The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 03, 1906, SECTION TWO, Page 29, Image 29

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TWO gooe towns with modern ImpronmaBta
V And ornee tot, a lutk at., ekm la; price
' 97,000, cm good terme.
$700 nib, balance monthly, ban good
, room residence, end block; full brlk
baafmeat, bern and, lots of frulC "anf car
lint; prln (8.200.
1290 email, balann lnetatlmente, buys modern
" r room house, large lot: Unloa an.J price
$2,890. ,
I HoO ban SOxios lot. an In gardea ana
fruit, nasi cottage; wall fenced; bib. Eeott
New a-room nnUn) bom ia Wnt Pled-
Btont, mi earllne, $1,850; terme.
, $400 bun aoud flilllot na tut 12th at. Ml
atrecte graded, sidewalk laid.
$$.000 buya 10 arm ftne bind art B. Mtb
at., ready far platting. Beer' ear.
If fog wuit a godd -well-Improved raaeb
from as to 40 acne, ran and en .us,
. 34ft Morrlaoa at.
rmn Itiramm, pnrim siuyii'iuoia,
: (..fireplace and furnan; beautiful home; liberal
term. Call Owaar, 628 Slepbene at.
MEW modem roam boon, at Arbar Lodge, on
peninsula, full lot. for Ml nry cheap a
... eaay terms. Phone MOT.
NBW Bodara boon aaar Highland arbool. rloaa
to 1 carl Inn, blab and eight ly: Jnet tba plan
. for a hoax; very cheap for balf eaah. Phone
- aaOT, ar call oa awaar. SOS Commercial blk.
FOB SALB or rent, at Envlew. rma cottage,
nicely turnlahedj wall water; rent ' ITS for
or 4 atoath. - Addren 0 14, ear Journal,
Our Bargain List For June 7
f 1.50a 29x100 oa Front at. I frame balldlnf.
$. 000 60x100, two 4-rooia ttata. 14tb at,
. raeldenn dlatrlct.
$l$.0O0 100x100, lJtb at, aoutb of Moo
. -. alaou,
. ... M.00O eOxlOO; 4 room boon. 14U at., rcJ
. denca dlatrlct.
li.BOQ.. aOitOO. doorn korue.. West Irvhig-
, ton. .
$l.O0 60x100, T-raoai boaee. East Oak,
aaar 12th at. '
110 H acre, 8 room boaee, aatTjaildlaga,
Clarksmaa atatloa.
900 1 acre, 4-room -boaaa, outbuildings,
' Clackamaa atatloa.
1 . oo I aero. T-roafa boaaa, " otUbulldinge,
Clerkamae atatloa.'
4.400 SO I I acraa. unproved, S-ronm bnaaa,
'barn, ontbatldtnge; H mllee from Portland.
11,00080 acne, with 1600,000 (eat of
green timber. - .
- $1,000 120 acre, bona, out brandings,
1,000,000 feat timber, trait, ere. " j . .. ... ....
nuTTUKiss woor,n" ' 11
-til Allekr bldg. Tblrd and llorriaoa.
12.000 will bar a 4-room rooming boaaa
that m earning a Ana Income. Owner m aec
IIBilui In batb aat at oneai raeaewabla
rant. Hagamaaa Blaacbard. 91 Fifth at.
fl.OOfl MOnRRrf IS room cottage, nice lot. ea-
ment walka, aaay walklna dlataaee; weat
' aide; very good terma. Hagamaaa d Blaa
cbard. II Fifth at.
flTB FULL-niZFD OORNBRr electrle line and
' coantr road: Dellwood Bagemaaa dj Blaa
' chard, II Fifth at.
$ I T50 MODE RJf COTTAOBr Bne lot, oa aat
aide; ballt for a home, not to aell; I room,
. gaa. bath, ate. Bagemaaa Blaacbard, Bl
' Flftb at. '
BART RIDS enbarbaa 5 acraa, S aeraa garden.
T0UnPrChar"l .aodemall fmlra: 4-ronm new
epiing; within 15c fare Hmlt, M roda of alec
- trio, car atatlon ; moat enltahle for poultry
and berrtee: will trade for city property, or
, aell lor asTo. bair
' 14AH Ftrat at.
FOR SAI.B, - rHBAP One acre aroaod, one
; block from lit. Seort Una at Myrtle Park.
Addreaa 0 SI. care Journal.
"7"""' . 1 . ' '
TBRT fine d-room booee. corner Broadway and
E. lath, ftreplaoe, furnace aad erery thing
- modern. 13.8.10. .
1 Btark Bt. Pacific OOS.
"TWO cottagce, with a bait-block. In at. Johna,
I'i.BOO. J. B. Hoemer, 110 AlUky bldg.
- -Mala UM. -.
yOR RALB Fine eaarter . block oa aaat alda,
" JS00. only SS mlaataa from center of
- the Ttty-; good water,. - -etreetcar
' - eerrtee. arbool. etc.; $10 caah and
; - . . II each month.
r - Cor. d aad Oak kta....-
"Par.rlt to Toaroelf."
. Wa owa and offer for Immediate eccupanry
; oa aaay moathly paymanta tba following new
a-mom bonaee, with all modern ImproTenjenta:
Uooaa, aortkweet eoraer Hawtbonie are.
and B. Flat at, $8,000; $290 down, $28 per
Urar boaaa, 675 Upehar at, price $2,850-,
$2M dowa, $25 per month:
YeUow boaee, tun WUeoa at Jnat off X.
ilat, $2,1(10: I2R0 down. I'iS per anoatk.
40 Oommerctal blk. Phone Mala 4471
100x100. Weet Irrlnaton, $1,100: aMewalk
and tract made; apbadld location; only
. $M0O; a - anap x l: i.
W. J. DAT CO.,
10SH Foarth at. room SB.
6 ROOM boaaa aaar fnloa are.. BOrlOO lot.
largo bearing frnlt trace , flow era, ahrnbbery,
ettc; $1,100; terma; a bargain. W. 1. Day
m uin inoa ronnn at., room oa.
lb acrea, mllee eouth of fort land, all ra
- raltlTOtloa aad feaced; d-room booee. bam,
chlckea-booea, aprlng. windmill, amall or-
chard;, anrrcy . toe. electrH. road, Bear thla
place; $4,000.
Ill acrea. 1H mllea from Molalla; 100
acrea m co HI ration: bonae, barn; raanlng
water; aTl bottom laad; 110 acrea paatare and
all fenced; $40 par acre; terma.
44 acraa. mllea eonth of Portland: 20
acrea la carttntloa, met cleared, all fenced;
electric road will ran near here; taat S mllea
from Fslton earllae now; ld.000; terma.
We aleo here a large llat of Clarke coantr
and Waabtngtoa connty fa rma of all ktsda.
' t2T Chamber of Commerce.
tll.ono SIOHTLT enarter, Weat Park at .
. walking dletance, near two cerllnee : aoa-
reptlble of klgh-claaa tmprorameat and cor-
reeonndtng Income.
$T.n00 Hew aad ajedera dwelling, with
all eooToalcncoa, Eaat 20tb at. full anartor
$A.OO0 Flrat at. lot email d waning; aow
bnelneaa property and good value,
$3.TM I lota, good dwelling, barn aad
" ether Improrementa, Mt. Tabor.
