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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 5, 1906)
13 THE" OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING. JUNE , 5, .1908. -KEW-TODAYr- r , Hi N'T MEN THE WRETCHES? BUSINESS CHANCES. f- CopjrlaAt, 1308. to amerlma 'iiaiaal-lhramlBaf. HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSION everlaad la being organised to go to Harney oounty, Oregua. For Information Inquire 809 Com. merctal block, eoraar Second and Washing, ton ate., er phone Mala 842. I. t ' 44 FOR SALE Restaurant and Ira cream parV en Waahlngton at., cheap. 31.800. Addreaa B 84. cads JournaL FULTON WOOD CO. Make hay while , the sun ,; ; v v shines. " .1. Green Slabwoodper - load .,$1.75 Dry Slabwood, per load .......... ,;.?S.S5 Inside JSIabwood, per load ,.92.25 Green Spruce Slabwood, per load .....,. ?1.00 AndpecTaTpfTces on all; t, green 10-load orders. , These prices for South Portland only. Half Block Vare- ierty i; nothfnf totter on TjreireyrXSirirofnbi tot prlca and particulars. . C2. BOO Modern f-room house- and 100x100 feat on East 44th sL, west of ML Tabor, on block or ear. 2.750100x100 feet and t-roore , kouN on Carutbara st BJ6.S50 Modorn K-room bona and comer im on rirai bu J 1,600 New modern (-room cot tic ana corner ot .on &ant ssia st. aJS.BOO Large modern I-room houae and 100x100 feet In South Portland. .... una new. 9900 For TO aerea within f miles of iregrm vity. This la: only a "small portion of mr lat. :-'.-:..,..'. , F. Abraham lis noon it. Green Slabwood, per load. $150 Dry Slabwood, per load. .$2.50 At the Foot of Lincoln Street .T" PHONE MAIN 3119 Knar two electrto Unas, cheap and. on aaay terms. CEDERBERGH 114 Comrrterclnl Block, cond ftn4 Where Is Wealth In Timber It ue ahow you ' how to aeeure an Intereat In a timber and lumber manu facturing enterprise. The Investment's aeeure. I per cent Interest guaranteed I - bank. Xarae additional profits. In vestments 1110 and up. a mail monthly paymentar Let tis talk it oyer with xou. Call, write or phone. KlUes, SIS Conv aaarolai Ud.- Sola X940. - . -On-GrandAve near ; Market $3,000. B. 82, Care JournaL 1-4 Block Sixth and East Clay, Str $4,500. B 81, Care JournaL Water Front For Bale tilt" feet of. choice water front. In city limits, eontalna about five acres, railroad throagh It: a fins mill proposition; easy terms. Call on J. 8. TAYLOR, tie Marquam Blda Corner Lot $1200 Trtbeeet eject Twenty-fourth and Waste ate. tHolladay Parklt cement sidewalk: a bargain, C. 44. care Journal. WEATHER REPORT. Ins barometer la falling Is w eat. re Oe 9Tid "tMtfm WaeMnrton, and a low area la evl "Benny lpSHrTiIn 'H.'TioHuFacTne coaaTOvua 1h OCCan Ijow jimnr, arras ara also BnteJ over Utah sod Saekatcnewaa- I'hla u nee t tied conditio la the mtmt baa resulted la light ahowera ts California. Oregon. . Weahlnatjvj. Idaho, atrlharn Utah, Moatajia. the Dakotae and the Mleeleelppt valley. The Atlantic -high preeaare re haa avevad south, sod It Is evi dently central this morning sear Cape Kitimii The rhengee la temperstnrs since yeaferday li, a been small sad anlniportaat. la tha wint ers states It Is aansnllr eonler thaa oeual, while ka tha eaatern atatae tbe tempcraturta are aflghtlr above normal. The eondltlona are favorable far sbewrrs Is 4Me dtalrtrt tnsisht and Wrdaeadaj, with Be Kara as rnascas in iSBiparaiars. OboarraUooa takea at a. m.. Paetrle tlsw. ,4 T.B1D. Stations t. M. Mtn raelc kr Cltr. Orattna. 40 .10 Koalm. klaaaarhssetts..,. ft ... - 3A t Mora. Illlsola ...... M , IT. tws.w, Coloradit, . SI) IWI naasaa I nr. m .. Ta : li anaHa,. lalirornla..,, 7 i. trUaaa. Lonlalass.... M rw York. Haw York. ai t artkMt. Orrns....,.,. a rnsrnt'ra, Orgm i . A4 Lnsta, Mlawierl.M M alt lka. Utak... ........ Tl n rTasrW. (aliriwsls.. OH kas, Waahtaa'nn. , MblnMii M v .11. w.iia, M aaulsgtoa.. ( . a,.lmtoa. C... ....... M 74 M , M . ' 4 . S4 M M 42 4 44 H .fix .o .44 , .0 '3 Phone, Pacific dill Prop Portland Slabwood to. -A-Fine-lot a0 v Ir-MR. ROUNDER ayr old man, we've a grt lark cn for to-nlgM. Vandsrbooss haa lost bet of a dinner, with wins, for flvf. , Aftsr' ths'dlnnor'wo'ro Bl"tf the "Thirtieth Century Maids' Burlesque, Corrrs, fat a movs oa si-iysii arw of ft Mttilitmtlll MARRIAGE LICENSES. I B KJrl J 1: rxlu-JU:-JJtA.rncaVJ2S irk.rt. 23: lu.r Rtnd.bakar. 21. Claraiwe B. Rattlemlrs. Taacent. Oreeoav 0 Sllaabrtli R. Park. a4. IT. . I I . . W U . . UliH.1 A.f St WlUlam Caldwali Wlnka. sSa WaUintoa straat, tit Kanlcs. Oottos, in.i M. A.T70, 441 Bsach atrstt. S4; Ljllla i. t). Smith, 00; Orate Allen, BO. - Jaswa B. Rand I. 88: UUtas rMn1L t M. H. Haas, Cassaaro, Oraeoa. 