The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 05, 1906, Page 12, Image 12

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Distinguished j Physician : and
Surgeons In A Attendance
at 'Bostorv Meeting.- 7
Speeches of Welcotne by President
.)i Eliot ol Hanrardi Governor Guild
of Massachusetts and' Mayor, Fitt-
T--erald -of-Boaton, . ' , "."'','.
- tJoemal Special. Service.) .".' '
- .Boston, slasa, June 6. 'The fifty
..seventh nmutll meeting, of the Amer
' : ' : lean Medical . association ws s . opened'
" vthls morning' tn Mechanic' fcaH with
-raevorat- thousand - member from every
section of th country . in' attendance.
1 '"The proceeding of the Opening seaslon
- included' the- official reception and wel
come of the association, . by , .President
Kllot of Harvard university: President
-- - A.- T Cabot of Che Massachusetts .siea
. leal society. Governor Guild, speaking
.'..-, for the state, and Msyor Fltsgeraia, in
' behalf of the city of Boston. '
" , Called to Order by alurtry.
. w-V a m mIIsuI f nrrl lef
' retiring President Lewis B. Muftry" of
? Louisville and Dr. Walter Wyman of
- Washington. IX C, first ice-president.
'responded to the speeches of welcome.
r-Thc"Wpurt' UT tlis ctmimltWm on s
. rangementg was followed by . the Intro-
eduction of President-elect Dr. William
I J.I Mayo of Rochester, Minn., who de-
ii versa ne annual aaoxess. . . i us wv.a
' nencial Tnectlnsr-tB tea-place this
ing. Dr. K." C. Bhattuck of thla city
delivers the oration on "Medicine" and
;, Dr. Joseph XX Bryant of New York that
- on surgery. At the tblrd general meet-
-.''State - Medicine - w 111 - be-- delivered ty
Dr. ,W. H. 8aunder of Montgomery, Ala.
,,. In addition to the general sessions to-
f dsy "II , Motional meetings devoted to
4wrlotrsdepartments:-lif the practice ,;of
-- t medicine and surgery were -held, -
J. Th gathering' will be - In session
through-the -remainder-of thl -week.
31ost of the convention energy will be
' given up to th meeting of the various
.,! sections. , The program calls-for-over
.', I 400 paper, which are Jo be presented to
j Iba various sections. Many of (hem
are technical and will not ' Interest the
' general public, while other papers will
t ideal with subjects of deep popular in
terest. . .
r:;C.", ... ; ajiii4 aociotua. . .
' t The societies affiliated with th
American Medical association, and
which are holding their meetings slmut
tsneoualy, are tte American 7nstro-
f United States Pension Examining Bur
j geons, American Neurological sssocla
. . Hon. American Association of Life In-
auirance Kxamlnlng Surgeons,. American
i urologies i association ana -American
-i-Jicdlcal Editors' assoclaUon." ..- i.fz.--.
j A distinguished feature of the pres-
1 ent convention ' is the large number of
4 eminent medical men In sttendsnce.from
& foreign .countries. . England, Germany
I and. France have, sent some of their
& foremost physicians, surgeons and sclen-
tlsts to the gathering. Canada Is rep-
j resented - by 'a distinguished delegation
5 - that Includes among others Dr. H. H.
Chown of Winnipeg. Dr. Simon W.
. , TunstslI of Vancouver, Dr. Wesley A.
.Mills of McGill university. Dr. George
2 -A. Peters of Toronto, Dr. George A.
'.Armstrongor-MontrearxnI Df.;Murray
MacLaren of Bt. John.
?! ' Preferred Stock Canned Goods. :
4 . Allen Lewis' Best Brand. -
j A, , C. ssin in aiCCIRIr
I'. lOLnliU IO IrllwOllsU
3 ' ' fgpecUl Dispatek to The JonrnsLV f
-I' Astoria. Or., June -Llghtkeeper H.
2 A. Hansen la missing from 8nd island.
g Fear is entertained that he may have
t been drowned. Light at the Jetty and
j at the island have hot been burning
1 . ;iur tnv jiui (wv or iiirre iiianis. .. a
boat resemblln
thst iised 3yajjsen4,ns" exercises of the academy; I p. m..
j has been found adrift near the Jetty.
ri Hansen Is unmarried and aged about SO
'"years. ,
Bmznu ooirrau km. atom
''j - . to quit wonxr -
Jt. WUllasas' Vlak rills Bewtor Her to
r erf set xaaltk aad trengtb.
Mra Msry Gagner of No. tiS South
Summer street. ' Holyoke, Mass., hss
' passed through an experience which
proves that some of the greatest bless
: i ings of life may lie within eaay reach,
. A tew years ago while she wss em
.sloyed In the mills she was suddenly
seised with dlzslness and great weak
7 rtees. "I wss so weak at times." she
' says, ' that I could hardly- stand, and
- my heed became so dlssy that It aeemed
. 4 s if the floor was moving around..
