The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 03, 1906, SECTION TWO, Image 23

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Your Choice of the Following List of Scholarships and Cash Prizes
as Remuneration for Services Rendered The Journal ' '
During Your Leisure Hours This Summer.
tf - iiift 1 nw -im i i .i..w in . ti: . - -unsstft vag?
: F to JI v lIPf 'iff:' W
IV hr n. ill V ,;f- W:J iX1tf Ift Vi IX
( '1 1 VIS? II I !: ,-V ;; II 1 Hill I "I JI '.'I III ' liH 1 1 1 L (IB I I II H V. -;:.-r f ' I
IS $3&.,: 6r ,y A?K J v - Tl
Reading From Left to Right, Top
: . Commencement at the University - of
Oregon Is a matter of much Interest to
Portlanders and very year a goodly
delegation leaves the elty to attend- the
exercises. There are in Portland about
100 alumni of the state university not
- Including the law and medical graduates
who are almost as a whole settled here,
and many go up to Eugene regularly.
.Loyalty to the Institution la kept alive
by the existence of two local organisa
tions, None of the alumnae and ana of
the alumni. The members are brought
together throughout the year In social
gathering and Indulge in a grand re
union at commencement, Thla year a
large party of graduates Is planning to
revisit the Institution. It will be con
ON June 14 Kentucky will pay a
loving tribute to the man who
' enthroned her In song, when
In the presence of the thou
sands who have returned to their native
tat for "Home-coming Week." there
will b unveiled the statu of Stephen
Collin Foster, who wrote "My Old
Kentucky Horn. " . ': i
Nor will Kentucky be alone In honor
ing thla genu genius whoa melodies
have touched- the heartstrings of mil
. lions, for he is beyond Question the
most popular song writer America ha
ever known, and hi music, composed a
.half century ago, 1 as fresh today-aa
when It was first heard. It Is hard to
estimate such an Influence as his, but If
'on will atop to think how some song by
Foster la linked with "fond memories,
the boon of such a' gift to a nation Will
be appreciated.
The statu of Foster coma from tho
school children of Kentucky, who con
tributed their pennies to the fund- .
Wrote Many Songs. " "
- The two song by which Foster most
endeared himself to Americans are "Old
Kentucky Home" and "Old Folk at
Home." the latter being : known as
"8 u wane Rlbber." While southern In
seen and sentiment, their beauty and
pathos are such that they are beyond
section, and they have long Ince be
come part of the country heritage of
mma. The resident of Maine and the
dweller la Montana are as much subject
ae i two ate.
tucklan or one from the far outh,
But It I not' by these two songs
alone- that Foster la remembered, for
there are many others, not unfnown to
he present generation and perfectly
familiar to those who can remember It
years back that were his production.
Especially I this so of the negro
songs which preserve the most beauti
ful features of ths days before the war,
when the negro belonged to his master.
Although a- Pennsylvanlan by birth,
Foster spent much of his time In Ken
i tacky, where slavery existed In Its hap
piest form-, and the bond between the
darkles arid 'master and missus" was
one of love. AH that waa tender and
pathetlo In thla Institution appealed to
Foster and Inspired . many . beautiful
songs. ', Foremost . are those already
In "The Old Kentucky Home" the
negro lament the happy days that are
one. The same ' sentiment . pervades
"Old Folk at Home." and net even
Homo Sweet Home' has gunk deeper
Tribute to Popular Song MaKcr
'.ale fern rnmA
Horace B. Fenton, Arthur Leach,
-.' " 7 Alice Bertherton,
siderably Increased by the- fact that all
of this year's graduate are from Port
land and It li a well-known tradition
that a young" man or woman cannot
launch forth properly on the sea of life
without at least two-relative at hand
to bid- him - Godspeed. Commencement
begin this year Sunday, June II
The class this year Is on of the larg
est, the Institution ha ever graduated
and represent a variety of courses.
Those finishing from Portland with
their major1 subject are: Earl A. Ab
bett, Economics; Alloa Bretherton. Eng
lish literature; Barry Dale, chemistry;
Ella M. Dob la, English composition;
Horace Fenton, . biology: Jeanl Gray,
French; Beth Kerron, biology; -Arthur
Into tho heart of tho homesick than ths
"All up and down the whole creation.
Badly I roam.
BU11 longing for the old plantation
And for the old folk at hom.""
