The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 02, 1906, Page 9, Image 9

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t. KC5.
Baker ,. "Heads Across ths See"
I'Trlo i "A soutbera Ulri'l lave"
Hiar ....."Tee Mult rrlaada"
Paatagas ; , VandaTllle
firut ...Vaudeville
Judge . Bear instructed a Jury to re
turn verdict ef not guilty in the ease
of John Blabop, charred with stealing
1.B0O pounde of copper wire from the
Portland Oeneral Electrio c ompany, be
cause the witnesses for ui prosecution
did not appear In court to testify. The
ease was called for trial two week ego,
but continued at request of Deputy Die-
trtot Attorney Haney, because of the
' absence of the two wltnesaea, who naa
one to Ban Francisco. These witnesses
are Junk dealers, and would have tastl-
fled that Bishop had ottered to sell the
wire to them. Deputy Haney Informed
Judge 8ers that he did not hare enough
, evidence to convict Blabop without tt
. testimony of these Junk dealers.
Memorial ' services will be held to-
morrow evening- at Hibernian hail by the
, Ancient Order of Hibernians In honor
of-Michael - Pevitt, deceased. A apeolaj
program of exerolses appropriate to the
occasion has been, arranged. The open
ing aaareas will oe maae oy r. m. euuv
van. The following program will then
'. be rendered: viplln and piano - duet.
Miss Julia Burke and Miss Mollis Rey-
. , nolds; solo, "A Handfull of Earth,1. Miss
Elisabeth Haxwas ; "God Bave Ireland,"
M. J. Keating; memorial address. Rev.
"Father McDevltt; recitation, John
, .Fleming Shields; "America," by the au-
, dience. , , 'V "i. '
The eroheitra' of ths Portland ..hotel
. ' will begin Its summer seaaon of open-
air concerts this evening. For several
years past this musle from' the outer
-- court- of the Portland - has delighted
both the guests of the hotel and the
':, men and women of this city who en
' Joy summer evening walks along ths
downtown streets. Manager . Bowers
has decided that the summer weather
' has come to stay and has ordered the
loncerf to haaln.
On ths grounds of-eruelty Lide Knud
sen has been granted a divorce from
Morris Knudsen. They were married
last December and Mrs. Knudsen testi
fied that her husband choked her, called
tlo names and told ' her1 she would
have tn earn a ltvlna- far both of them.
She said he asked her for-one -of her (
"'rings to pawn and because 'sh's'did' not"
give It to- him he choked her and the
. marks war on. her throat for a week.
- B. H. Shepard, manager and secretary
of tne Hood River Fruitgrowers union,
.deolares..thtJbe statement that Frank
I Polk died a "theresuHbf drinking
water from a ditch on whose banks
fruit Trees haOee'n sprayedli absolute- I
ly false. Polk died at Hood River last
Saturday. Mr. - Bhepard declares that
the young man died of heart disesse and
that other, stories attributing his death
to drinking" from ths ditch' are without
foundation, , - . . -
" 'Rev. B. H. Mowre, pastor of M. K.
. Church South,- who has- been on an ex-
. tended trip through the eastern and
southern states In ths Interest of his
church building fund, also to visit the
- general conference,, will occupy, his pul-4
- pit tomorrow. Foresters hall, 171 Sec
ond. 11 a. ro., speaking on "God's Great
est Thought Toward Humanity": p.
" m.; "Whom Vfta YouChboser " "
Charging cruelty, Llssle Blgnett has bo
gun suit In the circuit court for a di
vorce from "William Blgnett. In her
complaint Mrs. Blgnett alleges that her
husband choked her and beat her and in
February, 180$, drew a revolver and
threatened to kill her. She asks that
her maiden name. Turner, be restored to
her. . They were married , in Portland
in Januarjr, 1$00.
Water through boss for sprinkling
yards or sidewalks, or washing porches
or windows, must be paid for in advance
and used only between the hours of I
-and t a. m. and 8 and t p. ra. It must
not be used for sprinkling streets.. If
used contrary to these rules, or waste
fully, it will be shut off. . ,
- Pontifical high mass will be cele
brated at St. Mary's cathedral tomorrow
morning at 11 o'clock by Archbishop
Christie. - The Very Rev. Andrew Mor
rlssey will deliver an address. In the
afternoon Archbishop Christie will eon
firm a class of 40 children. -
' Alexander H. Blrrell, well known In
Fotrland. took th oath of allegiance to
the United States, and was admitted to
rltlxenshtp yesterday afternoon by Judge 1
Seats. Mr. Blrrell declared his Inten
tion of becoming a cltlxen In lilt. """He
Is, a native of Scotland. .
