The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 03, 1906, SECTION TWO, Page 28, Image 28

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Toddy's Real Estate Pags;' A of City Property and.
Farm liands Offered for Sale -Advertisers in &fje Journal Get Reotilto Because Everybody Reads. It
.WILL Mr cut for 4 ra 6-toom eottsge: must
W cheap. Adores 0 11. cars JourI.
WILL pay 100re.B ad $10 per '
' decae O 63.' JoaraaLj
WAKI-JP.r5 with $600 . $5 WkTfo l
vwet la IrgirlBrBt merosntlle aroposlttoe, 1
,. vest .at. A ran op rn --
, will lv aa extra too OBBortonlty snd In
ducement. Onll la tveaeea lea' Book Store.
, W1Wmm iii'n M;
L W. MORGAN, plet-eer sprayer and -white.
waaateT Call lul B24. her the
HW.a'. Margie; 11 J" haslnas
la Portland. ........ , . . -
629 WASHINGTON. FACirlO T96. ..
T i WILL BUY your furniture any old tlm.
WaTtsrV Sslva,;. Co.. 63T Wsahlngtoa st
. SPOT CASH" ' '
. s. ' FOR
,,..'. r poETLAND AUCTION ROOMS, -v-
, . SI FIRST n BEET. , - .
.-- . '. MAIN SooS. - . --".V-.--
P Alien NO, aprajrtag and whlti
baaententa, bra, docks, etc.;
kriftt nnllH
nrilllll outfit OB ths
Co., to Units
Pboa But 1T.
FUBWITCRB and tmtMsbold Foods. '
worry. Ion time a moasy. Just pboa Pa
. da TM. . - . .
WILL DO WASHING If railed tor. IBS Sasr
' aa, rnt at 180 Sherman. .
FOB itetoHtww, C. Elegler, 68 Mlcblgas
ava. Faaaa lntoa STM.
m7 - n.
. B t t
'- w AHTBD Oaa Plr of rocx) hor, not lna
- taaa S.O0O pcapda. Lock Baa laa.
WANTED A arw ar aoeond-aaDrl band raatw
'' aad UcbtBlnf rip w. Lock Boa IMP. .
WaBtad Two nor earteada of faraltnro
or 'Frtaoa; will pay boat prtcaa for a ay a -
aad bind forpitnra roa bar for aala. Call
a aula S07. Aak for Joba Oka.
"r,WAWTKD- ar 4 "fmaWMd w oaia tor aoaaa.
- baeptDS, , nr aw all ramiv; ronaa r ami
arrd ) dlataara oat a oDlarooa. pn ioro
It at aaar car Una. Addraaa 0 S, cara Journal.
If roa bara aar llmaatoaa bada ar kaow
. ef anr Wad for aala barlns llmaatoaa rock
daaoaua ea It obj immilrato wltb
, B9T, Obambar of
iii 'airni n Jt too t boata. baacbaa.
booatboata wltb aa for aala or rant: wa hara
call for mam erary eay. rmamm i
--. mtiT HKlr.
"'IHan. fha auction, tt W Flrat at
para -caab for anytBlBf yoa hart to aalL
v-. klaa-aatly faraiabaa. ataam boat aad bataa.
paatlaaaaa $!. par waab aad aa.
-. FOB BBKT A flaalr rarabmad worn ta maa
. aad wlfa. $10 a aaoatb; cloaa m. 802 Irar
TWO Btaclr foTBlabad rooaja, 1 block from atcal
. bridaa; prtca ry raaaoaabla. 188 Ualacy.
'. Fboaa Kaat 9011. , . .
Hlf-B faralabad raoaw for twa ra Udlaa:
, foraiaalBaa aow: aarar b ad. 7Ulh
at aaraar atotoooMrj. Fboaa Mala OMd.
.vur. AMwftftrtaala
UfbU paoaa aaa aau.
1S lltb.
FBONT room Bawl fumlabad.. la arw . mod
i era prtraU borne, cloaa la; porealala bata.
, 474 Balawa. Fboaa Mala 8448.
n LIT 1 ar 9 for abed rooma. eltber for
roomlnc or Ubt boaaekaSDlns, at (X) Baat
lStb at. Pbeaa Baat 81a.- . -r
'LABGB BOOM. aaltaM for two Jf"?
aaaapiny wa i a -
FOB R 15 ITT 10-rtv i buaai, aaaraalcat tor twa
famlllea. Slatb at.
FOR RBPTT darass aamajar. boaaa of T rooma.
wall rornbaiad. wltmn la-laBtaa' walk of
.nfrv.' laraa lawa. trait aad Bowera,
. pnnaaalna lro Jaaa
wltb ajood rafaraucaa.
' . " . ia. Im Mtit ta mrtf
Fboaa Mam aaw.
TJfBATLT foratabed roMa, wafttnr dhnaaaa,
, wlrt rlda: batb. phpoa, ate. I $1.80 par waab.
v OaU B10 Boyt at.
' - rnralabad aad wnfarabybad. aa aalt ar alula.
O07W. . -
toe 14 BaTTaTNTH at Oaa larga alcalr for-
, alabed raoam, rannlnr watar, adara Oaa-
- BTABI. IUHH, Bxebaaca 401, N. Both at., aaw
. . aaodata plaalr furntibad rooma; faraaee
. boat, hot aad aoM watar; gaatlamra only.
'$ Mock from atari bridge.
. faroltara.
'IjM-W MOWTBOMBBB S fBTalabad ar oafur
afcmed baaoment rooma: llrbt. dry. airy; .
alnk; faxdi $13.80 farabwed. Pbod aha.
THB TklM. 18H Third, OB (lar aow aaaaara
aiaat. finely faraiabad; front and other llrht
X raoma aa flrat aad aeeead flaora; raaaoaabla.
HIOI famished rooma for rent, beta, pboaej
FROM $3 par week trp; faralshad beaaekeaplBf
. raoma: pi ranaaa. free pbona aad porcelain
barb. 121 IwDadale etToeC
THB bUTOHin.I ' FlanArra aad - Bereatb
. Boaaw, aoaaekaaptB aad tranalrat; cea-
' d)l.a) WKKK VP. ejoaa, faraJabad aonaakaap.
sat. BOSH Btaataa at. D ear.
81 SB FEB WE KB Larrs, rleaa. roraKbad
boaaakaailB-roma: Landry aad beta. 184
Bbermaa. Kootb fartland.
. at.cirpiMri mat
.. .. Twta, S4TH FlfU at,
LA BOB ehtaaatly fnnrlabed baakaaptnt
meer tu raara. romrtae; water. The Lewae
dala, MaS A liar a. - ' -
B PTBrtlHRBD boaarkaeplBc fmta far rant, 810
par month. Call 888 Serentb at., dow aala Irs.
kale 6008,
I)WKB Bat, 8 rnrima. alcely faraiabad, food
Jocatloa. SM Jaffcraoa et cor. 1Mb.
. warwrAOTLA. 4ntt4 Third at
atsbad aad aBfornlebad boosakraptnf
.. raama; also alacla rooma.- Fboaa Mala art.
1 8 rOW-aa TIHW luuuai. allb pauUf. 1 pint
ordar, vary plaaeeat. terae aroaada wltb abode
and trait treae, abart dtstaace from car,
' Moo at Tabnr. laaanasbta. Fboaa Boot 4188.
TWO mwry fararshad boaarkaaplBC rooma, 1
S LIGHT booartarplad
18$ lltb.
87 MONTH t fnralabwl booaakarplBs; rooma.
oa rraond floor, eul labia -for maa and wlfa;
aa eblldran: aae of paoaa. SM Flttla at.;
take at. Jnhoa car to Pealaaala etatloe.
