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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 5, 1906)
i I THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENING. JUNE j 8. 1905. 11 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. " ST. JHNB. w mat a specialty of Uil property, and we have at thli -time exceptional bargains la business Iota at fluO) aim 40 very flu rldno lot frr.ra iaai to g.eio. HAUKatANN A BLANCUABD, ' ' 91 rim St. . - - THOSB who want ma to select choice railroad f land 4b Albert fur than should let u know before our next party sues. June 11. U. U Brlaai 133H Plrst at. FOB BALI OB TRADE 4 lota centrally le . rated la the tows of . Goldeudsle, Wilt. Writ ewssc, . Jsnus Uoa. Uurrlsburg, Oregoa. . . ...... Z . , JH.trn ham D80M tamo, brand new. wall at. r: ranfed, all modern improvements, .One eor . Mr, Ninth apd Schuyler; llolladiiy' addl . tloal kat bay oa mui.t at price. 3uS Fourth, phoao Pacific HI 26. or Mala SflPO. 41,800 Nice war 4-rouu cottaget bath. - f and electric light. Mabla a treat be. tweea Hamlltoa are. aod Sevmour, I biota from oar arid school. South -Portland) terma. Inquire B08- Vonrih. phone faclOa ' tlli. Beeldence. Mala flMO. -ROOM boom, bl lot. full bament, gas, near earllnai bargain; 13,600. J. Jt. Uoaruer, 10 AJlasy bids. ; BELLWOOD LOTS. U don and IS a moothi . from 7o to 300. Sellwood Towmalta Cw .. B. P. Palmer, manager. Phone Kaat 4704. FOB SAM CHEAP d and T-room booae moV . ami part cash, BTO GsrBrld era. . lake Woodlawa car. Pkooo Eaat 864L HOVER, oo rlrs from Portland. located an dor N. p. Irrigating ditch and om new aorU bank railroad; fruit foe on the market three . week! earlier than In ear other section, coe sueudlng highest price; dally ataaniera front . Portland. Bale by the ewuera, Huvi lata Co., Hover, Washington. JS.O00 (-ROOM HOL'SB, thoroughly modern, in.lde flnlehed Ilk B palace car, lot lOOiltW, with aU klu da oi (rait CaU at loTVi Third. BOB BALI AT A BABOAIM . A ana atock range, containing about B.8O0 acrea; all, under tehee; situated Beer Koaa burg. Oregoa. on B. P. B. at.; this la one ot the beat atock range la the country; I alao bare another good stock rang containing 1.421J acres, which wBI be aold at a Terr low Rrles. Cor particulars sddrese J. B. Author n. owner, BoMborg, Oregon, i -BOOM bona nw), (or fl.SOO; the lot la - S3 1-axlOO, . T (rait treea, ori Kaat Mala; " term. i. t IViamar, BljL-.'lrT b,d- : TOR BALE Big bargain (ocnnlck aalot S-rnora auburbaa cottage, around 100x100 feet, (rait rl . and ahrubberr; br owner. O. W. P. Town .L; ailde t.. SIS Alder t la 0. W. P. Bj. t waiting -room. . , . - 30 AOBEB T Bile oat a the O. W. P. car line; u In caltlration;.. oaljr 150 par acre. i Call at 10TH Third iC - . : fJN'JB COBliKBTTOT BOilOO en Eaat M,.to . . be (old thla week at $4ou; thla la tha cheap. eat ..thing la. Sunnjnlde. . Pattaraoa ' Stewart, 10004 Belmont at. - BAR8AINH Xew.. S-room : kouaa. larga lot, hrn. niU. . earden. cement walk. Inwn: near rar Its.- S1.860; 6 caab. Other o-4oS4. . , drat . parment. Houaea aunt o . inaiaii. ruenta; lota (nrnlshed. If dee (red. City " -. Realty A Bulldli g Co., BIB Coounerclal Bldg., 'Manrl9: . BEB Eaat Bide Raal.Ketate Co. for eait aid property. We bare 2"0 farma for aala, from - - on acre up. 4oT Uawtbarn are., phone Eaat 10T. . . . MCW 4 room bona. Terythlns HP to date, la Holladayt eaay term, per cent.- J. K. r Hoamer, J -Allaky bldg. Alala 818S. . PA ION PaBK , - , la bow on th market; 1o at acreage price. . aoaoxdlng to lmiroTment. nenia. 100, fllO, 1151 iioo, 2io, i.ojo. ux. t-t&o ... . ' ixm. oux ', . .- Lot lOua: T ann Thee lota ar moaUy la caltlration, toed ad lightly. OB a good graded etreet, cine to ond 10-room acbool at Lenta, Ac (ar any and aood 10-room Dart of Portland: water tree) term. ad . nniTne n.H 1 .nli o.eena Take MflUHT INSTALLMENT HOME EXCLUSIVELY. "Par ent io Touraelf." - '" l n.i aiiA offer for immedlatd occatianry on eaay monthly paymenta th following aaw 9 mom aouaea, who au moocrn, I inn northweet corner Hawthorne av and E..Ut St. 3.90Pi a0 down, 2B per - Uray booae, 475 tpahtrr at,, prtca $2,S30; oowa, D per uh'o. . Tellow houee. S0 Wlleno t, Jurt off M tut, 3,Sf0: 250 down. 'JB per month. " FIDEMTT TRUST .,--- ' 406 Commercial blk. Phono Mala 44T. ;;.VIn';SLvj0lin5-::- l'lot BOxlOO and 4.000 feet lumbar; eteae la moat be aold at one; 4600. 1 booae' and tot lOULllS. oa Iranbo it., dose In. $li0. i . Lot f2S down, 10 per month. S acre, cloao In. F2.2B0. : . - HOME BROKEKAOI CO., Room Broaden bldg.. Third and Waahlnston. "rOR- S ALEX bit Portlaailt buildlaga aro of no. ealua, but earn now oer 4 per coat oa valuation; baa a Sue ' future, and worth mora than aaked, f 25.0UO required to awing thla deal, balance at S per cent, uuni, a iirar, oio nwiwin iu Monr.RN 4-roora bnaaa. full kit, ahad treee. j- - tatiooary tuba, cement clear up. Saed.for furnace, larga bath, targe room and closet a. In Uolladay addition; $3,700. J. K. Boamer, r AHeey bldg Mila13S. - --. V B-BOOkt bona wltb bath, lot SBxIOO, Bn location. Inqulr oa premlae. 486 Water at., -aouth., bet, Arthur and Mead. ..Prlca 1.SA0. ONLY TWO MORS af tboa fln lot. oa Eaat Yamhill, brtewi lata 4 U.-.t K)0 each. Price adeanee July 1 410U. Patter aoh Stewart. loOOH Belmont at. 1 vo 6-BOOM noUBE. plaarerod. he cellar, - bath mom, pantry; lot 75100, with plenty - of frnlt; situated oa Drummond at.' CaU at 107V, Third at. " PINE A-room modern bona la Arbor Lodge) lot SSl-SilOO. bath, etc.: 41, don. J. E. " Hoamer. 