr Wortman.&:: King -Announcements SPECIALS FOR WEDNESDAY MEN'S BARGAINS with less to paV for 'em than plain whit duck Bar Vesta, with sleeves; . . . . of THESE UNUSUAL PROVIDING Coats and ing now at lit -"l.'fl t I too value, White ' Kid each . ..... FEMNINE r"Acheerless;-Tooin. n boardlng-hniise table and the absolute Indifference : to her existence by the throngs she passes through! ' No wonder the forlorn unit feel keenly the pangs of homesickness. With conditions such as these the warning' Is easily understood that no girl should com to the city without funds to draw upon and even then IK 1s better to accept a position, however humble, at once and "work up" than to materially diminish - the sum of ready ensh which should always be kept to draw -upon . - . If girl 1 forced to enter the city' line of applicant and 1 without friends or funds the wisest course to pursue Is to go at once to the Toung Women Christian Association, where she will ftfa asslsted-n every iway possible In finding, work And a home. . One of the primary truths for" the newcomer to grasp Is that money I an absolute necessity In the metfopoll and nowhere Is the Inelastic dollar more elualve. .A soon a employment la se cured a small sum should be laid aside each week and this despite the fact that every window offers dainty trifles for - i ' ' " r ' ' ' I ' " ' another naaa of handsome clill- tiinm wiwt a wldessaas mta who really has the prettiest babe In "W - will b given beautiful sliver VJ0RTMM1 & THERE ME MANY REASONS, A FEW ARE PRIUTEDf DAILY, EXAMPLES FOLLOW TODAY: Miss reading them and you'll miss news of unmatch able values unless you hear it by word of mouth from ydurwiserand morefbrtuhate ..)'. ": ;. neighbors.- . T our best at tl.SO. $1.25 BnnMiirdlhatDurA the June White the flood, Evefyz ASiving PRETTY SUMMER RIBBONS Im Bewtlderiag- Array A Convutlon of Bexoarkahl Valaes, I...: . Ll. . FIRST FLOOR. .. --. -1': Chooslngs war never o lavish; display surpass all former try. The greatest lot of the wanted sort of Ribbons ever shown by any local ribbon shop. We make the statement advisedly, knowing It to be true by comparison. All the popular-priced .. grade of handsome new Ribbon that Summer faahlon call for foe milady's-us and wear , Thousands jupon. thousands ot yards yea, thousand of mile of pretty ribbon came to u last week from a manufacturer . who was that anxious to clear decks for Fall action that, he sacrificed half hi price and we've got the good luck here; ready to share with you.. A big lot. divided in two lot tha first being mad up of regular 60c value that we've marked for Wednesday at, yard.. ..25$ The other Include value up to SOc; these you may have at, A BELT SALE LEATHER GOODS SHOP FIRST. rLOOR ANNEX. An avsnt planned to interest women who want n smart Belt for their own wear or for the budding miss. f cos White leather Belts $3o. A line of White Leather Belt cut and shaped to fit the figure . perfectly? nicely stitched throughout; has nickel buckle; our special at, eacn 1 So White Bid Belt 40O, Belts, straight cut and thoroughly white leather-covered buckles; our t6o value. Special at. : $5s B aster Brown Belts IS. White "Buster Brown" .Belts, with dip front; :6c value. 