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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 3, 1906)
TiIT! OI.TCflTT r.imriAY. TnTTT?MAT.' PntJTT Aun RTTMnA v" unpniwr. nrxrv-- - ir-i . - . i flllMMBMMlMBMBMM, T - - v - . j ' akf w w w a - l,tVi jUll W A WW -J - - . . , ; . W TRAFFIC (1E8UL1E0 TKIOIllIlflG Trains on 0. R. & N. Will Leave BY A LARGE MAJORITY TO THE WELL- -DRESSED CLASS IF YOU CLOTHE YOURSELF IN A HART SCHAFFNER & MARX SUIT. THAT "PLATFORM" )s A WINNER. THIS PICTURE SHOWS THE STRAIGHT" FRONT 'VARSITY SUIT. IF YOU WANT TO SEE HOW THE' FRONT OF IT LOOKS, COME IN ANY DAY. AND WE WILL SHOW YOU. V for the East on Schedule Time Today, f CONSTRUCTION FORCES HAVE REPAIRED BREAK Mill and fcxpress Service Westbound Will fie Resumed Today Spokane Trains Will Leave , Portland , j Time and Co Through.". . on ' ' B J ill 1 Ntwa that will tM-irelcomwl by th L travallnf public wu sivin out Wat nlht from the office of J. Pi O'Brlan. ' . aanaraj manaaar. of lha O. R. K. lino, s HapaJra on tha main Una damaaad bj , ; the flood batwnep Echo and Maohan, ' 4 In the Blue mountalna, hava raachad a aUita that, will anable throeeh trains to , --paaa over tha 1U,. and traffic batwaan Portland "and Omaha will ba resumed today.,.'; ' ' : - t " Train Ho. win leave Portland on a time this avanlng at 1:16. o'clock, and so throuah to Huntington, makln tu ra ular connection tor Omaha, . Tha regu lar Bpokuna train will laave Portland on time at :lk thla avanins. and so - through. Westbound tralne will also rasunia bocratlon. . and " passenr,- praas and mall servlca will be o para tad as promptly as possible unaer tne aim cultlas attending permanent reatora- ttnt. t ti, w. brldea and , tracJcs. . i " . t O. R. N. offlolule and workman are . belne conaratulatad - on the - dispatch with which tha reoalrs hava bean ef fected. There were five bridge etruo : tures washed away at various points In tha flooded district. Tor many hours ; the waters continued to come . down , from the mountains, and the men worked r in floods that poured through, the can- ' yons and creek beds. The work wsi ".' personally directed by the general man " ffr. th r -JiifMlalMAMil flhlaf " engIiieerTT'aiVlHtOrrorjTrr)tennv-mnd i- dispatcher ItJe said the Buckleys .4 XrTw"n tlnaulshed themselves by reaching tha wlorm nte thtxUgTti aTretit- dtfHcu at th"heleht of the flood. A force of toe men" was hurried 1othe scene and five plledrive're have bent continuously in operation day and night in construe- tlon of temporary bridges. The flood was the worst In the history of the rtlue mountain dlvislonrand Inflicted a loss of between : f 50.009 and fIOO.000 Jo the property of the company.' Yellowstone National Park. The government official entrance la via the Northern Pacific,. Livingston. - Montana, and Gardiner gateway. ...... It Is the wonderland of the world ..-limitless in : recreation opportunities: - offering the finest coaching trip In ... America and the study of -nature' s most .-' wonderful phenomena. It may ba seen s.s a side trip en route to or from the "s east. 1 i Special eicurston. rates for tha round T trip will be made during. tha summer ' , . to points east, and Yellowstone park ' ahAuM ba included. Join the "Sea America First" club and tm -el via the Wrtiwrn raeuwri- -: . Particulars at ticket office, 215 Mor- rlson street, eorner Third. . ' SHOSHONE LANDS TO ; BE OPEN TO SETTLERS (Special IHapaUb e Ike JoeraaL) ' Washington. June 1. The president " has issued -proclamation opening for i settlement 1.1&0.000 acres In tha 8ho- . shone Indian reservation In Wyoming. . Registration will be possible .from July ,1 to tl. The drawing takee place at , Lander, August 4. , ; Oppose Clty-rate- ystem. (l.eil Dtoptlc ! Tke learaal) Walla Walla. Wash.. June 8. The : pemment Brothers 'company, owners of the Eureka" flour mws. has the Kureaa nuui mine, use au a perpetual Injunction to prevent tha city mills from using Mill creek as a source of supply for the new, gravity water system. FRED C. KING BSMOOmATX OAVSXSATS TOS1 