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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 3, 1906)
C.C3I7 CLDAV, Jvwa,.Li ,1 OIwTLAID, C.wJ-Y I.IOI JUN2 Zf 1,VJ. "UJ J J lU-'SlgHggSgr 5SH!!??.- -HfBr)r,...igBBgB -LI G UT D R A FTD 0 AT FOR YUKOH i v "FT - - 1 r Portland Shipbuilder Gets Con Y twt From Northern Com- ' : mercial Company ' CRAFT WILL BE SHIPPED : IN KNOCK-DOWN STYLE Will Ba of Same Dimension! aa the Tartan. Kiukukand Delta, All of 1 ..Which Were Constructed; Here and Shipped North. ' v - A ,1 Joseph - Supple wan awarded a. con tract yesterday for the construction of another light draft stern-wheel steamer for the Northern Commercial company, to be operated on the Yukon river. Tho noat will be constructed Wltlr nmos- alble dispatch, ao as to read her des tination abmt the 1st of Auiru't. Mr, Suppis was out yesterday searching for snip carpentra..j . i. , The new boat will bVhtind' north tn piece and a fore of men will b sent to the Tukon to put his,, together nd Install, the machinery vtileh Is al ready there. The length of ta. huU win be about HO feet. - Mr. Supp'.-secured,- tie. order prin cipally upon the -strength 'Of- having built the steamers Klukuk, Delta, and Tanana, all of -which ara being operated .on the' Tukon by the"N6rthecn Ccranwr rial company " These boats are of such Hcht draft, although, of ovxl capacity, that tbry-hava been able to maintain t radio while other boata .. neve bean forced to lay-up on account of shallow channels, - - ..-.,,,,. , .. j ..-. Work on tha steamer Kitsap at this yard la progressing with all possible -liamta inH truiuv Inn ww nf capnentera will b-employtd. - Mr. Supplii sow be lieves that tha boat will be readr for ' launching- In a week's time. The ma chinery, which arrived from . the east a few days sgo. Is being Inital'eJ and - expert - machinists are pronouncing - It : mm perfect -et -of--machinery i aa -was Fhe KUaap am ply Seattl and Is being built .on lines , that will give her, speed. - ; LUMBER CAUSES LIST. aftno sal XIOul-bImv - ' Bympton at Being- "Omaky" . The ateamer Albenga, which la load lng lumber at the mUlaot Jnmatu.Poul en at Co.r has a heavy Hat to starboard. ; but It Is believed that she will ride on an even keel as soon as her hold Is r filled to the hatches. " The steamer Kll- burn had - to discharge 10,000 feet of tier lumber cargo at tha mills of tha North Pacific Lumber company yeater - day afternoon because of a heavy list ' and for awhtla tha big carrier acted wa - "cranky" -that It was feared that aha would go over. on her stafbonrd beam. '- She will aall thle afternoon for Genoa, Italy, ... .... .L.':.: ------ Borne years ago tha "old steamer Stan- .wi-laTP Do) lar --nea rl y j capjrised- whll r calvlTig" lumber at the mllla of Inman, '. Poulaen aV Co. All of a sudden, while - big .slings of flr were, being swung over tha hatches, the big hull gave a lurch to starboard until her decks showed a slant of fully 10 degrees,, . The long i. shoreman scrambled ashore In a hurry nd It waa - with some difficulty that they wer persuaded ' -to discharge anough of the lumber to right the ves sel. Tho Stanley Dollar waa sent to .. sea with a part cargo and that ex perience ended her carrier In the lumber-carrying trade out of this port She t was ' subsequently lost ' but another steamer, formerly the M. 8. Dollar, la '. ' now tailing the seas under her name;, ;. " -Stanley Dollar No. II wlllbe In Port 1 land In the latter part of July to load lumber for the orient. FffoM RUSSIAN NAvV,. Offloara of Oermaa Steamer-Albenga 1- ' r Ballad With mojestveniky. . Several of thVofflcefiir-th German " steamer Albenga, which la at tha mills t of Inman. Poulsen tc Co. loading lum ber for China, were officer In Admiral Aojestvansky's fleet on her" way from f the Baltic to tha Corean straits. The fchlef officer waa -on board -of - Admiral - Knqulet a flagahlp Aurora, which min- .. aged to escape tha Are of tha Japanese and found refuge in Manila harbor. Ha - left the Aurora ar Manila and shipped on -tha Albenga In the orient The sec ond officer waa on board of Admiral Ro- . Jeatvensky's flagship Sourreroff, , but ' left her at Madagascar. . -, "Admiral Rojestvensky .was purpose- WHEN BUYING DIAMONDS See that you get a guarantee aa to quality, .weight and cash value should you want to return same. ' This is one way to pro tect yourself from some : un scrupulous dealers, . ; ' .' , The Safest Woy ' Come to ua ouf stock of Dia monds is the largest in th Ut, our prices are far below those of any other jeweler. Call and examine our stock; compare our prices we can prove the truth of our ads,- - OLIMASY PAYMENT SYSTEM ' Makes it easy to buy and easy to pay for the gem we all-love "best. .We charge no more than were, you to pay cash. We refund your" money less 10 per cent purchasing price :. on : any dia mond bought" from us.