Solemn high mass will be celebrated
tomorrow morning at Holy Cross church
by Rev. Father Francals, superior gen
eral of th congregation ' of the Holy
Cross. Berwlces will be at 8 o'clock.
Ths Very Rev. Andrew Morrlssey will
presrh., , ...1 .... . . .... . ...
Captain XL C Mears, adjutant of the
Third infantry. O. .N. O., has resigned.
He Is to be succeeded by Lieutenant Ar
thur . J. Johnstone, who was sergeant
with company H. Second Oreson volun
teers, during th Spanish-American war.r0-
Flowering Plants. Now Is th time
to set out that bed of flowering plants.
We have a full line of all suitable
plants for. summer and fall blooms
' nrlces low. Phone or call Portland Seed
Jloompany. Front andJXamhlU. trUL
: Raoest . ..'
Races! . -
Races! Portland Hunt club..
Saturday, June t, HOC
Beginning l:l p. m.
Eight race a
W are the people who make any suit
In the house to order for 125 no more,
no less. Th largest stock In the olty
to select from. Unique Tailoring aom
pany, 101 Stark, near Sixth.
Only 1 of th 44 men and women
who took the medical examinations be-
'Episcopal Church
Freacklag 10 AO
RIghtlous Judgment .
Ood's Great Outdoors
,'-: OR ." - ",:
Oregon, Beautiful Oregon
Mountains and Valleys, Rivers,
Meadows. Ocean, Been to
and Productive. .
. " Over 10 Ilnet"v1ws sver made. ,
. Admen's League, Board of Trade
and other business organisational
cordially invited. , ;
Kew the war la nearly eased
Aod aooa w. U aU be bleadml
into a lot ef taoatUa' awa aa frteads,
An' the aiwwblla' fellw
jyill jwe. liulitljr closfd.Bli yellex
Aod th nosulu be cuveclr autaads.
We will an
After reatla' all
veta ea afoaday,
say Buaoar,
Aa' ererr ehas'll aUk te the beat sua:
'Caaa he'll be on ef bar sarty,
Marbe Jones er Mike ateCartr.
Aa' we'll blfalate ala virtues all we saa.
As for aa, we're siniisg loaaJy,
Aa' look In' very Broadly
At car eolfcher tbal . sever boras the
elothea. t
Br-stem we always heat It,
Ihera is aaafht ea eartk will beat It,
. Aa' Ite sralaee freci eat patreas ever
Xa)L Kaia t4. leeead ead Oahnabla.
All faaiily washlag So poead. . '
- In a last effort to round up the
party vote, the Republican state
central committee has sent out a
circular letter to Republican vot
ers ', accusing . the Democratic
State central committee of Issu
ing an anonymous circular at
tacking Jonathan Bourne, which
has been sent broadcast over
Oregon. It Is a matter of com
mon knowledge that the circular
referred to came from Repub
lican sources, and was inspired
e by a. feud of many years stand
ee ing. .Every circular, every letter
0 sent out by the Democ ratio com
mlttee has been signed.
0 The -' following communication
4 makes aa emphatic denial of the
e charge:
. . '"A circular letter mailed to
o voters' by the Republican state
e : central committee over the slgna
e tures of Its chairman and score-
4 state central committee of mall
4 lng aa anonymous circular. This
4 charge Is false, and It is well
known to be false by the Repub
4 11 can committee. No such clrcu
e . lar was ever mailed by the Dem-
I e ooraHo state central committee
or by any one connected with it e
- " F capacity. we nave maae e
4X "coT'canipajgn sorely on thb'jheTlt' y
of our candidates. .
. . .. .. ."ALEX 8WEEK, -
e "Chairman Democ ratio Stat
v Central Committee." ' - 4
fur lhs-txtc board -of "examiner eni
ceeded - in reaching - a standard high
enough to get them licenses to practice
in the state of Oregon as phyatclana.
