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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 5, 1906)
n. THE OREGON DAILY JOURNALY PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING. JUNE 5,- 1900.' SOUTHWESTERN 0REG0I1 GLAD M ATiMK 01111' IIG LUl'J . -t- 1 RAILROAD IS COLIG OUILDI Inhabitants Hail New tine as - Forerunner of Great De velopments ;.; "Ji; ANXIOUSLY AWAIT NEWS ' I OF CONSTRUCTION WORK Country With Agricultural, Mineral . and Timber Resources Almost Un ' surpassed Will Be Thrown Open to the World by New Road. (Spaeial Dispatch to Tb. Jonraal.) Myrtle Point Or.. June i. Southwest -ern Oregon la attracting much atten tion nowadeya aa any other, part of the state. , The people of Coo, and Curry counties are sitting up and taking- notice -and tt "is . no Idle -prediction - that two years hence greater progress will be In eviaenoe along Industrial lines than has been made In that- section since Oregon became a part of the union. Go down to Coos and aak the cause of the present commotion. Ask the same question from Marshfleld to Gold Beach on . Rogue river and you will be told "the railroad - Is coming." Men and women will say that It will be built because agricultural, mining and lumbering developments de mand It. Marshfleld and Bandon In Coos county count upon becoming two of. the-most important ports of entry -and shipping centers on ,thePaclflo roast. Contiguous to these towns are miles of cultivated land of the richest quality, skirted by thousands of acres of the richest timber In America, but producers cannot get their goods to big markets owing " to unequaltransporta tion facilities. It is true that vessels of a limited tonnage can cross the Coos Say bar and the Coqullle river bar at Bandon but being ports of most im portance directly at the ocean aide, it cm. Junt :n JftxenjtaftsLJgj'g-;M'.i-. viewed the situation thst Coos- bay s bar should be dredged to a depth aa near 40, feet as practical, while Bandon will be satisfied with 21 or It feet.. This result that the spirit of all southwestern Oregon'' hss been aroused to an energy which will not quench until all reason able-demands are- granted. ,. : . . - TitM of aelar Isolated." . ;r "w, - j,avt -been . isolafed down here since God made the country," said T. D. Guerln, proprietor of the Hotel Guerln, at Myrtle PotntA white' discussing the situation yesterday.';:. "Of course, we can get out by an occasional steamer at Cooa Bar or by stage roatea 0 and 76 miles long connecting at the other ends with the Southern Pacific at Roscburg and Drain, but we can't haul our lumber and ranch products oyer roaas wnirn IVes often- apparent that with greater acreage, small fortunes are possible were trans portation facilities at hand by which commodities could reach large markets at reasonsble rates. n ,,r .Vr'atoek' Balaers prosperous. - r ' Flattering pecuniary results have for three or four years attended the south western Oregon stockralser. No better grass - lands are known than . those In ths river bottoms of the Coqullle.. How ever, to this Industry there Is a check, stamped 'Inadequate transportation.",- Joe Ney, a prosperous stockralser on Elk river. Curry county, has nearly 1,600 acres of rich stock land, and de voted his energies to raising blooded horsea atid amall numbers of cattle. With him, as others, the lack or ade quate transportation la keenly felt.