PORTLAND.. OREGON, . THEOREGONSUNDAY JOURNAL an 'iminmin hiwih"l: Jubllhr. Entered at the poatofflo at Portland, Oregon, tor trans portation throuxh tlie mails as seeond-olaa mattar. , TELEPHONES. . Editorial Rooms.. Main lSS ' Business Off lc.1... Mam FOREIGN ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVE , Vreaiand-Henjamln Special Advertlatng Ateaey, JIO Nassau treat. Maw York; Tribune eunaing. unices. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Tenae by Ourtw, v ltia Dally Joaraal, wlLk Baa l. i yaw...,, l.o Re Dally Joaxeal, 1 lt.... Dally Journal with Saa- araitba. . s.00 ars Tba Pally Jural aiaatba.. 10 Dally Jonrmal. wit sa- ' Tba . I Tba Pally JoantaL S ataatka.. Tba Dally Joaraal. with Ses ay, 1 Boats Tba Dally. fc weak, 11y " ares. 8anday taeladad Dally, vara. daUm, Ses - y-epte. ...... ........ t.9S M Vr MaO. The Dally Jooraal. wits aa aay. 1 yaar .- ....fT.OO Tba Dally Jaeraal. 1 yaar. . aw vi, nail JmmmI. wita Baa ear. aMBlba n Tba Dally JearaaL swathe.. S.7S Tba DaHy Jaereal, with .am- - -- day. S sioatba. 10 Tba Dally Joaraal. axatba.. t.M Tha Dallr Jmnul. with Bns- . day. I Booth M Tba Dally JoaraaL t aMath... Tba Sunday Joaraal, 1 yaar.. 1.00 Tba Soaday Joaraal. SMStba IM Raraittanoaa should ba Biad by draft, postal notes, axpraaa orders and small amounts ara acceptable In 1 a ' I-cant postaa-a stamps, - - f . . . : . JWHAT ARE THE PARTY ISSUES? - r A N APPEAL for straight party voting might rea . ' sonably be made if there were, tome great na tional issue before the country,, on which the two principal political parties, with practical unanimity or even by a large majority,, stand opposed to each other. ! But there, is no such issue now. Hundreds of thousands : of Democrats voted for Roosevelt in 1904, and under like , circumstances would do so again, just "as. a great many KepuDlicans voted tor Cleveland m i4 mil m jvui. , T We are told that the silver question is "a dead as 'Julius Cesar. "(-That, thenr i not aa-iue Slavery-auJ secession are not issues; 1 he race question is not an is sue in tjie north, at least not in Oregon. What issues are there, then, on which an appeal can be made tojee 'publicans to vote the. straight ticket, if they honestly be licve that the Democrats, in at least some instances, have . . nominated the better men, those who will hrttif rvc-thc bors on either side and across the str.cefare likely to fol low the good example thu"5cL Once get half, a quarter, perhaps even. a tenth of all a towns householders and vacant lot owners to clean up thoroughly and keep clean, 4 and it will nut ba long till mutl ef trie town tKCpmcyantr is kept clean, and gradually, in one way or another, beau tified. .. ; - . - . ; ..,,-.r - : , This is ho trivial matter. A neat, clean home and sur roundings are more-attractive to. children and youth, so that it renders them less liable to wander off into mis chief. There will come, too, a better class .of young coiUr panions to visit them. Such a home induces better cam duct and adds to the whole .family's comfort and hap piness. It inclines them to purer thought. "Cleanliness is next to godliness." ' You can't imagine Heaven a dirty place." -. V i, t. - Besides, it. makes property more valuable: and gives the' town where such homes are the rule a good -name abroad." It attracts settlers and helps the town to grow. It pays in every, way to clean up. ; oo dont stop with one day s spurt Let that be only a beginning. Don't relapse, but go forward, little by lit tle, if for only few minutes each day and every one can find a little time for such work these long days and after awhile you would no more live in the midst of ugly, filthy surroundings -than you would wear dirty rags or cbagc-barrel , r- - People's interests? If there areno such issues, then the "appeal is merely-"idle sound and fury, signifying noth ing. -r.. .tM-,.-:.,. -. The tariff?;-No, because neither. party, and especially theRepuJ "whatever, particularly the revision of the Dingley tariff 'law. The standpatters in" congress have been able to peatajiy.ajUejBW situa tion so -far; but if that were To be made "the sole issue there is not a state in the west that the revisionists, Re- yuklkana-and-Pamorrati, would not .'carry by a bniy majority. - The Democratmre tfenerall-yyit is supposed, "in favor of tariff for revenue only, with only incidental " protection; yet in congress i we find Democrats-from tT TLoTrisianademanding' the highest possible protectiontor nugar; those from California for fruit and wines, from aachuseUsT6ra "they want fret hides and wool); from Maine and Wash ington, if any Democrats were in congress from those states, Jor lumber and so on. It is purely , a business , and not a party "question. As' General -Hancock said, though lie was ridiculed for saying so, it is largely" a lo - cal question. Probably far more than half the-Republican voters, of the country come nearer agreeing with Senator, Gearin on the tariff question than with Repre- - eentative' Cushman of Washington, for example. A few standpat . leaders do not voice the sentiments of the masses of Republicans on this question The moderate miinWWLhpii6&tit'la6?tff far apartThe tariff is no longer a distinct and clean-cut party issue. Railroad rate regulation? If there be any issue 'be tween the parties ot this, question it is the Democratic f rather than the Republican party that stands for this policy. The Republicans in congress .voted for it, but -many Vf them only after the original bill had been ren . 4'dered somewhat less effectual by amendment, while the Democrats were almost unanimously for such a law, and for making it stronger than- it will berSenator-Gearin 'is for rate regulation, even more than the president is that is, would go farther. So is Governor Chamberlain. -1-.So-are all -the Democratic-candidates ln Oregon,-and ' probably all. the Republican candidates toOr though we haver heard jio thing n the aubjecfTrom some of them.' So there is no issue here. If support for Roosevelt be .h plea he will getH, and all that he wants', from the ' Democrats from -.Gearin, Galloway, Graham and Cham berlain whileait seems that as to some Republicans the .support would be doubtful, or weak. . The Philippines? Neither is there any Issue here. If there were a Democratic congress and administration to morrow they would not 'abandon the Philippines; could avot-do so, howerer-TOuehrit rmight-be-thoughtthat-a . mistakea policy wasoriginallyJadoDted The aim, .would probably e : to .gjythefjiioinos9elf-governrnent as soon as possible, retaining naval and coaling stations, and perhaps a strong garrison or two. ' And this is the policy of Secretary Taft, Representative Longworth, and many other Republicans, who are not at all enthusiastic over our expensive and f profitless Philippine bargain. But the Democrats would have to do about what the' Republicans Will be forced to do, so there is no issue "vbrthnBenTionmg"tfiere. . L C ' ; ' .What else? We might go through the1 list of minor matters, and would find, no party issue. ' Both parties favor an Isthmian canal, and surely Democrats could not liave mismanaged this project worse. than Republicans have. Democrats vote' for all pension bills the same as ' - Republicans. There is a lot of partisan chatter, and Tguff" in the house, but' it. is all hot. air. -There are no party issues. Nobody can find one, unless it be admitted ' or asserted that the. Republican party- stands pat for the trust-fattening, exeessiyelyj high protectivelarjfforis "opposed to railway rate regulation and the restriction and punishment of. criminal corporations. . So these appeals for a straight party vote, merely for " party's Sake, on the assumption that some great and vital , issues divide the parti and that the Republican party stands solidly on the right-side and the. Democratic party cnTfie wrong side of those issues is mere false pretense, . an attempt to befog and delude, an effort to play on ig norance', credulity and prejudice; and they ought to fall flat and stale, as they have and will. ; ' v. - r ' .. .':.j v-v." i t '-THE GOSPEL OF CLEANLINESS. " V 1 IT IS TO BE HOPED that the cleaning-up activity " inariifest' this spring in -Oiegun towns will noT"be" merely a temporary fad, but will become a regular or frequent occupation, "on the part hnlh'pa'rrtiita anA .1 'ii s I : at. 'a - aa- '..a r . Children, during hours that can be spared from other work- and duties. It is not only in. Oregon, but in east ern cities large and smallr that people ate cleaning up, more Jhan. eveilJefoeJTJjMdispo8itiQnto..jraita tifni caused the reform movement to spread, and the - spirit of emulation furnished it much' motive power. St. Paul, St. Louiv Buffalo, and many other large cities and smaller towns are vying with one another in showing "the cleanest, "mo'st attractive city. , In Oregon many towns have had cleaning-up days, snd others are to have them. This is notonly a good thing in itself, but it is indicative pf aspiration and endeavor lor better con ditions in the future. If a house, yard, and home sur roundings are once thoroughly cleaned up and beautified ' modestly, they will be so agreeable that in many cases they will be kept in that condition, or more nearly o than they ever were beforev-and so it is with a town. If rone home that was formerlyugly with weed and rubbish -1 fJth is kept clean and made attractive, the acigh- . ' . : ' " ' . .' i ' -t ' The