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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 3, 1906)
THE pREGON SUNDAY. JOURNAK PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNINO, JUNE 3. 1908. IS' LI. S0CIET 0!Sl(Die" IT" Y! T (VfV ENEIjM'B DESIRE" By '. Hughes "Cornell. ""We "may argue : ourselves Ignorant. - f- ;.- , anu : cenainiy iuwwwm , to confess 'that the . writer of tbla charming book conic to1 us unknown, '. but ln-ompensatton for 1t. w are po- 'eessed. with the assurance that our ee ' "qualntance will not be - llmtled to Kenelffi's Desire." for If the author has ' dono nothing before, the book Is preg ' nant, with the promise of much good ' and Interesting work. The publishers announce that the author has taken a ,' new theme. In this particular, and tmw-10Be.-WetaKe Hssue In anything ' that is said favorable to the story. ,' Indian and even Alaskan romances have . come to us thick and fast, the last few , years; end while the theme itself Is ; not new, there Is a truthfulness In Its ; treatment that la -original at least. Kenelm Is an Alaskan Indian who ' - his been reared and educated bj - a white family of British Columbia who i were related to him.' Everybody la re .... lated In these Alaska settlements, and -f-Wake -fitaht-was-no -exception -Indians. LJilHttUinil breed sLjprei svu couj I ; so that It KappenedwhenTJeslre, tW fair, beautiful daughter of Frau Eda, came up from Ban Francisco for a sum-' ' mer outing with Lydia. the half-breed i wife of Morgan Llewellyn. Desire's In discreet lawyer-cousin, she", found her- elf In inotlcy mowd at touelns. goad, bad and Indifferent .Her Impulse. . to visit the country of her half-breed cousin Lydia had been prompted -10 . Desire almost - unconsciously - by bit of verse that slipped from Lydla's let- ter and which she. said was "but some s. of Kcnnle's potry: not to esy real' potry. neither. Just Indian stuff that they -4- think Is potry.'! But Desire, having -a -t- really poetic soul and being a muslotan, i was inspired with the "real potry" in - it and this "Bong of the Bheewin" i lured her . to the home of the lingers. - Up to this point the author has done ; ho original- work,, but- when she gets ; her people into the Indian village she I develops unusual strength and ability, "and has drawn the true Indian char V acter. This Is new. for" the average - writer elthen clothes the Indian with a I sentimentality, legendary and mislead ing, or a brutality and -repulslvenesa i that Is exaggerated.-- There Is not a fig- qre tn the book that has not Its counters-part In the memory of everyone who )ias been thrown among the Indians-- What could be more In keeping with the accepted Indian character and at ', the same time more human than In - protesting against a . promise Desire i tries to extract from him In case cer- tain things arise, and Kenelm defines the difference In the two races by say Ingr- "Tou know that ram naturally , secretive. It's In the blood. Tou like ' to talk things out, get angry, forgive, and If you don't forget you remember i with Indulgence. I'm not like that. I can stand a lot, but It 'must be without ; words." . i The author brings Into her story one - of the problems of the day the amal gamation of the' races. Here again the author -has shown def tness In handling lief subject, which she has kept elear of obtrusive personal Opinions. Indian tales like these -'are quite . worth while, for they bring to ua the story of a departing people, good and . bad, of the place they must be accorded In the futureproblemjfpgrTaoe and give us delightful entertainment while NEW BOOKS FOR THE LIBRARY- .i GENERAL WORKS. Httchler, Theresa Catalogue for Smalt Libraries. PHIL080PHT. Hofrdlng, Harold History of Modern Philosophy. 1 Msrden, O. 8. Choosing a Career. Stephen, Sic Leslie Science of K(hlca. RELIGION. J! MsJlock. li.-!-Keconstruction of .Religious Belief. . - Msrgollouth, D. 8. Mohsmmed ' and .. the Rise of Islam (Heroes of the Na tions). 1 - Schmidt, Nathaniel Prophet of Nas areth, , SOCIOLOGY, t ' " ' Cleveland, F. A. Bank and the Treas ury. , Dicey, A. V. Lectures on the Relation - Between Law and Public Opinion In England. . - Olddlngs, F. H. Elements of Soci ology. "' Maxwell, R. C English Local , Gov ernment. - - - - . Minerva Jahrbuch der Gelehrten Welt, 1OS-0. y. 16. ' Reeves, W. P. State Experiments In Australia and New Zealand, It, Smith. Richmond Mayo Science of Statistics, 1 r. , Washington, B-T., ed. Tuakegee and Its People. .HMMser. J. r- and nauasH. d Mil- -itary , and Naval Dictionary -.'-. ' ' -SCIENCE. Beebe, C. W. Two Bird Lover In .Mexico; J0$. 1 Candy. A. L. Elements Of Plane and Rles, Helnrlch Economic Geology of the U.' S., 106. Skies end Earth, 1101 (Little Master pieces of Science). !; .- USEFUL ARTS. Anthony,- O. C Essentials -of Gearing.