"Old Black Joe" I perfect In It
simple patho. and the crooning chant
of the old negro's aad refrain a he la
ment the friend that have departed
' 'Tra coming, I'm oomlng.
For my head la bending low.
; I hear the gentle voice calling.
.' , Old Black Joe.- v
- The grief of "the negro for th kind old
master 1 contained In
Down In the cornfield.
Hear dat mournful sound
All d darkle am a-weeplng. ,
Masaa's in de cold, cold ground.
The homely dirge of th Old elav Is
-Unci Ned'' .
"There waa an old nigger, j
Hi nam was Uncle Ned; ,
He's dead long ago long ago;
He had no wool on de top of his head,
D place whar d wool ought to grow.
"Den lay down d ahubbl and d hoe.
Hang up de nddl and d bow;
No more hard work for old Unci Ned,
He gos whar d good nigger go.
"When old Ned die maaaa take it, mighty
m, ,-
D tear run down like rain:
Old missus turn pal and aha look berry
!KS Jlhnebbereee old Ned aaraln."
When Toster wrote his soncs. sad feel.
a i.
lad were fancied, and he wrote one that
brought fear to every mother's eye for
the SO year or more that It was, sung.
"Fair, fair and golden hair. ' "
Sang a lone mother while weepTng;
L Fair, fair and golden hair.
Under the willows she's sleeping."
.What ha not heard
"Old Dog Tray' vr faithful,
Orlef cannot drlv him away;
- He's gentle, he I kind; - ,' "
I'll never, never And
A better friend than Old Dog Tray."
Sentimental ballads were also favor.
Itea with Foster. Th best remembered
of the I "Com Where My Love Lies
Dreaming." , Other are "Annie, My
Own Love, ."Cora Dean: Dollie Day."
"Ellen Bayne." "Farewell, My. Lily
Dar.'?ForThee, Love. Fot. tf hoe." "I
See Her Still In My Dreams," '"Jenny
June," "Katy. Bell," "Iura Lee," "Vte
llnda May," "Weill Bly." 'Vnen Ta
Scth Kerron. Charleg Roy JReid. Middle Row Ella M. Dobie, Katherine Daiay Crawford. Bottom Row
Ralph R. Poppleton, Earl R. Abbett, jtavfo tinrij. : - ' '. . i :. '. .-'
ft "
Harry Dale.
Lattice. Love," "Sweet Little Maid of
th Mountain," "She'Waa All th World
to Me." "Thou Art the Queen of My
Heart," There' No Such Olrl a Mine,"
"Gentle 'Annie' a Tavorita. -f r ' i .
' "Gentle Annie" 1 - a good sample.
Th chorus was: . ; ";r ; -
"Shall w never more behold the.
Never hear thy winning vole again.
When tha springtime comes, gentle
When th wild flowers are scattered
o'er th plain?" v- .-' ,
And many others which . weraf tr-
I rently sung by the " Strephons and
iloeaof 'bo'sTaTI'e'ir
'Oh, Susanna."
Foster " wrote " comic sonrs, also.
though they differed vastly from th
eemle sengs of today. QnOfVOrlt!
waa "Oh, Susanna, which ran in part:
"X had a dream the other night, -When
everything was still;
I dreamt I saw Susanna, dear, .
A run nine down the hill:
Da buckwheat cake was' In her mouth.
De tear waa In her eye.
Say I, I'm coming from de south, .-
Susanna, don t you cry;" -
The atatue of Foster' was mad by
Sculptor i. L. Roop from a ' description
of th composer and aa old daauerreo
type - In the . possession of Foster
daughter. .Mr. Marlon Walsh of All.
gheny City, Pennsylvania. it snows
Foster seated tn a chair, which la th
reproduction of th on at Federal Hill
In whlrh ' Foster at while, be wrote
"Mi Old Kentucky Uoma." -
Leach, mining; Ralph - R. .- Poppleton,
electrical engineering; " Katherlne D.
Crawford, history. The commencement
exercises will take place Wednesday
morning. June 30.
The four main departments of ths
university have their commencements
at different times but alt the depart
ment are represented at Eugene in
June. Th medical and law schools,
both of which ar attuated in Portland,
have already had their exerclaes her.
Room la mad for their department on
the annual program. The musical de
partment receive one evening of com
mencement week. The full program la:
Sunday morning, baccalaureate sermon,
by Rev. Frank Mathews of Newton.