we-told-yon-so's will be more numerous than the candidates tomorrow.1 ' ;' .";. ' ' THE COMING VICTORY. for that working power which' he can not utilize in his own neighborhood." In the year 1900, we are told, over 14,000,000 peasants of both sexes left tljeir' villagcsm search of employment. The averageiimountbroiijj;ht home 1 f roiH'Thes'S-ahderlngs was about $3H for every laborer. The government took away the lion's share of these earnings, for taxes and arrears are heavy, and the bureaucracy is wasteful and corrupt. ' The agrarian problem .is therefore the great one in Russia, overtowering all others, and the. government must consent to radical changes and must yield to si great exterit tp the demands of the peasantry as represented by the Democrats in the douma and 125 peasants, actual tillers of the soil, are among its members or there will dc more ana worse trouble in Russia- " "Expropriation" does not mean absolute confiscation Of. the lands of crown, church and noblcs. but compulsory sale at a tair compensation, with a long time for pay ment, and credit banks and government loans are pro posed by some as a part of the scheme. How much, if anything, the parliament will yield of its demands, and how much the czar and bureaucrats will grant, const! tute the new ''crisis' that confronts Russia. Seriously, while the secular' press doer not and can not make a specialty of religion, or discriminate be tween sects, it should stand, and if it fullfills its high 1 nffirr nrnnErlr. floes and muit. aiaud Jor-jaoralUV, progressively cleaner life, nobler aspirations, higher ideals, greater endeavors, and the gradual evolvement of Jesus' vision of the "Kingdom of Heaven" on earth. James Withycolnbe-that is the name that will appear on the ballot, but the man who will be the governor if ;the Republican candidate is elected is T. T,-Ger,-whose administration was clouded with scandal, ana wnorq uc mand fora-renomination was laughed 'at' by "the voters at the primaries. - . , ; ' ""'' CEER NOW AND FOUR YEARS AGO.' THE PULPIT AND THE PRESS.. B C AREFUL ESTIMATES from all counties in the -state foreshadow unmistakably that Governor . Chamberlain wiH be reelecteH tomorrow by decisive majority. .-It seems equally probable that John M. Gearin will be declared the people s choice for United States senator. . In Multnomah county the reelection of Shenif, Word is a foregone conclusion. - The people of Oregon have demonstrated many times their independence of party. Tomorrow's election will afford one more proof that they cannot be driven like sheep to the polls, cowering beneath the party lash. The "best man" commands the suffrages of the people, re gardlcaa f hiijoijJUcjijifaiiauoju Chamberlain and Gearin and Word are strong, not be cause they are Democrats but because their worth has been proved and their honesty and capacity does not ad mit of doubt It is a sorry time afor any community Tn." j 1 iTrii . . . . ana cmcicncy in puouc servams. . . i nai umc nas not come in Oregon, as tomorrow will demonstrate. , :. - It-'dr-vote-iot-iVithycflaihe.Jeally. means the return of T. T. Geer to the governor's -off ice, the raxpayers of Oregon will be pardoned for-practicing non-partisanship m tlt interestot economy, , -. .. . -t FREE DENATURI2ED ALCOHOL.. ET WHATEVER CREDIT is due the senate be denaturized alcohol-on the free list - The meas ure -was 'so clearly and "wholly meritorious, there was such a total lack of any semblance of a vivid argument against it, that the standpatters did not have the iace to oppose it, and even Rockefeller's nan - Friday, Aldrich, was dumb. " : ' " . ; This sort of alcohol is made fromcorn and cornstalks. potatoes, beets, refuse molasses and other products, and can be sold at from 12 to 15 cents a gallon, while kero Bene costs 18 or 20 cents a gallon, and one gallon of air cohol ujegua power purposes, uermany -is already using this .fluid extensively and beneficially, and its use will increase very rapidly in this country. . Cheap machinery for its manu facture has been invented, and in a few years hundreds of thousands of farmers, as well as men in other avocations-, will manufacture their own light, and power for grind- : i-a .... ... - i " lug iccu, uuuiuiug nici, civ. .. . The duty on this product has for many years remained at $2.08 per gallon, which was of course prohibitive of its importation," and all this time Aldrich and his Repub lican coadjutors were maintaining this duty solely in the interest of the Standard Oil company and against the interest of millions of people. But they could not with stand the pressure Any longer,-and reluctantly yielded this little item of Standard Oil's prerogatives' and profits. Germany has been the principal