The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 03, 1906, Page 12, Image 12

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! I
" i
I i
' - f
Announce the opening of their, new garage
public to call and inspect the new quarters
extend a cordial invitation to the
and complete 'line of Automobiles.
juiiii i i vui i 11 j vmi
1800 lbs., Price $2650
4 Cylinder, 28-32 ft. p., ,2700 16s.
Price $M50
The arrangement of tlie power plant in the new Stevena-Duryea
mark i the mot important improvement in the history of four-
-vlin?rr can. ; The " Engine. MuTEdI Disc-Clutch and Sliding G
Transmission are combined into a single unit, which is supported
1 ransniiasiun arc tuiuuiucu miu nukk , , upviu
in the car at three points. This THREE-POINT SUPPORT protects
, the mechanism from all road strains and so. greatly increases. the
-: - life of all wearing parts. ; , -'7'- - -----
The complete power plant weighs "just-425 .pounds, fly-wheel in
' " eluded. This is 200 or 300 pounds less than in any other similar car.
"It is by far the fastest hill climber and the speediest light touring ear
built. A new car hurriedly sent but defeated all American entries
at the 1905 Springfield. Mass., hill climbing contest, and was bested
v only toy a 60-horsepower Napier (English).
iT-Thi -Three-Point-Supportia the direct, result of "Taking Thought
for the morrow. As soon as you realize what a tremendous differ
ence it makes, both; for durability and abilityr you .wiU have nothing
.. ' rr 1 l.
' " aMasiM
In the New York Herald's authentic. table of , the sales of Motor
Vehicles of every make and motive .power between" January ' 1 and
July 1, 1905, in ten Eastern state, the CADILLAC ia shown to have
old 381 car more than its nearest competitor 1,131 Cadillacs- in all
New York Alone WO More
TKan the
Nearest Competitor,
Chicopee Falls, Mass.9
Atr 'American antorftpbtle that has gainedthe reputation of being equal to "the best for
eign cars. Winner of the famous Glidden touring trophy. One thousand miles, from New
York to White mountains and return,-without repair or adjustment. 1906 model in'stock
at the present time. Demonstrations .by appointment. - . - "
Yfiese' ten states are the automobile sales barometer. The Cadillac
Is-nea&Hn--ssJe-we8t-sweU s east. This-remarlcabie-showma
the result of just one thing such absolute superior merit in the con
struction, operation and inexpensive maintenance of Cadillacs. There
rertalnty-18 TlocarrtWnear lheprTce bfaCADILLLAC tfie eoual
of a CADILLAC Runabout, f 850. . Light Touring Car, f 1,0 SO.
We beg to announce that we are constructing a garage at Fifteenth
and Washington streets with a capacity of 150 cars. Every modern
convenience will be provided. Wt solicit your storage and assure
C that-your interest -will be conscientiously protected whether yon
your car from us or not. - -- -.-. ..."
Washington Sis.
Rival Street Meetings at Oregon
..." City Show Trend of Pub
; - - w jc Sentiment.
"' ..V
Within One Block Nominees of Two
"Parties Present Issues' to Be De
cided by VotersTgt "the State and
Congressional Election.
(Special Dlapatca to Tbe IowmL) ..
Oregon City, June J. The city to
night presented the strange spectacle of
two open-air political meetings within
a single block," and the Democrat had
' the crowd with them. On a platform at
the east end of the suspension bridge,
decked with American flags and bunt
ing and pictures of prominent Amert
' cans, were the Democratic nominees for
rountr offices, and with them was
Charles V. Oallowar of McMlnnvllle,
nominee for congressman for the first
district. -
One block away the Republicans had
a comparatively small audience in front
of the courthouse square, where George
C Brownell and other spellbinders
talked for a continuation of boss rule
and machine' government. They had
the Mllwaukle band. , . :
The city presented an animated scene.