: - TV li phone Beat 87B1.
t FTBrTIsmro hoaaaers-rooai : paa ranae.
atartrtc llfbt, barb, etc., 816 month. Rial
btl marked Tba Oarlaad," 631 Washing,
tea, near IBOIm bad. 8 aad 8 p. m. only.
ffaj RB-tT 8 fariilabad bnam kp1ag-'
an lb gsa and bath. 11 Vlaloa are.
BriTM brmaiksaplag anwam;
raoaie, fcscladlag alaeplag-roe
Pkstb at. 14AS BUlb at.
. rrBHItrlBD baooafceawmg raama hi aMidara flat,
I antiohle aaerrtad eoupj or two ladlaa; plaea.
I ' ant aal.horboadi cama bb lorme maa
WELL furalaliod raomo wlrh board; tar t vrr
w. - 114 jiiaraoau
KBATLX fnnUahaS room, modrra eoamtonraa;
. kaota cooklnc; - aaitabla la I a. Ha -Tbw
aiaa. eoraar lura.
FI'BAHANT room ana Nurd f n. tmm
work IB aaroaa pnfanMi BMdara. 624 Kaat
worriaua airaei.
t I AR08 anfaralaaad room, (roiuid Soar. Pboa
TWO I'Nrt BNISHKD ROOMS for raat. - 1M
mi -a a at,- ia rear or lav BBaroiaa at.
S VERY pleaaaat oarnrnlabnl noma, wltb bath.
i ma bbmb. . aau Moatcnaiar at.
S BOOMS, naw, ajodara. prlTatat ttr rhoaa;
BkLrarai iimali aia.l LJ J ' null
OFFICB rooaia, aaroratabaa roeanj a4 aaapla
tiioc . nawiiwia aioa a.ppi aia
FART at abori to rant, aatubla (or palotat vt
FINB Buaull at. or tar. Urine rooms, ballt-ta
i oh; aoiiaDM roc oaiKataaara, cuara, amt
aiarkat. ate (la. 0O0 Baat Oak. Scott Tt,
TWO laraa eomwxtlna; otTIca rooma orar Plan
bWi dras atora. Third and Madlaaa. v.
FOB RRNT ' " "t ?
rlMB. apackau atararooffl. (ood loeatlna
aad rood far an baalaaaa; dirt cbaap at $18
par aweth.
F. TPCHS, 14H Flrat (t
DESK room for raat. flaa kwattoa, $5.00 par
aaaaahr ftb afl it aaaa aa lu aiaa I
STORKS FOB RBNT Good aUnd fnr a axt
ana poaitrr aiaa: alaa a pood room for pre.
daea btwtna . Fhooa kUU 4S44. , .
-. FOB - RErtTV-SplaniUd air ' ' baaanuat
FOB BBNT Land; S $) bonaae $36 each.
waat aide. 440001 bouse. water, 80. T
room booae, 88, Frloe dj PowaU. M Flrat
at, room 11
80FOMMNO BEp, bread aaw, 84B.f boot
HIOH-OBADB FtBNITCBB of 6-room Sat for
. m ma. w n. avtnar,
eoraar lata. Snapaide or Mooat Tabor cars.
FOB g AJJC. lfl-rooca booarkaaptna; flat, newly
-. fan Isbed, paparad aad painted: rent 810 Bar
monta. FtUad wltb ataady tenanta. Ptlca
-8JUH. bait oaab.-AddTma rj-1, Journal
No. - 418- Waablagtna at., aaar tba - new
- Fletdner baildlBg, does a ganaral a action,
commission and real aerate hustnaaa; will
pniyhaae for eaab boaaebold rural tura and
j otorks of marcbandleo. ar aall apoa eeeunle
alon; bare retrnUr aalea at aalearoome. ar
any part ef the city; bare beaemeata for
etoraro; dallrary wayoae at mamant'e aotlre
to any pert of city. Phone Main 84T8. Oaab
adranced at Qllman'a. No. 418 Waahlngtoa at.
' . s 229 Stark St.
ftS 811 N. 84 H at., 8 rooms.
iiawma Ntcoisi ,t., S rooma..
$18 rJ N. 1Mb at, 6 rooma.
$ I 671l Sarlsr St., 6 rooBM.
615 w8 Tbarmaa at., 8 rooma.
. 810 WW Water at.. S tooam.-,-
816685 Tburman at., 6 rooma. .
$16 1H w. nth at.. 8 rooma. .
1 '
eio azn itaa ter at.,
816 SH N. 16th at., 6
$16 446 Keeroey at., 8 raoma.
616 to4 N. 12th at.. T rooma.
!16 Sn6 N. 11th at., T rooma.
16614 Thurmaa et, 8 rooma.
16170 N.- th at., 8 rooma.
16146 N. 12th at., 8 rooma.
16 inn N. 10th at., 6 rooma.
16480 loth at., 8 rooma. ,
IT 828 Water at. 6 rooma.
81T.6O 146 N. loth et. T
BIT JOArtaar at. S rooma.
JO w Front et., S rooms.
$20 616 4 Flnt at. flat 8
, 820 OfHU Lorejoy et, Mat,
oi water au, a ro
20406 Karahall at, 8
2096 ST. J 2th at. 11
820 unfit OotamMa at.. T noma. ' -
2S 824U Bseoad at, flat, 6 rooma.
ta oaa Larrrjoy ar., nai, a noma. .
: 00 000 or arxoa at. a rooma.
t60 6M Front at. T rooms. .
S22.50 Kt Upebar at. S noma,
26 T44 Vaughn et, 6 rooms,
lit 1M Porter at, fomlsbad, 4 rooms.
VA tto Hort et. S roosoa.
126116 B. 18th at. S rooma.
125 2A4H 14th et, flat. S rooma.
126476 rmraalne et. rut 6 1
12662 Maraball at. fist. 8 I
.28 4.VH4, Second et. fist, 8
.25 4324 Second at- flat 8
126 TO N. Ninth et. flat 6
sm . a oi mi.. a . .
i2Tl&0 8H Marabalf et. flat, 6 1
flu 9 aj Taylor at.. 0 rooms.
law 410 fourth et; s rooma.
120 O4S-6D0 Bacoad St., 1 r
$S0 464 S Rail at., flat i
8Jm rT Taylor at., S rooma.
f IsT lltb at, flat 6 rooma.
ial.60 66 Hort at, flat. T noma.
$118.60878 14th et, flat S rooma. -
SO 664 Otraaa atr
38784 Hort et. 6 rooma.
14068 R. StM et.. 10 noma. .
;n 11 N. 16th at. B
40 631 Marahan at.. 10
40640 Boyt at., noma.
40644 Cohsmbla at.. 6
to fV) Olleaa at. a rooms.
46 TTS Johnaon St.. S rooma.
AO 618 18th et, 10 roome.
Third at., mrnlaBea. a
no 64 N. Hd at., l roc
1.80848 Krerett sr., J
an 911 Grant at.. 6 room
ka rtAii lath . T
rnuwioet. 24 rh at., furnished.
826 B64 Brarett et, flat o roons.
86166 4 Jtaeacll t . fUtJ rooma,
a-r 736. 738 MonUna are., aacn a
- $h ijH je.. jth at, rooma.
611 thj riereland sr., 6 noata,
Sll T18 B. lltb et, 6 rooms.
18.60 N. B. cos. BodBey-Mason, 8
$16 660 Schnrlar at., T rooma.
! WM E . rtrat sc., t
ia lu Karlat. 6 rt
, I'wxM Roaa at. 8
Jin-42 B. 84th at., T
in ana Rosa at.. T rot
ft i A nan n. Ruth at., 4
"SatK-Wl Robs st..S rooma.
