The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 03, 1906, SECTION TWO, Page 24, Image 24

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Fret Methodist Pastors Assigned
by Session at Salem End-
Ing Today. , -,
. Next Meeting .Will Be Held at Ash
land Five to Be Admitted to
lembexihipiandThreea- Pro
bation in Ceremonies Sunday. :
'''. f Special Dpt-B to The Joaroel.)
Salem, Or, June . The Free Meth-
edlst annual conference closes Sunday,
- having- Iiwii )u seestun-since Wednes
day. tinder the presldeuce of Rev. Alex
1 ender Beers, president of the Seattle
seminary. ' . -
Appointments fdr the ensuing- yesr
are a follows: -.., "
" Portland district W. N. Coffee, pre-:
siding- elder, Portland. J. Glen;-Central
and Gresham, 8. T. Pitts; Estacada; A.
Llngren. supply; Sunnyslde, Damascus
and , Pleasant "Valley, O. W. Bondurant;
i Forest Orore and Dllley, H. M. Bow
man; Bethany and Brooks schoolhouse,
(O. K. Blair; Houlton and St Helens,
Marry E. Krelder; F. B. Helm, no ap
pointment will attend school; W. Bar-
, rett, Portland, superannuated; W. J.
Bowerman and B.- J Knoll; conference
evangelists; S." Roper, "superintendent
Olive Branch mission, Portland.
,' Salem district W. N. Coffee, Elder:
Balem, Aumsvlfle and Albany, 1L - V.
', Haslam, J. B. Cook: Woodburn and
. Mullnoj. D. W. Cook; Falls City. Dallas
and Harmony. W. J. Johnston. H.
" W'tlfeTaTTnipply; Dayton anoTKewberg,
nr.ii . T U T V TmIii t w.
3. W. Halsey;
4. i-A VWM, uirra-
- Eugene - district W.
E. Ooode, elder;
Eugenei BprlngfloM-aod -Monroe, D,- J,
- .Ooode: Parsons Creek. Marcola and
Wendllng, H. J. Blair. Mrs. M. J. Blair,
supply; Roseburg to be supplledTMy"rtU
4 Creek and Canyonville, to be supplied;
v, t. .ruunno, wuppiy. ....
' Grants Pass district W. E. Goods.
' elder; Grants Pass, Woodvllle and Gold
Hill. E. sr Harrington: Murphv and Mls
"sourr FlatsrWWnalti'iOoiaerU" aoT
' dendale and Wolf Creek, M. C Davis,
.supply; Ashland.. Talent and Cold Bta-
. tloiv JT, H, Brown. Mrs. M. N. Brown,
' supply; Medford, Phoenix and Jackson
. vUle. Francis Smith; Klamath. Falls.. J.
1 H. Bogus; R. H. Dollarhldeo appoint
ment. ...... ...... . .... .. .
', The next conference will be held In
, Ashland May , 10T. Rev. Beers pre-
1 elded in the absence of Bishop W. A.
Bel lew, now in Japan.
' The 'denomination ' hag built stx
churches and made much Improvement
to church property during the year.
, . The membership has Increased 10 per
.1 cent. - '
On Sunday H. M. Bowman will be or
' dalned elder and William Gatts deacon..
. Five ministers will be admitted Into the
conference and three on -probation.
, (BueeUI Dtopatch to The Jcmtt)
' Pendleton, Or., June 2. Big- Dem
ocratic and Republican rallies tonight
are enlivening the city. . Bands, torch
light processions arid sneaking are the
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Photograph of Countess Gutseppe Delia Gheradiaea, formerly Miti Har
riet Taylor of New York, who ia returning to this country tor a anort
time. The count did not accompany his wife, but later in the season
will meet her St Newport, where they will be the guests of society folk
snd spend the summer. The countess is to visit her father, Henry A.