2W Nora K. Darker, 27. . ' - J una A. PaaL, Edjnoatoa, Alberta, Canada, 20) Blals A. Rose. 27. Brora T. Dona; la as, SO Ina star Abrahani, I. . Charlea Edwin Waraar, 21; Lllllaa Klrbr, -William K. Rnaacll, 8 Lnloa a res as. sorlii, 20; EmUr M. Rackart. 2S. Airl Johnaon, -CnlTSralty Park, 21; kfarj Blorttood. 22. - M. V. Smith, 880 Mica If as arenas, 28; Loo la L. Saely. 26. - Joarpti Bcbailer. S1 X-noU atraat, 21 1 Catnar fa E.lalla Molas. 1. - - Bewaa a Ward. St. Johne, 48; Hand Mas to, 28. .. - J-aW Iklsr S-Kaat "flililiat susst, tl; 9 llll. .A Bortnlnh doala, 178 Tanth street, 21i.Ooldle a. vautios, J WacMInf Cards. W. O. Smith Co., Wash. nctoa elds., cor. rourta ana waanmctoa ats. Woddlns and ealllns rarda - snsraTad ae arlntrd. K. T. Rnabtoa, taH Waahlnctoa at. Maa Berths Martls. room 211 Allah bldg. taaiplns a ad Sua ssodlaworki laaanna fir. a. KvaaaaaaaBaaaaaiaaaBiaaeaaiaaaiaBMaaaaaaaaBaBEaaaEasdkai BIRTHS. Ll'DURS Jnse 4. ts Mr. and Mrs. Sams! M. alcl WAKDKN Jnne 2, - to Mr. and hfra. Rarrr w arden, Eaat aorty aavenrn ana urrunon, a WK?DRIX Jnae 1, ts Mr. and Mra. J. O. Wendrll. 248 Wood, a alrl. KNOWLKS Jane 1. to Mr. end Mrs. J. W. know lam. Bast Tbirty-flret and Eaat Ollsan, s rlrl. - -BlKflEB Maj 27. to Mr. and Mr. Oeerge P. (Warr, 747 Baat Fonrteafith, a boy, PIKRCB Ma IS, to Mr. and Mrs. Pierce. 810H rjrat, a boy. PRINK Mar 21, to Mr. and hfra. Blmer L. frlnk. 1214 East Mais, twins, bo? and rlrl. TR WART Mar 29, To Mr. and Mrs. Pestee Htawart, Pulton, a rlrl. IIMENZA Mar 24. to Mr. and Mra. WlUlam HI mania. T6 DlrUloa, a Ctrl. SLOAN Jane 2. to Mr. and Mrs. Char las I. Sloan. Btewart atattoa, a alrl. I CONTAGIOUS DISEASES. .' ' TelTat If ay Cos. . 884 Xortb Ssrsataeath, Btaaalaa. rioraa Atktnam. 8ftT Ploranee, Biaaalas. Ransom Itaamnaaan Tnhaina addition, -mea. aiaa. 1 r. Ophalla ffooflroan, Til Baat MadlaotL-Biaeslra. ' I Monia lonaa, 88 Eawtborna aranoa, maaalra. Botnr-atarrllt. 7't aat bll tr-ruuittt, norm, Biaaaias. Marie and Bales Schmidt, 410 Water, enlckes- pex. Mamie Kafloff. 408 Bast Wssbhiftoa, mea (las. wsaaer Wrlfht. Pront and Cnrry, BMsalas. Mrs. Martin Borals. Eaat BUhth a ad Mas- aanlta, diphtheria. Kllaabsth Hulme, eie Berratn. tnaaaMe. ' Solla sad Erthar Cohan, 84T Fifth, maaalaa. Loniss Laanbart, 248 North Twalfth, maaalaa. Alloa rlaob, 481 Waat Park, mssalea. rranria. A oralis sad Horlbart Wabtr. 4A4 Bar. nth. saesalae. Josrpbms Bios, 11 EISTanth, maaalaa. BrlTla Cnabak, B2 Montforsarr, varicella. Halea ssd Law la Hawk. 80s Feartseatli. ansa. Marroertts Tampitton. 871 Gllaan, maaalaa. MIMrad Welch. 844 Second, maaalaa. BonaM Oaaa, 804 MU1. chlekansoz. Aibart Bararu. 41Aau Jtaraa Dauabtar of Mrs. s'lemlna. las. Andrsw- Tea - Bergen,- 1071-Bsst- Barrtona, ttraalas. Albartlaa McMonlea, 838 Baat Waatalns'toa, Italic Bharp, Prallmaa imw, maaala. Marloa SIcbsL 189 Sottk Twontj -third, anaa- Ica. i Bits Rob las, Twentieth and GHaaa. mra. Ira. K liner a ad Erlasd Brlcksoa. Tweatlath sad Ollaas, masalas. DEATHS.- CHAMBERS J one 1, William V, Chambare, 88 yaanr,-Good Baniaritan bnaplta dlabataa. CLl'MH Jnns 1, Jamaa W. Clunla. 4 rara, 894 Williams eaanns, eerabrsl briaorrhara. WIDO Mar. 8. Osorae Wlsf. 08 Tears, 878 Tillamook, heart fa liars. BALL Mar 80. Noah M. Hall, 02 year. Pair. Ttaw, endocarditis. 1 AVERS Juna 1, Doll Arars, 28 years, Good Samaritan hnapltal, pyaemia. PLECKBN8TEIN Joss 8, Viola U. Plarkaa- ataln. 1 rear. Baat TMrty-fooxth ana colota. Ma hrailaaard. snasmonla. FLKTCHER Juns 8, John a Fletcher, 48 yesrs. Good Samaritan hnapltal. chronic napnoatla. SALENS Juns 8. Marls Hasans, 83 yeare, St. Tlnrant's hospltsl. pnanmnnla. PETERH Jnna 1, WUfred R. Peters, dsys. i.'jo Eaat rirteentn, conTniaKtna. . - UNDERTAKERS. Edward Holmaa A Ca.. tha leadtnc tnncral dlractora, 1 hare tha Incat eatabllabment, tbe Bneat rooda, the Ssast aahlclea and tbe moat reeeonable prtraa. Fine broadcloth -oeeared caakats, 828- and fSO. Hie Bneat wood foofta made, tVoaa 812 to 820. Parlors 220 and 222 Third a treat, corner Balaaon, PortUsd. Oretoa. J. B, Male a Wmbu ntneeal etpectsra arrd emhatmera ciirnef Third j4 Madlaoa atrecta. OfJcer" ofcossty coroner. Telephone Mais 8. Dannlns. MrEntee a Glttianah. endertakera end embalmera: av-Mtrra Is every detalL Seyeath and Plaa. Mala 480. Lady asetatant. ' A. B Bematork. andertakar and etnnslmer, Baat Thirteenth ssd Umatilla sea. ' Plume 8.11 wood 11. CUrk Bras fa sowers. 2S Morrwas . etraae. EITEBTIIW CEMITX1T. Slncl f rare. 410. .