Early In tbe evening people thronged
In from nearby towns, and more than a
thousand persona listened to the stirring
speeches and mualo by the Oregon City
band, and the Webber quartet from
Portland, which was one of the star at
Mr. Galloway, who bad Juat come In
from Molalla, where be spoke this aft
ernoon to n-udlenc-ef aft people, was
In flne voice and was given an enthusi
astic reception. ' This young exponent
Of sterling prlnclpleajraa-recelved with
cheers, ile delivered a remarkable and
eloquent speech and carried the people
with him from start to flniab.
Itl generally conceded on' the eve of
the .campaign that Clackamas county
Not Necessary
Xyeelght On Be gtrejirtheeied, and Host
rorms or piseasett Byes uurea
. Wltbon OntUsg; or Snurglaff.
Tbet tbe ryr nn be itrrngtErncd te 1ht
ere Imim m be aliem4 with la tb great
Mjorltr of niH'bu bn proraa beyond
doubt by the teatliontiy of bnodreda or mpl
wbe DUbUrlr clatm tb( thri bar beea cured
hi thai woaderful Utile Instrument railed "Ac
tlna." "Artloa" alae com mot eaaas of acre
ami granulated Hda, Irltla,. etc.. aleo reaweea
(lararu and Pteryg lame, wltbout cuttlnf or
droxslui, ' Over 70.UU0 "Artlaaa" baea been
enld, therefore It la not a a eiperlmeet, bat
a abeolnte fart. The folliwlii( letter era
but aaatplaa of tbee tbat era racelead dalle:
Mr. U. K. Cbampney,
142 Weet 18oth at., New
York I'll, wrltea: "Tbe
'Aetloa' . cured me of
Irltla, after tb doctora
3'" '
g 'f 'y' g
1 OUlilli
ihtUJHt au run
la f au oMratkn.
bar bees eatlrelr well
' fiie ever four month.
ra Bee t read and at-w
aa well as beJr. I re a
bnaeatlf reimeDd Ac
tire' for all afBletkm of tb era."
KetUf-Kaaeer KIW leee -WV-lllwaeb. I
wit., wrtfaa: ja 'arrina i eurrnaaea froai
fim e year aso eared aay brother' eyealirht.
My brother wa eearalghted. wore eninber flee
and ti eJear. anA now be ran go to- aehool
ad ee ell hie work and siud without al
K. H. HoMhrunk. Iteimty Coaatr flerk. 'lr.
fat. V., write:" 'Artlna' haa eareu ate
rra ee tbat I ran do wltbout glaaae. I Terr
aeldon kae beadarb now, aM ran atndy up
to II e'tkx-k after bard day's work at tb
of fine."
- "Actio" eaa be ed by eld and yoanc
with perfect aafetr. It I Impoeelble to o
barat with oe. Reery member of tb fiw
11 ran eae tbe oe 'Aetlne" tw any form
f dloeaa of lb era, ear. tbreat or . brad.
Oe frlU laat fiw Jeer, and la alwar read
Par eae. It will be aent nn trial, poalpenl.
If roe will rd your eame and addreaa to
the New York A tnVi Kleetrte aaeorlatlon,
I moat rM H, Walnut St., Karraaa (Ity,
OU .1,1 , wr, im.,,.-,r ' " -
book rrafeaiar llan's Treeuee oa
lMae. i ' .4
will give substanturpluralities lo Gal
loway and Chamberlain..
J, K. Hedges, nominee for state sena
tor, was one of the prominent figures
of the evening. He talked forhaif an I Methodist Fplftcdpalchnrhiind
hour and was listened to with close at
tention. He said nothing mean of his
opponent. George C. Brownell, who baa
been senator from this county for 12
consecutive years, and - Is askings the
people for four years more, even with
an Indictment for defrauding the fed
eral government hanging over his head.
Mr. Hedges asked the people to exer
cise care in their selection of candl
dates. He emphatically denied tbe cam
paign lies that 'Brownell baa circulated
regarding him.
county clerk, and O. I. Avby, for repre
sentative, made hppy speeches ..that
were vote-getters.