; C, Taylor. ; V : ;J,f V 'J '. -: v - " 'v.-
H:.--:P3SEB ,pw.A a
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Mile. Guerrero, the famous Spanish
now leapt from her bed in an aiylum
attractions. The Democratic meeting
. .
was addressed; by Walter ;M, Pierce,
candidate for joint senator. D. J. Ma-
larkey. for the Republicans, addressed
the .other meeting. Excitement attends
ine cieeing -F-ne campaign?-
Heavy clouds over - the city tonight
threaten rain. Some fear Is expressed
of another cloudburst and flood, but It
Is not generally shared. ' Trains will
probably be running on all lines by
Monday. The first train to Spokane will
leave tomorrow morning. - The city has
been so well cleared of debris thst no
evidences of the flood remain.
T , - , V a sjf a I
f h ilia in i it
dancer, whose 'mind gave way and who
to dance madly and then collapses.
Great Vaudeville Circuit Combi
nation Not Completed Be- '
cause of Stockholders.
(Journal Special Service.)
New .York, - June S. The heide of
practically all the big vaudeville thea
tres and circuits in the country who are
attempting to unite their competitive
Interests In a giant combination ran up
against an unexpected snag yesterday
in their deliberations In the SL Jamee
building. ' t ... ."
The meeting was secret, but It was
learned that Maurice Myerfeld of Chi
cago, who owna a controlling Interest
In the Orpheum circuit, whlch extends
all over the west, 'had balked at sign
ing the final articles of agreement, and
that Kohl and Castle, also of Chicago,
had developed a lukewarm feeling for
the scheme.
Vaudeville men say that the' plan Is
to- pool all - the competing-- Interests
and then issue stock in proportion to
the earning power of such interests.
The objectors In this meeting view
this proposition as a -roundabout-way
of asking them to buy back their own
stock and then become janitors Instead
of managers of their own theatree.
nirn r a I Annan i ai r- n """" "uni-i uic inm uurimj
DltSUWOCEANLINEnP1nt n a number
-(Jasraal Bptelal Bervtea.)
Liverpool, June 2. The remains of
M. Theodore Kearney of Fresno, Cali
fornia, who died at sea, were cremated
today according to the will of the noted
ralsln-grower. The ashes will be shipped
today to the United States on the steam
ship Umbrla.
M. Theodore Kearney, who died at sea
while en route to London, where he"was
going on business, was to the raisin In-
dnatry of CaltTorHlaWrlarjohn Nafts-
ger was to the cause of tha orange
growers of southern California.
Mr. Kearney organised and was for
many years president of the Ratsln
Growers' association. He was tha mov
Ing spirit In the pool which resulted In
securing for , the grower Increased
prices on all grades of raisins. It is
related of him that when certain dis
satisfied growers complained that his
salary of $5,000 a year wee too large.
he resigned
With his Influence and direction re-l
moved, there wss almost immediate
confusion and uncertainty - In the as
sociation. A slump In prices resulted
and Mr. Kearney was urged to return
to the management. - He did eo, but
his salary was 110,000 a yesr.
.Twnti.t. wr,www www
TMjiTMitoh te Til. Imirettl.i
Albany, Or., June S. John H. Hot-
taneV-ef Seio-,-reoewtl y -4n jnred- 4n-the-e4-lapse
of the portico of a burning build
ing. Is In a serious condition and small
hops Is entertained for his recovery.
Drs. Dsvls, Wallace and Prill yesterday
amputated hie limb above the knee, gan
grene having developed.-
In failing his foot' struck some broken
glsas,. completely ssverlng tha heel. . All
medical supplies and drugs having been
destroyed In the fire It was Impossible
to give the Injured man treatment im
mediately. ...
- - - .
, It sems to be a cardinal principle .In
coniffaaa to consider all ether Interests
first, end then If the public's lhen't con
flict with any of them, te auffer It to be
in . r.iARio:i gou:ity -
Young Candidate for. Congress
j From .Valley of the Yamhill
Gains Votes at Salem.
lv- - (Ipecttl DKpetek to ' The Jearaal.)
Salem, Or., June I. -Notwithstanding
a circus and two entertainments among'
counter attractions, last evening, the
Democratic rally was well attended and
the speeches well received. Charles V.
Galloway, , Deraocratlo candidate - for
congress,- gsfe a masterly exposition of
the political situation, and bis salient
points were punctuated with applause.
Mr. Galloway la a type of the young
college man and farmer In politics and
his dignified yet modest style of cam
paigning mak'hlra one of the strongest
speakers on the political platform.
