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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 5, 1906)
TlTE OREGON DAILY JOURNAC PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENING, JUNE S, 1807 FED WIFE POISON WILL FIGHT "DRY f, ms. GROUND GLASS . "".... . . . -i- . . ..... TOlVri" LAW " Astoria East End Votes Local Op . , tion and Contest Is in ( DC I U 'TT rrom Coast to Coast the U s I D f UNITED Shield Is the O I emblem of quality. : . , ' O I TT The UNITED Shield Is U Ha,-n Mh.olnt Guarantee 0 'r i physician Indicted and Arrested for Murdering Spouse Brother .Mj.r Doctor Swore That Deatn was uue to ttngm s uis . A : ease Arsenic in Woman s Stomach. Sight. - ; TEN SALOONS AND BIG ;p V. .. BREWERY IN DISTRICT .V-i III u m 11 of genuineness. . -.1! '. v : ."- 11 - . "t t ". ' -i K .1 'I ' t'" :' "' !,. ,, k 1 v- ' '.z-f in . ? . 1 ... Lars fiutinesi Involved in Area De- , clared Prohibition by Yetterday'i . Election All of City, From .Depot to Eastern Limits Included. fc Mrs. Carrie Brouwer. f Joornal gpcrUl SwtW.) " Ktw Tork. " June I. BfTTfiTiTt Srouwer of Torn' Riyar. Nw Jersey, has ben rrctrt. Indicted (or'havlns murdered his wife last September by .administering "araenlo In around glass -te her- -daring her last etckneaa and causing another doctor to Issue a death ' certificate stating that she died from rigm a disease. " anoty- of Xls lf a. Ir. Brouwer spent hie boyhood In Perked River, a few miles south of Tom's River. He has a brother living In Providence. Rhode Island, and an- These hats are light as ."straws.; Don't get "hot headed." It's bad for the system. Here are1 head coolers at $2.00. ' rough, the plated, all kinds of straws except the kind that broke the cameL WVre-ahowift PanamaEats. at The Lion's specials in soft and stiff hats at $3.00. . We can help to settle that election bet. v XION GlothinqCo .CzsKuhnPioD Men's and .'Boys' Outfitters. . , 166 and 168 Third St . IV .tonawar ciutainf other brother In chares of the ' run club at Forked River.7Brouwerjl father died before he waa two years old. Later his mother married retired tugboat owner who had come to Forked River to live and who has been dead several years. Brouwer- learned thetrmde of a carpenter and worked at It for a year or two before he went to Philadelphia and studied medicine. About It years ago he began' practice at .. Lakehurat, New Jersey. Carrie Hyer, one of the prettiest girls for miles around, was teaching school there, and the young doctor courted and mar ried her. Later they moved to Tom's River, where Dr. Brouwer built a fine nouse and enjoyed a good practice. Qaamlea Over Woman. r-- Only a few days before Mrs. Brouwer took to her deathbed she and her husband had quarreled over the latter attention to a young woman patient named Btella Clenahan. This vouna woman went to live In DJTBrouwer'a nome as governess to his little boy af ter Mrs. Brouwer's death. Dr. Brouwer said that his wife had died or Bright disease and Induced Dr. H. It Cote of Lakewood who had been called In consultation during her Illness, to sign a death certificate to that efrect.- About the time the World began Its Investigation Dr. Cote disap peared and It was learned that Mrs. lirouwer had lent him money and that Dr. Brouwer held as security a bill of sals on Cote's furniture. Dr. Cot ap peared December it In Springfield, Massachusetts,-claiming to be Suffering from loss of memory.