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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 3, 1906)
; .... n- iDAY THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SU MORNING, JUNE 3. 1806. Gfritcst orAll Bilk !s5al The silk items mentioned here are by far thejbest silk, offers ever made to our patrons. Come and see. . , Dress in Silks. Be in Fashion 79c for Best $1.25 Qualities " Look what's in store for you. We are determined to make this the greatest silk sale of the season bound to do it Look at the offer: Shirtwaist and Suitine Silks in abundance hundreds of ' ; 7y?tayyi?ltlu?JitC3 and newness not to be questioned; the best coiIecti6fln3f-newr-fancy-silk5l ever shown by far at thepnce. Lousiennes and Messa-Jineiinished-Taffeta Silks n all the ncwologings.JgonVj pay $1.25 a yard before . you see this grand array of "beautiful silks on sale M6nday arid Tuesday , only at. .. ,.. ..f ,, ,..y, , i, . . . w Fancy Suiting Silks 60o y ' For Best $1.00 Quality. v- -l. -'-Here is without doubt one of the best silk offers you ever saw; unapproachable for the money, the quality of the -: silk at the price will surprise you; all silk-buyers will stretch the limit. of their.purse and lay in a supply for a ". 'long time to come;' In the assortment you will find.'a '' great variety.of shepherd checks.'neat small figures, new . shadow plaid in all the new gra eHect? best, ' quality on-sale Monday and Tuesday - fQc: i rovers i i . f zsr of the rii sr: I Values ; NVslJJfiM w ........ - ruff . The Givers of the . Best Values Wa 4 - only at, .' T5o Changeable Taffetas 49o Thousands of yards Beautiful Changeable Taffeta bilks " warranted all pure silk, full 19 inches wide, comes in all the,4best - colors blues, greens, reds, browns, etc ; , best 75e quality. On sale Monday and Tuesday n 75o Suiting Silks 50o 'A big yariet of .Waist and Suiting Silks in all the new- - summer shades; neat checks, dots, stripes and broken plaids; strictly allpure silk, soft and durable; best -ySc-qualityQn-ftale-Monday and.Tiicadayjjnjygt 50c, 65o Fancy Suiting Silks 30o A. jaost-attractive assortmentof pretty-Suiting Silksi-soft-: Messaline finished taffeta, all pure silk, colors and pat-'. terns'-all-thafc-Hld--bdesiredgulap-i0cnd--5Qf 65c grades. On sale Monday and Tuesday only at.OVC (Grigantic SMoe Sale at Dull Season's Cut Prices THIRTY-SIX THOUSAND PAIRS AIX TOLD 4. You "will want inexpensive Shoes for yourself and family fqr.sunv mer and vacation wear 36,000 pairs on sale tomorrow, purchased from eastern manufacturers and jobbers for. our July Sale. They are early. They are this season's factory cleanups with which we have been making shoe history in Portland. In this sale we give you, our regular July prices. They are at half price and better and from famous makers that will, insure absolute satisfaction. Our usual guarantee goes with every pair.' You will save more than half on every pair you purchase at this time, besides getting a full month's before our regular July Sale starts. . ; . ,N TABLE-1 In -the -Basement: Shoe' Department -Annex, women's $2 and $2.50 chocolate vici lace Oxfords, with single sole, Cuban heel and stylish last: solid AA. throughout. .yj? C TABLE A In the Base tnent' Shoe Department; misses' Oxfords, Slippers and Barefoot Sandals, worth $175, in all leathers and light and QQr hearjr soles........ ss TABLE 2 In the Basement fw npaw. mcnt Annex, women's $2.50 and $2.75 black vici kid lace-Oxfords, with light and heavy soles ; Cuban, concave and low heels and patent leather . tips ; per pair, TABLE 4 In the Basement ; Shoe Department Annex, 6,000 pairs misses'-kid lace Shoes with pat ent leather tips, low heels and good oak soles made bjf a manufacturer with a national reputation for V,CI nar and boys ; the entire lot the product of the C. & E. Shoe Co. of Columbus, Ohio; worth $1.50, QQ.pnnexJ "$2D0TTor tHislale. 