The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 03, 1906, SECTION TWO, Page 18, Image 18

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,f"3E aeaioTieasf'o'rawlng to
. . I ikju and. people are beginning
1 o- Ulk of a summer In the
, . '.. mountlns . or. , at the beach.
" Many are1 already - making- their
' ' preparations- for the hot season out of
. town aod aome have been heard to give
: a sigh of relief that the strenuous Bum
mer -of last year when Portlanders re
. , tnafned at home and entertained their
i . guests will not; have to .be repeated.
This majr have something to do with
the-early start of the Rummer aeaaon
tbta year,' for aomo have left already
; and others are remaining only for the
.' children to get out of school or for the
marriage of soma friend which will take
. ..; place soon, ,- ..'!.
. i 1 11
Mrs. J.
The next weea will be full of tnter-
eaUng waddings and the past weak has
been full of entertaining for the proe-
j pectlva brldea , There seems to nave
' been little energy Tor much else.. The
marriage of Visa Georgia GUtner and
7 'Ink Charles Patterson will take place
Thursday. Mlaa Giltner has been atrug
' sitae with the grippe the past week and
. lias . not been - able to receive the at'
' tentlons which would otherwise have
' teen given her. The marriage of Mlaa
FrankJe BJchst and Dr. Ralph -Walker
is set Xor Wednesday of thla week, and
.will be an elaborate affair, at the First
' Presbyterian church. Mlas Edna Bailey
will become the bride of Cbarlea
Btaver the same day; The marriage T)f
: . Mlas Rose Pf under follows on the 11th,
. and Maa Etta Honey man' a to David
lewia on me join, ueverai otner n
gmareraents have been announced with tha
weddings to; -take place this month, but
' the definite dates have no.t been an
nounoed. - ' 1 '
i k ; i h p Wt'l
-' ideal of attention now and a number
' of young people are being entertained
' in honor of their graduation. Many
' families are expecting their sons and
. daughters home from college In a few
' weeks. Commencement at the University
. f Oregon takes place Jnne St to It,
- and a number of prominent people from
. here will attend. There are 11 graduatea
v this year whose homes are In Portland:
Mlaa Alice Bretherton, Mlaa Ella Dobla,
- Mia Jeanle Gray, Mlaa Katharine Craw,
ford. Earl Abbett, Harry Dale, Horace
Venton. Beth KerronArthur Lech
Ralph. R. . Poppletoa and Charles R.
,. Jtetd.
. v- The Trvington lub danoe Friday night
, was tha largest event at ' the week.
.'The Oregon university alumnae danca
-,at Irvlngton will be ths largeat event
-. fhls week. --r-, , ,-v.
w- -
' ' Mias Katheiina Brown, who has been
.' . the moat popular guest In town for the
' ; - past few weeks, left Friday afternoon
for Seattle, where aha Joined her father
'. and" wtnt on to Now-Torlt. -Sha'-wlll
1 ea.ll shortly for Europe and many good
, wishes go with bar.. Mlaa Brown must
-, certainly carry away pleasant memories
. . ' of Portland, for daring ths time she has
-. been a guest at .the beautiful Walter
' E. Burrell hnrns at Hawthorne Park
"", aha has been constantly entertained
Y by bar hostess and -the many friends
she has made here. ' The danoe. given
. tor her by Mra Burrell a fortnight sgo
was ths prettiest and most elaborate
'" Iiuhis affair" aline tha 'Lie nteir'aeaamv1
,.j.. Last week she was entsrtalned till
j a tha time of, bar departure. Monday
- rtlght shs was one of tha guests at Mra.
. W. Goode's dinner for Admiral Good-
- Tloh. t Tuesday she was.;ths guest " of
His admiral at m lunrheon en bemrJ
ths cruiser Chicago. One of tha pret
. 'tleot luncheons was given by Mist
, Brown Wednesday at tha Portland In
i eomprrment' to her hesfess.. Mrs. Bur-
. ; rail was, of course, on her right and her
sister. Miss Montgomery, sat on the
light tut Mrs. Brown, who cams tip to
.- spend ths last week with her danghter.
., It was a pink luncheon and a large
mirror lake In the center f the, table
;. waa ths resting Place for large swan
wth a burden of pink lim Francs rosea
' on lt back. A group of little swans
bout It were filled with tha pink baby
Tha favors aVere dainty rose fans
whioh rloaed Into a gorgeous bouquet
The assorted nuts war In receptacles
that carrtad.out the rose Idea. Straw,
herrtea were served in little, baskets,
and fruit salad In boats, and ths entire
menu p restated unique features. Cov
fers were laid for 14, and the guests
were, besides Mrs. Burrell, Mrs. Pel
gram, Mra. Wesley Ladd. Miss Etta
Honeymsn, Mra. Charles Ladd, Mli
Montgomery, Mra Dennis of Black
Butte, TMra. Baldwin, Mrs. Charlee K.