- Sine then he has been In a sanitarium. ; . ' Certified Falsely. He testified before the grand Jury that he waa led to believe that Mra. Brouwer was suffering from Fright's ya8rT7-wnat llf, BfoTnger"TiaaaoTa mm ana nuftiy'iim own unrvation. lie had signed the death certificate, he said, In good faith and out'of friendship for Dr. Brouwer, having do suspicion thai Mrs. Brouwer hd been poisoned. Dr. Brouwer says he cannot tell how nd their' (way tntn Mra BrQUVej2rsn, He was m attendance upon her throughout her lllneaa and was at various times aided by three physicians and three nurses. The latter said that Dr. Brou wer prepared all the medloln and moat of the nourishment that were admlnlst tared. ' " " . , HEARING OF JOHNSON iurainuvtnM ntbUMtu t The keerlng f the Johaem keire-144 ea tmrerty w"u rw4 la the . rumntf eonrt befnre JAf Wahetar lU this tUrrnntm. it free (finoanre4 tbet the Marina would be ae vetrd te kewlng teetlsmny for the serene. ' ' r Fref erred atoek Oaaaed Ooeds. , Allen Lewis' est Brand. . ' (Sowlal Diaeeteb te The Journal. Astoria. Or,, June 6. As a result of the election Astoria- Will have a large dry district. This district Include about three mile and leads from' the depot to the city Hmtts -east; U f -th- pnewlnot in this part of the city having favored the local option law. This will do away with about 10 sa loons. The North Pacific Brewing com pany, which was established In this city years ago, lies In the path of the dry district and their fate Is imminent. The local option law tn this city 1 fast becoming popular. It waa paaaed in the west end on year ago and baa bean legally observed since Ita lnaugu- ratloo. ' ' . .i Th condition are quit aiffefenttn the caat end and some fear la expreaaed that th saloon -men will not at once comply with "the law," som or the sa loons In. this district having recently been built. It. is said that th brewery wlU XJgat-lhenewJLaw,. and make a q effort to retain their large business. YACOLT MAN TRIED FOR 0 . . ; n j',V?iJ.lls;lrAaJa with lltegal-use-of-thi-malle, w ar-1 raJiied.-beforUnlted statee I))Btrlct Juda Wolverton 'this morning arid" erf tared a plea of not guilty. Hla. trial was set for June 11. Whlttlesly learned that Arthur M. Beach, who resides at Taoolt, Waabbigton. - waa expecting to receive -some money through- the mail. and it is alleged promptly cam to Port land and wrote' a letter to the post master at Tacolt requeatlng him to for ward Beach's mall to Portland, signing Beach's name to th letter., Ha waa un successful In his design, however, aa Beach called for his malt before the arrival of th forged letter. -;- - . Th arrest of WhltUealy by th post- cfflc authorities soon followed ; COUNWtCREST-ROAO, WILLrBE BUILT SOON The building of a trolley road to the top of Council Crest Is now an assured fact and active conatruouon worn la expected to atart before th end of the week. The last deeds for the right of way. it was reported, were secured this morning. - The road will be over a mile in length and the descent on th east sid of th hill will be a acenlo revela tion. It will also show an Interesting engineering feat, for the line will circle around so many conyona that It I like ly to beoom known a th erookedest trolley line In America. ! It Is expected that the lint will he In operation about August 1. E are building our business steadiiv it grows from day to day. We are doine? it all better toklav than ever before arid we expect to do it better still as we" go along Here and in every other city in which weBre-ebhshed.lghtn we have accomplished somethingsomething to be proud bf. It is that new cigar tne one we are laiKing aoout inis weeK a agar mai ,yy.: ESiwriIl 5 kSff lliTsameooci quityyear The "R0XB0R (Ihvincible) CIGAR 5 Cents Each. Box o! 25,$U5 " 0 c n . . 1 u : -told tor the p g...v,..