810 Allaky bldg.. Mala 1113d. CO today and eee that beautiful S-reom bnuaa on Union a re. I modern m eerr way. Includ ing fireplace, aad richly tinted: eeiy term. Be owner today. S6S Cnloa are, N. - Phoa Eaat S4S. 86010 ACRES In naaelwond; all caah; thla la tho cheapest 10 acre la that eectloa. CaU at 107 V Third at. tilCR itlOH LOT- an Eat Taylor near 2!d. - Ifleawsu rcaiuencsi. nminri ' ' " .imo, offered for a few daya at gosrr raehrPat- tereoa el aiewart, iuwh oeiueuu. , HNS bualnea lot for 13.000. , J. B. Boamer, r 810 Allaky bldg. Mala 4130. 14 ACRES In gtat of good oulUeatlon,, S anrlnga; with thl place goes 1 buggy, 1 wagon. 1 mower and rake, plow, barrow and present crop; 6 acrea la orchard and . berries; good team of young koroe: 2.0O0 will bay It, or will take a residence In Port land. CaU at 107 V, Xblrd at. BY OWNER. 4-roora cottage, lot 6CH1O0. with )d-(ont alley; price 41.100. Addreaa 101B - llalght a.. Upper Altdna. , pOR SAI.E 19 acres of good land, located 13. mile norm or lair arounue, eu rompsnuiwiF ' ' ierel and good eoll; 2 acre In rultlratlnn and aotn clearing don oa th rest; about 32.1 eorda of timber on on part; running . water oa two aide; ynbng orchard, good -- variety; large new modern T-roora honae, al- bioat finished, already painted: 3 mile from railroad autlon and boatlaadlng; good mad. Write or call on A. R. Folkenberg, Llau " ton. Or. tfDW modern -rootn heme at tienlnenlir. ftItt1rirrTor arra- Arbor IvlJte, riry thaap caar term. Hion BmtjtflSOT, SAMl'KL SWETT of Long Island; real eatate; all klnda, alt over. Headquarter. Hunting " - too, Laos laland. -. - r B ACRKB-rB-room - boo, pear, rnorrt, rrnine. berries, rhlckea-bfiuaea. bam; au ' (deal eubnrban bom and good Income: cloee .e arei MoaUellla.-. Mrlee $8,000. Beat S Van Foaaen; 201 Vb Morrlaoa at. S I.0T8 and miBnl'hed bona, near. Mnnnt Brett ear. $300. Beat Van roeeea, 801V4 Morrlaoa at. . BKtlOP .FRONT BT., center ef bnalneee dis trict, pay Pr rent. 60 feet on Berenlh at., eloee In, pay ore B per- rant. 2 quarter . Mocka, Ixirejoy t., pay T nd per eeot, . with mora for more Improvement. Boat Vaa Foaaen, ISlVi Mnrrlaon (C , . B TO BROOM hooeeai amal) payment down, . balance to 'anil; locatlona all parla of city. Beet Vaa Foaaen, 801 V Mnrrlaon at. jpniirav-CR"ER, eaat front, 4-roora modern mttagg, a nioS" in nwe mTw. r,i., .nine, . borrlea. lawn, 1 ehruhbery; a heaatlftll borne; price $2 5(K; terma. Beat Van Foaaen, 21 v, Mum so i. TYPEWRITERS. : . HEW typewriter, all Irishes, rented, aold nd repaUe. Gaaat A (eaay, M Btuk, Xal. lev!. FOR SALE FARMS. i -i -i -i -i, i . -i i. 1 - i - A BASDArM. . 15 arre. 4' ml lea (mot railroad- and: air - iow w II a beat ol achooia. rlmrcbea. collar. no aalnooa. (Ineet rllmaie; gnid orcbard, ap plea, plume, pear and olber fmlt; aew 0-ronm ' honae, two ma, tool aud hnxay alied, hog houae, .chicken. hoiiaa, elo.r niuntain aprlng water plfied to the houee! one pair work nureea, uarneaa, wagon, oarg, hinder, mower. hay rake, aew plow, harrow, eultl.ator and ' Ituineruua other email toule; three good eowa. i riymoutb Hork bene, anil la ot tba eery heat and cropa are fine; beet of et(Kk ranna eutalde;'alt go for f4,dU0 if aold by July 4: J,30u caah. balano on eaey terma If deal red at S per cent; haV mil to church, oO roda to arbool. CaU on a, or writ (or lurtner particular. . i CAIJJWEIX A CO!, rhllomatbr Or. ISO acre. 4 oIIp weat of Carltoa; 60 acre In cnltieattoa. good building and orchard, wall watered and fenced; price, with preeeot crop.r par acre. Addrooa Mra. gv A. aturpay, Bug a, uarltoe, ur.. - FOR BALE OB TRADE A fine farm of 17 aorea, bt location In the ralley. Addreaa W. B. Lord, Irving, Oregoa. FOR 8AI.B CHEAP 1.000 acrea, S00 under cel. UralUm. with crop, toobj and atock. Apply B. L. Smith, Sprlngflald, Oregoa. IMPUOVKD (arma, $S0 to 4100 per acre: to io mi tea tmt. aaaxtao,.Xirsta, or Take bit. Bcott ar, S eanta. 8T AC RICH cleared tend, in lUnl , fin for platting la acre tract: so county ruau; maiiea jot aajouiiag; i an acre; on half caah. -Phon owner, Eaat 3806.' BEST BARGAINS OFFERED - Pineat ranrh.ln Clark county, wall atocked and aiiulnned. S2B.000. I Alao aTral 6 no bomea praducrng good '. taooma, tor hate tu met or the Imprommeata.. i . H.. U JHOWNI.Nd. j . ... ' Boom IT Waablngtoo bldsr- " TT uomehtEadrrb, attention ' Keliuuulahnienta of S Sua claim. 1 Sill from niutur Una cheap. . w. t. wntY,-f-w ' Boom IT Waahlnston bldg.,- City. rOR BALK A good SO-aore (aria In Yamhill county; SO acrea la crop with etock and (armlug tniplementa, good bulldlnga, well . watered and fenced, all klnde of (rtilt. For (urtbar Information addreaa U 60, Journal. S3 ACRES 111 beat wheat belt ef Pakme country, all tillable, 270 acre in wheat, fair ImproTement; doe to ecbool, pietof flee and eei s;-ft par , gfrei.crma. J. F. Hall. Whitman county. WaahingtooT" . r 0 ACRES, Improved, Clackamaa roanty, $1 2ftO; terau. u acrea who crop raiaea at afu, Clarkama county, 42.(160: terma. 1SS acrea, Improred, Lane county, fSS per acre; terma. 860 acre, improTod. Polk county. $30 per acre; term. 1.000 acrea. Improred, with crop. Lan county. 1 23 per acre; terma, Beat At Van FOaten, 2Hi Morrlaoa t. ; FOR SALE TIMBER. CERTIFIED acrtp, any. alee piece; leweat - prlcee. WW.-alowe4l. ASS Clitmher ot Uuw WANTED Timber binda; meat bo well located (or logging eitner ty rail or water; a large tract preferred; do aot a newer nnleee you Tafr'Jflcrrrer--t!eed twrjttrne- to weteeAnV dreaa Yellow" Fir, "Box B W.cara Journal: FOB SALB 40.000.000 feet of - merchantable tknber, cloae to Columbia rleerf a One logging prnnoaltlno: If you want aomethlng good, doB'I delay. Call oa Taylor, fil Marquam bldg. STOCK and tlmberraen, obaereo: Two Bne prising aectloti adjolnlag raaorratloD. with open pine tlmler, well watered, at fS per aero. W. T. Burnay, room IT WaahlnfUm bldg. - ' HORSES AND CARRIAGE. FOR BALE Team, d.oOO pounder r Team. B.60 tpounda, aud 1 cheap horse. 