THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, JUNE 3, 1806. ;,1M THE FUTURE THERE WILL EE NO LACK OF DEM AN D . FOR LIVESTOCK NEW YARDS TO BE, CONSTRUCTED. GROWING WHEAT CROP CONSIDER ABLY DAMAGED DURING WEEK BY THE VERY SEVERE STORM SOME HELPED. TRADE TO ORIENT " CIS RESUL1ED Flour Market Again Active, With Japanese Buying for Future ' Requirement .. UNUSUAL FEEUNG IN V "," COAST SUGAR MARKET tfailurt of -Western Refinery, to Meet , Advanoe of California' Hawaiian , - Taken aa an Indication - That ji ; Great Fight' Is Due.' - - Trent Street. June 2, S p. "---Th HJI feature of tb Portlaad wboll 8rhets the put week mam-. I.'nusual feeling Im sugsr. , . Msny orders la for hot. " ' ' ', ' Cold' Mnn sgg men defeated. , i " Poultry feeling slightly better. ' -"""Weether ruts iiriwlMrry w--' It.Utor going till kvwer. Outside onion down; supplies netvy. . .. . Several advance tn coarse slt. Worm spall wtU affct trade, Japsne flour trade tncreeecs. Wheet esarbet still going an. ' rmnwr butter btrheri A leeks ndyi. . .' CM aim rata tow sill. '," ' rxport Flour Tred bUsumss. , There, ws n row mp lion or :t the Orient during th Best M. A Biderebto number of Inquiries wr received, snd many sir of moderate uoiint reported sade. Taken ee whole, the Japanese are doing practically ell b burir., there being nut : .light bid Is from Chin., th boycott there Brewing to show do sbsteojest: Tbo limioo new t.l t bo Imposed on oil Import of flour jS-'taa ; -Jspsnrgt -4WHWW this,, isU..ib th Ctar In forcing buetne t UU - lime, i Tho rennrntto f demand from the Peelfle bit found rt ner rest the miller without sdeouste supnlles of wbette ... ... a huaiiuao. Tbo amaller nlllors war M oiiiloni to do bnftwo. .t-oor tt bort tlmo Ut tboy xontm " bur from tbB ronotdwobly bolow -tbo ooot ( of tmdnrtloa. Now thr MM mHn bo bat Uttlo irtMt bond for ftladlnt. L A wb rwl dcntnd b pnin p witboni smw for- fnf.flnr In tbo-trooo, ( .Tblon wrro Bwbt dlffoil . bo.ter, w vllb Imrtor nllloro. ,Wbtbr XM ,D7r ' pr.KBt domnd w . o . eom at tbli - tlmo oe oTly doclla to do buotnrn at a . 1m b k bnowa. bat It la a errtolatf tbat tbo roaowal of loulrl-a and trado b found i- tboai Ik tbo narkot wltb atocka alora to ffcr to aoTOM wbo baa tb prtc aakrd. tmrlnf lb : wrrt tboro waa practically ao boattioaa t aoa nraonn, roportad to CaUfornta aolnta. Juat at - th noaaiit tho bay arortia aoat to faBtno- strlckaa Baa KranHK-o afa acting aa a awtoaa ' dKrlmont to tbo local fhwr trad Tho ralb-f " " commute tbaro found that It bad to anm-h ' flour, and la looking for a way to ft some tkln'ant of It. Bold the auppltaa to three Urge , mlUInf tlrma of Baa rrandw at what to cno- atdond -wy low , prfraab , Bereral peoptl i ". K bid on tb floor elalmad that they offered mora BMmey fnr the atorka. bar their bid wore ant erea mpeldered. Tbla Urga iwart of ftoar to aow beln offered to the Callfonila ' trado at oldrably leoa flirarea th the local trad to' willing to talk about., JXtmoqwrotly tbrr to aotbla dolsg. . ' . . 'Waaat Xarkat ttUl tMadf Higher.- ' Higher price are again being named to tb local wheat Burkct. Batter demand for floor, both torally and from the Orient, baa eanaed ' mlllera to look roawd for onppllea. and tbla baa - eeoaed prtre to advance about lc act for "'" ' the week. Contrary to the local altnatton. lower Plicae bae generally ruled to Chicago tbla week. Thar waa a aerloe break before tb May op - tloa. there weat out of eommlaatoa for th -'son. bat yon rna't down th May altogether, for It hi a gain being quoted la tb eaat and at auhatantlal flgnrear to. Uerpool we - not ' ; ao erratic thla wee aa waa Chicago, but gen- . orally apeak lug price tber were on down Ward road during oack of tb all day. Kaoy Order to far Han. r After aa InaeUrltyibat taated for eereral ' weeka. tbo hop market again promlaea to he- --an. , a while at laaat. According . to reliable eatlteatea. there are now la tMt market order for felly 1,000 .bale of 1 bop at price that average eery cloa to the IV merket. Peeler kaow It J Impoeelbl to do bttstnesa around tbla figure, and are not trying to buy. Wltb but a ecant scattering of hop remaining uoeold to all feanda. the gen eral opinion eeeoa to be that no bualnee of "importance- can -be-traneaeted -nder . tha 1B mark. Keen at thla figure It la bow eery - doubtful If all tb remaining bop ran n gata .o. Hhart aeller seem to bo tb princi pal Inquirers for bona at this time. A few r snonthe ago thee same people were freely say- - Ing that tbey would nut buy bop at iwc Cuad to fill thetr short sales, beeauee they lleeed that all tn bop needed eould bo par rbaaed from psntc-atiicken growers and bolder round 4c. or perhape be a pound.- Reliable es timate ahow that there are net a quarter enough bona remaining In groerera' head to fill what abort order not already covered. la U tb- (rawing -Mop, H M JPaanaps , . Oold Btomg Egg Men Dftod. Again hard th cold atorag egg men met their Waterloo. Bom of theni were offering egg to tb trad this week a low a lb to 'order to break th value. A considerable num. ber of caeca were withdrawn from torago, ay report, and thee war used to knock th prop from uader price. A much greater demand for eggo-tfrom the. north than1 the atorag men bad anticipated cauaed aomrwhat of a short age her during th Utter part of the week, and the result waa that arme ot tb dealers wh had already Bold supplies at 18c to break the inarket were" forced to pay aoe a noeea to other dealer la order to fill their order. At th -of . toe woe. uw.