"My condition at last became ao bad
' f that I was obliged to give up work In
' ' the mill, and lster still I became so
'.' feeble that I could not even attend to
5 my household duties. After the slight-
est exertion I had to lis down and rest
until I regained strength.
f"A friend who had used Dr. Williams
JMnk Pills forvfala. Teople urged me to
k try them. I bought a box and .began to
! take them. The benefit waa sa positive
.. and SO quickly evident that I continued
to use th pill until I hadtaken alto
gether six boxes. By that time I waa
i entirely cured, and for two ytara 1 have
hud Tto return of mr -t rouble; I am 11
In .the best of health and able to attend
to all my duties, f am glad to arknowl
' . edg th benefit I received and I hop
that my statement may be the'means of
Inducing others who may suffer In this
, way to try this wwndei fufh-mediPlne."
Tho secret -of the power of Dr.. WIN
Hams' Pink Pills In cases' of debility.
, js such as Mrs. Gagner- lies In the fact
' thst they make new blood, and every
.Vrgan and even every tiny nerve In. the
-; lndy feel the stir of a new tide of
t strength. The effect Is not a brief -stimulation,
but a steady building up of
r . wss ted tissue and a constant supply of
' fresh, vital energy ..wherever, it Is needed
until perfect ' conditions ofhelth are
If vou want good health you must
have good blood. Bad blood i th root
of all cotnmoa diseases, like anaemia,
rheumatism, sciatica, neuralgia. - Ml
Vftue darwe, nervousness. Indigestion,
tleWlltr. general weakness, paralysis,
locomotor stasia. nd th special sll-T
. . .
ments thst onlv' women folk know.
Vr. Wllltams' Pink Pills srs sold by
all druggists or will be sent, postpaid.
m reeipt of price. tS cents- per box,
six for ll Mfeby th,r.. W illiams
Medietas company, Bcheoectsdj', W. Y(
10 BE. REU0VED .
Officials and Employes of Steila-
. coom Institution Wary of
Her Vengeance. J '
(Special DlMxtoh to The Joarnil.t
Tacoma, Wash., June 6."o-.-ernor
Albert K. Mead, the members ef the
state board of audit and control, aud
Superintendent A. Van Xanrtt of th
stat Insane asylum at Fort Steilacoora,
have been bluffed and are being openly
defied by a woman. The woman- is Mrs.
Herman, matron of the asylum...
During th latter part of April dis
patches 'from Olympla' stared that the
board of control bad asaVd Mrs. Herman
to resign. Superintendent Van Zandl
of t.he asylum confirmed the report. Mrs.
Herman, nowever, 'Sawed' wood ana neia
htir pos(tlotland I still holding It.
though the board of control announced
that she would quit th service of th
state May 15. j
Mrs. Herman has something up ner
sleeva and will remain. 'n her position1
as long aa she desires, despite the at
tempts "ofthe state- administration to
Oust her. "' '.' ' -'
"Whn thepresent admirdatrstlon
took charge of the affairs of .he state,"
said a Tacoma 1 politician last ntgrM,
"Mrs. Herman waa 'ace high' with th
push.' , They Invited ' her. figuratively
speaking, to sit (n 'the administration
game.' MT. Herman was not whaj one
would exactly call a novice, and' she
soon learned the cards so that she eould
stack the . deck under the very noses
of the most astute of the stat' of
flclals,, . .. . . .
The upshot of the matter waa that
she soon had th whole outfit "buffa
loed. Employes were discharged at the,
asylum at her pleasure, and Dr. Van
yniit m tint much mor than a pawn
in her hands. This conWueaTorHBTrT
a year. Theiflh board, with the con
sent of the governor, decided to get rid
of her.' . .
'When- her resignation was called for
her reply to 1 th official not of the
board of control- was to show the end
of the club, which wss In fact a threat
to make .certain revelations concerning
thn mansgamsnt ef the asylum, :.J?o4
ceedlnga-agalnat her-war- Immediately
topped and the whole state machine
was .secluded for several days In the
tall timber around Olympla.'
l it- ts-aliw-reported;- here-BT-ynefr
.Ws consternation- at -the asylura,too.
when Mra -Herman threatened to fell
what she knew, and Assistant Superlir-'
tendent Snook wss hurried off to Olym
pla to urge Governor Mead to call off
the state board.
- Mrs. Herman has been at th asylum
for many years, receiving her -appointment
under Governor Rogers and re
maining during the McBrld adminis
tration, political changes never stirring
her from her place. It looks as though
she would weather the present storm
and remain on Indefinitely. ---Rumors of
political scandals St the asylum are fre
quently heard, which hint at indlscre-
snd lncomnetencv amonar the attendants.
