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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 3, 1906)
CCaVALLIS-KGRSE SiluVi 17AS BIG SUCCESS - tssssseeeeMt:tt:ttttttt::: ; 1 TTOECorniivERcrnrcAcrcAttrtitri zv r i I Eugene Team That Met Defeat Yesterday at Hands' of Multnomah Club. Reading- From Right to'Xeft h '. "Players Are Clifford,- Hathaway, Kelly, Fcnton, Brown, Pain, Hobbs, .Hard, Beck, Johnaon, Ramp, Burden. . c , .'' ''''.... GIANTS BEAT OAKLANDERS - IN CLOSE CONTEST Essick's Curves Were Too.De - ceptive for Visitors and One More Victory Is Recorded.' Portland 2. Oakland 1 Batteries Esalck and Donahue; Cataa ' and T. Hackett. .. The usual thing happened yesterday at Recreation park. - The Qlanta hava got the winning habit and" They Intend Id ki-u It up. HU1 s'sslrk waa-JM1 0 "Ar1nrrn for the locals andh waa " about the whole show. striking -out seven Commuters - and allowing;- but aeven hits." which were fairly well scat " rnna m.dt name la the second Inning. - Oakland made one nr two hlta en Donahue's error. Port' Tand in the second hatt of thla aent McCredle and Smith home on two rw drives - -After this atea waa-ln. '.vincible and manage! to allcw but two "hits to, the-locals, Smith. Moore. Don ahue and Esslck played etar fielding games. Devereaux waa Oakland a star ,.ln ths Held.. ,The score follows: V - ...,.' PORTLAND. v x . AB. R. H. PO. A. E. . McHale. of 0 0 2 0 rtweeney, sa. .... 4 0 1 Mitchell, If- ......... 3 T 1 - ' "'McCretlle. rf. ......-3 til '9 "J. Hmtth. Sb. '. t- i i Mrtean. lb. .......... J 0 1 II 0 " ImnHhue. c ......... 1 0 0 H I Moore. 2b. Essick, p. ft 0 4 IT. Ja 87; 11 - - OAKLAND. - 'J ' " " . AB. ft. H. PO. A. K. -VenHattren. f. ..... 4 O I J ... -, Fr.mks, ,.,..,.,. 4-0- Jf . Kruaver, rf..... ...... 4 0 1 J 1 Hmlth. If .,.. - T.. Hackett, c. . . 3 0 3 J 1 Devereaux, 3b. ....... 4 0 0 1 f i aim. p. 4 0 2 0 1 J. Hackett. lb. ....... 1 0 0 10 0 Mnrkley, 2b 3 0 .0 3 1 Graham ..!' 0 0.0 0 Total .11 1 724 10 , .... . tu,i w i t' "iW'Ki rw nil VJL w.w - Graham batted for J. Haskett In the junta. 1 - Li BCORB BT INNINOST ..Portland . , 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 Hlta . . 1 3 1 1 0 0 0 0 t Oakland . . .0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 Hlta . .,.....1 3 0 0 1 0 3 0 17 -SUMMARY Btruok out By EMlck. T;'by rates, 1 t.mj in Kalla OIT f:lrk. 1: off CMes. J. Two-bnee hit Mclean. Racrlflce hits McLeariTT. Hackett Stolen baaea Sweeney, Van Haltren. First base . On error Oakland, 1. Left on bases Portland, 2; Oakland. 7.' Time of gam ,4-One hour and 40 minutes. Umpire Knell. . . WALTER BROWN TO LEAD WHITMAN COLLEGE. NINE t (Special ripch "to The Joornal.f J. Whitman Coliege.rvValla WallaWash., June "2. The Whitman college baseball ' ' team met for the last time , this- year yesterday to hava their pictures taken . . and to elect a captain for the coming year. Thomas Dutcher, who has been ithe captain for two years, declined re--Jelectton and the choice. of the team fall almost unanimously h Walter Brown cf the freshman class.. it The team has been quite successful this yeur although not winning the ehsmrrtoriahrpTs-theT' tri8Trh (I?cla1ve game of the series of three with Wash , ington state college of Pullman for the t championship or me nortnwest. - Country Club to Opea. ' - The Rock Island Country club will : open Ita new clubhouse to the members and the ptibllo n June is with a big ' entertainment.' The' club has tiearly too Members at present and the only reore si Ion fostered by the members will be water spons. , L. M. Myers, Who Waa Inatrumental In Organizing the YM. C. A. Relay V Race. I ii I NAUGHTON CHATS WITH (Continued from Page