It Is safe to ssy that Galloway made
friends here and won votes. His ad
dress treated" the points' set forth In bis
pamphlet addressed to the voters. He
declared himself for the restriction of
Chinese immigration, tha promotion snd
construction of the Panama canal, the
purchase of the locks at Oregon City
by the government, h parcels post and
the postal savings banks. He says lie
Is a Democrat and is not ashamed of
his political affiliation.
I am a tariff revisionist, . saw he.
"The protective policy bas probably had
a legitimate existence to promote the
growth and foster infant indusfrles, but
now it is rostenng iruals. ire declared
himself tor. free trade with the Philip
pines and against ship subsidy.. .
speeches were made by W. T. Slater,
eandldate for state senator; F. S. Senn,
Philip .Glover and August Huckesteln.
candidates for representatives, and Fran
cis Fuller, for county commissioner.
August Huckstein spoke particularly
In behalf of the etate ticket, setting
forth 'some of the-promises that ' had
been kept to the letter by Governor
Chamberlain during -his administration
and rflmm.ntlnr unon the . aovernor's
record. Hoi referred tq Jojtica Hallej I
candidacy and laid emphasis on the Im
portance of a non-partisan' supreme
bench when viewed- with reference to
political parties. References to Cham
berlain were the signal for applause.
The meeting showed siren gee-Denv-4
ocratle sentiment in Salem than was
estimated and the-eounty central com
mittee bellevee Chamberlain will carry
old Marlon by at least 00 majority.
Dr. W. H. Byrd. candidate for joint
senator Is making a- tremendous vote
winning campaign, anffTT'le'Delteved tej -
srlll beat "BUlle" Miller, his opponent.
A. feature of the evening was the sing
ing of the Rose City quartet, who were
encored and reencored. Their Chamber
lain song was gTeeted"oclferous!y.
Other Eugene CouncilmerrWHI
Institute Proceedings Al- '
- ieging Libel.
""(Special IMnpatek to The Journal.)
Eugene, Or., June t. J. D, Matlock has
Instituted suit In the circuit court against
L. Simons for libel, asking 116.000 dam
ages. ,'r ' . .V....... ..... , 1'
On Thursdsy ' Simons brought suit
against the city, enjoining payment of
the 2,900 warrant of Kelsey A Toung,
civil engineers, for plana and specifica
tions for a proposed municipal electric
light and water plant that' was not built,
the - claim being aJlowed by the city
council. : ' .
- Simons accused the fire and water
committee of the council, of which Mat-'
lock was a member, of conspiring with
the engineers to defraud the city out
of the sum named and of 'making a
secret contract
Portions of Simons" complaint oon
tlanlng these charges were published,
and on this ground Matlock seeks tu
recover damage's, aliasing -that "the
charge was made willfully . and mali
ciously with Intent to injure the reputa
tion of the plaintiff."
W. W. Calkins and R. B. Henderson.
the other members of, the fire and
water committee, -It le said, will also
begin suit against Simons for libel.
Matlock Is the Democratic candidate
for atata treasurer, f
(Special tMapatcfa " to The JotmulT
Eugene, Or., June J. A Swede named
P. D. Phllberda Is In the Eugene hospital
as a result of a general fight on a south-
...... , V I I . I fOTfe. 1 u
or AlTtrricn n wJtvrm won in
from Portland to Drain, the Swedes to
work on the new -Coos Bay railroad
and the loggers to work In trie lumber
campa in that vicinity. A number of
the men bad been drinking and fist
fights ensued from Oregon City to Eu
(Moeclal Dtaneteh te Tba Journal. )
At tlmee the entire crowd was fight
ing at once. Windows were broken,
seata smsshed and general havoc cre
ated. It la said that the loggers threw
meet of the Swedes off the-train; At
any rate, only two of them. Including
Phllberds, were aboard when It reacheJ
Eugene., The trainmen were powerless
snd let the men have their own way.
One of Phllberd'e eyee was gouged out
and he waa otherwise badly lnJusxnL
i fflruM.I manatee te Th Journal.)