-- A shipment of horses aboard a bar-bound boat Is not conducive to the financial TteaTOrTneHfalswr r ' The possibilities for the lumber In dustry of Coos and Curry counties are unlimited and the standing nr. cedar, pine, myrtle and oak equal In quality any like, woods on esrthir-There' are several small mills scattered along Coos and Curry r streams- which---saw only hard woods and have a ready mar ket for all the myrtle and oak put Into furniture lumber. The outputs, of those mills are generally, shipped . to Baa .Francisco and Portland on steam ers sailing from Coos bay and Bandon. The myrtle Is an excellent quality of blrdseye, also color knot; the oak Is of the white Variety-common to Wisconsin,. Michigan and : Minnesota. - Along tho Coqullle river there are at present a half dosen-mills -running dally with a sawing capacity each of -not less than itO.lmo - feet of - soft lumber per dsy. Some of these mills are sawing beyond the shipping capacity of'th rlver'or of Cooa bay. , ' Mineral reposlta atom. ' Not the least of the southeastern Ore gon's weslth Is that of its mineral de posits. . Placer mines-"" erenumerona: along Elk and Sixes rivers and' the smaller-streams -emptying Into the Pa- rlfio In Curry county. Itvls a known fact that many men In Curyy county go placer -mining fat up . these streams. rear aflei yrn. and -are-satisfied -with- Health- and Police Committee Labor With Formation of. . , ... ! the . Measure. 1 '. 1 .'i FOUR-STORY BUILDINGS : MUST HAVE STEEL, FRAMES Reinforced Concrete. Will Probably Be Allowed in Buildings Not Ex ceeding- Eight Stories in Height- Other Points to Be Considered. ' a few weeks" :wprk, returnlag to their homes with proceeds from their' brief " we 1 eui Acuity. " The assured railroad from- Dram - to Marshfleldt thence down the coast ' through Coos and Curry "counties," con necting with the old Santa Fe at Ru- "reks. California, will iave.the effect ot - opening up one of the moat productive ' sections of country on the Pacific slope." 4-- Mr.iGuerin's opinion Is that - of all progressive men In southwestern Ore gon, and Investigation proves the cor rectness of It. When It la tsken into ' consideration that an- Itwhistrtowe -ranch r with, but' 1 acres of land ln'Coos or Curry counties is sble under present conditions to. make a comfortable liv ing from Ma dairy poducta. ..It 4VI1I be mining are many quarts prospects being worked with profit, particularly along Rogue river, which country is abundant with "color" from its month at Gold Beach-to Ita headwaters. - The climate of southeastern Oregon Is credited to be healthful to a high de gree; i ' ' People die only of old age down here; nothing else," said Hon. Frsnk Stewart, edlter of. the Port Orfofd Tribune, and everybody saya Mr. Stewart Is right. There are six persons in Curry county reputed to- have - paused the century mark In age, end.. In Coos county een tenarlans are so .common that their , -i - iik Aittt-i enumeration is not on record. - Out at uravet rord, nine miles from Myrtle; point.- coos county, live the Tsylor brothers, twins, at 14 years of age. TJiey have lrvfd where- they -now.- are- many, many years and have become .wealthy, owning at present three wettenlUvated ranches, herds of cattle and-bank stork In Portland. They are bachelors, and now William Is very 111, attended only by his brother James, with "whom he has tolled uphill and down through Ufa. Theyl grow old Jn Cooa and Curry coun ties, but young and old alike anxiously swait the railroad, 40 feet on Coos bay bar and 26 feet on the Bandon bar, and they will have all three. ; The health and police committee of the city council this morning began Jts work on the new building ordinance. The first suggestion Is that, providing that all: atructurea of four stories or over must ' have steel frames, and that buildings of reinforced concrete are pot to exceed eight stories In height. R. J. Grace, representing D. C. Lewi's, the architect of the proposed eight-story Lewis building ' on Fourth street, read a letter from prominent San Francisco architects to the effect that reinforced concrete is thoroughly practicable when the building la not over eight - stories. Even higher structures have been erect ed In the east of the material. A copy of the regulations on reinforced concrete recently adopted In Seattle will be ob tained In time for the next meeting of the committee, and will be copied to a certain extent. A five-story building U no erected In the city which haa no ateel frames. It Is on account of this build ing that the provisions requiring steel frames In . structures will probably be Incorporated into the new building ordtJ nance.' , ' -- Flra Chief Campbell declared that he would be thankful If he would not be required to Inspect plans of. buildings aside from fire protection standpoint in the future.' As the ordinanoa stsnals..U. ': ''' ' ' 1 : '-' '" ' ' '' '' -' i ' '"; . No Hat at the same Price can cqval lor.stylc and service the one bearing .!'- : this label Peer of all $3.00 Extra Quality in Fine Straws . New Pearls and Steel Grays berlaln Wlthjrcombe- ttt. Bourne S30. Geartn 201, Gallowayltl. Ilawley ill.: The -five precincts not reported poll "350 votes. .Republicans elect all IOWA PACKERS! USE EXPOSE AS A BOOST present, both the fire chief and the fire -marshal, which In this case la the dep- labore sufficient to" suppgrTTflem untliuty, are authorised to approve epeolf 1-j chtcagor A new building inspector will soon be appointed, and If possible the new- man will have the technical training - to ehable htm to calculate strains and ten sions from- the plans without- taking' the word of the architect for IC-.. VALIDATING BILLS California ' Assembly Yields to Public Clamor and With- -:- draws Measure. COLONEL JOGELYN IS MADE BRIGADIER GENERAL John K. Hunker Is Appointed L RearAdmiral Protest the T - Anti-Pass Law. FAVORABLEJVCTIONU PONJ SPECIAL VERDICT BILL 'Money-Appropriated ' Repair-Dam. "TTie f o Normal School t San Jose Which Was Damaged by the Earth- quake. . : '.' ... ' ' Sacramento. June . Validating of . bills was given a knockout blow when the assembly convened this, morning, yielding to the. clamor against It, the assembly Judiciary committee at last night's meeting withdrew the measures and action In accordance with this rec " om mendation" was 1 takew--Unmed lately after the committee submitted Its re port. . Included In the report was a recommendation . that Mrlnerney'a bill providing for the establishment of land titles be passed. - The Committee arno took favorable action on the special verdict bill. ' Bills extending the statute of limitations In the matter of action or mortgages and book accounts; went the way of validat ing bills. ... , -Today's session of the senate was Sgaln very brief, little being done be yond receipt of the report of the finance committee, which recommended .for passage bills providing for , an ap propriation of. 12.000 for the Immediate use of the Insurance' commissioner, and a further appropriation of $5,000 a year for the same official,' also an appro priation of $36,000 for the. eta te Normal school at Ban Jnee, which was damaged fry the earthnuake. ' ' (Jearaal Bpeetal Bervlse.) -nrashtngron,una-rTh-T,i'iId,eHT has nominated "-John K. Hunker to be rear-admiral. - Colonel Stephen P. Joce-lyn-of- Vancouver barracks, Is nominated to be brigadier-general. It la estlmsted that each congressman has received from S0 to 00 telegrams protesting sgalnstthe strict anti-pass rerees., agreed.. , A thousand telegrams have been received In the 'senate from railway men and, railway organisations. The amendment prohibits passes to rail road employes or families. The petition, ers number 109,000. ' . r Special Rates East. On June 4, . 