$1.000 Large lot, a-room dwelling: - y&
PC not t at., clone to earllae aad walking dis
tance! big Talne.
$2.100 Fall lot, anodara f-etnrr dwelling,
Jnet ballt, T noma, .Eaat 14th near Baw-
tnomer terma, ana a little geai.
Cheaa enbarbaa lota, earloaa addltloaa.
- Warehonae altea better altnated aad ana
third eoat other property.
PboM Mala (4S. , Bad Stark at.
WO feet on waterfront, on eaat tilde,- be
tween Waahlngtoa and Pine ata. Thla la a
rare opportanlty to get thla rery choice p rop
er t". baelng adraataga of both railroad aad
; rlTee. Special prlca a few daya eoly,
62$ Chamber of Oommoroo.
BAROAINS Tbolca lota near boalerard and
atatlon: terma; come qnlck. Call white
; cottage 1 block want Arbor Lodge atatloa..
aaTlrriace; aoro nown, naiwnce aaoath-
r. HMi e. Main, l oon vn ear
FOR SATB--New S-roore boaee. $ blocka ecnal
eaat end of ateel bridge. 244 McMUlea at.;
- prl-e lleOO, i. Ambeneoa.
etora brick, hifttfllnc concrete baeemeBt.
tncated right la heart of city, with large
aiontaiy eteany income, aerer leea taaa a
per cant Bet; one half caah baadlee thla,
' and jroo'd better tneeetlrata.
ANGELES, . . .
942 Fifth and Mara.
fn79 WILL bny the aew 4 room henralow cot
' taae. clothee-rnom. pantry and large Donh.
H4 blocka rreaa mi. awotc car.
Fine location, ekwe hi, low rent, llrmg
rnnma: dally ealea a boot $14: you re et to").
Call early. Angelea. 242 Fifth and Mam.
NFW modlrn ap-to-dare T moaia with attic,
cement beeemcnt; one of flneet-ballt homee:
: Holladay addition; owner leering city. 38S
, Bant Second at. N. -
FOR SALE line modern I room booee:. roa
crete atepe, concrete wall: nice blga mt;
' ell rooma tinted: II ntlnntee' walk to town:
M amino; terma. 2W Baa Balaal at, yp.
ft AJbiaaV,
'. .
rrm rr m n hhihm m
twmm mm-i m$m i-tmsmm
I X I I aWX " . . . . a. t . . .1.1 I IVQS-" . I rr ..;:. - a
1. voicb oven 'phone
. yo, Markf Thla la Stibtniba. Say, Mark,
IVa ffot a ohanoa to .at a berg a load of
aoal at flvo 4o4laya a ton. Barga oaptaln
la Btuolc ,: and must gat' away at ones.
TharVa 'a ttBrrKtraxf toaa, both alaaa. 1 Will
, you go In bp half with mat Spot eaah. '
BAKU AIN1 1.800 baya fall lot aad good 8-room
bouaa; ftne garden, etc.; claae to Ankeay car:
' muat be aold aaat T daya, 402 CucujaarolAl
.- keas..aaiaa,.etta.
Ia StJoiiis
1 lot 60x100 ud 0,000 fwt lambr: tom 1st
1 bouM and 'tRlLm on 1 IVaflhdenitr
cloae In, $2H00.
. Lota $20 down, $10 par month.
. 2 acrea, cloee In, $2,200.
i S Breedea bldg., Third and Washington.
NICE a-room booee, newly -painted, wired for
electricity, large lot. neatly fenced, fruit
. treea, roaabuabaa, garden, chkkea-boaee;
eplandld location; eaay terma. ' No. 11 Taylor
at, taeonnq auuoo north oC-alaltonl. leiarah
wood. Mount Hoott car.
FOR BALE u block, la boaiaeaa center of
Portland; buTldlnga are of no ealue, bat enrne
' dow oTor 4 per cast oa raluatloa; baa a flue
future, and worth more than aaked. $26,000
ecuaicea ta ewleg tale aent, halenee at
i bld.
t cent-tU i
I. B.
. Taylor, BIS Marqaaal
X0UB CHOICE of S aew new 8 and 8-room cot-
.tageg ror $1,200, on eaay ferine; 8 room mod
ern bouaa with' two lota, $100 " dowuT $27
mommy; new cottage for rent. $10. UaU
Sunday Marguerite, at . Mootarllla. Pbote
Beat dlOU. rr
$280 ftOHOO-roOT LOTS. $5 caah and $8 per
month; Bull Bua water; adjoining Arbor Lodge
. atatloa.
$100 eOxMO-foot lota.' $9 caah and $5 per
- month: Fnxchaae addition; i blocka tram car
Mne ; water plpaa laid. - : -
$60 per acre 83$ acraa near car line; wad
' adjoining haa been aad la now eelllng trout
. $160 to $300 par acre la email tracta: wa will
pay all axpaaaae of platting aad eelllng for
one-half the profita orer aad abeea $ou per
. acre. .,
- 434 Lambor Exchange. -
BLOCK, trae loeatic, 4 mloatea' walk from
Third and Waahinatoal ewe 11 eamar for Sata;
Income aow $eo per month; old building; price
ROtIOO Corner lot, cloae to canter city; In
come $8$ pet month i Sao for another building;
$8,000. - -
Lot 80x100 Rontbeaat comer Cnlea are. aad
Schuyler et price 11.800. -,
I hara a number of good. Bne red dance and
.. baalDeee propartlea and lota In all parte of
city. Pleaee call and examine llata. If yoa
think of aarchaalng It will nay you.
W..W. E8PET.
Corner Second and Waahlngtoa Bra.
A 8-ROOM booee with bath, lot 20x100, Sne
location. Inquire oa premlaea. S8A Water et,
eouth., bet. Arthur aad Meade. Price $1,660.
$800 LOTS la City View Park addition: $10
- down. 110 pec month! good ear cocrlcowater
oa tract. J. II. Helihrooaer A do-' Hood
- Kleae aad Mualer fralt lad, 614-61 Lambct
Exchange, Second and Stark.
FOR SALE J lota, Elghtb and Mildred aea-.
HlghUnd, theap: elgn en lota. Call SOT
- WUUama are. Pbone Eaat 1S22.
$28 NICE
lot, aU
naaaera mz
4.800 Beautiful
la I Hawthorne
Llat roar banratne wttb oa.
Hirer and. Aloalar rrnli
818-le Laaibar Exebange, Bacond and Stark.
NOB H ILL T -roam bonae, aew aad modern,
on Jnhaaoa at., aaar Both; all baproToaMBta.
$4,760. v
281 Stark St fpaclftcSB.
HOME oa want aide, one year old, rooma,
$8,000. See J. E. Hoemer, $10 AUaky bldg.
Mala Sled.
FOR SALE A aew modern T room home oa Eaat
$1,600, Taylor at, aaar 20tb; a choice
borne 1b a fine location, with full
lot. Improved atreet and all modern
B. B. Cor. Sd and Oak ata.
FOR SALE A good pt oa eaat aide, act too
$460. far from center of city to walk.
Many alee bomee ta thla location.