-Family tots $78 to Sl.oon. Th only cemetery la Portland which per petnallT maintain, and rarea for lots. For full Information apply to W. R. Markenste, War. eeeter blork.clty. W. M. Ladd. prealdent. Oat roar Inasrsaca and sbstracta to real aetata from the Title Guarantee A Trsat rampaay, 240 Waablngtoa atraat, earner Baened. NOTICE. A PORTLAND. OR.. Jon X IKo, Netlre I -hereby aires (hat tha firm of F. J. Cat tar lis "A Co., beratntora csodivtad by P. I. Catter- nn and tl. w. ionannas naa tnia eay neeti dlenired by mutual foaaafcfl.Mr. Cafterlln will cnntlnoa the boaloeaa and will pay all bill and collect all aeeoants autatandlnf. , , w . F. J. CATTFKI,!!;. , - iL sr. uuKAMtE, t f! i 2. MR. SNOOKS Owa wtrfxl I cant Q My whTa sxpeots m rvoms to dlrmsr. But, wait a mlnuts. HI see what can do over the 'phona. Is that you, Clara f Clara, flvs vary w4l eiiatamara bavs Just "coma In, and i am golnf ts bring thorn homo to dirt- UllliMHIIHiHMitHW NOTICE. Notice at barebr (leas that we, Rofar Mc Afee, M, P. Mile and Newton McCoy, hare been appointed eiecutors of the estate of P. M. Llrhtenthalrr, deceaeed. All parsons haThnr- elalma a gal net said rotate are ra ' qnlrad to praaant them, proper 1 verified, te tie, at tbe office" of car attorney, H. B. Mcholaa, rorm 718 Oresonlas balldioc, soma SU tha nil Alder eta., Portland, r.. wltbla tit montbs from tile data, May 21, 1906. ' KOUEB M'AFEB, - M. F. MILLER. . NEWTON M OOT, . Executor. ; H. B. NICHOLAS, Attorney. BOTICB OP. 8TOCKB0LD.BBS' : MEETIJIO. The ananal meeting of tbe atockboMera ef tba -Oeeaoa lra A Steel Company wtlf be-held at the ef Bee of tha company, room V Bber- anch imlldlns, foruano, ureaoa, jnne is. luifis, 'H u.uu, vniw. vi .ll'e!'- a- bu-- for-lhs- iuuo. iT,tTne a linarit of fllrertora for anathns year, and the Iran.actloh of ancS other bsainvaa as may Msally soma before Jbs... treet liq A. S. PATTT7LLO. Becretsry. Portland. Oreoa, May 24. 1909. MEETING NOTICES. BOMETHINO doing tonight St George Waahlnirton ramp. Bet. trr come. Vlaltlng nelghbora welcome. Woodman hall,. Tenth and Washlnston at, - I H. A. KREDBICH. Clark, - H. S.AAHON, C.- U. ' W. A. Everrraca Camp. - B.4A8. meet Wednesday araaing, Ailaky bldg.. Third ssd Mosalsae ats. , 1 . ... PAC8IMILB typewrit tea letters, ' addressing. mailing, ate. Circular Letter Ce., 2Bla Stark Vet. Mala 2284. M. W. A., Oragoa Grape Camp, No. 8,978, Moa ' dare. 17th asd Marshall; vial tors welcome. LOST AND FOUND, LOST Iron gray pony, brand 2G ea flask ; re ward. M. T. Page, a editor's efflre. Malt somsh county eoarthooae. Pnene Mala 888. LOST Saturday evening, gold brooch shape handbag, on Braaae at. or anion depot Re ward If returned to 429 Braaea at. LOST One bill tile with Jane atatemente la It. Pindar return to r29 Baat Davla or phone ' Eaat 8230 end receive reward. LOST Genre gold mesh fob and charm, with monogram "C. T." on charm; lost whlls running srrsnds for Stevens scbooL ' Return ' to principal of Stevens school er to 443 Eaat Lincoln at. - Baward. 8TRATKD or Btoled 1 bay haree. 4 reave old: welant I.20fr Th.. I' Mnd hlteeefand U wklta-atrlee ea - tha anaai 2a reweM it returned to Prank Millar, Baraea road, B, F. D. No. X LOST Lady's fold watch, cpea face la gold with sssmsl figures, "W" sagraved on back, gunmetsl fnfe attached. Retnra te T. B. Wllcoa. 224 Btark at., and receive anltable reward. HELP WANTED MALE. RAILROAD- WORK. , STATION MEN. Small twtmala, wagonrosd work, ear work, . arbeUrrow rock -waetav- earth waaelbsrrow work, all kin da atari on work; slao regular contract work for email outflte; good work, good prlcea; ea O. B. at M. free traaaporta tloa svsr O. B. N. B. t. jOHNSoi a cn.. MEN AND WOMEN to tears barber trade la eight weeks; graduates ears rrom lo to gzs aMfeli! aaneal liialasnliasi aaUaloama free. Molar Bretem ef Collagae. 18 North Fourth et., Pertlesd. - SALESMEN WANTED Fur ess et the largest auraerle ta the weeti caah advanced weekly; sood territory span. Addreaa Washlagtoa Nareery Co Toppeoiea, Wash, A BARB eoportanlty far a maa with some caDltal: Invaatlgate asd yea will sure Is veal. C 110, ears Journal. AGENTS WANTED ts sell an parlor, high-grade auraery etuoh ; wtnpletw esut furniancd Tree; raeh wsehly; writs today for choice of ter ritory. Capital City Nursery Company, Salem, Oregon. . . WANTED S met) st Randle A Klnaey brick yard. Psoas Suburban 2M1. Bylvaa. uregua. WANTED Tamlabars, ' machtae ead beach hands. Oragoa Faraitare Mfg. Co. Macadam road. - WB seenrsi smpjoynwnt for membera; eperlsl anemnararip one monts ea. am. v. Fourth and YambllL IP yea play pool, go to the Wellington Par- Or. AllBSy DlUi, 1U. ... mmvmwmvm. WANTED One gra nit emitter, en marbl-cnt- 1ft ana one mamie-poiiener. . saarcas rraKia Marble Worka. Tha Dalles, Oregon. WANTED 4 mea to week In brick and eawor- plps factory. Apply to or nee maroon a ones Co., foot ef Ankeoy at. HOTEL HELP Walters, eooka and help f ell klnda, BrFt-eiaee Hotel. S47 nnnn ing at near Marahall. Mr. James, room 81. iruimr man with aano take half Interest I t hiialna pavli.a from IKK) to 8300 Ml. I ALVO K D A ALVO RD, 182 MorrlaoB sr.