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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 5, 1906)
5, 1E03. . t t " ', - 9 rrrrrrrrrrrrcrrrmtCZ trrrrmrrmrm mmmw 0 PORTLAN D'S NEW . DEPARTMENT STO RE . .. a r-V.f. Uv,a v .-i" .vLt;- v Partial Returns From Josephine . Indicate Democrats Lead in : State and County Vote, ' Except' Representatives. " Special Discount Wilh Don't Worry Uatcjh Every Purchase Us Grow v THE ' OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. TUEQAY EVENINO, JUNE seakgis on bourne faj -"-i iimjiS-j Snrtal TManati!fcnt Th. tBl.t -- Tf Grant Fas. Or, Jun S.i-Only par . tlal reports are Ih from Joephln pr dncta, but the, heaviest Toting pre cinct Indicate that Chamberlain wiu carry th county by a narrow margin. Tha vot eoun.ted give ynamDertain . Wlthvcomba 411. V "' . .r4n will win over Bourne by about .. tha aama waiorjty,. Galloway la alao running ahead In nearly alt Jsphln v county, precinct Full return cannot t,A kfm nlvht aa .In many ore- clncta they ar tUl working on th. count. : ;' - ';, . ' Democrat will carry all county of anvnt i-eBresentative. Stephen Jewell. Democratic nominee for Judge, baa a big majority orer w. w. tnaueae Joseph Russell Democrat, will alao win vx T !-,. WMtnHlfrn. J T. TaY- ." lor. Democrat, la elected treasurer. rouble feature or in, local campaign ' 1 the heavy Boclallat rote. - -: CLATSKANIE POLLS ' ' ' - VERY LARGE VOTE iIitSprii JDfepatch JtoW. oe.raall t Clatakani. Or., June (.- The election passed quietly. There was an ? t tonally large rote. Three hundred and m vote were cast In ClaUkanle pre cinct. The roost excitement prevailed over , 1MB nntitn Thi anti-local 0D- ...'Mil.., - - - ttonlsta worked -ararl-day;--hrring 1 earns and going oat to me mius i bring iu. voters. Th----:!-Jaaiu. (teytattrAmoaJJLJB'.rw l.Ji Chamberlain . Wlthycomb J S3; Secre tary of state, BensonJ8ej,JlrowB..SQl itcDeaiel i; froat 37; tat treasurer, -Butler It. Cook Ji. Matlock 17. Steel 19. " supreme Judge. Bright . tTr Eakla 177, -Halley IT, Robblna 34; attorney-general. Brt II, Crawford 18. Miller 89. Rutherford It; aoperintendent of public Instruction, Ackerraan 1(. Hoamer SO, Sheak SI; atate printer. Cooper 14. Dun iway 173, Hawk it, Taylor 43: commis sioner of labor. Hoff 200. Rlrhsrds 40; state senator, short term, Gould 24, Mul " Jcey 5, Stevens 83, United States sen ator, long term. Bourne 04. Gearln H, paget 20, Btmola 22; representative to congress. Ellis Jit, Graham Si, Paul 22, rnnntv . VntaCMiiitv rennaentatlva. Connell Rep.) 12. Fullerton (Ind.) 71. ""county clerk, Harris Rep.) 1(2, Hende,r- on Dim.) '7; sheriff. White (Rep.) ;J27; county treasurer Ross (Rep.) 220; .county surveyor, -. Watta -. Rep- -221 ; . 'coiinty -commissioner. Burn (Ind.) 42; Fowler tDem.).. 21. Weat (Rep.). J7I; county coroner. Cliff 110. -t - " .For contrty local option t, agalnat JSO MIst precinct, ' Wlthycombe 4S, : Chamberlain Hi local optica-for-I , . against 4L . -.-(r ,-:-.r - jr.r,V.-' . :,; CLATSOP COUNTY IS C; v" STRONG FOR GOVERNOR - (Special Dispatch to The JsarsaL) ' ' Astoria. Or., Jum" &. Indications this morning are that Chamberlain has car- rled Clataoo county by 300 plurality. VurTi leads over Gearln and ally the r shee- etat Tnee are Repabl loan, - AH ) county office will be Republican except county Judge, coroner and peeetbly ' aherlff. County Judge Trenchard, Inde pendent Democrat, 'is easily elected to - ioeeed himself. Forhertff the yota will be so closs it may take the official count to decide. Pomeroy, Republican, .carried the Aatorla precinct by about ' (4 votes. Burns. Cltlsens' Democrat, has carri4 several outlying precrmTtsrwhlCB offset the Republican nominee' ma jority in the city. Returns from lbs country are coming in slowly and it will jrobeJjly bJ t .ton tgh t Jbetor JSnJtfc ault can be determined. , , , . . v.