-maux waa . in - yeyj - - - good abape. wltb moat of the aalea at V. A - erj few were reported mad a low a 18!4c Weather Cat strawberry Orp. r . s- Wnstber conditions were altogether of ths peat for B good crop of slrawberrlea dating tb - 1 cant week. Karly In tha week supplies were quite good, but quality wa lacking la almost .eery ahlpment. Stock which were expected to be tb beat turned out to bo composed moet ly of water. Tho ebortage In supplle later 1 the week forced price bach to point near where they etood, betvr th break tba - first dar of tbo week. The first peaches and plums' from California Vame tn yeaterday, but atorka were green. . rirat rnrrant to appear la market thla aeeeoa mad their appearance from' Mount Tabor J ea ter day., Btorka war In-very good ekan and sold st SOo par on-poiiaoVtox. -v, Oreuiery Butter Higher Alaaka 'Soya k" While Bom Inherent a do not rare to admit It, ther I now a very conalderihle amount of - creamery butter- being Bold tor Alaakt if I count, and It la stated that one large creamery in thla city has practically Its entire output ft tb coming . month .-Bold tn advanc for Alssks shipment. On city creamery advanced - lie quotatlone on beat brand IV pound this week, and It la likely that all tostltntlons will follow this movement Monday morning. California men are a gala In th market ber fnr country star butter, and some considerable ' ehlnmenle were mad by local dealers. Prtc a Jxlfl better. , Tb cbee market went lower tbla week, with larger receipts sad, aa accumulation ot . bupplles. .'ir- . , Potato 0iag BtlU tower. While ther I very good market ' tree day In new potatoes, there Is a general lack of demand fot old atock. The eipeeted resnmp tlon of dea-snd from California baa ant yet ma terialised, and rvsn tans dealer meet balllab earlier In th season are now trying tbelr uJ moat lO gel f Kl v. . i, invmRinn . . muf where near a favorable figure. - Ther ia etfll cenelderabl smeatat ef Tans , , onion In thla market, and during th week 'price dropped eonelderahl. larger arrivals f new onions from California ar having tbelr f sffeet upon prices.., ... . ',. TSnaeuaJ Teellag la Bagar Market. ' vs Condltlnns ar agog In tb autar market at '. ' thh time. The la.t day of tb month tb falltutila 4 Uawalaa aUflnlig eompajir, da nounced an alvanc of 0e par "handred pounds la the former quotation. It wa apected by all that the Westers Beflnery would make a similar aauouaeoaieut Juat after It htard tb news. v and jobbers announced a general ad vanc of lfle to their trade. Aa tb day begaa to wane, no report of aa edvanoe was made by tha W eaters people, and early next morning th trade was ftoed to pnlldowa Its sdeB- of 10c, thus taking the rle out ot their own orkta. , Wbtle tbo trade did not favor tb Hawaiian making th fleet advanc la prices, the claim la mad by -all Interests tbst-bbrber prices ar fully Justified an th Pacific ooaaf la the east several advance In sugar prlceai war quoted during the week, ilrre author ties say that ths - refined product to being mild belowcoat ot production. Keaeo. for the advance by tb California as Hawallaa s (I by tbs fsct thst the new onaeern bss s r tract for 10 year wltb eastern refiners' to tsks sll the surplus stocks st New York market velue on th day of arrival. Thue tb Cali fornia a Hawallaa compear was ft cod to mak an auranc aw tb aoaat or else loa tan, differ- eaca Between the eld pric and th ' figure i couia receiv for the raw prod net la rf York, Juet at . thla time the 'situation la eery complicated on. If the California A Hawaiian company Insists In advsacing Its prices shove the level of what' Ita competitor charge tb jobber ear they will be con pel led to gir the old company all the business, aa much as they dlsllks to tak thla eouroe, for they, save been, the beat frleada th new torn- any-. baa- bid. If,, on lb other' bend, th Jobbers ar trying to flgur. out toot how wag preckel. tb sugar king, can last If be persists la losing money Ilka the present mo ment, feet . bow long a pars Mr. prerkele bss or bow much of It bs care t lea would a m iter of larercst at this Urns. Tb trad pay the following pries ' to Front street. Price paid producers are Ires regular commissions: :. rata. Flour nd Feed. , WHEAT Club, TSQTSe; red Bnsstaa, T0c niaeeTem. ituiDe; vaney, t"ti i io. BiaLal reea. a.uui aoiiao. w.ODgjjg.oni eewlne, f24oO, CO EM Wb. bole. taAMi Bracked. .H Bar RTB I1U nor ewt. OATB Producers' prlco No. 1 White, (,; gray. -?.wu;.v.w. . - FLOUR New eaatera Oreaoa nslenta. U aom I.BK; strslrhts. tfl oOai-60; eiport. k.t.18; vaney, a.oo: rranam, a. aa d; waoes woeet, U.T5: rye. ao. to. 00 1 bales. ia.T6. JlKatZVMforti-moilryr W00j&l7 l Ao: chop. $1 OOfSil.bO. HAT rYednrars' prlcew-Tlnwtby. Wlllsmett valley, feaey, gio.woiz.oo; ordinary. gT.ooea .00: Meter Oreaon. tU OOciia.oO: mlied. M nOqrb.oo: clover. M.OOfte.OO; (rain, IdutJ s.wi casai. Butter, Zg and Foultry, BDTTKB FAT-rF. s. a. Portland Sweet earn, laneaoc: enor. leueiac. . . ranee, sue: oruinary. ti c; store, JSe. EOOa Mo. 1 freak Oregon, cssdlsd. UHB Oe. - - , - - CIIEKBBNew Full cream, flat. ltff1iUci Toung America. lslSV4e: California data. iV. - j-ULLjai -n-auxea -.cnickeeav.. ix H er. lb fa err keaa. lzloallse Mr lb: roosters, old. toe per lb; etags. lie per lb: rryora. IN-if JOei broil er. lS02Oe par In: M docks. ldiSlT per Ihl s peine duck.- 18 O30 per lb: ceess. lodllle per ltt turkeys, !7e per lb dressed, tiejzze per is: so ii a ob. a2.ova.uu nor ana; pigeon. n.00 par do. - ; .- Xsna, Weal sad IUn, HOPB fttntracts. IftOC cron. lOdllOU nor B: ltJ Oregon, iSHfJiB. - WOOL lu4 clip Valley, ooarae to medlaaa. nr: nne, inr; sasTera uregoa. numl. MnHAin iksw. aue. BHKEPnRTNB BheerfasL InaSOe ewch: abort wooL tACteOe: median. wooIl aO17D aebi bug wool. TVetl.OO each. TALLOW Prims, per lb. -tSsQec: Mo. S and grtaae. - l iiri iiaa dara marev per in. HIDES Dry. No. I. Id tus and an. MWdl ITU per tb: dry kip. Mo. 1. t to lf lbs. 14c: dry csW, No. I. snder B lbs. lie: salted bides. steere, .eonnfl. 