RaCprcscntativc Indorsed by Oregon Labor Party Municipal League. and BacxABATxow or nxMcmmu -t. Statement t No. Jf IrreapectrVe of party. .. S. Municipal ownership. of alt public utilities. .' v - I. Rigid enforcement . of all state, health, weights and measure laws. - V An eight-hour , law for men and women, employee. - S. A stated salar. for tha state printer. f. An equitable adjustment of fran chises. - - T. Taxation of the gross earnings .of corporations. ' . ." ::""T"''' " ' ' - t. Local self-government and private bank examiner. , t. Repeal of convict labor laws that bring prison labor in competition with honest toilers. - v 10. Requiring corporations to. grant equitable pensions to alt persons seri ously injured whlb In their employ, lur1ng the. continuance of tha dis ability. - . , " Mark yen ballot X. a ro.!es end Town of Cananea, Mexico, Where .' ' : ; ': " ' D BY MAYOR Question "of Front Street Rail- way Franchise Is Closed by - - - '-f-'P HisActloh., . CITY MAY NOW BUY ' INE-WHEN IT-PLEASES the Bargain W01 Be Donated by Railway Officials tor Some Deserv ing Charity. A. bright IS gold place. changed hands late yesterday afternoon and the ques tion of the Front street .franchise of tha Vnlted Railways company was closed. Mayor . Lane at I o'clock signed 1h ordinance passed at tha special council meeting Friday . afternoon - authorising him to enter Into a contract with the railway company by which the latter agrees to sell the Front street line In stead of the entire system to the. "city of Portland whenever he . lty . desires to make tha purchase'." To make the contract ' binding some money had to change hands, and SB had been- speelflad ' by - the council as the token of. good faith on the part of the city. - - - - - ... In the mayor's office were gathered J. Whyta Evans, president of the United Railways company: Mayor Lane and Wr. a. McPhereon and R. I Sabln of the executive board. City editor-Dev lin drew from the treasurers omce a IS piece an took It to the mayor's office, where It wss received By Mr. Evans, who . Inouired as to tne nest chart tv In town. ' - '. ' The Original franchise -ordinances of the United Railways company, and the Willamette Valley Traction company passed by tha council 10 days ago were not signed by the mayor, but were re turned to the auditor, and will become laws, as no veto was attached. So far the United Railways franchise is rnncerned. however, it will be super seded by tha ordinance embodying tne neW contract stgnn ytwieraay ana which was" authorised-ty the: council Fridav.-- y ''., Bv tha terma of Its franchise tha United Rallwaye company is to pay, the liltr SlsAJOa--hy an Increasing scale during the It years It is eneenvw: As the franchise necomea enective at once, the Vnlted ruuiways snay oegin the construction Tf its - Itner-whlch m Portland is to extend from tho southern eitr limits on the west slda north on Front street to Irving. WORKS -FOR - STEVENS, BUT DOESN'T GET HONEY i Citizen Complains .That Cam- . paigrv Managers Did Not Pay - Him for His Tcquble. According lohe-stai Raid. North union aveoua, a num ber of different people are supposed to contribute to the expense of trying to defeat Tom Word for sheriff, but they do""ndtHlW!tys rheeffully deliver the money. Reld made the. following state ment to The' Journal : "J. J. Fltsgerald. a detective of the O. R. A N. Co., came to-me and asked me to work In precinct 'St during the primaries ' to secure - tha nominatron-ef R. L. 8tevna, and It was agreed be tween us that I was to have $5 for my work. I saw Fltsgerald again on Deco ration day. and - asked hira for the money. - He said he- could not pay It. but took me and Introduced me to a man named Frank - Beatty, who he said would pay me. y. , . "Beatty told me' to come around to Sixth and Oak streets that evening and he would settle with me. t was there but Beatty did nee- show -upr -X left a for the next evening at I o'clock, and ho came at 7: IS. - He aald I would have to go and eee "Shanghai' Orant and Johnny Blaster.' Blaster la One of the