The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 03, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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ULLIi lilnliLU nl ILIill IU
: Ends His CampaighTon
I; in burst or lYienqaciiy ana Dy reaming
nletot In a burat of mendacity. Orally,
, by circular and In tha organs hired by
Oovror Chambertatn' opponenta-the
. ; Ilea flared and sputtered Ilk sparks
from : a skyrocket. The spellbinders
' believed that for their purpose a top
jj.-'-of falsehood waa worth mora than an
' ounce of fact t '
Mr. Withycombe reiterated hla da
llberafa misstatement to the effect that
'. )i had been attacked becaoaa of hla
, Knaiish birth. That misrepresentation
waa 'made by him la an effort to iret
: the sympathy of a- few people who.
V, te think. -ot read the paper. What l
-' waa ld JDt Mr. wUByeotnb waa, that
' fc waa lit thla country for many year
before he thought - It waa rood enough
i to glv up for It hla allegiance te Kng-
land, and that the ag fheart-and
- ritlaenehlp were-nearly ayncbronloua
1. with hla dealre for office.-
- More' circular ware bent but the
' Republican - atat central committee
tisurne emaaaieo; irum .
i headouartera. although the member of
rr that body were In poseesslon of the
knowledge that the statement waa
ylatn, nnadomed. etareputable It. The
Decomracy'.6f Oregon haa dona ne dirty
r work; the attacka on Bourne, a Repub
' , llcan, have been mad by Republican
T. T. Oeer, thinking that the end of
Judge-Williams Pleads, With" Listeners to Vote Republican Ticket
' From Top to Bottom Without a Miss and Ceer Follows
; ' With Similar Plearpwd Applauds CandidatSr li
James-Wlthycomb .closed his eam-
' palga for governor last night with a
apoeoh at the Empire theatre. Mia au
".. dlence Waa not nearly so larg aa th
- ; - on that cheered Governor . Chamberlal n
' ', last Thuraday night, in the same place,
but he. waa given enthuslaatlo greeting
. V and waa frequently applauded. "
" j' . Vormer Mayor Oeorge H. Williams
i! was" chairman and made the opening
- speech. Although a "bolter with a rc
rd g-olng back may years, particularly
distinguishing himself in rh Portland
municipal aapign oT J.-h pleaded
t. with his listeners to vote the Republl
1 ' can ticket, from tP t bottom without
a rales. - H did not fall to mention
i President Roosevelt's anxiety, and when
l ha dlacuased the fight for sheriff he
' wanted to resd all Republican atipport
' of Tom Word out of th .party.
. Th candidate for governor waa nt
-jr ' introduced. He varied hla uaual epeech
. with a Dlalnt that aome one In Astoria
had classed him with Napoleon Davie
r and S. A. D. Puter. However, he aald
nothing of Napoleon Davis published
V declaration that h Is supporting Jam
-"withveombafor governor.
" i. Ex-Oovernor T. T. Oeer delivered th
valedictory. . He repeated his old claims
v that hav been punctured ao often tbey
with an I
appeal to
it straight."
Republicans to ot it
' L Mr. Withycombe
spoke in part as
w xouows:
Commends lrect Primary taw.
' J 'J'hs direct primary law haa com to
- . stay, and it ought to stay. It Imposes
i -' hardens upon tha candidates -greater
than those of th convention system,
but It also lodges political power with
: the voters, where It rightfully be
' , long. . I believe the law will be in-
; creaalngly popular with the people, and,
t while some changes in detail may prove
to b deairabla in th light of expert-
' nt, lha plan " "'""'"f f"11"" -
, floor by direct votapfepeople muat
-not be disturbed. ' V
I It is my paramount desire to' prove
. worthy aa & candidate of th trust re
. posed In me. and. if elected, to Justify
, the confidence of th people who hav
, support ea m. une muj cnargs ins
opposition nas prvugni wnai mm j
vaara Oreeon has been my home. ' It
' i is with -pardonable pride that I refer
, to th fact that I came to this star
' When a boy. .My manhood haa been
. ,ient -With the people -of Oregwt I
. 'believe that I know them and appre
. Jctate their needa. , I yield to no man
;ln loyalty to the state of Oregon and
'vln my faith ln-lf,a future. I offer no
, apology for tny nativity, but assure
- you if 2 bad been consulted in that
'matter I certainly should hav. been
Iborn in Oregon. --.r
--' The campaign which I have conduct
' d with, my Democratic opponent has
.' been a dignified campaign, free from
,' persons! abuse. -1 hav no disposition
,. indulge in epithets. I do claim that
.the record of the Republican party In
'the past la Its pledge of usefulness in
'the present. I believe that its prlnct
"ples make for the welfare of the peo
tple and that at this time th indorse-
. ment of these principles is mors Im--'
,potant than any question of preference
- between men.,... j , .j -
' "A question of vital Importance to tho
Are the latest and best produced. Just as
their name implies "so easy" ' to wear that .
