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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 3, 1906)
HE OREGON) SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNINO. JUNE 3. 190& -?HH roi'lTTHI THliTEtli 1 1 1 Ml' IMGj I IT II nlllt Royl Itallaa tma. Thnr!r, FrMaj awl Batwtar Bltuu , rdiy auttM. Bkr Baker stark ennpaoy ki Ball Cln Tb ftcrn City." Mrtc l.rrK- alfxk coaapaar la "A , OnvWa- Wlfa' - "tar Btar atack cenpaaj ta . MA Hmmmt THf." - firm lran4v41U , Paatafaa VaiidtrUla. rHI8 bM bn Ufhi waait In th local dramatic world, th only -ftrat-elM attrwrtloir betnf th Bakar Stork company In the ""malodrama "Handa Acroaa -tha-flea." Seyaral thlnfra conaplre. tQ.makt thUl "in unlucky week with the Bakerttes; tint dnrlror the comlna; week, when The UClty" wm be-tbe aomethma better la expected to reault. , In "Handa Acroaa the Sea" the beet ' work waa done by Margaret NertUe and Bart Kins, both . playlnr minor rol'a. - Edgar Bauine - waa not aulted to hi .part,- and knew It and acted It' accord lntrly.i t Lillian Lawrence, always a a-ooJ actraa; waa not -ahown 1 to'iad ' 'vantare. 3oha Safnpolla, - one of the ' beet of Bakerltea, did notable work, bat '.fell .abort .became the hoodoo -that fol lowed the production waa. working on Mm also. Tct. the play waa a stirring one and well worth the price of ad- nlsalon. ' Margaret 'Jffeville, who did not make . good -impression in the opening bill : of the Bakerltea. "Prinee Karl." has alnee shown that she Is an accom plished actress.. Her part In "Handa , .Across the Sea'! waa secondary, yet she got Into the spirit of it and made an Instant hit. 8he-'lias mannerisms. . - though, an abundance of them. She has .f i peculiar way of rolling -her eyas at I critical stages of the game, and has ., a certain playful tosa of the head over : the left shoulder that would be better If not always consummated In the same "T r" wanner. The . patrons of the Baker L and from appearances -there are thou sands Vf them expert good things of - Miss NerlUe daring the season. ..... . That sterling actor, William Harris, appeared in "Hands Across the Sea," - ' and was given an enthuslaatlo reception. -' Harris Is well known to local theatre . goers. He played In "The Chrtstiaa," ..-.' Lillian Lawrence certainly made a fctt as Glory Qusyle In The Christian," and Portland people will await - with Interest her performance of the leading role of The Eternal City." which opens this afternoon. Edgar Baume will hare chance to do good work, and Donald ' Bowles will have a part more suited to ; him than any he has had since the pros t e)nt season, began. Sainpolls, also, win a sdrantag a, The brighteet bit of "Hands Across .... the Sea" waa the comedy work of How rl Buss ell wl Jewel J-owerRussell's , work baa been up to his standard so far this season, and If the applause of the audiences of the Baker may be taken as a criterion, he la one of the most popular members of the company. Miss . Power made a good impression this week and won her share of applause. - ,. At the Lyrlo during the past week . the bUl. "A Southern Girl's Lovs," the regulation war-time melodrama, met , with approval. Good work was done by v.Frank Fanning. The bill at the Star "3Lpo ManyJrlendsl bright lUUa ' . . - f ' Lptti Kendall. - A ' - L I lUIIMiriilVm ' vru 1 - ii 1 '- ,'-,r.1: - j 4 - ' i . "7 ' ",. - . - s f-- ' mm 2 fares, that won many friends for the new Star Stock company. The vaude vlll bills at the Grand and at Pantages were up to the uaual standard of those houses. At "Pantages pictures of the San Francisco holocaust were an extra attraction. " - - - - - Little is doing this week In addition to The Eternal City- at ths Baker, and the bills at the smaller houses. Commenclnug one week from today, however,- there - wlU - be-eomlo - opera stock at the Helllg. The manag-ement has spent considerable time and gone to a great amount of trouble to secure good principals andaj, good chorus. Definite arrangements have . not been made for the first production. Friday and Saturday there will be at the Helllg the Royal Hawaiian band, a musical organisation- that haa won con siderable favorable comment. The program to be rendered will be com posed of native musle aa well aa the or dinary numbers. The band made many friends last summer during an engage ment at the exposition. -.. . 3 a t i .-. ".: : ' f ,..;. i,,i,iiir'.'.."i". 