Scientific Questions fAniswcr ed
Q. 1. How far is the nearest star
from th eartht
Q. I. Explain the working of the
weather - bureau. Ruby Hardesty, Skel
ton, Nevada,
A. 1. The nearest star to the -earthM
th sun. distance 01,000.000 miles. The
next la th star-sun. Alpha Centauri, In
th southern sky. and It distance is
twenty-five trillion (
miles, or twenty-five million million. A
train moving one mile per minute with
out stopping would require 48,010.000
nearly forty-nine million years to get
there. This Is a "near-by" sun. All
stars are glowing suns. Our sun Is a
little star, 1.110,000. time larger than
the earth. ' -
A.J.Th TJnlted States weather bu
reau is one of the most valuable work
ing scientific institutions In the world.
It la. under the department of agriculture,-with
central office irt Washington.
Willis L. Moor I chief- Th report
for November, 1101, the last issued,
waa made np from telegrams and letter
from 1,470 station in all part of th
United Statta. And telegram were re
ceived from the West Indies. Cuba,
Canada, Mexico and England, and from
ships at sea and the United State life
saving stations.
These stations send ' telegrams td
Washington, and local time is reduced
to the seventy-fifth meridian, so that
the officers In Washington know all
about the - temperature, direction of
winds, clouds, rain and storms so well
that they make ah accurate map every
day. 'fllurm signals
sent everywhere. It Is an Impressive
sprctacis to visit th great office In
Washington. They have blank maps of
the United States, and the moment'
telegram comes In the clerk fill in rec
Q. I. What point In the heavens
marks th pole of th ecllptlo and In
which direction doe our. pole move
around It? F. Jenney, 1411 Clement
avenue, Alameda, California. - .
A. a, Th pole of the ecliptic, or the
plan of th earth' orbit i 11 V de
gree from th north pole of th earth.
It I In th constellation Draco. The
two star In tho Great Dipper next th
handle point roughly toward it. , The
north pole of th earth move round It
ono In 18.717 years In a retrograde
direction, from eaat to west, in opposi
tion' to th motion of all the planets.
The opening In the north side of the
Pyramid of Buphls pointed, toward a
bright star, also In Draco, not far from
lb pole of, the aclipiic B. C, 1170. - Tha
Massachusetts. ' a graduate from the
university In 18(5; Monday afternoon,
field day; evening. schools of musio
recital; Tuesday, morning, alumni busi
ness meeting: afternoon, president's re
ception ; evening, Falltng-Beekman con
test; Wednesday, , morning, commence
ment exercises; afternoon, alumni ban
quet; evening, alumni ball. ,
Much of. the interest of commence
ment centers around the Falllng-Beek-man
contest, in which six orators from
the senior class compete for cash prises
offered by the late Henry Falling and
the late B. B.- Beekman of -thla elty.
The orators are choaen by an earlier
competition of those of the class eligi
ble by course and scholarship to enter.
motion of th pole of the earth around
the pole, of the orbit took th long atone
tube ouCof a line joining the earth and
th star, so that its light - no longer
shine Into the rock-hewn telescope of
the Egyptians. They were amaxed when
the solid pyramid moved.
Q. 4. While space and time ar Infin
ite, do you believe that there Is an In
finite number of suns? Mott Rlehm,
Virginia Ctty, Nevada.
A. 4. Astronomers have no' way of
deciding whether there Is an infinite
number of suns. The trend of opinion
I that th sidereal structure is finite.
But, aa there la enough matter In exist
ence to mske 12,000.000,000 suns Ilk
curs, the mind Is overwhelmed with even
this, a finite quantity. Mentallsts have
found out that there t no-nse- in trying
to think of infinity. Indeed, we cannot
think of a . million. The sun contains
131,000 tiroes ' more matter than does
th earth. ;--" . . . -
Q. (. Since It take centuries for heat
to come from some of the stars, snd aa
space la intensely cold, how comes It
that heat la retained until it reaches the
earth? Charles I. Gregory, Roxbury,
Idaho. -
A. (. This Is on of th most Im
portant questions In the domain of sci
ence. ' Heat Is a mode of motion of mat
ter. Energy comes to the earth from
all sun lnspac by wave motion. No
heat appears until waves strike against
matter. So specs is at the absolute aero
minus 411 degrees F. All life on
earth is duo toi felecUveabsorptlpiui
l snromia nas the nonor - of - being a
yTacgwTf re" inr uw Uf ting wimaeirui
property of absorption were worked out.