Chenery; Miss Hasal Dolph, Miss Grace
Warren and Mias Genevieve Thompson.
. Mrs. Burrell -entertained 'informally
with bridge and a aupper afterward
Wednesday night. There were alz ta
ble and several of the officers frora
the Chicago were present Miss Louise
Flanders and Mr. Baldwin won the
prises.- Among her guests were Mr,
and Mra Wesley Ladd, Mr. and Mrs.
J. K. Kollock. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ball.
Mr. and Mra Baldwin,. Mrs. Brown,
-4,1 ?.
' ' .'''
1 i.- f
Miss Brown, Miss Flanders. Miss Lou
las Flanders, ' Mra. J. B. Montgomery,
Mlaa Montgomery, Misa Basel Dolph,
Harry Montgomery. Mr. Page, Mr. Lead'
better, and from tha. Chicago, Mr.
Hicks. Dr. Foster, Mr. Graves and Mr.
Thursday Mra Chenery gave a bridge
afternoon and Friday morning Miss Nan
Wood had a few tables of tha game,
Mra Brown leaves for Oakland tomor
row. ,,. .- ,..'. , . . , ,. .
..-.. A .... i.A.i '
The Oregon Tacht club waa a lovely
picture Saturday evening a week-ago
for the danoe given by the Alpha club
of ..Trlnlty church, There were nearly
00 of the representative young people
of Portland, all brimful of appreciation
and fun, and from the time they started
It was one continual good Urns. Ths
hostaaaes ' were Mra A. A. Morrison,
Mra. J. Couch "Flanders, ;Mra J."W.
Cook, Mrs. George F. Russell, Mrs. H.
W. Lewis snd Mrs.- F. D. Chamberlln.
Ths progTamsWere unique, being the
Oregon zacht club pennant with O. T,
C embossed on ' them. Parsons or
chestra of aU places was there. .
Ths candy table was vary attractive
with Miss Beatrice Hill and Miss Helen
MacEwan In cbarga The punch table
was In charge of Mlaa Helen Dobla,
assisted, by Miss Dorothy Ef finger, Mlaa
Louise Williams, Mlas Hasal Ticbner
and Mlaa Therda Fulton.' ' Ics cream
was served under the direction of Miaa
Hasel Weldler and Mlaa Iris Cook, and
Mlaa Cornelia Cook and Mlaa Jean Mao
kensisel4 the- sandwich' and " coffee
fort most creditably. Many of the
young people and the older sat were
there and ths enjoyment seemed gen
eral. ,.
Tha offlcere for ths ensuing year are:
Miss Helen Dnble. president; M lag Eve
lyn Wilson, vice-president; Mlas Helen
Caldwell, eecretary, and Mlas Leslie
Weldler; treasurer. Ths club will now
retire till October.. -. . -
The last meeting of the year ef the
New England Conservatory club was a
social meeting Tuesday ' evening - to
which tha men were invited. Mra J. L.
Scbults opened her beautiful new home
in Irvlngton to the club, and had it
taatefully decorated in - woodland
growtha Sweetbrlar . and ferns ware
massed about the rooms and wild mar
guerites banked ths mantles - Mrs.
Schults waa gowned In white, and the
membra of tha club assisted in receiv
ing. The "Kinder" Symphony orchestra
Htvg-'f flsilgntful iniigum, iimiet the
direction or Mra. John H. IlalL The
orchestra consists of a piano,, violin,
cuckoo, nightingale, quail, trumpet, tri
angle, drum and rattle, and the follow
ing numbers were given: "Symphony"
tRoinbei g ) ; "kartdST Wlsea" i Von
HoUen); "Symphony" (lUydn); -Jolly
Phelghlng Psrty" (F. Schwatsl),: Miss
Forsythe gave a reading. There were
about 49 present, and dainty refresh
ments were served at tete-a-tete tables
after the program. ., " r
At the annual business meeting or the
club held Thursday morning the fallow
ing officers were elected for the coming
yean President, Mrs.i John H.- Hall;
vice-president, Mra Edgar Piper; secre
tary. Mra J. M. Berry; treasurer, Mra
D. B. Mackle; librarian, Mra Rudolph
PraeL . K: i i..-. - (,
Ths Junior, class ef "St. Mary's acad
emy entertained the class of 0A, with a
launching party Tueaday evening. After
apendtpg aeverai hours on the river, the
party returned to the academy, where
an elaborate atipper was served covers
being laid for A. Tbt dlniogaU waa
tastefully decorated in pais blue. Tha
remainder of ths evening was apsnt in
dancing in Recreation halL , Thoae pre
ent were lira. A. L. DIekerT Miaa Grace
O'Nell. Mlas Grace Lyons, Mlas Oathar
ina O. Hara, Mies Madge I m brie, Mlaa
Mary Springer, Mlaa Geraidlne Kirk,
Mlas Stella McKay, Miss Eugenie Snail'
ing, Mlaa Peart Jennings. Miss Ethel
Marsh. Miss Catharine Boewell. Mlaa
Hannah Skelly, . Mlaa Letitlg Imbrie.