Meanwhile B6Th . the oarffT6f".""c6hXroT
and the governor are trying -to shift
the responsibility of ousting Mrs. Herman.-
each to th other. . while . she ap
pears to be th only -one who Is not
worrying. .
Mpeelit Dispatch te The Joarrm!.)
Pacific University? Forest Orove, Or
June 6. All arrangements' hare - been
completed for commencement week at
the college, Jun IS to 10. Invitations
have been sent out and a large number
of guests -are expected. . Th entire
week will - be given up ao graduating
exercises. The following Is the program
of. th 44th commencement ofPac!flc
university: .' , ....
. Friday, June' IS. I n. m recital by
-Pupllsp the ConserytoryjOfMusic
. Baturday, June It. t p. m., anniver
sary of th conservatory".' v -
Sunday, June 17. 11 a. m., bacca
laureate sermon. President Ferrln; t p.
m.r sermon before; the Christian assocla-
tions. Rev. Richard K. Ham, Portland.
Monday, June 18. I p. m., exhibit by
the art department; S p. m.. address be
fore the literary societies. Professor
H H. Herdman. Portland.
Tuesday,-- June IS. 10 a. ra.. snnusl
meeting of the trustees; 1 p. m., elos-
anniversary ot associate aiumni.
Wednesday, Jun SO. 10 a m grad
uating exercises of the university; 11
m annual business meeting of the
alumni; 1 p. m.. corporation dinner; $
p. m.. commencement concert.
Exercises of Sunday will bo held in
the Congregational church. " All other
exercises, excepTasherwIsClndteatadH
in the suditorlum of Marsh hall.
fjosrail Special Rerrire.)
Indianapolis, Ind., June t. John C.
New, proprietor, of the Indianapolis
Journal, died of dropsy at his horn
her yesterday afternoon, aged 74 years.
He has been 111 for a yesr.
JShinrhllTint New was bum In Indl-
. July , M1. .. gradusted Jrora
n!,,uneydc,on7h. km; "i. :::
mltted to the bsr in 1162. He was
of , Indiana In
18(1, and state senator in 182. After
the civil war he was a banker and. haa
been proprietor of the Indianapolis Jour
nal for many years. He was appointed
treasurer of the United States by Presi
dent Orant in I S76. assistant secretary
of the treasury by President Arthur In
11X2, and eonaul-general at London by
President .Harrison In 1189. '
iRDeeial Dl patch to The Joersatt
Baker City, Or., June . Vedlit for
White, In the circuit court In the rase
of John VermlHIon ,agalnst the White
Swan Mines company. Vermillion was
suing for f 40.000 damages for having
bean blinded while working in the mine
of .. defendant. Verdict-was- given -onf
the ground that the testimony did not
show thst defendant would hare known
of a defect In th fuse uaed by miners
In blasting had It been defective. Ver
million based his claim on (he allega
tion that th. fuse was defective. -
' (Kneels! niapatrl Tb, ' lonrsel.)
- Ontario.-Or, June (-The ... Ontario
Mght and "Water compsny ha a large
force of mn at work putting In their
pipe line. The system will be com
pleted by July is.
Contrsctor Isrson-of flittte is - sf
. m h.( H v ff r .t.rf Anihfl mm-
ranging to atsrj work on he city sewer
system. ' Th contract is for 114.460.
to be completed within four month. 1
' All the farmers around Madras, drjll-j
In far water.
Electrician Receives Full Charge
of Live Wire, but Recovers
T in Two Hours. 7 "
Frank Flaherty JVorki in a Conduit
When He Came in Contact With
Powerful Current and Plamea Flew
From Top. of Hia Head. . . ,:.
- (Spedtl Dkpetch to' Tht Journal)" '
Los Angeles. June 1. Frank Flaherty,
an electrician employed by the Los An
geles Oas .and Klectrlc company, sur
vived a terribl experience yesterday.
Two thousand volt of electricity were
sent -through--his anna and -out through.:
the top of his skull. .:'.':.,
Flaherty waa working in a conauu at
Third and flpeing streets, when his
hsnds came In contact with a live wire.
The foreman of th gang, J. H. Chap
man, ; .waa . leaning . over the manhole
talking to Flaherty at the time and' Tl
vers that a spsrav of blue flam sev
eral Inches long arose from the top of
Flaherty's head, discharging Into some
uncovered wire above him ,
Chapman made a heroic effort to res
cue Flaherty and finally succeeded,
with the assistance of Chief of Police
Walter H. Auble, who was Vssstng at
the time.
Chapman waa tarrlhly honked," ana.
with. Flaherty, was taken to the hos
pital, wher th latter recovered In a
few hours. ' The physicians who at
tended, Flsherty arssstonlshedat the
case. The man's hands were Tburhed
and at the top, of hia head Is a burned
spot three Inches In diameter. .