- . J, . Marx & Bloch 74 T hirtl Street, Near Oak rLirgest, DiarhondT'Dealera la Oregon. , yf ly slow In reaching tha orient because his vessels were in the hands of In fantrymen, who knew no mora than YarnieTi udo-ut liuudflMg sraaeolr were drilled every day and quantltlea of ammunition waa used tn "targe t pntc-j tlr-.e," said tha. second oflloer. - "But tola fact, notwithstanding, there was any amount of ammunition on , board when the- encounter rema og -Htilmnn. orjkLAlarge number of tha men were I- , ...j with the SouvamfT, the gunboat Roland, wa mannedentlrely by Germansj "There la no question about th fleet encountering torpedo-boats In the North sea. We saw them plainly, but they Ti IdfiThXlliinBrTfriimwieTgirwwn aa.they became aware of ua havlngjlla, covered them. "The Kuaalana bad no experienced of ficers and to that fact may be attributed their defeat In the battle. The -vessel were In first-clans shape and up-to-date In every respect" , ... . ... . PLEASED WITH PORTLAND. 1 V . . . r :-t J Kaa Who aiaed tha Bid Appreciate -.r .,. ' Satoadad Ooartaale., ." . ' Captain H. W. Baker and his crew-of wreckers did not get away for Detroit last night but will start this 'morning on the through train. They spent yes terday afternoon sight-seeing about -the city and noyad. Uiair:Xlrst day of. real leisure since their arrival frora the easf several months agOr - j ' Captain Baker ha received a number of tetegrama and letters from friends congratulating him heartily for his suc cess la raising th steamer George W. Elder, and be feels highly pleased to know that the public haa taken such deep interest In the work. Ha waa pleasantly surprised yesterday when a messenger handed him a telegram from tha United States Savings bank Of De troit reading aa follows: - ' - "Captain H. W. Baker Honest, able, skillful, determined., successful Baker. Bully boy. Congratulations." ' - Last night's mall brought him a let ter from George - . Edward Haven of Waterloo, Oregon, congratulating tha Wrecker for , hi remarkable piece of work. Mr., Haven Is a. total stranger to Captain Baker, and for this reason particularly,- he could not help feeling keenly the deep Interest taken In hl achievement - , "I have concluded to pay Portland a visit this winter," aald Captain Baker laat night "and want to say before I leave that I have received most cor-- teoua treatment In Portland. Th peo ple of . Portland' have showed us that they ar a whola-souled lot and . I wish par t tou larty - to mention Captains : Con way, Turner, Sullivan, Anderson and Shaver, who directly or Indirectly as sisted In handling the Elder af ter She Wa floated." :. v ,- - ALONG THE WATErVrONT. The steamer Barraoouta, Captain Do ran, -sailed for . San Francisco from Alnsworth wharf at midnight, carrying a full argo er freight. . ! I - Side Combs Free - . we have t lirge enl lection ef etnaUIUly beautiful elite eembe real caarma aad to In dace the ladle ef Uie city to pay. aa a-vlalt we will glv. , ;. . ; v Absolutely Free ' Asr day this wt, eae trt ef tbeae kasdaeme - aaanba with , rr-rf dollar .treataieat. Wa bMiitlry the eBiv4exlen. a4 make Um saeayod aad pramaturely old lace appear as la yoatfc. SATISFACTION OR YOUR MONEY. BACK Without hesitancy or cavil. ' ' ' , ' .' ' , M MB. -WYSSaMoDONALD ' Beeeaaaer te "". " HAOaKX AZA X0LMES-KI1BICK1 Oriental BeautvParlors M4 Kerrisea, hear Yark it ltttlU MSI. Th San Francisco liner Costa Rica, Captain Curtis, arrived at Alnsworth wharf at o'clock laat night, bringing a full cargo of freight and 71 paaaen gera Captain Curtis reports a stormy voyag.- - : Preparation have been mad to han die large axcuralon crowds today and owners of th several excursion steam ers ar anticipating big business. - Th police hare succeeded In captur Ing on of th seven Hindoo deserters from tha German steamer Albenga. He waa returned - to tha , vessel iMnlv afternoon and will b held In.