77 S ITpShoes, si leather. tips; . ' TABLE 3 In the Basement Shoe-Department Annex," women's $3.00 and $3.50 Blucher and lace Oxfords in chocblate vici, Russiacalf-Mand black Vict' hand madelin .'alOhe Very "latest C 1 - CH TABLE 6 In the Basement Shoe Denartment JnnexjJ?ays-$2 and $2.25 sblidrtylislv-l-t ft sizes zy2 to &y2 iTr. . . r. . , . . . . . . J) 1 1 y A Great Gale of Vlt's the season of the year when Wash Goods buying is the strongest. You'd naturally expect prices to remain firm, but we will place on' sale three great lots at ex-, tremely low prices. The price concessions we hive made should make you think of your needs for months to come. We are compelled to make this sacrifice to make room for other goods. r " . - , 18o, 20o and 25o h a Wash Goods at.. ItiO LOT 1 A great assortment of this season's most want ed goods Wool Finished -rSuitinffs, Japanese Crepes, pretty Voiles and Zephyr Ginghams patterns and color- ' ings all that fotyldjy 'reii, all hriglit nw grinds wellL .i . t . i - i r .i . , wurui rtguiar prices. ' specially pncea ior mis Ar sale at, only.1. ..... ... . ... , , ;, , . ... . t .. .,. 1tL"L Scotch Ginghams Best 25c Quality LOT 2 10Q pieces only at this price Scotch Zephyr Ginghams in a splendid assortment of patterns, stripes, " checks, plaids and'flaked effects; light, medium and dark . cplors; best standard quality; never before sold for less 'than 25c a yard. Specially priced for this Q sale at. . . IOC 18c i Cotton Taffetas -g i '-,1 J Best 15c Quality 1UC LOT 33,000 yards Cotton Taffeta Suitingslpretty as silk, a great assortment of patterns and colors to choose from, beautiful silk finish, washes perfectly ; best A I 15c quality. Specially priced for tnis sale at. .... lUt I liyic Dress Ginghams 10c More new Dress Ginghams just received in a big assortment of fancy styles in light, medium and dark colors; also the wanted plain colors in all the best shades; best 12$c quality. Specially j)riced at. ...... ,', , . .-r. . ........ .'. ....... .... . . ..lUw 15c Percales 12Jc Best quality Percales, full 36 inches wide, light, medium and dark colors, 150 patterns to choose from ; sold 'everywhere at lac a yarL-l Our ISTlcia lTricefor1hioal gQQJPozenJrgonien SttT Sleeveless Vests Tomorrow O v To II awl uTciyI a Sn if .a "BurSOn" Hosiery Sale Two Notable Bargain, Tomorrow As Many--Qj "Pw ' . 1 : as You Wish at . . ... leC JTr Q12.50 .'for Suits Worth $16.50 "Trr ;;;: "ir;t r : Strictly Tailor-Made Suits of .women and - misscsr SS -Sfi -m L&-'oi Utest light or dark mixtures; eton" and pohyl com yml . paranteed blk. ;,., vnrimme(1 With fancv braids, elbow or l X V This is the only stocking manufactured that is made absolutely without - a seam. -"--;-t A boon to women with tender feet ; ' no seam in the foot, no seam across the toe; no seam pn th' leg, and still has all the good features of an Imported stocking. Full fashioned throughout, made with widened leg, narrowed ankle and shaped foot, all 'first quality; we allow no "seconds" in this Hosiery stock ; when you purchase here you are assured of getting the best 100 dozen of these stockinwul be at (lis - long sleeves skirts-in newest ctrcu i- o a:. '1. iar styir. special vins . $12.50 $16.50 for Suits Worth $20 to $25 'About 30 of these exceptionally clever grayr navy and black Suits to go this week at $16.50. - Choicest sum mer weaves in stvlish mixtures and Panamas, . pony and eton effects, lined with pretty shades, of taffeta silk ; skirts are circular or pleated styles and are cut extra full." Special this week. Sale of Women's Skirts Every skirt want can be filled here. We can fit every figure, from the smallest miss or woman t the extra. large sizes. '. .-.'.".-. .'. . .'