' We can eell for part raah. balance
eaay monthly metallmente.
8. B. Cor. Sd aad Oak ata.
Flne Int. BOxlOO. B. 16th
Ruelneee fct. renter St Jobna. 50x100. $o00.
Buelncee or realdeaea lot, St Johna, 10OX
100, $1,01)0.
Ilond T-rooat kouee, lot SOxlOO, doea ta,
$2.2ftO. -r
Snleadld bit, lOoxlOO. cloae In, $1,500.
Fine quarter block. Bear car line, $1,080.
Right aplendld lota for tenement bonaee,
r-r. SO BoTantb St.
$9,000 S- ROOM modern boaee, furnace, gaa,
cement floor In be ee ment. grooade
" TnxlOO: one of the flneet bomee on
' Eaat Taylor; $1,000 down.
14,400 T-roora new bouae, atrlctly ' modern,
gaa chandellere In eech room, corner
Int. In Holladay'e addition; email pay
ment down. per cent oa balance.
$3,600 6 room bouee, ftrat-elano condition,
furnace, fralt. flower, : lot 60x100;
' Eaat Alder, walking dletance.
$3, BOO ft room bonae, with every convenience,
complete In a few daya: large Wt.'
$ blocka from car at E. 22d and An-
" " keny; $2W) down win do.
I IT ftiaaT rrmm bouaa.. In fine cond1tt
luuxijn. urerauy "covered with
- - Ing frnlt treea; a pretty place ta live;
S blocka from ear . . .
$t,T00 T room bonae. one year old. front and
rear porch, fall cement beeement, all
well built, nicely planned: full lot
with new wrouaht Iron fence; $904
- downh Eaat Fleadera-et
$1,850 ft-room plaetered hoaee, neat aad com
, fortable. Eaat 23d at.. B.
Have alee a large llat of eu barbae property
aad acreage.
PViae Pacific 1843. loo Ahlngtoa bldg.
Three Special Bargains
. $a noo BOxlOO. new T-room boaee. wired for
electric llghta. modern, aeer earllne. a-cent
fare, good eervVe: $900 nab and $2S per
aaontb. per cent.
I.ann (tfliloo. Broom cot tare. ' fori bane
ment. bath and electric Itehte. cltv Water,
flowera end fmrt: near Piedmont; $800 eaah,
remainder oa time, a per cent
$1,20000x180. aew 8-roe cot tare, with
bath, email fmtt, flowera. ale: one block
from ear, Bd tare, good eerrlee: $40O caah.
Watch for, nor three eneclal barvalna each
areek. which will Wrade all klnde and claaaea I
Of prrrtv... jf , . -! m
Tt.i.tji. a v-t, a . . r
Tsia axukx lun, xiubo Mossiaoa,
Oaiaialalia, laod, br tmarlma Inaraat Baaaafner. '
is that
. 2.TMrUrMARK uro
, mlaa such a anap m that. Many thanka
for tha opportunity.
v VOIC? OVER ' TH8('',rH0NE-AI
right; I'll elaoo ths daaV: aond my man
-right, p-to youe Tlo. Hava the mo nay
raady, Mind, no ohaok. It must ha raady
eaah. "'. -
. dealrabla T-room bouaa. en 'Broadway, Bear
g. lath: baaatlful lawn, fireplace, furnace.
4--Jtt!!fc . .
V aVO 1 IVUM ' VnVVVIf -3iJai .aU4Ja. -
B1 fltark Bt. - Pcolfla COS.
S-ROOM cotuge, lot 60x100, fralt and flowera,
on earllae, la moat thriving part of rliy,
11480. J. B. Hoemer, S10 Allaky bltlg.
FOR BALB Modem S-room bonae, $2,100;
terme. Ftne borne ta Srllwood. $1,460; terma.
Ranch; crop, a took i $3,000. Land In yam
hill, for ale or trade. - Hoaee -and 1 lota,
$000; terma. See oar llat of land. Price
A Powell, loTH Flrat at. roam 12.
FOR BALR vacant lota, Stewart Park,
Mount Scott ear Una. Phone Eaat 4125.
$1,100 For 80 acrea of fine irrigated land
near Prlnexllla, froiik county, 0regoni..,lhla
la a choice piece of ground, and worth' twice
- toe price aaaeq, out cireumarancn permit ua
to offer It for tha above figure; will con
alder part trade for eaultr In cltv lota iw
- a Bona wem or Dornea.
Id. 800- Worth $8,000: a fine 100-aere farm
about S mllea '-from St Helena, Columbia
connty, Oregon, Including all livaatock, farm
implement and Improvement, ; 20 acre
' cleared and in cultivation. T acrea la elearad
meadow land, T-room bouae, good barn,
ehlckea boaaa, mllkbooae, etc.; farm la all
rencaa ana croxe fenced; clock la worth 7nO
.?.U.'2i 12- h4 J". thlarlrtniry
- for leae thaa $60 par- acre, Thla will go for
, w per acre; gopa terme.
'' $8.600 For a well-improved farm of S4
acrea, altnated la the Tualatin baa I a. Waah
lngtoa county, Oregon, about 2H mllea from
good re 11 roe d towa; 40 under plow, balance
brush end timber; high and nightly; tha
very beat earletlae of fruit: watered by
walla and aprlng; a fine 8-room well-flntahed
bouaa. : wood, bed. waahhoaae, wine cellar,
public ball, bowling alley, barn, granary,
"ete.r tmnroeemeata -cannot be. duplicated for
$6,000; la cheap at $12,000; annual act in
come $3,000.
$l.0oo Thla ta one of the Urgent and
beet fralt farme la Waahlngtoa county, alt
mted In Tualatin baaln; contalna S2 acrea.
" 85 of which are ander plow, $0 la bearlne
. applea, peer, peecbee, plume, prnnee ana
char rice; 10 acrea la bearing vineyard: land
I hlrh and gently rolling; build Inge con
alat of good T-room boaee with cellar, fruit
parking boaee. large fruit evaporator, barn,
Tarloaa onthalldtnga, aa abundance of fine
aprlng water piped Into bulldlnga. Thla
place Ik good for $8,000 per year.
223 Waablngton at., ear. Flrat, Boom a,
Over Waiting Statloa.
180 acrea. d mllea weat of Oarlroai na
cniuvation. goon ouuuinga ana orcnaro. well
watered and fenced; ptica,. with preeant
STrtp, $27.80 -per acn Addreaa, Mrav- Brv A-r
Murphy, Box I, Carlton, Or.
IS. 79043 acrea, Sne fralt farm, aaar
Aabland. Oregon; 1,000 treea apple, pear,
- peach and cherry.
' , ' SI Flftb at.
Garden aoot of Willamette vallevt ana. la
Hood River for atrawberrlee: beet notatoee
IB-Oregou; fileirhay and grain ean'bbe beat:
land cbeap; 22 mllea from Portland, quick
market Let me abow yoa. O. W, Dlxoa.
Canby, Oraaoa.
IF WANTINO to buy a farm ar nearby aere-
e, eonaolt my llat r Have' eome - good- kar
gain. A. H. Blrrell, 203 McKay Bldg.