- ' Flather, J. J. Rope-d riving, 110$. VvanklatMl. Mrs CI. CL (T Rarla ) In Dallv Life, ltQS. Fowler, N. C, Jr. Practical pub licity. Goodrich, W. ' F Economic Disposal of Towns' Refuse, 11. Kimball, Dutan Business Shorthand, 106. ed. - , Teller. W. P., and Brown, H. K First Book In Business Methods, 10$. ' FINE ARTS." ' ,- Bartoloiil, Francesco Bartolont and ... - , - '.("-- v . 'fi - ' v . . acnd thein 1 vLlIft 1 Ml ' I ' are reading them.' Little, Brown : Co. Price $1.80. "Lady Baltimore" By "Owen "Wlater. Whether It be in the wild west. In the 1.r nM yplcJ mttheflT tOWnOf King's Port, or any other geographteal location where Mr. Wlster finds his story, he' also discovers real people; the people made by environment or inheri tance, to Inhabit Just that place. The characters in "Lady Baltimore could- not have- lived any place but where they did, her could King's Port have contained," any other kind of people. : ' . . ' ,' V- Ancestor worship, the clinging to past traditions and customs, the utter ab sence of worldllness and. the Ignorance of the march' of time made -manif est by the ancient ladles of King's Port are a little accentuated. Just a little exag gerated perhaps, but only as the artist, darkens a line, or dashes' in a.-blt .of color, not to change the picture from true life, but to emphasise and bring out salient features. The story Itself Is so mild It can scarcely even be called a plot, and develops wholly along ro mantic lines. MrrWlster may! BeauTTfuTIy In a line or two what most authors would re quire a page to properly present. Who ever told the cold It ion of that part of the south, which has been cut off from northern Invaaion, better than when he makes his hero . say referring to his family and conditions: , "Bo I don't ever attempt t explain to them that "the world has gone - on. They'd say, We don"t see the neces sity." - When slavery - atopped. they Btopped,"ydu see. Just like a dock. Their hand points to 16 --lt - haa never moved'a minute si me." Or upon en other occasion what a clear Idea he 'glvwof "th- southern viewpoint In the Booker Washington dinner, by causing one of his characters to-say: -"Why can't somebody explain It to hlmT If I Imew-Ulm 1 would Krtff liThrfflyaeTfTtnd aayi " 'Mr. President, we need not discuss our different tastes as to dinner com pany. Nor need we discuss how much you benefit the colored race by-an act which makes every member of It Imme diately think that he la fit to dine with any king In the world. But you are staying in. a house which, is partly our house ours, the south's for we pay two taxes, you know. And as you also know-our deep feeling you may call It prejudice If It so please you do you not think that so long as you reside In that house- you should not., gratuitously shock our deep feelings? "' - The book Is brimming over with Just such points as these, and as the sup posed writer Is a young Phlladelphlan, tarrying In Klnga Port for the purpose of looking up his ancestry, the view point of the one brings put those of the other, creating an Interesting and most delightful humorous ' fusllade of opic lons, traditions and discussion. This subtls ' humor which runs through and Is such a large part of the book is Ir resistible . and never grows tiresome. The Maemlllan company. Price,. $1.50. 'The Cruise, of the .Conqueror," by G. Sydney Paternoster. To those whose good fortune It has-been to-have read the "Motor Pirate," "The Cruise of the Conqueror" will come aa a pleasant and welcome surprise, for It Is a seauel to the authors first novel. "The Crojse of the Conqueror" la. however, complete In itself, and quite as Interesting aa though its people were appearing for the first time to the reader who only knows them In thia.v , - Mannerlng. the motor pirate, con structs a motor boat superior in speed and maneuvering to any motor yet In vented, and In connection with this he also Invents a gun capable of disabling and sinking the largest ocean veasel. and all this without a sight or sound of the destructive missile. Mannerlng and hie boat becomethe terror, of. the oceanand a menace to all marine adventures. Mr. His Pupils In England, by Selwyn Brln ton. - Chase. Ar W. Elementary Course In Mechanical Drawing, (part 1). CTaTr"nat"hflforrTMa loguea. Lahee, H. C Famous Pianists of To day and yesterday.. Lahee, H. C Famous Violinists of Today and Yesterday. Puffer, E. D. rPsyehology of Beauty. LITERATURE. . Brunttere, Ferdinand Essays In French Literature, selected and trans lated by D. N. Smith. 1 Cary. E. L. Novels of Henry James. Courthope, W. J. History of Eng lish .Poetry.- J-, , -r Lucas, K. pomp. Open Road; a lit tle book for wayfarers. Pater, Walter Miscellaneous Studies. Pindarua Extant Odes; translated by Ernest Myers1. Sophocles Antigone; translated by O. H.