..:. "..1 Special This Week ,Valking and Dress Skirts in desirable mixtures, neat checks, plain grays, plaids, also -chiffon Panamasandiinemohairs in black, naw and - grays Correct styl $0.50 to $8.50 values ... at..,. i'-'Mti- Warmer weather at hand. Prepare yourself tomorrow by taking advan tage of the most liberal offering ever made at any time or place in this line. We shall place on sale forone day only Monday--over 200 dozen of an excellent 20c grade Sleeveless Vests of fine bleached yarn, silkene taped at the neck and shoulders, full sizedrettily trimmed ; all firsts,; no " damaged ; or soiled ones in the lot. On. sale O tomorrow only at this price Ov $5.00 $16.50 Linen Suits s Skirts your -row-a A great range of styles and prices to choose from. Every . - m. -e l moaei inai is new or oui oi T the common in style is here Savings in JNTotions Some"-strictly plain a vere, others fancy, tailored Styles with a little touch here American Spool Cotton-Hand or machine. Special f.and new nrtce. T spools tor. . . . . . , ..- ' . . . ... . ... . -&w.lnr...-RhiMiremilar valuelOcSoecial vn ""V'v" uiwvauiv -r " o . ' sifftfff-iifwn price, Children's Hose Supporters cial price. Monday, at.. -PearVButtons One-doset "White LinenJacket-Suit ' Women's Belts A' magnificent collection of Gold and Silver Belts in all sizes at ....48 y iiiO dozen iuiki mjh-b wu wvw- . J iiHaintv.' At half regular price....... i..... .18 200 dozen very richly Embroidered Wash Belts Excep tional values at 25c. L Special I at .v........ 10 June" iSale of Iluslitt Underwear QUALITY VALUE These are the watchwords of this great sale. This, is the greatest . sale of Undermuslins we - have ever announced, hundreds and hun dreds of White Undergarments of sur- !assing beauty and irreproachable qual ty in amazing variety are here to delight and please our many friends. No skimp ing oi quality, or material here, every garment just what it-ought to be, t - . lowest possible prices. Read our list of "specials for the last week of this gjeat le AT 48 CENTS ,- Drawers Made of the best-muslin-nd cambric,-all sizes as well as outsizes; tfurilerous styles to choose from;bcst-of iiiinminrn' fi6e and Tfic values.' t.1.1-" Corset' Covers Made of fine nainsoolc and Cambric, ; trimmed in finest wash races," embroidery and insertions ; excellent values at 65c and 75c. ....- - AT 69 CENTS ' - Petticoats Made of very fine quality muslin, long and, " short styles, deep cambric flounces, trimmed with lace" " insertion and embroidery; 75c and 85c-values Gowns Made of extra quality muslin, square and high necks, good wide skirts, neatly trimmed with laces and embroideries ; best 85c values . . AT 98 CENTS Gowns Made of best quality muslin and cambric, slip over styles, low and V-neck, trimmed with laces, hem stitched tucks, embroidery and ribbons ; .regular $1.25 Value. . - - , '- 1 . N in ' Made of excellent quality ma- S . m sxyiesTTPii pieateq anu-ci: " Alt 'I Hi1 1 1 rcu - 0'r a . i - 1 Skirtsiaf every description for all occasions. A most complete stock awaits your select ion. $3.50 to $5 far skirts.' Un- 0 ( usual values at....4)0U White Linen Eton Suits-One of the most popular new styles, Skirt and waist cut full size and per fectly, .finished throughout, full pleat ed skirts. . SpeciaP :'..T."!t.-$S.90 - White Linen Shirtwaist Suits Dainty, cool and styl ish, waist and skirt cut extra full, neatly trimmed with pleats and embroidery.'" Specially : A priced at White Skirts Handsome pique "and Indian head Skirts in a dozen of the best styles, strictly man tail ored and perfectly finished. Specially tff fif priced for week at S4.50, $3.50, 82.25. . $1 .UU Colored Wash Skirts Black and white polka dot duck,- fancy . pique suiting1, coverts and other dark wash. fabrics ; these skirts are all well tailored and very iullricedAtl.OOJpi.8.9t80J2.50sf2.00. Circular Skirts $7.50 Another pretty style in a circular Skirt is made of the choicest of the new shadow plaids and broken checks, also in the fine imported Sicilian and Pan ama materials in all colors and black. 7 f A These are $10.00 values for ............. $ .OUL Reductions in Laces . For Monday and Tuesday. : . 