00 ipe end over, io3iic; (HttsHc: sugs and bulls, id bulls. aeadtL 2Tc: kip. If, sound, ngfer lb lbs..llal lea; cull.. I c per H leee lacb. ll.aiflI.T6-. dry.' sack. IB to ao ins, wc; esu, naa. unsaited. le 1 boreehlde. salted, each. ll.aifll.TB tt.eoAl.eot oolt bidee SbalaOe:. goat skins, coBimoa. , oaeh, . 10ta)lbel Axura, sack, ZocO I.VOk Fruit aad Tegetskle. MTATfrEB Best sorted. TSegO er sack I produosr' pries for ear lot, BO par cwt; ordl- nery, noc, proaacer- nrwa, owe, botstoe. 2Cf3Ue. ONIONS--Jobbing price Oregon. Mo. L IJ BO: frodoeare- price, N. 1. Il till Mo. t. S2.00: eis, 1( par lb; new California, Be; garlic. bshc per IB. FRESH FRUTTB Atrolea. SS.B0OS.n0 eraneee. finer aaveL Sa.fhfftt.OO: seedling. SS.IS; Msdltsiransaa. SS1SOS.SS; bananas, be iu; lemon, enoice, B4.uutI4.oo per Bos I rsncy. f.1.S9trs.60 per box; time. Mexican, 176 per lOO; tenser hi as, puieepple, Mexican. SS.Tfi; n.w.n.n. ; strawnernea, wiiiametie val ley. ll.Tnei.00i Hoed River. Mount Tabor.- 'SI no par crate; geoarberrloa, SdWo-per lb; cbarrlea. 1.SS10) plsms, l2.Su , per tret.- -- - - - : ' '-. VKOETABLES TuTBlps. new. 11.60 nor sack: carrots, ( ) per Bark: beef, ( ) par eerv; uregon raaiaaea, zue per neni eanoego, Cllfnrala. $1T1 no per cwt: bell i oennera. loejTiic id: at a i lean rnmatoe. sx.70tra.oo; Fka-lda. la.&Oi . Daranlna. BOcaltL: (trlng beans. 8c; csulldswer, fl.00 per dea; California pee. 'TrtHe per fhi Oregon. datiHie per lb: boree rdlb, dcrT per lb: wrticbokea. Tb per doe; botliousa lettuc, 11.35 per box; cranberrtee, lereeys. Sit 0 per bbl: Cooe bar and Tilla mook. 110.00: sapsrsgna, California. . 800r per lb; Oregon, TOttTB per do bunch: Walla Walla. II.SS per bos; aquaab, plncb. To per box: trees colon m. Ore eon. ISle per -das - bunrhea; cocumbera, . TorcJ 11.00 .. per oca: c-iery per own. DRIED FRUITS Apple, evaporated. IS) IBc per lb; anrleota. I3f15c per Ihl peerbee, ISfllSHe per lb; seeks. He per lb le; pre nee, SO to SO, THc; . c drop on Barb atiteentk amaller else: fig. California black SOT In: California wbtte. Be-per lb: dates, slden, B per us; rara. par lo-io nox. . flroe riot, STnta, Ft. SFOAR Back basuvUCub, ff.M; powdered, eek beale leee M per cwt tot Caab, IB day a i maple, 1401M per to. , f A bo re nrlree annlv to Bale of less tkaa ear lots. Car lota at special price subject to. Surtnetlons. ) HONicr f .1.80 per crate. COFFEE Package brands. lloSS. SALT Cost Half around, 100s. H.M per ton; bos,; tame, oatry, sns. 111. 00; inns, IIO.Tft; Imported Liverpool, 60s. flT.OO; liaia. Sre.60; 2V4a, 110.00: extra fine, bbls. Ia. B. in. 4.6)n W: bulk, 1W0 lb. ea.O0S.O0- sarka, SOa, OBiaMr; Liverpool lump rock, 118. BO per ton: BO-Tb lock. M OO; lOOs, T.TB. ORAIN BaOS Calcutta, SHQIOt. RICK Imperial Japan, Mo. 1, Bet Ma. S, SBI4ei New Orleans besd. Te . Ajat, S Crente, - BHe. BEAMS BmaTI white, Bt.Btlt largo white, 11.00; pink. S3.00; barua, s.00s Uau, 00; Mexican reds, d4. - ' - '. . . ' NHTH Pssnats. Jumbos, tt Par fbr Ttrgtnl. BHflAH per "! roeat.d, S(H Per lb eocoanuta. Sfi4eoTr dot: walnute. ISfllBlAe rer lb; ptnenuts. lotlltSe per lb; hickory nuts, nc per lb; ebestaut. eastern, lSCjloe bar lb; Brtstl nuts. He per lb; Slherts. I41Bu pet lb; fancy pacaaa, lBHQlSVb! almunda, 14UO IB!4. ' fatato. Osal Ofla. IU. ROPE Par Manila. ltVoteadard. ltt tkal, lie.. COAL Oft Pa.rl or Astral Caeca, Iti per fait water white. Iron bhls, 14c per gal. wcodsa. IT per gsj beadllgbt, 170-deg. saaes. uacirui r f 3A80UME-8B-4eg. eases 14 Ue ser aaL tra bbl.. Itc per gl. BEN7.INB 43-dea. Mses SB Bee eaL Irea hbla IS 4c per gal. . TTJRPCNTIME la eaae SB per gal; weodea HI OXc per gal, WRITS LEAD Ten let. TV per Ib BOO-tb lot, be per lb; lea lots, SVIe pwlbt WIRE MAILS Preaett be ale st IS SB. LINNKEI. OIL Pare raw, tn B-bbl lota. BOC; l-bbl lot, 63c; esses, 68 per gal; genuine kettle boiled, eaeea. BO per gal; B-hbl lot, 6: l-bbl lot Bo per gal: ground cake, car Wa. $30.00 pr ton. Ism tksn ear lota, I AO 00 per torn. afaata. Flak nsd rrarbuaaa. . FRESH MEATS Troot Street Beef steers. 4Q V per lb; cow, g14 per lb: bog, f.ecr, SV4Bc; ordlnsry, poor, TtttHt per lb: bulla, SQSHo per tb; veal, extra. tH7c per lb; ordinary. Be per lb: poor, 6 per lb; mutton. lency, sante per in; lamne. vc, HAMS, BACON. ETC Pert la ed pack (local I kama, 10 to 14 lbs, 14V per lb; 14 to IB lbs, I4lic er lb; breekfaet b.reo, 10 Uf) toe per lb; picnic. lHc per lb; Mtag, lot per Mi; regular chert clears, Basssnked, lObie per lb: imnk.d. 11 per lb: clear barka, nnsmnked. loue per lb; smoked, liue per lb; Unlen butte, 10 to IS lbe; auamoked. Be per lb' (moked. Be per lb; eleer bellle. enawmSed. II per lb tmoked, lie per lb; ebooldera, I0H per lb. - LOCAL LARD Kettle leaf. tus. 1BI4 Per Ik; Be, lSHe per lb; 80. lb tint, lfc per lbs steam rendered. 10. 11 4 per Ik; I, tl per in: eompnuea. iua, ivo CANMED SALMON Celuwbt rleet, 1 tb toll. tl.BOi S lb telle, It TB; fancy, I lb lata, II i i-lh fsner Bate. l.lBi fancy 1-lb ova a). Jl TB; Alaaka tall, plek, Biesoc; red. l.o0 aemlaal to. tall. SS.Ba FISH Ruck tod. TC per Hit Breeder. Bt per Ik; htiltmt. St nt lki trtbs, 1.60 pw dea. so. is; iruu granuisteq, e-io; ory granulated, S5.n0; cent. A. beat granulated, weetern, Sa. SB; Hswslisn, S3.0B: extra, 0, It. 58; golden 0. S4.eS: D yellow. 