- Palmer. , -- - Thaxter, Mrs. C. (L.) Poems. Thomas, E. M. Lyrics and Sonnets. Trent, W. E. -Greatness In Litera ture. ' Vincent, L. H. Hotel de Ramboulllet and the Precleuseo. Wilson, Wood row Mere Literature and Other Essays. TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION.' Bradley, A. C. In the March and Borderlnnd of Wales. - Einstein. Lewis Italian Renaissance In England. ' ' Munk, J. A. A rl sons Sketches. Scott, R. ' F. Voyage of the Discov ery, 2v, . '" Weale.- B. L. P. Reshaping -of the Fas. fast, i$v,,..... HI8TORT.- Bourne, E. G.. 'ed. Narratives of .the Career of Hernando de Soto, tv. - Browning, Oscar Age of the Condot tleri, . a Short History of Medieval 4ta4y: . ' ' ' ' Fisher. HerbertMedieval Empire, tv. Helmolt. H. F., ed. History of the World, r. l-i. v. 7. Himphrey, 8. K. Indian Dispos sessed. Stlllman, W. ,J. Union of Italy, 1116 1$5. Taylor, T. M. Constitutional and Po litical History of Rome. .1..,. BOGRAPHY. . Bridger, Charles Index te Printed Pedigrees, Contained In County and Lo cal Histories. . Canning. George George Canning and Ills Times, by J. A, R. Marriott. Froude, J. A. Life of Froude, by II. W.Paul. , Lamb. Charles Life of Charles Lamb, by E. V. Lucas, Jr. Richard III. Kins of England Me 77 4 Sutgrove, a .detective from ' Scotland yard, and an American mllllonalre-etart out to find the much dreaded pirate, and n this search lies the story. L. C. Page 4kjCK.PrceJ,UJi0. n . "Below the Dead Line" By Scott Campbell. When Inspector Byrnes com manded the New York police force he found It - neoeassry to issue an order calling for the Inatant arrest of every crook found In that part of 'the metrop olis lying south of Fulton street This stringent order quickly gained for. the district' the title "Below, the Dead Line." at least In police circles. Aa the lower part of' the city " contains Wall and ' Bread .streets and Maiden ' Lane, where the great diamond bouaes are located, various efforts were made by the 'under world" to evade the order. For severs! yecrs a number of crooks, headed by an unwnown but extremely olever criminal, succeeded in operating In the district despite the police,- and the II stories here sre to chronicle their doings. - They Sre stories that put Doyle, end Sherlock Holmes out of business. Mr. Felix Boyd (private detective), reserved -ii a -,--.4 -r,.i.7 hn vn is s - man of about 44 'who is employed by the great banking concerns and Is their refuge In. times of-emergency. He Is the hero of the stories, each on- of which is complete In Itself, but linked together by the same chafactere, all of whom are more or less related to the Individual members of a notorious gang under the leadership of a mysterious person known ss 'Blg Finger." O. W. Dillingham company. J. K-tOllt, Port- land. Price $1.60, """Lucy" of the Stars" By . Frederick palmer. The struggle.' the rush, the Joy" anarTne"VTierPrT1fS today are In this tsle of the lives and loves of two men and two women. It Is a story of. vigorous ambition, the failures and tre mendous triumphs that come to men of m In p"1lflra. In, tiiismesa ri in love, told in a quick, crisp psrra- ltlKehy-.a..njan jf potion whohasseen many parts of the world, binoe l ne Vaaabond" Mr. Palmer has written no novel - until this rgreatr-hook. Charlea Bcrlbner's Sons. - Price $1.60. . . - , Literary Note. ; :"-'. The C." M. -Clark Publishing Co." of Boston-announce that they will bring out the first edition of "Plney Home." the first book written : by George .8. Kimball, the -author of '"Jay Gould Harmon." "Plney Home" waa flrat pub lished about three -years ago and has been one tf the moet successful coun try novels -- published since "Qutncy. Adams Sawyer." . "II Santo." by Senator Antonio Fo gaxsaro. published a few months back in Rome1 has made a decided sensation In Italy. The authorised English edi tion will be published In London by Hodder 8toughton knd In New .Tork by O. P. Putnam's Sons. ' Messrs. Put nam have arranged to secure for- the American issue of the book an intro duction by Professor William R. Thayer of Harvard. Charlotte Perkins 'Oilman approves heartily of John Bpargo's "The Bitter Cry for the Children." "It Is a most important-and valuable . book," ahe writes. ' ' An excellent novel presenting one as pect of the tainted money question Is Gamaliel Bradford's "Between Two Masters." (Houghton, Mifflin Co.) The underlying theme the strug gle of a young college man to de cide -. whether he accept the chance of Inheriting a fortune, or the impulses which prompt him to help men rather than to rule them is the framework upon which Mr. Bradford constructs a vivid and wholesome novel of American life. - - No 'volume published In recent years about the metropolis has penetrated into so many corners as O. Henry's The Four Million" with Its iS stories, each one a