' they become the greatest pleasure. ' Simple
construction. Of neat appearance.
Accurately and Promptly Filled
; A. & C: Feldenheimer V
' ; ' - Corner nd Wiahingtoti Streta
.Manufacturing Jewelers. , fr r (- t . Diamond Importers.
Behalf of Withycombe
of - Falsehood ; "
paign-was in nnr that th Peo
ple would not pay any attention to hla
mlaatatementa. or If they-dld. would paae
them with a amll and. "Otv It Just
Oeer.". aald the Interest on the lrreducl
ble achool fund had been reduced la
10S, although. ha knew that th year
waa. ISt. when' he could hare mad
money for the atat by landing It, If
air. Oeer had been the candidate. In
stead ol Withycombe, Oeer would have
been aakd. where that money waa- de
posited, and wh got the Interest that
rightfully belonged to the school chil
dren. . r.'" -..
' It waa Oeer who sought t6 beamlrch
Governor Chamberlain by saying bis
law prtar waa agent for the Stat
land board in the lending pf funds and
that th governor got part of the .pay
for the . work.. Mr. . Chamberlain' part
ner. Mr. Thorn, has been agent of th
tat land board In Multnomah county
for It veara: hla laat notice of reap
pointment came from the - board, of
WhJrJlflrr MM ft famher anil during
bla entire term he haa never drawn a
cent fronT'the atat. Oeer know this,
aa does-everyone, whe Is familiar with
the facta.
- Thee. few of th "arguments"
given votere at the eloa of th cam
paign, remind one that It la .a weak,
bad cause that needs bolstering with,.
lie. ,-..:
people of Oregon at -the preset.! time
la that of taxation. - There is a wide
spread feeling, in which. I concur, that
the burden of taxation in thla atat
have In the past been inequitably dis
tributed. r The support of ths govern
ment in all lta various branclfea haa
fallen for th meet part onxtha owner
Of real estate.-'
. I believe that tha poller of our lawa
ahould be to Increase the revenues of
th state from Indirect taxation and
the taxation of .lntangibl properties, to
ths snd thst real eitats max -ultimately
be (free from taxation for atate pur
poses This result hss been reached in
some' of the commortwealths ' of - th
union, and the ttm will eom when a
similar result will be reached In Oregon.
I believe In the taxation of franchises.
A franchise is property In Just aa real
a sense as a farm. There are franchises
in the state of Oregon which are more
productive than many hundred farms.
I know of no reason why a farm should
be. taxed and a franchise ahould esoape
taxation. I am opposed to the granting
of perpetual franchisee and favor a
general law depriving municipal ttlea of
the power to grant franchlaea for mora1
than a stated period of yesrs.
There Is a widespread belief that
franchises to the past hava-beni
by debauching city councils and paying
to ths grafter compensation which
rightfully belongs to ths people, . I be
lieve that J-wfih every. franchise thers
should be a condition requiring the
owner of the franchise' to pay to th
publle a proportional part of th earn
ings from year$o year. by. way .of com
pensation for - the special privilege
grantea. -- ..
Bevooatloa of franchisee.