6207r B. Darts 'at-. 8 rot
820660 Taoamo are., 6 rooma.
' $an insu B. Slrtb St., flat. 6 rooms.
621 8 Ban Rafael at.. 8 noma. .,
m 411 B. Harrlaon at, 6 noma.
322.80846 B. Darla st, t
ijA 404 H. Seventh at, 6
m.m , n. a at 6 rooma. .
i'naM n. Herenth
ei.. nrasHv, .".
i-ifi 441 K. loth e., rooms.
yi 4 P Hsrrlsoa at., 6
ao OJO Arthnr at. 4
tm AS 1 Haoond at. 8
616606 Colnmbla at., 8
822.60181 N. 16th at, f
$10636 BaMib at, 6 n
. painted thronghoot; sa ap-to-date borne. In
aood locality reasonable at 620.
rOomTbona.. 633 B. 16th: fine yard 10M
. lot); a splendid home, tor 811 month.
. Phone Exchange 78.
&OoTTBoo--Tionr "'"XiTTLS'iV
slppt are.; clean, desirable llHle no!TM1 2
.l. . Portland Tntst
. Comaaay of Oregoa. Bicbang Tt.
FOB BBNT New 6 -room , lft, .
4-teom nara. at, raw
Call axi iiinrori pi.
ang BJBItT $16; aear groom madam. Bom.
corner lot; 460 B. S4th st( Hawthorne ear.
' ns OommercUl bldg.
CIIBAl 6-room enttate aad bath for rant Cor.
Bar Market and Slxtb eta. .
MOPKBl Srmim Sat fnr rent: rirpeti and car
ls laa for asta. Appby 61 North 16th et.
Ltiviy roTTAOB ta KanBworth:
816. ' Kay at store or phone Baat 736.
Ai.asvt aiAM Vaas flofW.
d . rooma,
bath, pbona. pUaaa. batir) rose gardes.
fet4 Ksdlasa al pbeaa AtalaJW. ,
104 Saoond St., Bet. Waablngtoa sod Burk.
Phone Mala 1434.
. 460 S2d st 8-room eottage....u.$ 1160
tl jobaaaa St.. . furnished flat "
40-48 rroat St.. wbolasala atora 76 W)
2t list N., dwelling 26.00
271 21st N., dwelling 28.00
876 21st N., dwelling' , 25.00
. HK Orertoo, dwelling 60.00
278 Slat N., dwelling bouse 60 oo
66 YsmhIU at, 8 name, furnished.. T 66 00
617 Markst stM 6 rooms, bath, gas... 1100
4s Pacific. rooms, saodora 30.00
A Buraalde at, atora .............. 86.00
127 7th st, fine brick atora.. 160.00
. 245 loth et N.i cottage 26.00
228 17th N., 6 rooaua -.. i.....-100
li. 4Hth and Taylor, T rooma....:,-. ...
10 E. 16th, Aukeny car, 1 room..,,,
4 VI B. S4ib at, 6 rooms
. 626 12th, near Clay. 11 rooms
. Rhernian. near 8d. 6 rooma ..........
SO. 00
82 60
o Slat N., 4 -room boose.., '
Msin, new a room ilal. ......
. K63 K. 80 tb, booae aad acreage
' 66 21st N.. modrra
m 6tb, near Stark, 8 rooma
6M3W 4th. aaar Montaoaary...
814 Beat Yamhill. 7-room no oaa.
4i0Vi Clay St., furnished flat.....
116 18th st N.. Soom fUt
26 00
-tt"r Park,-6 roomer-faralshed. 60
746 E. anth, B rooms, S ramiura. . ... . lit"
470 Taylor, furnished flat 60 00
6ta) Tnloa are., 6 rooma, modern 80.00
844 Montgoawry, S rooma, furnished. . 86.00
629 Orertoo. T rooma, flat ,. 16.00
6tM Darla, aaw flat 37.60
2.17 U Lorraheo- at. nice flat......... 26.00
448 Hawthoma are.. 6 room flat. 18.00
Mlmiaslppl era. and Monroe at. flat 16.00
276 MoatoeMry. coamnleBt flat..... 17.00
461 6th, new modern flat... ' 36.00
464 Hall at, aaw flat, 8 rooms.: 26 50
124 lath N., 4 rooms.................. 20.00
0K6 Erarett, 8-room flat.,..., 86.00
660 B. 18th (Sellwoodl 20.00
Pretty man are. and Belmont, elegant. 60.00
820 i. tb N.. 8 rooma 80 00
t Mill, aaitabla for S ffmllias 20.00
S2T Wllllsma are., flue flat 80.00
414 Id at. 10 rooma... .' ...40.4Ur
06 B: Coach, furnished 46.00
8N3 B. 6th, 6 rooma. modora, 24.00
B. Krarett and 87tb eta... 28.00
TOT B. Salmoa et, aaw 6-room flat... 20.00
- T6TH Salmoa -irr 6 room flat- 20.00
mora. Mornaon ex.. gooa ietiss....
614 floyt St. dwelling 1T.60
126 Tth st. fine atora. ...... ......... lno.oo
8X6 4th at- new flat 62.60
601 Meade et.. S noma, modrra So.OO
tnodeka .20.00 J
624 rianders at
T rooms, furnished.. 60.00
606 DarU st, new flat
626 Sd at. ( Railroad K Sooth P....
668 Macadam at, boaaa ,
16 60
-861 W. Park St.. large boose......
Cottage, Frettymae ate....
840 Hall at, fine flat ....
971 Mill St., good bouse, convenient
aos , r ,1 ... Hnn n. t a pooma
Z9 nil! t., "witerr a mm, n
1ST B. 6th St. T rooms
But Kerby st., Atblna,. 8 rooms.
HI unm it., swarw . . .
l.A Bl BJirf St.. fnralahed.
lot Alder St.. 30 rooms, furnished
6N4 B. Main, T rooms, furnished
S.O U. II aS OnnanF fist. . . .
68. 6
73tL.CllhJdU ronm. turni,b4....
aaa ,MI I, anT . WBO lurniMuni, .........
474 B. Waablngtoa, 10 rooms, modara
46 00
ate Jafferaoa at.. T
i 9 u. Jefferson at . 8
605S4 1st st. S noma.......
866 ancoorar are. (nice).
164 Porter st.'4-cnom fUt..
46T 8tb . at.. 8-room flat j . . .
We hare a largs ltot of rsosnt booses, cof
itgea BBd lata foe-reBt, furnished aad on
furnished. We are, Ud to show this list
to prospectlTS tenants. Following to "6 small
peri of our large list of properties;
1 1
Ninth st. 12-room bouse
Montgomery at . 7 room booae
Johnson st., 7-room flat.....
Twelfth at, 11 -room boaaa..
Ninth at, 7-roem flat......
Market at, 86-room bouse,,.
Main St.. 5-room flat........
Taylor st 8-room house....
Lincoln at, 7-room booae....
Pettygrote st, 7-roo bouse.
Portland Hgts- 7-room house
Caruthera st 7-room boaaa...
Barnalda St.- a-roata boaaa..
$ 40.00
...... 45.00
0110- 82.60
; 28.00
...... 25.00
....... 26.00
...... 28.00
(illaan st, B-nom nai.....
Persnteenth St., 6 -room flat
Hall st, wm flat..
Market St.. 8-room flat
if 1 1 A-ronm booae.....
Porter at, 7-room boas.
Hood at., 4-room booae...
Qnlmhy at., 8-room booae
Vanrourer et., 6-room boaaa
Washington st. 10-room bouse
Broadway et, a-room boaaa.... ,.