Those it are O. M. Babbitt, a D. Beech,
S. P. . Blttner, A. E. T. Buckell, Fi P.
Flsch, A. CHansoa C MHoUopeter.
H. A. Xavanaugh, W. W. Liooney, John
Madden, X. McCombs, P. F. McMurdo, C
U Moad, W. KV8eelyo, J. Sproat, J. T.
Townly, J. JL. Wooden and E. A, Woods.
tl Excursion Tomorrow Cascade
Locks and return steamer -Charles R.
Spencer the -"fast" steamer of ths
Willamette - and- Columbia. Thia ele
gant water craft will leave her Oak
street dock at 9 a. m' returning at t
p. - m., carrying, the, excursionists
through the heart of the Cascade troun-
taln to th great 14.000,000 Cascade
locks th government spent If years in
building. It is the prettiest ride in the
world, full of romance and inexpressi
ble grandeur. The great mountains and
waterfalls are alone worth a great Jour
ney to see. .. ..
Trolley excursions on O. Wv P. tomor
row to Ores ham. It cents; all points
east of Oresham to and including Esta
cada, 10 cents round trip. Dinner at
Hotel Estaoada, 71 eents; cars leave
First and Alder streets, 7:10, :!, 11:10
a. m , 1:10. 1:40, i:4, 7:1 p. m. Tickets
a sal in waiting room.
Sunday excursions to Estacada on th
upper 'Clackamas river, t miles, too
round trip; O. W. P. cars from First
and Alder streets. 7:10. t:S0, 11:J0, 1:30.
1:40, S:44. 7:li. Dinner at Hotel Es
taoada, 76. Tickets, on sal In waiting-room.
Dancing at Canemah Park tomonwvr
afternoon and evening. Take O. .W. P.
cars from First and Alder streets on
the odd hour - and every 40 minutes.
25centaroundtrip-TlckU roa-sale
in: waiting room.
There la Jny in th family of M. M.
Moore. 126 Fifth etreet, because of the
arrival of a 10-pound baby girl; May
to. Little Miss Moore Is progressing
encouragingly and her mother is also
doing well.
F. E. Beach at Co., th Pioneer Paint
Co., agents - for J ap-a-Lac, ' Sefl our
floor paint, hygisnio kaisomin. japan
eee dusting compound, window glass
and glaslng. Ill First street. TeL
Main 1114.
Outings by trolley tomorrow on the
w p. to Oregon City and Canemah
Park, li eents round trip; dancing art
ernoon and evening; oars from First and
Alder streets on th odd hour and
very 40 minutes.
A Mendelssohn musical service at
First Congregational -church Sunday
night. A solo, a duet, a trio, a quartet
and a quintet; all from Mendelssohn,
Publlo oordiaUy invited
Oregon City River Trips. Sunday
boats leave Taylor street 1:80, 11:10
a, m.; 1:30 p. m. Leave Oregon City,
10 a. m, 1:10, 6:10 p. m. Round trip, 16a
Concrete Construction Co., 701 Cham
ber of Commerce, manufacturers of
concrete stone blocks. Contractors for
all kinds of cement work. Tel Main 110.
' Bntser'o seeds won gold medals at the
expoettlon. His lawn grass and sweet
peas were declared the best. 181 Front
street, between Yamhill and Taylor, ,
Wait for the bis? disaster shoo sale.
very 1Mb-alrprIM,nMotlday rJUrt 4rfif
a. m. ays aaornson streoi near airia.
W are still selling eye glasses at 11:
a perfeet fit guaranteed or money , refunded.-
Metsger 4k Co. Ill Sixth treet.
C. E. Walborn. furniture repairing, pol
ishing, packing, shipping. TeL East 4 HI.
Cedar park Dancing Sunday, after
noon and venlng. Plenty or late oar.
Aom Oil CO sella the best safety oil
and fin gasolines. Phone East 110. '
Panama hatter. 111 4th. Phone Pac 107.
Dancing, Tabor Heights" tonight
T Attention -Traveling Mn.
' Oretid parade under auspices Travel
ing Men's Tom Word club Saturday
evening, June t. Will form on Second
street, between Washington, and Stark
itreetAj at X 'dock. -
The ' Most Active Store in Town
Soma Price and Terms th Lowest
Ever Printed Our Guarantee
Store Open Tonight -
It Is safe to' say" that more pianos
have been eold In Portland during the
iaai tew aaya man bave oeen aoia nere
tofore In that manv montha. The town.