1.300 pound, 'boo Eaat S64S. S39 Ruaaell at. HORBBS AND- COW 4 ot all kinds fnr aala-at vary reaaooable prlcea. Inquire 373 Front at, FOB SALB Top buggy with ateel tire, far half price, Addreaa B 91, care Journal. TO EXCHANGE. 80-ACRB FARM for aala or will exchange for Portland property,, situated 10 mllea op tha Willamette river, 4T acre In cultivation. 14 - acre In hop and balance In varlou other cropa, ha a S-room honae, good barn, B acrea la orchard and fine aprlns Price d.aoo. Call at lOTVk Third at FOB SALB or exchange, land for dty prop - erty. BBS E. 7th at. north. WHAT HAYB YOU TO TRADE for a number ot valuable invention, all , good sellers and well adapted to a light . manufacturing buainesef Addraaa 0 24, ear Journal. RICE corner lot on Improved are., near carline, . to exchange tor goed upright plana. D 1, care Journal. - - - EXtTTtANOnVei '. eU'rwim rieitiilng'' clearing over $3u0 per month, to exchange. ror gooa ouainess property; win pay on fwencf ." THK MOl BTOAOB OUARANTBB TRUST . COMPANY. r . . -4a) Seventh at. - FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. GREAT DANE Dunple' for giter . pedigreed. Call S1V Sherman after 6 p. Phone Main 0483. BILLARD AND POOL tablee for rent or for sale oo easy paymenta ' TUB BRCFBWirK-BALKerTWJ.sHtT)EBrtOT 48 Third t., Portland. WESTERN OREGON MINING A MILLING CO. heedmtsrtera; atock for Bale and Information " at 208 First at. Pbone Main 1824. BOOKS bong tit, gold and exchanged . at the Old Book Store. 22B YamhIU at. FOR BALE OR RENT NEW AND SECOND HAND SEWING MACHINFS. STANDARD SEWING MACHINE AGENCY. H. O. JONES, 2M0 YAMHILL BT. . - WE need furniture aad will pay fall value. Phone Pacific TA3. W eaters Salvage Co., 427 Waeblngton at. SHOWCASE AND FIXTURES made n order; . second-bend goods for sale. Cs-leoa A Kall rstrom. 28 Conch at. Phone Clsy 871. . SHOWCASES, cone tors, fixture bought, acid or .jexenangeq. western rat.aga in., o. t naaa Ington at. Tacl(lc TS.T BOLDEN'S RHEUMATIC- CUR V-Sure cur for rhetimatlam. Sold by all drugVlata, , PIANO, Mathaahek equare grand. roeowond esse, coat SnoOi price $138. - O. H. Plggett, lawyer, 4 Mulkey bldg. .. WFJ print roar nam on 60 calling card, proper atse and atyle. Site; f hnalneaa card a. 81. A. W, Bchmal Co., 828 First. PortUnd, Or. FOR SALB OR EXCHANGE All klnda of honae bold goods, Kora It Friedman, 243 Front at. Paclflc 18. FOR BALE An elegant large circular anew eaa, at u xtremely low figure. Apply to . Kir. G. H. Lowltt, Golden Eagle. Third and Yamhill at. TO Bt'II.D boneee or enttagee aee C. B. Butctr. contractor and builder; have some fair , ground Inmber: cn sure you .money oa re ' pair work. ' Pbone Woodlawa . 300. 1209 .. A loin are.-" , t . B. iTENDERSONCarpenterrng and Jobbing prntnetly attended to. . Residence 868 Mil eankle et. Eaat !. ilOUSKUOT.D. resjvirjnt.nd bnti-Jiirnlrtfe at. one thlrffof cost TVe win clear ,n Ih Tiir- nimre xreignt by ns after the Lewis and -Clark fair 'at your owa prices snd oa your owe terma. Apply et onoe. Time Anetloa Co., third Boor of fianld A Co.. aoutheset corner First and Burnetd. . Ask for John Ok. TERSONALT MADAMB ANNA LUCKEY Principal nf th American. Bceuty Prhws, give c1ntlflc treatment for removing wrinkle and- facial bleml.hea with the French paste: also Mm. Karmw'a famous remedle. Fleet rid and vapor be tea given. Patients received, wltb treatments board and room. Satlefac-tlon guaranteed. Testl. mnalala from leading phralclana. Butte 14 Lange hotel. Sixth and Wishing too-- am. Photo Main SOU. - - SUITS pressed while 7"t welt. BOe, Lsdles strn preaaen. auc. Olinert,. irajvs aixia ar., aext la Quell. I bone i iclrlo -OM. DR. WORLEV BENJAMIN, the Feat Bpedsllst. 00 H Waahlngtoa at. Hoes. B04. . Bore reel made eoand, - , - -., . f DR PIERCE, enerlallat dleeears of women: all trteguleN'ieB corrected: eni OTpoanre; nvtce tree. ,sij) or write. RonntHct. 61 H Third it MOI.Fei. wrlnklee, superriuoue hair removed: let irt tellynu how; no ritnrire. airs. m. ii. iiiu, MltB absUlns UUrKlkildf. riclllc Vii, PERSONAL. ANY DETECT1YB AGENCY Confldrotlsl laraatt. gallons; reports made oa any Individual bejel, aee or property; missing located; , bad debt collected: charge reaaoaablei one reepoodaace aollclted. Oregoa Detective Berelce, office 8I4-41S ColumMa kids.. (44 Washington at. Phoa Mala 41$. . BIOH-ORADB portraltai epeclal offer for few . daya; cabinet elae, cards or (older. 15 for fa; quality and work the best. u. M. Bteveue, SUB teoadnough bldg Fifth , aad YamhllL' LADIES' Turkish, be the. , asssssgs. bydrtatrl parlor; atrlctly Brst-elase place (or ladle .only. Flat A, Ml Weak I eg too at, betweea 14th and lTtb am. 7 BOLDEN'S RBEUMATIO CURB Sure ear (or . rbea matte a. Sold by all arsgglata. . (ANLY vtaur eeateesg he lie. sanhartaf tilobalea. On month' treataeeat. 12; muttth. $S; eent aecurely coaled by mill. Agsuu, Wuoderd. Clarke i Co., Portlaad. Or. DR. a. Y. KBTCUUM cure promptly private . d lees sea, kidney, oervooa, sal and lepeolal .female iron b lee. Call or writ. Office 170V, Third at., eor. YauhUl. Pbone Padfla KCW. TURKISH BATHS. 400 Oragnnlaa bldg.i ladle daya, gentlemen eighth. Mala 1BSS. DB. M. T. COLB, S4S Eaat S8dVt. maternity eaa; dlaeaaea of mats, PbaOb Tabor 111. FORBIDDEN FBUIT," "A Oay ltnano," -Htory af a Slave," "Penny Hill." "Agaa,--"Womaa of Fir," BOe eech; UsU tree. . A. W. Schmale Co.. 22 pint at, DOIL'S HOSPITAL-' : . ' . Bepalrlns and dreealng. 881 YamhIU at BALM OP FIOS for all female dlaaaan ' SS4 Eaat Balmoat. ' Pbona Eaat 40S. BINO CBOONO. Importer of Cllneee root aaedl. etna; Bella Cblnaae tea that I eee tale core for all dlaeaaea. 