manufacturer of denaturized Alcohol, and some- wilLnow be. imported but it will not be long, without any protection, till it will be manufactured extensively in this country, Thus is one little brick knocked off the high tariff wall, and we look for a cry of alarm from the Salem Statesman: The wonder grows that the standpatters 'did -not try to sav that brick. '." -i-The peopIe showed their lack of faith-i-TTr-Geer when he ran for the gubernatorial nomination, although he had been some years in office to prove his worth or unwortq. ,It is not likely . that they will; believe his stories about a man whose administration was indorsed by a renomination. THE CRUCIAL QUESTION IN RUSSIA. A S WE HAVE BEFORE SUGGESTEDrthe great question to be fought out in Russia is the land question. The, parliament wisely ignores minor matters and proceeds at once to demand expropriation of land for the use of the people, to be paid for, of course, but at reasonable prices and on easy terms. Professor Paul ' Milukoff, a leader of the constitutional demo cratic party, and a profound student ov economic and political problems, says that all the Russian troubles and crises may be traced to one fundamental source, the ag- ..1. t It is this question that the douma is pressing upon the government, and without a fair settlement of ,the ques tion, it will not be satisfied. The-government' seems to acknowledge the paramountcy of this problem, and to be willing to go quite far toward helping to solve it, though it resists the expropriation demand of the Democrats This demand comes as a natural result of the painful. even terrible condition of the Russian rural 'peasantry. Russia is a peasant empire. Of her population of 130,- 000,000 or more, about three fourths are peasants, and their sole occupation is agriculture. When serfdom was abolished in Russia' the emancipated peasants received allotments of land, the price of which was to be paid to the state. The price was excessive, and taxes have been "hlgtt, 19 that, they have1 practically-remained -errs7-the majority of them never having been able to discharge fficit inebledness. ihen tne amount of land" was ridic- ulously inadequate. In leoo the average for each peas ant was 6.21 acres, but owing to the increase of popula tion it has fallen to 3.51 acres. And as a rule it is poor Jand at that. Think of American families subsisting on such patches of inferior land. - So there has been no im provement in the peasants', condition, but it has grown worsend more intolerable. " m- !-a "Remember, to67 that agriculture in Russia is'in a prim itive state, the intensive system of farming is unknown, and one third of the land is always lying fallow; The average crop is from 18 to 40 pea cent below the sub sistence level, and the peasants have to rent land from the great land-owning nobles paying whatever rent the latter choose to exact. No wonder there is ah all-pervading "land hunger" .in Russia. , . .i , But how, then, can. the. peasant live and support a family at.'all? Professor Milukoff thus answers this questioirr "The only thing left for him to do is to leave his heme and village and to look iot other einployracnt TSHUPT5AMUWF'ALL0WS, ina sermon de livered in Philadelphia, last week.Texpressed the opinion that the press -has in some respects superseded the pulpit, and now exercises many of the functions which the pulpit has lost: He also held up the ideal newspaper article "brief, terse, pungent and to the point," .for the imitation of preachers. He said, "they should emulate jit and catch its style. . . t '.. Pointing to what, he tated as a fact, that "the press has been the faithful ally of the pulpit in breaking down caste, in favoring humanitarian reforms,' and in advocat ing the rights of all," he deplored the omission ot ed itors from the enumerated list of the Prayer Book of per sons needing the prayert.of the "church, and saidr J.'No revision -ought to be deemed complete which-does not includeTthem, for no class requires more the intercession of the saints." Putting these several expressions together, the good bishop seems' to bewinconsisttnt, which, perhaps, is the -pefegatie uf a bishup It well as ot lesser clerical lights, and one. is fain to wonder on reading the last statement if what went before was not taffy-coated sar casm. ' . . . " , those true to high ideals, those which dare to denounce wrong and uphold right regardless of party or position or creed, work in many ways along similar lines to those pursued by conscientious) progressive preachers for the 'DeTfefiTailtf' pie directly around them in particular. And the broad- esF-mtnaeS edTfors will find no' bt5cli1rnon'efleetio to the clergy praying for the intercession of the saints in their behalf. The best of editors are no doubt "mis erableinners" and if the saints can do anythmg-to make them better and more useful, and if the clergy can in terest the saints in the newspaper makers' behalf, why, put the latter in the prayer-book and let the preachers and saints do for us whatever they can. . - . Possibly the knowledge that the clergy of Bishop Fallows' church were going through the formula ' of pf aying TcrrThenT'every'once in I while inight awaken in the newspaper man a more serious view of his responsibilities;- as rntasured by his-opportunities.The editor is often really a preacher, though he does not occupy a pulpit. 