0. H. CMBArN COTraoa FlUmere Bt.
"BOO acreer arock end alfalfa nacb, too
acrea bottom hind, good for alfalfa and corn,
a guidance water, good Improvement; price
$d Per acre.
60.000 acrea valley and rolling bllla.
abundance feed and water ameti. e
fair bulldlnga; prlea, 3.S0 per acre; eaay
1.000 acraa Rtantalaaa count v. k.oon to evooo
acrea good alfalfa land, fenced and . eroaa
feneed; good lix. prove men ta; price, $11 par
acre; terma.
TT acrea fine river bottom land. I ml1a
fron good towa and railroad: fenced aad
croae-fenced; SO acrea alfalfa. 10 acrea hope;
food T-room bouee. large berna. windmill and
ank: family orchard; 20 bead milk rowa, 2
boreee, all toola and machinery; price. $15,000.
4.200 acrea aheep range, rolling bllla: Borne
- eeh- - rreea; no anaVrnraah ; - all feaced;
abundacca feed and water; boaaa. hern and
dipping tanks; railroad atatloa aaar track;
- price, $6 per acre: terma
000 acrea gilt-edged atork ranch. 200
.acre bay laad, fenced, abuadance feed and
water; boaaa rooma; 2 giod barna; H4
mllea from depot; will carry 1,600 head cat
tle: price. $0 per acre) terma.
44,000 acrea rich valley land. adMntng
city of M.OiiO population, water and rail
road transportation ; It will aleo be main
termtnne of the Weetern Pacific. A great
tract for enlonlaatkia purpose; low price,
-easy, terma to the right partlee. Writ lor
price end details.
8.418 acrea on the Baa Joaqula and Tuo
. lumn rlvera, 1 uj mile from town and rail-
- roe rt ; 1 ,K)0 ;arre- nnder ayatrm, -trrlgatlua:
1.0(a) acrea under levee: balance good, rich
bottom land; fenced and rruaa fenced; abaa
dance wood, good house and berner creamery
'- rally eaulpned: price $20 per acre;-terma.
14T acrea fruit and vegetable land, 2 mllea
from towa and railroad; M .-acre cling
peach, a, 14 acrea French prune, 20 ecree
aprlcota, 18 acrea bertlet peare. balance veg
etable land: 8 good welle. good Improve
ments; all atork, toola. . machinery aad honae
bold gorde; net Income laat eeaaoa, $8,600;
price, $rB,O0O; terma.
OS Fillmore et., Baa Franelaeo,Ce!, .
Manager Country Department.
40-ACRFl fsrai, rtaekamaa county: 2 boaeee.
2 barna, an acrea -Ja wheat, oata, potatoes.
etc.; 2i acrea prune, patent dryer, 10 acrea
. feature aad timber; price 12.800. For larre
farm In Willamette , valley ace onr llat.
Beat 4 Van FMaea, 2011 Morrlaoa et
bS-M'RB fares, rleae to atnee. achml and bleok
amlth shop, with toola, 2 boreee 14 and yearai.
thoroughbred Jersey tee la yearai, 1 year
ling, 100 bene. "0 chirks, plow, harrow, etc.,
and all boneehold itoada. all for I4.8O0 (will
eeil without etork. etc.); tha hone'-haa T
rooma (celled and papered 1 : 10 aeree orchard,
good water; blarh. rich poll; on beat gravel
road, d mllea from city of 1,000 people and
. only 19 mllea from rortlend. i, B. H
810 Allaky bldg. Mala SIM.
$880 FCT 8 10 acrea very rich hind, lu mllee
- eouth of Reevertoa. oa county road, only
about 8 mllea from Portland: eaay terma. -
$4.onn will bay no acrea. all la cultivation,
good bulldlnga and err hard, between Bearer
tea aad Beedvllle.
' 100 Ablngtoa bldg.
187 ACRES, inn In cultivation, ra h crom. t,
la orchard.- benae and nan. good warehonae.
m Willamette mar. ail level; will aell very
rbeto: ja a rent.' Nee T. i. Jackeon. crockery
etire. pafth aad Stark, ar tall Sua day, dill
Willi. aa W
1 1 , i. hi. wwe.
im tHmtiiJiiMittf-
-l-wHI, I oan't
V THE MAN (ruahlng m) Mr. Mark,
I hava baon aent up by Mrreubbwba to1
MR. MARK Yaa tha monay fcr that
lot of ooal. Haro, ft la, air, all raady for
you. Two hundrad and fifty dollars. Ah,
you hava brqught tha ,rcalpt i.T'l M-ti-Subbuba
I am graatly obllgad to him.
In order to "cloae up eatale Imuat aatT with-
la the aext 80 daya tha following deacrlbed
Eroparty belonging ta tna estate et u.
hurte. bankrupt of Arlington, Oregon, to-
666 acrea food wall Improved farming land,
near Cecil, rrrernrr
160 aeraa timber land ta Hood River valley.
12 mllea eonth of Hood River.
68 ecree farm land, 12 mllee south af
I'll, vnww Dull.,, m mtm. ' -
One a tore and warehouse, 60-foot lot
- One dwelling, 26-foot lot
'la Arlington, Oregon.
All ot the above described property moat
Be aold.
For tar me aad fall particulars addreea.
E. L. BAKN Bit,
841 Eaat Oak at Portland, Or.
1T8 acrea an nnatt cultivation.
ling, fences and orchard, care every 2 boura
within 4 mile of tha farm; terme moderate.
- Apply 46$ 121b at
$8,000 W aeree la Clark county, Waablng
ton: 80 acrea cleared, all Mini, ell fenced
with I good barb wire, 4-room. bouae, ban
- 00x60, one aen variety orchard, good aprlng,
- Vt mile to school, 2 mllea to country atora, 8
mllee to railroad atatloa, line team worth
h ner, r-ke" all nccry toola that la needed
400. wagons- haraeea. new '2-aaated - back
arm, ' bead of caMie, hot;., ehteken.
turkeya, beet ot black loam eolll will ax
ehanga for grocery, one-half eaah, good term.
Ia200 00 acrea, 13 mllea eaat of Van
couver, 26 aeree cleared, 80 acre Sne ewate.
alaahei. burnt and eroded, all level, all fenced
'-with 4-barb wire, on county- road. mile to
arbool and church. B. F. D. and telephone,
new T-room, 2-atory bouae. email barn, 1
" horee. head cattle, Sne aollf one-half eaah,
balance oa good terma.
- $1,29020 acres, one mile from Vancouver,
$1,00020 acraa. IV mllea from Vaocouvor;
"12 acre cleared, an level hmd, email creek.
Sne soU; or wlU aell 10 acrea ef thla Uaot
for 1900.
-- v $10010 acrea IVi mllee from Vanooaver. .
200 acraa, 4 H mllea from Columbia river.
Clark county, Waahlngtoa; SO mllea - from
Portland; 80 aeree in line etate of ruHlntioa;
ell feaced and eroae-fenced; all level; 1 Vi
ctory. 12 room bouaa, la 4ne abape; new barn
. 00x72: vartaty orchard: 80 acraa la fnln.