181 Seouod bek Xamblll and- Taylor. '.''.. ' DISEASES OP WOMEN Private maternity . hoepttali quiet location and a pedal care. Dr. Atwood. xnova Alorrleon at., tooni S. Phone I'aclde 1764. YES, Palm Tablete make roe sleep aerteetlyi . they cur nervouenae aad make yoa strong; price BOe a box, boxe (2 60; guaranteed. All drngglat, or addreaa Brooke Drug C, 47 - Meetk Third jUPortUnd. Oregon. BEXINB PILLS cure gll forme of nervoua or ninecuisr weognera. gor men or wwuivu, Price $1 a box. 4 bnxea $6, with fun guarau ' tee. Addreaa or call J. O. Clemen eon, drug gist, Bsouod aod Yamhill 8ta.. Portland. Or, BOLD ON There I oo thing that wU car rheumatism. Aak your, druggist ror nam . ronie or anareae or cau e. u. tuaansw, gist. Portland. Or. - PROP. ON Kir- teacher nf dermetoloXT. manl curing and beanty culture; acleqtlno treatment or me complexion, hair, acaip sua hid; ism uiracriin; inatuiai anil eiecrriq niasssae - superflous hair snd all facial blemishes per- mnBtTynrmova witbotir lvtnr arTr-atl work positively guaranteed; beat reference w urn. i-ariora iso. juiavvnin si corner mw.. - t'hooe Main 8587. l , , - - DR.- W Af .K - -r- Dlaeaaee of women a Bpeelaltyt lady phy- siciaa in. stteonsnce. 1 HI First Bt. - - MISS English," graduate chiropodist end ana g- neuo aeaier; - givoa acientuMX- treumss'i tor rheamatlam and nervoneneev. aaa waan Ingtnn at. Phone Pacific 114. - - " ELECTRO THERAPEUTIST. TtenJ. H. Btahl core verythlns. rbeuma- tiam ipectaity. wivk rirat at. FREE Sample copy of The Home Lover's magaain. oena to tforo tyrvor a - magaaina to-, f enn hidg., ritteourg, ra. VIBRATION relieves auDpreaeed menstruation, remaie waaaness, paraiyar, rnentnetism,- no operation; consultation tree, t scifie vn. I'lL . . . . . ... ,,. - A . iMeoiriiim, nil.IiaiLJtU at. I art emporium; PROFESSOR- R. MAI MEYER. 848 Alder. Portrait snd landscape srtlet spir teacher. ATTORNEYS. A. H. TANNER, attorney, SOB Commercial blk . Second and Waahlngtoa ate. Pbone Main 842. ARCHITECTS. B. H. MENGBfl. Architect. 118 Second at. AUTOMOBILES. COVEY COOK Motor Car Co.. Fifteenth and Waahlngtoa Agents for Cadillac, Pierce, Great Arrow and Btevena-Duryea .motor-car; machine rented, repaired and stored. ..Mala 6408. - "-: ASSAYERS. GARVIN CYANIDE EXTRACTION CO.. Montana Aaaay Office. 188 Morrison it. and BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES. 8. BIRKENWAI.D CO.. 804-804 , Everett at. Lsrgeet butchers supply bouse on the coast. BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. HOWK, DAVIS ft KII.HAM, 108-111 Second at. Blank book manufacturers) agents for Jooee -Improved Looee-Iaf ledger; seer tha new Eureka leaf,, the beat on th market." ' BATHS MASSAGE. - S LADIES Bath, far aad acaip maaaage. tut Fifth, ret. Taylor -and Salmon.., ... TWO Toung ladle give maaaage, tub and vapor baths. HOVk Fourth St., cor. Waeblngton. "THE BNOWDEN BATHROOMS. 271 Alder St., betweea 4th and Btb Tub aod vapor oaths, massage, electricity. . Phone-Main 6888. YOi'KG lady ogives maaaage treatments for rheumstlsm. 268 V4 Btsrk St., parlor 21-23, Taooma bouse. MISS RAYMOND glvee baths and masssge treatment, in cosmos, uv raorrnon at. LADY from th es.t gives scientific massaga. vapor anil tun hath, nil Vk i Dirq ar. YOUNG lady give vaporf alcohol and medicated bat lis. larlor XT, 20SV Btark at. YOUNG, 8!1ENTIFI0 MA8SRUSR give elec trice t, Thermal, aiconoiie. ana meaiceiea Treat ment. 12 Lang Hotel," or. Ota, snd Wash. CLAIRVOYAllTS AND PALMIST. - Atwaya Commit tha Beat. PROF. R. KHIMO. Greatest living aatral dead-trance clal" vnyant of the age; adviser oo business and all affairs of life: tella year fall name sail what yoa railed for, whom yoa will msrry, now to control the one yoa Ipve, even though miles swsy; reunites the eenarated: gives secret now. re to. control: aa long delara. In Y waiting. Hoars 10 to S, dally and Sunday, permanently locsieo in nie own wins. 2MI Fifth St., corner Madlaon at. A SPECIAL $6 reading for 81. Bt. George Ormonde Consult hint an love, - beelneee, rbangee, marriage, divorce: tells names, detee. secreis, bow to get well, be magnetic, ntiyelretlv and mentally vlgonroe. overcomee id natuta. gives goou oh-b, v-urrv om loee. snseni trssq. ment. locate mtestnr frleeMte, hurled reseuee. mines, ore Verha; irlU juu eiai ilj alisl nm wish to know. - 110 rourtb at, corner W a shine ton t. 1 I 88 READINGS BOe. . - For the flrat (Im during hie peofesslopal career. Prof, Nonoteet, the world' famniis deed trance clairvoyant, will give $8 res 1- "bir for n-eef thle week only; bring tills 4. 226 Fifth t.-. i MRS. STEVENS, Portland' leading palmist atroVngee and ctalrvoyant . IBB Beyeatk, at. Clip. Hotel Povtianov FROP. WALLACE, the great palmist, tells yon everything frooi the palm; tesche palmistry; Bbeit marriage. loe, hhslnees; complete" reeding 6"c; acenrst and tralh fnl. 8iv Sixth t or Btrk. MADAME ANNUVE. the vronderfnl ehalrvov. snt and Irenes medium: ermenlt her before en gaging In sny .nndertaklng ef esy nature; ppsl. present snd future jylven; paliuletry' Tcsdlnga. SSc, lT est" 1'srk Bt.. asar si's-rlaon. ' JOHN SI ATKR tear Tin dliim. at. Iloura 10 of Pan Frsnclaeo. the Auditorium, Third to 4. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. Wrtol.FBAl. rrocleev and glarswsr. PraeL S(sl A Co., 100 1 S8 I KUt 40f. Btark gt, K aaaa or woanan eaa be gtroos end barer by using Bexlne Pills, the greet tonic; plica $1 boa, 4 boxe $f, with fall juaraate. Addreaa or call J. a. Clemeaeoa. druggist, ur. Seoood aad YamhiTl ata Porttaad. Or. COLLECTION AGENCY. IXIFS ANY ONE OWE YOU MONEY? W tll.I.KCT BAD )a.MTS OF AIL KIN I is. NORTH WFS'l'IC UN LAW A COLLECTION CO., 1W ORAM) AVE.. HOOIdH ' 14 AND 16, - CITIZKKS' AKK BLiJiL VU'T TUIS-OL'T. rtinjiB a.nt oueo. COMISSIOI MERCHANTS. BVSHDINO A FABKELL. aeoduce aod soaamta. loa awrchaata. 