Professor 8. P. Langley. who died
February ' 27. U04t . ascended Mount
Whitney with elaborate instruments in
1111. He had one set of instruments
two' wiles higher than the set below.
Hey made the now clasaic discovery
"that the temperature of the earth s sur
face I not due . principally to direct
radiation from the aun, but to the
quality of selective absorption In our at
mosphere, without which the tempera
ture of th soil, even In the tropics under
a vertical sun, would probably not rise
above 100 degrees below aero." These
are the great scientist's own words.
Thla law .la, that If th air, aqueous
vapor In th air and th soil Itself did
not chang wave lengtha of solar radiant
energy, and retain most of the energy,
life couldi not exist on earth. The long
est visible waves that can appear as heat
when . they surrender their ' energy to
matter run -JS.poo to Jthe Inch. But ha
found million of longer waves, beyond
1. T assist s pupil elsctlng to attend
pro vl dins ff tuition tm n pcrtcxl
i. Sana conditions as the foreirotr.g 200.00
I.' Cash for Inoidentsl expenses in addition to a scholarship to be selected.
from the foUwlnsr list ., t lM OO
4. Same conditions as tho foregoing'.
I, JBaraa conditions as the foregoing
t. Bam conditions as the foregoing
ACAt)EMT OF THB HOLY NAMES, Astoria, Oregon Tuition for full
academic cour9,,.Value s.
ALBANT COLLEGE. Alba ru, Oregon Twd years' tuition in the, classical,
scientific. academlrar'O? commercial course-. .....-.. .".
BEHNKE-WALKER BU81NES8 CpLLEOE. Portland One or inore schol
arships good for one year's tuition In' bookkeeping, shorthand ' or
commercial courses . . ; .............. .",
CAPITAL. BUSINESS CQLLEGE, Salem, Oregon Ten months' tuition In
" business or shorthand departments ". , . . ..... ........... ;'.;Trn. t
or school year beginning September
GILLESPIE SCHOOL OP EXPRESSION. Portland Two private and one
class lesson per week and use of library for one school year
HILL MILITARY ACADEMY, Portland One year's tultton
HOLMES BUSINESS COLLEGE. Portland One or more scholarships good
for one year's tuition In the bookkeeping, shorthand or commercial -
. courses . 7... . .. J ...... ... .'x ...... i i'i i
HOLMES-FLANDERS PRIVATE SCHOOL. Portland One year's special .
.university training, one year's normal course, or a practical English
' course tor one and one-half years. llt.Of
ir..'vanla Anv of tna regular bom srstodr courses yalued .t.4.A,ii'-iifc.l.: -OREGON
CONSERVATORY f)V MU8IC, Portland One pianoforte scholar-
.'aMp t. yr'M tuition mil tha uaa of music for the course..
One -violin scholarship (8evclk, semi-tone system), same as the pre-.
.mAr.r i ' i n
One guitar and mandolin scholarship,
PACIFIC COLLEGE, Newberg, Oregon
andpmmerclaltelegraphy, railroad
ahin. etc. . . . J. . .
General training In domestic science for. one jichool year , or the
eejulvalent In special classes M;,,.u.,.uJjui,liuii.jj...,
SACRED HEART ACADEMY, Salem, Oregon Tuition and board for one
school year t . ... . . r. . 1(0.00
OX-MARY'S ACADEMY, Portland Tuition for the entire academlo course . -
ffouryears) or board and tuition for one year. .I: ..'...,...-.. ,!00.0
. Negotiation are pending for several other valuable scholarships to, be added
to the foregoing list, thus affording a sMUAreater number and variety for the
winners to select their prises from. , r:- ' -- .i. -. ;.
" First choice of the prizes above mentioned to go to the contestant making
highest score, that la. receiving the most credit points or vote allowed on
nrenairf aubacrintlona to the Daily. Sunday and Semi-Weekly editions of Th
Oregon Journal during the months of
prizes to go, to the contestant making the second nignesc score, ana kj ra-mui
no less thak 20 prises are awarded, provided there ahall be. at least. J0actlv
contestants who hav achieved results Justifying such liberal remuneration, v
in, vouna- nerson of school age who can furnish satisfactory references aa
to character and worthiness of assistance In the endeavor to aecure a good educa
tion may oompeter provlded-lwwovojvUlurt.auccessful contestants -will re
stricted In their choice of scholarships to such aa are suited tothelf personal us,"
a the scholarships will be non-transferable. - - J ,
-Candidates, for scholarships may enter the contest at any tlm between the
opening date. June 1st, and tho close, September 1st. An early start , will be
found advantageous. :
During th ntlr. tlm that th contest Is In progress person paying advance
subscriptions to The Journal Will have the privilege of -casting a certain number,
of vote In favor of any-younr-person- whom. they .deslr to assist In winning a
scholarship. The business of contestants - will be .to' Induce their friends,-and -strangers.
