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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 5, 1906)
.THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND.' TUESDAT EVENING. JUNE 5. 1&0(J. 13 ATTENTION, STUDENTS ONT NEGLECT THIS GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY TO SE- . ! f'TTPW THIfl HfTTAMQ VrkD PftMTTMTITMn j ' ' i , wdf A liiw vavBv 7 w Aiil Will . ' " " - - YOUR EDUCATION . ?.'".-.J:f-. Oregon daily journal's ; r EDUCATIONAL CONTEST Your Choice of the Following List o( Scholarahipa and Cash Prizes as Remuneration for, Services Rendered The Journal During Your Leisure Hours This Summer. MMMMMMM, , .. .' 7;,;.; FIRST CANDIDATES. V ' 'X CHARLES OROtlS. ......... .', . , . .. . ?i T. M. , C A., Portland. Oregon. MISS MARY E. POWELL,. ... i ..... .IT Salmon straet, Portland. Oregon. MI83 MILDRBL. U CLEMONS......Unlvralty Park. Portland. Orgon. MISS AILll.y HACKMAN..... ..... ; .'. ; . .Myrtl Park. Arista, Oregon. Z HORACE A. WILSON,.. .....MS Halaey atret, Portland. Oregon.,- at MISS NELLIE) MAT 8HANNOH. . Tenia street, Portland, Orenn. RRRTrn A .rillBOl . . .tit nil. .tM P.irtlBnA. (Intfan.. CLAT JONrSH 40 East TwUfth atreet, Portland. Oregon. PAUL NYORH2f........'.......m East Third street. Portland. Oregon. M. EL QWYNN.........I4 Kt Tblrtr.aavonta street. Portland.. Oregon. aW lPt T a tab- r v nti. - ouua 1 B4-iBki a a a a. rinAnwt war-. wauriUJij u. 1VXPV . . STANLEY 8TJE VENSON 1 ! ! 1 ! 1 1 RICHARD W. GILVIN. ...... .. . ...... rv-r . . . .N.wbarg, Oregon. .Kingston, Oregon. , . . .Tualatin, "Oregony . . . . . Halaejr, Oregon. . . .Roaeburg. Oregon. ' v,...-w-r. ., CASH PRIZES. . X. To aaalat a dudII (lectins to attend anr Stat or private Institution Broyldln- free tuition for a period of not lea than one year. j. .. . .. . .JfM).0 1. Same oonduTon HiyTnrteTtrg ;' i 111 i , - tM 00 I. Caah for Incidental exnenaea In addition to a acholarahlo to be aeleoted rrom. the following llet loo.ue ,. ba conditions aa th foregoing viwuiuuiii mm toe foregoing , . . (. Same oonditlong aa the foregoing ......... . i . -SCHOLARSHIPS. , , 71.00 ,4-eo.oa ,.' SS.88 ACADEMY Or THB HOLY NAMES, Astoria. Oregon Tuition for full Baasinto-TOure. VHm 158.08 100.88 ALBANY COLLEQB. Albany, Oregon Two yeara" tuition rnHffiinEWSTC aolentirto, academical or eommeroial eourae BEHNKB-WALKER BUSINESS COLLEQE. PortTarraOiia or mora to -... .arahlpa good for one. rear tuition in bookkeeping, ahorthand or ""-- eomraerelar ooureea-r-if . . ..vA"y7r.rr.s.Tvri ... CAPITAL BU8INB8S COLLKQ1C. Salem. Oregon Ten BT?ptti'tultlon In . ... business or shorthand denartraenta u....'. COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY. Portland Tuition and dinner school -days-- for arhool year beginning September I. 106 100.0 GILLESPIE SCHOOL OP EXPRESSION. Portland Two private and onef clasa leason per week and ae of library for one school year.......... 110. 00 HILL MILITARY ACADEMY. Portland One year's tuition.... I0.00 HOLMES BUSINESS COLLEGE. Portland One or mora scholarships good for one yeara. tuition in the bookkeeping, shorthand or commercial courses . '. .....; ;. .....'... HOLMES-FLANDERS PRIVATE SCHOOL, Portland One year's special , . university training, one yeara normal course, or a practical English - course for one and one-half rears . ... ............. . .. .. . . . INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS of Soranton, Pennsyl vaniaAny of the regular home study courses valued at..... OREGON CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC. Portland One pianoforte scholar- ship good for one year's tuition and the was of miialn for the ' One violin acholarshtn (Sevolk semi-tone system), same aa the pre- . ceding . ......... .1... ia00 One guitar and mandolin scholarship, aame as preceding.-,... ............. 100.00 PACIFIC COLLEGE. Newberg. Oregon Two yeare" tuition 100.00 100.00 150.00 110.00 100.00 PACIFIC TELEGRAPH INSTITUTE. Portland A life course in railway . and commercial telearaphy. railroad accounting, typewriting, penman- shin. eta. V;r..;.T- PORTLAND SCHOOL QFPOMESTIC SfMENCB, Portland (T. W. C T. U. lUnml trsJnln in domastla aclncB -" for -one aohoot-saa Oft Aha. ... eaulvalent in apeolal classes . .;..' ...... ............. 