4.B8: -bbls. lOe: H bhls. SrJOlTSREPORTOn WHEAT BULLISH Gives Condition of Winter-Sown on jun First at Eighty-Six and Nins Tenths. : CHICAGO MARKET HAS GAIN IN ALL OPTIONS July CainsThree Eighths 1. Sep- tcmber and .. December ' an Eighth Cent Up Corn Is Not Active - Oata Xrosa -at Close. - ..Uli REXATITB WHEAT TALl'ES. Cine . Cloa - Close' Bat. rl. J wiS. Oela amy KbltiBf .aoei I J I .una, ,TM .T . .2 , , .00 Z J0 .sou a .&iZ .00 iZ i S- Tha principal Interest ot neptember December -, , Cblrego, June S Tb principal th wheat new todey was Snow's report, mak ing lb June 1 condition MO ms renr aealnat l Per cent la.t month and IU) t per cent laat year a whiter wheat. Th action of the marast suggest It will tak but HUM eelllnf to bring about a eoneeeted eondltlmi la (he Julv option. Tha way tbo cash atuS la held and Hb - nnllmlted stocks of winter wheat, lb beer ar likely to keep cloa la tba bor on the selling side. Corn trade le not varactlvs. bat th under current of atrength keep tb aborU on tb aaaleue naat. Oata followed th other merket. bat lest tb Cater part of Ita early atrength right In tb t few minute. Profit-taking at a weakened aort la nor to be wondered at on tbla market. In provlalnna the parkera are eenepleooua by their aheence. but th caab situation is bullish. Thla le a fact and not a theory, further preeeur wOl naturally bring soma easier price. There will be no aeesinn of th Chlcege bned f trade en" Monday owing to a judicial leetoB, making It a. leaal Wider in llllnnla --OfnVtat auotatloue by Ore.b..S. AUas A ConasT ompaay: ...... WHEAT. ;'-' Onen. Hleh. ' bw. ' Close. B- nty $ ,nA I .! Sept. . . .TU-B -,io- 1M... 'JOB CORN. Inly... Sept... .enu " .fVI l. - .40' !BMa .T - . .48 .S4B .B1B SSttA uoc... .48 V OATt. 1 ".S2H July.,;., .Btt, -Sept,... .SI'Z , uec M .BS - ME88 POBK July.,.,, JB.flO IB. 10. 15.SB , IB 00 U.SO BOTlfc -. B.OB- Bcpt JO BO 10.00 : 188. SHORT RIBS. " - uly.,.. BflaVs S.18H BOtH Sept...... BOO - B.10 - BOO Oct. S.T6 ' BJITt, B.T8 BJITtt LAHD." S.BB. 8.70 - S.eo .' S.80 " t B.M . ' S.OB .. . B.J6 f ;.' Jnly..M, Sept . S 68 . a.To r S.52V. S.4TH 802k Oct.,.-.. s.6av . CHJOAaO CASaTWHIAT. ZJCtleBJtnt.. a-Ckwh,eat: , rstorasy, rri. -. rV- "ft ., ..BJd..Aak. . Bid. M. S red..... ..$ .87 B ,. . S '.TN N. S red 84 .Ml . - T no. X Bard.. , .HI M .si : .78 .88 .Jll '.7T No. 3 hard. ............... .78 .' .81 No. 1 Bcrthern. ........... ,, . .8 No. S northers 81- -.R4 N. S prtog 77 M 0HI0A00 OaVATJf CAE LOTS. Cbloago, June z. Grain ear lots: Cars. Orsds. Eat. 1B0S. Wheat J. 13 10 It . 1 Cora ,.8BS 171 BOB. SSS Oats ...IM '' 4T 148 1SB Wheat ears Bodael Mlnneennlla. ITU- rnthtth. rzi. tear ago: Minneapolis, zo; uuiun, a. BAM raAMCISCO LOCAL BTOCIB. Baa FVaadara, Juaa t, -OfBcial closing: Bid Ask. Contra Costa Water KVa 40 Spring Valley Water... MutusI Electric sa ss . 18 ltlA racinc Lignting Olant Con. Co. , Hawallaa . Corn Hoaokee -Sugar Masawen fuaar. Onomea Sugar raaubau Sugar............. IB VI t.nion ongar. ,. r . o , .. Alaaka Packer 1 ri DIM AeeoHsted Oil 40 46 California Frulteanaerr n California Wine 80 VI SO f aclfte tltatee- Tei,pheSi r,,i r,. 70 - ,r- i ' SOBTOIT COFFia KA1XITB. , - - Boston, Jun S. OfUcial copper closing: Bid Bid.' Adventure ..I I S Old HomlnJoB.,1 41. BO . Oecoola 10B M Parrot 3860 Qnlncr ...... " tMI.OO Royal 18.29 Shannon ..... B76 Tamarack ... I00.O0A Trinity ...... 1 00 A Done 810 Arcadian . S87H IS 25 .10.00 8B 00 88.00 Atlantic . Bingham Calumet ,. Centenalal Copper Range. 78. 78 Daly wee l . 18.78 -IfUh SI 78 rVaoklle 18,8214 Victoria 7 Tt , Winona TOO Wolverln ... 186.00 IT. 8. Mining. 60.76 Tean. Copper. 48.0(1 " Ely S.80 Boston -Con. .. 87.40 " Oreene Con... 24 02 Va 13.28 88.00 ' 12.50 18.00 82.00 Oranby ..... Butt Ceaia . Eeet Butte Nevada Cpn. North Butt. TTSTTTD STATES OOTIEMatUfT BOBDB. New York, Jon J. Oovernmnt bond: Pat. Bid. Aak. 180S 108 104, 1008 10.1V4 10 'i Two, reglatere. w. . . on coupon Three, registered..., do ooupoa. ......... ..... iwie inz lot u 108 Vi 1B0S 102 Twos, smsll bonds.... Fntirs registered do coupon.... Fonn, CeVrtetered...... 102 ..... 10O7 102: 10v4 -18 14 120 4 ist'i ...... iw7 - a 1928 128 00 rwu"un 1928 128 rrt.rrlel rf CotumbU 8-6S.. -117 Philippine .... .......... iiiM : - SEW TOSS 1ABX BTATUflBT. New York, m 1. Bank ststsment: Incresse. Reserve Im I sited State I 121.878 "1T0.1T0 Ixwn Spec! ...... J. 183. 400 lt,iO , fwT.OOO d.OIS 800 O,T00 Igala Deposit a Circe letto Deere ae. . BTW T0E COnrnl IUSKIT. ; ww York. Jun S. Oof fee furore closed B point lower wltb S.S26 ban Bold. 0 facial ?''' . .LTl : ri'.'i-n-.r- Jn .Vf1 10 n.-i.ncmewr 8 00 January ... 8.40 8.48 8.08 Pebrnery ... 8 ISO d its S.IMMarck BOO 8.00 July ....... 6.88 August .... 8 0O Per temper in October .1. 8.18 Nrmbr . B.36 ? May ....... t SO B IO t.aoi Vaealea Osffs Markets. PTarre. June 3. Ooffe advanced V to U. Mambnrg. holiday. Ml receipts, I 000 bags; Bsntos receipts. 10,000 baga, market weak, prices 60 down. ; . . snows oaAm sstimats. v rteetMlett. - Ohio. Jnae S SnoV makes tb following condition of th winter wbeet crop: Condition Jun I, 88. 8 per cent, sgslnst, 1 per cent met moots ssu per cant an year. a - striped bee. 18V, ner lb! eatSak. T nor Tb salmon. Cplumbla river Chinook, BHe per tb, stlhedt (1 per lb; herring, 6 per tbl sole. Bs per lh shrimp. 10 per Tb: perch, 6 par lb black ed T per tbl tewx-oA. T nor Tb llrer a melt. To per lb Vibetera, 16 per lb freab msrkeral.t nc per crswgan, ZD net Bos; shad, Be pe lb: sturgeon, lbe per Ik. ! OTBTSRS 8bealwator bay. per gal. $a.SS pr ssrh. It 76. t i.aain tiaruanen, per bob, iawi rssus Same, .0v ftt ka. - eivh oe - 10 V. ,r ...8SV, . EXPOSURES ALARTaI ALL EUROPE Rottenness of - Beef , Packing Causes France to Withdraw r Its Support Here. CONTINENTAL BUYERS : ' GETTING READY TO QUIT Foreigners' Great Purchasers of American Securities During Past Few Weeks but Government 1 - . ... port on Meats .Stops .Tradv. Re- .!.