- W ANTED Ftnletter In frtmltnre faetorv. steady work rear round. 49 Front, corner Davla. WANTED Mattraas maker. 49 Pront, corner pane. - A FEW GOOD HOMESTEADS la central Ore. gon; for Information aaareea i. . oarner, getiersl delivery, city. WANTED Two good prambars. Apply te J. B. Tllden. 4P8 ttllaan at. WANTED Sign' writer t mnat be flrrt-claaa workman; ateady Job to right party. Apply at ones. W. P. Merger Son. 284 Yamhill at. WANTED Dtabwaahctj good place. 247 North 12th et. - - e STATTONART fireman, log deckman. bonnv , enan'a helper.' laborers for mill aad yard; top ! wage: ao fee., 70S Marquam bldg. WANTED Ftrat-cisM bench man. Portland Baeh Doer Co., Eaat Taylor and L'nloa are. WANTED A done boy for driving delivery wagon. Call 484 Jeffereen ai. BOT. abnnt 1. to learn tha he-t metal trade. rortran ajei at Maul Cornea Wdtks, fl Eaat Madlaori. WANTED 8 aia to work la brlckyarA at list ad ZUlaaueeh. XtAe lrrlngloa car. - . feaoaaafj - S MRS. SNOOKt'S VOICE OVER THE 'PHONE John 8nooka, are you . eraiyl -What are you thinking off ; How do you think .'t pan bo prepared for Ave guests "at -a mo ment's notloeT You muct be ,'nsanc. Don't, "wHrigthoim horna hers, as you valua your future happrnwsa. TAKE THEM TO A RES-, TAURANT.- , r ' ' . IIHIMIIIUIIHHIiHilHIMHtltHHMHI HELP WANTED MALE. WANT 2 brick team, alno brickyard men. RceMcnce 4U2 Eaat 28th at.; take. W. B. car, ALL-AROI'ND grocaryman, te drive wagon and work Inside for s few weeks aqd may ha permanent;., ware 12 week. D 4, car JournaL .. WANTED Energetic, truatwortby man to work In Oregon, rrprssentlnf larte m a nn factoring company; aalary 240 to SSO par asonth,- paid weekly; axnenees advanced.., Addreaa, with atamp, J. H. Moore. Portland. Oregos. - HELP WANTED FEMALE. OIRTJI ibonr 18 year of age to work In fae Co.'' PUU ad Davuv-ete. BANSEN'S LADIE8' AGENCY. 84S Waahtng. - ton St., cor. Sevsnth, npatalrs. Phone Mala 2892. Female help wanted. EXPERIENCED GIRL wanted at BfS Everett to sttead store. Call 10 a. at. - THE BOMB LADIES AGENCY. Female help furnlahed free to employer. Beeiatratlos Free. 18SH 4th st, npsUIrs, room 23. Main BS28. WTNTED--3d)rra to "make ""Boaa of All" bvar alla at 78 Flrat St. WANTED-JXeat waltreasca . at Bohart-Curtla, 14th asd Jefferson. - - WANTED Olrbj- te work ta candy factory: ateady employment, gc-od wages. Apply at : Paclfia Coaaf Blacult Co.. 12U and Davla. WANTED A woman second cook at Watson's restaurant. 8214 Sixth at. WANTEDA good gtrtafor general honee-wnrk ; food wagaa. Apply eC9 Eaat 21 ts st., aorta, bone East 848. - HOTEL. HELP Chambermaid end help ef all klnda, Orat-clas hotel. 247 Nerth 12th at near Marahall. Mr. James, room 81. GIRLS WANTED Operators to work on shirts and overalla. Ieaeona given to Ineiperlencad. Apply st Stsndard factory No. 2, tirsod svs. and E. Taylor at. - - r GIRL to help with housework Saturday mora Ings Apply 173 Eaat 18th at. WANTED Competent girl for general bonee- WANTKP In-city aad ceastr-T eaekev frera 880 - to 378; waitreseee. 38 to 810 and 828; house work and chambermaids. 828 to 8.10; 8 laundry girls. The Home Lsdlrs' Agency, 166 Fourth et- Mala 6828. GIRL te do housework; small family: ne chil dren: good wage. Mrs, W. V. Jobes, 204 Kellog st St, Johns. Z WANTED A wemaa to wash, at 40 Bast 28th st, Wednesday morning at 7:80. WANTED Respectable young woman, st once; light cooking and waftreaa; refereneea ae te heneety and ability. D 2, ears Journal. WANTED AV dreeemaker, rla ee. 17th st. 'Mr.-Bt." John. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. WANTED AT ONCE An experienced party with 8100 to ran a paying laundry. For nartlrulara pall A84 Fourth sc. Boats Ira. "suite 28. Main-6.S20. ; BELP wanted and nnpllefl. male or female. B. G. Drake. 20BH Washington at. Pacific 1370. WANTED Maa er womaa e cashier and man ager for reetanrant: can make 8180 a month; 8a aaceaaary. Boom1 9 Breedea bldg., Third and Washing too. ' . tl4 PER DAT can be made by lady or gent selling phote eoupona. Call at Andereao JPhoto Studio Tancouver, Waahlngton. ... . SITUATIONS -WANTED MALE BITT7AT10N wanted by a consrlenttona and truatwortby man a collector; can forntah the beat of referrnce or fnrntah bond; have bad ' long experience. ...Addreaa C 40, care Journal, SORER, reliant young man ef 18, with good pnhtte school education, dealrea poalttoa where there la a good ebaace fiar sdvance - mast. - Addreaa 0 41, care JournaL ELDERLY maa want to make himself aaefu around private place; good gardener, truat wortby and sober: country or city; ao boraae. Address C 43, cere Journal. A MIDDLE-AGED meehsnlr. with a good job, atrk-tl:' temperate, would like to meat a lady or working girl te apend evenings and Sun day with: would marry If suited. - Addreaa O 47, car Journal SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE COOKS! r COOKS! COOKS! 