100.00 lACltED HEART (ACADEMY. Salem. Oreron-Tultton snd board for one arhool rear 110.00 ST. MARY'S ACADEMY. Portland Tuition for the entire academlo course (four years) or board and tuition for one year.. 100.00 Negotiations are pending for several other valuable scholarships to be added to the foregoing list, thus affording a still greater number and variety for the wlnneriJtQ select. their prises from. ' . CONDITIONS OF THE CONTEST. first choice of the prises above mentioned to go to -the contestant making ( unn that larecalvlnc the moat credit oolnts or votes allowed on - prepaid subacrlptions tothe Dailyr Sunday and fleml-Weekly edition of The I Oreaon Journal dudta the monthe of June, July and Aurustr s:ond choice of y rises to sTTtotha- contestant making tbe secona nigBast ecore. ana so pnyntu no less than ZO prices are a warden, proviaea mere anaii h nn iv mcn-wm nntaatanta who have achieved reaulta Justifying such" liberal remuneration. , ' Any young peraon of school age who calk furnish aatiafactory references as to character and worthiness of aasistance In th endeavor to secure a good educa tion mav compete: provided, however, that auocessful contestanta will be r atrlcted In their choice of scholarships to snch aa are suited to their personal use, th. x-hnlarahlna will be non-transferable., . . Candidates for scholarships may enter the contest at any time between the opening date. June let. and the close. September 1st. An sany atari wiu d found advantageoua. .. ' HOW TO COMPETE. During the entire tima that the content is In progress persons paying advance "subscriptions to The Journal-will have the privilege of casting a certain number of votes In favor or any young peraon wnom ney oeeire aaeiei in winning a scholarship. The business of contestants to Induce their friends, and strangers, if they choose, to subscribe for Ths Journal. If they are not already J' t.ktn the nkDer. or renew their subscrlptiona by paying op for as long a. period - In advance as convenient, thereby giving the contestants the benefit of the votes allowed on advance payments. A casn commission win do paia contestants on all new subscriptions secured by them personally, or procured directly through their Influence. ' - .: ..'" Vteewmbe.allowei on an aavanc payments on suDscnpuona wnemer solicited by the contestahtrtBOtllgelTes, or paid e remitted direct lo The JoumaLu, Iiv " rB Orejea eateur. fit.en office or through any of the regular agents -or collectors, but In all oases the . V." " -4tt-'5i--pnrt, is.iiT ... h. i. Th. Journal nfflo. Wnra rndlt will t mtvmn tar the votes. ": ": weoie WbaaL vuii.j - - ' ; .. . . i ffl.m ryp, di m, yo.uu; DA certiiicaiea or .oanois win ne iiinuinra on requeat to con- Rlank voting testanta or others who may have use for them. For each subscription prepaid one of these ballots maj be filled out to correspond with the amount and length ' of time paid for, the number of votes due, the name of 'he contestant favored. etc. to be voted at the convenience ox tne aunecroer or contestant, out no K.iiota will be valid unless approved by the superintendent of circulation. Contestants need not begin turning In their votes before June 11. - On that date the polls' will' be regularly opened and remain open until the close of the contest. AS soon as a cooaiaervDie numnrr ox young people nave commences, active work the acore will be published dally or aa often as convenient, so that I the public may Jieep irrormea as to tne progress or tne contest. VOTING POWER OF SUBSCRIPTIONS. The voting' power of subscriptions will be In accordance with the following schedule: Time. Bally Md. Sunday Journal. '' irtce Dy ; V Carrier. Mall. Votes. On Year 7.oo T." i,ee Six Months , 176 ' 1.75 700 Three Months .. 1S 1.00 00 TWO Months ...... 110 .1.00. ..1M On Month , . i . . . ' nnday Journal T Price by Time. Carrier. Malt Votes. ' One Year '.