- 40 acrea meadow, 2Vk aeree spuds: 4 mile to
.echool; R. F. D.; good team. pony. 0 ml'.k
cow,. half era, f ealvae, 2 bulla, one S-year-old
eteer. 2 warnna, harne. cream eeperetoe,
mower, rake, disc, aprlng tooth, 2 plowe, 2
cultrvatora, boga. chicken, other neceaaary
toola that la neded on a ranch; thla la the
beat bay on tbe market: beet of eoll. S Hvlng
aprlhga, good well at door, eome timber, bal
ance of land eaally cleared: fnveetlaet thie
?lac he fore buying; guaranteed aa advertised.
CO., 29814 Waablngton St., PortUnd,. Or.,
end 200 Main St. Vancoanr, Waah.
$2.T9n 40-aen farm, near Hlllaboeo; good
bulldlnga. 4 acre ot fralt; aa Ideal boeae;
good terma.
1 rirta at.
WOULD voa inveatlgate our prnpseittoa II
a . , I nn -1 - hl.hl. ImrwYiVeo
- f.Tm f.- IvT an acre, wW -anrroundhig
farma are bald at $80 and $86 aa aen 7 vie
bave ancb a peopoaltlon and tha farm le U
- Tamblll county. 40 mllea from Portland.
1 Flftb at.
42 acrea. 8V, mllea from .Camas, Clarke
county; 28 acrea under cultivation, nrat-rlaee
fruit and vegetable land, remainder paatdre;
in acrea orchard, all under feoee. s-room
booee; fraltdrycr. B-toa capacity: ban. alio.
poultry-bw and ahede. d good walle n
place, ecbool aad church near. Price $00
P63 Scree. S mllea weat f Lyle, la Kllckltal
county, oa county road: no acres uouer
I oilUra tlnn " I.Bno bearing fruit treaa
aleo grapea ana aman iran.
water, good paatura. Ideal location, S-room
bonae, bard Snlahed, porcnea. "replace, good
cellar; water piped to the bouaa- and barn,
aleo or Irrigating the garden: near arbool,
lie, mllee to a tore; boreee and farm Imple
ments and machinery. Prior $4."0: terme.
T8 acrea, T mllea from Sheridan, Polk
county; 80 acrea level, remainder rolling:
lO acrea ander cultivation, 2 creek a end good
. well on place, email hearing orchard, a-room
boaaa, ban and other bulldlnga, good eoll.
ell under fence: etock and farm Implement
go with the place. Price $1,890. ,
10 acrea. 1U mllea from Hogaa etattna,
on the 0. W. P. electric line; about $ aeree
under cultlvatloa, abundance of water, old
- and yonna; errbald. email bouaa and ban.
'"'iSo acrea, la Tamblll county, 4 mllea from
Willamlna and mllee from Sheridan; 10
ecree under eultlntten. TO ecree eaw rim.
her and piling, good eoll. abundance of water,
large bouae and outbuilding. Price $1,200;
73 Sixth at
40 acrea, 1 mllea from nood River, 10
acre beerlng l fruit, new house, good out
1 bulldlngei!4,000, $1.000 caah. balance long
" ao' acrea.. d mllee from Hood River, Urge
bouae. team boreee. wagon, barneaa, back,
d cowa. 46 chickens end ell other Imple
mcnta neceeeary to running a farm, S aeree
In fall bearing apple, new treea, receatly
act ant. IT.8O0; eaay terme.
. 29 aeree, 4Vi mllee from Tlood River. T
acrea bearing orchard. 10 acrea In 1 and
t-year-old treea. 1 acre atrawberrlee, free
water for Irrigating tha entire plan, good
T room Noose, hot and old water, bath.
Targe -bxrw. aa Ideal country heme. $7.600;
essy-ferthi; , -
10 acrea. a miiea to nen wu-rwr, e iufi
to young applea, 4 acre wheat
ay terme.
Will show other rropetiiee.
Uulkey bldg.. Second aad Morrlaoa.
FOR BALB OR TRADE A fine farm of 12TH
acrea. beat local loa la tba valley. Addreaa
W. R. Lard. Irving. Oregoa.
FOR SALE CHEAP 1.600 aeree. 2n0 ander cut
tlntloa, with crop, toola and etock. Apply
B. L. Smith. Bprlngneid. Oregon. , -
IMPROVED farma. $90 to $100 par acre: $ to
in mile out. O. R. Additoa, Leata, Or.
-Take Mt. Scott nr. eaata.
10 OR II ACRES NO STONE T acre la fntt
and garden, new 6-room bouee. ban and all
onthnlldlnx. living etreaei an place, fronfa aa
earllne, l mllee te Portland; moot be area
o be appreciated. Addreea ewaar, B 16,
can Journal.
1A0 acrea, Cewllta county; 12 acne cleared,
good orchard; running water on place; aeer
rauroa ana noaiianaing a epienuiq ours
ai.auo: eaay rerma. rw
. , . -ftr f. J. PAT CO., -
- iU)b rowu at, room $$.
. . .
4. MR.
Mark oa
40 ACRES,-2t acraa creek bottom, 10 acne
cleared, a fair 4-room house, ban and other
bulUUnge, email family orchard, - good wall
water at bouae end fine creak tlirouxb Place.
600,000 feet yellow ar, oa north aide of creek,
I on good county rod.-Aa nrlla to good acbooL
I . cloae to eawmlll, 8 mllea to good a tore auu
cr.amerr. Prln. 81.0OU.
120 acrea adjoining the above. IT lncrea la
cultivation, a good frame boaaa and barn and
other bulldlnga, good bearing orchard, H mile
i a.keal,
lie la I awla else, i aetoa f l.euo;
would take- elty orooertv In na
40 acraa, SB aeree la nigh etate of cultiva
tion, d-ronm bouaa, nearly new, ban 80x40, la
good condition and all other neceaaary ont-
- bulldlnga. water' at bouaa and barn, also Hv
lng water la paatare. plenty of fruit aad
beniee, bind gently, eloping, 10 mllee from
Portland, $ mllea to Beavarfoa, 1 mile to pro
Board new electric Una. Prln, $4,000.
480 acrn bench land, on good road; a great
buy for -Ibo f Mtar- goad - BMlldlnga.faot aad
cold water, good team boreee, wagon, barneaa.
all etock and all Terming Implements, a snia'l
creamery, erne II creek through (be plan; H
. mile, from ninth grade ecbool. See aa for
further description, Prln, $4 800; terme."'
i i .1 I .,,, eog scree... n mui iiumxaui
goodwePtroda "rriim- i"ho,-Wrar 20 aciv-g
499 acrea... i mil from, railroad atatlon, oa
ence all .clear, 200 acraa farm land In one
pien, ao patcnea, iana ia nrat ciaaa sna ma
well, 10-room hoaee, nearly new, coat ll.TOn.
.new, ban. .40x80. coat $1,200, and one other,
good barn, fine woodbouee and eoollng room,
water piped to bonae end .ban, other necea
aary outhouen, telephone ta bouse. - Price
$31 per sere.
-440 acraa well improved land, ftne bulldlnga,
on railway aiding, with warebouee. 320 acrea
open farm land, 120 aeree pasture, 8 mllea
to good town. Price $8T per acre.