2 women, with eiperlenre, wish to take charge of tntihen and Wiiln-luint in ramp. . hold. refereneea. Audreea wcatloa with partlculara. OB, ear Jouraau COMPETENT atanograpbar dealrea pneltton; alt yeara'i xpr1enc; law work preferred. Bos 43.. city. - SITUATION wanted by neat woman by th day. Phone Main 4378 er 187 Montgomery at. TOI'NO lady would Ilka position' a com panion; would Ilka to travel. D 8, Journal. WANTED AGENTS. WANTED Agenta: aometbtng sew; nod sailer; big wages. 90S McKay bldg. WANTED Special ealeemen for the big Ore row Nursery company; liberal eommlaaton; outfit frae; choice territory. Write te the Oragoa Nsreery Co., Salem, Oregoe. Ml "'" 1 11 ; ' EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. THE Portland "Employment Ce., MM Morrlsea at. Phone Paclfia 230. ' bInsen'B employment office . '., FOB MEN. 28 N. Second; aL , Phena Mala 1828. Bit) FOUR BMP. AGENCY Help supplied tree. 18 BecUt Beeead It float kaU UIB, . I'm WANTEDt-REAL ESTATE. W A NTED Lot, "eaat aids; elate" lorlTToW-lnW J rice: anuat, be cheap. Address B 77, care ournaL WANTED Lot la exchange for enulty la 0 or T-room boose. Phase East 3841. WANTED House sod lot, from 32.000 to 33,000; must be a bargain; atate caah price and Iocs tli n, B 89. eses JoarnsL WANTED Llmestons quarry. If yon have . any limestone beds, or know of any lead for sale having limestone deposits on It, com . muulcste with C I). Charles. 827 Chamber of Commerce. . V( WILL sell your property, no matter .wist It la or wbers located. Send deacrlptloa now ana we win oo ine rest, squares ue in-1 veatora' Guide Co., ft Marou.m hid Port. AOBKKB. no Improvementa, : between - Halladay ave, end Hawthorne -ae.; - give-exact location and Price; caah ' la ready. Address "Chi cago." cars Journal. . EAST MORRISON ST.-- property owners I wsnt either s corner 80 by 100 er quarter .block. Improved. -on East Morrlaon at.t lo cated between Cnton ave., and Eaat 12th at., . snowing fair revenue far Inveetment; will pay caah If price aulla. Anawerlng thai give full deacrlptloa end Income. C. C. K., care JournaL WANTED To buy a home on k--0. W. P. Ry. line. Woodmer adilltlnn preferred; give full partlculara aa to location, price, terma, ate. Addreaa C 36, care Journal. . .WANTED TO .RENT. WANTED TO RENT HOI'SES. COTTAGES, FLATS. ROOMINQ.HQl.Ska, STORES. ETC. Our rental department has been enlarged ' and provided with additional etaff. We Invite Hating from LANDLORDS, offer persona! attention te and continuous suprrvletoB ever all property Intrusted to ear care. - - PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OP OREGON. ' B. B. cor. 3d and Oak at. Phone Ex. 72. WANTED Baat and weet side houaea. fiats and cottages; can rent at enca. ' WESTERN OREGON TRUST CO., 291 Stark St. Phone Psclfle 893. WANTED FINANCIAL. WANTED 3S00 to open up new copper mine; will give sn extra good opportunity and la- dncement. Call la forenoon Jonas' Booh Store, - 291 Alder at. " I WILL pay 3100 caah and 110 par. month for email home. What havs yon to offer? Ad. "WANTED MTSCELXANEOTJSIj B. N. MORGAN, pioneer sutsyer and waits, washer. Call Eaat 8243. Remember the name B. N. Morgani 11 jreare la baslasae la Portlaad. r, - WB WILL BUY. BELL OR TRADB ANY OLD THING. WESTERN SALVAGE CO, 827 B29.WA8niNaT0.N. PACIFIC 792. WB WILL BUY year furniture any old time. Western Salvage Co.. 827 Waablngtoa St. WHO IB M. G. MORGAN CO.T 'SPOT CASH" .JOB. rtJSNltfRB AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS. PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS, 21 FIRST STREET. MAIN S88S. PAINTINO. spraying and Whitewashing-ti.,,, basements, haraa, docka, etc.j largest f aeollne aura ring nutnt ea the coast. M. G. Morgaa A Co., 322 Untoa ave. Phone Bast 017. FURNITURE snd houaehold goods. Don't worry, lose time ar money. Jut phone Pa cific 793. WILL IK) WASHING If called lor. 182 Sher man, rear of 180 Sherman. FOB windowacreens, C. Ziegler, 880 Klchlgaa ave. Phone L'nloa 6784. SAN FRANCISCO Wanted Two more carloads of furniture for. 'Kiiaco; will pay beat price for any sec ond hand frrmiture you have fT gale.-Call ap Main 307.. Aak for J oh a Oka. WANTED LIMESTONE QUARRY. ' If yoa have any Ilmeetone beds er know ef snr bind for sal having limestone rock deposits on It communicate with , . O. D.CUARI.ES, . .'. . 27, Chamber . of Commerce. GREAT SNAP. Wflenn. the auctioneer, at 308 First St., para caah for anything yoa have te sell Phone Mala 1828. WEI J. furnlahed room with hoard terma eery reasonable. 