gamblers who has just come back from Nevada, to workfDrSteyeneand I. told Beatty I would nojt have anything to do-with those people. - "Then he told me to come and- eee him Saturday night, that he wanted me to meet Stevens. - Ha aald he would have Stevens come there. Well. I went thre, at 7 -o'clock and waited over an hour, and neither one' of them came. And t have never been paid a cent of the, money I wa to hava had for work ing for Stevens." t. . - " Illegal XJqmov aelHaf. Sneeta DwpeagS t The JonraaL The Dalles, Or.. June i. Robert Witt df Hood River was sentenced yesterday afternoon to a fine of 1160 before the Justice of tha peace' in this city Mr selling, liquor without a license In that DRDIMB ESIGIIE . at mU-AlKMK v jt j . ... ... the Mob. Attacked the American Miner '"' ers and Police Took Place.' . . , I , i : ARMED MEN ANXIOUS (Continued from Page' One.) have been exaggerated but that the casualties on both sides combined will exceed that number seems certain. RIOT UNDER CONTROL. General Tsabet Confident Backbone of -r tTptlslBg- la sttahy Tuscon,, Aria., June 2. The riot, which tor a time threatened to re suit in the massacre of, scores of Americans at Cananea. his-been ouelledby- prom et-resoenses-to- calls tor aia-t3r-Arr)crtcrns-along-the- m- ternational. line and the prompt ac tion of the Mexican authorities., - f AIlhougH "tfi e sifuaflon "at Cananea stUL.has.its . alarming features,-Gov-ernor.Yzabel is confident that he has broken the backbone of the uprising. The leaders of the disturbance are being gathered in as fast as possible, and , will - immediately be shot. Col onel Kosterlitzky and a large force of ruraies, en route : from -Magdalen overland, reached Cananea- this morn- ins and were of (treat service in quell ing the riots. They have been sent rata the hills, to search for rioters who have fled. Thelrk instructions are to shoot them on sight General Luts Torres, the famed Yaquls fighter, -- with 1 ,000 - troops, would have reached Cananea-this noon but for -a freight wreck, which delayed his special train at Fairbanks, Arizona." He will be met tonight by WrA. -McGovem, superintendent of the Southern Pacific company, at Tucson and rushed through to Can anea by morning." Eoes Randolph, who left Tucson on a special train at 11 o'clock this morn ing, reached "Cananea this-morning at 4 p. m. and immediately wired his offices . here that telegraphic com munication with Naco nad been re stored and that the railroad company had suffered practically no damage. -According to-Randolph, less than SO of the rioters were killed while less than a dozen Americans lost their lives. The loss to the Cananea com-' pany from the buildings and lumber yard to which rioters applied the torch or dynamite, win exceea 000. . -- . (nrrmor Yzabel would hardly have been able to copewith the riot ers and preserve order today but for the American volunteers who joined him Nsiro thi morninB. The pres- ence of afoTf;e-1 if fully 400-armed- Americans m addition to. the armed A meeigan-papulation Or ' the taCBP. had a good effect on the rioters from tne start ana inc ihucu v sert. - - ' The American volunteers trom Bisbee. Douglas and Naco gathered their arms 1 and assembled st Waco IalfliTght.'biit were wnahlr tn rrosv the line until Governor-Yzabel ar rived this morning, when tney joinea his force and were allowed to pro ceed. ' ' ' - W th the arrival ot the troops un der Torres, the need for the presence cAmerican Restaurant OOim TXXBSS ASTO oowa Open ay esui ntnser front 11 a. m. to S p. Chlokaa Biota wtta vaodtaev fre lloed TomaSoea 10a, Cncmaabeew. lOe lot ...5e .20 .15 ,15e 15 15 Badlshae Be, Toung onions. Ohlokan Saladt Kayoanalsa, . Fried Salmoa SKeakS T. Breaded XaU Mekled, XoUaad erring.... gtsasaea UW. sTeoa Biama, ww ILTtte. ......... .. 20 Baked had Bo. ..15 Clam BooiUon with Tons.. 15 Boiled Oa Tomgnav spaaws -wf Chicken Vet e wtth Bampllags. .25 Calves sweet Bread a la Colbert. -.40 BpaghatU wtm Cases.. ' iiz. Bostow ansa sws mm iuAj 'jv Corn Beef BMh. roaohed Mn. Coaflsh Balls, cream siawue isf Blekled iambs' Toag-ae, rotate galaA 20 Cold Bona Fork, Potato Slala. . ..JR CW Oosm Bisf. rtMS"MiBC Asparagna on Toast...