Where a franchise haa been unfairly
secured from th people or where l.t
hss been lmproVldently granted the peoe
pi snouid repossess themselves of such
franchise by 'the ievii-tlontnerOf
when possible. ' or by th xercla of
smlnent domain if necessary.
in mis connection t will say that I
believe every perpetual franchise is lm.
providently granted for the reason
that the condltlona of today are not th
condition of tomorrow. Provisions
which protect the people's Interests to
day msy be totally Inadequate a few
years hence. : public 'utllltlea. with but
few exceptions. I believe, are best ad
ministered by private interest thsn by
public aervanta, for in the latter case
eir-nimegtrrnrTreateat of incentive
is lacking: and thriftless and unbusi
nesslike methods will surely sooner or
later prevail.
A publlo utility laa publle aaset and
the interest of th public therein should
b safeguarded by adequate laws. I be
lleve that tha people ahould reserve con'
trol over all public utility franchlaea
to the extent neceary to Insure the
greatest efficiency of th public aervlc
at th least expense, subject only to the
ngnt or capital to be' luatly comnen-
saiea lor lta investment.
Ut Zand Agent Tnaeoei
The burden of the taxpayer are suf
flctentty heavy at present. They ahould
not De increased without good cause
shown. I believe that the offlc of state
land agent ahould be abolished. The
lands -of tha state of Oregon have been
for the most part dUpoeed of, and th
.-'.. . :
Th eminent tragedian write th tot
lowing ompllmntary letter to the Ore
gon Optical Co.; '.. y , ,
Victoria, B. C, April tl. lMf.,
Dr. R. A. Thompaon,
Oregon Optica Cc Portland. Or,
Ify Pear Sir: -l - -..t;...,J--'
I have found the eyeglasses you pro
vided for me th mes eemfertabl a4
effective that Z knew ever won. I be
lieve you retained the description a 16
al ana atrengtn or visionrHSa pieaae
aend me another aet to above address
that I may have a ready substitute la
oaa ol toa or aooiaent.
. , , Ypurs faltbfullv,
Ton can do no bettor than Mr. Warde
did with hla y troublee- com, to. as.
Will pleaae-yotj as w Hid TitntT--
Oregon Optical Co.
itj room bu 't. ice a. vug. '.
properties which th state now owns' oaa
properly be looked after by th clerk of
tne stats land board, on or tna nrst
duties of a public servant la that of
economy la the expenditure of th publle
No pubHo official ahould wink at th
waat of th people' resource , If I
shall be elected governor It will be my
effort to fight all extravagance and
promote a careful and economical ad
mlnlatratlon of th laws.
Much haa been said by my opponent re
garding; land matters and ' tha loaning
af the pwbHa funds, . The seeerd
that sines January ft, IMS. Governor
Chamberlain has been absent from th
state land board meetings 10 times. At
meeting which he waa absent -tha board
received and approved loan aggregating
ftM.M. - Tha stats land board has cer
tainly performed a good service, but to
whom is th credit duet
Tribute at tk Locks. .
Th tribute exacted from the product
of our farms, mills and faetorl at th
Oregon City ock Should e abolished,
By a persletenb and united' effort on
the part of our . people thla barrier to
competitive 'transportation can be re
moved. Thla will mean added value
to every other commercial commodity
tributary to thl waterway.
Th portage railway at Celtic should
b w ad- a g "near" ca hal cond I tloina aa
practicable. Th lowett possible might
rat only ahould be exacted. In . this
way , a great system of transportation
can be built up In th upper Columbia
and Its tributaries, thus stimulating
production and adding to the prosperity
of our people ever - aa Immense area j
of our commonwealth.' - J
' . Sisoasses Vardoaiag Fewer. '
Th pardoning power of the governor
ahould b xerciad with extreme .cau
tion.' When a man ha been convicted
of a crime by a Jury Ot hi fellow cltl
cens and whan a court-haa sentenced
him to a term In the penitentiary, pub
Ho luetic and th publlo safety require
that In. all ; ordinary case he ahould
remain there during the term for which
be haa been sentenced. He should not
b pardoned because of political In
fluence which he can bring to bear on
th governor, nor bacau good-natured
eltlna can be Induced to sign a peti
tion for his release.
Especially la thla le true of the pro
fessional criminal. Th public safety
demand that thla claee be confined
within th Jail and penltenttartea where
they cannot prey upon the live and
and property of law-abiding eltlsena. ' I
mak this statement on tha subject of
pardona because I believe that in the
past pardons hav been granted with too
great liberality.