"Woodburn," Of."," JOne . The attack
on Adjutant-General w. E. Flnser is
resented by his many friends here, who
are affiliated with both . the Republi
can and Democratic parties.-
General Flnser has been considered
by the Republicans of this" section as
exceptlonsllyf air In extending favors
erally known and favorably
upon that in the
selection of national
guardsmen for duty at the Lewie end
Clark fair the general permitted no
thntirbf at nolltlcs ta enter. -
I Reniahllcane here and the Guardsmen
of this city, who are deeply Incensed,
consider- General Finger- aa a non
partisan officer, whose only aim Is the
advancement of the Oregon National
Guard, In which be has so admirably
A leading Republican and guardsman
of Woodburn ststes that VGeneral
Flnser wss never obnoxious aa a Demo
cratic cltlsen, snd In his present -position,
which he has so well filled, he has
leaned, if anything, toward Republican
ism, although to a great extent It Is
due to him that politics hi been kept
entirely, out ef the Oregon National
Guard. . . " -i ,
This partly explains .the .progress
made by and lack tit,, friction ia that
bod' ( . ' ' ' . ... r' ' .
Monday, Wednesday and Friday
Hohday'i Sale
At Salesroom, 208 First-Streetrt
. , . . v t iu b. m.
Comprising Furniture, Carpets,
Stoves, Etc.
We have on sale this day costly par.
lor tables, SYRIAN FIGURE, tobaoco
stand, deer horns, guitar, drop-head sew
ing machine, desks, twice-folding beds,
mantel and iron beds, different style
dressers, choice sideboard, bog oouch,
bed lounge,- bedding, . sheets, pillows,
napkins, parlor chairs and rockers, ex
tension tables, glassware, dlahea, totlet
sets, fine lace curtains. pictures.
chiffoniers, wardrobes, child's Iron bed.
rattan and oamooo furniture, carpets,
rugs, linoleum, steel and gas rangea,
cook stoves, kitchen furnishings, etc
Wednesday and Friday
At- Salesroomr-208 - Firstr Streetrt
. " : ' "V t 10 a. m. . ,; .
NOTB W have recently purchased
an enormous stock of general houso
fivrnlahlnga. See us before purchasing
elsewhere. Phone Main 12. , . ,
J. T. WILSON. Auctioneer.
Outline of Exercises for Annual
by Faculty.
; ' (Special Plapatek- te Tfce Jouraal.)
Albany. Or.. June I. The faculty of
Albany-college has announced the" c9tn
meneement program. -The annual re-
cectlon:. to aeplorawlll be hald.-Thurs.-L
aay evening. June 7; closing exercises
of the , business department wilt be
Friday. June I, Torn Richardson- of
Portland - being billed to address the
Saturday. June . annual recital of
the department of nuslav. Sunday. June
10, commencement address in United
Presbyterian church, : with closing ex
ercises and farewell of the T. M. C. A,
and V. W. C. A-, that evening in the
atethodlst church.-" President Htrrr L.'
Crooks will deliver the baccalaureate
address. Monday, June 11."- , . -
The Junior . orations . will take place
In the United Presbyterian church, they
to , compete lor the Wallace medal.
Tuesday, June 13, a students' reception
will be held In the Presbyterian church.
The final exercises, .'senior orations
and degrees will be conferred Wednes
day, June IS, - These exercises are te
be held in the morning. At night the
annual reunion and alumni banquet will
close the school year. . Thus will close
the first year of the college, under the
leadership of H. M. Crooks. --- The year
has been unusually successful. ' The
students have carried many honors, both
In oratory and debate, having won the
Intercollegiate oratorical contest and
the collegiate debating championship of
Oregon. . . . .
(Special Dlapateh to Tse JooTsaL)
Los Angeles. June 2. The owners
and masters of steamships plying on
the coaat have acceded to tha demands
of the sailors' union for a i Increase
In monthly wages on all vessels calling
at Insldo porta. .. The demand was made
three months ago, but was held In abey
ance on account of the San Francisco
fire. Eighty vessels are affected by
the Increased scale. r -.