Miaa Lillian Ingalla, Miaa Joaaphrn
Btanleton. Mlaa Lucille Dunne, Mias
Mildred Walte, Mlaa Katharine Kern.
Mlaa Lucia Barton, Mlas Minnie Wlaa
Mlaa Catharine Conway. Mlaa Cordelia
Stevens, Mlaa Oolda Goulet and Mlaa
Edna Smith. ; -' .?
Mr. and Mra II. W. Goode entertained
with, a dinner of 11 covers Monday
evening In honor of Admiral Goodrich
of the cruiser Chicago. This Is ths
first entertaining Mra Goode has dona
since her return frora the east, and the
reopening of her pretty home waa wsl
coma to many who received her hos
pitality so often during the exposition
last summer. Her table was "beautiful
with a gorgeoua bunch of deep pink
peonies for tha center piece; i Mra
Goode waa handsome in white lace. Her
guests were the admiral, Captain Bad'
ger, Mr. and Mrs. John Shepard,'Mr,
and Mra Walter F. Burrell, Mr. and
Mra Theodore B, Wlloox, Mr. and Mra
N. E. Ayer, Mr. and Mra. B. M. Lom
'bard, Mlaa Katharine Brown and Mlaa
Nan Wood. The admiral baa been enter
tained much. Informally, and baa re
ceived a number of hla'frlerida on board.
Friday evening the., Goode dined with
him on the Cfalqago. Mr. and Mra Goode
lert.Jtor tne east thla morning.- .
- A charming linen ahower was given In
honor of Mlas Edna Hatfield, a June
bride, at ths home of Mra Edwin Mayor
onJuaatJrlajidera street. Thursday after
noon. After a delightful musical pro
gram, a dainty luncheon was served In
the dining room, which was profusely
decorated with, margueiitsa Long gar
lands of marguerites-were hung In res
toons from ths chandelier to ths snds
of ths table, snd large basketa of t&e
same flower were placed throughout the
parlors and hell. , The place cards were
in-keeping with the general Idea of dec
oration, being dainty marguerites, dons
in relief. Tbe-hostess received many
compliments on-abe artistic arrange
ment. -Thoae present .were, beside Miss
Hatfield, Mra Fred Dunham, Mra Elis
abeth Welch, Mlaa Carrie Ford. Mra
Oeorga A. McNeil. Mias Ivy Ford. Mra
B. Everts, Mrs. Bert Stevens, Mra Fred
Goodwin. Miss Sadie Ford, Mlaa Mar
guerite Ehlen and Mrs. John B. Hlbttard.
- .
. Miss Marie A. 8. Souls gave one ef
her Informal evenings st . her studio.
149 Jefferson street, on Wednesday eve
ning She was assisted by the following
muslclana: Mr. Hoeg, baritone; Mra
E. E. Coovert, aoprano; Mr. Rathbone.
tenor: Mlas Annie Dltchbum, contralto;
Claire Montelth, baritone; Mr. Clauasen-H
lus, bass; Miss Sara Glance, contralto.
of Melbourne, Australia Mlas Souls
was the accompanists Miss Tbora Lar-
aen charmingly played tha "Moonlight
8onata"Beethoven)r and- "Butterfly"
Merrymaking was the keynote of ths
evening and danolng, five hundred and
fortune 'telling, together" with refresh
ments, caused all thoae who were pres
ent to enjoy a very - mercy ttma Miss
Souls and her mother, Mra L. M.
Soule,. leave for New Thure-'
day. . . . .
.... . ...... ..;r.v
Mra. Bam Archer entertained 'with a
beautiful linen shower for Mlas Frankls
Rlchet Thursday afternoon. The lunch
eon was In pink and whlta . Three of
tha" bridesmaids entertained tos-ather
with a miscellaneous shower Friday aft-
ernoow and evening, ' ana -Mra Henry
ette Saner with cards yesterday , after
The wedding will tike place at the
First Preabyterian church Wednesday
evening. ... Mlas Daisy Freeman , will be
the maid of honor and Walter Irving the
beat man. Ths bridesmaids will be
Miss Minnie Inman, Mlaa Lucia Gilles
pie, Mlaa Fay Kllllngaworth and Mlas
EIJa Strong. The ushers, Arthur Honey-
man, Benjamin Gadaby, -Jack Houques,
Floyd Warren, Clifford Warren and Ed'
win Jorgensen.