7, 21 and 25 the Cana dian Pacific will sell round trip tickets to eastern terminals for one fare plus iiu lor the -round trip. Tickets will be good for stopovers, with a final limit. of0 days. For descriptive mat ter and full particulars regarding the available routes, etc, call on or address P. R. Johnson. F, and P. A., Portland, Oregon. . - " - ' Preferred gtoek Oaaaed wooes. Allen Lewis' Best Brand. WOODBURN'S VOJEOfr GOVERNOR CHAMBERLAIN '"'- (Spertal TMapateb te The JoerasL) . .Woodburn, or., June t. Woodburns vote in ruirgtve Chamberlain . 21$, Wlthycombe 173. Oalloway 201, Hawley 14$, Bourne 14$. Geartn 1T0. WITHYC0MBE LEADS IN -WASHINGTON COUNTY. "rSperist Dlepatea. taThe Josrnal, - Hillsboro. Or.. June 6. With all Hie precincts of the county but two In. th,e vote stands:" Chamberlain 1.247; Wlthy combe 1,150, Bourne 1,206, Geartn 1,004, Hawley 1,2(3. Galloway $2. - (Jearaal Spcil grrvlce.) . Dee -Moines, Iowa. June I. Independ ent packers are preparing to take ad vantage of .the Chicago packers' expose for boosting their own products. Bales si$rsaaiswaewraaai ajas Ss tft ss"- - - w TSSrTsB7sssTnsyesgsia Bf wwassssjwsBBPMsxsweieseBFesBBsjsBsjs Iowa: packers claim that their hauaes are net subject to the abuses alleged In Ll; Bpef1 rHspetrS to-The iimrssl.) --i - Fort, worth, Ttx.r June -1, -u rayson county waa swent by a tornado, accom panied by hall and rain, laat night. The storm began northwest of Sherman, the county seat, and traveled northeast Into- Oklahoma and Indian territory, as suming the proportions of :; a - cyclone. Houses were-wrecked-and-people- took Shelter In storm cellars. .Grayson -bounty Is. one of the most REMARKABLE RETURNS : FROM LANE PRECINCT Iiclal Mipetrb to The Joorml.) -- Cottage Grove,' Or... June S. Most re markable . returns come from Wallace proclnct, south of here. Out of it votes cast 2 were, for Chamberlain,- Wlthy combe getting only 13... Thla la a farm" Ing section. Geartn ' received I votes. Bourne 10. East Cottage Grove not yet counted, but Chamberlain" leads. '-;' . WIDOW WORKER IN .""' fjoersal Special SerTlr! San iFranoiaco, June 6.- Michael W. Ward,' with several aliases, whom the police say haa a wife in every; large city west vt - the- Rock v mewntalnsrrand - who L..S. is wanted In Ventura for victimising WMfc-n there, has been arrested here. ROSEBURG ELECTORS- FAVOR CHAMBERLAIN (Spceltl IHspatrfe te The joeraaL) Roscburg, Or., June 6. Twenty-three out of $t precincts complete - give Chamberlain 1,4:$. Wlthycombe 1,312. Bourne 1,23.-Oearln 1.221. . CONDON ALSO GOES FOR CHAMBERLAIN (8pedl Dispatch to The JoaraiL) Condon, Or., June $. Condon preoinot: Chamberlain 17$, Wlthycombe 1(3, Bourne 20$, Oearln 13$. . . , F0 R EST-GR0 VEG 0 ES . FOR WITHYC0MBE st-Dlsetck-te- Tee-Jeorsal.r- Forest Grove. Or.. June I. Republi can majority much less than expected In two Forest Grave precincts. Kesuit: "Senator Bourne 346, Gearin 1$1. . amendment to the rate" Bill as the con- H" Representative Hawley 261, Oalk way 133 " Governor "WTthycombe 34 t. Chamberr lain 217. MEN'S CLUB TO HOLD ITS BANQUET TONIGHT . The Men's club of the First Congre gational' church .will hold Its regular semi-annual bnncjuet at the church this evening at $:S0 o'clock. All sre invited. The ladles are especially requested to be present.. Good music will be pro vided. Dr. K. P. Hill will give a re view of nig recent foreign travels..