-.' .'..MET 0A1NB. icenda VlKaty pfd, Igamatod t Jocomotlv ...... kieo Si Norfolk Anaconda Afrh IiuIim ' , 1 n Ah Baltlmor ...... Preaa !tl Oar Brooklyn H Reading . ..1. f St. Paul '.!!!!I!"!s Moul'hem Partne!. ('. AY N. W IU Kouthern Hallway Kouthern lull way rhaaaneeke ....... Teiee Paclns. .IV Cokv. ruel. ....... .14 Tern,, rnai... (Vila. A Booth. W I'nloa PaclSe.v. . Cent. Leather ... V. 8. Kteel do pfd. ....r.'.t Krle tat. Bfd M Mas: Itentret- ' W Northern Pacbte... V K.t. - il ear l.'oaE.D. Car A Foundry . ... felFed. Mmelter pf4. Lackewaana 6 Onf. A W eaters.. Ienvr ;.. kipennsylvsnla Krle .....! U Rock Islands...... IA Ullwm Ouiisljeii t.iWsslsn si (BpecTel mrpatcb by Leased Wb- to Tb Journal) Mall Street, New York, June 3. fir year ago, Just aa Amerteea storks and bonds were coming la high fsvar In France, tbs shipyard -t i.ti. ...rtled the two continents and wa tb Immediate esnee of tb greet down fall to prices which followed. At the very neap began to bag ms atuck II wt Aaaerlrana were Planning notb tog lee . than grand . larceny. Proor or erookedneea In on trust cauaed the foreigners to condemn them all. end shiploads of stocks snd bond were bended bark across to nee. Within tba last fsw wnckt ..fnfTlgrT' biTe agala begua to buy American atocka and "bonds In great volume. .It baa gone ao tar that Pre ore kaa practically mad greet lean based on new Issue. Now come IN dlsckauree f th beef trust thst bar startled Europe. Tbey some on top of disclosures of grafting la the Pennsylvania railroad camp. Tba fact that American multimillionaires ar proved guilty f och pra ct Ices baa already staggered -tb Preach, and there is grsr doubt whether It may not caaae another aever rear tlon against Americas securttlee la Borope. Wall atreet may find to ita Borrow that tba great beef trust, which It kst defended aa trennously, kas suc ceeded In embalming its pet bull market. Per tba lest day or two th list be been trying to dleconnt tb Amalgamated Copper etatement, which will b made public Monday, it Is be lieved that tb statement ee ita nuffaca will not bs Very cheerful, bnt laaldere kavs put them selves In position to take advsntsgs of sny snort Belling that may result. , The Hlll-Mor-gaa people are openly bullish. Tba market laeuwra now ar about the moat . bullish WsU street kas seen for mouths. It anything bap- pea eo -tbebull nwremant which le planned, therefor. It will be a bitter disappointment to tb greatest financial authorities la tb street. Holiday Onuses Dnjlnsaa. With s holiday la London, ther waa little f Inter eat In tb continental markets. The feature abroad wa tba bank of Germany's Statement wltk B caab loss of f 10,640,000, and a men earpeuslon of 817,840.000. Tb Bank statement provided tb asual weekly surprise. The Incresse In surplus re errves was 1121,8TB was 1131, 878 of this item, which now atsnds at Sd.BI8.0UU. The gsln In cash wss SI. 128.700, Instead ot tb 88.000,000, to f . 000. 00O predicted. Loans Increased by S2JA2.000. and deposits Increased by 84,01,800. St. Paul Led Market. , Th number of (bare of atock sold today was 2r4,000 against 360,008 tba- seme dey-leet yr. Tb total par value of bond sold today wa S1.48,eu0 sgslnst 81,207,000 tb nam day last year. St. Paul led th atock market today, that teen closing wltb a net gain of polnla. The Immediate cause of todsy'a advance ws the eipecUtlofroT rights In couiiertton with d) financing of tb Pacific coast extension. Tb Gates pool sdvsnced Colorado fuel to about WO. T DESCRIPTION. Aascodds Mining 0. .... Amsl. Copper Co Atchison rem., ,, do preferred......... Am. Car round., com do preferred Am. Bugsr, com.. -.... Am. Smelt., com do preferred ........ Baltimore Ohio, -com do Preferred 287l2o8 288 267 lu7t 18 107 a 108 H .88 103 . 88 ' 13 1K6H HV 43 W 41 Vi 103 102 IM HA 14 ISA- 1S.MAI1A5 64 1 164 '4 11B IllWVl 118jl18V 'id'TB' 1"T 84 82 181 38 Tl B4 lBOTs Brooklyn Rapid Transit. 82 88 t anaaiaa racinc onm Chi. A Alton, com., do preferred 100 100 Chi. Ot. Weet.r com. 78T4T 18 18 t" 781 Chi.. Mil. At Bt. Psul. 171I174 171 174 3081, 12'-, 8 Chi. A Northwest, com. 20ft K1 308 12 68 nw 83 tui. terminal sty Cbesapeeke 4 Ohio.... Cole. Pool a I roe, torn Colo. South., com..,., do 3d preferred.,,,.. do let preferred Dels.. Lacka. Weat. D. R. O., com....... do preferred. ........ ria, com.. do Sd preferred....... do let preferred..... Illinois Csntral Loutavin Nashville. Metropolitan Street By lfeilcua Ceatral Ry... Mlna, Bt. P. A Sts. M tV prf tTrTd . . , Missouri Paclflc. I...., M. K. A T.. com..... do preferred New York Central , 12 68 6H 64 1.1 on 60 84 888 44 88 til 4S ei. 48 T0 i7 BS 4814 7(11 78 iZ ITiilI 14ftV 48 Tl 180 178 160 160 149 llelVk 32 Ji3' 33 3 U 188 178T 84 sn B4 wu 84 4 140 iio' 1W 1UB Am. Cotton Oil. i, Am. Locomotive, i,,. 1, Federal Smelters Norfolk A Weetern, com Norfolk A Western, nfd. IV is 0 North American .-. ,WT4 7S 7 61 N. Y Ontario A Weat. 61 81 Pennsylvania Re II way . . 1 1S3 ! Pennie s Oss Coke Oo. 183 182 18J'4 Preeeed Steel-Car, onm,, I 61 Preeeed Bteel Car, pfd.. J Read lag, com 1140 si 83 1t4 141 140 Heading, aecona pro. Readme. Bret nfd... 84 SNV. Ren. Iron A RteeL erne. I 38 is" Rep. Iron A Bteel, pfd. .1108 H 1 103 Vi 103 10.1. sec laiana. eem Re leland. Brefeefed an 84 V, rmSA Southern. Hallway com,! jSV.. Kouthern Rallwar. Dfd.J MTA e M, 88 Southern Piciflc 88! nonthem pseinc, pra.... im St. L. A S. P.. 3d ptd... 48 ' do 1st preferred Bt. b. A i. W om.... 33 do ore f erred 68 li 118 I lift 48 ?4 S-JU J 3.1 4 1 6A 8.1: S3 60 r2 Te A PaclSr 82V. Tena. t oai iron. . , . .110a 166 T. St, U A W com.. 80V4 48 a prererren , Cnhm PsrlSr. ISO 'is" si" 160 14 do preferred Central Leather, (Ma... do preferred 0. S. Rubber, eem.,... do preferred'. ...... '. U. 8. Bteel Co., eem.. do preferred Wheel, a L. B.. com... do 3d preferred...... Wisconsin entrnl, 00m. do preferred ... Weetern I nlon Tele. ... Wbeah, rent Wabeah." pfd. Am. Woolen , Northern PartSe '. '3 61 B4 4314 104 43 s . . M lox'A 40 1 108 Ik 1Kl 3Sk ol loflti 18V, l'4 3S Roil If 411; SttVi io itm 40 41 108 10 18 18 24 , 8 64 48 H 311 213 311 ' Tot si ssts for dsy. 330.3OA share. 