phase of the big city. moirs of King Richard the-Thlrd. by J. H. Jesse. Whlttler. J. O. John Oreenlesf Whit- I tierJjy G RCarpenter-fAmeiicanTIen of Letters). . . '! JpICTION. ; ''.'' Bedford. Jessie Harp of Life, by Elisabeth Godfrey' (pseud.). Round Table of the Representative French Catholic Novelists. Spears. J. R. Port of Missing Ships. Strang, Robert Adventures of Harry Rochester. Webster." H. K. Roger Drake. Cap tain of Industry. . Whitney, Mrs. A. D. (T.) Oeywor- .thra., , t . . Hotel Wau -Gwin-Cwin now ora. ' lot $sasa aaa rarUemlars AdArews M. O. sVAJTO, coo ntrwm, OS. . IS 's-asiw-' m 0 v?A (Continued from Page Eighteen.) IT NO. , Op. 17- No. 4. Op. 14 No, J" (Chopin), (b "Solitude" (Poldlnl). Mlas Frances Draper; (a) "Vales, c sharp minor" (Chopin), (b) "Llabeatraum (Love's Dream)" (Llast), Mlas Emellne Powell; (s) "Dance of the Gnomea" (Seeling), (b) t'Btaceata Study, c major" (Rubinstein). Mlas Laura Fox. . wJ . Ths finals meeting of Mrs. Walter Reed's Tuesday Afternoon club took plsce Mfiy' J. Rehearsals will be re sumed In September. Following is the club's repertory for this Wesson; "April" (Hall)), "Carmena" (Wilson), "Thistle down" (Chadwick), "Daffodils" (Hall), "Awakening of Morn" (Reinecke), "Birth of the Opal" (Nevin), "Minuet" (BtairV, 'Welcome,' Pretty -Primrose" (Plnsuti). "Fly Forth, My Song" 4Abt). "Brlda! Chorus" from "Rose Maiden" -fOewen), ' r the Bea" ( Neapolitan Air), "My Idy Chloe" (Clough-Lelgh-ter), "Dinah" (Clayton-Johns), "March On Ye Soldiers True", (Thayer). The following pupils have been members of the club during the season: Miss Cath arine Covach. Mlas Alice Mulford. Mrs. A. L. Richardson of La Orande, Mlas Minna Oilman, Miss. LUlyn Glendcn nlng. Miss Pearl Goulet, Mies Ethel Powers, Miss Lillian1-Rourke, Miss Lot tie Hedges-Dorrls of Independence, Miss Elisabeth MacMahan, Mrs. J.. B. Hos ford, Mrs.. W. G. Cafty. Miss Emma Welch, Miss B-ssle Tompkins, Miss Clara Howell, Miss Mamie Mullan. Mrs. G. W.a Stanley, Miss Eleanor' Brodle, Miss Susa Jones, Miss Fay Kll llngsworth. Miss Vlda Reed, Miss Alice Justoa, Miss Golds Ooulet, Miss Rena Ferguson of Pendleton.- J3hn Cls Ire Montelth, baritone, ,Wal demar Llnd, vlollnlat, and Mordaunt A. Goodnough, pianist, appeared in concert hrt - AstoTiasr - TaesdarvenThare'poTK' tomorrow rrtorrrnoTi in th Memooist cnurcn- was crowaea wun an appreciative audience who showered much praise upon the Portland musi cians. The program follows: - Piano, "Polacca Brlllante" (Von Weber), Mr. Goodnough; vocal, (a) "until You Came" Metealf), (b) 'Ths Gondolier" (Coombs), (c) "in the Glitter of Lights" (Cooper), Mr. Montelth; Violin. "Con certo In D Minor" ( Wtenlawskl). (al legro medera to, andante non troppo, al legro a la slngara), Mr. Llnd; vocal. "Lorraine. Lorraine . Loree" (Capel), Mr. Montelth; planopiano; "Air de Ballet,"-op. JO (Chaminade). Mrr-Oood- aaate). Mi Llnd; vocal, (a) . "Israfel (King), (b) 'A Gypsy Maiden I" (Per kr), Mr. Montelth; violin, (s) "Sere nade. Melanchollqse" (Tsrhalkowakl), earhoVeKT. TcT Ztglunerweisen" Sarasate), Mr. 4lnd. - : : w . t ,The Mendelssohn program to be given this evening at the First Congrega tional church" la" as follows: V Organ prelude, flnaleAl!egro Modern to" ( Scotch Symphony) r quartet, "I watted for the Lord" (Hymn of Praise); so prano and baritone duet, "What Have I to Do With Thee" (Elijah): trio,' "Lift Thine. Eyes" (Elijah); contralto solo, "But the Lord Is Mlndfurof His Own" (St. Paul); organ, "Oondellled" (Song Without Words); quintet, "O for ths of a Dove" (Hear My Prayer); postlude, "Allegro Maeataae a Vivace" (Second Sonata). CHoIr: Mrs. Rose Bloch-Bauer, soprano; Mrs. . W. A. T. Bushong. contralto: James C Rath bone, ' tenor; W. A. Montgomery, bari tone; Miss Leonora Fisher, orgsnlst and director, asalsted by Miss Edwins Maatick, soprano. ' ' r. - . - The choir of the Fourth Presbyterisn rhurch, assisted by Miss Cornelia Bar ker, will render the following Handel program this evening: : Organ prelude, "Lnrghetto": aria for soprano, from "Rlnaldo." 'Father of Heaven": violin solo. "Largo"; "organ offertory, "Aria"; jecltative and -trio for contralto, bass and soprano, from "The Messiah," "Then Shall the Eyes of the Blind Be Opened." "He Shall Feed His Flock"; aria for contralto from "The Messiah." "He Was Despised and Rejected of Men";, quartet from "Xer see," "Trust In the Lord"; organ pont lude, from "The Messiai," "Hallelujah Chorus." ' ... WW, The First Congregational choir - has arranged, a Varies of evenings with the masters for the month of June. This evening the program will consist of Mendelssohn's compositions and - Miss Edwlna Masttck will assist the regular quartet. The other composers In the series sre Beethoven, Gounod snd Wag ner. Two beautiful Mendelssonn num bers were- given Tuesday eve-ntng-at the