-......... ; j.o Six Months '. - For further Information. If desired, applyto Contest Department, Oregon Journal, Poreland. Oregon. - t . -. . Daily Journal Without Sunday. - ' 7, Prloeby " ' " Time. Carrier. Mall. Votes, One Year .........$5.00 . . f 1.00 , 1,000 Six Months . J.iO - .7S 7- 450 Three Months 1.(0 1.40 200 Two Months, LOO l.OO ,120 One' Month - .10 .10 00 - Seal-Weekly JemnaL . . , Price by ' Time. ' " Carrier. Mail. Vot. One Year . , r. . . . . . ... f 1.(0 400 Six Months .j . .... . . . - .Tl ' ' 100 Educational Contest, 1906 ' .Name of Subscriber. ....... . ... SUBSCRIBER'S VOTING CERTIFICATE Addreis Amount Paid I For . . .V.l . . .7!7TT7. Months .............. For Journal lioar- Beginning. t..I. New or Old?.....;., - v.;.:....;,....; .GoodJfor. .Votet,; Oentestaat. APPKOTXS.IY usartntansMtt ef Olrmlattoa. OERRY. PRICE GOING DOVJN IS Receipts Begin to Increase but ' Quality le'Not otth Very A-, Best a$ Yet.. BIO SALES OF ALASKA . : PINIC SALMON MADE Caacara Bark Again Hag a Demand end Price la Up Hams Are Up arul Lard Lower Oregon Cabbage ' Takea Place of California. . 1 j riaut BOxt.Juaa 6. Tba ptiactpal rsataree ef the iMrtiaad wholesale surksM today aref All gradss salt sre esvsoeeav ' " , Hiuaa are tu anil lard. down. - ; StrawberrlM twftn to decline. . ' ' 'v '. OMgoa aabtwg e taking tlie laad. ,i ..' 'Uasoata bark again la damand. . Orange ' market firmer and higher."!"""" j "' Mav sack vagatablas in from aoata, " Asparagus season omlng to 'end. ' 1 String baaaa sonewhat seanle today.. ' ; Big sslcs Alaska pink salawa. ' ' ., '' 014 potatoes eoatinae to enow weakness. ' Strawaarrr Karket eeiag Down. Prediction by Tne JoaraaJ that this vaak would mark a decUalng period ta the straw- btrry aiarkat aateriallssd today and prices are about 80c a erate lower aU aroaad. . Beeslpta during the-day were somewhat greats thaa yesttrdsy. bar there ts at 1 11 aa essence ( what eould be called flrst-eiasa gnallty tar esaamg perpoaes. Most ef the arrlvsla from. WtllasMtte valley pouts. These peered t tr srnnef IhQrst qusllty. Prices skag tbl street this morshis rang' fl 00 per crate, with most, et the sales mldwsr between tbese flgares. Bf Salaa-ef-Alaaka JPink Vary heavy aalae are raportad made la Alaska esimed flab. Kor nink salmon tne demand Is enomons and aM- fertaea- -ere eaferly anappad up br sersrs st suod valaae. rrsak O. Bi of tots eJty. waa Is latsrestea ta saveral caa- ka rr aorta. sold-UWQ fasc or pinks on Saturdsy to Cblcaso snd southsrs fjrms. . rinks sr wiv anotM very active at 7Sc s wwen.' Tory" fa- aannart sre offel lug tusir run sa yet. awst el uam especting aa in ahuka -doas" not formally open eattl Jaae 16. sat some Usa has already baaa raagbt ana ttis iB'llrattoaa at tbs momcst are fnr a vase Prices on Alsnks flab ksre not rt apcaed for tbs seeeoe, bnt ta aomparhwo with last years rpaci Tbts year, last year. KM I l.OO .-, 11.00 Medium ni... . .90 Pink .........v.. . .15 ' .70 Wblle the Dries of rede wss put st 01 st the opening .of last eeasne, a maaideraMe a of business was later reported by the Alaabe rutin sasociaUos as low as asc. . The aurast Is sow firmer In eU liaes. - v , ,' '.- Oaasara lut k Xlgaw. A dsmsag far csscara bark has acsta sanmg sp la tne seat, the first for aearlr a raar. Quits a aumbor of large sales have beea re- potlrlTni f,Tn W'TOH " cTty ' prlcsaarr sdrancad with ruling from 4 to 4t a pound ana toe m.ri very good. The daetend at this lime enesos on eeaount of ths lack of Decline wai season wita. tne. very msj prices that raise urn. - . . . . . , AU Sradas ef Salt Advanced. All grsdas of salt, fine and eoare. are Sot s toe hlghsr today m ear lots, bat under that amount no chsnge yet appear In prices.