1 ' a 1 to ths ' Orpbeum vaudeville clrout, which will take over the houae the lat ter part of August.' At that time the Bake rites will go on a four-monJths' tour of the south and middle' west, re turning from the tour to be installed in a new theatre which will be erected In the down-town district on some loca tion not yet decided upon. Manager Baker said last . week that there Is a possibility of these plsns being changed enough to 8ndrhe Bakerttes to the"l Helllg nd; place- ths road shows 1rr the new house. However, this has not been definitely decided. The new theatre, local managers say, Is no hallucination, but is absolutely assured. Within the next four weeks there is to come to the Hellla; Nat Goodwin. Henrietta Cragsman will also appear in several of her moet notable productions, and "The Land of Nod" Is billed' for three nights and a matinee. These pro ductions will cause the comlo opera stock to be discontinued for the nights they are In the city. The general public perhaps. Is una ware of the great amount of work incl-dnt-to the production of a play like "The Eternal City," which is being put on by the Baker-Stock company-this week. It means hard work for. the members of the cast, a great deal of work for the-sreire-painterSr-unUmlted labor on the part of the stage manager, and the drilling of a number of "su pers," most of whom are bard to. drill. The lines of such a play are difficult to learn, and yet they must be mem orised by the actors while they are pro ducing another play.- Last week the Bakerltea rehearsed every morning, studied every afternoon, gave a differ ent production In tone and spirit in the evenings, and got their sleep and their meals whenever they got a -chance. Tet It Is safe to aay that when the curtain of the Baker goes up this afternoon on the' first scene of "The Eternal City" everything will move aa amoothly aa thouah- the-ehow were a road produc tion that had been playing every night for a season. : SPOTLIGHT FLASHES. Following the production this week of "The Eternal City" the Raker stock eomeawy will put en Henry Vi TOemend'' siiccesssful comedy drama, "When We Were Twenty-One." Following this, Sardou's "Mms. Sans Gen"' will be the bill. " .' Eastern' critics are wrlting'ln glowing terms of the work of Rose Eyttnga It) the new comedy, "Mistakes Will Hap pen," which was given its premier about two weeka ago. The Roral Hawaiian band, which comes to the Helllg for four concerts- Thurertay.n-Frlday and Saturday , and Saturday matinee this week, gave to benefit 1 performances for earthquake victims' at Oakland last Thursday and Friday.' , Belasro, Mayer aV Co. have established a theatre In 'a tent In San Francisco, and have begun construction of a new filajr house. In the Unt s stock cum- v: 1 . 'rj r.. 1 V. pany will play at popular1 prices through the summer season. The company of Roselle Knott has had great success in- a Canadian tour. The last night of her engagement In To ronto, it is reported, more than 600 peo ple were turned away, and the manage ment determined to secure her for a second week,, but Montreal, where aha waa billed to appear, "refused to release her. Rumors from Ootham have It that next eason.fthers wilr be an abundance of new musical comedy of the lighter sort John B. Hsnshaw will star In new- production Bernard Shaw is putting ths finish. lnr touches to a nowplsy-which- will. be given its premier in septemoer ana for which a prominent star will be en- raged. Julia Marlowe, who was reported ill two weeks ago, has recovered, but will not be seen on the stage again until next season, her physician advising that she take absolute rest this summer. She Is living at her New Hampshire country home. David Belasco, it Is said. Is writing a new western play for Blanche Bates. and may take "The Girl of the Golden Want" off the boards In August to glva the new production a chance with the public. . t" ' - MONOLOGUES.- "The Eternal City.