Ten.) can't always tell. The Nelson-Herrera affair . Is a fruitful theme for sport critics and "will continue time. There Is great opportunity for comment, and eaetlgatlon and the com fort in g reflection that one opinion of the fiasco is as good as another. The truth . about ' the thing will never be known' until some - one sis close In makes a confession. - Xerrera Zs Bltrnd On the face of thinga the blame Ilea with Herrera. He la even open to the charge of cowardice. But mightn't Net sorv even though he had the best of the argument from a standpoint of ethics and 4Magr.ha,v atxctocd a. palntl The battler knows that Herrera la m light lightweight. The Mexican has been -before tho-pttbllc1 for maybe 10 rr" r " "J . J?lbeea.. P psratlnat-ln ih. Eddie Hanlon - Kid Herman - Q rocky Boyle class. When a fighter in that particular .number gota ta.wellilDa over 122 pounds the surplus is In his opponent's favor, and such being the ease. It looks aa though the vane might have aaid: "Clear the ring and let's fight; what's the difference?" - Apart from this particular weight wrangle, the present day system of ar guing over a pound of flesh amuses veteran ring followers -who remember when pugilists refused to give away In the matter of poundage In the old days. On of the rumors In circulation In Los Angeles waa that Nolan intended to pull out of the Herrera match because he had received a tempting offer for a Battling Nelson-Jimmy BrlLt go Jn New York. About the only thing that fa vored this suspicion was the way. Brltt ana Neiaon were talking about each other Just about that time. - : . -pL : - " What Velsoa Said. " Neleon.-when-1 saw- him- at- Lucky Baldwin's ranch a day or ao before the date of the. Herrera engagement, said "Yes. I've posted 110.000 aa a for feit for Brltt. I don't believe he has the slightest Intention of boxing m and I want to ahow him up. If he la In will find ma there at th drop of th hat." Brltt In New York about tha aama date said: Nelson waited until I got a good long way a from San Francisco before he made hla bluff. I have bean -chasing him tor six months, begging him to fight, and he never cam to time. He's a big four-flusher and I am afraid will never go into the ring with me again. I'll be read v for husaa aoon.aa-l.svt through with MtHjovem. When rival fighters talk thla way about eacb ether U is a fairly good algn that they have been warned to prepare for a clash. It remind on of th palmy days of Jim Corbett and Bob Fltxalmmona. HUNT: CLUB RIDERS Continued from Pag Ten.) winning races" hive been at air and. seven furlongs. . Bob Proud la another unknown quan tity at two miles. jo ' Jewett should win th three- eights race If he dors not get away too far on false breaks. He has a habit of running away with almost anyone who rides him on the track and Is more than handful for Seott Brook, who will rid him. j-..- Bda4 la-wpeedy. Bedad la almost a speedy and well- benaved and is mqr likely to land first than his speedier opponent. Stlmy. owned by W. it, Davis, and H. H. Herdman's John Boras seem to be the best so fsr entered In th five- eighths. Charles Leadbetter will ride Btimy and Burke Tongue will have th mount on Boggs. Horses and riders are well matched. Bogga tiaa shown the mora speed In training and he is reported to hava worked a - vary fast half mil a few daya ago. - Btimy will have somewhat the better of th weight ak they are required to carry but 140 pounds and Mr. Tongu can hardly do less man 17. Th relay rare will be spectacular and kaleidoscopic changes are likely to take place at any time during Ita running, jaar A. h. Tsnner, William Walters,' L. L. Ieadbetter and Ralph Jenkins compos th team of th Whites and Ambrose Cronln, C. H. Leadbetter, James Nlcoi and William Alexander, the Red a. Each rider make a qoarter mile with th flag, passes It to the next r'der, and returns to his station for the nextlapjit is simple in theory but Ins the last week- war round to be fsr. different In practice. Th race will be more of a teat of horsemanship thsn In actual speed of horses. 