- The wnr, unur eiiH Jattt MU awrket.f lata lndirata that th warring rafinerlee hav patched sp their differences and are now going to try snd make sotos sionay. ' for ever twe years renaerias bars bsea oomg eualaese at. a amemsraoie lose. " Ham Are Up aad Lard lower. ot criangcs tn provtsloa prices. Regular bssis in an arerag an quoted blbar, . wbla lara ef 11 gradss. except compound. Is We cwsr. nanje asms are k manor aad AauL dors the same amount. .... Pressed meet ere auoted ataadr aad mm. cnangca. - - . . - -. - Vote ef Tarlea Karkeu. PIocimc rrajn Is J.V css . lower . today, lAaslOe. icr'oriirsdMri i, BEAKS email whlte. S4.0n; large white. ". pina. so.u", pajrou, o.wuj uul, SS.OQ, This la in Una with a decline and by" ether vrai aionini SCO. . Orcann cabbas ta takhur fiwit nlaM California stock will soon disappear from the aericta. neat is 3e leasy. A car ef new boats. narsulDS snd tnmlna w.h uuna: m am.aia rrom roe soutn today. old potatoes continue to show weakness. Prices nominal. California new eeloa la Isrgsr receiot. Prft-a atnng Dcaue somewhst aunar snia . sec at e lor beat. Orange (re firmer. Raraa aro KtK. The trad nan tee follow tne arlraa to rwnmi Prtci paid producers -ere leas regular Sraia. Flour aad Feed.- WnliT Tluh. TatlTBe! rA I?nu,.. bliieetem. 7fa7S: ealleT. TOKtTlc. BARLBY Feed. IZa.oO: roUed. aatonaaaaao. hrewlnr, tt4.0. . rOHN Whole., 124. SS: erapked. wi an ... . - 1 " e ITK-II.M par cwt. O A Tn Produce ra' Drlre If iv. 1 whlta mm .1 , la.TIi: rye, 80s. A.00; bales. iaTS. MILLsTrrKg Bran. S1T.S0 per font mid dllnaa. I2.V00; sborta, cnunlry, 130.00: eitr. l.ia; chop, im.noeil.80. ' HAY Pfodueerc' PMc TiiaothT, Willamette S.OO: eaatern Oregon. $14 Oriij.oO; mtiad. 1 fWJt OO; dover. SS.OOO0.OOj grala. SaVSOal 00 cheat. $0.00. 7 . a .svaj utwr, xgg aad Poultry. BUTTBB PAT P. e. a."' Portland leu. ,HU.evmb. mnatm 1.1. IS. BUTTBR Cite creamery, SuiailHc: outside 1 1 n'. iim, izae. 8008 No. 1 freak Oraeon. aaadleH tnua WW. , .. 77. CRIHB-Haw Full cream, fataTU Young America, lBijeiSUe; California fla POL'LTRT Mired cblekens, 12U a CTff ass. 11c par era. ISeUDe ser Ih: M due! spring dneks, lStTSOa par lb: rooetors, old, 10 frjers. IH20ei broil- . per lb geeae, joi ni 1r :t bene, 1I"1S per lb lb: at a re, lie par lt; 18 IS pat lb tarkera, I7e per Tb; draaaed. tlACan W pWToV "va:Z -V' Heps, Wool aad Bide. HoPg Ooetrscts, 100s crop, lOClOMe ' Bae Wool. ! cllu-Valler. aoarae e IV: gne, X.V: eaatere Orsgoa, Sortie. atoHAiK new, soe. aUlggPHKINS Sbearto. ISftloc eaeh; aw. wool, a'uw, wtojiw "wi ovagio eacai long wool. TSeOSI.OO eaeh. T TAIXOW Prima, Ter lb. BOer aad iaae2iUc. tiITTIM BARK 404H ser lb. HIDRS Drr. No. L It ILe aad an. lauau ITU per lb; dry kip. No. 1. S e 18 lbs. lie- twtt- , a,,, mn ,.. m iw. iron sioas. i mm: aonn-!. lb aad ever. lOdtllc sow a, I a.r: .in., ana .uik.. nn. anTe, kin it to SO rbs, Be calf. Sound, coder 18 lbs, lie! rxea, uaaalted. 1 lea; mils, le per lb leas; horeehlde. aallad. each, ,$; dry, earn. vl bldea. 24tSC gnet klna. enmnMaa, earn, . IOatlOc; SI.IW. ".TTT FreHa aad Yga Mae. sack.: SOccJ POTATOES Beet sorted, to per seek: Be. dneert' prlr for car Kit SO 'par cwt; ordinary. "vour; prvoucers price. , new poiacea. ONIONRJ'oSblog price Oregon, No, t. 1160; TUESDAY PRICES IN r ; . THE WHEAT MARKET 1. ILA X - - July Rpt Chicago ......I .0U f .t7A e JOURNAL'S DAILY! ' , - TIPS ON MARKETS ' (t 4 " IrlgirroerB;trypUtl -4ltat X 4 the rk uf strawberries will strike th bottom for the season 4 during the present week. : At 4 this time receipts are showing s an Increaae,. but quality la. not Sufficient for best canning pur- pose. - This may -Improve later 4 lu th wk. In any event you 4 should watch the market very e carefully at tbla time. v - ' '- ' v ' - - - .. .'. , ' - ' -. produearC prlo. No. 1, US: No. t $2.00; leiaa. iv per is; bw camucnla. fl.TD; garuc, aci per id. . FRESH FRUITS Apple. SX804IS M; oranges. II IS. 74; Wad: lb; lemoaa. lteiranean. IS IB coulee, f4.ouU4. sraoges. fancy sseel, 3.13g4 001 . eoedllof. a:u; pananaa, ee M. bui' fanee in.30AB.DO par bos; limes, Ueilrsn. 7B pet 100; Uugsrlnas, : plneauplsa, Meilran, $3.7S iwaiian, ; srrawDerrie, l.N'i.uu per ite; gooseberries, Bfto per lb;, cherrtea. soxyt.ou; plums. Si.oo par crate; suricoM, v,,; oeacnea. VfciGKTAIU.RV-Turnip, new, 1.M per sack carrots. fl.BO - par ,. aaek; ear a; parsnip. . 11.00 bests. 11.80 saeki Ufa- son rsdlahe. SDf T cabbage, Callforsla i Nt"i.w per cwt; Oregon, 12.00; Ml peptn 15JOo tbr MealcSB tomatnaa. Ss.75ii.OO; FlfWlda. $4.80;. paranlps, SOcttll; .string beans, rnl Sci ca all flower. 