Oovaraor VabU Servant. '
The goVernor of Oreaon ahould be
the aervant of tha people. The people
should have hla ear and it ahould be
hi endeavor to aerv th people. If I
nan d cnosen governor It will be my
endeavor to administer th offlc along
from the people on all mattera relating
to the publle welfare and ahall en
deavor to administer the . office with
Justice to all and special privileges to
In conclusion, 'I commend to the con
sideration of tha voter of th atate
the other candidates, of tbeRepubllcan
party. They have 'all been nominated
by direct vote of th people. -The pri
mary haa afforded an opportunity for a
fair expreaalon of tha popular will The
Jrlmary law I on trial In thla cam
algn. If th candldatea of the ma
jority party are defeated at fh polls
th primary law wilt . be . dioredlted
and here will be an agitation for it
repeal. , .
For the reason, and alao because
of my respect for my associates on th
Republican ticket, I call upon Repub
licans of ths stat to support them at
the polls. Oregon haa been one. of the
banner Republican states of tha union.
Let It prove Itself so at th coming
election and. let our. majority be so
larg that It will announos to th world
most emphatically that the people of
Oregon have confidence In the match.
less lesderpf thejaeBuJaiCgnparty J
ineoaor Roosevelt.
- - ' (Jneraal gperial Service, t
Astoria,. Or., June 2. Governor Cham
berlain waa th principal apeaker at the
Democratic rally her tonight which
pleased a vsry larg audience. More
enthusiasm wss displayed tonight than
ever before. He spoks for ovsr two
hours, and at th close th fishermen
presented hi in with fan slegant sold
saimon- waion cnarm
Aftsr his addrsss at Logan's th gov
ernor was esconea to in west end and
delivered another speech there. CIt
sop county this year is strong for
cnamberlaln, and th enthusiasm that
prevailed tonight would Indicate a big
victory; never bef ore haa aeandldate
otgvruor received" such an ovation
waa tendered Governor Chamberlain
here tonight. Other Democratlo lead.
era of Clatsop eounty also addressed the
large and ntbulastie crowd.
i i
(peetel Dhpatcb by Leased Wire te Tee Jearsal)
'Tokio, Juns Mukden was formally
-opened to world's trade Friday. Con
alderable t raffle which haa congealed
at Siberian coast polnta will -now move
Te tu Tetra of Kultaosaaa Ooaaty,
Votera.who wish to cast a good clt
sens' ballot, and vote for th man. re
gardless of party, will make no mletake.1
by marking an "X" In front of th
nam or John van Zanta, th Demo
cratic nomine; .who la Indorsed by
ine Municipal league tor eounty -judge.
public trust" and wilL conduct, this pf- I
nc zor ail th people.
v. .
. VOU ,
When we say mirrors, w hav
very reason to feel Justified in
saying the-word. W hav them
'In all atses, - patterns and all
kinds of frames. Ws have tham
suitable for bedrooms, sitting
room, bsthroom and servant'a
room. We hav them to pleas
th fastldloua. and to meet the
. needs of the economical shopper.
AH at prices that will please you.
, - For this week w have two
peclal In th mirror Una: ,
Mirror In oak finish frame', lOz
- 14; regular tOo. This, week,
' each . ,a
French Mirrors, in solid onk,
- frame, loilTi ' regular, f 1 li.
' peclal, thla week
be more comfortably enjoyed in one of our Hammocks,
. fl.25 AND UP. ' - .
Even In'
Summer You
- Needi-
,v -.. '-'.- . y "j!':'
lt'ctrue; theliglrbtf
weights will do. snd for
this reason, we are making a
special" offering-of several
hundred pairs of 1 blankets
just received. ' , .
Gray Cotton Blankets, light
weight; a - blanket that'a
nsexui in in, Dumuivi
; the table, an ironing Dian-
r aei ana in mtwiy n"
., tie waye. They ar worth
' very cent we k for thm
' and Jut a llttl . more.
Thl week, th pair,
only . ..............
l-4 Wool Blankefa, medium
weight, dark gray! regular
6. Thla week, pair. .S3.SS
11-4 half Wool Blankets.' as
sorted colors. Splendid
-value at the regular price
of $4.85. This wee, ine
pais .