SO. aeree, 88- clear, good family orchard, fair
. bouae in Jgood repair, good -ban and other
neceeaary outhouse a. I Horee. - 3 cow a, 1
yearling kalfer, 1 pig, 40 ehlckena. I Wagon,
1 new buggy end all other farming lmple
maute and amall toola. a good Jewel range
end all other household gooda. t mllea from
atatlon and atone, B. F. D. mall at the booee.
, Prln $3,800. -
IftO acres A land, 40 clear., man nearly
Clear; Ilea eonthweat elope, on a good eountv
road;' fair-house, large ban, wood and milk
bouaa. chicken house; good orchard: eome good
"timber; eehoolhouaa on plan; B. F.. D. mall
at gate: Sne creek alongside of plan: wagon.
" plowe. barrow, good garden, potatoes, good
.cow, all household gooda. Plica $8,800; terma;
$ mllee to depot and at ores; 18 mllea to elty.
- . 4 acre, all clear; amall bouee and barn:
good water: 24 trait trem; excellent eoll. and
level: 8 mllee weat of City park. Prln II.SHn.
8 acrea. mile weet of Tremont. Br car
fan: a nnt S-room bonae: SO fruit treea: VV
' acre An berries: large chlckn-bouae and yard.
prlnll.TOO; I70O na ate nd. ft per cent.
I bave a number of good and Sne reelderin
and hnalneee properties In ell parte of city
at different prloee. PImh nil and exemine
llat If yoa -think of bnvrnv: It will pay yoa.
. W. W. EHPKT.
Room SIS, Commercial hid.. Second aad
. Waahlngtoa Bta.
8-10-18 ACRES Wilt aell all or divide! oa good
county road, near atatloa ana rarnne; gooo
.l7 W aranli-aU-ia a ..Haa .laMtteZaam
ami. -no e ravel i - wim im a um.jd
,very raaaooable; prln $120 per ac
W. J. HAT A CO.. -
. l8H Foarth at., room IS.
180 ACRES tine level land, bo rock: 20 acrn
cleared, 80 acne alaabed and burned; bouee
" with cellar; m acrn orchard; good eprlnd
aaar bouae, creek; clear land all fenced; 4
mllee from Sanday Tmatoffln, 10 ml In from
O. W. P. electrle line; prln $8,000; liberal
terma. Inquire of V. K. hayeer, uermaa
I Publlahlng Co.. 2024 Second at
SO acrn of good rick eoll, SO acraa ia caltl
TCtma, balance paatura: running water, or
chard, bouee. barn. 2 horeee. 8 head of cattlei
nioe locsied In Cowllta county. Waablngton.
- on connty road, aaar ecbool; price totw; t.
only $900 caah
-I E. J.
GEIRER. S21H Morrlaoa at.
FOR SALE 10 acre. 9 ml toe from Vancouver;
lenl; ao rorka; $000. Conant 289 Bornalde.
FOR SALE 20. 88 or TO acne fine land, on
rural mall route; farmen' telephone; frn
merchant delivery; cloee to ecbool and rail
road towa. II. o., owner, nn Journal.
Clackamas Ccunty, Farms
-. . . J D 1 1. m-A U.ll.
.rket in tha aorthweet. Tha eoll ta Clach
amaa connty la very productive, and kt aeeond
to bob In the state. The competing linn of
tranaporttatloa make freight ntn very low.
We ban farma of all description for Ml
at meonahle price, aad wa dee Ire to a how
them to prospective pnrehaoere. We handle
farm lands of all klnde for aoa-raeldenta.
Ahetncta of title fnrnlehed. ,
Garde bldg.. Oregoa City, Or.
CKBTTFlEn eertn. anr elae ptecee:
prices. W. U. Howell. 13 Chamber af Com.
FOR SALE A vary Bin logging Job right oa
the bank of tha river, timber na all be
banked for $260 per M. About ll.ono.ono;
iota mora can be bought cloae by. A 81, can
WANTED Umber land moat be well located
for logging either by nil or water; a . large
tract preferred: do hot answer.,. Bnlen yea
ni deliver deeds; -no time to waate. ""'AoV
drene Tallow Fir, Box B SO, nn JoarnaL
FOR SALE 40.000.000 feet of - mercbaatable
timber, rlon to Columbia river; a Sne logging
SropoalUoa; If yoa waot eomethlng good, don't
rlayCaQ oa Taylor. 616 Marqnam bldg.
FOR SALE Snap. 240 acne timber aad m la
era 1 laad et 8 per acre. In Joerphlne connty,
Oregon. Ick Box C, Oovaa. Waahlngtoa.
- 30 RantHcrses 30 :
At aaciloa and without fall at the Cutoa
stockyards, rortiand. iiregon. na lueaoay
June 6, at I p. m. ahern, one carload naga
horaee from 14 to Id handa high. 8 to years;
all wilt make ftne eeddlere. driven, expreee.
delivery and milk wagon bora,; eome um
with foe I. hiet the thing for farmen; terms
made known at lime of rate.
JOHN TWADDLR. Aactloaeer.
FOR BALE Teem, pounds;'! team.- 9 Boa
pounds, and I cheap bene, 1.200 aeaad.
Pboue Eaat 8943. 2. IS Roanll et
HORSES AND COWS et ell kinds for mle at
loaa. 1 strain X7a rroax at.
FOR BALB Top buggv with etael tin, for kalf
prln. Addreaa B SI, nn Jours L -
NICE S-vear-oId driving mar, perfeetlr nfe.
city broke, good traveler; weight $00. Har
rla; Ockley Creaa; St. Johna car. - ,
FOR SALB 1.400 lb. bene. 10 yea re eld. eoaed
and true to pall single or doable. $100; BUe
HV-lnch wagon, good condition, will trade fur
buggy. ar eell for $00. Call $00 Front et.
V7A aniKIVn taeiw mi hoeaaa. -2 900 Mnndl,)
vl J aH single U wasted. Call 20 x Vabla4.
'$m at, -:,' , . .
v ( . j ,
, J
mmmmmm n t 4m.!
SUBBUBS (Mjha mwata Mr.
tha way noma from tha atatronj
C0ALT A barga laadf You took half '
with MET Bant m two. hundrad. and fifty
doflaraf Why, Mark, I didn't talaphona
you.'; I had no bargo load of ooal. By T
Jovat oid man, aoma.ons haa put a gama '
up on you. You'vo baau buneoad again. .
M t '
FOR SALB of exebange, laad for elty prop
erty, soft E. 7 th at north. ....... .
WILL exchenge for either good timber land,
farm or city property, one of the very beet
grocery" etoree In fha cityr atoeh-omp)te,
all casta boalneaa; lontlon tbe beat; fine ahow
wlndowa. Thla slors la not a shop with liv
ing rooms, but a flrat-claaa bualnen boon.
- A SO. nn Journal.
11 " WHAT- HATB "Trill 9-Jtl
tat a number of valuable Inventions
good Milan and 47111 adapted to a light
manufacturing buaineaa 1 Addreaa 0 24, car
Jounal. .
WHAT have yoa to trade for 190 acne good
land I mllea from Hrer and railroad: value
II.OOOT J. N. Blair ft Co., 819 Ablngtoa bldg.