'Special at, each the wardrobe and jtollesnd a lempting array of bonbons. Not that the worker must deny herself all luxuries, but each day must represent a saving against th proverbial rainy one. The public library solve th reading matter question and the newcomer who ha some time i each day should avail herself of th membership privllegea Aside from the recreation afforded by fthornagsstnes and aUuiy books a dafUJ nlte line of study rah be pursued, one card being Issued solely for non-flctlon works and these books may be .kept 14 day and then renewed, allowing a month's tlm to go through It thor oughly. . Sunday need not mean a day of lassi tude and lachrymose tendencies, for there are strengthening sermons, uplift ing songs and lecture that are a mental stimulant all to be had for the choos Int. .... Aflu'Ulthttt make for success In th country glrrs i lifenhdBiTT--t-r seir-rellance. Not only In tbe execution of the . daily tasks but In the social links formed. It Is well, to remember that ones own company I more de sirable than questionable friendships, A ride to the end of the streetcar line and back, with 'your own thoughts as com panions Is a restful way to take an out ing and if you can truthfully say: "I am never less alone than when alone" half the perplexities of city life, will have been banished. , ' LINEN SUITS. Linen, gowns simple -enough for morning or sufficiently elaborate for the afternoon are alike smart, and linen la to be used on -pretty., nearly, all. occa- slew ilil 44ae4e- ore and light. nil . infl, pals tones that look cool, with the thermom titer at its highest point; all these are on the market. Linen suits, that la. coat and skirt costumes, are designed for traveling; and for general morning wear, when Th coat are most of them full and qultb short The dark ahadea are re lieved by white lace or lingerie collars snd cuff a The long coats, too, are frequently enllred by deep white 'em broidered collar - if the sleeves are short titers Is a little white cuff at the elbow Just the same, but while all the short ' jackets have sleeve of elbow length,, the long coat ar made with three-quarter or full length aleevea. The long aleevea are full. to the elbow and then caught into a deep tucked' cuff which 1 finished off at the wrist with a flat band of embroidery or lace. : FURNITURE ioVERINCS. ' The handsomest cretonne. of th sea son ar of English, rather than French. MM flf TH, SIXTH AKD WASHIHGTON STREETS ;in Special Inducements for Good reliable Footwear Bargains these. All the mora wonv derful beoausa leather's up. The-Shoes at each' price are a standard at that price must be, or we wouldn't , quota It.' When -It's Impossible to-provide a' rertaln shoe at an old price we'll, have 'to raise it and. we'll tell you. W won't. skimp ths quality. Isn't that fairer; than countenancing afraud? Meanwhile we have some unusual values at less than the usual price that, you'd better shared tomorrow, Mr. Man 'patron of the Shoe Store. Meats S3-S0 and S4.00 Shoe for SAAt-Six 'style in Men patent and bright leather Shoe and Oxfords; mad by high-class shoemakers. ' Theae shoe rang in value up to 14.00.' - Special : Sale price,. Die pair ...,,-.. , , .... . . j i ... ...... .. ..... ... ' . 82.89 Men's Shoe Worth to SB.00 for t3.s Twelve styles of Men's Shoe in patent leather, gunmatal, black or tan calf and kid leathers; either shoes or Oxfords, in Blucher or lace patterns. Some are expenalve penel design set In with dull coif stock; others Just, fin plain shoes. Nothing , is offered that is In any way undesirable or out of style; value to 13.00.. Special Sale price. the pair 83.49 Where's That Yhzminxrtk.Hiummeratf Fair, IS Every wanted new style. and charming coloring 1 embraced In the collection. Model becoming to all, age from the budding miss-to the mature matron.' "A Hat for every form and fac. . Style and beeomlngness la evident in every line with beauty .a a keynote, - Sailor, turban and dress hapea.vla for. your favoe In tha nhooalng- , . artistically with dainty flowers,' pretty ribbons' and feathers, one of the best offerings of "the season, this, for Wednesday. Splendid values. at from $f.00 to ft.00 in a bargain ravel ' at . ;.v.;.....