confirmation services at - Temple Beth Israel. Miss Msstlck assisted the quar tet In the quintet, "O. For the Wlnga of a Dove." and the trio, "Lift Thine Eyes" wasdoneJjyMraRDsa.Bloch-JBsuetv. Mrs. W. A, T. Bushong and Miss Mas- tick. WW - The quartet choir of the Cathedral gave a most excellent program ' Sunday evening in connection with the splendid sermon delivered by the Right Rever end Father Morrlasey, former president of the Notre Dame university. "Soft Southern Breese" from Rebehah-"(Barn-by), was sung by Arthur Alexander, who was lit fine volcw Mrs. Walter Reed sang "Venl Creator' by Simon sttl. and the 'O Salutaris was given by Dom J. Zan. The quartet, "8avlor When Night Involves ths Skies" (Shel ley), was well rendered by Miss Kath leen Lawler, Mra. Reed, Mr. Alexander and Mr, Zan. f ' ww ' Ths musical department of the Port land Woman's club will meet at i o'clock next Thursday afternoon with Miss Baal, til East Thirteenth street. The officers for the coming yesr are aa follows: President, Mrs. F. M. Branch; vice-president. Mrs. A. Abendroth; sec retary. Mrs. B. 8. Pague; treaaurer, Mrs. Bert Dennison: leader, Mrs, J. B. Hamilton; planlate, Mrs. Oliver Thorn ton. At the last meeting the depart ment wss charmingly entertained by Miss Winifred Rankin, assisted by Mlas Alta Rankin, at., her Portland - Heights residence. , 4 - f w w The - Portland Philharmonic society will clone the season with a concert and dance at the hall of the Woodmen of the World. East Sixth and Alder atreets, on 1 Tnursaay.' 'june'ii. swerar 'tnTerf eat frig Items will appear on the pro gram. ' - . - Mrs. Ross Blnch-Bauer and Mrs. Wal ter Reed h a ye been engaged by the lo llies' Mu sTcal club or feue n sburg, Wash Ington, , to give a Joint vocal recital there June . w The following- ovations have" been chosen for production st the Chautau qua at Gladstone Park this' summer: The Crestlon lllaydn), Stabat Mater (Rossini) and the Hymn of Praise (Men delssohn). The solo quartet will con sist of Mrs. Rose . Bloch-BSncr, Mrs. Imogen Handing Brodle, Arthur Alex ander and Dom J. Zan. ' - . . w " " The Isdlwa' quartet composed of Miss Catharine Covach,- Mils Ethel Powers. Mrs. Byron E. .Miller and Miss Alice Juaton received many 'congratulations for their excellent singing at the con-, cert given 'it Mlspah Presbyterian' church last Friday evening. The voices blond i well and are evenly balanced. IliA-OiiarlwJ, also, aaag' at-tbaIurnf r art exhibition at Chapman schooL. and waa. enthusiastically encored, i Mrs. H. A. Hepner makes an admirable accom panist for the quartet. L - w ' - The music for the memorial services of the Woodmen of the World held this afternoon will be furnished : by Mlas Kathleen Lawler, Mrs. Walter Reed, J. r Belcher, Dom J. Zan and Arthur leunder. At Mrs.-Bauer's Tuesdsy sftemoon clsss Miss Seal and Miss Edwlna Mas tick were the soloists. - Mrs. Bauer will give her final class recital Thursday evening. , Mialwsasjeseyssi t ENGAGEMENTS. Mr. and Mrs.- Maurice Walton have Issued Invitations for the marriage of their daughter, Florence Ks telle to Otto Adolph Koch, at t:S0 Wednesday even ing, June 19, at 466 Weat Park street. : ' - " : : Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Kertchen the engagement of their daughter, Vi-r-nle, to Claude. I. Sersanous. The wed ding will-take place Wednesday, June ' ' .. . w r Mr. and- Mrs. Thomas Roberts s nounce that .their daughter, - Lena M. Roberta, will be married' to Albert C, Bmall Wednesday, June I. J COMING EVENTS. The' Home Training association wlLlJ hold its regular meeting at 1 o'clock In the city nail next Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Stephen- 8.- Wise will speak on "Mothers as Klndergartner. The Ladles' Aid society of Tsylor Street Methodist church will meet at 1 church parlors.. Reports of the progress of the various committees on the bazaar to be held In November will be heard. w w ' The Gillespie School of Oratory, at 614 Morrison street, will, give sn-epen reading Wednesday evening at the hall. i. PERSONAL - Mrs. J. M. Berry has returned from a visit in. southern-Oregon. . Mrs. Nellie Klstler has returned from a" visit-wTnr 'Tl edltor of the New Weat Trade in Spo kane. - ' . . - daughter Georgia, have returned "to their Willamette Heights home sfter sSverS't'hi'ohths visit "wlt'lT relatfves" In"; Washington, I). C. - Mr, and Mra.. Moritl Cohen and Mr, and Mrs. Max G Cohen have moved to their new home at 776 Marshall street SHALL WOMAN SUF FRAGE PREVAIL . allot Bos Without Terrors. V - Portland, June 1. To the Editor "61 The -Journal Oregon waa founded by men and women who stood side by side Fsthers talked over all matters of Im portance with their wives. There were not"antls" In those days to . decldo what privileges- the pioneer women should have. . If .the pioneer