1 '5 ST. LOVIS WOOL KABXZT. : . St. lywls. June S. Wool steadvi terrllort snd western mrdlnmc. 36-0 30c 1 Us nMdluaPt HOG MARKET HAS GOOII TONE Advances Twenty-Five Cents v With Small Arrivals and . Very Good Demand. ' CATTLE VERY DULL, A r 7- QUARTER-CENT LOWER Sheep Call Ia in GooofShape With Fair Arrip Hot-Weather! Likely . to Interfere Somewhat With Future Demand. '"'',? .. ;' By Byman H. Cohen...- Portland I'nlo Stockyards, Jun 3.-d p. m. Livestock receipts: Roes. Csttls. Sheep. Tills week....'.,,....,..,., 847 4:11 3.W7 Lest week.,,,.,....,...,,.. T'At ; , 828 Month ego... 410 ' 248 Year ago 13 3.873 8,003 3.V4 4.308 - CondttloM that ruled In th livestock msrkst during the past sli dsys bor greet similarity to thorn of ths same week a yeee ego. - Tue extretnc weeknesa In cattle was eery apparent at thst time and like the past weeb Jeers waa a decline In prlcea. Receipt, nf ttle tb peat week were not a great sa tb previous week, and during tba first few days tb demand ami tone wss ennsldersbly Improved. Thbt wsa. however, before the worm weather began, to ast to. The warm apell created a amaller de- iisad ifna ssllle, sad lb ult- -llia tne weskneen becatne so Inteeae that price were cut 36c - ,., la all 4.11 bead of cattle arrived In tb loral yards during tn week. Tom nmouot b really a nominal one when demand Is beslthy, but tb grset arrlvala of a lew weeks ago filled mosL.of Jba.imyert'.teommodatloiuv.. snd, at price did not show sny tendency to move up ward, they did not care to buy to any eiteut I ft-e'-f riTTl I . , Hog Are 4 Quarter Higher. Wltb tb bog merket a ''veryBeod Wtlt ruhwl In th .yards during th week. Kecelpta were very smsll, tits total arrrrale for the week snowing but SOT besd ss against .T38 bead a west sgn snd -4iahead licaame date last monthr While this year arrivals srs somewhat greater than those fnr tba asm period a year ago the greater -demand and th rest Inoreaa In population make tb email Inert as de crease la reality.' Strengfb wss shown la tb market all during the week. Bayer were la tb market at all time and war eager to do business, but ther were few bogs to eelL This cauaed tb rle of 3fx arty la tba weak. ---- ' Siaat Strength la Sheep. . X ' Despite th general pradRtlon ot tb trad that tn aheep market would ahow a reaction toward tb low nointa during tba weak, not a single change la quotation occurred. Consider. lag the condition of tbo weather and th liberal arrival, the market dlaplayed wonderful anap and price seld their wa right up to tb clue of th week. During the week th entire market waa tn good straights, this being trt of lamb ss well aa etber line. . - "' Oreater Market far Horse. . BblpmenU of hocsas to thla market ar In creasing year ky yeer. For seen tlm there ha bee a very heeKhy demand-for -good i;. pi sis and whatever ehlpments arrived war picked up at gono: nguros. a considerable number srrtved during th past weak. Aa auc tion will be held at tb yard tb first of tb wseav . " - - Hew Tarda is Be Modern. Within a few works tb new yarda of tits I'tnoa Btockyard company wlU be located. Work on the building will be begun at one and eomplatlon will be rushed wltb sll possible speed. The location of tb ne yarda at Msegiy Junction right at tba Boors of tb new park lag -houses could not be Improved. Th yard will be tb moat modern one In tb country, end to aom extent will be planned after the one recently completed st Bt. Joseph, Mleaourt. Tb biatallattrm of tb eereral new In thle city will mean mock to the Urea fork Industry, for with almost un- FOR FUMIGATING PLANTS A Process for Discharging s Liquid Insecticide Into Greenhouse. At th present tint th sclentlfl: study of th propagation of flowers is receiving the attention of th foremost eltlsens of th world. On of th great est problems to bs .solved Is th exter mination ffMrietrtany fnseot pests which lnfst th plant a, retarding their growth or killing them outright. Many sys tems hav been tried In the hothou. but a process recently patented by. a rOB PUbilOATIKO PLXNTS. Qavt Land florist seems to contain more than ordinary merit. Broadly, his pro cess consists In exposing a vaporlgable liquid Insecticide In a finely subdivided condition to th action of a stream of superheated steam flowing through a conduit. This mixture la then' dis charged Tnto the At mogphere which "gur rounds the- plants to be fumigated Superheated steam 1 formed by mean of th colled superheater, under which is the gas burner, ths supply being fur. ntshed from- tr- generator-- net known . In th center of the Illustration 1 1 shown a tank containing vaporlsable liquid Insecticide, such as a solution of nicotine. In th enlarged - section nf pip directly below th tank, In placed a crumpled-tip mass of fine wire gauss, which. will caus th liquid Insecticide which drops to spread out in.thln Isyers, coating th wire. It la then ricked up by the superheated steam and carried through th pipes to the greenhouse. A tank for compresned air. to control th flow nf Insecticide, Is placed to th left of th Insecticide tana. r - v ' Waterproof Fabric A new method f-trrVrWlnr1 being prtmntd with. It Is mad nf a fibrous body, saturated with hydrocarbon ' waterproofing substance, 00 surf ac being nonadh)- JOURNAL'S SPECIAL- : " REPORT ON THE WHEAT w 4 d' d 4 4 X Tha- sever ruin ntarm of th $ 4 past week created mora damago d 4 to th Browing crop of wheat 4 4 than has generally brn believed. 