Yamhill st, 7-room bouss
Oregoa rt, aroom booae............
Waaco st, a-room flst....
Sixth St., Swat bouse
Darla st, 8-room bouse
Ninth st, 8-ronm bouse
Seiiwnnd, T-room bouse .....
Ttggart st, 6-room boose....
Hawthorne ar., 6-room bones.. .......
SB. 00
IT. 00
rente No Informstloa regarding tteee Dno
artles can be aires orer phone. - -
HooarfurnlfaVsra. ,6-ll Ftret St
KADDBBLT TBANSFBB CO., prompt im re.
1 table plan ana ruro iiara-ino n i
egor r bona Mala aobo. Dfnoa-110 b. ThUd.
15 1 in, 01. .
NEATEST AND PBrniEBT new btragalowl
awriie rirx. bi .., ---wirar,
bath, eleetxU wired, large- yard.
Pboae Mala 44414.
U sell I grocery, coroaji- nwu
FOR RENT 813 for S rooms oa Union are. M.
B. Thompson, asa miaaiaaippi a-. "
Woodlawa 203.
(CENTRRVIIAE) Completely snd comfortably
ramlshed 4-room cottage. 5T"'"
ocean lot; reasonable. Apply 278 Start St.
a new 6-room modern cot-age, eararsniir -nlshed,
InclndlBg plaao; If you waat some
thing nice, this Is It Call Sunday or Mon
dsr ereolng. 870 East 64th. 0. W. P.
$26iriTRWtfbr-snltBble tee . bskaryv- bake
. I 1 i. a If
vtph wnnrvioaji. ...a . -
$2010 moms sulUbla for. rooming booae,
106t 14th rt.r T. i . t
$11 Cory 6-roota cottage, 1BIT RockwtH
, ltt4 First St
WF.LL famished 8 room modern boose: cen
tral location; ico jaio a. y iiwiw w,.
A-NUMBER of bouses and flats, furnished,
.for rent from $20 to $50 per month. See
manager of real aetata aenartmani aawaros
Co.. bouse turuls hero, 166-101 First St.
NEW modern 6-room bonse, east aide, 16
mlnutea from center of city: s-mimtte ear.
rice; 1 block from cari $20; phone 66UT.
FOR RENT Modern 8-room cottage, eleee In.
inanlre 207 Market at.
LA ROB bowse, suitable for roaming or house
keeping -rooBiSi arairanie loeaiioB. raoae
Ststa 764.
FOR BENT 6-fooT cottage, with balk and
gas; B. Ninth sod Maraei ate. in is soaae
... T"i " p-'"""
tenant. Key at 828 B. Math at
$20 8 ROOM modern bonae. H block, barn,
fruit, eh rubbery : nae block from Mt Tabor
- car. - Pboae Pacific 162.
UOUSBS for rent la all parts of ths city.. M.
B. La. 66 Blalh M.i phone fsettle ea.
000D 10-room flat, sll outside rooma; rant
only 816; fins to real tor nouaeKeepins rooma.
664 Barter St.
ri'BMTT'RB of 20-room manstoa for as Is; bmg
lease, yery tow -rent ana inea. niace tor tirsi
clsss boarding boo set will aall oa terms 'tt
tak dty property In exehsnas and pay caab
difference; no agents need answsr. Address
C 88, care Journal. . .
NEW T-room flat, fwraaee, she dee, a a rasrs.
combination lighting. Hated walla, sts.
tionary ran, front aaa
rear porchaa, large
lawa. Bast 4674.
FOB RBNT A new modern alcely furnbihed
I J to
j flat of three roecna and ex-ore; prrrste ostli;
I WaaalDgtsa,. fbobs ataai WW. . a
TWO 8-room an fan ilahad flats. 811 and 818.
Including watar, 844-846), a'roat St. Phone
Mala 6064.
MODERN 8 room Sat, Inrradtag gae and steal
raagei snaoaa aa wiooowa. auv uaiaay et .
FOR B RNT Two flats. Vurnlabod r-unfur
nlshed; modern eooranjenva. . Pboae' Kaat
MODRBN 6-rool
Mill at.' ,
flat, close In. Inquire S30H
FOR RBNT 821, a good T-room boose, oa
, Market st Bee t. Freak Porter, 223 Waab
ingtoa at, corner First . ,
FOR BENT 8 neatly fumlihed rooms. '
Front st
ONB flat, 4 rooms.
Phone Baat 1270.
Bast Ninth snd Belmont.
FOB 'SALE -OR RENT Aa 8 room flat-6U OC,
partly ruruisneq, tnrea biocss crom posiotticw;
cheap If takes Immediately. Pbon Mala
8Wi or Main 1641.
DON'T eeae here flrstot don t buy your dty
, property, fruit and garden lead, wheat stock
or dairy ranches until you ate ua. North
. Waat Land Oa.. S08 Ooodoough bldg. P. S.
W alas hate business chance, of all kind.
' and caa locate yoa right. N. W. L. Oa.
WBITB as quirk about recant Important de-
ratopmants 01 ine nurax automsttc awicea m
Signal Oo. buy stork before b6 adtaaca.
J. F. narst Oa., 206 McKay bldg.
LONO-R6TARL1RHED ateam cleaning aad dye
ing piani roc aate eaeap; ootna gooa Duaiaeaa;
Ill-health cause tor aalllng. Address M 31.
csre JoumaL .
FOR SALB Family hotel of 100 rooms, clear
rag orer sow per moatn; rery sign ciaaa.
This would be s good boy for a buelnea
woman to manage. Foraltare of the very
baat; modara apartment: must be cash. For
particulars addraaa Q, 200, cara Journal.
GROCERY store at torolce; a bargain.
Call at
sjaeh- Morriana. raon A .
FOR SALE-rMeat markst doing good baaln
bob union ars., aorta.
OBRAT bargain near fair rrounda. a new
I A Harass a 02, ckre Journal.
WILL sell cheap, room teg -hoosej alao cigar
ana caurecxioncry store ia ou atoonsi Baa
sua .awns.
Boom S Breedea bldg.. Third and WsshlBgtoa.
FOR SALB Cleaning and dyetng esttbUaharient.
inquire sin Mala st, Oregon uity, uragoa.
SPROIAIy taoo'wlll seenre a buatnesa aa part-
oar aw pay yoa ft day- expat wuce
neceaaary. Tall iS SUrk St.
FOB SALB Country store with postpfflre. In
cnier et rice wheat belt coon try la wash
ingtoa; will Inrolre: about $150. Addraaa
$800 PARTNRR In good Dgytngj reatanrantl
wnai wdo w wining 10 worn. eu noria nixm.
AN exoelleot cbeaca to bur a wrll-aatablUhed
real as ut otnoe. B 79. care Journsl.
HOMISIEKFRS- -txniRSION orerUsd ta
oeing arBhtitard to go to Harney county,
Oregon. or Information Inquire 800 Com
marrlal block, corner Second sad W6b!ng
ton sts., or pboos Mala 643. . .
OBOTEBT - FIXTURES, ahelrlng,. counter:
pntrner mora, rarg, mora, rouniera, etc.; si so
light-weight horse and dellrery wagon, har
ness. CaU or address 850 Russell st. ;..-.
FOR SALE Restsuraat snd Ice ereanj parlor
os nasBiagion at., cneap. Aaaross
B 84. cere Journal.
WANTED AT 0NCR Aa experienced party wltb
100 to rua a paying laundry. Kor partlcalare
call 16.. '4 . rsurth st, upaUIr. ult . 29,
Main 6628.
FOR SALB Saloon: paying proposition: oa
eoraar. Address Lady. B 00, cara Journal.