mothers could face all the terrors of the wilder ness, their daughters need not faint away before a ballot box. Why the ant I s pposeequal a u ff rage Is for t hem to say. All voters know that no msn Is compelled to vote, -and when women are given the ballot only those who wlah to -do so 'heed use 1t One brave man had the .courage to atep out and cast a vote In 184$ that saved Oregon. Will not our fathers, brothers and sons do a like brave set? Think, voters, your mother has not the right of a Chinaman or an Indian! How will you -castyour ballot on June 4? CHARLOTTE M. CARTWRIGHT. What ths Ministers Said. Portland, June-1. To the Editor of The Journal Wallace McCamant in sists thst equal auftrage has demoral ised the women .of the equal suff rags states. If so. It Is odd thst-the minis ters have not found It out. Amos R. Wells, editor of the Chrlsttan Endeavor World, the organ of the National Chris tian Endeavor society, wrote to "6 mln laters of four different denomination, taking their-names at -random from among his subscribers In the four equal suffrage states, asking then! If equal suffrage was working well, fairly well poorlyrOn answered thai it was working poorly, three that It waa work - Ing fairly well and the remaining 21 were clear and positive that It waa working well. aNNICE JEFFREYS MYER8. What Bqaal Suffrage Xas Done. Portland, June 1. To the Editor of The Journal Dear Sir: Oregon Is full of churches snd schools," yet It has slso land frauds, gambling houses and brothels. Does it - follow that the churches and schools hsve had no ele vatlng Influence? Thequeslloh-Is ab surd. Yet that Is ths way Wallace Mc Camant and his friends reason. They say - that Colorado haa equal suffrage, yet It haa also election frauds, saloons snd brothels; therefore equal suffrage has had no elevating Influence. These evils exist In spite of equal suffrage, not because of it; Just ss Oregon's bad things exist In spite of the churches snd schools, not because of them. No body can point to a saloon or gambling house In Colorado and say:- "This ex ists ss a result of equal suffrage." But Judge Llndaey says that the Denver Juvenile court exists as a result of womsn suff rage, and that the same la true of many other good things. - ABBIE 8. FRENCH. Kay Get Zvsa. Fjom the ClnclnnstL.Commerclal-Trlb- . '7 une, ' ' ' ' . " Senator Depew Is on record In favor of the expulsion of Senator Bmoot Sen ator Bmoot may have future opportunity ta so on record In. favor Qffhe other one going out. Xad Plenty. Senator Tillman wss not once crossed while relating his experience In the sen .., It. -..-nrrffjahltf due tn his hav- Ing been double-crossed outside. Will overcome indigestion and dyspep sls; gulste the bowels end cure liver and kidney complaints. It Is' the best blood enricher end Invlgnrator In the world. It Is purely vegetable, perfectly harmless and should you be a sufferer from disease you will use it If you are wise. It N. Andrews, editor snd man sger Cocoa and Rockledge Newe, Cocoa, rit; writes: "I hsve used your Herblne In my fsmllv and find It a most excel lent medicine. ' Its effects -upon myself have een a marked "benefit. Sold by Woederd, Clarke a Co. ID - -- a - Some Opinions I believe In the rights of the woman Just as much ss In those of the man, and. In fact, a little more. '.-., THEODORE ROOSEVELT. : I hope and believe that after June 4 Oregon women will have a vote. JAMES WITHYCOMBE. I hope that. Oregon will give women ths ballot, and. that every ..state do SO ' OOV. GEORGE iCCILiM BERL, Under existing conditions I bflieve It to be less wrong to enfranchise women than to deny them their right of choice. Therefore I shall vote forthe amend ment. RUFU8 MALLORT. Ex-Member bt Congress. Tjqratnight-to be a kavernment nfl the whole people Inktes'd of half the neoDle. . - I v . JUDGE H. H. VNORTIIRUP. There Is no valid . season against equal suffrage, and thVre are many reasons for it. BEN SELLING.. I see no reason why women-should not be given equal rights! with men, and hope to see them enjoytbg such rights In ths near future. I. N. .E18CHNER. Even ths women who own no property upon whloh to be taxed ought to have a vote to protect their llvee and honor. DR. STEPHEN 8. WISE. ll " mother, my grandmother- and great grandmother , were ptoneera of Oregon and crossed the plains with an ox team.. I will ' always defend the honor of women snd grant them every privilege thst I have for . their noble work In securing this country for my lilagalng. JEFFERSON' MYERB I sincerely, hope the amendment will win and by a large majority, J.-. F. CAPLE8. . Ex-Mlnister to Chill I hope to 'see the Equal Suffrage Amendment carried by a large majority on June 4th and the liberty of Ore gon'a womanhood Incorporated In the constitution or the state.- WALTER L. TOOZE, --.7.