- Dr. House will give a paper on "Aboriginal Originals." Ym T70 m rnrns im 51 iLSff m l-l -l l-l 1-1 M YK M l-l I I I I 11 UJ Ul I Lu DEMOCRATS ELECT - CLERK IN MAlHEUR tapecUl DUpstch to Tkt Joarasl.) Ontario. Or.. June i. Partial returna of Ontario precinct give Chamberlain 130j Wlthycombe. 137; ' Geartn, 104; Bourne. 136. - Chamberlain and Oearin are both running ahead of their .ticket. Ropnbllcsns-wlll elect the eeuety-ttcket except ins ciera. i - . , - W00DBURN STANDS BY REPUBLICANS t- . , ., , , . -. v peclst Wepstrh to -The Jnernal.) " Woodburn, Or June 6. Nlnety-sl out of 445 bsllots give Bourne 42, Gearin 3S. Chamberlain . Wlthycombe 49, Hawley 43, Galloway 4S; equa suffrsge. yes 35, ne 4. "j V Vird is known to the police -ss thn - widow worker- ana was courting refugee widow named Carlisle In Golden Gate park when arrested. Ward victim ised a wealthy widow In Pasadena and was sentenced to 10 . years In Kolsom, but waa released on an appeal. He also victimised women In Oakland, Salt Lake, Denver and Seattle. CYCLONE SWEEPS UPPER ; TEXAS AND TERRITORIES livestock In that, well as In Oklahoma waa enormous. . A cloudburst at Claremore, In Cherokee county, Indian territory, caused immense damage. ' SULTAN'S HEALTH IS-- CAUSING ANXIETY - - - --- Jmraal Special gerrlee.l . '. Vienna. June 6. A well-informed cor respondent, writing from Constantinople. etatea thst the sultan's health at tne moment la causing "grave anxiety to his medical -and political advisers. Abdul Hamld haa never ' been really strong, and has been in falling heaith for some years. Lately,- however, serious symp toms have manifested themselves. At times, tt Is sold, the sultan, breaks Into leroelous to all who cross hie path. - FIND CONCRETE MOST. DURABLE FOUNDATION WHOLESALE GROCERS GATHER IN BUFFALO iTSufialZJune the wholesale grocery interests of ' the country gathered In Buffalo today ' to confer regarding the formation of national organisation. The purposes of the proposed organisation, aa set forth In the opening addresses at the meeting, will be to assist in the enactment and enforcement of pure food . laws, to eliminate existing abuses In the trade and -to-harmonUa.JLhe .Interests of the retailer, wholesaler-and manufacturer. AGE NO BAR Tt Successful Trial mtnt tf ths Hair Wts.UaiyKesDa.II7zTXVafketaakres..Myser . ha ra Hc!r Kaalth "Shest ea year see bt hair wis enwlaa eat m ksadrala . A fur mima Bar's Halrkesltk tnr s sort tiaie air hair grew est tklrk tf f s yens weaua. I mm 11 vean ef aae." rfca mrt sskl If set. write ss; te will slve res BMre, . BfMtaee SjrPV SamIm bits tm Phil Hay e. c- Newark. N. t. sew. kettles. All Drwagiets. NEWBERG A FACTOR - . TOR WITHYC0MBE " (Simrisl PtspstP te The "' Kern berg. Or., June 6. Chamberlain 173, Wlthycombe .216; Bourne- 230,' Oear ln 133. . , LANErHALTGOUl FAVORS CHAMBERLAIN (Kpeciil Dispetrk te The Joorntl.) ene. Or.. June o. i weniy-tnree out of $0 precincts give t,m 1.193. Wlthycombe 1,1$$. Oes Bourne ,1.331. Oesrln, 1,144, OF PORTLAND. OREGON -At .. 