$a.4 iioe r German Appliques for Half 7 ART SHOP SECOND FLOOR ANNEX. ' ' " A large sample line of German -Applique Dollies and Center- Mieces in round or square endless variety or style, witn -plain nemsutcneo or scalloped borders. Tons' Choice at ZaU Frio. CHILDREN S WHITE JACKETS SSS) -$2.50 Values for $1X3 Each stitched; have SECOND FLOOR Children's Whfte ' Pique Jsckets, made double-breaated, with large sailor collar, trimmed In embroidery Insertion applique, fancy braid and embroidery edging; ages i to 4 years; our tlfo value. Special at, each .$1.T3 two-buckles; our 19d - - Eon . ... . A The Best Scooting Soap Mait -A Seotirtns Soap A Metal Polish A Glass Cleaner ' t- origin tn pattern. Pompadour patterns are delightful, but the pale colors fad so quickly that the practical housefur nlsher haa grown rather tired of them and now buy old English pattern of hollyhock, richly colored dahlias, enor mous roses and birds gorgeous In col oring and extremely decorative. They are so showy and rich that a room with hanglnga or furniture covering of one of - the richly - colored - large pattern stuffs needs no other ornamentations In the way of picture or ornament. and some of - theea- art fabric re e beautiful tha mak th sverags pli-tnr. n.l ornament. lnnk ri.rllp tawdry and superfluous. HEALTH HINTS. From th Boston Globe. Fat .fault hefnra meal Eat wholesome, well-cookd food. Asparagus stimulates the kidneys. Eat sparingly of highly-seasoned food. Watercress Is an excellent blood pur ifier. Honey. .Is a good substltuts for cod liver oIL Onions and celery ara both good nerve tonlrA . . Parsnips poases about the same vir tues as saraaparllla. Bananas are . beneficial to. sufferers from chest ooraplalnta . ) Celery contain aulphur and help to ward off. rheumatic pain, '. -i Tomatoes ar good for a torpid liver, but should bo avoided by "gouty" peopla (Apple, carrots and brasll nuts ar ex cellent for aufferer from constitution. Beet root Is fattening, and good Xor sm:i etc:: j ATS p. c:. - --- itsswia .. mm vuii wjuu j 120 Men Mar Bur W-JO nj $.0fl SHOES TOMORROW In the Annex "Boott Shopped) at $2.89 OR $5.00 SHOES AT $3A9 Woman Without a Or the1 woman who liken n "change"' in Millinery and aevwrat 4Hat in n season! On may well afford. JHj..xtt SummerrHat. when it coats so little to become the possessor ef a dainty,' pretty Hon ,sa ....tnmnr.rofji BaoolaLJ MlUinarr- event - makes - It. .W place , on "n special saleatabla In the Mminery -Salons-iCT-the- eesa4-i floor -annex over 100 very stylish, handsome , J4f,$5 and $G Trimmed and Tailored Hats at mm Hand. made shapes of braids, trtmipe shape. Pillow Sham and Scarf In an BABT-TO-MISS SHOPS. tho-j who wish to put on flesh." So are potato. Spinach haa great aperient qualities and is superior to medicine for those Buffering from constipation. BEEF STEW. r : . For anyon who likes onions tn stew this Is fine; " On and n , half pound . chuck steak sut in piece and fried brown. Then take It out and slice and frvt -mart -of -onion- browns -and nut bath in a kettle and put ahnnt a nuarL. and asjlnt at water on. and Conk tuntll tender."4 The - onion . Coon away and thicken th gravy.; It may be necessary to wdd more water from time to time', but -when done-H should ' be, about like graVy and the meat as tender as chicken. Serve with mashed I"-""" "'-" llfht- This Is pur a. vorlt atw. INSURGENTS CONTROL DAKOTA REPUBLICAN ". finmaal Special Saerlee.J Sioux Fall. 8. 1., June . The "1 w surgent" element is In complete eon trul of the Republican stsie convention which, assembled hera lodsy for tha tomlnatlon of a stste tlrket. - The g. emetorlnl nomination will go to i. I. Crawford, former ettorney-gener 1 c Booth Dakota, and a leader tf I1- " surgent" fsctlon for several ye- r Tha - convention will lndrr States Senator Bobert. J. C aoothar ternt , Address Twite Cbsst nl , y (Oashu 1 - I Oakland, CaUtorala, . ..' r. -.- .