44 Jefferaoa. WANTED To buy s roller-top desk and chair, aeeond-hand. C 49. rare Journal. FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. OFFICB room a. an furnlahed room sad sample room for real. Gaodaeagb bldg.' Apply ale- PART of ebon to rent, suitable for painter ef plumber. 208 Fourth at. ' ofice room, over Plum- I ntt MinTaooT' r-SforerTrinxiB-ar UNFURNISHED ROOMS. 1 LARGE nnfurnlebed room, ground floor, phone - Eaat 39S6. " .s TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS for rentl 1SJ Sherman at In rear of ISO Sherman at. 8 VERY pleaaan,t unfurnished rooms, with hath, toilet, etc, reaannable. 880 Montgomery at. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT THS RICHELIEU MH NORTH SIXTH ST. Elegantly furnlahed. steam heat aad hatha THE GRAND, 48Vi Nirth Third at. Raema for gentlemen 81.28 per week asd ap. POR BENT A finely furnlahed room to maa nad wife, 310 a month; close In. 392 Ever ett et. . NICE furnlahed reema for two young ladle; . furnlehlnge new; never .been used:. 878 14th et., corner Montgomery, phone Mais 8828. FOR RENT 10. mom nones, convenient for two famlUc. 820 HI lift at. , ' 7 ' THE PALM. lty Third, under new manage ment, finely furntebed; front and ethee light leeaa ea flrat aad eeooad Oaorsi rtaaonal . i ... , . - .", '. ' : - i : :4. MRS. SNOOKS John Snooks,'! Just ' waited up to-night to ooo whothor you wars J traxy or not. Tho vary idea oif your notify; ' Ing mo you were going to. hrlng flvs men ' homo to dinner. Don't you ovor otartlo mo . ." that way again. Do you understand T Ras- tauranto ar tha plaoss to tak ouaeemsrs todtnnor. Boor" '";." MR. SNOOKS (mooklyjr AJI right, doar; 111 romambor.. ., IIHHtHHHHHHIMHM FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPINa - J seamen aw m Mlwmaaaaaa ad aetuthw Hooms, hsukaeplng snd trsaslsatr eoa- vanleot; prlcea reaaonable. 1.00 WEEK UP. clean, furnlahed bouaekesp. raema, with yard, parlor, laundry, bath, far. Bscs hast. 203V, Stanton st. V car. 1.2S PEB WEEK Large, clean. , furnlahed bouheplrig-rooBe; . laundry sad bath. 144 Sherman. South Portland. - SLEEPING and hooaekeeplng rontaa. Linda Vista. 247V Fifth st. LARGE elegantly - furnished - housekeeping rooroa: gaa range, running water. The Lowne dala, sOKV Alder at. , - t FURNISHED boosekeeprng flat for rent. 810 r I er jnon t luail.aXJaxenlh at,, dewaalalrar iiaia ITHE NEWCASTLE, 4n2'4 Ttlrd St. Fur. TlShTI.Tud"-unfurnleoeJ 5 houackeepinf eMaai-ine emgna rooms. I'noas maia wuu. 380 SIXTH ST. Suite two housekeeping moans, ' 810 per month; good location; walking die i tanc. .. . . . ... ' 324 MAIN Completely 'furnlahed houaekeaplng. - rooma. alngle er ea aulte; bath, phone, gaa. ROOMS 'AND BOARD. WANTED Plain washing to do at hornet price, 40 rente a doaeu pierce. 1K2 Sherman I rear - of 180 Sherman at.). WILL take a few more- table hoarders; good home cooking. 470 Main. Phone Main 2398. -auctions: OILMAN'S' " No. 418 Wsshlpgton at., nesr ths new " Fleldner bulldtns. dose a "generar auction. L eommlaaton and real aetata bualnaaa; will piioniM, -u wwmii lumnun inn ; atorks ef merchandlae, or aell upon commis sion; hare regular Bale at salesroom a, er f any part of the city; have baeement for atoraga; delivery wagona at moment'a notice to any part.of city. Phone Main 2473. Caah advanced arAGIImaa'e, Na. 413 Waahlngton at. FOR RENT HOUSES. FOR RENT New 8 room cottage, 310. 3 4 room flata, 87, rloee In. L'pper Alblaa. Call 421 Hancock at. FOR RENT 318; aew 8-room modera bonae, . corner lot; 450 E. 84th at.; Hawthorne car. 4"2 Commercial bldg. MODERN 8-room flat for rest: carpcta and talna for aale. Apply 82 North 18th at. EADDERLY TRANSFER CO.. prompt and re- llablenlno andJfiirnltarc-nTOTrralaB. atoex age. Ihone Tiala 1&S3. Office 110 N. Third. THE CONTINENTAL COMPANY ' . 243 STARK ST. Ai INSURANCE. RENTALS. BEE UST. NEATEST AND PRETTIEST new bungalow; Myrtle Park, Mount Scott ear Una; hot water, bath, electric wired, large yard. Phone Main 4498. 38 B ROOM" bouse; Targe ' baeement. ' Keyat O'Neil'a grocery, corner Bond and Oraut. POR RENT Modern 8-room cottage, close la. Inquire 267 Markst st. . A 4-ROOM cottars en Second at., between Hall and fcmeoto. Irwrnlra at 480 Fifth t, - POR RENT S-roora houae. half Mock from - Union are. earllne. Inquire 4.10 Surman at. Phone Union 4874. NEW modera 9 room houae, eaat etde, 1 a mm utee from center of city; S-mrnute eervlcs; ' 1 block from car; 320.: Pbon Scott 6307. FOR RENT 8 modern 8-room cottage. In quire 494.Eaat Waahlngton. Phone Eaat 798. HOUSES tor rent In all pert ef the city. M. E. Lee, 9.1 Sixth at. Pacific 89. FOR RENT FLATS. FOR BENT A new modern nicely fnrnlabed flat of three room and alcove; private batuf : to quiet people; bo chlldrea. 