-.. .rr:... .... . .. m T1.1ST . ,aj. . lAJHMim.' sssjim iiiH 0 This cigar we lay toou ' is the largest jeW rigar ever cer It -a-rich tlendof,Jlayanaaad tine-all thoroughly ripened broad-leaf, wrapped with Sumatra. A big, mildsweet jmoke, that will satisfy Sold only in UNITE!) ClUAK b lUKlio. ; :r : 7 UNITED GIOSTORES COMPANY .( '.;,?'. , -t . , . " ' r-w r ... : ... -.i -Y J HI: 301 WASHINGTON STv N.W. Cor. Fifth )Q( 3CZZ3C Pianolas Co Too. .p. 'Why don't you secure a Pianola either B-lighttyosedonnBron- of the 'very latest MetroetyleT W are on th round up and everything must go at once. Pay ments as you choose. Ellers Piano House, 351 Washington atreet. MARION C0UNTXX1TIZEN SUES FOR LARGE DAMAGES A Jury la Jadge Frum-'l eaart will detMialae wbetbecJoha ivnlLIa entitled, to ilami Xae Merloe eouoty for lnjurle nM to tie doe to a-UtecUTe coonty nii KrllJ-la :kl .eoa- plaint aUaces that while h.allnf wood Bu Wood bur se drove Into without la tb road, and the eonpllnf sol f bl w.sos broke, eeua Ins tb tram to ma .war.- U. Mr b wts tbrowa from tb. w.foa and ut.lied tnjarit wbicb aece.tit.ted .tlie mpnttloa of one of bl. let". H.xk. 12,000 d.m.(M. Tbe lt I being heard la this eoanty he nw of chana;. of v.on whlrb wu granted on tb. ground that, a jury- of Marios roonty rlttana orrald not bear th ault Imparllallj, on aeraant of being taxptyer. In tbe enanlj eaed. Kr.ll Is rr'iir.wnf d by W. T. Bl.t.r and W. II. Kalear and Marlon cnonty y Inairlet Attor ney Job B. MeNary of tbe third dlatrlct. A Score Still Remain. V Nineteen of th very eholoest and moet costly highest-grade Chlckerlngs, Weber, Haseltons and Kimball are still her. They go for almowthalf price $20, tli, yea even $11 a month buy them. We are selling out and must get rid of them. Ellers Piano House, 361 Washington street" 7 . , SOUTHERN PACIFIC OFFICES IN FLOOD BUILDING Nine Floors of Bit? Striicture at 7 Market and Powell Streets Leased by Company. (Joersal Soeei.! Bervtre.) - San Francisco, J una . Negotiation which have been In progress for the past week between the exeoutiv ofOclala of .th Southesa Paclfle and James U Flood, owner of the James Flood building at Market and Powell streets, fot leasing apportion of th building have resulted In tb signing of a contract for a term of years coveting nine floors .or the Flood building. On of th few business building now standing. ; - The floor covered by th lea will be fitted up at one for th accommoda tion, of th various department that were burned out of the offices in th Msrchanta' Ezohange building as well as tb city ticket offices, which were located under th Grand hotels . Oflceus0f. th freight department. formerly at Fourth .. end Townsend streets, will hi f urnlahed with-Jluartera in th Flood building. . . . y . Th leas cover nin entire floor of offices, but does not Include the ground floor, which will be occupied by store a heretofore, and th Mezianln floor. Th deal cloned In the slgnrng of this lease will probably result In th re moval of Railroad row from., th Palac hotel to th neighborhood -of- Market and Powell streets. ' v otrmae ou somxs. ' Westmoreland, Kan., May t, 1102 Ballard, enow Liniment Company Tour (Know Liniment Cured an old aore on the aide of' my chin that was suDoosed to be a cancer. The sore waa atubborn and would not yield to treatment, until I tried Snow Liniment, which did the work In short order, my Bister, Mra Sophia J. Carson, Allenavlll, Mlffln county, Pennsylvania, haa a enre and mistrusts that It I a cancer. - Pleas send her a 60-eent bottle. Bold by Woodard. Clarke Co. EDUCATIONAL VALUE 10 BURCH-REISS SHOW