140 trout at. Portlaad. Or. Pbeae Mala ITS. CHIROPRACTIC DBA, MABSH AND EVA HOGAN. Selllne - Klrach blilg., eulte 18 aad to. Phone Mala " 4208, hours t a. as. to 4 p.. a,.:.. CIGARS AND TOBACCO. M. A. OUN8T CO , putrlbutora af j ' " FINS CTOARH ' Portlaad. CAFES. TBS orriOE 1 Waablagtoa at., pboae Mala 771. Samoel Vlgnsaua. CHIROPODISTS, CHIROPODY AND PED1CURINO. Mr. M. D. Hill. Suit 1. Selllng-Hlrerh Bldg. Pacific ISO. COAL AND WOOD, CHURCHLEY BROS:,- 42 Kearney t.. I'aone Main BUI. Now the largest avnodyr4 la th ' city, carrying all klnda of wood and coal. r-rDn- aawed wood A epeclalty..: AXBINA FUEL CO. Dealers la cord wood, aoal and greea and dry alabwood. B. B. and At tain av, S blocks eaat of ferry. Eaat 474. WESTERN Feed Fnel Co.. onJ Front, betweea Ollssa and Hort. dealers la all blade i af . booae- en .la aad blackamltb eoela. Phoa .Main 1018. STEEL BRIDOB FUEL CO. Dealer to aoal. eor d wood and dry labwood. Phoo Bast 484, OREGON PUEL CO AU kind kof cool aad . wood. BOS Alder at, Phoa Mala A. BOX and, planer wood. Standard Wood O. Immediate delivery. Pbone Eaat 2816. sl7TrrTcorTTw5or snd $4. with a reduction of 23 cents until Juue 4. to ssv handling. 4X9 Commercial at. Pbone Eaat BUM). 4-FOOT eordwood $3.60 per eord; sawed. $3.75 and $4. 4H9 Commercial at Pbone Kaat 6190. CARPET CLEANING. STANDARD Carpet Cleaning Co.. largest plaat on the eoaet, lyirlna and Bardlna em., tele I phone Eaat 2MO Carpets cleaned, refitted. eewee sau iein; ooia eivsm eno i.iwi ew preeeed jlr roce"a- Ijvatltui ma Ureases aad . leathers a apeclslty. " : " SANITARY carpet eleinlnr. suction snd rem . pressed ah combined: carpets cleaned on Boor -without remote!. , Msla M3x Mala 30o... I." HUNTER, iteam- carpet and mattrea. cleaner. 860 Jeff ersoa. Pbone Msln lit CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. WASHBURN FLOYD--Carpentere, Joiners snd carrlsgs work. 88 Btb st Phons Psolg Blot. CLEANING AND DYEING. WHITE LILT TAILORING CO. Cloning, lraalng, aenalrlng; French dry cleaning. Phons answered promptly. Psclfic 410. Alder and Tth. Portland Steam Cleaning A Dyeing Works; prac tical hatter la connection. 211 4th. Pacific 807. CLOTHES cleaned and tressed $1 per month. -Unique TaHt wsihlnglnn at. B. W. TURNER, profeealnnsl dyer sad cleaner. 806 Jefferson at. Phone Mala 261. DRESSMAKING. SUITS IS; ahlrtwalat 60 cent and up. . 284 Market at. DANflNG. BALL ROOM and fancy, correct method. Pro fessor Rtngler. academy " Alder st FURNITURE FACTORIES. OREGON Fnrnltare Manufacturing Compear . Manufacturers ef fur altars tor the trad. - Portlaad. Or. .. . . FURNITURE manufacturing and epeclal order, L, Ravenaky furniture factory. 8T0 Front at. - i t t ELECTRICAL SUPLIES. rinnn-rtJif'Tiiirj ro. tor, repairer, electric wiring, euppllee. 84 First cor. Btsrk. Msla 669. R. B. Tste, mgr. FURNACES. BOTNTON warm-air fnmeees save fuel. I. 01 Bayer Famaee Co.. BSS Second. "Mala 441. FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. PORTLAND W1RB , IRON WOBKS 888 Flasders et. eor. 8d. Phone Mala 8000. "GROCERS." WADHAMS A CO., wboieaaie grocer, masw facturers and eommlasloa marcbsata. Fanrtb aad Oak ata. ALLEN ft LEWIS, commission sad predue mer cheats. Front snd Dsvts ate., rortiaas. vr. GASOLINE ENGINES. Btstloeary sod marlns; "Little BpecMl" rasollnA launch. $15; sscoad-hand alsctrlc saacbea and bulla. BEIEnsON MAfHirTIRT CO., 1H2-4-4 Morrlaoa st HAY AND GRAIN. B. L. COOPER ft CO. Potatoes, feed aad flour. 12H I nlon svs. rcone Eaat ioit. - HOTELS. BOTEL Portland. Americas plsa; $3. $8 per day. BELVEDERE; Euronesa pUa; 4th aad Alder at. THE BROWN Grand and Hawthorn area. HARDWARE. Poetised Hardware Co. otletta opporteaity to . . . . U.I. I ,A . HAT FACTORIES. BATS cleaned, blocked, made Ilk new for hoc; expert Panama Diearner. nv inira, near nne. Branch. 324 Flrt. Pclfle 18. , ' INSURANCE. IB A AO L. WHITE, fir lasoras BOB DekBS bids. ... J ,11MjJ'j jfi t"u"ir"1sa1sf,yi1 klaasT Iban 47. Strl McKay bldg. LOCKSMITH. aBBBSaBBBsSBsesaaessUnsseSaMBW J, n. RICHARDSON, lock. mitt aad repairing. tT Bnrnslde. Parlfle 1068. MUSICAL. EMIL TlllEI.HORN. pnptl of REVCIK. vIoMa . tsaeber. .8ta.1l 134 Sixth. Tel. Mala SPUS. LENHONS BOc: piano, gnltar. hanlo. mandnlhi, vrnlln Inalrument .f-e sale. Mrs. Martin. 841 V First, nesr Main. i MAGNETIC HEALING. 8KrL dlee.eea of both men end women cured ; rof.ilt-eon jfree. Vein 417.1. J. C. Diamond. L. H. Heart, lB Serentk at. MACHINERY. THE II. C. Al "EE CO. Second hand machinery, aawmllls, et. 248 Grand svs. HIPI'Kt.Y tfiYflflS. merhlnlsta and elee trtelana: e'ectrle elrvatora. elntrlcsl mackm. ' eve and gasolln engines auedaliy. eUl Oak gt. 1'buas Uals 1830P MONEY TO LOAN, MONEY to LOAN - , Aa !m prated city property r fee bolldlng purpoaea, for from I to 10 yeara time, will privilege to repay all or part of loaa after . ism yegre. Lesng approved from plana and money advanced a bulldltlg " progr I uartgagee taken up aad replaced. FiitD U. STRONG, Financial Agent - B4B Btark at TUB STAB LOAN CO. Any lalarled employe, wsge-eerasr. eaa get eu ble not, without mortgago Month. U Month. Week. i.fav Repay to a 818 83 or 8X60 or SI .SB 100 Repay to sa $ a. Aft or B3.S8 ar tl.nd 1.00 Repay to aa t 4.00 or $2 00 or 41. 