-'.-' A. 1" ?.- r l- V f - J.J.,- -J , i?TT . it , . ( v.s V v "1 55 i f.HL g 1 In many of the' ada nowadays there" is a sense of strain.TThcy "deal in superlatives, exaggerations. They parade excellencies , that do not exist . To say nothing of right or wrong., we don't believe auch advertising pays. The truthful ad pays, f he bet in the long: fun. The .folio wing, are a few UrwrJf'trVtiht'itUit enatorrorn'MiasourXho Hag Set jAlt, WshigtoBlUng byJE rCellar Into ihe Cutter OutU.Theit: Spleriaicl :TJorhe;'i;rHEfr: RE-FROZEN POULTRY SOLD IN. MARKETS OF PORTLAND REPEATER ARRESTED S T AT ASTORIA POLLS (Seeetal ciepatrb te The louraal) Astoria, Or, June (.Because be said he was entitled to a vota in precinct No. and was sworn in under the false ' nam of Frank Hart, after he had previ ously voted in precinct No. 2 under the ; name of Prank Henderson, his light name, Henderson now reposes behind 'tha bars of the city Jail with t(e serious charge of having voted v fraudulently hanging over him and a" term In the penitentiary staring him Id the face. It ,1 said that prosecution will be lnatl- . luted lmmfdlalaly and he- culprit pun isbed if found guilty, which seems to be aa absolute certainty. Other attempts ,at Illegal voting are said to have been mad and all wtll be thoroughly inveatl- ' gated. THREE HUNDRED FOR CHAMBERLAIN IN LINN , (Special DIspatrh te Tba Jaaraal.) , . Albany, , Or.. June I. Unofficial re turn from 20 out of SI precincts glv Chamberlain a lead of 104 over With y- - .comb. John M. Gearln. candidate for indorsement for the United States sen- atorshlp, leada his Republican opponent hy orer (00. Reports Indira te the elec tion of th entire, Republican repre PcntAtlv ticked from Linn." 'M. A. - Miller,. Pemocratlo candidate for state senator, lead hi opponent by over (00 For Joint senator Frank J. Miller lead Dr. C. H. Wheeler, city health officer. Wis morning cafTedyth attenUon cf th health and police commutes or the council to' the practice of selling r frosen poultry: in th market of .Port land. .'' , t .; . :. y. i ' v "In many case the dealer keep th fowl out aa long a they can, and It Is only when thoy see that they cannot be preserved any longer that they ar sent to tn cold storage piani.' sa,ia. "ny this time decompoBlUim ha set In. and Is only arrested .by the cold storage. When the poultry 1 taken .out it Is thawed and placed on the market. Per haps all ar not sold, and th remainder is sent back to th cold storage plant. But by being brought out of cold'ator- sgeniec6mpomTenn&econire?r""rapiai and when the fowls re taken- back and refrosen they ar really unfit to eat" . Messrs. Shepherd, Preston and Balding discussed the best 'possible method -of Insuring eatable poultry. Dr. Wheeler said that If fowl were - cooled and fro en on th day they were killed th cold torag treatment would not injure them, vn If they wer not "drawn. Th matters, will be taken up by the' committee again when there is not so great a pressure of business. - The proposed ordinance of requiring livery atables to have connections with ewer will probably be recommended t the council by th committee. .. Byrd of Marlon by: about 600. Th precinct to be beard from are strong for Chamberlain and may awell his lead over Wlthycombe to 400" majority, - imm m m l t ... , CLOSE-FtGHWM HEAD 0F-TICKET AT-HEPPNER . (Special IMapatck to7 The 1 Journal. r ; : Heppner, Or., June, (.It Is Impos sible to get the correct coqnt on state officers. Return