11.00 par dos: Csllforn per lb: Oreaos. 6jtl4 per lb; borao- rantaB. euro per id: artlcaoaea, ioo par : botlMus lettuoa, II Si per boil . eranberrlea, lerseya. 114 00 per tbl: Coo bar and Tllha. mook, 110.001 eiparafua. California. 1le per lb Oregoa, 76c per dos b .ncBea; Walla waua. i.ou per boa) sejuaaa, 1 tae; spinscn. 76e Dee hoxl aieeo Anl,M,a ftova-nn. 1 S W. per. dos buo-hea; cuenmbsrs. TOcQtl.OO . pat dos; celery, II. IS per do. . DRISO FRUITS Apples. .' eported. 18tT ISO per lot eprteots, liaise per lb; peeebe, iaal3U per Ibiesrhs. U see lb tree I Drones, 10 to M. TUe; k dron eel oeeh aliteentb amaller else: flea, California black. vtTe Hi; Csllforais white. Se per lb: dates, goMsa. o par lb; tarda, fl.16 pa li-Ut boa. , ' ereoatt, Xata, XU. RTraAn Bai-k haatmtie ' flt.18; fruit granulated, 18.18; dry grasuiated.; ponr. A. fd.oe; beet grsnulatad, wsatera, e4.bA: Hawaiian. J.OS; extra C. 14. BS; goldea V? a-.wi v jmuaw. ea.oo; aois. juc; DDIs, 81 boaes. 800 sdesan on sack heals, less !e per cwt for cask, IS days; asatile, IdOlM ira. IV. ii aa m IS dayai a sales of leas thi lot t auacUr prate subject' car Iota, Suctsatlous. I nONRT-SSSO pa crate. X)FFgB Pack ace bra ode. 1118 HALT Cos rsa Hair ground, 100a, IX 00 per ton; 80s, M.BO; table, Jab-y. 8fts.iil.oo; 1007 I10.78taportd IJrsrpooL ftU. . Sn.QOi loov eio-voj eio.w, exu-a noe, pnia. aa. l4.auiTC9.90; Milk. 890 Ins. 14.005.00; sacks. rxie, oornev ueeroooi lamn roek. sia.An ne eaw -vrr-wvmrm-r- e" w, UHA1N baud calrutaa . Be; Mexli-an reda, 4.e, a i-per idj. roaated. SSU per oeosssM. 85Qso per dos: walouu. IStr I8U t"TaWPanpta, JnmNw. Se per Tb; sx4 SH4, Fb-rlnla per lb; plneuutt. iOillSVta pet lb: hlrkaey aats, 10 per lb; cbestnuts, eastern. lSeJlee pe Pat Brasll 'But. 14 per Tb; Slberts, UifllSa! per iotsaoMei auaoads. iQ lb; fancy pecsna, Paints, Coal Ofla, Xto. - BOPaW-Psre ataail. le: aUndard. sai. lie COAtrC MI OH Pearl or Astral Cases.. IBUa gal; wstef. hJ(e, lroa bbls, 14c : par eal; wwuwa. .iv vat moiuh. , ill ,,ee tl He per eal. - GASOUNg -e. case HUl naa aa bbla. ISr per aL BSNZINB M-dcg, caaea SBe per gal. trea TC n PkWTlNE-laT laaes Sag put git wood. wiiif. par bi. WHITE LEAD Ton lota te nee Iht ann.ih ota. er par id; leaa iota, sale par is. wins riAil rrescnt beau at SZ.HB. LINHKRI) OIL Pore -raw. Tn B.hhl Inta lav.' 1-bhl lot, 8Hc; cases. SSe per sal; genuine kettle- noiien. cases, en per gal; o-bbl lots. 4e: 1-bbl let SB per gsl; ground cake, car lots. 20.on par.toe; lass than car .lots, (30.00 per to. Meats. Fisb aad Prerlaloe. i tr-BKBH MEATS rmot tret7tef nateev. vw per id; cow, oiuea por id; aoga. re nor. SHWc: orninary. iiOt, poor, tttth per lb bulla, S4I3H per Th; veaL sitra. SUflfre nor fn ordlsary. 8c per lb: poor, Se par lb; mutton. fsnoT. ROSHe psr'lbt lambs. Sc. BAMS. BACON, KTC Portland park florsil ha me, 10 to 14 lbs. lite per lb; 14 to 16 lbs. leiae per in; Dreasrasx oscoa, lRHOIOe per lb; plcal. 10e par lb: cottage, 104 per lb; i aa u tar--aaeri oieora.-aBBiBOBeeE.-ifH.ey moked. lle per lb: clear backs, anetooked. lute per in; atnoaeo. uni per lb; Dntoa butts. 10 to IS lbs; una moked. So per lb; ssjoked. Be per iv, rive, wiuvv. vnauMNiea, JIB BCC Ibl .vu yvi .v. vwuujcra, WHLC PBT IB. LOCAL, LARD Kettle leaf, 10s. 13r Tb; ts, 12H per lb; 60 rb tins." 11 We oar aiemm rvBoeeea. - as, vs g per lb; compound, 10s. Se. ih -lb) so, CANNRD SALMON floluaeMa rle. I lk .n.; s-id talis, .tb; fancy, 1-lb nets, 1 100; ei.,.,. inner oram, sz M-lh fanrr lata. Alaska talle, pink. SSaSOc; red. II. DO; fancy 1-lb orals, 78 e .ii ao IVII, VA.W. FISH Buck cod. T par Hi; Bounder, 8 pet lb: halibut. Se per lb; crabs, ll.BO par bob: striped bees, ISHe Per lb: eatnah. ta oee is. salmon. Columbia rfeer etilnook, SHs par lb, -'"''''. , r vpith, oo per id; b y pvr iu; aanmpa. luc par ID pereh. Be pet lb: black cod, 7 Par lb; tnmeod, 7 per lb; siiTsr amen, ru par w; loMtars, IB pec lb; fresh mackerel. So pee lb; arawnah, 20e Dec ' .iwini- . OV DOT ID. OIBII.RS Sboslwster bar. nee v. I par sacs. as. to. UL,AM" nardsball, hana, SS.00 pat-box. eV-PexgalaJS box. IS. 00; HOGS MAINTAIN PRICE ON SMALL ARRIVALS Cattle Remain Dull With Weaker Feeling Sheep Still in Good - Position Some Prices. Portland I'nloo . toctrards. Fnaa k TJt. aioca receipw; - ffne-e. ratrle a. Today "..;... v. v.". r " ioj wee sgn 81 71 ' (0 Month ago, 11 . 