-. lO Beef murw with Yegetablee Braised short SUM or . viwn iir wk anare Bibs wtta apiaaom. . . . . xvt Oraag. Trlttecs with Brandy aanoe ..........15 Id. Order Orange Trtttera. ...5 BMurt Chlokea with Brassing 25 Boast Fork with Dressing 15 Boast Bratton with Priasla. 15 Boewt Teat with Pressing, ........ 1 5 Boast Beef. Ban Oravy . . A ...... . 15 Boast Bprtng Lamb, Bttns. eoe.,. 20 lO traw berry Srhort Cake. Stiafw bei i a Ft. Btrawberry loe Gleam . lO ,.-5 HO -io BUced pineapple . Coffee. Bread and 4 : ... 4-- and the Struggle Between the Strik- . of the American volunteers will have ended and unless the rioting is re sumed, they ' will return to their homes. Many of the refugees who came out Of Cananea Irtday-flight with , the snecial train carrying women and children are returning to day although the women and children will be cared for at Bisbee and Naco for several days until complete order is restored:- -' RAILROAD ORDERS ARMS. Boath western Wires for Two Knndjred . Winchester Klflea and Ammapition. . (Joereal Special Sen lee. t - ... El "Paso, Texaa, June 2. Wildest ru mors of tha number killed still come from Cananea, but"Mauthui native state mehts dftclarelliaf tho'n'umuef" blTAmSr" leans killed Is between 10 and 1 J." These- Include George A., and Wiluara Metcalf. Mexican police were killed. " The-8on hers for ZOO Winchester rifles and am- munltloiL. , , - Colonel : ftreen . Is reported . to have patrolled tha streets all night tn an automobile surrounded by rangers. , Tha Mexicans are short of arms. and tha" rioters used dynamite. It. la re ported that they did not. destroy , mora than a dosen American, houses..-.. .... METCALF BROTHERS DEAD. smad la Protecting Home- of Colonel r. Oreea.wear Oalaweav ,- " (loaraal Special Bervtca.) - El Paso, Texas? 'June - . AtltMntlfl reports state that two of tha Americana killed In the rioting at Cananea were George A. Metoalf and his brother Will, who were shot down while protecting the residence of Colonel W. C- Green, where the Americana gathered for pro tection. About 10 Mexicans, Including a small baby were killed.. i r " ear iv laze woods boecia tection Bnclc of : - r Ice Cream is Destined to Hake a Hit a -1 II V Which Party Gets the Blue? , AsrJl h-. I This Hayelwoofl F.Irrtjnn Brirk in adapted to afiv - V V . fi 1 outcome. Red stands for Victory, and both Repub- ' f . I v- ......... . .. I ft jr jl licans and Democrats can eat with eager antici- n afav yr yt ' pation. All who have sympathy with-the losers- I - . - ! ilf " ' ' , ...may partakef"thebTue."And wharcan be morcr::ij: Ull : ' Q - I appropriate for the White Ribbon contingent than If It m Jr M ' "-" ---'--;:r:'., i ' 5' innocent, tempting Lemon Water Ice? II I fjfi' " ' ii7" w ; f. Order this Ejection Brick today or early tomor- I I r0' " a M - row for today or Monday delivery. "Delivered at ; " f . .". , '' ' "'. " ' 1 same price as plain .ice cream.' .. ; - . rr J . ONE-QUART BRICKS..., .60 L s It 1 ' " TWO-QUART BRICKS Sl.OO V PW )AP Zf C i. t 0 ? " VJ FOUR-QUART BRICKS. ..$1.50 11 71 l fi V li ... ......... 'f . .' . ' , i , , , . ' . ''' ... ' v. ' ' ' ' - ' ' ' ' . - :.- . - :- ' i ::?i a. Ml Copyright 1906 bj Hart Schaffner iS Mars 1 : 292 y23208-gtock-o jiew-goods M HALF ORIGINAL COST AT FACTORY . Also overstock of leading local dealer of fine shoes; all new goods; in every size and width.- " You can be fitted. t ' r ' . .;. , " Mens Shoes Laflies Shoes Bo' and Girls' Shoes "Bords r ; ; 0 Slippers Strap Sandals See the bargain- tables. Come irrand look thenu)ver. ': All at Half rHeTBelhereTI-lZIl p. w. Murray. Mgr. Outing Suits' $10to$20 $!2.50t6$30 SAT.I L ROSENBLATT & CO. CORNER THIRD AND " " -. ;- : Morrison Street. Near intftndfid for TrinTQiinnaJbPUghtJLaQ Sale Begins Tuesday, Three-piece Suits iiii: MORRISON STS. Fifth June 5th. at 9. a. m. loe Sale - : 1 i will vote to the best prime tplee. i town, l . , eytta au meais.