'fc, v A " magnificent r organization Every 'policy- , . holder is an owner in the company. Clean . ' Life Insurance conservatively and economic- ' all managed, is furnished to the policyholder , at actual cost; price is less than he can buy it , for elsewhere. ' Perfection in Life Insurance. , U Mff.TA rreiidenU BAMUFU Ueoeral Idanager. CLARE7TK . HAMTO, - , .Assistant alanager, BAKER'S FORMIDABLE DEMOCRATIC MAJORITY L Baker City. June I. Returns from 1C preclncta out of 40 In the county show: Chamberlain LOW, Wlthycombe , 037, Gearin 332, Bourne $04. . . i .... . TILLAMOOK CLOSE ON GUBERNATORIAL FIGHT Mr1al rxupatrh to Tbe ioarasL) Tilktmook, Or. June Returns from ail except live county precincts; Cnanv The Portland PORTLAND, ORKOON. ' I tUROPlAN PLAN ONLY HEADQUARTER" FOR TOURISTS AND COMMERCIAL ... : TRAVELERS. - , V .'. Everything" te eat and drink, and It costs no more in. the . ' Portland Hotel katbskellef than elsewhere In the elty. Every weekday night from 0:30 to 13. 3C C. 3OWI. Menage. Jmrnl Special gervtce.) ' , Washington, June 6. The geological survey la planning an Investigation of structural materials as a result ofthe San Francisco earthquake. ; " " - Charlce Gyle, special agent ' of the survey In San Francisao. reports.' that the appraisers' building Is one of the few business structures uninjured. Its etablHyile the fesult othe foundation being of cement Instead of mortar. The. survey Is now testing cements snd concretes snd intends to amplify ' Its work. - i TH EATRICA L-EMPLDYE - - BECOMES OUTLAW '(Special Plipatrh to The loarail.) Ogden, t'tah, June 6.A lone holdup entered the lobby of the Reed hotel et STRINGEWT1RDERS "Have been received fnSm the assignee of the Davis-Patterson Co. SToaror LADIES- FURNISHINGS to close- out regardless of consequences; all of which must . be "done within the next few days. : In order to accomplish it we have cut our prices even more than originally, which. means 343Vashingon St Near Seventh i o'clock thla morning anoT compelled A. D. Brats, a local newspaper man, Harry Breckett, night clerk, and three others to hold up their hands. He robbed Brats ot S0, and got small auma from the others. Two thousands dollars In 'the safe waa saved by the clerk, who pro tested he did not know the combination. The holdup eecaped. He waa recognised ss an engineer In a local theatre. Aa Alarming. Situation frequently results from neglect of clog ging bowels and torpid" Hvermntit-con-stlpatlon becomes chronic- This condi tion Is unknown to those who use Dr. King's New Life Pills;'1 the best and gentlest regulators of Stomach and Bowels. Guaranteed by Sktdmore Drug Co. Price 25c. - - Open for the Season Park Inn FAMILY SUMMER GARDEN. Washington Street, Near City. PsrkJ Entrance, v' ' v Strictly first-class management , Fine line of Liquors, Beers, Sand- ' wiches and Cigars. CHAS. PILTZ. Proprietor. ' , Hotel Eaton 00B. 3fOaBIaO AMD WTST taJlK ST1. NEW Hisrtsosiely rorele, letstlr eonlmed, irepreef. Sre slntM' walk fraai hurt ( hnppins sag SiMlMS tflitrlet. sll Ur. irr, eutsld roeaii, steaai ka'S. eUetrle llihl.tlphoM la each partatenl. etc. Larte erOeM. loaeiinc. ssanklnc. wrltias. laSIra' receptlna parlors, goesu risitvae bf siafl ee telephone. lrivaU eaaalWa awti trains ss stsaaMr. Room $I.OO to 43.00 a Day yeeial 3Utas te Oesisierelal Mea, . Hat, MAS XATOS, -(rersifrly ef Nor; ridpats.1 Spekaae.) Is essential in every home. If you use a GAS RANGE you will have no trouble with cooking. 2- T . , ' V - e The more cooking you have to do the more ' you will appreciate a GAS RANGE. The GAS WATER; HEATER has solved the HOT WATER QUESTION. ' s THE PLAN is as simple as the GAS -vRANGE. v There is no accumulated heat to make the rooms uncomfortable, and there is no expense except actual cost of use. We will dem ontsrate this to you at our show-rooms at any time and it won't cosfyou a cent to see it. ALL GAS RANGES' and GAS WATER HEATERS PURCHASED OF US " a... TJJgTAT.T.Pn-lTl?Trg r, Hi Telephone Exchange 26 f,