I HAVE $100 to $700 to Inreat la something
1 1 can make a Urlng at Address C IT, cars
joumaL .
AN opening is offered to a young maa with
$8,000, wltb aerrlcea; capital amply secured
. on a beats of 6 per cent; liberal aalary; In
vestment may be withdrawn at any time; only
, men of character aad wltb good reference
need answer. For personal latertlsw ad
dress B S3, car Journal.
BLAtTCRMTT n flnor with X of an arre land,
toola Included. Mount Scott Real Batata Co.
Pboae Scott 2264. Lenta, Oregon.
FOR SALB Nearly new stock dry goods,
groceries, hardware and feed; beat suburb
' of Portland; good trade, fine location and
- butldlnge, reasonable rents; Invoice $4,000 to
$6,000: no bonus; owner 111 health. Apply
quirk H. 0. Ogdea, Real Estate aad Business
Chances. St Jobna, Oregoa.
OFFICB man can maks $150 a month aa partner;
Shoo required; bank refer ncee. CaU 34SM
tark at.
LOOKING for a business sr good location 1 I
bar s nam her of good rhaacee. Writ W. C
8T0, Broadway,- Portland. Or.
A SNAP 8878 buys Sn bneloeas tot, cloaa In.
titlt side. Hlnch A Klrkpatrlck, room T,
181 14 Flrat at., corner Yamhill.
CIO A R and cunfettbaiery store on principal
street, doing good bualneaa; two living rooms
In rear; will take part payment, with good
aeeurlty for remainder. 0 40, car Journal.
I-HATB $2,000 to $4,000 to Bivest-In good
. palng proposition;, ao real, estate. Adore.
C T, car Joornsl.
FOR SALS IB-room bons.keeplng flat newly
month; filled with steady traanU. Price
$300; oa half caab. Addraaa C 1, Journal.
FOR SALE Cheap, Nonpareil Cleaning works,
doing first-class bualneaa; want , ta retire.
428 Morris t
$860 BUYS restaurant clearing $10 day. Call
at 305 4 Morrlsoa, room 4.
A FEW dollars will start a proap-roos mall
order bualneaa; we furnUh catalogues snd
everything necessary; by our eaay method
failure tmpo-alhle. MUburn-Hlck. S68 Dear,
bora at, Chicago.
WANTED To talk wltb people who ander
stand ill kinds of manufacturing!-- I -have
some good sites, waterfront or otherwise. B.
L. Cate. 118 Second.
LOOKING f or money -tnsklng business TJf so,
do not ran your leg off running on. a wild
goose chase. Tell me wbst yoa wsnt, go
To InveMlgata where I tell yoa, snd If yoa
do not find It ss I ssy. I pay yoa ll your
expenaea. A few picked out:
.$1,4.10 OoUBtry hotels . ground - bnildlnga,
Snd fully equipped. ... .
82000 Country etore, with poat nd SI-
- press office, clearing over $100 monthly. -
. $2.600 To only drug stars la col leg
tows In the vslley.
810.000 Country store doing aa Immense
bualneaa. or wilt exchange for good .farm
or good sawmill. .
IVw arocery store la Portland from $1,000
pu fc,ooo. r
t 14H First St. '
9 FTNB reattrrot, 1 lunch counter and a
fenersl marxei: will m rarr irsor
anrsist Theoe propoalllone are all money
maker. Write W. C. 310 Broadway.
Phon Eat 2228. .
inn i" 'sail 1...-1...
as mssket I
the cilv Is tor saie: - rine a,,,., . o.
-east aide;- will Invoice, about $1,600; rent
only $20; It will pay you to Invearlg.t
this, aa w know of nothing .better In the
city for money Invented. W have esveral
other groceries and meat markets for sale,
- ao wa think we cso suit yoa la moat any
"kind or busineserr- XTBTlair "Realty a. Iaibf
ber Bxebanga, neeood and Stark.
$T00 MEAT market: everything new, fin
rrde, flrst-cltss location: . splendid oppor
tnnltv for the right psrtr to atep Into an
established business. La moot A Harris, 107
Sixth st
FINB new atora (9 stories), wltb Vat It stasda
en and good clcaa etork . ef groceries for
$5 000; will sell without stock. J. B.
iioamer. 810 Allaky bldg. Mala $168.
WT.IJj furslabad 6-roora flat, cloae In, cheap.
Ott Crockett 346 Washington.
PABTNBB la employment and real aerate;
established 8 years; nothing to sell. Call
25 Bttrnaad. -
BUTTFTt, egg and Borate Mnrlnesa; owner baa
npeolng for boneet man as partner; experience
- unnecessary: pay yna$5 6 day! $250 tea aired,
7CnU 948m tVta St. r- ......
Among the many we hate listed bare are
soma money-maters. All are la floe snaps
ssd wall located:
i. .-a,. 40 noma..i.........,.v;."..i..$T,6s
26 rooma.. S.oisj
HI noma 6.0-aJ
' 60 rooms.,, , 4.0"0
' H6 rooma .,..,,.,.., I.i0
.14 rooma 8.150
25 noma,,,..........,. 2,5""1
. . , 68 rooms. ................... l.iaiu
... 20 roousa.,.,.....,..... ....... l.tsio
62 noma 1.800
H.1 rooana....,..v,,,...w. ...... 1.0i"
11 rooma... i,
- jo rooms.,.,,..'.'..,..........., l.aoo
1 . 14 rooms . isio
.. .I . .-' - . 16 rnMM,,.,i,rii.i,it,t,t,Mii. TOO
, 18 noma..,......,,, .'4I
rooms..,.,,..,. ' 8is
'46 rooms.... ' ' IM
. - fOMPAW.
. 86 Hetrstb st , '
41 rooms, rent $lo. 83.606
26 moms, rent $1"0. ........ t. ,i(.5u0
co rooms, rent 1 f o .
60 noma, reut 8 66.
z rootua, rent 6 86.
24 rooma, nnt
116 roomajent
40 1
$. 4.50
a. a.ruw. .VII,
We hst hotel and nomlng-beoses ia all
ports of the city: some to exchange for Im
proved or nnlrapnred property.. Best A
Van roeeeu,- 301 Vt Morrison at
WANTEIW Partner with $1,600 to take blf
Interest and management or new grocery,
good aide lines; willing to open pew atora la
several towaa In Oregoa and Waahlngton,
tt. n 1'Uaa.t . air , -w.. - - ... .
SPBCIAL 8780 wltb asrvlesa "will aaenr la.
tercet In an established eaab bualneaa and pay
you $150 a month; duties eaallr learned. Call
falNU. U.,a a. ". .. ...
being organised to go to Harney county,
uregon. mr mrormation inquire ana t)ora
merclal block, corner Second and Washing'
ton ate. Main 643. Address Arista P. 0.,
no am.
FOR BALE Beat-paying grocery store In dty;
aoing s strictly cash Business., centrally lo
cated in heart of city; $4,000 caab, or Invoice.
t 100, care aiournai.
IP yoa have a little Banner and eneraT to In
veat. 1 nave a honest proposition thst win
yn'in a Tortune; inveatigatloa souclted. ; Ad
dress C a, cars Joornal. . . , .' -
$8,600 BDTM grocery, building and lot la bet;
up-nrer town. -
$6,000 buy livery stable, horses, wlroot,
hameaa. etc.
825,000 boys flna 8 ttory brick hobtl; caa
max tarma.
618-616 Lumber Exehang. Second snd Stark.
$860 82 ROOM ' Indglng-hnuss; good bicsttoa
ana good furniture; cheap rent; a snap.