- Special promises have been made for the opening this afternoon at ths 'Baker theatre of 'The Eternal City" and Indi cations are that they will be more than fulfllfed.. The management haa gone to every possible length in making sure of a fine and extraordinary production. The scene1 Is laid In Rome. Therefore pal ace a, Roman ruins snd the plctureequa ness of Italy have Inspired the artist's brush. The play waa written by Hall Calne, probably the greatest living writer of wonderfully powerful and apectacular dramas. His "The Chris tian" In a fine conecntlonr but his "The ("Eternal City" ls a morelbrTy and en nohllng theme of the tensest Interest and grandest splendor. It Is the' story of Roeelr-the leader of the people,. who loves Roma, the aculptress snd ward of the prime minister. The undying lovs of RossT ana Kom tnrougTrTfTaTs-THaT shake ths foundations of church and state and. their triumph at last and his elevation to the proud position of dic tator of Rome form a drama never to be forgotten. It "la a stupendous -work to put on this play In an adequate man ner and the most unqualified praise is due Mr. BakJr for its successful ac complishment. Several weeks have been consumed In preparation and ths result today is commended to the public. The Baker stock company will be at Its best In, the Impersonation of the many and various roles - among the dramatis persona. There Is an opportunity for a hit for each of the old favorites, snd the general excellence of the perform ance Is sssured r the caliber of the superb company full caat follows: The Baron Bonelll.. ...John, Sainpolls The Hon. David Rossi... .Edgar Bauma Bruno Rocoo..., ..Donald Bowlea Commendator AngelelU. .William .Dills Trent! al Muira....-iiTiIlarrr ManAullffi Charles Mlngslll Howard Russell His Holiness...'. ...Frederick Esmelton Father Pifferl ..Harry D. Byers Dan Camlllo Murelll. . , .Burt L. King General Potter. ....... .Frank Stapleton Sir Bvelyn Wlss..,. . .David Grlffl Tomaaso Maiiottl. ......William Harris Felice Roswell Dagu Cardinal ... .TV". . . . ."".'". .'William Harper Princess Bellini.. .....Mrs. H. D. Byers Elena Margaret Neville Joseph.jjLj-i-t. ..Little Gladys Banks Nattallne. . . . ... .. . ; .Ethel Gray" Terry Donna Roma Volonna. .Lillian Lawrence Guards, soldiers, -carabineers, . ladles, ei&. -future- Act I The loggia of the Baron Bo- nelirs palac overlooking th plasma of St. Metro.1 Act II David Rossi's apartment. Act III- Donna Roma's studio. Act IV ScnaX-MUUrX tribunal In th castle of St. Angelo. Seen I. Th pope's garden at the Vatican. - - Act V Donna Roma's studio. . Act- VI Scene 1. Ante-chamber to the pope's bedroom.. Scene J. Th. log gia of the castle of-St. Angela ., . Musical Stock at Heilig. Th people of this city may bs 'con gratulated on the prospects at the Hei lig theatre for musical productions diifnv lng the summer. Th jenaau Musical company-leaves Los Angeles - today bound for Portland, -and will open at th Helllg In The Rounders Sunday night. June 10. . The company carries Its own costumes, and special scenery will be made for a weekly change of bill so long as ' th season of musical stock lasts at th Helllg. The stock season Is under dlreotlon of Calvin Helllg and George -H. Davis, and every effort is being made to give the publlo a really meritorious series of performances. Lottie Kendall is the premier comedi enne and Myrtle Van is th soubrette. Robert Pitkin is the baritone, and E. F. Seamans one of th tenors. The company numbers about 10 ' and has been added to in Bah Francisco. and also a few society girls from Port land with excellent voices will go Into th chorus. The season Will Include soma extremely fetching musical com edies and light operas.- The majority of the Kendall company com from New Orleans, where it Is as natural to atng as to breathe. It is probable that The Telephone Girl" will be the second week's bill. Eoyer Concert at Exposition Grounds A particularly attractive proposal is mad to th publio for this Sunday afternoon by Mr. w. H. Boyer. He made so big an impression on th pub Ho with bis fine concert the other evening at th He'll g theatre that he he other has been persuaded to repeat the eon- cert at the Lewis and Clark fair grounds this afternoon at t o'clock. He . will give th full program with chorus of AOJcJceaaololstSfeihajiame and an or - chestra of It pieces. The Verdi "Re, qulem" is th great, number of the program, but there is also much Inter est felt in th catchy muslo of Frankle Rlchter's new comlo opera. The Grand Nasar." Father Dominic's "Beautiful Willamette" will be on the program. It will be a magnificent concert and the choral work of th SO voices under Mr. Boyer' s control Is acknowledged to be something a little better than than this city has listened to In a long time. The fair grounds have been slicked up snd look a good deal A they did when the exposition was in progress. Admission to the grounds also gives everybody ac cess to th concert, and - there is no extra charge for vehicles. Tou ret an outing, a beautiful stroll or rid and a suprb:conort. I , . . ' V " ' """"" """ ; Royal Hawaiian Band. . Th tonr of th