15c Point de Paris and Normandy' Valenciennes Wash Lace From 2 to 6 inches wide ; regular 15c grade. Spe cial sale, Monday and Tuesday, at.. .. .... . . v . .5 - Allover Laces Magnificent collection oi MPointdeGaetl Baby Irish and VeniseAllovers--AlFgreatly reduced. Prices.. from 32.50 down to.Tr .7TTrrrr..45 Lace Bands' and Medallions Superb assortment of Lace Bands and Medallions in straight or irregular edges and medallion effects. Exceptional values at prices ranging jrorn81.50 !jerarddowTito. ....... . .25 French Valenciennes Laces t: -A-lii Italian niesh Sale of Silk Betti- coats - Valenciennes Laces, with insertions to match ; exception al' rvalues. Prices range from, per dozen yards; 50 up to ...81.00. . .. Silk Taffeta Eibbons 18c JPetticoats xiJinesLlafietaJnblack.anLa jyarlctyiof. colors, with deep accordion ruffle, attached tucked ruffle and all-silk underlay. Special - ftfi this week. U "T00rdrtn-gfadell-5illrTffetaribboTTr "fihishrinallhadeyr4j and 5 inches wide; regular-price J25c and 35c yard. Magnificent offering at, yard. . . .18 -50o Print-Warp Eibbon 23o Sale of Covert Coats These Coats are of the double 'twist 'tan covert, front and back finished "With self straps, notched collar, loose or fitted styles, lined or un .lined. Special this weelrrr; 3,000 yards of Warp Print Ribbon, fancy checks and stripes; now used so much in fancy millinery; regular selling prices from 35c to .50cOnsaIeMonday and Tuesday at, per yard..,.. .r.23 Embroideries d or un- P flA W win. . oner some astonisning values in tuztDroia- 77rrT7lT.miD ty$ r -nes, Monday and Tuesday. Sale of Silk Etons Made in the most sought for tight-fitting models, the very newest styles, made from extra quality chiffon finish taffeta silk; usual $12.50 flQ PA values. Special this week at 0U Gingham Petticoats Plain Chambray blue and white and gray and white stripes, excellent quality, with deep flounce, ample in size and superior in every detail. Priced at 50, 75; and .... ... ,........ :85 eTinie SstleofWsiist Tomorrow we begin our first Jurie Sale of Shirtwaists, which we propose "to make an annual affair. .This has been the most wjanderfuljhijawaistjeaso.nna .great many years. It has been almost impossible for us to get sufficient stock, but our arrangements were so'well planned that we have been able to supply the demand. All the waists in this sale will be of the very latest types and patterns and the best 'of fabrics.-- - - - -'-- At Q1.00 WhTte .Waists dainty style, the materials and making' of the best and trimmed attrctively. , At Q1.25 Waists in white lawn and chambray, daintily .finished with Jtucks, others with lace ( and in sertion. . ' At 01.50 An . exceptionally strong line. These are white lingerie Waists, well tucked and trimmed. At 01.00 This is possibly the best offer of the sale. Waists of "sheer materials, un usually well made. Four Great Lots as Follows t LOT NO. 13,000 cards of Cambric and Swiss Em broideries, with insertions to match, from 2 to 5 inches wide; good 20c values. To close, Monday and Tuc.v day, at .. .' ..i.t , . . . . .10 LOT NO. 2 1,000 cards of beautiful Nainsook and Swiss Embroideries, from 4 to 12 inches wide. At the temptingly, low price, per yard...,,.,....... .....15 LOT NO. 3 500 cards of 18-inch Corset Cover and Flouncing Embroidery, best quality-Swiss- and Nain-: sook; values up to $1.00. Monday and Tuesday, at the. extremely low price, per yard..; ...25 LOT NO. 42,000 cards of AUover Embroidery Beau tiful designs in Swiss," NainsookT and Cambric; well worth $2 per yard-. Monday and Tuesday, yard. v85p 810.50 Swiss Embroidered JZobes 05.95 200 Swiss Embroidered Robes in beautiful designs;. have been selling at $10.50. ..On special sale, Monday and Tuesday "onlyr at ...... I ......... ;tt. r. . . . . .f 5.05 3 Exceptional Values In Men's UnderwV NEW GOLF SHIRTS $1.00 Men's new Monarch Golf Shirts in a large variety of neatest summer patterns, iri light and dark colors; well worth $1.50. "Our spe cial price l.OO MEN'S NEGLIGEE SHIRTS $1.50 Men's Negligee Shirts, made of fine soisette and soft mercerized cotton, in tan, gray, blue; these shirts have neat soft collars at tached and are exceptional values at...... l.CO MEN'S WORK SHIRTS 60 Men's Work Shirts h a large variety.of dark and light patterns; every 1 double stitched. Good values at ..I rj r'" 1