IP 5 i
.V. il t .
Adolph Feller Arrested at Spa-
kane After Having uua
.Claim to Estate.
' (Josraal Sptrfal Scrrlcs.)
Sookane. Waah., Jun J. Adolph
rllr, agat years. waa arrested Jo-
night and charged with murderlny Iewls
yallsr ' at - Iewlston, Idaho, a month
ago. Tha youth waa adopted som years
m at Portland. It waa ciaimeo that
hla adopted father accidental! v killed
blmeelf and the boy wa th only wlt
naa at th Inquaat He laid .claim to
tha tat. He had bought a photo
graph gallary. her aad was a pending
rooner lavutuy.
After reading In yesterday's Journal
of ths disappearance of Mr a. Alice XII-
leen. the members of a family living
at Seventeenth and Northrup streets
tslephoned th pollc nation that a
woman answering her description and
totally unable to glv any account of
herself had been In' their hous sine
Monday, th day when Mr Kill sen dis
appeared. ' i
Mra Kineen a sons went to tna house
J at once snd found their mother. . On
II U tl I .MY.' f Jf
". ' i - i
DOWN iJhtLKsnth
RANGE Into Your Kitchen : :
$1.00 Down mnd $1.00 a Wtek WIU Do ir :
-'Th price of a Mon
arch Malleable la a
UtU higher than of
the general run. of
' ranges, but tha Mon
arch Is in the lead,
because economical .
housekeepers ' know .
that ths first cost la
warranted bjr th su
perior advantages of
th Monarch Malio
ble Rana. They
laat longer,' require
Jess repair, bale best ,
and: oonsuina less.
fueL ' "' ,-' ' '.. '
kdw V
An rang IjcVjci; tha tnn
onsrch by the use of maUaable
fuel required as time goes by. It will crack, break, warp, the stove
putty gradually burn out and the seams open and admit the air di
rectly into the flues. This msy not and seldom doea take place all
at once, it is gradual - At tho end of the first year's use the range
msy require a gallon of coal each day more than was used to do the
same work in the beginning without the housekeeper being conscious
of sn increase: yet this single gallon (10 lbs.) wasted each day would
st the price of $7.50 per ton for anthracite coal make the waste 34
cents per day or a total of fl3.ftVfor a yearH-tho
made where soft coal or wood is used the same proportion of increase
would, make" ths loss amount to nearly,- tf not -qmto ss- much,. as-i
shown for hard coatThua' the difference in first cost cannot in any
ease be enough to offset the waste resulting from the first 15 months'
use' of any range that can be purchased at a tower price than a
Monarch Malleable Prices 949 to 135. We psy $30 for any
: :r";; saves V::L.:
Mail Orders
4 .-r-
own cost snd maintenance for a year in
season's use. AU Unas ox pen an a Me
foodstuffs, -drinkr,-etc- are" resdily ?prs
served for days by keeping them on ke.
Whether you csn keep cool or not sny one
of. our splendid line of refrigerators will
keep your food sweet and fresh. . ' - .
Of the Dining Room Furniture we have sent out in the past few weeks, and
we have every reason to be proud of the new styles of DINING ROOM
TABLES and other nieces Hist received. -The line is certainly worth inspec
tion and ss -special inducement we offer one style of Dining-Tablea conaid-
ersbly below regular price, lor this week
top, rope
lege? .
extends to
regular $15,.
special this
week, - . "
Monday ah had been visiting a friend
tmlv two blocks away, and after leav
Ing there' became affected by laps of
memory du to heart trouble and re
membered nothlngTnor until ah was
brought back to her horn. 421 H Fourth
street, yesterday afternoon.
Th people - Into - whoe nous Mr.
Kllleen mad her way In her half-un-conscious
atat did not notify -thepollce
until after they had read th Item in
the paper. " Mrs.- Kllleen'a f amUy- had
searched th city over and at li
called uron the polio for aid. As
nothing had been heard of her for five
daya they believed her dead.
' ' (Jaoraal Special S rites.)