The Los Angeles Tiroes of May IS has
a detailed account of a card party given
the day before by Mra. Philip Gerhardy
In honor of Mra. Charles R. Sklnker,
who lives at the Hill in this city. Mra
8klnksrs horns was formerly in Los
Angelee. Ths hostess was assisted
Mm. W. H. Johnson, Mra J. .Walter
Davla and Mlaa Joels FV Kendrlck.
There were 1 i tablea of cards. The
home was filled with sweet peaa, of
varying ' ahadea ' In the parlor, pink
waa uaed, while in the reception, room
snft-toned lavender was arranged with
grace. In the dining room. ; where re
freshments were served, yellpw - ap
peared. Ths first prlss was a hand-
painted vaae, and ths second a pack of
cards. Score cards -were adorned with
hand-painted heads of pretty girls.
' i.-- .1 ' . .
The last of the eubacrlptlon dances at
the Irvlngton club was given Friday
evening. The attendance was smaller
than before, because of the hot evening
and aome .misunderstanding about the
date, but the evening waa thoroughly
enjoyable Parsons' orchestra played.
Moat of the patronesses atood In line to
receive, Mrs. George E. Chamberlain
heading the line. . Refreshments were
the club has been a very succesaful one.
and Irvlngton ,hss gained a name for
neighborhood hospitality that no other
part of town can claim. An trrterestlng
feature at the dance was the announce
ment of the engagement of Walter Goss,
president of the club, snd Miss Rebecca
Catlln. .
W ' ' ' "
Mr's. W. Gregory Murdoch entertained
with a pink luncheon for six Tuesday
In honor of her guest, Mra Sidney
Smith from Seattle. - Pink carnations
and. maiden hair fern formed a pretty
center piece for ths table. The place
cards were dainty water colors in pink
and whits of Dresden figures. A La
Franoe rosebud was left at the place of
each guest. The service was lptnk and
white. .. , '.
Tuesday evening the fourth-year class
of Portland academy gave a delightful
barge party for' the senior claas. The
party-went on -the steamer Undine to
Vancouver, The boat was sttractlve
with scores ef Portland academy pen
nants, rugs, cushions and couchsa
Wilder'a string orchestra played during
the evening. Refreshments wsre served.
Chaperoning the party were: Dr. and
Mra a R, Johnston. Miss Trevitt. Miss
Norcross. Miss- Stevens, Mr. snd Mra
J. F. Ewing.. About (0 guests were
Invited from outs We the - classes and
the football and baseball - teams were
among "ths Invited.
... w
Admiral Goodrich gave a luncheon on
the Chicago Tuesday for . the young
women aoqualntancea of his son, Caspar
Goodrich. Mra C. A. Dolph chaperoned
the party. The gueata were Mlaa Hasel
Dolph. Miss Nan Wood. Mlas Katharine
Brown, Miaa May Montgomery, M las
Frances Lewis. Miss Grace War ran, Mr.
Goodrich, Mr. Sargent, Mr. Graves, Mr.
Hooper, Mr. Woodruff, Mr. Olaasford
and Mr. Wallace. '
Friday evening the admiral : gavs a
dinner. Pink roaes and white lilies were
the deooratlona The gueata were Mr.
and Mrs. H. W. Goode, Mr. and Mrs. C
A. Dolph, Major and Mra Jamea Met.
Wood, Captain Badger, Paymaater Hlcka
and Caspar Goodrich. ' ,.
- . , -.
Miss Etta' Honeyman and David C.
Lewis ware the bonor"guests" at" a din
ner Wednesday evening given bit. Mra
IL W. Goods. Red popples and Mar
guerites were the table decorations and
a bunch of Bride roaes waa laid at each
Isdy'a place. 4 There were boutonnlerea
for the men. " Covers were laid for
II and among the gueata were Misa Ine
Barrett. Mlas Frances Lewis, Miss Ha
sel Crocker, Miss 8mit h, Mlaa Nan
Wood, Marlon, Dolph, Scott Brooke,
Drake 'O'Reilly, Lieutenant Sargent and
Dave Honeyman. ' V' .
; ..' - - ' w " ?v .
Preparations are' well under way for
the dance at, the Irvlngton club, next
Friday given by the Portland alumnae
of the University of Oregon. All the
girl graduatea of Portland ' Academy,
Portland High-school, St. Helen'a hall,
St. Mary'a academy and Allen's Prepar
atory aohool, for whom tha-evening, la
arranged are invited to attend. Invita
tions have been out for a week. '.