It would seem, has gone literally daft
on piano ana organ ana pianoia-ouyuig.
It's nothing short of a erase, and all
classes of people, from the very wealthy
to the prosperous mechanlo and farmer.
any one who has the necesaary $10 or
lie 10 maae a nrat payment, it seems,
Is tn for settinc an Instrument.
But this state of affaire la not to be
wondered at when the astonlahlnair low
prices are considered at which these In
strument a are now being offered by
EUers Piano House Failing to renew
lta lease, the Arm la. unfortunately, com
pelled to retire from active retail busi
ness, ana everything contained in the
now world-renowned "quarter block of
nne pianos- is oeing aaorincea, regara
'lama nf r.nat n nrnflt.' .
Although the Tease expired with yes
terday's date, 'arrangements - have boon
made for a continuance of a few days
longer, and everything In the establish
ment will now surely be disposed of. It
Is not ret too late to secure a choice
new Chlckerlng, a Weber, a Kimball, a
naseiion, a crown urcneatrai, or one 01
the many other highest-grade pianos
sold ' heretofore oaly by the Ellers
Hou'ae, and you can now secure suoh an
Instrument, brand new, without having
to pay the customary and necesaary re
tail profit. Pricee ranee from tilt and
HIT for the usual $226 and $250 styles
to lees than $400 for instruments regu
larly selling at $650. Cash or payments.
Spme Are Used One.
In addition to ths aboveT and -some
very fine pianola pianos, pianolas and
elegant parlor and church organ s there
are also a number of excellent used up-
gnts. not one 01 wmcn can' be told
from really new ones. At the prices
they are now marked every one ehould
nna puyers iioaay . or uus evening.
Among them re:
-An elegant little Fischer, tl.
A Cable A Sons, $10; another $1$ and
sun anoiner sier. I
u A choice ltttir Eiiiei'smK'tlts.anoWieTr
IllS. and a .very choice one for 11.
m . A,-SEAt-b)JnfeM?dP8xka
A very fancy mahogany-eased Mshlln,
$176. . -ABord
French piano. $$f another, $8$.
A Knabe, like new, $165.
A little black-cased Hale, $14. ' : .-.-:
- A Camp (JO., $120.
A Bohr Bros., verv fine. 1198.
AU of-these nsed . plaaos go. for. Ill)
down ana $s or more a month.
Organs, Pine Ones.
' Fine new parlor organs sell for from
$44 - to $95, according to works, style
and design. Most of them are reduced
more than half the regular retail val
ue a. Pay $4 or even $1 a month.
- Bear In mind that Eilers piano House
Is not going to leave Portland. On -the
corner of Thirteenth and Nortnrup
streets ws own a quarter block, finely
equipped, from where we will hereafter
conduct . only . a wholesale business.
Every. Instrument sold under our hands
snail De round exactly as representee
or money will bo cheerfully, refunded.
Every instrument eold Is also fully cov
ered oy the makers and by our guaran
tee, taus.. protecting a . buyer in. every
Store Is onen tonight until 10 o'clock.
Come in and select a choice piano or a
pianola or aa organ before all are gone I
Ellers Piano House, the busiest, biggest
and beet dealers. Stores In every Im
portant weetera - city. Including Saa
4 Pendleton needs no assistance
from th rest of the state or th -4
j outside world. . 60 says James A
4 ' Fee, mayor of th metropolis of
4 eastern Oregon. .
4 - leaterday Governor Chambar
4 lain sent th following telegram:
4 "Hon. James A. Fee, Pendleton
4 Are th sufferers of the flood
e In your CQunty in need of asslst
4 ancet If so let m know their
4 most pressing need.
4 . - In answer cam th following: .
4 . "Pendleton in splendid eondl
4 Hon. - No - assistance - required. -4
' Little loss sustained. County's
loss-sll ght-comparedwtth- bene
4 : fits derived from copious rains.
4 - Accept mjt-thanks on behalf of
4 the people of Pendleton for of
4 f era of asststanoe.
4 , . JAMES A. FEEL"
.e) e
rrrcrBurnrrRpuMicaft ea.naiatt rar
ths legislature, came to America In
1881: , became- a candidate for the leg
islature February 8$, 10$; became a
cltlxen February 17, 10$.