F. FUCHS, 1481a- First st
BBST boardlng-honae In cjtv: JO niomaLgoldtB
-opooruiniij, ojca..srcu 1 lereca, aaat. luiru
and Ash. . .
FOR SALE Real estate office: cheap rent;
eaay tarma. faone noooiawn ai.
WELL stah!tshe1 pew tftlt "cotirJ.htnd fttrnb
tura, atovee and bardwan: 6 living noma.
price 8X0O: - rent $26 per Bxmtb. Otto A
urecaett aaok waaningioa.
CIGAR and tmtfXoirj tor. v$ry -$mtrl;
A HIT K NT ps.rtnr wltb tV to $100 to kelp
ri.iiuv.r ai u,.uui.. ui,ib ina..iiwF,i '
dreaa C 13. car Journal.
ONB of tb beat paying confectionery, c
cream parlor and cigar stand u the city for
the money; snap If taken st ones. Call at
82H Flrat St.
NEAT Confectionery, ic cream parlor and' cigar
aiana; white nxtore, rountain. living room;
lease; no opposition; In voice $690. Adores
41 18, cara Journal. .
$760 A BARGAIN! cost II.OOO; -oa account of
airiness ; m rooms, ail ran; electric light
and gaa. good furniture: cheap rent: clearing
glou montn. tjail at ataH--Momson.- room 4
HALF mtoraet ht good baalneaa for a rustler;
pays $.1 to $5 a day. Address 0 30. Journal.
ONB HALF ro tercet for aala In a baalneaa that
pare better tbaa wnrkiag for wag. Ad-
flrass u au, care journal.
GOOD opening for hustling bnalness chance
salesman. Lictaiia with ids Horn Land Co
1464 First at
ORIM'ERt. In new building; good fixture.
rreah stock; X rear noma; rent (lu; will aril
Dulldlng aad tot If wanted: will biro Ire alork
or lump for $600. Tbomaaoa 4 Bbay, 140 i,
First St., room 6.
SPLENDID corner rooming koose of 48 rooma
for $660. Home Lsad Co., 146H rirst st.
AN boneet, capable man can aconlre sa Intereet
la and tags cnarge oc a country naag in
a aew growing town In eeetera Oregon:
meat bar good refereaca. C 27, car
GREAT SNAP Wllaoa. the auctioneer, st 906
Flrat at., paya cash for anjrlblng yoa -have
to sen. I Done aiaia inm.
A SAN FBANCISTO old-estshllebed Importing
snd manufacturing firm i locating berej wttb
taneonaled renutatloM In Its line on tb coast,
will aell $1,000 er $2,000 Intereet to eVatrahl
party; nartlcnlara at Interview. Address
Owner.. C 23, car Journal,
SUBURBAN grocery st Invoice .h boot $1,400.
This place baa a steady trade and has always
mads money for owner. Call 34814 Stark at.
I WISH to Invert 410.000 to $30,000 with serv
Icea In an eatabllahed wholesale or manufae.
tnrlng business. : principals only. Answer.
giving nil particulars and rercrencea, g si,
can Journal.
A am all grocery on Seveath st
Invoice about 6660.
weet tlds,
Grocery and feed store oa William are.,
Invoice ebout 81.2Mt cheap rent
Grocery on first st.. Invoice shoot II .600.
Ws bsve many- good buya In restaurants.
9064 Morrnmn at.
$100 WILL secure 6 business partner, snd
psy yoa 4 to $6 g day. Experience an
necessary. Address 0 96. Journal.
78 acres of timber, two miles from Hills-
bore. Will cut 70.000 feet per sen; good
stream rune through lt s tmall dam would
mk 6 good mill pond; lumber, ilea, piling,
cord wood, etc., flnda ready aala st good
prices; 100 acres mors timber available at
reasonable price; this will be sold at $83.60
- per acre. - - .
Can locate parties oa three enlendld timber
claims In. Skamania connty, Washington: pre,
ent commercial value timber $1,600 to $2,000.
Fine apple land. - - -r -
For Sale A wall-eetahllabed grocery boat
Bee In Alblna at Invoice. Salea will aver
. agg $60 per day. Cheap rent. Investigate.
- J. FRANK. P0RTBB, -.-rrr
223 Waablngtoa St., Cor. Flrat
FOR SALE Butcher' fixtures, racks, 1 eoan
tee, 3 blocka. -lard pre, gas flxtnrss. 1
computing ecale, good a new. B. P. 1ft
ferlea, 478 Pattoa Road, city;, phone Msin
AH GOING to Alaska; will aell 100 or 606
eharee Hurst Switch at sacrifice. Address
C 48. Journal.
WANTED Parties with $600 to 85.000 to In
vest in legitimate mercantile proposition in
Portland. Will psy 16 to 30 per cant oa In
, veetment. A rare opportunity to get ta aa
WHAT have yoa to trade for 40,000 share of
- IRoy stark 1 Pr O. box IS, .
FOR SALE Pros neemie weekly nc wops per snd
plsnt: good proposition to right, party: ststa
amount of caab yoa WIB threat. 0 ST, ear
Journal. 1 . - . , it .
A LIPBTIMB oppoftnnlfy: wanted, a partner
with $200. Call today. 145H Sixth, room 3.
rOR SALB Grocery sad con feet Inaery; good
Wat loo, low rant) two living rooms . Phone
Pedflc 3166. . -
FOR SALB Mattrsss manufacturing and rea
ovatlrg baslnea; electric power, good run
nlng order; cheap nnt. Addrea 0 it, rare
Joaraal. - -
FOR SALB by owner, wb aayads awney, fin
Vnaiin a, bji .ra, inilll BIT ..
dreaa 1O08 Baat 16th St., N.
pnsinass lot on union are.. It. call sr ad-
GO today and see that beautiful 6
m ualoa ave.i modern IB a very wsy, meiad
Ing fireplace, and richly tinted; eaay .terms.
Ses owner today. $61 Cat are, M. Pboa
; Bast, itOB. m
. ... j v
Ws make a specialty sf this property, aad
ws hsvs at this tlnis exceptional bargain
la baslBoa lota a 6l else 4i tar Urn
reaioeuce lot rrora rem to :.
,81 Fifth BL
THOSE who want me to eelect ehole railroad
land la Alberta for them should let me know
seror ear next party goea. June 11. . it. L.
vigga. lssTk nrat at.
$3.800 H block, Holladay'a addition, close 1st
....ui iuiH,ia, r,r ' . m u . in.
! "i . wvuiti mwtt in e pieaea. vuivss-i sua
FOB i SALB. OR TRADB 4 tots centrsllv lo.
rated In the towa of Goldendal. Waab.
Write owaar. Jams F. Nixon, Usrrlsburg,
Or agon. .
$4.6f0 HANDSOMB bom.' brand sew, wall ar
ranged, all modern tmpnvementa, Sa roe.
- ner. Ninth and Schnyler. Holladay's sddl
tloat bast bjy en market at price. 80S Fourth,
Pboa Pari 6o 3136. or Mala 8S00.
61.300 Nice new 4-room cot tags; hath,
fa and electric lights. Mable street be
weea Hamilton ava. aad Seymour, 'I block
"from S car and school. South Portland;
-rerms, Inquire 9r- Fourth. - Pbon Pcl8
914. Residence. Mai 810.' -
BEI.LWOOD LOTS. 88 down ssd 88 s month;
rrom gio to gatjo. sal l wood xownaita w.
H. P. Psfansr. manager. Pbon Bast 4704.
. When dleeasted with old real sststs man.
I give the live ones a mall. Wb hate elgar
stores. 6140 Bp; grocery stores, tenia! ran,
tasraata, lodging honacs, all slat sad prlcsa;
all hlads of land and lots.