ar coming in slowly apd are jmnfllctlng , Afcvy Repub- llcan vote waa cast and that party will probably carry most of the offices. Returns from 11 j precincts show a close fight . between . Chamberlain and Wlthycombe wlth the Jatter. jrobably ahead by about six vote. Bourne will carry this county. Lots of scratching was done. E. M. Bhutt will be elected sheriff by large majority. yamhill. Lines up HUNDRED MAJORITY (gpeclal Dlapatch te The JenrsaL) McMlnnvllle. Or June (. Eight pre cincts of Yamhill county up to 11 o'clock glv Chamberlain TS4, Wlthycombe 434, Galloway 70S, Hawlejr (28, Bourne (02, Gearln . Stat Senator Caldwell (22, Edwards (67. Local option amendment "defeated and th women's suffrage la lost. The county goes dry by over 100. All ''report how Chamberlain at til In, th lead. Galloway and Hawley are running close. Caldwell will lead Ed wards. . VALE PRECINCT FOR " JAMES WITHYCOMBE (KpeH.I rHasatrh t Th. JoormL) ; Vale, Or., June (. Vot of Vale. pre, clnct: Wlthycombe 147. Chamberlain 83, Barsiee 12, Amos 2, Bourne 113, Gearln (8, Paget (, Blmola II, Mulkey 132, Stevens 28, Gould . CHAMBERLAIN STRONG '. IN REPUBLICAN TOWN (ftpeclal DlapatA to The Journal.) . .. Aurora,- Or., June (.Chamberlain made a big gain of Republican vote Our Solitaire Diamond Rings Always have the merit of goodness in quality. Settings of the latest and most substantial. With the interesting prices, through favorable buying facilities, the investor can always procure a value to his greatest satisfaction. - Have Yopt Diamonds Rcmonnled Modcrnly ' Corner Third and Washington Streets. Manufacturing Jewelers. , - Expert Optician." her.- H received 4. Wlthycombe 70, Hawley - 7 and Galloway 41. Th whole county ticket received af Re publican majorities. At tfie primaries only nine Democrats voted, but today' vot allowed 40 more. v REPUBLICANS-ELECTED IN COOS COUNTY (Special Dispatch te The Journal? Marshfield, Or., June (. The whole state Repuhlican tlcknt Is shead here, but "there' will hi no t uIT' report' Tor ' at least two day. Th Republican con cede the election of Gage, the Demo cratic nomine for sheriff, by several hundred, and also of Hall for county ton. Democrat, and -Chase, Republican, for- representative.-'" The - local option amendment will .carry. MARION COUNTY-AIDS"-IN SWELLING MAJORITY v special TMapttch Th Joera.1.) Salem, June (.Partial count from 19 precinct out of (8: Chamberlain 1,(40, Wlthycombe 1,738. ' Hawley wlU carry th county by 400. The chairman of th i central commute In lms the county for Chamberlain by 1(0, but th Republicans do not give up. An Extra Special in Our Do mestic Section tor Tomorrow 10,000 REMNANTS AT ONE-HALF - OF MARKET PRICE. ' ' 4 . .;..-....- v - figured Sansn&TsetfeTftonyon fancy Ducks, plain JJuckS, Calicos, Chal- lies. Table Damask; Ginghams, Outing Flannels, Muslins, white Mulls, Percales, Dress -Xicods-Cahton FJannelSr White "GoodsSilks, Linings, - SilkoUnes, Jap Crepes; Dotted Swiss and wide Sheetings all will be sold tomorrow at one-half of the' marked price. The tickets on the "remnants are marked with reeular prices. rSeleTTwIiat yoii want" and pajTthe sales man only one-naii pnce.marKea. - n yaras..; 'Z't'..'-- ' ; While Skirts -jtK' Embroidered and Lace. v . Trimmed," $1.60 value, Wednesday, spe : cial y. . . . ;v.v. . .-..'..v. .:.$1.25 Trimmed. $2.25 value, Wednesday, spe cial ...?1.60 Trimmed, $3.00 value, Wednesday, spe- Laces and Embroidered .Turnover Col r lars, sold everywhere at 10c and 15c; special at...'.. ..:.,..... i .... , .5d Stock Collars, lace and embroidered ; reg v - ularly sold at 25e; for , , . . , ... 