'After the best fashion, in articles "brief, pungent and to the point," he might well preach more. Arid since he does preach,' or if he does and.Jo a iaf larger number,of'readet!r thari"The"auditor of any preacher should he not feel the responsibility of his office, even to the point of being willing - to ; be interceded for through the medium of the clergy and the prayer book? There is nevertheless a good deal of manifest truth irtfctheerren-Hh--tmr-bttter class ' uf TicwspayeTiTrMi'rTuTn OUR YEARS AGO Mr. T. T. Geer, then gov ernor, sulked and would not make a speech in behalf of the Republican nominee, because, he savs. the nominee's friends had been and were criticising and attacking his administration, but more likely because he was disgruntled at not receiving a renomination. It is generally supposed and believed that a few speeches and a cordial support of MrL Furnish by . Geer then would have-tmdonbtedty--beaten7--Chamberlain " and savedthe .a a a . a .. Wv state from, the .awiui catastropne ot a uemocranc gov- a S . .. J ernor. But ueer was silent, sour, nostue, ana nis iricnas and follower interpreted, this,5 no doubt correctly, to mean that he desired Chamberlain's election. . ' Well. Chamberlain has made a most excellent record as governpr; he has. favorably disappointed even his sup porters and frietids; he has served the state with signal ability and usefulness, anffTbr all this some thanks art due to Mr. Geer.: But it does not look or sound .well. for him to be going about now abusing the. man for whose election he was responsible, and his diatribes can scarcely be received with aqy more favor by Mr. Furnish, whom Geer defeated four years ago; and his friends, than by Democrats; Ti ; . ",, ...'-.-.. It appears that Mr. Geer is Mr. Withycombe s main mouthpiece and sponsor, his particular. Fidus Achates, and oerhaos Geer will be the real governor, or power be hind the Rubernatorial throne: and how will Mr. Furnish and hit frinr1. whom C.eer thrrw dnwn in 1Xl? like! that? . . - : . " .- There U a bait taste ,ia: their mouths yet whenever Geer is mentioned or thought of, and it nearly causes nausea when he .spouts -for a straight Republican ticket on all oceasidns. What was he doing four years ago? much entitled to his support then as Withycombe is now? It will be a hard job for the Furnish people to armonize with Geer tomorrow.; .. . . . . - " -TH-AKflhfc.mfani Hanger. So does the red ticket. 'AS tlrmori for Tocfiy Wealth of thi Most High. V A QUERY EASILY ANSWERED. r isXl T-1 S TASKED why- Democrats sk Republicans to be non-partisan while voting straight themselves.-The latter is an unwarrantable assumption. - Often they don't. But there'are just now Other reasons T"e Ocm ocratic party is the minority party, and as such puts for ward men .worthy of the votes of any dissatisfied Repub Jicans.JlNoJDemocratsJn off icc,pr. prominent in" poli tics have been convicted of or indicted for crimes by the federal or state governments .Democrats in office. in Oreeon have proved their fitness, capability and hon esfyT In several notable instances most Republicans will acknowledge that the" Democrats have .nominated .the better men. finally, the Democratic party is not allied with .thc:.0erproJtectedUrusta And-ia ..heartilyin favor of regulation and control of the railroads. It is also in favor of public ownership-of various public itilitiesun less managed in the people's interest, by the private own ers. 