1J iw ev Th llreatoek Bwrkst show no change froi th former ettoatlon. Tb bogs sre holding their ewa today aodar small espplis, bet pries are Bncnangee. Cattl sre dull with a weak taBdaaarv and uacoanvQ vBjueB. . Sheep demand good. Receipts somewhat bet r today, but prioe le ajalolalaed, - Offlrlat ' 11. retook qootsttesa: Um. BUv. - .tan ,W...,. MMaiM, blockers snd CblDa fats, lo.frOi seockers and Meaera, f Ka l. Cattle Beet eaatern Oreena ateer. S4 SOi beat cows and heifers, 11.28; atockers and feed a, ijoo; puiis, axpo. Sbeea Shear II nga. I4e; leanbe. SViclle, EASTERN H0C3 STRONG. Oatuu Are aTteady ia Cnloaga kTbasp --- . ajtrtrngBT. - ' Ckleager-Jaa ,Uatockractlptsi.., Hoc. Cattle. ghees. Chicago JS.ono 2.50O - Kanaas'Clty 14.0O0" S.00O ' B.00O Omaha .10,000- 4.0O0- d.Ouo Hogs Opened strsng with g.Buo left over. Recelpta s year ' ago were 18.000. Ruling prlcea: aflred. Sd.M4t6.4S: rood. .S8C.U; rough, KJ 'a4.40; light, 4 o.0. (Si ttla Steady. p cur. Shoe trong. minro states eoTuntTsTx Bouse, New Tork, Jsae B. Got Bt. Louis...... trtne polls rr liuluth ....... ' MIlwauke .... New Tork.,. i. ' KAnsaa CJty,.. .7SA -.ts HIV .11 HB .104 .lVB t si' .71 ) srsnsent Pat. Bid. Twos, regtetered........... Idol lofl do coupon .....i...r IW'J Jimv . II I .11, ........ - ' oupon imm Twos, small bonds...... Fours, registered... ....ionf do eournn iwrr Foe re, reg1.tere4........A, . 1M28 d eoBpou.. ... 123 rHarrtet of Columbia, I U.. .... rkiUpptne 4a.. f.. Aak. lost; lfl 1 lonaZ lii.atZ 12Z i 12h ia 1174- ..... loov Sterling Xxananrs Rate. New Tork. Jan S Sterling retes: Demasd, 4S8.80e4e..SO; SO days, M3.SBO4ta.v0. . f Wsw Tarb-Leadoa Silver. ' . ' " New Tork, June I Sllrer, oc, Loadoa, tod. j - . . . - . . , - BEAR FAGTOR Wheat. Market Not Very Active Today and a General De '- " cline Is the Result. : CHICAGO MARKET THREE EIGHTHS OFF FOR JULY September "end December Each Drop ," a ' Quarter Cent Corn Follows Closely In Wake of Wheat Oats More Active With e Gain. 3 v. BFLATIVSI WBBAT TALCFS, July., Sept., ues. oat Jbuh .b Prt IPOS. .. .S0B .S1UB9 .7Vi $ J1U Los Tues. .s JMZ .00 i ' Chloago, Jan fc Tbs ' wheat market failed to show any slga ef -strength today. Weothec eondltlona . r. ... been so aood of lata tbnaish tfia greet wheat belts that siany hasey operators war easily Indaoed to short. There was Dot sny great decree of trad st any .time during the ere eon. tb market seemlnc to so down ea Its'owa accord. The decline continued until ths cLoee. At th end JuLr waa oft snd September and lieesmlMg ft lower than last rrioar. The ears market followed Terr eloaelr ta tb waks or tb wheat sad a tract loaal neclln 1 shown foe ths dar. -Oats wsr somewhat stronger with fairly good buying In most optkms. A quarter to was tne general edeanc ha this pt, - Tbera was soais suppert of hog by parsing tntarest today and ths market closed .blglier, At tua aloslng J air wss U sents up. wbll ntemher gained loo. f ficlal auotatleue br Orerbeck. Rlarf A udob eoanpaayt SVHBAJ.. Blgb. ' Low. Clns. .soti - .SCH' .0 St. Louis I V--l .UI7.....C I Kept,... ,804 ..80IA .TSH .7A I Deo .80 -.SOti v .SOU .BOWl Uly., .4U - AK - - .40 - .4SU Sept..... .40, .40.. ,4 ' AUtl OATH. July..... ",ST4 - .gt4 .wsi ,4V1 U.n, V .ft-JiZ v kii! fill f .-. .3?, ur.""!fnr "' ji - Jntv.--'.. IS OR . IB IT- IX1H II M 71 I I Sept..... 16.88 " 1S.00 18.83 11.00 ' ' ----- ;-.....-r:T.T.i; " r: '- July ' S-88 - ; -- S. .'... S.SS l " Sept..... I t) - 8 77 8 S.7J pet-.S.6a S S S.8 ' 1 85 B SHORT aUSS.' ,- July.10 S ?j: f.0T .. . 8ept... S.08 . 8.11 80S i 18 Oct...... 8. ST .00 SAT 8.00 oxioAeo cash -whxai. Obtcago, June B. Cash wkaar: Ka. I red.................. r.o. ran. ....... ..., 8 bsrd. ................ .v.... .. Ha. 8 bard. ........................ rtn, z Dorrnera No. 3 Borthern no. g spring. Ask. Bid. 8 AT 8 .S ---.US .TS ' .SI .ss .SI 7T CJICA80eKAIaTCAB - L0TS.- Chicaga, June I. Grain car lota for twe dayst Cars. Grade. Eat. litfui- Wheat 4 4 Cora S71 87S . ' TOO 81 J Osts 304 110 300 S41 Wheat r todart Mlnnaanolls ITS. Trelnth bb. zsar sge: Minneapolis 107. Daluth IT. ,; .. . . ftraia Vial hie fcpply. Ctlcaga; Tune . Grain Tie ml sutrnlyi J Wheat Oscrsassd l.lnS.OOO bushels. Own Inersaaad 1,061,0XI bnsbelB. Oata leereaeed 1.147,000 aaabala. AmALGAriiATED HAS A BAD REPORT Second Annual Statement of Big Copper Company Fails to ' " Impress the Trade. NO DIVIDEND LIKELY ON PRESENT SHOWING Earnlnt From Subsidiary Concerns Aggregate Less Than 0 Per Cent on Capital Stock Number of Illusions Destroyed by Publicity, ' ' ' -MEll- WE CURE Wc will treat any single, un complicated - ailment under absolute guarantee. rNo pay unless cured. We are estab lished 25 years in Portland. CONSULTATION FIXEE We will treat any single uncompli cated ailment for $12.50 for the fee. 1. -,We never 4diwppoint our patients! l 2. ; - We accept no incurable cases! ; 3. We never holii rtjalse hopes! 4. We never fail in any ce we take f : roisOsT, ing Htiini, OBne, vxozse, eTBioTumB, takco VsiXiai, mtmooa&si, btxbtots ' BscivnrB, wiiznss,- rram -a OKaSOaTZO DIJABBS Of 1X1 KTDaTxTTB AWD MOST1TI. . OOaUrSB SKOOBTS AJTD TiUDU (T1UIT8, rOKTaVAJTD, OXXOOaT. -.-V W. do not offer yen say ran THAI TXUTXZeTTaV XTtOTSIO BEITS, fTOBTTf. UESS CaAXOKS, or other asolees metbads sf treatneent. One ads are our ewa. and erhlls others ropy them, they cannot lmltats oar superior method of treatment. Wl aaz THI tOMOZST LOOATXT SMD -OLD 1ST BPECIAUSTS - XX 1 POaTLAMO,. baetng -beea located her 35 rears. Wa do act sdeertlss cheap, ln(eiiartratnient. bat wa glei yoej-ll ha eeealta -at rear -of rips expsrlence, gained in the treataient of many thou sand of pari en ta. We- giea jrenj aor skill aad ability la the treataient of diseases at wn fnr a fair (ee. whleb diit he in any way th pi (lent aeeiree. IBTEITIOSTg OVB Toil wi' ill w a ui.nxjB xu be. aa u wsebt IS 01 i t lair aee. woicn Bier I UtTHODS A1TD IU1V Walt- ! era a. M er m VMaJ evvr ., am i- wnLn OTJB HaJiDS TOCT A EX SUKX 0T erZTIIaTt) IK I Bi.I too PLAcrx roira OASC XaXAtMXJiX THAI OAlf BX 0BTAIVZO Ag reKIM. i T T Bi : Iranlngs, T ta 8; Sundays, 8 a. aa. to U Beea. MEDICAL AND SURGICAL ooaxn noon mn: tm1ttmTTTm.tTIJUni. -OXmVtOrr.y Dispensary Blood, SIdn, Nervous and Special Diseases ol Men a. a as i x v - ei sy- . WE DO NOT TREAT ALL " DISEASES of the human, race, v-but make a specialty " bi - treating - and curing NERVOUS DIS EASES, BLOOD DIS EASES, SKIN DISEASES. KIDNEY DISEASES, , F BLADDER DISEASES and all affections of THE i L k, -.-.. . . v., J. . -r . . I r- , uuiuivuAinnni vx- GANSjf men only. Men Cured Quickly, Safely and Surely ' There ia absolutely no lnoonvenlence, lo of time, hardship or uncer tainty, while reaulta are direct... speedy and permanent. We cur top. Of disease to stay cured. Wo want to talk with over man who euffere from tuoee affliction, due to any causa whatever- V want to explain our method of curing disease and all ailment of th kldnaya and bladdan Ottr offlo la equlppped with everything science ean devise and money can bur that will assist ua In ouruia- disease w treat We are true) peeialleta. and do not attempt to treat all dlaeaaea, but euro all wo treat. Our methods of ourtnc -r origlntU, poaltlva, abaolut. ... . -All MedicinesBr Should you 4lr yon may; deposit tb fee with any bank or bualnaa) lieu' In Portland, to b fcatd to ua aftr you hav bean rtord to health, or you may pay in monthly- payments If you prefer. . ... CONSULTATION ALWAYS FREE r " Offlo Hour t a. mi to p. th.; Sundays and holiday, 18 a. m.' to IS. Dr. W.Norton Davis & Co. ' Offlo. la Taa -Toy xo, 6Ht Third st. Con? rin, Portland. On ; - New Tork. June 6. Th inanat report of th Amalgams-res Oiniiar aaeapaajr area anfavorsbl. snflmihg th recent nmors. Ths srnlngs. being dlrtoend from the MbsMlsry roncerna. sggragstsd less than 8 par seat aa th espltal stock and fcek aU talk ef die-Idea Increase for aom tun at least. Th firs resort a year ago showed that la I Its rem tb company bad only aeraasalsaag a stir alas at the rata ef 1 pec net a yea rr the dlvidewits pstd. - I Publicity fes this res is aaatmrsd a ssmber of niBskna. aawng tnara -bslng tea other story that Aanalgamatsd was Isadlng 830,000,000 8 the atooey market. Tn eoatrollad essnnanl rrodnced sns.uuo.ono pounds or enejaar daring se year,' rhe amaiseanaled receiving benefit from S1S.000.00O Bound. This sosaparss erlth Snt.ono.OOO Brands prodoesd a year as from UTS). 