famous Royal Hawa iian band of Honolulu will embrace the entire United States and the public will be given an opportunity of hearing the most novel organisation of its kind in th world. Th band numbers 60 musi cians - of both sexes and comprises a military band, a choir, a stringed or chestra, aa well as mandolin, guitar and banjo clubs and solo singers of both sexes. Special price matins Sat urday. . VAUDEVILLE AND STOCK. At the Grand. At th Grand today- th last ap pearand will be mad by th Broadway trio, who have made such a hit during the past week;' th Brothers Luts. arm- leas wonders; Clemenso ' Brothers, Parisian mnalnsl novelty act; the Kelcey girls, Tom Ripley, and the re mainder of th big bill which haa been unanimously - Indorsed as first class. Ths performances are from I to and from 7:10 to 10:41. . - . Another strictly superior program la assured this week, starting with th matinee tomorrow. Th Orand headline aot comes directly from th Orpbeum In San Francisco. Armstrong and Holly present this act. under th title of Th Expressman." and it la said to be on prolonged laugh. Najda Is another feat ure on ths new bill. Sh is a dancer. Unlik ordinary artists In this branch of th profession, sh offers something new. - Natda carries a large quantity of special scenery and" electrical ap- fiaratua. One of ths German comedians, ong associated with Weber A Fields, 1 George Toemaa. H u down en tb program for 10 minutes of mirth and melody. "Domestlo Pets' is. the nam given th act by Ellsworm ana uuru Tstiiin iUiiiai slatsr team Is nnunlH In Ik. Mnnnl Of the BttTitef sauhrettes. - Master Harold Hof f will H - Ll AnnatMll" an 11 lustrated song, and . the Grandlscop will tell Terrible - Anguisn-. ana Love Tragedy." ' ' .. v .. ' ; .. ; At the Star. Today only will th funny musical farce. Too Many Friends." be "seen. This Js ths play which has arouaed so many- laughs during tne paai-weca the Star. It is given with a vaudeville Ho. each number of which is gooa. "A Pleasant Day" will be th attrac tion at the Star this week, beginning at the matinee tomorrow. This is a nonsensical affair in which there is just enough plot to keep the audience lnrormed as to wnai aa me lun is about. The"- comedians will be given full scop snd, as usual, there will be a large number of local hits and Port land -Jokes. " "A Pleasant Day" Is the kind of show th public seeks when a rattling diversion is wanted. The Btar Stock eomoanv is particularly Well oual- lfledlo Interpret -thie-mueloal farce, since the organisation is composed of Wills and Collins, th travesty stars of America, Dick Mack. J. W. Clifford and other comedians. Ths chorus at th Star is composed of half a dosen pretty girls, who have catchy songs and pretty dances and garnish the performance with their presence.' There will alse be a new 'vaudeville olio. Among the specialty artists secured 'for the olio are Emllie Watte, th eminent operatic vocalist, and Cato Kalth, who la con sidered by some people aa on of th foremost Hebrew Impersonators on the stage and th legitimate successor of David Warflold and Joe Welch.. "My Wild Weatern Rose" will be th lllus trated song, and '"Oliver Twist" will be th story related by th Btaroscop, ";" At the Lyric. The last opportunity to see th beau llfxo' tlful military drama, "A Southern Girl's vaTwlll be this-afternoon and avsiu. Ing with continuous performance. This production has met with phenomenal success during ths past week, due "large ly to th fact of its being a romano of the southland, carrying with it all the elements calculated to make a dramatic production Interesting and worthy of appreciation. All should see this most excellent offering. Beginning with th matin tomorrow afternoon, the Lyrlo will introduce its customary--change of bill- by offering that melodramatlo success, "A Convict's Wltp." This play abounds with strong climaxes, delicate situations, and, deals 'WIlK'Ib'auocVs'sesud'failu'rM of life Trna-mgnrieT rnogrregriiitie. Thers is also a very beautiful love story running through the play, "which adds largely To Us taking features. With "Miss How ard as ths wife. Miss Branscomb as Doris, Hies Power ss the old maid, Mr. Fanning with a strong part in Drysdsle, a part he has played with success In the east, Mr. Ashton as Burleigh. Mr. Whit ney as the young lieutenant, -snd last but not least," that old-time favorite. Mr. Connors,, gives an assuranc of the acceptability of th offering. Th il lustrated songs and moving- plotures by ons