Water' to" Be 'Running; Entire
Length to Big Reservoir ..'.
--' f Site In Few Days. , '
(Special Dispatch to Tht Inursal.-)
: Baker City, Or., June . Wlthlnh
nexf week - th ,12-mll ditch of th
Baker- Irrigation company, will be finished-.
J. A. Smith, who Is in charge,
stales thst wster will be running th
full length eif the diulr tooths reser
voir site within the next ' seven days.
This is ihe flrtrTreaTTrTgfldnnproJrtt"
to be carried through gnd has had the
effect of stimulating confidence ofap
ltallsts In the farming lands of this
section to the extent thst at th present
there are from there tohslf adoxen sim
ilar crolects under consideration which
will oe placed on a souna looting wixnm
the -next year. -
There Is water tn the upper portion
of the ditch now, having been let In and
run down gradually to sosk up the bot
tom. Mr. Smith say the ditch holds
water well and that there la but very
little seepage. .Jg soon es the ditch Is
completed, ' 10 mile being above the
tunnel through Reservoir hill and two
miles below, a little water will be run
all the way to the reservoir. This will
be don to soak up the bottom of the
ditch and the water will later be used
In sluicing in the banks of the reservoir,
which 1stob"burlt-ln-tht-manner.
This will' not require a full head of
water and the ditch will not be carry
ing Its capacity until next spring,' when
actual -Irrigation la commenced
The reservoir Is to be a feature of the
project. It 1 a - natural basin which
needs but the-sluicing In -of banka to
complete it. Thl great water storehouse
Is to cover 240 acres of land and the
estimated capacity-Is 4.000 acre feet of
water. Men have been engaged for. some
time past ,ln preparing the alt for th
construction of the grest earthen tank.
The time-for commencing. work on the
reservoir depends entirely upon th stage
of water in Powder river. :
From the reservoir-! miles of laterals
will be built to the land of the compsny.
There sre S.200 seres In the tract owned
by th builders of the project, but only
1.000 acres of this will be under ditch.
These laterals will be built .this sum
mer and fall. 'r
(Special Dltpatcfc te The Jonraal.)
Helena, Mont., June t. Mayor L
say at last night' sesalon of the city
council appointed John F, Flannery, a
well-known baseball player, as chief -of
police;. Case C, Russell, city attorney,
snd Leonard Bailey, sergeant of police.
All were confirmed by a vot of 10 to
-L -... Vl- m .rt.,
Jhh" 'llt c U a" CraTr".
s VsTairuity .S'm
, v,i' .
8, one councilman not voting.
ton . president of the1 agricultural col
lege. Thirty-seven teachers' ceififlcstes
were also grsnted and adjournment
taken until December. .
Banff Hot Springs.
Passengers going east via the Cana
dian Pacific have an opportunity to see
Banff, th most attractive mountain re
sort on the North American continent.
Excursloh" tickets now on sale to eastern
point give you stopover at this point,
as well ss Cllaeler, Lakes In ths Clouds,
Field snd the -wonderful Toho vslley, all
of which are recognised by the traveling
public, as being the greateat scenic at
tractions In th world. ;
Very low excursion rates from Port
and to BaTjIfTToT Springs and return
Iss than -41 hours' rid from Portland.
For descriptive matter and full partic
ulars, rail on or address F. R. Johnson.
F. 4fc P. A., Portland, Oregon. ... . "
'Special Dispatch te The Journal.)
Cove, Or., June B. Rainfall of th
past week terminated In a snow and
hall storm thst left Mount Fannie
A dose of Ballard's Morehonnd Syrup
will relieve It. HaV you a cold?
Try it tor whooping cough, for ssrV
ma, consumption, for bronchitis. Mra
Joe McOrath. 127 E. Firat street, Hutch
inson, Ksnsas. writes) "I have used
Hallsrd's Horehound flyfup in my family
for five years, and find It th most pal
atable medicine I e-wer used. Bold by
Woodard, Clnrke 'p.
How Gooji
ECAY.. j . rio dlgeatlen.'' yon . The Inieatines, art also lined vtth mis
know, even when It takea tons 'of little auction pumps, that draw
plac In the atomaoh. ' . the Nutriment from Food, aa It passei
Food decayed In the body them In join j through, ( ;
after being eaten" la aa dangoroua to
health aa food decayed before belnf eaten.
Food nourishes or poisons. Just accord
in f to how Ions; It remains in th Bowel
tfhdlfested. : ', : :'..,,'
Cascareta are th simplest and surest
safeguard against Delayed Digestion yet
Sold In a thin Enamel Box, half as
thick as your watch, which fits Into the
vest pocket or lady 'a purse aa if it grew
there, . . . -- :
In this round-edged Enamel Box are
found alx small Candy Tablets. .