4 la th liahV. UncJ 0l8trlcts th 4 4 storm was unusually at-yere, and d d I tn many places ths aoti was en- . 4) 4"-tlrely washed away with - th d d growlna crop. This was tru to- d most extent .around Echo, and d th most sever damage Is rc- ; e d ported from that vicinity. In' 4 .ther places the rains did food d d and harm. In some sections the 4 4 moisture came so fnut that much d 4 . of th grain was dpBtroy, In other places the around wss so 4 4 ' badly parched that It took every 4 d drop of water and then seemed 4 Uto wtnt Jinotfi. jlakn.BAw d whole, reports from special car- d respondents to The Joumsl Indt- d 4, cat that more damage than good .d 4 was don by .the. rain llurlna th d '. vek. " ' . 444444444 limited demand there will be no time when stock can (Hit be' sold. As President peugbtrrv say: "Rake more hogs at one." : There U b a demand for them. Official livestock prices: ' Hog Beat . esatera Oregon, 7,23ia7.S.".; blocker and China fata. S8.W; Stock era ; and feeder. S.3Sa.dO. Cattle Beat eastern Oregon eteers, $4 00; beet mwe and heifers, $.1 .25 ; stockcra and feed ers. tS-OOr- buils 82-50. . t Bbecp Bbcarllngs, 8-3 4c: lan-b,"4ttUc. ArriTrla of the Wk,,. . Th following s rri re la ware shows la the yard during lha pt week: Saturday., May -38 W, Wade.-fs'eaed thynugb from A Graad wltk on rerlned of horse, going to Beattlei r. Snlpea had n two care of atla fssm use iiass, sianisnai rsnsignrn Cartsena Parking rompauy at Tacoma. Sunday Oorg Koblhagea of Baeebtirg rain In wltb two cars ef sheep and one of cattle. , Monday Larkln A Kills of t'olfsr bsd twe ears of rattle' on tn merket B.. AV Bherwln came In with one car ef horse, going to !.o Angelea,. California; J. W. Redd of Carlton brougta r " on srdrTstT7e ; n. Ttvlor of Halsey shipped In twe ear. of sheep and nogs; O. A. Overton of Browner II Je bad In two cars of-her) and -hog. j-bjtu. Llaeedgj T. J. Hurls nd f"Oaklsnd. Oregon, Ibrought lis Twoirs bnrhttTeT- Mlrrmirl Isrlatt of Ueppner had two cars of cattle na th merket: Ed Bk-hmond of tlcCnf brought In two cars of sbeep and B. I.. Overton of Btosrasvllla htd laJtatft cars nf sheep and bners mlaed: A. H. -Boyee of UcillnDrllle came 78 wltb on ' carload of sheep, hog and lamb, mlaed. Thursday K. O. Toung A Or. of Oakland, Oregon, shipped In twe cars ot sheep, and also two of cstttle; J. C. Dsrls of Bliediw had In one car nf aheep. bog aad cattl. mixed: Dr, P. S. Skiff of Seattle Bent In nm borsee. which be wss shipping to Beettle; C. H. Vehra of - Lebanon came In with twe car of sheep and bog mlaed - 8- L. Overton ef Brownsville bed in one car of cattle and aheep. L. B. Weat shipped In eight care of sheep from 'Willows, California, going to Caret ens' Packing company t Tacoma; Jamea Mclntlra oeut up a bunch of cattle on th eteamer Maacot: John Twaddle brought In on car of horses from The Dalle, which be will sell at auction an Tuesday st the yards: Jones A Blsckwell of- Well Walla had lu two rare of cattl; W. A, Oallatly cams, la from Onrvallla wltb two care ot sheep, bog snd Isuibs mixed. . Friday Berkley Bro. ef Oakland. Oregon, had In one ear of cattle. Barurdayrr-W, C. Rddon ef Arllifgten sent tn (wo csrloada or hog. EASTERN HOGS ARE SLOW Oblendfo . Jaavrkst Dull to rive OsaU IIOWB,' Chicago, J no J. I J restock receipts: Hogs. Cstfle. Sheep. CblCBge ........ .....18.i0 i0 .' 1.1.10 Ksnsee City.......... 4.5i0 l'iO (H.) Omabs U.000 ' (Ml MS Hogs Blow' snd week to Be lower, with 3,8.10 left over. Receipt yer gn were 31.0011. Price: Mlaed. 18.8038.38; rough, 86-1898,80; Light. 88 3S418.47H. - - C'attle flow. , ,: 1 . , . Sheep Steedy. " SCIENCE NOTES' New Composition for 'Bricks. ThsLoId-jUmrd. clay brlcK Is to b supplanted by. a new mixture composed of amorphous carborundum and Port land cement. ; , To Protect Wharf Piles. V ' A Callfornlan hag patented a process for protecting wooden wharf piles from decay and renders thera proof against th action of marine worms, bugs. In sects or other animals. .' He Incloses the section of th pile which I In th water In an outer casing of cement, mortar or concrete, composed of tnagne? slum oxld and an Inert tiller Impreg nated wMh magnesium chloride. Method of Candying Cherries. A. new methodofcandylnacJjrr!B Consists of seeding, candying and color ing th ohwrriM and stems separately, attaching th stems to th cherry after ward by shoving tha thicker part of the stem within th stemhol of th cherry and allowing th flash of th cherry to clos and harden around th stem. Our Country Xxchasg. J. J. Corey- was courting In th county scat last week. Princeton (Ma) Post. Peyton Smith waa on th mountain Sunday with a standing collar on. It was jso-hlgh, that ha had to-get-on-a, stump to spit ovr It. Russell Houts wss on the mountain Sunday with a pair of. patent leather shoes,. and he Just hit th high places tn ,the road. Se quache (Tenn.) KtwA-!tt-.-. -.; - Say. boys, aak "Marcuse" Forrest how h would Ilk to spend Sunday afternoon a little way southeast of his place, and s him turn red In th face. Corning (Ark.) Courier i ' ... -- - - - Ther I some talk of Grafldpap 'Wil liams and Old iJtdy Psttljohn getting marrlad. Mr. Williams hangs' to her like a bat to a piece of bark. H is about IS yearsold and she Is about SO. Van Buren (Mo.) Current Local. Lawrence Setfert Is all smiles. His sweetheart - has returned. HUlaboro (Mo.) Jefferson DerrATK-rat. 1 Kdgar Conway -put -th paint Jo tho new barber ahop f ..... i.y mun (Tenn.) Exchange. .