98 Eeat 18th St.. corner Waahlngton. Phone Eaat 3090. TWO 8 room nnfurnlahed flata. 311 aad 312, Including water. 346-846 ft Front St. Phone Main SM64. ' MODERN 8-rnom fiat, tncladlnr gss snd steel rsnge; shsdes on wtndowe. 209 11 a lee y et. ONE flat. 4 rooms, Eaat Ninth and Belmont. Phone Eaat 1270. FOR RENT 10-room fiat, ITth and Sevier; very low rent. Call RT.' B. Lee, 99 Sixth et. Psclfle 69. ' HOUSES FOR RENT FURN I - TURE FOR SALE. SNAP Furniture of 0 moms si 214 Columbia at. ; cheap rent.- For further partlculara phone eap ren i 2048. .. ranrie FURNITURE nf a 12-mnen rooming-house, cma -L tct: good bualnaaa. Call 98 11th It. BUSINESS CHANCES. DON'T com here flrat, hut don't buy yraxett pro pert rjrult And garden. landVwhaaLjitock or dairy ranche until yoa aea ue. North Waal Land Cn 208 flnadnongh MiM. JP.. Mm. We also have bualnaaa chance- ef all klnda, and caa locate yoa right. W. L. Co. WRITE mr quirk shout recant Important d . velnpments of the Hurat Automatic Switch A - Signal Co. ; buy stock before big advaaee. J. F. Hurst Caw 208 McKay bldg. LONG-ESTABLISHED steam cleaning and dye ing plant for aale cheap; doing good hualneea; 111-health canes for esUlag. Address M 81, cere JournsL FOR BALE Family hotel of 100 eonme, clear ing over 8800 psr month; very high clses. 'Title would be a good buy . for a boelneee , woman to manage, rurnlt are ef the very best; modern apartment,: must be caah. Fot particulars sdilreee Q 200, care JearBaL POR RAI.B Meat market doing good bullosa. union it,,, nor in. . . WILL eell cheep, rooming honee; alee cigar and ennfectloaery etore la St. Johns; fine locetliina. - - . THE HOME BROKRRAGB Ctr, Boom 9 Breedea bldg., Third and Waablngtoa. 900 PARTNER la goo paring restaurant) one wno wining to worn, suwortn nixtn. wTrrris m. a. mo so an 00, WANTED AT ONCE An experienced party with glial to run . paying laundry. Fot partlculara rail IftoVfc Mala 6821 upstairs, aulte 23. naylna Btweoaltloai ea . . corner, v Address dr. B 80, ears Journal. ' BLACKSMITH SHOP with ef ea acre land. - toote 1ncludd. Mount Scott Baal Batata Co. ' Phone Scott 2284. Lenta, Oragoa. - WANTED To talk with people who under, stand sll kinds ef msnnfacturlng; . 1 have some good altaa, waterfront er otherwise. R. i cats, lis WANTED Pertser with 81.800 to take"' half Intereat and msnagement of new grocery, good aide 11 nee; willing to epsn new atoree la . several town In Oregon and Waablngtoa j C. B. Clement, BIT Chamber of Commerce. HOME8CBKERS EXCURSION overland I being erganlaed to go to Harney county, Oregon. For Information Inquire 80S Com mercial block, corner Second snd Waahlng ton eta. Mala 842. Addreaa Arleta-P. O., . Bug 208. . ..... . .-. 12H SHARES for sate In aa eld eetabtlihed wholeaale bualnaaa at par value ef 8100 per eaare; with tha etock a good salaried posi tion can be had ae traveling aa Iceman. Call . at 107V. Third at, ..'-. , v .'., POR ONE of the beet paylnif eonfectkmery. Ira .- cream parlor and cigar ataada ha the city for-;f--tha money; snap If takea at once. Call at 329H Flrat et, ' . ," NEAT confectionary, lea eree m- parlor and elgsr stand; white flxturea, fountain, living ronme; laaae; ae oppoaltton; lavoloe 1500, Addreet 0 13. -ear JournaL . AN boueat. capable maa caa acquire aa latereat r a ana take raarge et a country sank lav a new growing town la saatera Oregon) . , mast have good refereacee. 0 XT, care . JeuraaL - -- - . - GREAT SNAP Wllaoa, the auctioneer, at fins Flrat at., pays rseh for anything yoa ave te aell. Pbaaa Mala 1380. . I WISH te Invent 310.000 to 820.000 with aerv. Icee la an eetabllatted wholeaale er atanufao ' turlng bnelneee: nrlnclpala only. . An ewer, giving full partlculara and refereneea. 0 S3, : rare Journal. -....... . - AM -GOING to Alaeka; will cell 100 er 800 eharea. Hunt Switch at sacrifice- Addreaa C 49,- JournaL , ONE OF THE 8WELLEBT atereantll bnetneaeee for aaht, right la tha heart of tbe beat buelneea location ea Weening ton at..; will Invoice about $7,000. CaU at 107Vt Third at. ' FOR: SALE Mattreaa manufacturing asd r.a- -eaetirs Daain.a;-eieetwe- eowar aeoa ning oroer; casap rent. Aaareea v ao. PARTNER wanted with 3200 to pay for etme. ter. etc., of a Joint etock company; propealtloa """win pay from II to 40 per cent first yaarv- wtll give 6.000 aharee for the 3200 end pay back x'nr money frova the first money re I" reived from aele of etock; etock lie all a pokes Tor now end every share will eell within 80 daye;.ualaa yoa have the money te epecuiat. '. don't answer thla: principals only, Address ' O 48, care Journal. FOR SALE OR LEASE Location for a restaur. nt with fixture, or will give In t eree t te right party.