' One of these toothsome tablets works
wonders for digestion.'; ' " . '
Soon as placed In the mouth It starts
the Saliva flowing, which at once gets ta' -
work dissolving It. ? V - '
' The Saliva becomes blended wlth'the
Candy Cascaret tablet, and from the
moment they start! going ' down your
throat together they,1 start working to-
gether." . - v
Now, what do they work at? Bowel-
work, of course-Digestion. '
, '
'.'." ' -. -
Most of the Digestion occurs In the
thirty feet oi intestines that connect with"
tne tomacn. , ' .
They are lined - wh a set of . little
mouths, thai squeeze ' Digestive Juices
Into the Food eaten. . -r - .
The Diresllve Juices thus -mix with 1"
1 the food, ,11-f si .Ssllvs mlm-with Csi-
..v..,. Jiii. j ,v,.i-
caret tablets, dissolving and changing .
thst food Into nourishment, as it nasaea
At.--i..i f ' i '
ivn unuwuisu
TheTIlnd You Hava Always
in use for over 30 years
"All Counterfeits, Imitations
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health oC '
Infante and ChUdr:n---Ixperience agrainst JExperimente '
, ' Castoria Is a harmless substita'. for Cartor Oil Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. , It is Pleasant. It -xntalns
neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotio
ubstance. Its agre is its guarantee. It destroys Worms' .
and allays "Foterishncss. " It tmres Diarrhoea and "Wind"-:
frolic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
sind Flatuleacy. IC assimilates the J?oo&, iiprilatesJhe
Stomach and Bowels, rjrring healthy and natural sleep
The Children 3 Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the
TheMYonHaye Always Bonght
In Use For Over 30 Years.
rurrj SAVE
'workTguarahTeea lor ten yirT
Ladr attendant always present All
work done -absolutely without pain by
specialists of from IS to 30 years' ex
perience. Gold Fillings, Brtdg Work, Gold
Crowns, Artiflds! Teeth.
IflH Morrison St.. Opp. Meier Frank
and Pootof flea, . ...
Best for All Digestive
Disorders. Lrver and
Kidney troubles. Rheumatism.
Nervous Weakness. No Alcohol.
' Omriwi, Merwufy atr ftnaonesja iwraMS In a
I A t4 Mi ma s dn4. 35c an4 II
at Dnitfisu'fcs Mack Soms) FftU M Br
BASserrs nativp. nrtM co.
Cilniit n. Ohkk, ar Sm ftmm CaMtoaia
(which furnishes ths background in the
scenic picture of beautiful Cove) as
white ; as In midwinter. While thl
abundance of water Is satlafactory to
the. farmer. It Is detrimental to mat
rapid progress on Cove' tnw railway
which promises completion by July 1. -
1 " -' h
f .' Cotmra to Snooeed Barton.
(Jnsnval Special Brlr. .
- Topeks, Kao, June i. Governor Hoeh
has appointed Foatar Uwlght Cnburn
to succeed J. R. urton' , ss United
Ststes senator from Kansas. . , ,
Ttailrosds srs not sli hot-sir talk this
Food may
' ' ' ' ! . , .
; 7 r - -r - r - - - - -
This Nutriment Is then carried Into the
Blood, and spread over the Body aa
' Brain, Bone and Brawnl .
- But. when the Bowel-Muscle are 'weak.
the Food moves too slowly to stimulate
th little Castrio Mouths and there Is no
flow, or too little flow of Digestive Juice,
to change the food Into nourishment.
' Then, the food decays In the Bowels,
. and In the thirty feet of Intestines.
when this Decay berlnsThe" little sue-
tion pumps draw Poison from the decayed
Food, into the blood, instead of the Nutri
tion it should have drawn.';"- :
Now, Cas carets contain the only com
blnatlon of drugs that Stimulates these
","Musclea of tho Bowels and Intestines Just
as a Cold Bathi or open-air , Exercise,
stimulates a Lazy Man. ; ( '
Cascareta therefore act like , Exercise.
' . They produce the same sort of. Natural
result that aSix Mile walk in the country
would produce, without any Injurious
Chemical effect.
The Vest Pocket Cascaret Box la sold
by all Druggists, at Ten Cents.
Be sure you ret the renuine. made onlv
by the Sterling Remedy Company, and
never sold In bulk. Every tablet stamped
- l !
'"We want te send t ear friends s besstifal
w hr-eBsnfedfai osiers.- tt is a brasty kruhs
oressing uwe, ies cents u stamps uaskes as a
neater, af reed faith sad te csvr tost f Cascaret.