Circus Coming This WeeV- Car - "Hes Three HumfrecT, Fifty"7 " Trained Animals. . - THE Sp--t Th great Burch ft Reins show will begin a three-daya" 'ongagamept In this city Thursday afternoon under large waterproof tents, at th corner of Twenty-fifth and Raleigh treets, and ' will' givs two performances daily at I and p. m. throughout the engagement Messrs. Burch and Roles are presenting score of trained Shetland pontes, dogs, monkeys, goats, pigs, camels, llamas, pumas, sebuar anteaters, bo Indlaus mules and dosena of all kinds of pheas ants, owls, parrots, emeus, swan a 'All these birds and animals are skillfully trained. Th aggregation numbers up ward of St performing animal and about 100 beautiful birds of all specie Tn eonJunctloffTrithTOrrmned animal and bird eatur jwlll b scores of Japa nese and European aertallats, gymnasts, acrobat, Jugglers and novelty acta Messra Burch and Relss hav especially ngagad Gregory's Royal Italian Banda Rosea- or thlav their, first western tour. This is without question tR finest mus ical organisation even carried with a tented ethlbltlpn, and wll glv free con cert before the sft.rnoon and night per. formance or these Tinows dally. A grand free atreet carnival and children's fairyland parade will be given on the morning of th exhibition, at which time th entire. company of over '16 animal actora will be seen decked out in their gay trappings. Messra Burch and Reins earnestly and cordially Invite the public to witness this street demonstration, as It will be a guarantee of tha excellence of th stock and equipment. ' L . - nAs the tea kettle was the lii:gianing ofthe steam engine, TlsoTthejordJj was merely the first step in the " H : ' development of the perfect worm xooa uneeaa uiscuit. A food that gives to the worker-more-energyofniindi. i v ana muscie max gives xo xne; child the sustenance upon which to grow 4 robust that gives to the invalid the nour ishment on which to regain the vigor of good health. . tea plantaYara-thrlving .In th open air In Bend. . 3y. , . .. . ..... (h In a dust tight, . at ' moisture proof package. NATIONAL tliCUITiCOMPANT IDENTITY OF DEAD MAN IS NOT ESTABLISHED No cine baa. bea fonnd that' weald tend to Mtahllah tb Identity of tbe dead awn ronnd toatlng la tb. river t tb foot of ftalioos .treat la.t evenlns. Tb rm.ln mm Is aa.adTanoed aUt of arwnpp.lttoa,. but tb feature r still reeogulsabl. Deoaaard wa a boat J5 yrar of s end cled Is s dark brnwa coat, black vest and darkWrower. II ' welched .bant 140 - ponnd. od amoolll ahavra. A nor containing eo cent and a mall key wer th only article found In tb cktba. A large war on tb left lf above tbe knee nay pr.r. of material aailataace In tbe Identification of tbe- onfortnnau mumr Tbe body wa. removed to Flnler'a andartaklng parlor, and an inqneat will he held. Th. pollrw ." ar worflus os thor ltbmnb nmariau)f .tolane wer found. - .,-.. , ii. Y. Ik itOAS RANGES mat- Eclipse Steel Rmge These easy terms of $1.00 down and $1.00, a week Sve allow any and everybody within reach of ' . " our delivery wagons. Special terms to. mail-order customers and freight paid. We have sold ' agent of its good qualities. J Call and Inspect our list of Portland buyers of the "Eclipse." " 31.QO DOWN OJML-Y 31.QO WEBK FOR LESS THAN THE' GAS MONOPOLY PRICES -HEW METrTOTT',. GAS RANGES-jlothintr-like them in existence. Their new style of burner will save the cost of the range by lessening the consumption of gas. Save money and save gas bills in the future. " ' ' $1.00 DOWNrUOO A WEEK fo Qevwtz z, . "QBVURTZ SELLS IT FOR, LESS' 173475 First Street 219-227 Yamhill Street 1 '.A ii