14 ladies' White, Plain and ' Embroidered ITand Dags C 35c kind for. ... . .'. . . . . .24( t. 50c value for. .......... . , . . .'. . . . .,.34 , 60c regular for. .... .... v. . . . . . . ".44 75c quality for.-TV. ... . ;. . ... ...... .54 1 - -i Jt SIIOESECnON. Ladies' Dongola Shoe, Heavy y:i-h ScJe Specaal . ; ; -w. - Hosiery Section Specials ; Misses'. ' black ribbed : Hose ; all sizes ; at the low price of. . . . . .. . . . . . 123 "ChTTdren's red ribbe4 Hose; to close out a lot; sizes 5; 75, 8, 8yi and 9; pair LadiesV out-size Hose; all sizes ; ilways sold at 35c, for. . . -. , . , . ..24( LadieslLace Hose,: f till fashioned; good lisle; all sizes at.. ...... ....... .24( Remarkable values at 404, 58, 70 r-and v;;:........ .?1.10 Corset Covers - 85c yade ay :::i::::;.v:jr::-;.;::24f Torchon " Io?eaumu1Kewhl wearswclland can he washed; suit able for muslinwear and dresses ; all - - widths ; special ..5( 45c kind at. . . . . ...... M. .. ;. . . .Y.34 50c quality at. rr.iVi7;;7j39 65c quality at..w...Ij..5 jVr.. .58 75c regularly at.' . ; . ; . . . -. . ; . . . . .60 l)00 yards of Batiste Insertion, Wed ' .nesday special at. i . : . . i v. 39 AHover Batiste EmbroideryrT$V'"in d ' $3 qualities ; special Wednesday, 89 -t Other widths and grades too numerous to mention will be sold Wednesday at equally low prices. . ?. .;;. ;,' 5,000 yards of Embroideries on good mus lin with good edges, from 154 to 3 inches wide ; Wednesday arnr. V.6$ r.Iuslin Underwear Specials Anything in the Department. ' . 75c quality, Wednesday for. . . ...V49d) 50c quality, Wednesday for.......38S; Knit Umbrella! Drawers . lace trimrnort 7 well- proporttemedr-f ancy4and t-W-e4 J nesaay at. ,Z4(7 Children's Muslin Drawers, 4. to 12 years, nicely tucked and finished &t.....l4 Underwear, light blue balbriggan, double 7 seat : in - drawers r Wedneadavr.7:.32( f Dress Shirts, white stiff, bosom, 36 inches ,. v long, - linen . bosom ; Kentucky- mills Men s black cotton, seamless Hose, ribbed -jorrdrop-stitched,- double heel and-toe ; 20c values .Wednesday. .04 25c Ties, Tecks, Four-in-Hands, Strinp, ., Qub and Windsors, Wednesday.. ll glen's linen' hemstitched Handkerchiefs," large size, excellent value at 25c; Wed nesday at. . ..... ... ........... . . .6( Onr Daroaln Daseqent Specials IcTlest FineLinen Handkerchiefs, hand ; somely embroidered; were bought to I sell at 25c; special-Wednesday, x2$ Two 5c glass Tumblers for; . ....'..'.'.5 6-auart afratrTeakettle for;.::.;;; 54e 5c agate Dipper for.,.. ,,T.;16 10quart agate Dishpan- at. ........34 - 'Agate Wash Basin, 25c value at. .... .9 :No. 8 cotper-bo.ttom Washboilersj 89 12x17 'Roasting-pans for.v..- i tv;r2i( -Cheese Graters for. ..... .'..Jt .4 Glass Water Pichers for........... 16 Sink Strainer for. . ... . . . , . . . . ,.9f A Special on Writing Paper At a Very Special Price. reaMiwoTfVrit!rirP - paper and 25 envelopes, in Satin finish; ; usual, price 15c; Wednesday, perJi bOX- a . . . ....tiua.t..iit a,. ...... t ......... .aS., Mail orders will bciillcd at thcsc priccs and will recciye.our careful attention mmm ENTIRE CQRNER-THlRDlANDlYAMHlLL-StS WITHYCOMBE LEADS: IN NEWBERG 'COUNT rp!lal ntnMtes ts Tb JonrnaL) - ' : Newberg.r" Or . June 6. Th vota stands ss far a counted: Governor. Chamberlain (t) 1(1; gov. ernon Wlthycomb (R) 26. Senator, Old well (D) 17 Senator, Kd wards (R) 264.. ........ f- j'- .,, ... t ONLY THREE MORE TO REPORT AT CORVALLIS ," (perlal Pl.patrh U The Jrffirrtal.r Corvallis. Or., June (.Three pre cincts to report, count stands: Cham berlain 891, Wlthycombe -753. Five .pre cinct to. report- Bourn 481, Hear In 437;. V -V . ' CROOK COUNTY GOES . WtTfHTHE-MAJORITY (Ppecla! Diapatch t The Joora.l.) . ' Prlne.yllle, Or June 6. Th total vot counted for Crook eminty at noor Is: Chamberlain 461, Wlthycomb 327, Oearln 8(6, Bourn 303. Fourteen pre cinct are complete. Chamberlain will carry th county by HO. . . T. BOURNE HAS BEST OF FIGHT AT LA GRANDE (Kp'at Wapatch ts Th loarsal.) La Grande, Or., June (.At noon Bourn Is 104 ahead. Chamberlain J0 ahead. . Very few precinct ar com plete. '. " " - big lead recorded : : ; at'independence . , j .-.j (gpeetal rHapatrfe to The Joera.l t Independence, Or., June (. Houth Tn drpandenc (complete) glvea Chamber lata 111, Wlthycomb (3, lUwley, -73, Galloway (. Korth Indepondenc 'com plete) give Chamberlain 13T. Wlthy comb (, Galloway 10(. Hawley 114. In th two precinct ,womn uf frag gets 147 for to 323 against. Pro hibition, 13( for. 24( against. Grant for sheriff wUl b th only Coonty offlc th PemocraU will gt, and h wUl have a larg majority. CHAMBERLAIN RUNNING AWAY AHEAD OF TICKET .... :.. . - '.i . vr...':t, ((Tpedal Dtapatch to The Joaraal) ' . Cottage Oroe, Or., Jun (. Th vote of West Cottag Grov precinct counted at 10 o'clock glv Chamberlain lit and- Wlthycomb 110; Bourn 111 and Gearln 92. Chamberlain " ran ' Over 100 per cent ahead of hla ticket her. Two hundred and forty-on vote war cast In West Cottag Grov.' In East Cottag Grov with (0 vote yet to count. Chamberlain run 1(0 and Withyoomb 14(. Bourn I ahead her.- Th town will go dry. SEASIDE'S GOOD VOTE FOR CHAMBERLAIN : (Special tHspatcs to The Jooraal.y . .. Seaside, Or., Jun (. For governor, Chamberlain 113, , Wlthycomb 107; senator, Henderson 81; Schofleld U(. . BARLOW PRECINCT : FOR CHAMBERLAIN (pedal Dispatch te The JeoraaLt Barlow, Or., Jun . 6. Complete re- tarn from Barlow precinct: - Cham berlain 47, ..Wlthycomb 39, Bourn 41, Oearln 3, Hawley 38, Galloway 41. HILLSB0R0 COUNT " ;i SHOWS CLOSE RACE Hlllsboro. city eomplet: -' Chamberlain j I;-,WIthycbmb, ,Ht ; Bourn 331: Gearln, 170; Hawley,. 130; Galloway, 183. . , PARTIAL-RETURNS IN -FROM GILLIAM COUNTY V, t r- ''.....--;. . (Bpeetal Ptopatcb te The Journal. V Arlington, Or.. Jun (.Arlington preolnot: Bourn 41, Oearln (7, Cham berlain 16, Wlthycomb 87. 1 .( Blalock preolnot: ' Bourn 33, Gearln II. Lone . Rock prectnett 11. Jt Withy comb 14. Chambarlaln FRIENDS OF RUMELIN j RECEIVE BAD SCARE 1W &l UII V VI VWC g HUHiwiHi w ewusT taaillr that ha wonld be seaeat fraa the ltr on business for day or e was ts auss of Us being 11 tad ss amoong ths mining by fKs Police yeaterday. ' Mr. Bnm.Ua, his wlr said, left horn tnnday sod whea he did set return that Blunt friend notified toe polle. as a waa well kaowa In Portland sad a trace of him mold be foand, fool play waa feared. Mr. BnmellB retnmed last slant, sad was rather surprlaed te tearn that his dtaappearaaee had eauaad alarm. Tb polio were istormed ef hla return and the search for him was dis continued. , - 1 j. ENORMOUS DIVIDENDS TO SHAREHOLDERS! Limited Allotment of dtock Novyofferd13 Per Cent Guaranteed. Will Pay Over 30 , Per Cent When Store Are Ratabllshod " -OFFICER S-AND-DIRECTORS- Col." J. B. Fuller, President (Ex-Califorhia"TBanKCommis- Captain & E. Calne, Director (Capitalist and "ShlpOwner, sioner). - Seattle, Wash.). . Hon. Truman Reeves, Sec. and Treas. (Treasurer of the State T. K. Stateler, Director (pen. Agent Northern Pacific R R.) ' of California). 1 William Crocker, Director (San Francisco)." ' ' . Fifty Stores Now Being Established on the Pacific Coast , Who Can Influence, Capital, ; Share of Profits and Salary to Right Party . f ; fCIr'IC SYNDICATE STORES cdincorporated HEAD OFFICE: Union Savings BankJBuilding, Oakland, Cal. ' ; Prospectus and Information Free. Write TSday