-- Woodburn, Or. It would be unfair ' to - deprive all women-of the--rlght-4o vote because some women do not- went It. Suffrsg- a tsTfenot TtavoesTtn I compel any woman to vote. .All they ask is the right to vote if they choose. " THOS. L. 'VAN OR8DAL. orin lamnui, ur. no Inta the saloon and find a man f bucKIWf thr "sTM- mSfhlhek' krid'iylrig for beer wl.h money Me wjre earnea si the waahtub and you rill find a man that Is opposed to the enfranchisement of woman. ' MILT RICHARDSON.- f'l waa born-an equal suffra'glst.'li; GEO. H. HIMES. Sec. Pioneer Ass'n. It Is simply silly to ssy only bsd and Ignorant women will vote, for ex perience - ahows the best women vote when they have the chance, and It opens their lntellectusl eyes, , - : C. B. S. WOOD. . Every msn honors himself by-honor-lnar his mother. . Nothing gives me greater pride or pleasure than giving my voice and vote for the enfranchise ment of women man's best friend and wisest counsellor. - . W. 8. DUNIWAT. Woman Is equally ' responsible with msn for the propagation and destiny of the human race. She should be equally free." therefore. In the exercise of all her powers. Her rights In law and society should be equal with his. - She ought to vote. - L Her Influence and power are needed In the state as well as home and church. J. WHITCOMB BROUGHER. Is It Just to women cltisens who are subject to and who assist In supporting the government, to deny them a voice In that government? In short, is It Just that they should be classed with minors. Idiots,- Insane and criminals'! AHIA 8. WATT. " We will. give Alremendous vote-tor the Equal Suffrage Amendment, The "Antls" areata discount. In esstern Oregon. E. & McCOMAS. . Union, Or. -Women's enfranchisement Is the next step toward the fullness pf individual liberty the equality of Tight snd op portunity towsrd-which . lhSrac II moving.- - , JUDGE STEPHEN A. LOWELL. t Pendleton. a-muchantlUed..lothe baUpt J wTJ no o MAYOR HARRY" LAXET" The Socialists have an equal suffrage plank In their platform, and are working for it all over the world. - THOMAS BURNS. . The cltlxena' organisation found women the atrongest factor In their work for reform, and I think per cent of us are for suffrage. . . O. P..M. JAMISON. I hsva heenaBuffraglsrjor a quar ter of a century. I believe my mother was better qualified' to exercise ths franchise than I am. ' DR. ANDREW C. SMITH. I have always been In fsvor of equal suffrage, particularly for the sake of the working women. -SENATOR C. W. NOTTINGHAM. The woman who takes an.Jnterest in the affairs of' her country takea the beat Interest in -her- home. , SENATOR IL W. COE. More Friends of Equal ; Rights :r Among Oregon" men who have de clared themselves in fsvor of a square desl for all and the enfranchisement or women sre: M. C . George, W. p. Olds, John GUI, F. Eggert, A. E. Borth wick, Henry E. Desch, Tyler Wood ward, D. Bolts Cohen, R. L. Gillespie, Llpmnn. Wolfe aV Co.,-Rev. E. I House, Rev.1 F: Buigette Hlmi r. I. N. PlelstHiier, Rev. J. M. Muckley, Henry E. McGinn, General T. M. Anderson. Ralph R Dunn! way, Rev. ,T...B. Ford, J. C. Moreland, E. H. Moorehouse, Rev. H. A. Barden. O. P. 8. Plum mer. B. Let Paget. J. C O. B. Scobey, ii. VY. Allen. D. J. Haynes, A. C. Edmunds, A. D. Griffin. F. 8. Wiegant. Rev. F. E. Coulter, T. C. Shreve, J. E. Werleln. F. R. Neale, F. 8. Pierce. O.: P. Miller. R. Kelly. C. A. Mueeadorffer. Frank O. Abell. F. 'A. CUrno, W. C. Dunlwsy, W. J. Cuddy, F. Abendroth,- George 8. Shepherd, Wil liam Foley, A. N. Oambell,' K. Williams, R. C. Oeer, Nathan Harris. W. D. Hare, and many thousand others. Women Who Want, to Vote At the time of compiling our page for publication in the dally papers of June 1 we tteean collectlnsr the names of women who sre ready to go on record 1 in favor of "a square deal for all and the enfranchisement . of women. But we found, after two days' work elm. this line, that the list oflnsmea would run up Into many thousands, for which) we bad no space, W were compelled, therefore, to give up the Idea, of publish lngall.tha nsrnae. sntf-We'TiCw. give i only aiesv-er the more prominent. St pardon of the rest. Among Mrs. Charlotte Mof fett Cart wriahL Mrs. Elisabeth Lord, Mrs. Mary Barlow,-Mrs, Klisabeth M. Wilson, Mrs. Camilla T. DonnelL Mrs. M.