(Joersal Special aeniee.) A "
'Boise, Ida.. June 1. Lehane brothers,
capltaJlata from Nebraska, recently as
sociated with' George W. Fletcher of
Boise, today! leased the building at
Tenth and Main streets and will open
a bank with 1100,000 capital and 1(0,000'
surplus. The institution will open for
business July 1. The five established
banks of Boise " carry over tMOO.OOO
depoelts. .
v ' - I 1 '
' The Portland hotel orchestra gave
Its first open-air. eonoert of the eeason
last, night. Manager Bowers baa en
larged the orchestra, to IS pieces end
the- opening eonoert was an artistic
success. Both the guests ef the hos
telry and the crowds on the streets
enjoyed the muslo for several hours.
j -W'f..f. j'3 '
t'-.f'" t'i f
:. .'.vi." f$j
-i k Jt .
(km '
M. Carolus Duran, who has painted
' go many prominent Americana and
who hat been called the modern
Velasquez, 'has been remarkably
successful with the portrait he is
... now painting of Pope Piua X, who
, has shown his appreciation in many
,. ways, Aa soon as tha portrait ia
finished M. Duran will ( leave for
America, where he hat several or
ders. v.;
'..'. . ' ''.,..' .
' , '. , - , -" '
Geo: Baker & Son
On Tuesday Next
We shall sell the line furnishings ef
small private residence removed to
Daker's Auction House
for positive sale. Including set of real
leather-seat dining chairs, round exten
sion table, handsome buffet en suite, li
brary table, gas drop light, elegant rock
ers in-quartered oak, parlor tables, lux
urious couches, Brussels carpets, Brus
sels and Axmlnster rugs, lacs curtains,
portieres, massive Iron Teds in green
and white, hair and flt mattresses, pil
lows and bedding. BIRD8EYE MAP1.E
FONIERS, odd bureaus and washstands.
oak wardrobe, folding beds. STEEL.
RANGE , and kitchen furniture. On
" BAKER BON, Auctioneers.
On Wednesday Next
Alder Morrison Streets.
We are instructed to sell for the own
er the following goods: MAPHIVE
SET, FIRE HCREEN, large imported
GOLD LEAF FRAME, upholstered par
lor pieces, Axmlnster, velvet and Brus
sels carpet in the parlors, dining-room
and several bedrooms; also hall 1 and
STEEL RANGE (!0-lncn oven): l-gal-lon
hot water tank, water heater, ata
tlonarywaeh lasln. j "'y,1,
shades, dresser, toiletware, chlnaware,
glassware, cooking utensils, two large
slse REFRIGERATORS, china, and
glass cupboards, garden hose and other
effects. All for positive sale en Wed
nesday next st 10 o'clock. - '
GEO. BAKER SON, Auctioneers.
OrfThursdayn Next S
We are instruoted to eell the furniture
of two flats consigned to
BaRer's Auction House
corner Alder and Park, for unreserved
sale, at 10 a. m. . . - ' -
BAKER A 80N, Auctioneers.
Onl'uesday. ; Wednesday
; and Thursday
-;.:Z JUNE 12. 13. 14
Under instructions from - the - owner,
Miss Anderson, we sell at public auc
tion the furniture, carpets, etc., of that
well-known private hotel 'Multnomah"
corner Morrison and Fifth streets,
consisting of 46 rooms. The carpets,
which were put down less than one year
ago, are of the best Axmlnster. velvet
and body Brussels. In all about 1,000
yards. Good, clean bedroom suites In
oak and walnut; lrort beds, all complete
with beet springs and mattresses; sev
eral dosen pairs of good feather pillows,
all recently purchased; woolen blankets,
comforters, spreads, sheets and other
bed linen, separate dressers and com
modes in quarter-sawed oak and otber
woods; toiletware, a large assortment
of rockers suitable for parlor, library or
bedrooms, in oak, some with leather
seats and backs; Brussels and Cable
net curtains, recently new; small rugs,
portieres In several patterns; divans
and couches, wardrobes, center tables,
upholstered parlor furniture -fa fine
chance to pick up eome odd pieces):
quartered oak hall settee, velvet hall
carpets Just like new: steel range, with
water back (good make); Inlaid lino
leum, glass and chlnaware, kitchen ta
ble, cooking utenslle and other effects
therein contained. Sale commences
Promptly st It o'clock on Tuesday, June
2, and will be continued each day until
all Is sold.
von to to roBuci , ' ;
The above goods are of especial
mention as to style and quality. Any
piece of furniture In thle sale Is fit to
go In any private residence in the city.