, The Current Topics department waa
entertained Monday by Mra D. M. Wat
son. Twenty-fourth . and Marahall
streets. -The summary was given by
Mra B. 8. Pagua and Mra William
Gadaby read a moat excellent article on
"The Pure Food Law." Refreshments
were served. The members will be the
guests of Mrs. Charles E. Runyon, Sixth
and Madison streets, Monday.
Mrs-Jnssph Clark gave a ra wfJshl
luncheon at the QuaUaJteUuOJkVjwje.Ki
ago for Mlas Bull, Miss Montgomery s
guest. Just before her departure.- The
guests were, besides Miss Bull snd Mlaa
Montgomery, Mra Walter Burrell, Mra
Montgomery, Mra A. B. Rockey and her
sister, Mra A. A. Morrison, Miss Kath
arine Brown and Mlaa Hasel Dolph.
:-----!zJt. ; : :-
Misa Mabel -Wilson waa entertained
with a luncheon and en afternoon of
five hundred Saturday a week ago, Ty
tha Mlaaes Flora Dunham - and Jane
Hellman. She "was presented with a
beautiful Havlland tea set by the Prie
cilia Olrla, a club of which she Is a
member. Mlaa Wllaon will be one of
the June brldea y
'.'' '":''A '
Many pepple will be Intereated to
hear of the engagement of George East
man to Miss Lillian Brooks of Bir
mingham, Alabama - Mr. Eastman, who
has been In Alabama the past year, la
well known In the city. The wedding
will- probably take place the latter part
of this month. . ,.
Mrs. Joseph TeaL Br and Mlaa Clara
Teal returned home last, week from a
seven months' trip through tha. east
and southern California They were at
Santa Barbara at the time of the earth
quake. They are at their home, I2S
Everett- street " ' ' ' T "' " ' ; " '
Mr. and Mrs. Luther Steel, returned
Wednesday morning from their wedding
tour through the Toaemlte valley. They
will for a time be at home with Mr. and
Mra W. W. Cotton, at III North Twen
tieth, streeC
w w
Last Sunday . Dr. and Mra' C- B.
Brown celebrated their twelfth wedding
anniversary at the Carleton. A large
number of flowers and gifts were sent
in by friends, and good "wishes were
brought In person by many. ;
w w
Mr. and Mra Leslie Scott returned
Tueaday evening from their honey
moon trip of about two months through
ths east For a time they will be at
horn with Mrs. Scott's parents, Mr.
and Mra. J. D. Coleman, at North
Nineteenth street -
1 Tha-Jl Delta Kappa of the. Portland
academy gave luncheon on the Gloria
Friday evening to their rrienfls. There
were about SO in the party. Mrs. M. L
Holbrook and Mrs.. James D. Hart were
the chaperona. ; .
A ' company of Portland Academy
rroungf people will nim up ti psriy t.
Batacada next Haturday night. Dancing
at the hotel will follow the trip.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Tilaer entertained
Mr. and Mra. Howard Russell the first
of the week with an informal evening
luncheon. -
Miss Hazel , Blumauer will entertain
with a dance at Larowe hall Tuesday
evening, July 12, In honor of her blrth-
day. .;.;.. ..-' '.
TheMonday Bridge club has given,, up
Its meetings or the year. It will be
reorganised next season.
. ' !'
Mrs. C. F. Beebe entertained" a few of
the general's friends st dinner Mopday
svenlng in honor of his birthday. -
Madame Ton Bolton has cards out for
an informal afternoon of cards Juns )f.
w - . -The
commencement hop will be given
st Hill Military academy a week from
-' -
Mrs. Charles E. Curry entertained,
with bridge for Miss Honeyman at the
links yesterday. - . '
k !-
Mra B, P. Graham,' 741 Tillamook.
will entertain tha Portia club Tueaday,
June 1. . ... . , . :
Mrs. W. R. Murkron entertained a
number of her friends On Decoration
day with . an afternoon ' of military
whlat. The national colore in flaga and
flowera were uaed In decoration,-Ted
nd white roaea and blue fleur-de-lis
being combined in large bouqueta. The
names of' American military leaders
were used to represent the tables snd
the General Sherman tattle won. The
auocessful playera were Mra. R. T.
Douglass, Miss Emma Calhoun, Mra
William Morrlaon and Mra Charles
Smith. ' Copies qf Howard -Chandler
Christie's military pictures were' the
prises given. There were six- tables
and refreshments were served by young
girl friends of the hostess, ell gowned
in whlta They were Miss Msmls Jlar
rls. Miss Gertrude Smith and Miss
Winnie Howe. The hostess, too, was
gowned In whits and wore red rosea ,
-t 'ww ' .