-F. Cooke, Mrs. H. I Palmer, Mrs. C A. Coburn, Mrs. A. 8. Dunlwsy, . Mrs. Sarah F. Jack, Mrs, Mary A. Hall. Mrs. II. J. Hendershott, Mrs. C. R. Templeton, Mrs. F. Eggert, Mrs. R. R. Hoge, Mrs. Grace Watt Ross. Mrs. Clara WaldcTTJrsrnCTTJeol'ger Mrs.. A. H. Breyman, Mrs. Rose 1L HOyt. Mrs. Addison C. Glbbs, Mrs. Lucy ' A. Msllory. Mrs. Jennie Balls. Mrs. Ellsa beth Bagor. Helm, Mrs. H. A. Iaughary, Mra. O. N. Danny, Mrs. Phlrnle Strong, ' Mrs. Ines Crooks Filloon. Mrs. Sarah, a, Evans, Mrs. Eva -Emery Dye, Dr. Annloe Jeffreys Myers. Dr, Esther p., PolU and) . others too numerous to mention. ' ' Insult to Oregon Woman , hoodi ; The- scurrtlous card bearing a picture) of a woman's undergarment Is a sample of the lowest political scheming that has disgraced the state of Oregon. It la ' not only an Insult to Oregon woman- hood, but a reflection on the honor of Oregon manhood as well. The claim of Xluuihih4ijPs uirvuin wutcn ne couia secure me vote of the waterfront," and. In his opinion, , wss necessary to defeat the Equal But ' fraga Amendment . . We believe, however, there- la suN flclent decency among the men of the) waterfront to rebuke this gentleman's) (?) Idea of conductlpg a campaign. The) Oregon Equal Suffrage Association pre sents its claim to the ballot solely upon, the basts of Justice and expediency. We have, courted by every means In) our power an honorable discussion of our question. This our opponents de ellaed to meeV but Instead they sought publicity by Ignoble, . disreputable) , mean a wnen!he futurehlStory"6r" Oregon hi written, the struggle for free dom by Oregon's women will contrast. gkiluualywimnier mwthdJs adopted byj : the defamers of womanhood. . -Thfl.tlme, .has. - closed -for argv--ment. Our case rests with the men oft Oregon. We have confidence that many; men who would - have irqnalned abso lutely neutral in this campaign will, in ' common with the believers In equal rights cast their -vote for, and- resent the Insult -offered to women by- the op--ponents of Equal Suffrage. - . - ." .: -OREGON ElUAL- SUFFRAGE ASSO CIATION. Progress of Equal Suffrage Seventy-five years ago women could not .vote In any - part- of the English apeaktng world." ' . - In IS3tKch1ucky gave school suff rag ' to widows. - ,. h. - In 1860 Ontario gave It to all women. Id ltd Kansas gave it to all woman. In 117 New South Wales gave worn en municipal suffrage. - ' In 1869 Englsnd gave municipal suff : rage to single women and widows: Vic toria gave it to women both married and single, and Wyoming gave full Suff rage to all women. In 1871 West Australia, gave women municipal suffrage. ' In 1876 MIchlga-a and Minnesota rfsvaj women school suffrage.. In 1876 Colorado gave school ruff- rage. ' - . : -. In 1877 New Zealand gave school suffrage. . "In 187S Oregon and New Ilampshlra gava school suffrage.' In 187t Massachusetts gava school suffrage. .- -,..,.,,: In 1.S80 KewJTork and Vermont gave) women school suffrage, and South Aus tralia gave them municipal suffrage. In 1881 municipal suffrage waa given to the single women and widows of Scot is nd. In 1883 Nebraska gava women aohool -suffrage. im84-TasTnanlaiva thennnuntcl-r: pal suffrage. In 188 New Zealand and New Brunae wick gave them municipal suffrage. In 1887 Kansss, Nova Scotia and Manitoba gave women municipal auf . f rage, . North and South Dakota, Mon- -tana, Arisona and New Jersey gava them school suffrage, and Montana, gave tax-psylng women a vote upon), all questions submitted to the tax-jay ere. - - ' , - In 1888 England gava women county; suffrage, and British Columbia and the) Northwest Territory gava them muni ctpal suffrage. ' In 188t county suffrage was' given ta the - women of Scotland, and municipal suffrage to single women and widows! In I8tl Illinois gave school suff rags to all women. In 189! Colorado and New Zealand gave women full suffrage, and Conneo tlcut gave them school auf frage. In 18(4 Ohio gave women school suN frsge, Iowa - gave them bond auf frage, and England gave parish snd district suffrage to women both married ami single. In 186 South Australia gava full stste suffrage to women both married and single. In 18 Utah and Idaho gave full suffrage to alt women. In 1886 the women of Ireland ware) given ths right to vote for all offlcera) except members of parliament; Mlnne aota gavs women a vote for library trustees; Delaware gava school suf frsge to tax-paying women; Franca gave women engaged in trade a vote) for- Judges of the trlbunala of com merce, and Louisiana gave tax-paylnaj women a vote upon all questions sub-. In 1900 West Australia gsva women full state suffrage, and Wisconsin gava them school suffrage, - In 1901 New York gava tsx-paylns? " womenln all towpnd11l'ni local taxation: Norway gava women municipal suffrage, and the Kansas) legislature voted down.- almost unani mously, end "amid a ripple -of amuse- ment," a proposal ta rspeal municipal suffrage. In 1(08 full state suffrage wss grant ed to ths women of New South Wales, and fvJI national suffrage to the (0e, 0 women of federatedAustrsllS. In ttot Tasmania -gave women full stste suffrage, and Kansas gave then, bond suffrage. In 1(08 Queensland gvs women fn'l stste suffrage. Oregon does not want to falf I i , the rear of this reform.. She pre' a i . MARCH WITH TUK fH(n'F, There een he no dnibt ss t-i way the procession Is no lug. theW ' 1 : v 'a-