00 S10 McKay bldg. CONI-IDENTIAL loana en aalartee. travurdne :- Imllctea, planes,"" vomit are, warehouse re ceipt, etc.; any deserving person may enr ' a liberal advance, repaying by saay, weekly or monthly Installment. I KIW kill IOAN TRT8T COMPANY,, ... auBIAMngton bldg. , MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE Aad other upon their owa as roes without - ecnrrty t . chea peet rate, easiest payment; office la 68 principal dtlea; save yourself snoopy bf getting one terms first ... - TOIJsTAN, tn Ablngton bedg., lOSVs Third at HEADQUARTERS FOR SALARY LOANS , Money eaa be borrowed on eaay paraesnt plan, lowest ratee; strictly eonBdeatlaL. . CRESCENT LOAN CO., - - 428 Mohawk bldg.. car. Third and Morrreon, MONEY to loss an reel, personal and collateral security; special attention to chattel rnoct gagea; notes bought C. .W.""Psllt B04-B penton bldg..- 84 Sixth at. . ' . HIGHLY reapectabl place where ladle apd gen caa borrow money en diamonds snd Iswelry.-. Collateral Loaa Bank. 3SB Weak. - ,0010 ex. raons niacs ii. MONEY to loan on Clsca-amaa ennnrtsnds.- E. F. aad F. B. BUsy. BUS Chamber ef Cons- . mere, LOWEST rstea en rnrnltsr snd nlsaos.. East- era Loan Co., 448 Sherlock bid. Paclflo 21 IS. MONEY-TO LOAN on ell kind of aecsrlty. William IIoll. room 8. Waahlngtoa bids. TO LOAN Sums to suit on chattel security, B. A. Frame, 814 the Msrqnsm. vvir.r. L Sa AM m m.1 ulal, esrnrltr at S per coot Farrlngtoo. jlS Chamber ef tjommeree. WANTED Notes, asnrtgage or con tracts oa any kind of real eetate la Oregoa or Waah Ingt i; artnnd ronrttng pnrrhaaed If weU secured. II, B. Noble, 812 CotSBjerrtal-bhr, MONEY TO IX1AN AT 8 PER CENT Fir and caautHy Insurance. Henry C. Prudhomme, T Chamber of Commerce. . rbone Mala ma. ' raiTAis anonex le joes . ewer i-."" -J rsaaonahU-rates. Sol Bloom, S36 Chamber v. V - yit tuwri i. , Wcney to Lean From private funds on Imnrovtd property. ti u. w r.i.LJi t-u., . . B4-Gtaad 8T4. MONUMENTS. leading marble and granite work. OSTEOPATHS. DRP. AWX-a-iORTHRUP. dlB-lB-lT PebnmTpVi - mag , -inirn -na wasningtoa si.-, rneiw alalu B4U. Kxamioation rre. - . THE very beat lady osteopath In towa. Dr, Sa W. euaneon, suiie so- eiiiua-riujKe uiuf s DR. PIERCE, osteopath, vibration snd tbW new light 81V Third t -Phone psclfic B6T, ORIENTALRUGS.- ORIBNTAL RUOS repaired "and eleined Tty expsrts; we use thg-ncisinai vegetjjiii dye cashmere wool for our repairing; a . work guaranteed. Call up oriental it paVlng Co..- Pacific 264. 644 Vk We PRINTING. TBB MODERN PRINTER Y A rtierle nrlnMag. . SB Ruaacl hidg.. Fourth aad Morrison. Pbeae Pacific 1628. ANDERSON DUNIWAY COMPANY, Oris ting, JHhojrspnlng. blank hooka. Pbeae Mala IT. WSIH. DAVIS A CARKON Print Ins that pars ipe payer, norms aus s no sue nrssms Dldg mxtn ana Morrison, rnone stsns isi. PHOTOGRAPHS. "'vi CLOSING Bale official, photographic 'view of cxpualtlon. souvenir postcards, view books, etc.. greatly reduced prloes. Exposllloa store, aee aiornaon ex. PLUMBERS. DONNERBERG 4V BADEMACBEB. removed ta No. 803 Bumslds st. FOX CO.. esnltary plumbers, B81 Second, bet, Mala aad Salmon, Oregoa Pbone Main BOOL FINNIC AN BROS. 4V CO. 288 Third St. Phons Msla 2800. Plumber nd beating engiaear. PHYSICAL CULTURE. BINGLER OYMNASnjM PrlVI dividual Inatrnctlon. 80S Alder at. "PAINTS, OIL-AND GLASS.- F. E. BEACH ft CO. The Plonoer Perot C. window-glass and glaring. 18ft Flrat t Phone 1HA4. - - RUBBER STAMPS. P. C. STAMP WORKS, 248 Alder St.. phone Mara T10; rubber stamps, eee la, a tend la, bag rigs trade checks t eead for catalogue No. aa. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER. A. M. BUTLER 28 Concord bldg.i Msla 1674. ROOFING. TIN ROOFING, guttering, repairing snd general Jobbing. J. Leell. Ill Jeffereea ex. -"SAFESf- DIEBOLD SAFES ALWAYS RELIABLB, ' not In TRUST. Norton and Buckeye Jscks. Met. I Office Fixture. Repairs. Phone Mala 1466. Joba B. Davie. Agent 44 Third st STREET PAVING; WARREN Construction C., street paving, rifle. walk aad crossings. TIB Oregoalaa bids. THB Berber Asphalt Paving C. af Ferxlead, Office ana Worcester erg. SIGN- PAINTERS. SIGNS, window lettering. eVrrb hanaere. economical electric sign od signs af all kind msd aalckly. Footer ft Klelaar. Bifu. gad Everett. Pbone Exchange Be. W. P. BERGEB ft BON, 184 YamhIU at Blgsa of all kinds, phone Nclfle :2A8. SCAT.P TREATMENT. RAY. railing hair, dandruff tree red r aha log, manicuring, cMrotiodv. face work. Mr. p. r. nyae. iuoaj rourrn. e Boom U. Pbone PadBe 848, - SCALP snd face maaaage. manulcurtngi agent f. Dr. Chrlstlaon's French toilet srtlcles, 11 tl Grand theatre bldg.- Malfi 8471. He re, AO to 8. SHOWCA3ES AND FIXTURES. BHOWCASKS of ery deoerlptlot; bsk, ber esd store Bxtnrea mads to order. The Lath Manufacturing Co.. Portlaad. B. II. BIRDSALL, designer; agent M. Wlntea Lnmher Co., T Hamilton bldg. Msln 6638. - SECOND-HAND GOODS. 0OODE B Furniture Honee Highest prteee paid for second hand furaltur. 116 Becoad at Phone Psrlfl 481. HIGHEST csab price paid for second hand goods. Pbone F.sat 4XT7T. 124 I'aloa are. TELEPHONES. THE oely excrnstve telepnose .booae. B. -Jt Electric, a Teiepaea Haaulactiulaa seas. Bsay. rUU st, FINANCIAL I pfrrza states katiobal bask or pobtxand, obebo. J . , Northwest Cor. Third and Osk Bta. i ... ,.! weneral tenklag Basiawaa.' UKAFT8 ISSUED Avnb1 ta -AH Cltvae at plS u karon. Boocaong and Manila. OeUeotlea Made aa Faeovabl) !- wTZLllll 0. AIN8W0KTH Vtrw-Preeideat At' J IIlTif .' T A BNEB-Cashier B. W. 8CBW" I Amlatsnttashler s. M. WRIJUt Aeslstaat Csshlsr. ...W. A. !. 1 Canftfi?S CAOT0OTI Bead Ofao. Saa FraMlaaa, fHf. A olSlef? 1 "t. 84.000,000 OOlSurpin. sod aadivlded rroBts.. . lateeJt 211 "" g Beesae. Traasactl. BAv'lNOB PEPARTMBSr. Posits. Aseeont epeaod far some of 61 sad epwere. Portland Brass Chamber ef Cofliaaeree bolldlna. Mass gar. CT'UBT KATIONAL la In nv snivt ivn PeeetAw D'Mld Depository and Fl'aaneisl Age at at fbe United B' ' s AsstantcWehr-'I--1 . Cashlee W. JT1" Uttee orrUSIrTv--: V. C. ALVOBD Second Assistant Cash la B. r. STBVBNS Tit? iT' I"" la Enron aad th Es.tera Bta tee. L00 rrlfhTi?' "-EataWl.hM I. rt$8.) . . able i-!0"..."