1 . RIVERSIDE-TEAM-BEATS- FAILING SCHOOL LADS The Riverside team downed the Vail. Ing school nine In a one-sided gam yes terday by th score ( of 30 to 4. The feature of the game was th nlavtnr or Day and Brady, umeiip Riverside. Failing School. TTelrbert . . .C. P. Vincent ........ Burkey ...... Hessmer Twttchell Blotter . , Buahong .lb. D. Cohen Built van . . id. , , , , ., , . , ttow .......Sb Strode. ,2b. Day ...-. rtenneii If........ A.Cohen Brady rf , Bue Kennedy ........ . Bloom C'tnplre, Crocker . , - '. . SHVASHES DEFEAT AI.6ELS IN LOOSE CONTEST Russ Hall's Braves Get Together Long Enough to Win a Came , From Los Angeles. - - - (special Dlaaatea to The learsaL) - Beattle, Wash., June 2. Th Blwashea managed to down th Angels 'in a free hitting contest today ' Th acer: . ' SEATTLa r-.. ' AB. R. H. PO. A. E. RTiaji. i?s?T7rrT!1" 2 " eianxensnin, c. ...... a x 2 1 0 HeUmuiler, lf,vii; ,i :4-rlrtr(ri Walter, rf. 1 1 j l la. streip.Ti. . ; ; ;t7T ITrrri iTTt Mott, 3b. 4 13 3 1 1 Jones, cf. ...i.. 4 0 13.01 vfekersi p! 0 0 0 0 Totala . ....33-S U 2T 10 i " LOS ANGELE8. ' . " . AB. R.IT. PO. A. K. Oochnauer, sa. ...... 4 0 0 1 4,0 era vain, cr. . 4 10 1.1 0 0 0 6 union, -id 2 3 1 14 0 Del mas, 2b t -L3 . tvllla If . .... A - 1 . t A McClelland. 3b., 3 0 0 3 6 1 0 0 X.USS, c. 4 0' 1 I Hopkins, p. ......... J 1 0 0 3 Bergman, p. ........ 1 O 0 Totala . ". ......... .84 3 7 .34 17 1 SCORE BY INNINflfl Seattl"". 3 0 0 0 0 3 k t Hits . 1 I 1 1 0 3 4 11 m .....vveevesi v Hits 1 0201021 07 SUMMARY. Two-base hit Ellis. Three-baa hit moil Bacnne nits n. Hall, Ooch nauer. Stolen bases Kan - 2. Strelbv jonca, cemara. naaes on Dans Jrr c Mall a nfT VlnkH 1 aT U..VA.. . off Bargeman. 1. Hit 'by pitcher C? nan. oy tiopains; rfeitmuiier, Hopkins, jncvwiiinu, or v. rva.11 . rsiisa. nv .vipk. era. 4; by Hopkins, 3. Paased bail Biiaav Wild pitch Hall Tim of gam -Two hour and 10 minutes. Umpire rerrin. MT, TABORS VANQUISH UNIVERSITY PARKERS Mount Tabor defeated University Park In a wll-playd gam yesterday by th scor of 7 to 2. Th feature of tha. gams waa th pitching of. Meriitt, who fanned 14 men. Th lineup: - Mount -Tabov : Unlveraity. ParlL J Prltchard ...e . . Johnaon. Clelland Merntt p. .Clelland, Vernon Garner, Shane lb....... Schumann Vlntin lb. .Vernon, Johnaon Gamer 2b..; Hansen Oravell ss. ....... ... Knaah Watson ..... . . . . . .If . ; . . . . . . . 7? Hlnea Olsbn of... H. Sharp Young, ... . .rf Bennett CORVALTIS SHUTS 01 DALLAS COLLEGIANS (Snerlal IMapatcb to Tke JearsaLt Corvallls, Or., Juns 2. Corvatlls downed Dallas colleg today 14 to 0. The lineup waa: Dallas. r. ' . ' Corvallla. My res ............ :-p. .......... Rooper Baker -...,..... ...c.......... Groves Byron Huff Boydaton '. .. . : . . .lb. . . ....... Swann Kanon ..;.:it ni'J' Davia ss Wilkes Rice If Bllyeu Woods Woods, Murray . Iong NORTH ENDS BEATEN ' BY THE ALL-STARS Th Ail-Star ' defeated th North End yesterday by a scor of I to X Th Un-up: - f - AU-SUra. , ' North Enda. Brlgga .....,......e ; C Williams Cook ....p....... H. Williams Tett as.. ......... Crooks Bmlth ...... k'; I ..1 b. , .... - Sweeny Parrot ...........2b........... Brown Murray ......... ..b.. ...... . Stockton OMallay ........ .rf.. . , Jones Roosevelt ..... i . .cf . ....... McDonald Curtis t....lf....:.... Kennedy OSWEGO WINS-FRONfe tHE MOHAWK PutYErTS Th Oswego - team defeated th Mo hawks yeeterday byth scor of 1 to 12. Line-up: - Oswego." Mohawk a F. Roeentrcar. .". .e. . , .". ,. . . . Wegntan H. Blankln lp... Peterson. Beglow Beleth . lb J. Rd For, Rox. ....... ..tb. .. McClonlth Blankln.. lb.. . Cooper Dldgum .. Hughes . . ...Peterson. Beglow rf . ...,.. Wake Johnson ..........If.. Gardner . Nelson Waldry cf.';. Ifmplre Nelson. , . Xollaaay 3ark Tletors. Holladay Park defeated tha Oaka base- bail team on Friday by tb score of to 11. The game was well played-t throughout, the main feature being Jackaon'a catch of a lme drive ever shortstop, resulting la a. double jilay. List of Blooded Winners at Ex hibition Which Closed Yesterday. - - Iim4U Dlnalok to Tha JenreaLt , Corvallls, Or., June 3. Th bora ahow closed tonights, after a moat sue ceasful two daVa' display.- "Many horse buyer were present from Portland and other cities. Th showwtll be an an nua affair hereafter. The winners in the various classes wer a fallows'! Thoroughbreds Flrat, 'Sv, K. Hart. sock; 'standard brad, flrat, Jeas Brown; second. W. C. Metcalfe 3-year-old colt, First class i small I -year-old colt. first, A. J. Johnson. Preherons First, T, - K. Fawcett; second. Franta- Brothers. thlrdiPeter wniiaxer v Englahathlr FirtC WCX-Blknpt 7 Clydesdales First, Mark Ilulburt. ' Grade draft 1-year-old. -first; A. R, Lock; 3-year-oia, flrat, -G. O. Davis; sec ond Q. W. Cooper;. 1-year-old. first. J5. F. Burga; second, Sol King; third. H. S. Plttman; sucklings, first, George Brown; second, B. H. Gejlatly; third, Estel Wilson. . Roadsters 2-year-old, ' flrat, Ed School; . .i-year-old.- flrat. V H. , . School ; aeookd.. Ed Sckol; 1-year-old, first, J. H. S?lmpon; second, Jess Brown; third, H. School; suckling colts, . first. J. H. Slmbson. sacond. S. K. Hart sock; third, ' W. .O. Trine. . Slngl Drtvere First,- Dick aeoond, C. H. Murphy; third, T. len. .- " . " Klger) J. Al- Doubl ' Driver Flrat. Fred Buchanan; aecond. Claud Buchanan. Draft Teams First. R. Sktpton; seO' ond. H. 8. Plttman: third. C. O. Davia. Brood Mares. "Grade 'TJariiFWStr"C; O. Davia; aeoond. R. H. GaUatly; third, H. & Plttman. Roadsters First, 3. H. Simpson; sec ond, Ed Bcnoel. YESTERDAY'S RACING AT BELMONT PARK TRACK (serial Di.Detek kr Leaead Wire to The Jearaal) New York. June 1. Today's racea. at Belmont Farai- -Seven furlongs,, selling Taxd (Be-1 .n, e ta.. it. n.- Klnaa flam, sconiiHl Gentian, third. Time. 1:2 i, - Four- and r a - half - forlongs-Orah IMUlrlJ:lJto:zJ.'irQiU-BAl-31aatr aecond; Bewell, third, Time, o:sx. r Five furlongs, th - national station aiaaes, s-year-oiaa, ss.uuu .nariea u second; De Mund, third. Time, 0:62 2-t. X)n mile Perverse (Lyne), lto 3, won; Belle of PequesC second; Bdna Jackson, third. Time. 1:3 4-t. About two miles. International ateepl ehae. 11,700 added Herculold -Dono- hue. won: Grandpa, aecond; DromedaryTt third. Time, 4:13.- One mile Broadcloth (Garner), 10 to 1, won; Von Tromp, second; Klameaha, third. .Time, 1:33. ... . OFFICIALS APPOINTED "" FOR .HUNT CLUB MEET President Downing of tha Hunt club la a busy man. ' The approach of th aprlng meet has had the effect of rous ing th riders Into an activity never known In tha history f th club. From now until next Saturday It la certain that every, rider entered In. the racea will be devoting more than spar time toward getting Jnto condition for th meet. It was announced yesterday that Hugh Hum would b presiding judge. E. M. O'Brien will act aa starter and Thoma lLTongue' of HUIsboro will be official timer. Two associate Judges will be appointed. i ' DOGS HAVE LAST BARKS AT LOCAL BENCH SHOW -Tha Portland bench show closed last evening with the presentation of th prises - by President- J.