The owner. Miss Anderson, Is well
known as to-her respeotablllty.- The ho
tel has always been' known and spoken
of as to Its perfect cleanliness, and do
ing a prosperous business. The build
ing will be removed and a new brick
block erected in its place. ALL LOTS
morning of sale at S o'clock. SALE TO
GEO. BAKER A SON, Auctioneers.
Auction Rooms
Residence, 388 First St, Thurs-
We sell for Mrs. Kllner all the sub
stantial furnishings of ten rooms. Here
is a nfcance for DEALERS and private
parties to secure lrgalns, as every
thing ' In the house must be sold.
C. L. FORD,' Auctioneer. -
Portland Auction Rooms
i- 211 First Street. ; ; " ;
. We sell every day, 2 pmU'
8CHOOLH, and other housefnrntehtnga
In endless variety, to be eold without
reserve at each of theae auction sales
at Sit First street Phone Main 666.
Remember, "our style of doing buel
nese just suits you snd we are prnu-l
of our business record." Ask your
friends about the Portland Auction
Rooms. A. BCHUBACH, Proprietor.
C. U -FORD, Auctioneer.
are Way to Oei Sals.
.The boy wanted some worms for bait
He had selected a promising" spot, a
shsdy and low-lying dell, but, though be
hsd been digging for It minutes, not a
single worm hsd his spade turned up; '
"Here. -eonay."- eaM an-old angler,
'take thle chunk of soap snd make me
a quart Or' two of soapsuds." .
' - The hoy Brought the ends, the eld man
sprinkled, them ever tat ground, and
Uy Gargain Ljot
of Choice Ilomies
s)I,15f---Sp1endld'T 8-room'" ViitoTy
plastered house and lot 4Sxllt feet;
fine soil and beautiful unobatructed
view,- on Woodstock ear line; 1 4 50 "
cssh, balance 110 per month.
fl,350 A new 4 -room cottage with
. bath, pantry and wardrobe, cellar.
gas and electricity, modern In every
way. several young fruit trees, Logan '.
berries, strawberries, currants, etc; an
abundance of choice roses; situated
close to the Highland school and
Union ave. See this If you want
something good at a cheap price..
fl.eOO Nice l-room cottage on KaatJi
. th st. north! plastered,' cement cellar,
. well built throughout; lot S4xl00. . A
good buy; 1600 will ' place you In
possession of this. , -r ..- . -
$1,600 A 4-room cottage; plastered
toilet, brick baaement, small fruit and
t fruit trees; lot la 0xl!5; situated '
. on Tillamook near Union ave. Lot te
practically wortn the prloe asked.
f 2,2 fJO Will rent for 92t. ' T-reom
, house on Market st. " lot 80x100. v
Ground1 Is more khan worth tha price
asked. . , . :
92.300 Buys a well-built S-roora par
. tially modern house on Gantenbeln
ave.. Central Alblna; rooms are nioely .
- tinted and papered; all kinds of small .
fruit; It-foot alley, small barn. Good
-' terms. ; u.'-' . ,..' ,'
$2,3SO Worth 11.700., a beautiful
suburban home; around 100x200; very "
highly Improved; St. Johns car line;
' -room modern two-story house with '
bathroom and pantry, concrete base-.
ment, chicken-house and run. It fine ,
.bearing fruit trees, roses and flowers .
'in profusion. Owner leaving country,
hence, this aacrifloe. - , -, ,
a)2.650 for a very modern , T-room
house on- Commercial street Central
" Alblna; best of plumbing, gas. bath,',
r tc nlcel y 1 1 n t ed, ..brick basement i a ;.
choice buy. Terms. - .
S)2.6KO For a very desirable t-roora
residence; hss nearly all modern con-.
veniences. concrete- basement, high :'
and sightly; ground 76x100; corner on
otng-TTrarHIghlandscnool. Good
97.000 A beautiful and up-to-date.
etrlctljr modern, nearly, new 10 -room
-residence on Flanders et. near list.,
v A fine home and a good investment
8,500-Two strictly' modern t-roora
. residences onr Flanders' hear list st.r
. always rented for 170 per month. This .