Harvey G. Starkweather of OaJrGror
made an able speech and was loudly ap
plauded. His opponent. Grant B. Dim
Iclt, played into Starkweather's hands
tonight by making a bet of (C00 that
he would carry the county by 1,000
votes over bis Democratic rival. This
haa cost bun probably 150 votes in Ore
gon City alone, for the men who made
the pool on the other, end are men of
no small political ability and will win
the money.- Mr. Dlmlck has been play
ing, bis cards to - land the office of
county Judge for a long while, but his
wager of tonight will gain him no
Speeches were, also made tonight by
Robert Baker, nominee for treasurer;
R. B. Beatle, for sheriff; H. D. Aden,
for representative; J. T. Oraves, for
commissioner, and William Shannon, for
Jw,i Wi ii Gaslt was ehalrmaei of h
Pioneer of arly , Oregon, .. ITaUv
. Kentucky, . Wag .Almost sTinety.
. y (Special Dbipatcb to Tbe JonreaLt
Oregon City. -Or., June . Mrs. Susan
IX Meldrum, on of the oldest pioneers
of Clackamas county, died this after,
noon at her home IA this city. Mrs.
Meldrum was born In Washington
county, Kentucky, . July 25, 1117, and
would have been (0 years of age next
July. She la survived by two sons snd
three daughters.
- Mrs. Meldrura's maiden name was
elusan Depew Cos. Her girlhood was
mostly spent in Tennessee, .: to which
state her parents - removed during .her
childhood, afterwards removing to Illi
nois. On the 11th of December, 1M4,
at Whitehall, ' Illlrrol, she was mar
ried to John Meldrum, also a native of
Kentucky, bom in Shelby county March
I, 1108. During the first years of their
marriage they resided in Illinois, where
the Oldest child, a daughter. Mrs. W. B.
Moore, of Portland, was born. In the
spring of 1845. feeling the inspiration
of the true pioneer,"" they-Joined a car
avan on tbe way to "the Oregon coun
try," arriving at " Oregon City, the end
of their journey, about the middle of
October of that year. They brought
with them their four children Mar
garet O., born -in Illinois; Mary K., now
Mrs. D. - P. Thompson, of Portland;
Sarah M., now Mrs. F. O. McCown. of
Portland, and a son. John w. Meldrum,
all 'Of whom were In attendance at the
bedside of their dying mother, as was
also the youngest son, Henry Meldrum,
the -only-survivor of-the five younswr
children who were bom In Oregon, Be
ing always -loyal to her adopted state.
shehad -Mve4-eontentedly here during
all the (1 years that have passed klnce
ber arrival.
Her husband, John Meldrum, died
August. Xr.lft9 lnihe same house
wnere.Aira. . Meldrum s death-occurred
and which has been the home over
which ahe had presided for the past
49- years. v , 1
"Mrs." Meldrum '. was A member of the
Atn-w4ta ITnlMinat ehneoh nnit e WA.
man whose flne. character and " glntUy-j H
nature endeared ber to all who knew
her. Toung and old vied In making the
last Tears of her lire peacerul ana
happy, for all of which kindness Mrs,
Meldrum continually expressed her lo
tng appreciation. She was always In
terested In the pioneer reunions and
sadly mentioned that she would not be
with her old friends this year.
The funeral serylce will be held at
Mrs. Meldrum's late residence at Ore
gon City Monday, June 4. at II i. n.
Pedagogue Bxplorers. :
Twenty-five teachers from " the "Port
land public schools spent this afternoon
in" the elty and - under ibe tutelage of
Mrs. Eva Emery Dye, visited points
of Interest, going in carriages to Rose
Farm. Late In the afternoon they went
to West Oregon City and were enter
tained at dinner by Mrs. John W. Mof-
Bntertaiaa King's Daughters.
Mian Mollis Holmes, president of the
King s Daughters of Bt Paul's church
entertained the members of the society
this afternoon at her home at Rose
Farm. The afternoon was spent inf or
mally with cards and conversation and
refreshments were served. Those pres
ent were Mrs. H. 8. Moody, Mrs. Ebnr
Chapmen, Mrs. FTsnk Forsberg, Mrs.