On Tueaday . evening the east aids
Woodmen hall . was filled, with the
friends of Mount , Hood circle, Women
Special : Attractions Monday c
-, , .e . ., nunutmuo jr ixs.vv wAon ouuo -
In cool linens, daintv linfferTes. Jawn batistes, dimities, etc.. will be shown
first time Monday. The assortmentin coloring and design is so great that your
every style preference can without doubt' be satisfied; attractive tllt" AA""
values at, e.BO, fT.50. flO, flBr f 1T.50 up to.... $OD,JJ ,
' $35.00 .tailor suits ' : , ,' J:':' vv':
-J -fine-Panamas and 45thcr-popular -iabriciiUJijtwLe9'or'nf -.V' tQA
; and styles; over 50 to select from at .-. . .'. .....,. .......... 7; . , , . . . I )
':A ' v ' $45.00 , TAIL OR . SUITS :i; "
. Tony Eton . and all the latest styles and newest' materials, over 75, fcQ7 ttt
to select from. i ......... ,-. .t, ............. -'y'' ; JJ
- This spring's exclusive garments valfaet up to-$6S; about 50 t'lQ ff
, select I FQIte ee '!, a fes?svttaeSfe e a e a a . e s as TJm0SJ
$12.50 LADIES'
Guaranteed silk, new short sleeves, with- white silk ' ' :' ;
Ptptft&' a eel vtaeeiee-ea e'e ey asaeeseees a f ffates
, '
1 '
Beautiful line of Hats, trimmed in chiffon
and flowers; popular sailors, col- dQ QO
ored ha!r, etc.; values up to $7.,M''V.70
The wonderful values offered Monday in
clude all the-Hats shown in our Morrison
.street, window;, all offered Monday t,
'cach"i . ;. . . . i y .-. if S8d.
of 'Woodcraft, to enjoy another of their
popular -military whist partlea Forty
five tablea were - aet and IS hands
played, after which the - floor was
cleared and dancing was Indulged in by
those who desired. - Zee cream and cake
were acrved In the banquet hall. The
prlies were - hsndsome 1 jardinieres and
vaaea for' ths winners and a tiny box
of "Oregon applea" and a aack of "ram
llv flour" for ths poorest scorers. The
prises were all "Made In ' Oregon,
Much credit la due thecommlttee for
the perfect arrangements. -The com
mlttee consisted of Mra J. M. Wood
worth, Mra M. Worthen. Miss Mssle
Evans, Mrs. Ora Brown, Mrs. N. Howe,
Mra a O'Brien. Upon urgent request.
ths circle has decided to have another
whlat party Tueaday evening,,, June !.
The first large pros-ram at the Shaver
school waa given Tueaday in honor o(
Memorial day. , The children did their
parts well, especially in the several flag
drilia "where maremnsra na -smarm
displayed with good-, effect. The hall
waa decorated with large plants and
wild flowers.- American ehlelda --.and
flags decorated the walla Several mem
bera of the O. A. R. , were among the
many visitors who attended the sxer
bouquets of roses gathered by pupils of
ths school. Though this is tne nrst
large program it la not ths last, and
with the coming term some entertain
ment will probably be given by which
ths library of ths school can be en
larged, r -
- -. W W
Mrs-Mary Junkin of Tangent. Oregon,
who has been very ill, is now convales
cent at the borne of her daughter, Mra
Ollle V. Stephena 40 Vancouver are
nue, this city, jprandma" Junkin, aa
ehsHs familiarly called, Isen Oregon
pioneer who located in Linn county in
1852. last Wednesday being the S5th
anniversary of her birth friends snd rel
atlvea joined In making the day a happy
one for the venerable guest. Hoses
wars In profusion In the parlora Sev
eral vocal solos were rendeed by Mra
H. I Voree In a sweet manner. Mra.
Toung and Mrs. Stephens also rendered
aeverai musical, selections, after wplcn
refreshments wars served. ,-.-.!;.
Mr., snd Mrs. W. V Smith of Eaat
Ankeny street entertained with an even
ing of whist last .Wednesday. There
were five . tables nd prises for the
evening were won by Mrs. H. On Strsnd
and T. J.. Wllaon, Misa .winirreo aeuy
and Ivd 8trong. The flrat prise for
the women waa a hand-painted cream
jug, and te second a Satsuma. orna
ment. The men'a prises were .a box of
elasrs snd a match case. Kerresnmenis
were served 'st the -card -tables -by the
J-hoateas. asaJsteiLJlX MrwEineUBrpwn
and Miss Bessis wyatn. .ina rooms
were decorated with red carnations and
asparaguayferti in vaaes. ' .