BILLARD AND POOL tabln for rent or for
I",.. ?V I P..'.?i'n. ,'
f ii . nni;ionif n-OAI.on, - Ti
r Third It; Portland.
beadquartera; atock for eale and Informarloa
at 208 Flrat at. Phone Main 1828. -
BOOKS bought, - aold and axchanged at tba
Old Book Store. 229 Tamblll at. -
WB Bead furniture aad will pay full value.
Phone Pacific 703. Wee tare Salvage Co.,
- 82T Waahlngtoa at.- . -
. aeeond-band gwdo for sale. Carlaon Kali
atrom, 2N0 Couch et Phoaa Clay 8T1.
SHOWCASES, count era, Sxtona bought, enld or
exchanged. - Western Salvage Co., 827 Waah
lngtoa at T Pacific TBS. .
rhaumatlam. . Sold -by all drugglata. .
PIANO, Mathnahak eoaare grand.
- nee, coat 8H90-, prln $126.- 0. H.
lawyer, 4 Malkey bldg. -
WB aeint roar aame oa 80 nlltng carda. proper
: ekaa and etyle, SRe; 2o0 hoeiness nrdev- $1
A. W. Schmale Co., 228 Flrat Portland, Or.
bouee bold gooda. Kern ft Frledmaa. 241
- Front at Padne 28.
FOR SALB Aa elegant large circular ahow
raw. at aa extremely low flgun. Apply to
Mr. O. H. Lowltt, Goldea Eagle, Third and
Tamblll ata.
FREE manure at MT Jefferson at.
TO BriLD houaea or nttagn are C. R. Black.
Intracw .. aaal-l wrr.,n maentr
i aTniitnn inraiMtr! 4an aa ars. w, .ga mruiear
pair work. Phone Woodlawa 208. 1208
Alblna eve.
E. HENDERSON Carpentering end jobbing
promptly attended to. Realdeim S53 Mil
waakl at Eaat 28M.
FOR SALE Jewel gaa atove, cheap.
Salmon it
674 Eaat
FOR SALE A lease 'on a 10-acre place; good
H 1 ofl J n tro et.
FOR SALB New up-to-date booee boat, wtth
outhonM. Call foot of Montgomery -at
MCST BELL $400 new upright for 1190; good
n orient 190: era nd 129: organ 1.19. 241
Tlraf. corner Mala, upatalra, room IX
Tborongbhred, pedigreed. Call 812 Shcrmaa
after p. m.
rnone Mi
Mala 6482.
Bbhed or anfarntohed. Phone Eaat 184.
and aaphtba rauncbea, yachts, Milboats, row
boats, canoes, bargee and boatbousM for
sale cbeap. Phone Eaat 184. ;
I . I ' . . ..
. tblropodlet . aad ,,.
nltun bought by aa after the Lewie aad
Clark fair at your owa prices snd oa your
owa terma. Apply at can. Time Auctloa
Co., third floor of Gaald ft Co., eoutheaet
eoraer Flrat and Burnelda. Ask for John Oks.
NEW farnlrurs of 12 room house, close la; all
rooma full. Call or addreaa room $11 Com
mercial bldg. '
FL'RNITTRE of desirable 12 room hone, close
In l cheap rent. Call 3 11th at.
ENGLISH ball terrier pupplee. rroae, d with
fox terrier, for Mle cheep. Inquire SOS Eaat
Elghtb at.
A SNAP Weber piano, atyl Louie XIV. ma
. bgoany case. , will be aold at a MCrlfln.
Apply at 190 Alder at
GROCERS' coffee mill. Star No. 8. Howe
ecale, marble slab. 200 pounds. Weataru oal
vage Co., 27 Waahlngtoa at.
88 SEWING machtnn. atandard makee, guar
anteed. $S: aleo I drop -bead. Weatern Sal
ve fa Co.. 827 Waabtngtou at.
2 NOl.L-TOP dean. Tine condition: 1 type
writer chair, I revolving chair. Weatera
Salvage Co., 827 Waahlngtoa at.
LADT'S bicycle, good condition. 2ft-lnch; aim
boy'e wheel. 20-Inch. Weetern Salvage Co.,
27 Waahlngtoa at.
RENTAfRANT chairs, tahln. crockery, (las
snd ellverwsn. Weatera Salvage Co., UZi
Waahlngtoa et -
1 .
$ STEEL ranjree. 4 good rook atovea. 1 Ere neb
range. 2 gaa raagee. Western Salvage Co.,
27 Waahlngtoa at:
ri'BVITI'aa eeeMete a mm w..l Ii a II
T r p'". " on
t o. , - oi-i n ssirmgron si.
SHOWCASES,- sfleswr-a-fcor, havered pletei 2
eonnten. 8 feet. oek. W eaten Salvage Co
37 Waahtngtoa at.
NATIONAL nab regleter. No. 88. ot,
card and atrip printer, lc to ago. Wee lam
Salvage Co., 821 Waahlngtoa at
CONN B flat cornet with C attachmnu. In
nn. fine condition, cheap. Call between 10
- a. m. and $ p. aa., Monday aad Tuesday. I4T
- Weahlagtoa at. .
FOR BALE Larre crop Royal Aaa cherrUe
(oa trees), vomer Powell alley and Leata
- road.
$18.00 RAMBLER bicycle. Morrow brake In
good condllloa. A. , V. Anatry. care Tull -ft
Rl'BBBR-TTRED baby Knerv. almost m
$30, for $10. Call $10 fbarmaa et
COW FOR BALBVFine -family roe, galkme
rltk dally; Jereeyi gentle; bargain. Eaet
9T. - '
$ rRHP HEAD sewing machine. tym aew.
A aetata balraga W., Sal Vi aaK . . ,
t row BAr.r-Tr.irwjhhrtd t irrfw pup, i
aBlllrab SsY kl.rh.t
FINN Erilena moellig plcfnre Biecbteo. ftlweT
allda elewe of Amn rranrtec eertbnneha aa4
fire, etc., for aalo cheep, laaia auth at
room 1.
riATO, Ailphl4Ue. .tnac: rent ar aaUi a
bargain. 1U Third at. ,
PEniOKERp trngnmr i.lm.e.- Held broken,
whelped Jaly . 1002; m reeennaMe orr-r
rxfiierd to accarr a good bneae h him.
Tall or addreea t. W. E. KawUaaua, 220 BelU
. aoifd at, city.
Principe I of the Aanerlcea Beaaty Parbwa,
glrra aclenttfle rreetaaear Ine. eeaaoalaa
wrlnklea and facial blemlehea with tte
French paate: e!on Mme. Karrow'a famoua
-reatecHea. Electrle -and eepor bathe glean,
Patlcnte recWed. with trMtmeet, bnard .
end room. Satlafactlnn gnaranteed. Teatl.
mn I ale from leading pbyalclape. Suite IS
Lange hotel. Rtttb and Waahlagtoa. earn.
Pnote Mala U.
SUITS pr,aa,d while yea wait, HOe, ' Ladlaa
ahlrta prcaaed. 10c. Gilbert. 108 H BlkU ate
aext to Quelle, rbeae laetaa JOta.
in wonr.r.T benjamin, the root Sneriallet,
M0H Waahlngtoa at Hem. S04. Bore feet
-made aoond.