-Wesley-Ladd. Th exhibition waa tha most successful In th history pf th local club from every standpoint. Tha class of doss was xcptiouanygdod, th trophies wer many and valuaul and tha attend ance waa beyond expectations. Con siderable credit for th success of th how la due Secretary Frank E. Wst- klna for his Indefatigable labor In hav ing everything - arranged In perfect order, thua expediting th running of th ahow. OWLSCOULDN'TEE-Ti BEAT THE BROWNIES In aa Interesting match yesterday af ternoon the Brownie won from th Owl by a score of 11 to t. Th Una-up: Brownies. Owls. Maltsen e Feldelmer Lewis ss. and p. . . i . . .C Drlscoll Shaw .ae.andp......,....Barbey Col -IB...-. Foley Alexander tb Lytl i inrlaa Ih.:..1 T, Dornwy Hallock cf Cook Chatterton ..If. .rf. UDrlscoll Hall Stalger SPORTING GOSSIP. - The Bralnard Maroona left last night for Sortngfleld. Oregon, where they will play a match gam with th Springfield Blue. Th team I composed of: Bet hels and Weed, battery; Trowbridge, first base; Campbell, second base: Gray, shortstop; Mangold, third base; Henkle, left field; Oalne, center field; - Smith, right field. The Portland Grays leave this morn ing for Woodburn, Oregon, wher they 111 contest with the woodburn team for honors. Manager Smith feels confi dent that his colts will com bom with burfch of Woodburn scalps. Th per sonnel of the team is aa follows: Gra ham, catcher: Henkle and Hurlbert, pltchera; Thing, first base; W. Morrow, iecoad base; Meyers, shortstop; uetes. row, .center field: Anderson, lert neia; Jeffrie and Smith, Utility. V Th Multnomah club's baseball nine defeated the Oregon 'varsity yesterday S to 4 on th club diamond. thPortIahnr Automohlla club-wTO hold a run to Bandy bridge today. The start Will be made at . th soldiers' monument at IS o'clock. wat Cap Hal. ' (Spadal Otapatrh In The Journal.) Salem, Or., June 3. Th Rambler defeated th Reform school team 3 to lodsy. Batteries Ramblers, Hoi man and' Bnshor; Reform School, Howard and Fltspatrlck. George W. Isbell, the well-known horseman, who was thrown from hla horse at tb fair grounds, on Wed nee- day. dlea this afternoon. Ha fell on hla head and never regained consciousness. He wss 4 years old and leaves a widow and daughter, ' . , THE TWO-OALLON EFFICIENCY CONTEST OF THE AUTOMOBILE CLUB OF AMERICA WAS THE I ' MOST IMPORTANT EFFICIENCY " CONTEST EVER HELD. A Frankn won the first prize -gold punch -bowL - . A Franklin went farther than '4-passengef car. ... . Two "Franklins went farther other 4cylinder car. A Franklin went farther than any standard single-cylinder car. V. A Franklin carried 2 passengers"87"milea and afterward increased It to This Franklin record means ; and the highest efficiency "ever Four-cyUnder Runabout. , . . 7.i.... . . .'fajOO .' '.' Four.cylinder Touring Car ,. .,V..."...V..a0O -; Four-cylinder Light Touring Car".7,7....flOOr;7 " Six-cylinder Touring Car.;;7.r.,.T7T.f H. L. RetsU Store, 64-6S Sixth Street. : --.v " -' : - Garage and Wholesale, Oak Between Sixth and Seventh. feriN Vfv nr n I XT ' . o iu wi nrr au mauis a sizes : ; s , r., : 1 I 11 l-M I11UI 'S.l f t 111 A 1 -;:vr :: 'Z. Ol For All I Tans and Blacks ( i01x)w . I r- . - ! - -y - J Shoes 1 o -0: Of Corner yTv v v MORRIS H. 1VHITEH0USE ' GETS SCHOLARSHIP Portland Boy Take High Honors at Massachusetts Institute : ., . of Technology. ; . Morris Homana Whltehoua, son of B. Or'Whltehoua. of Portland has been a warded the traveling ehorshlp-glenl by Ouy Lowell, architect to the fifth year student of' th Massachusetts In- Morris Homan's Whitehouse. stltut of Technology, whr3MslhTest work