The members and crew of the "l,ady
Jane" gave a pleaaant launching party
on Decoration' day. Those present, were:
Mtss Rlsle Snyder,- Misa Tot .Taggart.
Mlas Molly Fltierald, Miss" Lillian
Powera Mfss 'Sophie Lenta, Mlas Ida
Steele, Misa Lena lloyt. Miss Ida Brg.
Mlaa Anna dlasle, Oeorge Mitchell, Lou
rompson, C. M. Petterson, B. Mitchell,
F. Adams.' W. B. Dresser, J. F. Doug
las and W. Mitchell. , . ..
,.'.- - - V7" ' v
The musld department of the Woman's
club Waa entertained Thursday by Mlas
Rankin ot Clifton heights. The spacious
rooms were 'beautifully decorated with
wild aweet briar, marguerites and fuelra
de Ms. - The great white and ' green
dining-room waa gay with bachelor but
tons and enormous palms.. The usual
chorus work - under the - leadership of
Mrs. Hamilton occupied the flrat part
of ths afternoon. (The following, pro
gram was then ,' glveh: "Spring's
Summer and
This display is particularly noteworthy
.or tne new styles snown.: rretty ssuk
sheer idresses A '..
$16.50 up to
"TfifTeignrfid TiifyhgefTcd f
Two-Piece " Cliiicirens rVask Suits ;
Manv different styles bleached Indianhead muslin, corded rep, hand
Vercnief linen, Irish linen, etc.; new effects; skirts cut very Qjr A A T
dMhfiT?4 " v . i ....... i ... . : . jaPOULr1-
"Other, exceptionally pretty effects at f &0Slof 2-!.S6.
Awakening" (Hudley Buck). -"Marguerite"-
(White), Mrs. A. B. Price; -'Twas
April" (Kthelbert Nevin), "My Dear
Jerushi" (Jessie L. Oaynor),'Mlaa Irene
Flynn; "Could Lr' (Toatl). Mra J. 8,
Hamilton Tha-Mlssea . Rankin then
served delicious refreshments.
Ouldtng Star council No. -131, Order
Of Pendo, held ita semi-annual election
of officers May IS. The following were
elected: Post councilor, A. E. Joplln;
oounolllor, Mary K. Drew; vice-council
or, Jane Johnson; secretary, Roaa L.
Mundy; treasurer, E. Kaaton: .chaplain,
Z. A. Gregory; guide, F. C Horton;
warden, F. Rentheman; musician, Mra
A. Rentheman. The' order will meet
the aecond and' (fourth Saturdays of each
raonin in urew nan.-
A pretty lodge wedding took place Tuee
day night In Willamette hall, under the
auspices of the Modern Brotherhood of
America. Ths contracting parties wer
W. J.-Applegate, for the past four year
atate. organiser of the Modern Brother
The ceremony came after the business
session of the order. It wss performed
by the Rev. EInathan Sweet. The hal
was brilliantly lighted and decorate
with festoons and. ropes of Oregon
grapa - A wedding bell of white lilies
hung before the altar. The bride1 was
attired in a traveling suit of delicate
green. The bridesmaid, Mlas - Marie
Keller, a niece of the bride, wore a
dreas of similar shade. Dr. B. M. Hamra
acted as best man. -
There were, present at the wedding
aboutlSO-frlends and Invited guenta,
number being well-known fraternity
people from distant sections of ths
state. . There were many presents of a
uaual sort, one of them being a-silver
berry set. ths girt or Lodge No. sit
After tha ceremony had been performed
there were light refreshments and danc
ing. --v
Mr. and Mrs. Applegate will spend a
two weeks' honeymoon in eastern Ore.
gon, after Which they will make their
home in this city. -
Ths marriage of Miss Evelyn Esther
Falrbrother and Harry Turner Hum
phrey took place Monday evening at
t:10 o clock at the Cumberland Prea
byterian church ' by . Rev. A. J. Mont
gomery. The altar was banked with
wild daisies, ferns snd other woodland
growths . gathered by the bride's girl
f rtenda A lover's knot of white tulle
waa in the green canopy overhead.
Mies. Semele Groat la. pink and silk
nil,-attended the bride and carried a
Shower of pink" esrnatintia ThenTiar
wss gowned in white chiffon taffeta
Ith a yoke of Irish lace. She wore a
full length veil and carried Bride rosea
Ray Warrlner attended the groom and
the uahera were Ernest Dukehart and
Tom West.' - ,
The wedding party waa entertained
Informally after the ceremony and Mr.
and Mra Humphrey left on the night
train for Victoria. ". They will be at
home after June 16' at their home on
Mount Tabor Heights.
home of Mrs. E. S. ITUrev of
Portsmouth was the scene ot a pretty
wedding on May 20. when her daus-hter.