'These are the sufficient reaaons. . HYMNSYOU OUGHT. TO KNOW - y Morning Aspiration. ByBaronTVon Can Its. Frladiich Rudolph Ludwtf, baron von Canlts (18S4-169S), is the author of this beautiful hymn, which, even In tha abbreviated form In which It usual, ly Is printed. Is little known In this country. Tha translation was mads by the Rev. Henry James Buckroll.J Come, my soul, thou must be waking Now la breaking . - O'er the earth another day; Come to Him who made this splendor- Sear thou -render ' All thy teeble powers can pay. T From the stars thy course be learning; Dimly burning, - i 'Neath the sun their llsht grows pale; Bo let all that sense delighted. While benighted ' From God's presence, fade and falL tMi how all of breath partaking, Gladly -waking. Hail the sun's enlivening light! . Plants, whoee life mere sap doth nourish, Rlna and flourish ." When be breaks the shades of night Thou, too, hall the light returning Ready burning . Be the Incense of the powers; 1 For the night is safely ended i Ood had tended. Wlthh!s care, thy helpless hours. Pray.that he may prosper ever-,- C Each endeavor, When thine aim Is good and true; . But that he may ever thwart thee. And convert thee,-j: . - : ' When thou evil wouidst pursue. . ways beholdeth Think that he thy He unf oldeth - , ' , ' : Every fault that lurks within; Every stain or shame glosa'd over Can discover And discern each deed of sin. Only God's free gifts abase not, . His light refuse not. But still his splrtfs voice obey; Boon shall Joy thy brow be wreathing. Splendor breathing, - JjFal rer than the fairest day. ' following brilliant-plan for-stirring up trouble. . : l His wife was at 'their New Hampshire home rv and Chandler . wrote her that, af tap studying carefully the prospects of her friend. Blaine, for obtaining the nomination for the presidency, he was satisfied that he would not be nominat ed. He himself, he stated, while orig inally favoring Blaine, had come to tlie conclusion that many of the charges sgalnst him were true, and that - hs thought he would have to give his sup port to some other candidate. -. Then at the same time he -wrote a letter to Mra Blaine In which" he con fidentially told her that he and 'Mrs. Chandler had been ' having disagree ments and trouble of a domestic char acter, and as much ss he regretted to say. it. be thought the differences would lead to such an estrangement as would make a leaal separation necessary .'Ha inclosed-the letterjrhlch he Jiad writtea-ta hie- wife tn -an -envelope ad dressed to Mrs. Blaine and the letter written to Mrs. Blaine he forwarded in an envelope addressed to Mrs. Chandler. When the ladles received these letters Chandler- had enons-h ' trouble on his hands to last him all through that sum mer and several succeeding ones. . . tEWISANirXLAIlK 1 On the Clearwater river In Idaho. June I. Finding that the salmon had not yet appeared along the shores, as the Indians assured us they would In a few days, and that all the salmon which they themselves use are obtained from the Lewi river, we , began to lost' ourl If aright of ears this morn oppress thee. TcrhirgTtaaress tnee. Who. like the sun. is good to an; He gilds the mountain tops, the while His gracious smile - Will on ths humblest vauey iait. - Round the gifts his bounty showers; Walls and towers. Olrt with flames, thy Ood shall rear; Angel legions to defend thee Shall attend thee. - - Hosts whom Satan's self , shall rear. Chandler's Idea of Hum( .. . The propensity of former Senator W. E. Chandler to ml up In a row on every possible occasion was recalled by one of his former senatorial -colleagues a few days ago when his connection with the rate bill controversy became ths absorbing? thems of conversation. Chandler, the story went, along In ins sprins- of ISRf was having too comfort- hie and tranriutt a tlroy .to suit him, ana bis Infe&loua mind coactlvsd tlie from Lewis river to, purchase fish at that place, and fc- Is not probable that the-river will fall sufficiently for us to take them before we leave this place. Our Indian friends sent an express to day over the mountains to Travelers' creeks in order to procure Intelligence from the Ootlashoots, a band of Flat heads who wintered on the east side of the mountains, and the same band which we first met on that river Sep tember 4. As the route was deemed practicable. Tor this express,'-we also proposed setting out; but the Indians dissuaded us from attempting it, a s many of the creeks, they said, were still too deep to- be forded, and the roads very steep and slippery, end. .there was no grass as yet for our horses; but said that in 13 or 14 days we should no longer. meet with these same -pb-stacles. , We therefore determined to set out In a few days for Quamash flats. In order-, to lay. In- a store of provisions, so as to cross the mountains about the middle of the month. LETTERS - FROM , PEOPLE THE hopes of subsisting on them. We-are too poor and at toreadlstanee wtBgrx-Nsraoes noTmein-sny """WMt jro Bestrlotlona. ' - Forest Grove, Or June J. TO the Editor of .' The - Journal. I have been very much pleaaed with -your falrnase In treating the important issues of the campaign; but it seems to mo thst the most- Important lassua. . liiat wt, aa a state are called to face. Is the so-ealled "amendment to the local option