- . , - "Tom"-Peterson got badly stuck on th streets of Tltonka with a load of hay. but w think that Isn't 'the only thing "Tom", bss been stuck n. Tlton ka (Iowa) Topic - . Jacob - Johnson and his spry family Are moving In th KonKlliY house, hav Ing sold his own. and purchased a driv ing home and keep up with Colonrl Soung and Frank Hoover, singing ae they go merrily. Mason .City (IU.) Qlobe-Gajeu. . .- Nohl Qolden is th proud possessor of a buggy. Girls, you had better look out AVayn County (111.) Record. - Jamea Herring called on Miss Lucille Burchett of near Rversonvllle Sunday. Brookneld (Mo.) Budget. ' Want Ob Bay si Wk. Five hundred members of the Retail Trf Ooods Clerka' union, composed of employe of small dealers n the eaat side, ftew Tork City, have decided to atrlk Ninless their demand for on dsy S a week Is granted. riOTIIIIlG D0K1G WHEAT FUTURES f -is ' it' '.' '' ' : ' " .' " ' : ' . j": Specuiatfve M arket In "San Francisco at a Standstill -s, with Bids and Ask. y.- SPOT BARLEY HAS A ' iX: RATHER WEAK TONE SpolJVhesUfJi .' at Higher Price Export t Flour : Trade Maa a Good .' Value New Potatoes Are Higher.' (Specjal Dlapetch by LMSer) Wire to Th Journal) Man PraacbMu, June 3. Ttieee are tli fee tares todey:- Nothing dnins la sneculatlre wheat. ' S-aue 'trsdlug kn liecemher kerley. Himt firm and lAJtley weaker. Oats well held.'- Corn firm. Mill products without change. Butt-r eteady at prevlofia price. . Cbeeea lower Br fists, further advance- ht era.. Pew change In fruit and vegetabat. Poultry, dull. - II Sal f Wkaat. Oacbsnge there Were no apecetarlrw sale tnda.rV Pur Pecember $1.88 per ceil a! wa M4 and 1.83 aaked. - Tb caeh market waa tlruu. Round lot of bhteatem. Port Cost delivery. were nootct 8TBr.S8t 1 ier cenrst -and ingM car mis not less, thsn 81.40. Kmind lers ef club. Port Costs, were held at f I . ami 81 All, ftl.:i3o for lees usntltlee. Red was anmbtal. there being no a pot offerings. To . srrl.- ; was saksil. 1 Trade la Barlsy. ' December barley went at U.'.livlB6li,e per centnl, closing at SOc. . Spot feed wes very Week, holders willing lo sell st current prteve. Osts were In fslr den 1 snd. but chute were romperstlvely scare. Off are dee wer plenti ful enough. Corn wes firmly held. The fWiuf eipf Trkdi! hs teh ' of ftff TjTf one anw, nrapMiermg reren conuicione; no chsnge were reported resterdsy. Butter wss without sny change. uKir cbee waa tte per pound lower for flat. -enange m esaea of eetected egge sold at 18HO 30c per dnsen, rkwlng at th hitter.' . Cberriea were partly cracked. Kound brmurlit r.Sol,.prlces, Soni Boysl Anne In 0-pound boxes went st 32. and tn bulk a ranee nf " KeiOc per pound -was anoted. ss to ctuallty. Raspberries came In from Kaa Leandre and Waisonvtlle. Some hackhevrlee were received. Currant war in fairly send enantrtr. 'Clyman ' plums, bnt very small snd green, appeared m market. Apricots ha Urge boxes brought 83 snd ether hsd ran re nf 7V.ftl.S0. Prorhr wee held at St.onert.fio per- hot and green cherry plum at BOe per drawer. ' ' 17w Potato Hlgker. ' New potaroe were higher. Aaparsg'u anM higher fisr beat grade. Green peaa went ntnst'.v to eannera at 14e ner pound. Home sstntrer sunseh waa recelred from Coachella valley.. String beans did a little better. . ConeMerehle noultry had to be carried Srer, tb demend .being dark. - 1 ". .. . Kaw York-London. Sliver. ' , ' Hew Tort. Jun 3. Ber stiver, STUet tarn. Bon, CI 1-i8d. . . - arTotrr Irn Olass Blowing-. J"b annual report efTBCTTBtg Jerger -' bureau or stittlsttcsj Bhrrwa-that-modern methods hav-revolutionised th glass blowing; Industry in that state, making It possible for th sam number of men to double their output. Wages are much higher than a few years agro. ? . ' ' afiasoarl fop Bryan. Missouri has raised the banner of William J. Bryan for th. presidency tn 1903. All th Democratic county, con ventions held so far In that stat have com out flatly for th nomination of th Nebraskam i:' ' LAWN TRIMMER ' Dirt Removed Discharged at Rear of -r Machina Upon -Walk,LL: Now Is the time when lawn mowers, hose, rakes and Ilk Implements ar In -- PLACES THS DIBT OS TUX WALK- - constant us for keeping th flower garden spick-' anl span. - To Improve, th appearance of th garden, a walk or a patch should be added, and the mora urvs th path has th mot attractive rrrwni appeaf.ZTtie one sentlal to a well-kept lawn Is th trim ming of th edg where the lawn meet th walk, which could be easily ac;om pllshcd by th trimmer shown In th illustration, ' Besides trimming the edges of the lawn, It aro forms a shut low. ditch. A novelty about this ma chine Is the arrangement of a errato device which gather up th dirt re moved during th operation and dls- ipon the Walk In such a manner a in render It easy of collection. Adjustable blades are used, so thst the depth Of th trench can ji..reguiIateqV...'.i''".":"" Beer aad Bdnsattoa. -- - From th Nw Tork Sun. , -Th connection between beer and higher education In Uermany is more In timate and Important than mtshf I Imagined. News comes from Berlin thai th Isndlords of th onn reetsurant have decided, owing to th proponed nw brewery lax. to Incresse the prto ef br by J per cent. . Bonn Is th first university town I take this step, which I severely con demned in arademio t'lrclea. Th fer i ntertalned that it will have an I eni-c on th attndsni at the i- ally, as th student may prefer I In som university town whet cheaper. t -' - - -- Mr. McCstrtMnl see , l I. toot In th ! 1 ;