If they choose, to subscribe for The Journal, If they ar not already
taking the paper, or renew their subscription by paying up for aa long a period
in advano aa convenient thereby giving the eonteotanta the benefit of the rote
allowed on advanco paymenta. ' A cash commission will be paid contestant on
all new aubscrlptlons secured by them personally, or procured directly through
their Influence. -' . - ... . .
Votes will be allowed on all advance payments on, subscriptions whether
solicited by the contestant themselves, or paid or remitted direct to Th Journal
office, or through any of" the regular agents or collector, but In all case th
money mut be In Th Journal office before credit will be given for the vote. -
Blank voting certificates or ballota will bo furnished on request to eon
testanta oi others who may have use for them. For each subscription prepaid.'
one of these ballots may be filled out to correspond with tha amount and length,
of tlm paid for, th number of vote due, th nam of th contestant favored.
. k. .ntMt &t tha convenience of th subscriber or contestant, but no
ballota will be valid unless approved by the superintendent of circulation.
Contestants need not begin turning In their votes before Jun 11. On that
date the poll will b regularly opened and remain open until th do of th
contest. A oon as a conaiderebla number' pfyoongpeopr- have commenced
active work the cor will be published daily or as often aa convenient, so that
th publlo may keep Informed aa to to
The voting power of subscription
Daily aad Smaday Journal
... frice Dy
Tima . Carrier. Mall.
One Year
Three Month...... 1.18
Two Month ...... M0
Ona Month .08
unday otnal.,'
Prlc by
Tlm. Carrier. Mall.
" 200
One Year 128 i.6o
Six Month Ma l oo
: For further Information, if
Journal. Foreland, Oregon, j
ti . Educational
rOBTLAJTO, 01X00. '
B Nam of Subscriber.
Addreta ...
Amount Paid I
rTMonths Becinrung. ,
Nw or Old?. .
Of -
the red and Invisible. These keep up th
Uf of th earth, because they are ab
sorbed. Thus the 'waves penetrate tha
air and watery vapor, and these retain
tha energy and permtt Its escape'- t
frigid epace again. And the phenome-
Jon has received tha name selective ab
orptlon. and la a basic law of nature.
Thus In the spectroscope in thla ob
servatory the lines due to this marvel
ous absorption ar plainly visible, and
they vary with the humidity of the at
mosphere. Our lives depend on absorp
tion ef solar energy,
PRIZES. V '. r::r' v 1
snjr 8tt xr prtvats Institution v ' ,
of not than on year. . . . . i . . t
i ..... ......,........-
... i
100.00 .
Tuition anT dlnr tm schcol -day
I. it 00.
r . . . .!!.
same aa preceding!
Two years tuition -w.S.-.;!.-1 y.-
Portland A life course In raUway.
accounting, typewriting, penman-
June.. July and August; second choice of
progress oi ma conies.
will be In accordano with th following;
Sally Journal Wltkoat Sunday.
Prlc by ' .. s
Time. Carrier. Mail, j Votes.
On Year 16.00 $8 0
Six Months ' . . ... ... . 2.40 1.76 -
- 60
Three Month 1.10 1.40
Two Month 1.00 , 1.00
On Month 80 .10
Semi-Weekly Journal.
, ' '. Price by
Time. Carrier. Mall.
One Year ... 11.60
Six Month ....... V. . . .78
apply to Contest Department,
Contest, 1906
......... Journal
.Good for.
... .... ..: .". "ii'n I )
BuswtatwMlea ef CtrealstiM. I
;ssssaxxssrsrr"r": J.
r q, o. I th Galactic circle the only
great system of stare, or are there
others still more remote? C. 1. O.
A. 0. As no telescope rsa see beyond
the Milky way, we do not know wnether
there are still other systems outM-.
The millions of suns that appear on so.
sltlve plates are, without dniihi, r :
farther away than the Galactic r li -
Low rate excursion tlckeia e--i ,
the Northern I'ctn. Full part''
ticket office, 268 Morrison sit ,
Ihird, ferUand, Otegoa,