law." ' The Tramer of the bill would have the voters think tflat It Is not of much Importance, and have given out , with the proposed bill a leaf giving two rea sons why ths amendment abould carry: yirst Raising- -thor number ol-TVOters necessary to call a prohibition eleotlon from 10 per eent to 10 per cent This is not a very serious proposition and is of very little Importance In com panion with other parts of the bllL - Second To prevent the grouping of precincts together to smother tba vote of one wet preclnot, ' . That is the more Important, as the saloon element could concentrate their vote- In one -precinct with " oumttle effort and probably carry ths one pre cinct and furnish liquor for ths whols town. ' This bill shows the liquor-dealers are not willing to submit to any restric tions. They are not satisfied with the present law which gives the privilege of putting- - saloon -where the majority want It. . - They are not satisfied with over 400 saloons in Portland and one saloon or mors in almost every . town in Ore gon. Mice as Ordinary Seamen. It seems strange at this lata date that these much despised and maligned little animals should bo made to earn their dally breed In a very curious wsy, yet It is. a fact nevertheleses. They are now being used as signals In submarine boats. Should there be the least leak age of naphtha the little animals give warning by a - series 1 of- lncessa.it squeaks, for they have a great dislike for the Irritating odor of that article. Thay are rated on the books of the British navy aa ordinary seamen snd sre paid at the rate of one shilling a week eaelii which ! used .to provide lhm rlfH IAM. ' change from the present iaw; but vot ing 104 X Tea means the opening of our doors for tha sale of liquor In any part of our state, with no restrictions that cannot easily be overcome, for at leaat a portion pf tour years and three months. " . -j, They close their leaflet by ssytng, 'It gives equal .privileges. It Is a square deal." 1 It Is not equal privileges nor 4 square deal, but if it . were, does that mean thst we- should glvetho sams privileges to those who would - commit the most Iniquitous crlrtles that ws give to those who are law-abiding and trying to pre vent wrong? , Does that mean" that a mother should grant, the liquor-dealer "an equal privilege"- to - wreck her eon , It seems that Is what Is asked for. hat In their mind would -bo-aa equal privilege and a square deal. ' I read of a like petition and com plaint In the days of Job. The only dsnger lies In the subtlety of tho scheme to deceive the voters of the state. "Be not deceived." let - us vots for our own Individual Interests and bene fits, snd not for- the few who seek our ruin and profit by our fall. - : - -. . J. M. BARBER, -' , - " " ' . . - - - Paper Corka. -- A remarkable Invention has Just been perfected end pstented. K Is a machine which makes corks out of waste paper and paper pulp. Alt kinds of waste pa per can be made Into corks, which are superior to the regular sort, as they are not affected by acids or oils. They have been tested .br 1 leading chemists and the lsrgest inters of corks snd It Is clslrned fnr them that they are fsr su perior to tha old style in every way. By Henry jr. Cope. IGOROUSLY as we may protest against tlie sloth -thst substU -7 tutee snalyses and speculation conoerning deity for human duties- and aervlce. It Is not well to lose sight of the fact that a man's character largely is Influenced by his conception of the highest form-of being he may know or Imagine. The trend of a man's life Is determined by that which he -places highest In the heaven of hie Ideals. '--,,... Now It Is better' that a man should -be a pagan, saying he has no god and looking out only on the world of nature, than that he should bee molded by tho' philosophy of a universe ruled by a sour, crabbed-hearted tyrant For a man al ways will find things and . thoughts twwt. fair, wholesoma, elevating and : broadening, - moving to gratitude and sympathy, when he looks out on nature. ' on field, and sky; but only bigotry and " bitterness can come from the life- whose sky is darkened by tho specter of s ' - god ot wrath. - - - T - .. ' V " They say that the devil's moat hannr ' delusion. Is the persuading -of men thae- . he is dead: rather. If there be a prince ot darkness with sny favorite meesago . for men, that meaaage well, may be that , ths god of pettlshness.. animosity. ' and cheap, theatrical sovereignty Is still ' alive-and controlling the desttnlss of. - men. It always has been easy to1 And crabbed souled theologians who would accept that picture as a portrait because It was the only one that could Us within their eJiperienoefc.i-.---...--'i-i.i.-.