A. c. Warner, Mrs. Ward Lawton, Mlits
Bess Kelly. Miss Helen Daulton, Miss
Edna Daulton, Miss Marjorle Caufleld.
Mrs. J. Nelson Wlsner, Miss Marian
Lemthwaite, Miss Gertrude Falrclough.
Joaiah Martin arrived hero today
from Lebanon and will stay to vote.
S. Thomas of Mount Pleasant leaves
Monday - erenlng for Ore as Island,
Waanlngton, to stay until next Septem
ber for his health. '-'
Roy Wt KellyA stuaTttt- tbe X'nl
verslty of Oregon, was In the city today
visiting his parents. - He came down
from Eugene; to play his position as
catcher of the University of "Oregon
baseball team with its gam with Mult
nomah this afternoon. .
Fred K am rath was Jn town today
from Beaver Creek, '
Mlns HattIeOttlbrsJtri.who has been
visiting Miss Mary Mclntgre. haa re
turned to her home 1 in ' Bremerton,
Washington. ............
Mrs. L, T. Harris, who haa been vis
iting her sisters here, has returned to
her homo in Eugene.'
C. W. and John H. Rlsley are In the
city this afternoon from Oak Grove.
Devaujd, who died in a Portland hospi
tal, was held yesterday afternoon and
the remains wars Interred en Clackamas
comet ery. Deceased. was 50 years -of -
age. "" . - - - -
Senator Rayner says that the preal-'
dent looked unon the earthouake aa a.
The funeral of the lata Mrs, Hattlalrtv!. , Nat hei-became rtf manager bn
the second day.
SelegwbM Chosen.
John's""fepiscbpal church of Mll-
waukle haa elected the following dele
gates to the diocesan convention, which
meets in Portland - Juno 14: - T. R. A.
Beilwood, Richard Scott, Henry Scott
The delegates from St. Paul's Episcopal
church of this "city are "George A. Hard
ing. John R. Humphrys. E. K. Brodle,
and " the alternates are W. B. Stafford,
William Wright and James Heatley.
Mrs. Borland BekS SlTOroe.
Jersle V. Borland has commenced suit
In the circuit court against Oharles M.
Borland for a -decree of divorce. They
were married July 4. 11(3. and have one
child, Lottie, aged IS years. Mrs.- Bor
land says In her complaint that the In
dependence day marriage resulted In
the desertion of .her husband more than
a year ago, while they wire living In
Clackamas county. . ller attorney is
Judgo Gordon K. Hayes. '
John B. Falrclough Is In 'from the
pgle mountain mines and, will remgtln
vrcr wivviivn ur
9 We Fought to the Last Ditch to Retain Possession of Our
Premises, but the Highest Tribunal Ruled Against Us
We are not going to vacate one half of tjr storeroom otour own volition.- The supreme court of Oregon directs u to get
out of that certain part of the building by the evening of June 14, and deliver up possession on June 15, and we shall obey the
mandate. How can we do this? - ' ;.-. .' ..-. A.. -v. .-
By Reducing Our Stock One-Half
-There is no other way. We are crowded nowJvW have, notjinjnch of room to spare. We have our furniture packed Jn like
sardines in a box. To relinquish, then, half of our floor space we will be compelled to v . , .'
Sell, Give Away or Otherwise Dispose of One-Half of r
: Everything We Own ; y
In this big building. We shall therefore reserve nothing. EVERYTHING MUST - GO. Furniture, carpets, ranges, heating'
stoves, etc., without discrimination. The sale is absolute. It is without fol-de-rol or frills.
-We Are Desperately in Earnest
It is sell the goods or store them somewhere, and the latter is not to be considered.
Public Houses as Well as Private Homes" May Benefit
by This Sale-
Its like will not be experienced again in Portland until some other merchant ia "pinched" as we are now by! this court de-
rt i' PI 1st est 1i tra1' 4A an veaeM tiAfinaMt 2 em 4-1 as, Is am 4V 1j a a a a. .. a - '
" "w sava v v va fjigA4ia iaayiA Aim ta uiwuujw ifl vait; iC9Cii, (CllcrUOn ,
nxsr ST.