. . I0UN0 DKMBNT,' : ,
943 Madloea st
FOR SALB CHEAP-. 8 aad T-mem
era: part cash. ST0 OarSeld st. Tab
Woodlawa ear. Pbon East 8641. ..
HOVER, a river from Portland. Lace tad
dr N. p. Irrigating ditch and a aaw aorta
bank railroad ; frail goes on tb market three
wee lie earlier tbaa la any other section, com
msndtna aleheat nrlcea: daily ateamete from
Pertland. ... Sals by Ih swnerv.liuvac .Laa4
tiovar, vvaaniagtoa.
100 ACRES flneet farm land, TO acrea- In crap.
in miiea mm Portland, uood a-rooaa Souse,
barna. team, etc., 60.IMI0.
BUSINESS lota right la tb catr at St Johns
tor i ,. .
Nice T-room bouss snd corner tot. Sn river
view, price $1,800; $200 cash, balance $10
per month.
St Johns. Oregon. .
A Bne aterk range, containing aboutI,nOQ
acre; stl anda fence; situated near Rote
burg. Oregoa, oa S. P. B. tt; tbla at aae of
the beat ttock ratiges la tbs ceuatryt 1 alao
have another good atock range - containing
1.420 acres, which will be sold st s very low
price. For particulars address I. SL Bather.
llo.ownerabwareona :
-4-44 AVB a ire a 6'roum Slid Two rrtg cotuge.
all comoleta. for 8860 each: 83 down aad
8;i0 per month, or $50 dowa and $26 . per
nomn. or iou oowa ana 10 per monto. ot
8200 down and 810 per month: alao aam lots
or acreage: term or cash. See owner. Joe
Naah, a( .Nashville sddltloal Mt. Scott ear.
I may.
FOR SALE Big bargain for en Irk aala; 4-room
eunurpsn cottage, ground lonxino reel, rrult
and ahrubbery; by owner- O. W. P. Town
eld Co., 213 Alder st, la 0. W. P. M By.
waiting-room. .
FOR RAIJS. CHEAP Mrs nesrly aew 8-room
, eoTiage, a porrnee enn psniry.-anm rurni
. tore, lot 60x100. Address or call st 111$
East Harrlaon at
FOR SALB, by owner. 6-room modern booae.
-u waace at., ta Holla day park: price 86,000;
terma to suit Alao new 7-room houae. an
earlloei pries $2,500; teraia t suit. Pbona
C. C. GolBg, Esst 1507.
The aneet residence torstf 4a St, Johns
-"a norio pi. eoons o aowa anu ao par
KHttltn Tannlt! av rirrriiint -
Pboas Scott 4061. St. Johns. Oregoa.
A MODBBN boas In Holladay Park: modern.
nment walka. gas, electric light, Sreplaee;
ea easy terma. Sea Kroner. 166I4 Third at
la aow oa tb markst; Iota at atretge prlcsa,
according to Improvements. v
Lots 6012608100, $110. fits ' I
Lots 10012008190, 6210, $226
Lots 900x380 $380, (420, $450
Three Vats ars atostly In -enltlvatloa, tetel
and slgbtlr. oa s rood arrsded street close t
"-good 10-room school at Lents,- 6c far to any
parr or roniana; water me; i tarma.
O. B. ADDITON. Owner, Lents. Orates.
Tak Mooat Scott car, 6c.
EI.F.0ANT quarter block, cor. Baat Twenty.
nintn ana seat uouen. very oesirsbl loca
tion. Inqolrs 338. Wsahlngton at. .
Tflnoo ea Clsckama. near B. 26d, sooth x-
poenre. all Imnrovemenia In. 31. TOO.
MlStark St. Pacific 8.
'650 sera near Sheridan. 140 In rnltlrstlnn
snd crop, of which 100 Is bottom hi wheat,
nata and vetches: two orchards, fstr bouse. 3
barns, other outbuildings: 2 Sn railed In gar.
-Aesnv-wllh Vita ef emalltru4tt--atf- -klnd--f
rsrmlng Implements and tools, 6 k or ass. 6.V4
est tit. SO or 90 Angora malts. 36 bogs, lots
of chickens, gee snd turkeys; fin outrange:
T'loe a It rein ed and Sue open pasture: wat.f
n every Held; s very thing goes for $11,000;
half rssb.
Fin no seras, 10 mile from Portland. 60
In cultivation. 16 la orchard; all m crop;
very thing look Snei no travel, and plenty
good water: near good achool: only 2V. miles
. from car line: $6,600: half cash.
rut fat acrea Bear Portland, on good road;
40 I cultivation and crop; fair house snd
barn: good dryer: 10 acre orchard; lota of
doaen cblckena. sortie turkeys; sll fsrmlng
Implements. Crop, with stork. Is worth $1,300
or $1,600: sll goes for $5,000: half caab.
Fine quarter. 14th near Terminal grojiede;
rents over $100 per month. Only $17,000.
Fine qnarter. asms neighborhood; rents $70
per month: 116.000.
Fine 6 room bonae. H sera. West av.; near
store. 88.600; half cash.
Fin lot. East 27th, oa car line. $400.
Good anarter. 2Ath. near Mount Tahor car
line. $1,250: $200 rash, halamw Inatallmenta.
Good T-room bona, Belmont, near East
84th. $1,400; good terma. - .
816 Allaky bldg. Pbon Padfl 1108.
FINB LOT aa Cast -Ankany seal 22d it., only
$076 for a nice corner lot at Esst Seventh
snd Sell wood sta.
E. S. McCOY. 80 Fifth St.
FOB BAT.E Four new fists In good location.
$6,250. They are monern sno corapieie aaui
nm all" rented. Income $66 -per
month. This Is a choice Invent-
' ment and will hear lnvestlaatlon.
8. B. Cor. Sd snd Oak sts.
IT WOULD tsks too much time and apace to
mention separately all tb great bargalaa w
hsvs In house and Iota In the city. The beat
way ta to call and get our Hat. Wo can sell
yon houses -or vacant lota on long time aad
easy payment. We bay eotn fine lots In
Sunnysld addition for sale oa long time
easy payment.
Lumber EtcbsBge, Second aad Stark sts.
$8.600 8 sere In tb town of Warmer. -
$750 per sen iTVt sera near carlln sad
near center oa eaat aide.
82cia jm.lhe. JilU-t-i. tba,Fsrtleed
flour mills, very cheap, raw days; fins for
ptattlnf. - -
F. 8. AftIN,
633 Chamber of Com mere. '
BARGAINS New' S-room . houae, large Int.
hern, rrntr. gsraen. cement wais. lawn; nesr
car line. 61.650; $50 caab. Others $50 to $300
flrat payment. Houses built on Install
ment; lot furnished. If desired. city
Realty ft Buildlcg lo., 619 Commercial Bldg.,
Main 1640. - -
3 KICK lots 60x60. 16th snd B. Stark; $800 sad
81.100. n an. a. ug.
SIS Bsat Side Real Batata Co. fnr aalt aide
property... we tare rn farm for sale, from
one acre nn. 407 Hawthorn art., ttbosa
' Rest 106T ....
FOR SALB Neat 6-roora anttage bad lot
85x100; twma. 848 Jt 8th St. M. .
FORCED snsp; must bar money. $2,600,
: 1.400 eaab, balance long time, T per cent;
-room modern bouse, lot 66x141; all kinds
, fruit, full brl.'k bsaemeal;' 12-.TI It.. lajlas.
I'hwne Ivaat 305; owaar.
$600 NEAT new 4-room eottag. Lauralwood.
11.700 Very pood. Beat. 3-story groom
house, near Ankeoy car barn; snap.