- with whicatEli dalntv trinket is loaded. na
Sen t-aa. mntiin- this saaer.-Addreu 4
otstiuig assoasy tiessssay. uucags at new Tra
Bought, and which has been
has borne tho slgrnatnre of
has been made Under his per
supervision since its infancy.
no nnfltndAcelvn tab In fliisu
and Just-as-srood'' are bub
Signature of
Widely Known
and Successful
Chinese .
Medicinal, ,
i -;
-Root and
Herb Doctor ,
Ills fatr.oua raBHHll.a, "the IngTMllenla of i
wklrb we Import direct from the Ori.nt la .
lars. ouantltiea and prepare and sat no far
aa -in dib sp-to-aate lanatnrr. e . saernir
polaona or ..drugs et. SB klsd, ted. l"urr
The Dootor treats snecaafu!ly and gaaranteea
t cure all atomarh trmihlas, catarrh, aathma.
Inns, threat, h.uoitlni. Bervouanasa. liter.
MiiT asil hit Biaiilnaid.
. , ; DISEASES, ..T. .
He .fates er mlaleadtng atatementa to tha
afflicted. A safe and laatlng rare tn the atilch.
ret piaalhle time and at the loareet eoat pos
sible for boneat treatment.
If von cannot call, write for symptom blank
and circular.. Inclose 4 rente In atampe.
The C. Oe. W. Ohineae Mediaine Ca., US '4
. rsrat St., Ca. Men-teen. Portland, Or.
Please -mntlon bU paper."
CUSemtdf. llewtorm.
Tarrant a Katrae el aa
Oepatbe la ':
ThetaawfaM, av- sad iterMr sare for
osorraeea. a'. whites, ete. jUay
to take, eoeveaMt te eariy. tifi.
nars soaaasafal aa. Prlee9!,a
Rowa Martin a SM Wsahlnxmn
at., Portland. Oregon; er bf mall from Ilia
Tarrant Co.. 44 Hadaos at. New York.
------ jrtffnt oro-araed. -.
- (Special Dlapafh te The Journal.) '. (
Eugene, . Or., Jun i. -c Norman1
Dereche, s French-Canadian, employed
tn. the Rnoth-Krllv lnaslnar cntnns. wn
drowned in ths Willamette tjear cLowcll
TiBf.wucuBm - ' v .'t
EXCURSIONS s. S. Bnakaae. luae T. Ill
Joty i. Sr Aga
. . zvzbt yiv PAT a.
- Frofa R-attle at p. n. (or Katrhtkaa,
Juneau. Dkagwar, Walla Horaa. Pawaua and
falrbauss v.. , .... -
g. 8. Cite ef Seattle. Jnne 10.. SO, SO. .
H. S. Ilunibnldt. Juae e. 14. SS, :
. a B. Ctj of Topeka (via Sitka), Juse IB, SO,
..'.-., ' voum aowR-.-'-'', "
Snooad sailing S.g. Senator a hoot uoe t.
Trnm Seattle at a. St.. Queen, June S, 31 ;
t'SMtllla. June 13, 18; City ut Pueblo, Juu.
Is, July 3. . . . . -
: rertlasd 0f4o, MS Wasklngtsa St.
i" . ' .. Mais tS.-
''' . t. LCX, raas. IV Agi. '
C D. DUNANN, 0. P. AV ' 1 '
staraet-st , Bin rranriarn,
Steamer Breakwater
Sail Francisco
. ,: Faasengsrs Oaly , . ' '
-Freight-and passenger fOr-Marah-fleld.
North Benrtl Myrtle Point, Coquille,
Kandon and all Coquille river points.
Thursday. June 7, at p. m., from Oak
street dock. Tel. Msin 2949. ,
North Pacific-SrS. Go.
2,500 tons, the only first class
passenger ship sailing for ' San
Francisco, Los - AngelejjzJaM
Eureka. Sails Thursday, June 7,
June. 21 and July 5 at 8 'p. m.
Ticket OfficeT 132 third St.. near
Young, Agent. . ' ,
rsstest es ths aUver
The only steamboat making a round trip
.I.,.,, . SATXT . .....'.
Except Eundsy Between T
. - AWO WAT onrTs '
I.ave Portland v. ....... .7:00 a. m.
Arrive Astoria ..-. 1;10 pv m.
Is-v Astorls. .............. .1:30 p. m.
r wWland Kaadlng, Aides Street Book. .
Astoria Landtag, CaUenSar Dock.
E. B. SCOTT. Agent Phone Main StS.
sisiisui isis n" '
The Dalles, Portland &
Astoria Navigation Co;
Boats-laav- Portland and -Tha- Dalle
dally, except 8unday. at 7 . m., arriv
ing about i p. m.r carrying freight and
I laaengers. Splendid accommodations
for outfits and livestock.
Dock Foot of Aides st Portland! Foot
of Court stn Th SaUes. --
boe aiaisr Vvrtlaaa.