ANT aiea or woman na Be etroag and bappF ;
br Mine Be,!., pill, the aveat analei aetea
II a box. bom $8. srltb fall gMnate.
auareae or nrr e. -av (.lame neon, oraggiac.
eor. Second and Tamblll ataw Portland. Or.
DETECTIVE AOENCT Ooefldentlel taveetw
" gatlona; raaorte made ea aay Innivtdasl bwat. .
Bees or property; mlaelng relatleae bmtedl
bed.debta nlleeted; cbargea reaaaoahlei eor.
. reepoodeac aellclted Oregoa. Deteenvo
Service, otrfen 814-818 Columbia bklg-, $80
Washlngtsa et Pbone Mala SelS.
BIGH-GRADB portratta: eneclal offer tor few
dayej cabinet elm. eerde or Inldan, 18 foe)
J" , ' weauir aeo vw, ane hbbu , w,
tevena, BOS leoadaoagb bldg Flftb aa4
Famhlll' , .
LADIES Turkleh bathe, manage., bydrlatrla
parlure; atrlctly. Sret-elaea plan tor ladled
only. Flat A. 681 Waahlngtoa at, between! '
lath aad JTth eta.
rheumatism. Sold by all 4ra crista.
-MANLT rigor raetored by Dr. ' Roberta Narva
uionniee, una montn a treatment, as. a
" mas the, IS; eent arm rely snled by men.
' Agents. Woodard. Clarke A Co.. Port la ad. Or.
DR. U. V
RETCHUM nne promptly private
Alacfjea, kidney,
k akla end apeclal
write. Offln 17014
remaia liuuuaaai
Third et, eor. Tamlil
rxie' Paellla T771l
TCRKIBH BATHS. 800 Oreronlaa hldg.i ladtaa
daya, gentlemea alghta. Male 1SSB,
DR. M. T. COLB, $48 Baet Bid et; mataralty
cases; disease of women. Phone Tabor 111,
r -
Oar Lothario.;
Hill." "Asaee.
! - 'Story of a Slave." 'rannr Hllf.
Womaa of Fin. 80c each; llat" free. - ft -
W. SchmSle Co.. 228 First et
I eellBal
irlng and dreaatar-- SST-mbnt-BI.-
BAT.M OF FIU8 for aUTemaiaBuHmaa. H '
- But Belmont Pbone Beat 40a, -
B1NG CHOONG. Imnorter af Cllnne root medi-
eiaest aet ta -i at n,a, 4ee tea, a, emai, vw.
for all dleeaaea. ISl .BaopBd Bet Aaa
and Tayloa.
DR. PIERCE, aperiallat dleeaeee of women; all
Irregularltln correctrd: no exposure; advln
frn. Call or write. Room B. II H Third at
DISEASES OF WOMEN Private maternity
. hoapltal; quiet lontlon and apeclal rare. Dr.
A.twood, BAOU Morrlaoa et. room $. Phone
Pacific 175$.
TBS, Palmo Tahleta make yoa Bleep perfectly 1
they run aervoaanaee aad make yn etraaaal
prln 60c a box. 8 bone $2.60: gejenateed.
All dnfglata, or address Brooke Drug Cat. at
' North Third at. Portia ad, Oregoa.
S8XINB PILLS can all forma et nervous or
muacula r wnkneM. For meo or womaa.
- -Price $1 a box. t mm IB, with fun guaran
tee. Addreea or cell J. O. Clemeneon, drug
gie t. Second aad Tamblll Rts PorUand.. or.
HOLD ON Then en tbrng that wll can
rheumatism. Ask your draggle! for bark
- tout ox-eddm or nil 1. O. Clemeneon, drug.
-Slat. Portland. Or.
PROF. CNEIX. teacher of dermatology, mani
curing and beauty culture: eclentlfic treatment
of the nmplexloa. bale scalp-and akin; fan
bleaching; manual and elemie-'maseage elvea ;
eunerfloae hair and all facial blemlebee Bar.
manently removed without leaving ecara; all
work positively gnaranteed; beet nfenncea
rlvea. Parkare 141 Eleventh et, corner Alder.
Phone Mala 6907.
DOCTOR anlonted can make terme In a wall.
. equipped, peylng office. B M, care Journal.
WANTED To meet eome respectable yorma?
lady of good character, with Intention to nil
on Sunday eventaga. F. C. Bytler, 234 Ca
DR. ' WALKER. ' " ""'"'
Dlaeaan ot women a apeclalty; lady ahye
alclaa In attradann.
181 First St
" Tonr weight. donhh chin, boata. . abdoavea)
jnd hlp. reduced; aavq mar a i poonoa ;
exerciee, no atarving or wmiiiee. t au
neerf.e or arvite foe feea Booklet. M re.
pvera, 2A Cherry at., Portland. Phoaa Eaol
3T7. . ,
KoleTableta, Nature'e gnat tonic for either
eex. 26c by mall. Albert Bent. Second aad
W Mblngtoa. agent PartleaaV-Or. . .
WOCLD yoa marrv If aoltedT S.OOO dnln cor.
reaoondenn with view to matrimony; large
descriptive llat with photna and P. O. addreM
free. Addren Cupid. 121 OakUad. California.
WANTED Information of man and 2 womaa
- deetrlng to travel to Kaaaaa City via Baa
Francisco and El raw, at a email
Pbone Mala 8068.
t n i
netfcheeieri glxaa. aclentlfle treatments for
rheumatism and nervoneni aa. 224 la Waah.
Ington St. Fnone Fscine 11.
T0CNO worklugmaa weald Tike to make tba
acqnalntann of e plain working girl; object
matrimony. Pleaee addren C 8, Journal.
VIBRATION rellevea mppreaeed petnfnl men.
atruatton; eooanltatlon free; phono ParifleBlT.
Vibrator In m. 1 W. Park at, PortUnd.
VIBRATION reatom panlvete. lost manhood.
Barvone, prntntloa. congnted circulation I
one treatment end consultation free; phone
Paclflc 01T. Vlhratorlum, lOd W. Park at.,
MRS. !l)R.T-fcr- DKVEH BaneclalUt on dle
. can of the bair. acalpr wtth astlseptle
shampoo. 600 Dekuia bldg., phoaa Paelfld
2001. - .
GEO. ANDERSON, plane "expert; piano
tuned, repaired; v pianos for aula and rent.
inn Ttitra at.
tROFEasOR R. MAX METER. 248 Alder.
Portrait and landeeape ertlat aad tncber.
A. H. TANNER, attorney. "0$ Commercial bib..
Second and Waablngton ate. Phone Mala 842.
urn: mbnonn.-
Architect. 118
COVET ft COOK Motor Car Co.. Fifteenth end
Waablngton Agenta for Cedilla. Plane,
Great itcv.iwl Rtevea Dorree "J""I
machine rented, repaired ami etored. Mala
Montane Aaaay OffVo. J4 Marvlanaei
S. BIBEFNWAI D CO , 8, nnd Fve-.
Largeet hutrbera' e"rp'f ho'e e t . .
blank-eoc:: t:
M"vrir. Dtvis kurM. in
.''nk booh. B-anM'.cl .; a
, ..proeeo I-ee Le-'
iunka i ', l-e a . , , 4 (