of the Lyric's favorites. Jo Thomp son, will constitute one of the strong features of this week's attraction at the Lyrlo. - - - "... Pantagea New B11L ' Pantages announces for the following week several of the best features It has yet offered the publlo which is saying a great deal. There are two featurea in particular which will appeal to every body. These are Ralph Cummlngs and company and the Hunt dog and monkey circus. Ralph Cummlngs, - tne notea comedian. wltKhla able assistants In the fun-making business will put on the mirthful farce, "A Sealskin Sacque,' which ltteraly took Seattle vaudeville patrons by storm this past week.. Ths dog and monkey circus Is a great treat for the little ones. No child should be deprived of. seeing these smart Uttla animals in their Jhouaand and one funny capers, and they will prove entertaining for grown-up children aa well, men, as additional features, there is Miss Cells Hobson, the operatic vocalist, who has an excellent voice. Fletcher and Nolan are a team of young and very pretty soubrettes from Ssn Francisco. Jean Wilson will sing the Illustrated ballad and th blograph will picture a llvelv comedy film. i Today for the laat time, th second series of San Francisco earthquake mov ing plotures will be presented. There will be continuous performances in or der to accommodate all who wish to see this thrilling, accurate and realistic spectacle. A long list of exceptionally I k00d vsudevW numbers supplements lag esrmquaao picture. Any Oods or Idols to Sellf (From th N. T. Sun.) Th following is an extract from a l letter actually received by a NwJXork haul doing business -with- foreign covin-I tries. The letter cams from Kumb- hakonam. South India "As natives of India ar always wor shippers of all gods and Idols, if you can favor me with a list of Idols, their prices and some sample idols, I wfil be able to send you a large wholesale or der for these gods, which will take up exceedingly well among natives all over India; and if you can get me th sol agency from that factory for intro ducing their 'Idols throughout India, I am sure to make their business a thorough-success her in the event of their undertaking; to gtv the sol agency throughout ' India, Burma and Ceylon, and also a fixed traveling al lowance, - say til a month Including Batta to one of my clerks to begin with, wh will go throughout India and secure orders from natives, rich and poor, mer-1 chants and nobles, eto. "If you can kindly se your way to get m th sol agency on th above lines, I con make it a great success fin ancially for both of us, you undertaking to supply me with idols and I undertak ing to sell them as fast as possible. There Is no competition for this line of business her, and heno I wish to be th first In th field and natives ar such a bigoted people who will sell their souls, If possible, to worship aa Idol of their own." . American tnflusno. L We'r a great snd growing natrmv anq inn others fnmi and sua Over what they call our crudeness, i They all oopy after us; See the cssr of all th Russians Filching Roosevelt's curious fad H has sne andsnubbed th duma, - . .... i. it Ivan Graftsky had a rat bill - Which ha flrurafl Anrht r n But th csar Just looked It over. Ana n loudly cried: "No, no!" Up" lumped Lobbyvltch and Blllsky Whaw. vnn ihnnM V w r i Tee, the cssr hss snubbed th duma, auu am uuniai angry, nowt -- ' ' IIL ' ' .' i Thn the memhr from Fodumksky He Was past th blush of youth Told th member from Upstateskv That th csar outraged th truth. ' There Is bitterness and aor-row. Anger, sadness and regret, -For th csar haa snubbed ths duma, And th duma's mad, you bet! - ' Charles R, Barnes, Life Story Stranger SafFiclion From th London Tribun. - TUB prisoner against whom xtra . dltion proceedings r being . taken by th French govern J ment and who appeared at Bow street pollc court "on Monday, as re ported in th Tribune, Is being watched night and. day. If he really Is the fa mous Edward Guerln. there Is no doubt that ha Is ona of th moat dangerous criminals. alive. So far he has. not ad. raltted that he is th man, although th police ar quit confident of his Iden tity. - Guertn's llf story Is remarkable. -After serving several sentences of Im prisonment he was convtoted of blowing up by dynamite the strong-room of tho American Express Office in Paris, and waa sent to serve a life-sentence at Devil's island, th desolate and pestilent -plso near Cayenne, where Dreyfus was confined. t Th atory of his escape, as