-- But only a vision from on high could bring to our dull hearts ths great and glorious fsct of one who could lore us all, -whose - hesrt-affections pour .out. rioting In wealth like the glowing sun, nf summer, who abounds lr all that our " 1 hearts sre hungry for, the things that ' seem in our world as tho bread from, some fairer, sinless land! love1 and sympathy, happiness and goodness, ten-, derness, klndneaa, peace and Joy. The men who argued the existence ot - a creator from the wonder of his works" topped short af-tn vital imd only ier-" manently persuasive part of thetr argu ment -which . would demonstrate tho 'J goodness and tender kindness, the over- ' flowing wealth of the creators love as evidenced In a world so fslr and full of beauty, r Strange that we should think lhat.ilft.js.oungrudfingly would give to an tne tnings mat ocugnt-our yrirair withholds rom : anyait that :forwhtci 7 hearts hunger,. , , All through the aaee this great love ' has been seeking-men We, because ws I were like apolled children. Jealous, and -. desirous of keeping In the tiny channel of. our af factions . the , divine heart ---wealth, have decided his love could not bo for all; he onl crfultf love the good, such aa we are; he must hate the way ward, the light-hearted, and all tboae who could not crowd thelr mind into -our Intellectual molds.' , " " " '..'.".. We were blind , to - the bountiful, limitless affection spesklng . through " every upaprlnging blade end blossoming- ; . flower, through the earth's -rlatofua-- necessary- happiness, through : singing Voices of seers, through strange, tear. commanding thoughts on starry nlghti. Wewould' noclearfr-Teveh", from our lesser love, our affections as father and . brothers. Strange blindness and-deaf--'' neasr -. - , "" .;; - -. And when one vole spoke, a voice that still sounds clear above all others. -when he talked of on who could lovo publican and harlots, then men turned on him, saying, you bavs a devil! Still wa set up our false gods of ' eel Ash-hearted philosophies. "What won-' der the world Is hungry with a hunger that bounteous crops and tides of pros- . perlty cannot assuage. It Is hungry for the deep things of the spirit, for the Im pulse,' aspirations and affections, the uplift and comfort that flow from the -heart of -lha Infinite to all his children, for tho water of the river of life. Would that we might lose the scales from our eyer and -ae how near and how good . God is. how wondrous bis wealth an . open hi hand. . ' Sentence Sermons. - " By Henry F. Cop. ." - " Tim amends a good many prayers. : Th trouble w meet are aa nothing -compared to those w manufacture. . . X dear peart eoon makes a dead eon- -elene. - -v ' -. ' I ' --; Upright walking Is th strongest talk ing. - -' : J...' . : The wall of th house of happiness ar built of sacrifice. ' -. e . ' ' The ruddy eye de net get the roeleet outlook on life. i- f . e , ' Heart of gold do not com by setting th heart on gold. , 1 1 e.. . .1 k , No man Uncivilised until he ha learned to live with himself, . ..'( Virtu 1 none th worse for a few vouchers.- ' - .-' Th road that out through right to riches ha a down grade extension to ruin. 1 ". " 1 - - - The end seat hog does not become a lamb because he gets into a church pew. s .. e e . . , . ' Don't count too much on the virtue of r ' owning up when you know , you r on the verge of bln? found out. . .-. - - In . th kingdom ot darkness tnlsht . ; ; makes right; In the kingdom of light . might but adds o responsibility. , It's no us talking about the way you bear the croas If you're unduly anxlou - to get hold of the little end of the log. . . , , e- a. ... ' ' :T "; Many a man would feel a good deal more confident about his Interview with St Peter if h wa sure his wlf wouldn't b there. : ' .... . Tha New Eldorado. . ', t . A writer In the currant Harper's .. Weekly calls attention - to th recent -- conclusions that hav been reached ss to th existence 'of a new Eldorado, which will be found. It ssema, not In - South Africa, Alaska or Siberia, but In the republic of Panama, to the west ' and east of the territory which the .United State hold In its "canal son." - . 1 There seems to be ao doubt," It 1 said, "that If a railroad wer built westward from Panama for;" hundred miles a regldn extraordinarily rich In gold-bear- Ing reefs would bo opened. It Is, how ever, toward th eastern end of the re- publlo of Panama that the relN"Eldo- rado' may ha looked for. For nearly 160 yeara mine that ar believed .by American engineers who have been pr- , ' ' mltted to traverse ths region 40 be emong the richest In the world have been lying unworked because of th tmplacubl "' hostility of the Indiana.". .1 , , - - -.; 1 it i ....