?1 aaaasuxg Bnalaae. Collawtloaa Bed t an Batata aa .ever. State Bi.h aV.,u, ".' jredlt leaned avsllsbU In Europe and aU rotate In tbe TTsrt4 S Lenta Dei ,B,iT V ''""Pble Tranafer aold aa New York. WtehtneW (ntaeees. . oa London KUi Z'b!i- r" ed Moatao snd British Columbia. Eireaaga Meg oai.ndon. Parle. Berlin y rank fort. Boertrrs- - Yoknksnu. Mantis sad Boaolaln. ' w nAT80! Presld-st TranaaetV . Ill 'i'V 'i! ' .caaaiaaj . - 5" - Gsnsral Banking Tlisiliiea to All Parts of the World. CnllT . ktL - D XXBS' LTMBIBMAN'S B ABB Portland, fnene. Wj .. ' , ; Corner Second aud . ,' . , - Commercial and aa rings department. Inter- ' jet paid on savings accounts. Drafts and let- ten of credit Issued svallsble la all parts of the world.. Open Sstnrday evenings from T to . '" hcmmmodaHon of rhatomera.. - .TRUST COMPANIES. rBRTtAaTO TBTST POMP BY OP namnw I r..T:V. General, banking. Exchsngs sa all peri ef The eenn SAVINGS ACCOUNTS. Tim eerrtflcatea. B to 4 per eentt ebort-eH eperi! certlBrate. 1800 or ever, IVA to 4 per cent. CaU foe bosk of "ILLUSTRATIONS " Boa ti eaat aemsg Third BENJ. COTVRS. ass oak Bta Phone President . LEB PAGET .....Secretary SEOlRIl Y BAVIBOB ft TBTJBT COMPAWT 844 Varrlssa Street. Portlaad. Ovswea. Traneact a General --nktng Bnalneea. BAVINOB DEPARTMENT. Intereet AlVewed , en Time aad Savings .ta. Acta a Trusts (or Estate. DrafU ' 41 Lettsra ef Credit -'.:' Avallabl la All Parte of the World. . Y" f ",. .Preeleest U A.- LEWIS. ........-,, First Vtee-Piealdest A. L. MILLS.... Second Vlce-$ . evident B. G. JUBIT2 .....Secretary , : GEO. P. BCB8EI.L Aselstsst Cecretary T M0BT0A0E 6UAEABTEE ft TBTJBT COMPAJTY BABE. ' ' g - Gsneral Banking and Trust Busts Transacted. Inteeeet Paid oa Time Depcelts. W. WATERS UBT TV.'. .". President C. W. MILLER.!'. I?. :. ;.viefs1Basll'- 8. LOGAN HAYS Elk Temple. Seventh and Btsrk NORTHWESTER STSARAsTTZS ft TBTJBT COMPANY PsrtlaBd, Oregon. Lamber Exchange. S. M. earner Second aad Start Strssts (seoond r.oer). FISTaC AGENT FOB CORPOBATTONS. ' Stat, County, Municipal and Corporstloaj Bonds bought snd sold. New enterprises ergaalsad sad financed. Stocks and bonds guaranteed. -I BONDS AND INVESTMENTS. a;-a,eaesiesaeaeveesew m m ss aeasiss snmnes ITrlOBBIS BIOS. 18S eltst Btrsex, TartUM, OraaesV ... . .. . .'-.' . Offer 01lt-Edgs Investments la Municipal snd Railroad Bond. Writ or Celt I Mil OTABABTTrft TatUBT L'UMf B fYeT) Wxxlilliglua Slieet f.iue S)eeew. ---. I MOBTOAGB LOANS ea .Portlaad Sesl Estate at Lowest Rata. Titles Inearee. - At ; . streets . Furnltbed. - . . - D OWXDTO-BOPXIBS COMTAliY Established STOCKS, BONDS, GRAIN Bought vats'Wfres, " R00aT4 - rHAMBErt Ovcrbeckp Starr & Cooke Co. BAnr, PBOYIBIOITB. COTTOW. STOCKS AND BONDS. 'v . WX DO A STRICTLY COMMISSION BUSINESS. Contlaneu Marketa by Private Wire. Quick Service. REFERENCES Ldd ft Tlltoa." Bank- are, aad United State National Bank ef Portland, Unexcelled facilities for handling Tonopah. Gold Held. Manhattan and other listed alntng aeoche. LOUIS "J. ai- una: 11 I aDrit itirt V - taTV, Aet eS C V . . COBPOBAIIOM ' Highest Returns ta lovwtor PORTLAND ft NORTH WESTERN BOMB TRANSFER AND HAULING. SAFES, pianos snd furniture asoved. packed ready for shipping snd hipped! rt work guaranteed; Urge, k-etorr brick. Dae-proet warehouse for storage. Office SOB Osk at. C. M. Olaen. Phons Main B4T. rn sinnini a, nuHIII'l srwaMSPBR CO. .cor. Sixth sad Oak sts.l beggage cheeked from betel ar resldanoe airect to oesiiasrioai peaaeogsrs therefore svotd rush sad aeasy asee et Sepota. ' Private Bxebeag 88. n o pirsr orriee 88 Ptrst st. between BtsrB and Osk ats., phons boo: pisnos eaa raranwe moved sad Decked for shipping; eommodloaa brick warehouse wltb separate trea mama Front aad Clay eta. OREGON -TBANBFBR CO- 184 North Sixth. Pboae Msla 4B. Heavy baaUng aad store POST SPECIAL DELIVERY Be. Book, Wab - Ington at Phone Main 8BS. CUT rate on boneehold goods to all points east; wo make up carloads; spec! si room for trunk whll waiting. Oregon Auu-irespnicn, 18 First st Pbone Main TIB. t TOWEL SUPPLY. rt.nx TDsrirm DAILY Comb, brasb. sea a. 81 aer amnth. Portlaad Ltnadrr snd YWwai apply Co.. Ninth aad Couch. Pboae 410. WIRlir"AlaTriR0NWORKSV" BAST PORT!, AND FENCE ft WIRE WORKS, 188 B. Water st. Pbone East 821. AT? TH E THEATRES.- - ; - ' c 'The Eternal City.", Ines, the. Srst nerformsBC ef "The- Eternal City" at the Baker theatre the buyer of Beats for the week bve been legion. There Is good reason for thla. Ths prices charged, con sidering the elegant aad perfect production, are nothing In comparisoa with the real veins of "the theatrical offering. Hsll Cains never wrote a greater play and It waa aevea more conscientiously put, on ths Stage. The whole towa wsnte to' aee 'it. The laat productloa ef "The" Eterhsl City In PorUend cost three times much to aee. and It wag not staged as well ss the Baker production, luriaia at B:10 o'clock. ' " The Rounders." As the day approaches (or ths opening ef tba light opera and mnalesl comedy eessoo at tha Helllc tbaatre the Intereet become more general In -the event. Mr. Helllg and Mr. bavla have ecoored the country to secure Just ths company that will suit. The musi cal company, augmented by some Bne artiste from Ban Francisco, and supported by a stun nine ehorue ef 80 voices, aceme likely ta be Jnat wkat Portland desire. Ths opening occur Sunday alght, June 10. with "The Rounders." the fa's ns piece written oy nsrry . emua. It la filled with bright music that baa made a bit all over thla country. Tha ssls of Beats herltia Prldav morning st 10 O'clock at the rlelllg theatre. Popular price. 