New Tork. Jun t. Nichols Long
worth of Cincinnati and his wife sailed
today for Europe on th American line
for Sale--Bargaias
111 tons hop wire, 111 ton,
St ton "Remnant" plow ateet
eabla. .-
10,00 feet different alase 'pip
ing. - 1S tona. pulleys, shafting, t.
. Matals. scrap Iron and junk el
all descriptions bought, j
r.l. BARDE & SON
. tMwrm. 'Am ubajt. ; -
rrim m rn
a. lull f .It JB -
a C$h C-t: $1 A WEEK
' ' . .'...'. Th us of . mallaaiiila
Iron makes that Monarch
a rang that," will t no
crack, weirp, .break or
open up in th seams.
Consequently thar la no
tncfaaao during th Ilf
of th ' rang lt th
amount of th fuel re
quired. Tha amount of
fuel naoeaaary th
first year deter
mines the amount it
will us , any othr
ymr., . ; ,,;;' :
Write for Pre
a-ol -areriith glreu the
Iron will incresao In tho amount of
A Pleasant nap ; In one ' of our CHILD'S HAMMOCKSthey
by rglateee
listir posV
eflU o Walla.
Targo Xxprasa
? sabassy" ecdes. :
RefrlentorS With DlmtTUloni, Etc IS
In. In. . lo. Lbr- , Io.
a 8 feetj
regular ,
style snd -r-finith
as No.
special .
this week,
staamer St. Loot. They will b gone
two months.
A crank .carrying a elgar box which
ha aald contained an Infernal machine
created eonalderabl excitement, : but
when the police looked for him Ji had
- The departure of th Longworth wa
unpretentloua They occupied two first
eaDin tatroom. . it la aupponed that
bealdea being entertained by King Ed
ward - and Queen -Alexandre-of Great
Britain. th Lonrworths will b re
oeived by the German emperor. It baa
been the wish of Mrs. Longworth to
personally thank the - kaiser for the
bracelet he sent her II I token of es
teem for her christening of tha yacht
Meteor a few years ago at Shooter
Ospyrlght, Hesrst fws Rervlee, bp
Wire te the JearaaL) .
Berlin. Jun I. News reached hr
of an attack on th offlo at Riga, Rus
ts, or th erlng Harveater company,
an American eonoern, by six robbers,
The manager, an American, realsted
and waa killed. Th robbers mad their
soap with eonalderabl booty. Thy
wr pursued, and aftsr a running fight
In which two of th pursuers wer
killed,. they disappeared. , . - -
i- s'.'sj -
(Ipeelel tMipateh krteaead'Wtr tatt fearaal)
Waahingtoir.,' June I. Th statehood
bill conferees reached a final -agreement
and ' signed their report this afternoon. 1
$150 Uce Curtains, $1.69
Instead' of 79 pat re, we received
last Friday a ahipment of tTO
.pairs -of Lee--Our tains, -like-cuts'
We had ordered 70 palra, for a
larg rooming-how , for which
w are aupulying th furniture
and everything els In our line.
They ar made of good quality,
bobblnet. white and ecru, three
yards long and 42 Incites wide,
- A ' very serviceable pattern.
Kather than keep 1 them her
subject to hi orders,, th man
ufacturer r mad. i a price,
worth our while. To move tha
curtains quickly, w ar going to
giv you th beneflt of our advan
tage 12. (0 Curtain thla week,
tfa pair , .......fls
rA' -aje-ear BSasBB
: Below Usual ;
We often have Inquiries
-Iram-local and. out-of-town
cfistomers - for-sheetssn
pillow slips. Some people
are apparently not aware
Jhatthese good.go hand in ,
hand with the staple lines
of a first-class houss fur
nishing establishment. ' To
make the fact known, that
we sell them, we offer . "
8MEETS," 72x90, seamed
and wide hem; regular 50c.
special this week . . . . 39e
- with J-inch -hem; regular
11. - I A
Ever So
Pretty Hats
Xavs Arrived.
W keep the wires hot and th eg.
pre companies busy. ..
e er ksw aQors aad new Uai
gerl Bats.
If thr la anything nw In ladle'
head wear you can And It at "Th
Crown." . .,
Tht Crown Hat Ca
eT-STS BCerrlaea susek ,
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Pillow Slips"
tfcnv T 7 A