" Milwaukle Country Club.
Memphis and Louisville race. - Take
Sellwood and Oregon City cars at First
and Alder.
Harry Qurr-
Candldate for Constable
Wct Side
narrv Ourr is perhaps ih widest-
known working man ln Portland today.
He Is a brlckmaoon by trade, a resident
of this city for nearly 80 years, and is
everywhere reoognlxed ss aa Intelligent,
eonaervatlve, yet fearless and outspoken
rhamolon of the rights of th masse.
While in no sense a labor agitator, he
has for many years occupied a promi
nent place tn the ranks of 4 labor. Of
unquestioned honesty and possessing
more than average ability. If elected
constable he will serve the people faith
fully and well To know. Harry Gum Is
to admire him for hla frank honesty.
US tuht to be sleeted. .!' .
River Pilots Join Brethren at As
toria In Effort to Secure
' .. Deeper Bar.
Petition Asking Port of Portland to
' Give Bar Dredge Thorough Test
.Will Probably .Be . Considered .at
. Next. Regular Meeting of Board.
Urged on by their fellow tollers of ths
elty by ths sea the pilots of this port
ara preparing to lay before' the- Port
of Portland commission a proposition.
ror. ui deepening or th Columbia rivet
bar. , It la the desire of the pilots, so
It is said, to demonstrate to the govern
ment the efficiency of th dredge Chi
nook and they will ask the Port of
Portland to guarantee th expense of
operating the dredge for a period of
at ' leaat one month and closely watch
the result
It Is understood that ' some of the
members of ths Port of Portland are
favorably Inclined toward the proposi
tion and the matter will likely come up
at the next regular meeting of the com
mission on the second Thursday of
th month. Th cost of operating the
Chinook on ths bar la estimated at
about $10,000 a month.
The bar pilots are anxious to havo
the bar deepened so that vessels of any
size may be taken to sea regardless of
weather conditions, and for that rea
son they have invoked the aid of the-1
river 'pilots, believing lliat tliey in
in a better position to deal directly with
the members of th Port of Portland
commission. . - -, --
Th Chinook is St anchor at th gov
ernment moorings at Linn ton. where
she has been lying Idle sino withdrawn
m.,mr..iitiDn. .1 abftnta
year- ago, ane is- Delng kept in- fine
forking - .order- birEMtMa:TiBrhm.:
First. Officer J. Spire- and Chief En-,
glneer William MorhofT, and can be
manned -and placed la aotlv operation
on short notice. The officers have put
in their time chipping rust off th sides
of the vessel and a bright coat of paint
shows that they havo not hesitated in
wielding the brush '
- The question with the Port of Port-
ana Win be mainly whether or not that
body has the authority to expend any
of ths money set aside for the Improve
ment of th river channel on bar dredg
ing. Another question will be whether
or not the amount of money available
wllf permit of the additional expense.
Gerald Bagnall, assistant United
States engineer, returned from Fort Ste
vens yesterday afternoon and reports
that soundings are now being taken on
th bar by .government surveyors en
board the steamsr Arago. He believes
the bar in good condition but will be un
able" to furnish official data for some
time, owing to th fact that th bar has
been too rough for successful soundings
sine th work was commenced about a
week ago. Mr. Bagnall says work on
th Jetty 1 progressing in a very aatls
factory manner,-about 8,000 tons of
rock being dumped into th sea daUy.
District Forecaster Beala Says, Coins.
bla and Willamette Ar Falling.
Th Willamette river is now 1$ feet
above the . aero mark and may cause
some inconvenience ' along the lower
docks should it rise to the l$-foot
mark.. District Forecaster Beals, how
ever, aays there is no .danger of hi ah
hwater unless the Colqrnbla should go
on a rampage ana lure the Willamette
into an estuary. There) is little danger
of this, he says, becauWe the Columbia
is falling today, and so Is ths Willam
ette at all points except Portland, where
a slight rise, is recorded.
While warmer weather is looked for,
the danger of a big rise In the Colum
bia la small because Immense volumes
of water have-already found their way
from th mountains Into th sea. The
show, so th forecaster says, has been
melting steadily' during the cool weath
er and even a warm spell need not cause
alarm tothosg occupying lhe lower
levels. , -
- Dally "forecasts will be issued should
th water show an additional rise of
two 'feet at Portland.