000. 000 poeinds ef wblch Aa-islgsrsstsg re relred nrnflts. Prsctlcsllr all b 'Conner' mtM dnrlng th year went at 1H poaaid, and ',uw i A thta euaeest arnin Bt SiS.UOO, Aisse- gsmstsd. Today's Stock bib rhet was ealt set Irs and saarl snata gsisai early. Thasa for toe eneee part were tost later ea the adraBelng ef nwner rale to 4k par esat, Seles to aooa MBDts4 ta 44S.S0S sharas. Official aaiHatioas by . Orerbeck, tart ' 4 Oeohe aoarpanyi. ., DSCaiPTI0!. nil. CoDoee Co.. 77 i-tchlaon, eon. .. .iu. vua.r, ...iif ....... . Returner Ar Oaie, eeew. RrsoklTB Haotrl -Tranalt.l rasadian rasine. eota.. Chi.. Mil. St. P.... rh.aapeaae A Okie.... ftrls. ansa.... oatavllte ft FsehTllle.l Ulseoori Parlllc. .... Near tarh Orntral.,., reoersi BTnaaera PennsylvsnlB Br , .1: v. a , u a o. Co...... Heseing, enra. . . v... Konfe relsad. eani...... do ore (erred Smthern TsclS Unlea Facias, eoes. ...... C. 8. Steel Ob., boss.. do pvefecred. Im Weakens. .......... Total ssle day. Sai.000 akars. Call aaoBry sloped a4 per eenv. a . , ; ; WOOL CLIP JtKATT. (Special Dispatch to Th Jnornatv" - Onlerew Jima S. Wool Is coming tn wear ponntia Bering arrirwi. pl.lly Is poaad, to b marketed Is iper-tsd th clip will reach ,8,000,000 aa It V 1 . Livarpeol Oettag Lewar. ' -. Mvrpne4, , 4uw B. Cot toa future - closed I 8 points leaar, . Where .TAXITL'lh OIBOIV XSaVAJTO In th OVTX VUAU. la molt at tractive place to spend one aummar vacation. a . XAXXrOSaV sails from Ban Francisco. July 1. with a party of happy peopl on their war to wltnss the unique native fetea that tak plao July 14. Tha a. ' MI vtrroaA-wtlh rernaln over 4n-ho- harbor. ai day s, afford Ing ample iim to mane in trip rouna in taiana ana viait in native vuiagea. Clement Wragg. th famoua writer, in hi "Romano of th South Sea, aay a "Tahiti fa on spot worth while in a tour of th world." tilt Is tha nrftt-ciaaa rat Ban JTannsoo to Tahiti and back, at 11.60 to t pr day. Writ for circular to OCEANIC S. S. CO. Good hotsl la Tahiti 1008 Broad war. Oakland. CaL urn r ug , . f rohnii; . ' fey :t',uiyeLH4 ! JOI lolls inBlli'ej 178 17S lf4S :T4 MU, 60 SS I M -ei H I 44 lon4 IMH 1414100 . , M1 f Mia MK 'SS "11,1 Phflni Mafn B000 w- ewej 1 - iMlkiiM in!iM I M II Bilvll BU I ejegeaaeeaeeeaaeaaaaaeaeai . . . 1. .... 1. ..r'. ..r 1 lee ii iwiitoa tU SSVi 2bS art'T yeaaev SO SSai m st" sa, . f i .1 158 Wi ilftO I : '. I 4IS I C1 10i irwt lOdi, M .3 SSkl Mi. tW W V '7 lu . THE GREAT-SPECIALIST - TOtnra scbbT, xxdou-aoxs am, out mn. Who ar th victim of Urinary, Kidney or Bladder Trou bles, Syphilitic or Mercurial Blood Poisoning, Lot Vitality, Impotency, Sexual Debility, Impaired Vigor, Prematura ir TUne from Recent Exposure, klental Worry or Overwork. Rheumatism.. Ecsema or Bait Rheum, Plies, Uloera, Old Sore. Cough, Impending Paralysla or Conarrmptlon, Stomach and ' Llvr Troubl, Lo of Ambition, unlit to enjoy either plea, ur or buslnesa, are cured for life by Dr. Piarc who all otb--rs hav failed. 4 'all or writ SB. T. 9. WTMMOm, 81 H Third WU Vortlaad Oa, BANK AND OFFICE RAILING WIRE AND IRON FENQNG - Parbed Wire, Wire and Lawn Fencing, Poultry NttUng, Etc PORTLAND WIRE & IRON WORKS 263 FLANDERS ST4 Near Third An Uncqualcd Offer A st of our famoaa tit raise TEETH for tlO. PalnlM. xtraotln( fre with thla offar. Kaam tnatlon and conaultatlon fre. Crewa and iBrldg work a apaolalty. Extracting; t9 eota t . wiiF nnni . nieitsi TatimB AITO WAaaTrSTOTOV. Mala tOfl. . Open wnlng aad Saadaya,. ALLEH'S FOOT-EASE oSr, A CsrUls Curt wr Tlrsd, Hoi, Achls Fsst &t DO NOT ACCEPT A SUBSTITUTE. a eesry box. Inal fa Arlrsea, 1 8. . I L.-e--c-, , "I