16. 88, 60 cent In the evenings ana jo ana xo ceeie ax the matinees, - - The Royal Hawaiian Band, ; On of the asnst pleasing festuree of the musk- furnlsbed by the famous Royal Ha waiian band of Hooolnlu Is the charming Bind ing of th solo srtlBts snd ths choir, se o.mpsnled by the full military band and tha trained choir.- - Thla en pern organisation of BO (killed musician, '.pack of whom play many different Itwtnimenta enn te bum a singer. Is ma Xing Its Brat tour of the Palled State and Is to sppesr In thla city at ths H.Ulg theatre next Thursday; Friday. Saturday nights, Jrme T, B, B, with a special-price matinee) Saturday. line of the noted singers Is Mads me Nasi Alepelj the famous soprano ef Honolulu., Seats are now selling at the box office of tho .Helllg tbestre. ' . VAUDEVILLE AND STOCK. At the. Star. . 1 At thl see son "A' Plessent Ts Is wanted snd enjoyed by evervew. "A Plessaat Day'' hi Bt the Star, where the compear of clever comedians are exploding volcanoes f teaghtof every aftenen aad tsrlcyi eech night. The hone ef mlrlh hes s show thla week nhlch IS cue of the, roi-1 emn.lug musleel corned,- of ih4 Jeer. "A rieaeeat vtj is a nvsiy as- WEBE : I PAL TTV TA VTfX 0 BANKS. J. T. BLHTCH AEIX. . .Aaslstast Mas nsiaaa I New lorB. Barren, mirage, ax. aerasi. point la fb Kortkweet Vmwtm aWHsL SMhene4- Sbe-.tfie SMckkelm, Bt Psterabau-g. Maseaw, Burbab, B. L? DURHAM. GRORGB W. HOTT. ....... ,-aatavaai Caabla Drafts sad Letters ef Credit leeeed i-rsllskht i ' i.. aevioera ex uresna sees en avnsawee Stark Street. . . D. C. Peltnn... i.. President Prod H. RothcbHd...... -First Yhra-Prealdent John A. Keating. ...... .Second V tee-President B. (V Meare.,.... Cashier IT. D. Storey ...........Assistsat Cashwr Piatt V Piatt.... ............ Jleneral Onuasel '"TV. nlli a-.-, n. Priest Exchange TB, . . n. l, PITTOCK. TVe-rrea-iovrev J. O. GOLTRA , Aaslstsnt Srsry Aeslstant Sean-stare Streets. Phone Main 184. 1888 BROKERS ' and Sold for Cash and sa Uargia, - 0P COMMERCE. Phone Mala BT. (Members Chicago Board nf Trade.) 101 Third St. McKay Bldg., Portlaad. Orrgee. Booms S. 4 and B La Payette bids., ear. SUtSj aad Wean. ats Psctlaad. Ortsvav DIVIDEND .."ISIOCIS:- BANK AND CORPORATION Coeanstee $ Wltb Absoleta Safety. TELEPHONE ft TELEGRAPH BBCTBiTIBS fslr, with a chorus ef singing gad dasrtng girls and eadlses Jokea. - At the Lyric. .. - Sncce follows . success with aa satoulsh Ing regularity, wkea applied te the Lvrl stock compaay, and the maay aad varied plsys enacted by them from weak te week, each production? betas offered to tba nubile la a manner highly acceptable. Tba snrrana of th current week la that Interesting melo drama. "A Convict Wife," full at pathos, teatlment ssd comedy. At the Grand. "The- EipressoMs"- Is tba feature act at the Grand this week. It la preeeated br Armstrong aad Holly, a team which comes direct e the Grand from Us Ornheuai circuit Nalda bj a nsstloosl dancer, using novel aad -spectaeultr effecta and cerrylsg spec Is 1 scenery which weald b a credit to an sxtravsgansa company. George Yeemaa, a German comedies, la an of the pleasant sou aa the program. - Low Rates Eatt.' .-4.. ...... .... . . . On JTune 4, find T and alao oa June it and 21 and other later dates. tb Chicago 4V Northwestern will sell round trip tickets to' all eaa tern point at very low rstea. Chicago and return -f 71. S. . Other points In proportion. Fur ther information :ty" calling eB"R.-TTT Holder, general agent, 161 Third street, j NATIONAL CON VENTIOf, . , KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS (Journal Special Service.) - Jitw Haven, Conn.. June t. Ths na tional convention of ths Knights of Co lumbus was formally opened today In this city, which la the birthplace ef ths order. Many eminent- priests and prelates of the Roman Catholic church were present In addition to the large number of delegates on hand from every . section of the country. Preceding the call to order tha delegates attended pontifical high mass at fit. John's church. The sermon was preached by RevY-John J- AicAJoy- ef Woreeeter. Ja r dlnal Qlbbona of Baltimore was one of the central figures. The convention will be In session through the remainder of the week. Tomorrow will be the moat interesting? day of the convention. The great parade will take place in the morning. In the afternoon the new building which Is to be occupied as na tional headquartera of the order will. be dedicated with much pomp and eere-' mony. prominent among those who are to teke part In the convention, in addi tion to the noted chairman, are United States Senator Carter of Montana and Oearln of Oregon, and Justice Victor J. Dowllng of the Mew York supreme eourL WOULD RUN FOR TWO .-: I. OFFICES AT ONE TIME ' (Special Dispatch to The- Jaasrnel.) ' Salem, Or.. June' t. There has been) much tnerrlmont amons voter ever the advertisement which th Socialists are running In a local paper. VT. S. Rlrh arde of -Albany is sdvertlaed as Tandt date for dairy, food snd labor commis sioner." The candidate or his manager Is evidently not aware that, he can sot run for two offices St the aama time. The office of labor rommlaatoner Is filled by O. P. Hoff and la entirely dis tinct from th office of dairy and food commissioner occupied by Mr. .Bailer. Junt : how the Socialist randtdats ex perts to fill theee two offlrna not qslte clear.. ... i WoaalaaUaeT CofrmAm. (Jawrssl Blieclal 4WVW I Mansfield. O.. June . Thw ' can eotisreeelonal convent fourteenth dlatrlct is tn day to nominate a can- C'iirman A. P.. - tlmia point moat H"- tloii of Hot so Ii Loialn county aa t -J