- -087 Third at, ' BARE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Am here - "from Denver for th narnoa of aatahMehlna? branch of our' manufactory; we have western j. monopoly, im) per cent proSta. gnnda ataple; eoher mart with 3500 caa aecur Intereat and - aalary. Call . Mr, We lee, Portland Hotel. POUR haadaom wallceaes; 14 feet, 11 'fret. Wsshlngtea at. SNAP Grocery etore and meat market with etock. tools, fixtnrea. horse and wagon: 3700. - J. 8. Hosmer. 81 Ailaky bldg, -Mala 188. FOB SALE Wholesals snd Jobbing grocery bualneas. 81.600.-. Box D 2. rare Journal. BEST bosrdlng-house ta city.. 20 rooms: golden opportunity. Sea Fred Vlerccb. E. 3d A Aeh. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. WB have thee ' places to trade for ranch nroperry Houae. 2 lota. Mt. Scott Mine SMI . 900 OOO Houae end lot. . eaat aide Honee. 3 Iota. Montavilla House, 3 lots, on St. Johns line 1...4I.OO0 Hnuae, S lots. Willamette eta 1 loo. ... ..82.300 House snd lot. very flue. Irvlngton... ;.84.ono Alao 80-acre ranch for city property.. .31,800 HIM H KIKKf ATHII K. Boom T, 181 1, First., corner Tambin- FOR SALE New 8-rnom boose. 0 block front eeat end of ateel bridge. 248 Mo.Mlllea at., - 3.4.n, Ji A re hereon. PIEDMONT Eieelleul-lnt-80x120 ' feet, with 18-foot alley, on Union ave.; full Improved tw-root at reel : auap: .".:'- ir aold at en COLUMBIA INVESTMENT CO t Corner Alnawerlh and l:ntrm . Take Wood law a ear. Phone Wood I a wa 22S- PIEDMONT Excellent lot 60x120 feet, with 13-foot alley, on Union are.; full Improved -AO-4ewe,-srreeTT-' auan'' 9 8 iT' mid ar'Oiica. COLUMBIA INVESTMENT CO.. Corner Amaworlh and Union. Take Woodlawa car. Phone Woodlawn 223. LOT Mriioo near Eaat 2th and Ihjvta at, only . So.V; 31111 rash and 819 mrath. Call at once, 103 Vk Four th-st. - 31.3O0 SPI.FNDID S-mnn, aonee and 80x100. foot corner lot ea Union ave.; excellent bnal - neve lot; greatest buy on Union sve. ; must sell at once: will take 8VM down: terms. 2 COLUMBIA INVESTMENT CO., . .. L. Corner Alnsworth snd Union a. Take Woodlawa car. Phone Weodlawa 22S. PIEDMONT Ma 3400. 8M)0. 300, aome aa tow aa 8100; 3 loo down. 910 a month: our lots hare tncreeeed over 3128 this yeas; will In crease snotber 3100 before fall; buy" In Pleil moat, your money will bring yon over 2.1 fer cent: a great aale now on In Piedmont - lot. Take U. St. Johns or Woodlawn car. Bepreeentatlve on tract every week-day till f late In the evening. HOME OFFICB 244 STARK BT. , Mala 871. ,1 ' . SEE PIEDMONT. SEB PIEDMONT. ' . 1 ATI taivegluja shuii Id surely SEE PIEDMONT. Tske tj, Bt. Johns or Woodlawn car: car leave every 3 to 4 minutes, Second and Waab lngtoa eta. . - , . PIEDMONT Greet sale of Piedmont lota, to Investors,! well aa bullae re i aay terma; buy thla week. ' INVESTMENT CO., 244 Btark at. LOTS hi Pledfetont have tncreaaed la value ever 3128 thla Biat 4 month a. Why put money . out at 7 per cent I Inveated In Piedmont tela It will make you from 28 te 60 per cent. INVESTMENT CO., 244 Btark at. Take U or St. Johna ear. " FOR SALE Oood Income property' about 811,. 000; ao agenta. Addreaa C 48, cere Journal. 82.8no EACH 2 new 6-room hones, furnace, fa, fireplace; fiftoft down, baiaac aienthly. S Baat Main. Phone Eaat 823. - -ROOM home; bath, toilet, hot and cold water) houae now under construction and yoa can arrange houae to milt; it will be a beauty , and the price la only l,O50, with 8180 caah, balance 810 per mouth; thla Is 1 thaa reat tor toe nouee. The beet S-l anoncv: It'a new, 4, block from car, snd n-lrhborhood ea East 17th at- Price only -82 .280: terms. . . - 81.800 buys a modern '8 room bngie la Upper Alblna. close to I car II nee; 200 caah. balance 816 per month. 1 acre of ground, 1 block fmm 'carllne, II la young fruit, herrlee, pntautea and ' garden; 3980, only .1oo caah. balance eaay. . The above era all a nape. We have ether -good bargaliia. Call and are 0. F. 1. STEINMETE A CO.. . ' Th Homeeellera, 193 Morrleoa at. $2200 KEW modera 8-room bonae, cement baeement, 1 btst nf plumbing, full lot: Eaat Holladay addition. Miller, 714 Chamber of Commerce. . r . . SOUTH PORTLAND Fin corner inoxlOO. ea Second tt., 32.0N). also corner lot on Mac dam at., IK 100, for 3700. TvaoS KlnaalL 82 Cnmmarclal blk. . Mala 2823. B0 FOB SEAL ROCK I A- great bargain I new offered ef thl. . Minim, reaort. atruetaA B anllM Miih Newport Oregon; hotel, bars aad 9 vttket biilldlnga, with Son acres of land, aome la rultlvatloni fine fishing and hunting grounder.. i 1tle place will he aold cheap. In order to close up aa estate, or rented to ireaponalbl , . r 1 1 ... WILLIAM a. BECK. 213 Failing bldg. r