-, tha . ves el's prison until land Is far astrn.- i Th oriental , liner Numantla sailed for Japan . and . China; yesterday- after noon.- . -. . 'i n steamer Roanoke 1 due to ar rive, her on Tuesday from San Pedro and way port. : Tha oriental ; liner Oregonla arrived at Hongkong, May 10. and tha liner Nlcomedla, reached Yokohama on tha same date, both from Portland. .: MARINE NOTES. ' - Astoria, Or., June S. Conditions ef the bar at I p, m., smooth; wind south aaato. weather oloudy.Ax rived at 4:40 ndi. tlt.uP t 10:15 a. m.--8teamer i CosU'TtTca rroroBanTrUnc1iiC6: 8aniri at . 7:10 a. m. Schooner Mabel Oale for Ban Francisco. Sailed at 11:1 a. m. Steamer Elmore . for Tillamook.. . Ar rived at 11:S0 p. m, 17, a. steamer Col umbine, outatd at p.. m. A four- maated schooner. : " ' - Ban Francisco. June i. Balled at 11 a. m. Schooner Monterey la tow of tug Dauntless, for Portland. . Arrived at ia:IO a, m. Steamer Ascunclon from Portland. - Sailed Steamer Roanoke for Portland. - ; . ; Office Room Wanted.', ; Owing to delay In remodeling our wholesale warehouse, suitable quarters ar desired for Immediate occupanoy-. of th bookkeeping and collection depart ments of Ellers Piano . House. House must not b smaller than 2540 feet and well lighted. In genteel neighborhood. See A. A, . Bchell, Ellers Piano House, til 'Washington street flaV. s iH SOME COLD FACTS CONCERNING 7k T ; " A MGlacier" . Refrirator; Is a rnachine, not a box. They are built ori scientific principles, lo constructed that there. U always a constant circulation of dry air of uniform low temperature in the food chamber, which continues in one direction, passing out after) coming in contact, with the foods. And condensing and purifying itself on the ice, thus -preventing contamination. It requires less ice than Any other Refrigerator. This is owing "to , the. scientific construction of the walls, which consist of eight sections two of wood, one of mineral wool, three of sheathing, one of zinc, and one space for air. This latter has proven to be a'most important feature in the principle of thorough refrigeration, as air, when confined and has no freedom to cir culate, is the greatest barrier, to heat transmission! The great Glacier line offers in its completeness many styles and sizes for satisfactory selection.' ' They are made in two different ways zinc lined and porcelain lined. We show the' complete'line," which consists of oyer twenty different styles and sizes, -- ranging in price from $8.00 up to $40.00. We have applied on these the liberal terms of ; . ' . 1 mm "Hofi" (Hodges Fiber) carpets and rugs are made up in many combinations color- ings and patterns-designs adapteTTorvejydlssible "user and in shades tchjonizejwiththe variouB. artiaticdecorationsand i urnishingioLth elpjese odoir less and thoroughly hygienic, woven, of a foreign vegetable fiber. , It does not splinter or, Srealtli like the ordinary matting, and does not wear slippery. The success of "Hofi" has been such that : many imiutions have come into the field: It is very reasonable in price and the most economical floor covering obtainable- The "Hofi" carpets and rugs are reversible, consequently they give " : double weairJ We are exclusive Portland agents for these original fiber, floor coverings, of which we are showing this season the latest and most artistic patterns which are so popular in this liner- Ai' Att ractive Line GO-CARTS I The -; season's - best - and most,: stylish patterns comprise our showing " of the 1906 models injDo-Carts. ' These are of the latest improved gear construction. " The folding and reclining arrangement is such'as requires little or no exertion to fold or open. The handsome V . designs and the variety in which the bodies are carried out Is enriched by the excellent, reed work. Our line comprises many different styles and sizes the very best makes ranging in price from $3.00 up to $42.50. Spe cial "terms $1.00 down and $1.00 per wc R es Pi leces FOR THE 0 awn , Such furniture is essential for comfort and pleasure: at this season. Our gah ering of such embraces everything Jor comfort, appearance and durability, orch ndgarden settees, swinging ' settees ""porch"Tockemand chairs,-Morris Chairs and various other desirable pieces. We have comfortable cane seat rockers for the porch as low as $1.50. In the rustic and appropriate "Old Hickory" we carry the complete line. We have "Old Hickory", chairs as fowTts $1.75." H 3 . ammocks trip and ' Other EffccU $1.75 up to $6.75 TDURCREOn ,JSQ0D J COMPLETE-H005E-FURra5j1ER5 MAKE YOUR ewHTtamf Mall Orders Receive Special and Prompt' -Attention PSEUD0 PHYSICIAN CHARGED WITH THEFT (Kpeelal IMapath to Tke Joaasal.) -' Santa Kosa,vCaU . Juu. a. Luokiog anything but-th - dapper,- gllb-tongued young man he did when aa Dr.