, $1.900 Very nrat 6-room cottage, twa tots, '
fruit treee and berrlea; E. Taylor at.
$2,S0 Very good T-room bouss nesr West
ate., Mt Tabor, two lota and all la fruit;
$2.600 Beautiful, new modern 3-story
house, two lot, oa car line; Tremont
$3.900 Splendid 10-room realdence, large
. tot. Corbeti at. high and sightly, overlook
ing lbs river and mountain.
STAUB ft BOHS, ' -227
V Wash St., Room IT. Pbon Pacific 863.
BY OWh'ER. S-room oottsge. Jot SOxloo, with
IS-foot alley; pHc 81.100. Address 1018
- Hslgbt sve.. Upper Alblna. -
FOR SALE T-room bouee snd tof. flows gad
fruit; 61.100; by owner. 140 Besrh st.
MODERN T-mom bouse, basement, cement
floor, lot Usui 00, fruit and ber rife; $1.00.
" Take St. Jobtia car to Denver ava.. go S
t blocks soarh to sn Ctrpentrr st.
FINB realdence corner, 100x100, East 26th snd
Kaat Hoyt sts. All Improvsmsais lu.
$1,830. . a
991 Stark St. .. Pacific 60S. '
Good 6-room bouss, new porcelain bath, hot
- - aad cold-water,. - fractional lot, - oa East -
.Tenth St.. nesr' Abler; 62.200; terma. E.
J. Gelaer. 221 H Morrlsoa st . "
Aa elegant g roomed bona, stone baa,
moot,' hardwood floors, beautifully finished,
fin view; on lot; $8,500, -. , ..
NIc 8-roomed bonse and tare Iota; fin
view, on car Una; $3,700.
Pretty 8-roomed cottage.
'4w krtar Tall flrriab4r-4a.i
Two new cottage, each ao lot. oa car
line; well finished; fine view; $3,000 each.
One tot.
16116 ft
flne Ttea. $
block car' line;
' Sundsys' and evening bonae opposite post
10 oa loop. Pboa Msin 1811. ,
Mi Sherlock .Bldg.. pbon Mela 13$.
FOR SALE, $1.100 6-room bouse and barn;
lot 60x100. 1177 Alblna ate. Take st Jobna
or bxr. 1 : : : ' :
MT ItOUSK at Su-onyeide. 8 raoma. balb, full
baaement, cement walka, aanad Booe - not
. flnlshed. ran -make S large rooms, $2.3UH;
, half .rash; no agents; this ad appears but
once. C 10, csre Joornsl.
to Mount Scott line, .wi. '
. 3 bouses, $ tots. Pentuaular adcStlon,
t21rr- wrH wxchange-Tnr rtcae III.
6 hta, 6-room bonae, 3 blocka from at
tton. St. Jobaa line, highly Improved. 6I.25H.
6 to 8-ronm boose, cloae to. eerllura;
Small payment dowa, balance to etill.
1 to 6 acre trarta, highly Improved, oa
carllnea, ll.ll to n.'-ai
ml ix -
NICB suburbaa home. "4 Ws notion esch, 3o'
fruit trees, moat bearing, peat assortment;
1.200 strawberry planta and all other klnde of
email fruit;- saw, T-room . house, basement,
and cistern, will be 30 bushels of potatoes
on place, located In Normandle. Sprsgu s
addition to Moout Tabor, 8 block north of
Moottvtlls - earllne. Inqtilra of owner, J.
W. Klckols. . Pbona Eaat . 4247.
I room modern bona, corner. ...:
-room aiodern cottage .-
8-room modara houae .....-.
4 cottagea, block........
T-rnont modern bonae ...... .t.j.,
8 room modem bouse, 14 block...
T-room modera bnoae.,,,........
... 8.000
.-. 3.5O0'
... 8.6U0
-,ri $.600
6,iio. ... 11
... I. Ill"
... I.
. .." 1.8"0
... l.SJSI
.... I.6"0
... 9.0H0 .
run mt.
full bit
b room cottageT bit TtWIOO. ......
10-room bouae, lot lootioo. ......
S-room houae. aplendld home,....
-A room modem cottage..........
tkronai bouse, 4 full lots........
Oood terma on ererytntng.
245Vk Waablngtoa at.
MT. TABOR. -$1.606
A room eottsge. slmost new, grotindg
T.lxlflO feel; a a hands nee of fruit plum.
prunes, pears, apple, rherrlea.
S2S Chamber of Commerce.
BEAUTIFUL HOMES, bnltt Just before the big
adavaee In lumber and cement, at prtcea lee
than-the baua.a ecu Id be built far now. are
fnr aal by J. E. Ilosmer, 810 Allaky bldg.
Main 8186.
FOB SALE A lot on Commercial St.. near
825, Knott: a good location, and this
. . . r rot ts choice. - Tor terma apply
8. R. Cor. Sd ssd Oak t
$1 noo 6-ROOM HOUSE, mod gsrrlea. Esst
naimon at. riegemenn ft Blancbard. 91 Fifth.
ST. JOHNS. . ,
8250 6OU00, corner, oa csr line; owner
going eaat.
91 Fifth St.
TWO Iota, each 100160. In Piedmont, ao Van
couver are, will sell both for 62.300.
Stark St. Pacific 698.
A NEW modern home, from the porch of which
2..?. ntm,r hw of the city sod the beautiful
Jli'l!""! rlw- n' w cheao. only
ffj 'f -, -Hosmer, 810 Allaky
- bldg; Main 3134., ,
BARGAIN 8160 bny my entire driving gutflt;
consists of bsy horse weigh l,(so pounds;
sound, aafe for lady's nee; new runner-tired
ninaheut and hand-made harness, whip, robe.
Apply 4 .72 Burnalde st.
$140 BUYS teem, weighs 9.400 pounds, sonnd.
good workers; new hesvy harness.- collsrs.
complete : also bmwn mere, suitable for
farm: nrlee 846. Call Regal atables, 14th
aad Burnalde ate.
' . . " POR SALE BY 0WNFR.
srnt "p hotiaes. paying Ht,. per
9 tola. wtlt. B k ' . a . .
. , - n ina room tor t
mm. peylns II per cent.
', nouses snd room for 3 more.
psyln lot, per cent.
U.I. L. , . ... .
i::r. v . ,
nan oanca.-witB a Bonsea snd room fnr
$ more, paving 10 per cent.
. Bonn 808 Lumber Rxchsnge Bldg.
Cor. rWAnaV and Stark Sta.
ON SECOND 'ST. ' ' - '
816.600-Ouarter hlorh: wefl located foe
Ttt mtsl ! B,,wt . r"tl..lW.
S2S Chamber ef Commerce.
$2,060 dowa Columbia Park, fin modern
t-room house, barn, bearing fruit free, flow,
era, lawn, snd furnleblnge, en 100x150 cor
ner, for $8,360.
$.160 down Brooklyn at., -mnm modera
honse on lOOtlOf) comer: nice lawn; $3 300
61 600 down Eaat Yamhill at. modern
.. 6 room houae. bearlag fruits,' oa 60x100.
$$.loo. .
$550 down Madrona av.. 6-rosm cosy ent-
taga on 60x100 oorner. i,ion. 1.""
1461, Flrat St.
$8,000 win bur s fine T room bonse ea sn
elegant corner, 66 8-8x100. In Bunnyatde) gar.
den and s hands nee of fruit Thle most and .
will he snld at one, as It Is absolutely tl,
beat bnv In Snnnyslil: good terms.
. 61 Fifth et. ev
A SNAP T-room modern banan, bit lOOtlont
t csrltnas; $3,504. Address C 34, JeurnaL
i . " 8