told to an old-conf cderate, reads Jlkertb. - advert--tures of the hero of a boy's book of adventure. Already, if we ar to be lieve th convict's own story, h was planning to escape when on the outward voyag to Cayenne. His first mov towards regaining his liberty was t get oh friendly terms with a warder's wife, a matter which, he complacently v alleges waa not very difficult, the fact being that he is a remarkably handsome. man. Through her he obtained money from friends in Chicago, where he has spent a good many years of his-life, and presently h contrived by means of th sam friendly agenoy to be ordered, together with two Other prisoners, from his cell near the military headquarters to a spot at tb extreme and of the Island. Soon after their arrival here, th three men escaped to a swamp not far- from th seashore. Meanwhile a dead body, supposed to be that of a prisoner, -was found on the Island anil was identified by the authorities as w... .an,,..i- ti. e,i,,.,-.i pi.,., a wooden board with Ouerln'a nam on it was put over the grave, and the name of Guerln was expunged from th rec ords oft- the convict settlement Lik4 th hero of th."81lvr King,", be wax f re to start In life again. ATtght for Life. uf-tfrsr of all he had to affect his escape to the mainland, a task of extra ordinary peril and difficulty. The three men had food... water, supplies, ami money, and Guerln had a revolver. Wltit sum tough tuotrr-whrmnh5aals wnrkttna ntarht etui Ah mid a -anit a boat by scooping out th trunk of a fajHnn tr. ss well ss some, paddles. When their "dug-out" was ready they embarked on dark night, and set out. In th direction of Dutch Guiana. Dutca Gulna' was a long way off. but th. men dared not land at any place within too miles of their place of captivity. They took it in turns to do the paddling and to sleep, : Then Guerln noticed that his two companions would whisper when they thought he waa asleep, and ha - noticed also that they were quit willing to paddle while he reated. He, kept his ears open, and heard them pTan nlng fo murder him and rob-hlm of his money.. Guerln lay still in th bottom of the vessel, gripping his revolver, and when his companions crept towards him with knives In their hands he- pointed the muscle at them. Th men were alarmed, and were ready' to promise anything if he would not shoot. He simply ordered them to go on paddling whli he sat In th stern of the boat with hla finger on th trigger of th re volver. For three days snd nights this con tinued, If the convict's own statement can be credited, until at last they landed, half dead from fatigue and 1 loss ' of sleep. Guerln Immediately left th two others, taking wtth'hlm all he could lay hands on and leaving them ex hausted in th bottom of th dug-put, Free Once More!- At length free, Guerln started tramp ing northward, but how long the journoy lasted he had no Idea, for In the course of it he lost all count of time. He wa captured by a tribe of Indiana, but at th and of four days he succeeded one more in making his escape. Another day and night ,of wandering followed, and then he found himself at Para maribo, in Dutch Guiana, In such a dreadful state that he describes himself as having been "a bag of bones, rotten .with fever." There he managed to sub slst for a time, and taking ship fro.u Georgetown to New York, arrived n tbAUUetcAtjrwlthoujLJljennyJnhl pocket. Afterwards in Chicago h talked freely with hla old associates on th subject of his extraordinary adventures, and ho ridiculed the notion that th Frenci. government would ever attempt to e- cure his extradition.. -"When you'r dead on their books," he said, ''you ere dea.l , all over, and they are too polite to think of extraditing a dead man." Re cent developments, have shown that In this Guerln was mistaken, even al though It should prove after all thai th English pollc hava been at fault in Identifying him with the man at present In custody here. Doubtless, the mystery of the man's Identity wl'l speedily be cleared up with the aid the French anthropometrics! service. Xabor Temple fox Chicago. The erectldh' of a labor-templecost ing 1700.000 on a site costing 1300.000, with offices and meeting balls to accom modate Chicago's 700 trades unions, is said' to be under consideration by a' prominent banker of that elty, who had ofrerdto finance th proposition under certain conditions. . The suffragists ar hopeful, if not confident. 231 WASHINGTON ST. PORTLAND .ORCfiOrU HENS . ClOTHIS' -v.-'V . . MAKER" or