Clara Elinor, was united In marriage to
Dr. William O. Amos of Lebanon. Ore
gon. The bride Is a well-known teacher
of this city. After the ceremony Mr.
snd Mra Amos left for a short trip up
the sound.. They will reside In Lebanon.
On Memorial day at- I o'clock Alonso
Phillips of Cornelius and Mra. Leonla
Craig of Manchester, New Hampshire,
were married at 171 Collegi street. Rev.!
FourtL and
Morrison Sts.
for the
' ;
f ws ft
on arcoiint of ths wide variety
uwii, in plain and point d esprit
. - ; -"
JL. .
Now I tts
Tims to Store
" In our, cold-storage vaults they
Veep . fresh, retain color and . life;
constant attention keep's them free
. from moths. .. Remodeling and re--.
pairing of furs at greatly reduced
- prices. - Any- fur garment remod
" eled during summer ' ' ' , , 2
""' Stored Frea "of drtferTTvT'
W. G. SMITH & Co.
Washlagton ' Building
Webber's Studio-
Meakolta, Banjo, ' Oaltsir lastraetloa Btrlag
rcbMtre for reeentlooe, Afnt tot Clbese
slssaousa, ST Alder. MalaloM.
rden nfflctsTt are --x
Mra Phillips will re.M. . n ".n...
Oregon. . . ""
8. H. Alln-awwrvn we.
a. "ares e eses eg Osl 1 sg s. essj sjw
..K? giving a pleasant, song
USlifi. Th.ur"d"r t Allen
Gilbert a piano house. Harold V. MUll
gan waa the aceompanlet:. Mr. Allen
Good wyn s alnglng of a group of Greek
love lyrics waa eaneclallv ! Th.
program followa:
"ybrtes the Cretan
(Elliott). Tom Ordemann-
leas" (Lulgl Cararc.lnlnt -
,"wajr)' Ml" Clara . Hlatt; song.
"Dlo Posentl" rr.u.n t -.. ?:
6.".?C' "I'ov n War" (Cooke). Meaara.
AIlen-Goodwyn and Ordemanni sons.-
Magnetlo Value" 'Ardttn ui. u.i.
Curran;, Greek Love Lyrlca. "Time's Re-
vne, ive in the Wind.".' "Bitter''
Sweety 'Turtty of Love." "After the
Revel," "Love Aflame" (Adolph Foer
ster). 8. . H: Allen-qpodwyn; songs.
Blow. Blow, Thou Winter Wind" (H..r-
gent). "Dow Do I Love Thee" (White).
. r. nonnmp; songa "Psria Valae"
(Ardltl), "Go Lovely Roaa" (Rnrnui '
Mrs. Viola Gllbert-Ferneyhough; songs,
Trove's Trlnltr' (DeKoven),'. "Little
Irish Girl" ( R. R. Adams: duet.
'Oh, That We TWO' Were Mevlnv-
(Smith), Misa 'Mamie Cur ran and J tT.
Rathbone: eon. "The Beatlna- of Mv
Own Heart" (Macfarren), Miss Mamie
Currani songs. "Verlsssen (Bohm), "If
i wuut a world for Tu" (Lshmann),
"Life's Epitome" (Rae). 8. H. Allan.
Good wyn, ' , v t. . - , ,
The recital given by th'e aentor publl.
- -- - " :t
nnan Tuesday evening at Aeolian halt
showed aome exceptionally good talent
In training. Alt the performers played
well and deserved -the hesrty applause
they received, but the brilliant work of
Mlaa Laura Fox concluding thCTprograrn
outclaaaed all' the preceding numbers.
The audience literally roee to Its feet in'
demanding an encore an uncommon
thing at a pupil recital and the' laat
number at that.- - -
Following la the program as given:
(a) . "Barchetta" (Nivln), (b) Ca
price, opus t" (Orelg), Miss Jsan Mil-'
ler; (a) "Romanes" (Charalnade). (b) a'
(Beethoven), Mlaa Myra Abbett; (a
"Isrgo, from Sonata opus Id-number 3"
(Beethoven), (b) "Fantaals Impromptu"
(Chopin). Mtss TlUle Klumpp; (a) "Pre
lude, d flat"-(Chopin), (b) "Polortalae,
sharp minor" (Chopin), Miss Enid
Rothchlld; (a) "Butterfly" (Grieg), (b)
"Orlllen (Whims)" (Schumann), c)
"Paplllona Rosea" (Thome), Misa Nor
Durrell; (a) "Masurkae. Op. 7 No. 1. Op.
r (Continued on Page Nineteen.)