- Leave Seattle
TErTESSOW,"- Kav 17 uae , II.
"DOLfKIM," Kay sii Juse t, la,
Retrhlkas. loaean. Pmiglas; Ralaea. Rkas
saju Conaeeta with W P. A T. root tm
AtUa, Dawsea, Taaaaa, SiesM, eta.
gor Ail Saetfaeastera Alaaka-Porta
Call er end fnr "Trip te WaedVrf at Alaata."
"Isdlaa Baak.tiy." "Totaa Polaa."
- THS ALASKA S. . 8. CO., '. '7
rraak Weelsey Ca Asrata.
Bt Oak at. PorUaad. Or.
S. S. F. A. Kilburn
. Tcr Cees Bar, Ssnka sad Saa rraadace. .
Xaxt Sailing from Portland,
U OIIBKNOUQH, Agt, Ureeawleb Deck
Mo. s. Phose Mal 1SL . .
BLOOD poison
we have made the cur of blood poison a
specialty. Primary, Secondary er Tertiary
Bleed Pelesa Permanently Cured. You can
be treated at home under asm guaranty.
Capital SMO.ono, We solicit the most obsti
nate ease. It ou bav exhausted th old
methods of treatment, and still have aches
snd palos. Maen Pstches in Mouth. Sor
Throat, Pimples. Copper-Colored Spots.
Ulcers on anv part of the body. Hair or
Rrebrows falllnr out, write tor proof of
urea 100-pag Book Free. -
ia suosic nsn.1, cmup. all
Scott's Santal-Pepsin Capsules
V or Inflammation erOatarrhof
tha Bladder and DliHnil Kid
ur: SOOOSSSOrAT. (area
quickly and nermanehtir tha
worat raaea of aiaaavrsaan
and eaiees. as matter of bow
ngetandlnt. ADaointeij
soio ny erngf ivw.
Price (I OS, or by mall.
Bald, 11.00. boiaa. fc.74.
DelMoataiae, orss.
rr Sale W Waeaara, fllark 0s ,
Every Vcnan
ia lueraataa nnn moain snow
Shout the wondarfal
MARVEL whirllnf Spray
new Taaiaal a;naaa, JHJrr-
t. neat sar.
SmrsnreraarlitlWH, -I
be cannot aernlv Ins
IIBIIIm sc.nt no
ether, hut eend ataoia for
lllnalraled book MM. f t elv
full nartlcnlara and 'llrecitcTt. in.
vaiuameto laoiea, nist ii, r.
"5. Sd ST.. SBVr ORM.
V 'Mlv w WsVi.bVJ.4Vb -vma tv
JcJ . . aal M- f'
3 Trains to; Ihe East Daily J
inlfS P""""" ataedard and toarl.t eteap.
ins-cars Sally te Osiaba. Chlran. Bih..r.
nalh ""sr-essrsj dally to Kassaa CKy. .
I'olos r!pot ; . Leave. Anle.
Snok.' Tl?. Hu'Stoe. dlv. S:80 aa :OSpai.
i . " saatrra . .
W.ahlnrteB. Walla Walla. : ' i
0'?"' S Alese a-d "
ti. ,ne. nw tse Seat
tt Cer-iii r-
atN,m lZ,mni r. points, ernieectleg with
i,rr '7 and North' BacB. atmewf
Ib( 'a 8owl"i Sartirda... to p. am. ArrlrU
aseai g B m ereep. Simdav.
HTt.L BiygR (im
nolnt. .?lL-0r"" and X.mMII rive
rlnu. .teeowa Hath eed Modoe. Aaht. eerh.
nlTttfn.i . dally, eseept gondav water Jt
SuBly,'.. 7:30 ' .'." T. in4
-sw r. fvfAKE. Httrrn nrtT. -,'---
Bln2tl. let","- lo. aed war points fms
Ki ?..B:4 " " arrival Tralsj
Tlet Offto.. Third end Waablsgtoa ata. V
T-i!hon Mata.7ia.j
f v. irnrnftn m . . . '
A. la CBAIG, CrMt r..;i 7;;T7U
trains rwiMi ' ' tM
Ovarian E:iraaa Trains
U H)rm. -Rea.tnwg. Ash- " ' -r
Und, Sarramnnto. 01-n,
Sa a. Fraoetaov. .. gtorktoa -.
I A ns.Jea.- El - fsa,
New Orleans and tha eaat I:M sal
Inrnlng train rosnerts at ,
Wandhws - dall.v mxtrvt
Suadar with train for -Mount
Angel, Sllvertos. 1
Krewimvllle. . SnrlnsSald. " "
Wmdllng and Natroo.... g:S pa .