- C. R. Crandall he assisted-at th hospltai-and in other places In caring for the Injured after th recent disaster, and also found time t' Introduce himself to society and attract attention by th large prac tice and -costly -office, he had . lost In San Francisco,-he occupies a cell at tha county Jail tonight where he waa landed by Sheriff Grace who brought him back fromJPprtland charged with embessle- menC-.'V -.J..: '.. . ... .. , ,J v. ' .Voters ' J J ,' Whe.n you run across John Drtacoll's nam on the Repunncan- . legislative tlcketj don't forget - that - be has been aCltlsn,",a Democrat and anything to get office., and that he, Joined th Re publicans for no other reason." It's about' timer -to jruttha-temalef flc. hunter out of business. Soma ' fellows are too anxious to serve the people. CROWD COURT HOUSE TO HEAR CHAMBERLAIN Hillaboro Or.. June 1 Oovernor Oeorga B. chamberlain addreesed th cltlxens of HUlsboro and vicinity yes terday. The Hlllshoro band gave a concert In .the courthouse square. Th governor- waa Introduced by Attorney John il. Wall, of this ally. Ta court- to TAXm, th laDBV SSaVSaTD In the SOUTX SSA8, 1s a most at-' tractive plac to spend one's .summer vacation. S. B. MaWO aall from Han Franclaco, July 1, with a party of happy people on their way to witness All unlqu native fetea that take plao July 14. The S. yiaranii will remain over In the harbor six days, affording ample time to make the trip around th Island and vialt - th native villages. . Clement Wragge, the famoua writer, In his "Romance of th South Sea,' ' saye "Tahiti la one spot worth while 1n a tour of the world." I12S Is the flrst-class rate San Kranclsco to Tahiti and back. Good hotel In Tahiti at t: 60 to $ per day. Write for elreular to OCEANIC S. S. CO. ioo8 Broadway, OakUnd, Cal. .. -AnTUnequaled-Offer- - A set of our famoua 111 False TEETH for $10. Palnles extracting fre with this offer. Exam ination and consultation fre. Crown and Bridge work a specialty. ; Extracting, IS cents J " " - WISE BROS.. Dentists AWD WASatnraTOaT. Opa Bvealag aad Bamaaya ALLEN'S FOOT-EAOE cuilSi A Cartaln Cur for Tlra4, Hot, Achla FaaU "- "IT OO NOT ACCEPT A 8UBBTITUTK. leRey,K.Y. house was crowded to overflowing and for two hours th governor held th In terested attention , of th voter of Washington county, where he has been assured of hearty support at the polls on. Monday next. , ; 0. 1. C. New Owners. George P. Epstein and Emmual Cohep of San Antonio, Texas, hav pur chased from Sam and Sol Levi the two tore owned by th O. J- C Co., better London Assurance Corporation aBaaWaVBBBaawaaBaaaaawxeja - - San Francisco Orflce, 232! BUCHANAN STREET nOOTU Or XOSS, tlm for filing extended 'until th ISth of Au gust. 10. -. - - : . ' .... rOUOm XiOST OB Btnurss, pleas 'report, aa we hava complete records and will furnish eoptea. rOUCOT XOXAaSS Ul AOTZXfJCD TO ATOXS Collection Agvndea of every description; also so-called Adjuster for th Assured; w have 1 Adjusters (and more ar coming) who will facilitate the preparation ozrrooia or ixas. AJf rBAsTOXaTOO aaOSSaS amount to lea than n quarter of th Corporation's Owah amaUi- and. eiwdee Heart -Ofls Iwmmellow, the same will be paid without drawing- upoa th Corporation Fund In this country. , . TWM X.OaTDOV ASStrmAJrOa OOmvCBATXOaT has been In busi ness without interruption for nearly two hundred years, and - proposes to move right along, in spit of th tremendous disaster which so recently overtook -our- beautiful city. r : - ; ; i Losses Paid in Cash Without Discount- . WK J. UOmmmm, Maaagw. 4 TOUr TmOXnOBT, Spavlal Ageat, - ' : - til Worcester Bldg. : F. S. OOn Ageata, . . , . ! Falling Bldg., Portland, Or. - . ,. known aa th O. I. ' C. storea On Is located at Third and Taylor at reels and th other on Washington street. The new owiler took possession on to BraL We suppose th electlen will see a.' quietly. r,ots of plwnlcs-and weddlnrv t aaoato. 4 : ' f. J,