Is your .opportunity. r"" 'I
S225-Worth till; this IS a snap; fine
lot on Bast tth st north. Smalt ay-
'TThtnT'aownT-baleTree.-tlt per saeat
285 Cannot be-dupHoated- for 30; .
. a fine lot near Hawthorne eve., iOxllt.
several fruit treee, graded street 70
feet wide, within two blocks of two
cs .lines. Easy terms. . 7 wj " """7
f SOO Two nice' 1 lots In Kenilworth
add. on ear line.-- Snap. . , - 7. ,'
4,250-A choice corner lot on tth
et. iSslOt. concrete walks; improve
ments In. and. paid for.- A very good
buy. Well worth 6,000, , V ;',
850 Five seres of choice land. Oak .
Grove, three blocke Oregon City car -
line. -Five acres earn kind of. land
aold for .000. .f : ''
1,200 A choice piece of acreage of -,1H
.acree on East Slth st. Best of
soil; fine place for a suburban home. -
2.00O Nine' acree of good land In
Oak Grove en Oregon City car tine;
" iu acree cleared and in cultivation.
Balance easily cleared.. Soil is of the
- beaverdam, nature. Terms.
2.70O Ten acres dnO. W7 Pr of finer r
land, good email house and barn, par-
tially cleared. ,'A good buy. .
5,780 A beautiful 10-acre home en
the helghte overlooking the city and
surrounding country. A fine t-room
' house, modern, stone basement, a tine
. location for a awell country home.
The view from this point Is excellent
' and for a bargain it cannpt be beat..1- -:
7,750 A choice home of U seres Mk
a good state of cultivation on the Ore
gon City car line, a nne view of the
Willamette and surrounding country:
new 7 -room house, good barn and
' other outbuildings; all fenced; small ;
fruit, good orchard. A fine buy.
lO.OOO An Ideal place for s coun- '
try horns, with practically the con-
" veniences of the city, overlooking the
Willamette river on Oregon City car
line: 14 acres, all fenced, two good .
. houses, two barns, prune dryer, ttaxj
The-very-best of soil, nearly alt
cleared. Large orchard ..snd great '
bargain. J. Frank Porler
tat Washington . Xoom . Oor. First.
Ovee waltlmg station.
Very Remarkable
3,350 Brand new strictly- modern -.
7-room cottage, full lot, E. Morrison
and 17th; 36 cash, baUnce Uke
rent. yv
3.200 Very excellent lot In a deslr-
. abla-locaUtyn-Tlfth st, not fa
from Lincoln, with a 10-room resl ',
' dence. Would take part In one or
' two neat t-room cottages desirably
located on the east side, Sunnyslde
' or Alblna preferred
2,50O- For a Itt-acro farm on a,
. : good road, t miles from f Irst
clasg. valley town; good substantial
7-room residence with basement,
- . water piped Into the house, I good
barns, about 800 bearing fruit trees, ,
all kinds berries,1 grapes, eto., about
--' 10 acres In cultivation, 10 or 40
acree fin pasture, belartce young
. , oak-and fir timber; place Is well
' fenced, and Is absolutely the best '
' ' farm bargain In the state. , Would
exchange for desirable lots or city
; residence property In Portland,
f 1,850 House and lot on E. list Vt.,
t rooms, .hot. and. coldwatervbathv
and gser ' ""
:i4l,6d6 t-room" house, . with a jar s
piece of ground, close to business
. part of Bt Johns; 10x110; ground
la worth 11,200, house cost ever
... .
800 t-room cottage, I lots, choice .
T ... fruit, on Grove St. : r '
For further particulars apply to .
f Re" Dunn-Lawrence Co.
' ruvt an.
then hen his turn, began to dig. It
was amsalng. Here, where the boy be- .
fore had not found a single worm, the
eld man now discovered them in dosens.
"Tou csn find worms 'most anywhere,,
sonny." said the old mart, "If yon wet
the ground with' soapsuds first. The -soapsuds
drsws them, the same as mo
laaaes draws flics. A wesk mixture of .
biuei vitriol and water will de the earn '
thing also."