I Usej
v 1 1 1
IQIogbcs MajgalaBi .
n soufia. lnM
nurvn. p-, nj-r . ens- -
ne'te at WoMhnrs with
Mount -Angpl aad SUrar- - -
ton local 4-ISpsi IOtSSbbj
rnrvallla naaamtr.r..v.... T:ieam
Sheridan naaaenser : sat
goi-at 5roT p.aaeficr. llinr4S pa . 1A0
Dall.v. - ttrtellv rrr,t Jhrnday. " -
..- ' . JEFFEHHO V-gTREET STATtO!. ' - "
for. rtallaa and' Intermediate points dally.
d:1S p. in. Arrive Portland 10:10 a. .
Eor time and card of Oawage anhnrhaa trals
applr st City Ticket flflW, or stsMna. '
TJrkv'M LEaat,crn ,polnUind..Euu
7aran. rhlna. Ifnnolala and Anatralla.
City Ticket Offlce corner Third isd
ington afreet., psone Mam Tla- --
c w. stinokr. a. r.. rsArn.
.Clty Tlrk.t Agast. . CaaTaaa. AganL
fnloa Depot Leave. Arrrea,
Tellowatene . Park-Kansas
rity-St. Louts Special tnt .'. ' . -.. :
Oi.halla. Central!.. Olyni- .
pla. Grar'a Harhnr. Booth
bced.-Taeonis. BeaMla, Slow , .,' ,i
kane. Iewl.ton. Butta. Bll- -, , . .
Ilnaa. IVnver. Omaha. Kan-
aaa City. - gt Louis snd:.: "': r
Ruiitheaat. dally 1:10
4:10 gag
North Lor i.imitan, ale
trie llahied. tor Taco
Seattle, SpokaBa. Rutte.
Mlnneanolia St. Panl and
the Eaat. dally
Pnaet So-nd Mmltad. for
t:W ps . f :0 asJ
riareBMnt, Chehalle, Ces---
traits. Tacoma and Seattle
onls. daily 4:t0psj
Twin Cltv Etnresa forTa-
;0 pes v ,
mma. N Seattle Spokane, '
tlelena, Bn'te, t. Panl. i
Minneapolis. Lincoln, St. 1' ' .
Joaeph. Kanaaa City. nm. , . ,
ta, St. Ioola, wtthost
rhanse of cara, ritreet con- . -c-
nectlona r all points
Eaat and gotitheaat. dally Jl: p J0.M sal .
A. D. CHART.TO. Aaalatimt Oeoeral Pav.
aenrer Agent, 3SS Morrlsna street, corner Third.
Portland. Oregon. .
Astoria & Columbia
rjnton nrpot Leave. Arrive.
Eor starrer, Katnter. flata. 1 r-
kanle. Weatport. Clifton. " ,
Aatorla, Wnrrenton. Ela-
vol. Hammond. Fort Kiev-
ena, Oearhart Park. Seaside. 0:00 sat 11:10 aas
Aatorla and Baaabora, as-
pres. dallr T:00paa 0:00 pa
All trains dallv.
J. C MA To. o. r. and P. A.. Aatorla. Or.
C. A. STEWART, Commercial Agent. Mf
Alder street. Phone Mala Bog.
2 Overland Trains Daily 7
Tha Oriental Llmltad. the Past MaO
Pslly. OBtly.
Laara. , Axrlva.
Portland time aehednla
To and from Spokane,
St. Panl. Mlnnaapnlte. ' -r
Imlulh and all polats - ' ' : -
Eaat via Seattle.. .... S:SStej tiNia
. llteSpsj Mm
To and from tt. S'atil. . -.
Minneapolis. Dnlnth --aad
sit mints- Rest
.1. i.m , - , a-ts ..I
-S:fJ0 asm.
Oraat sTaTthenr-gtesmahlp Ca,
galling from Seattle (or Japan as
China porta and Mealier eerrytsg sea.
nengers and fralght. v .
S. g. Cehiita, June 7. -
S, 8. MlnSaaota. J'llv St -
' 4 (Japan Mall Steamship Ca.)
S. S. Kanagaws Mats will aall from
Seattle abont Jane IS for Japan and
China .ports, aarrttng paaaengere sad
ror rlckata, ratss. Berth naat a-
tlona. ete., rail na oe address
R. DICKSOlf, 0. ., .. A... It Third
at., rertlasa. Oragoa, Fhoae Mala W.
Steamer Chas..R. Spencer
Iaraa Oak-atrvvl !' J a. m. datlr for The
Imllra and war points, arrlfiug Tha Dalles
I n. a: returning x:.v p. m., arrlrlng Port.
land lo p m. lascept rnaar ana suneari. Bit
dr etcnralona "Laacaoe LaKks, a. m.l
iiirnln. S tl. fo. k
Office and whart foot Oak a tree I. Phvae
Male IW, - 1
.''. ' f '. . '- '
; ft