on an architectural design! The scholarship la worth ' 11,300, and th winner tnust spend a full year In Eu rope, touring through th principal citleaand " foUewfllf a Uns of study mapped, -out by th department of archi tecture of -HIS- Institute. Whitehouse la 14 years old and waa graduated from Bishop Scott academy. lie will leave America tha first of September. ; ' Voters. " Isn't it enough to decide your vot on sheriff candidates to know that R. L. Suven la backed by th gambling crowd, th whlky crowd and tha gang that Sheriff Word kicked out of th city and mad It better by doing ,aoT Do th people of Portland . want to re turn to the data when Pet Or ant,- Nat 8olomon. Larry Sullivan and a little eoterl of such ebole "cltlaens" ran I , ' 7 rr - . the $509 any other , ,. : (.; '". than sny more than, fuel economy. - It rneans correct and highly refined engineering demonstrated in anjr-motor car. KEATS 4e4eee4)eeeeeeee)e4 TD) SHOE K M FACTORY Fourlh Y. M. C. A. Building: v - TaTIS U ... . r , : . i- - - - .-- " Nvr before tn our many years of active operatlone in thla city i have w been ao wall equipped to aerv - our - patron In thla - branch of our large business. It waa , . t Our Six Expert Tile Setters That did th splendid work you mar see ' in th Bankers jumoermen Dana, an ceramio Trust at Havings Dana, me Portland Trust company a Northweertern Ouarante Trust company' bank, the ante at Trust company s nana, batha. and who are now busv ks w Ke won through th merit of our men. There are many : private residence In th city that we hare don til work for . that we do not mention In our advertisements, but who would not object to interested parson Inspecting that part of their . premises. Jn fact, w nearly always hear frotn.Jto.os-who want th 11K8T and-w do no other kind" of work. The John Barrett Co. Telephone 408-410 Morrison Street THE GREAT SPECIALIST tovis ns, KDu-aan ms, ou mv. Who are th victim of Urinary. Kidney or Bladder Trou bles, Syphllltlo or Mercurial Blood Poisoning, Lost Vitality, Impnisnoy, Sawual .Itahlllly, impaired Y igar. -Pism tiira.Xie. nine from Recent Kxposur. Mental Worry or Overwork. Rheumatism, Ecsema or Salt Rheum, Piles, Ulcers, Old Bores, Cough, Impending Paralysis or Consumption, Stomach and Liver Troubles, Loss of Ambition,, unfit to enjoy either pleas tire or business, are oured for life by" Dr. Pierce when all eth ers have failed. Call or writ 33k V, 3. tSCat, S1H rkM ftt, Vertlaad Oau th town and mad politic stlnkT If you hav had enough of it. vot for Tom Word, th man who cleaned thla gang out. , ' - - " " - .got So Foot aa BL assaasa. , From the Touth's Companion, th traveler ithrough a part f New Hampshire wher th stone seemed to be especially thick, stopped to comment to her driver en a man who waa at rork In a field the aurfaoa of which as little mora than a mass of stones of sll slaes and shape. - "les, Jake's having a hard time of IVi i P 95 miles on two gallons of gasoline. AUTt) CO. c Dnrtinnri fii ' . Ul LiailUf Ji . c 0 V V V V V V V V cmj iKoim ros' ror Knlghta or Pythias, Oregon bank. h bank, I Title G uar me roruana Hotel a 1 ne nailers on other bla? eontraita ' Main 122 Between Tenth and Eleventh said tha drlvar, who apparently knew every on In that region, "ne'e been at that field now for tw years, off 'n' on. Th wall Sll -cam out- of th ground, aa yeu might say, and you can tee there's still considerable material left te work n." -.I should think he'd be perfectly eouraged, poor man, to own e-" ' piece f property." eald th trtv Oh, he doesn't n It, r. v- , doesn't" said th driver, ! Isn't poor aa all t: t. It I Squire Farnmn, aid he a hir. . clear It, tbat'a aL" EPM 1 ' I