Steam Schooners Tied Tffp at Saa Fraa
, elsoo Sail for Feetlsad, -- -
It 1 believed - that Cue threatened
strike of th union sailors will not ma
terialise, the steam schooner owners
having apparently agreed to the demand
for a $t Increase In wages per month.
Reports from Ban Francisco laat night
stated that the steam schooners Des
patch and Cascade had sailed for Port
land, which means that a- temporary set
tlement at least has been reached be
tween the owners of these vessels and
their crews. The Despatch was re
ported yeaterday as one of th vessels
tied Ttv at th Bay Citys
. Trafflo has been exceptionally brisk
with th ooaatlng vessels and shipping
men her are of th opinion that th
shipowners could not afford to tl VP
their vessels ror tn saa 01 saving
ner month per man, which to th aver
age coaster , would mean only about $50
per month in aU.
bambr Carriers Xxohanga Positions 'at
, the Tartous TsUU 4raarvea.
There were several movements in th
harbor yesterday afternoon. Ths Ger
man ship Emelio shifted to the mills
of th North Pacific Lumbar company
where shs will finish her cargo of lum
ber- for-Copanhagen-and.. Antwerp.
The Hritlah ateamer Tottenham took
the Emilia's berth at the mills of th
Eastern A Western LUraber company
and will now have room to worn to
advantage 4-he-steamer Redeado-fla-Ishes
loading at these mill this after
noon and sails for San Francisco to-
4 night. , : ' , -
Th British ship Baraowi is wait
ing for $0 tons mor ballast and as soon
as It has been secured the vessel will
shift to th mills of th Portland Lum-
eompany to load for Port Fine.
Sklppe aad Kate ef the Ship Bardewte
Basons Drowning Sailor.
Cantain William Johnston of th Brit
ish ship Bardowi. and th second mats
of the vessel performed a heroin act
the ether Bight In rescuing one of ths
few sailors still, remaining with- th
hip Iron g weteri gray,; She fellow
-1 - -
above makes of pianos are found
In the best studios, in the best homes
and ever? where tlia sou mar find true
lovera of good jnusic, -
wRIcTuva"2t1.ti,ehe8V"w1nr lv-aclmowN
edged as an eminent authority, owned
cisco. : ;.'- - ' -'.
No artist has ever been PAID to use
2 endorse a STEINWAT PIANO, but
1 players .use - for oonoerts and buy
for their own homes . A STEIN WAX.
because it Is the piano on which-thay
can eo tneest jusitconemeyea..
Owing to change- which Is soon to be
made we are offering all our pianos and
organs (new and second-hand) at the
lowest possible prices, and on the easi
est terms... , . . -. i . ,
Dundore Piano Co.
134 Sixth St, Opp. .Oreironlam Building-.
Vloter Talking Machines Sheet Music
Prof; Friedman
Formerly proprietor Chamber of Com
merce Baths, wishes to announce that
us . -
New Baths
The Finest In the City ..
Are Ready for Business ' .
266-Alder- Street
Bet, Third aad Fourta.. FaeUe saL :
went under twice and earns near going
down for th third and last time when
the second mate caught him and with a
firm grasp hauled him Into a small
boat .
Th sailor had been ashore celebrating
and upon returning to the ship found
things so inharmonious that he decided
to take a eold plunge for better or for
worse. His mad leap was noticed, how
aver, and in a remarkably brief space
of time strong arms had ths ship's
boat and were clearing th riffles in
the direction of the floundering man.
The second plunge was made shortly
sfterwarda and It Is doubtful If an f-
;- fort would have been "made to rescue
the plunger but for the fact that tars
are very scarce during these days of
railroad construction.
Captain Johnson. claims no credit
for having saved the man's life.
but blushlngly admits that "the fellow
might have drowned.
Th Schooner F. S. Redfleld went to
Tongue point yesterday to load lumber
for San Francisco and the schooner
Amelia went to Rainier. Th schooner
F. W. Jewett is loading lumber at Near
City and th Iran is finishing at Weet-
port. - -"w .
Ths total collections tn ths office of
the collector of customs for th month
of May amount to $88,888.74. 888.878.T8
of which were collection on imports.
L. M. West and C L. Morgan are
organising excursion parties to go from
Portland to Alaska. Mr. West was for
merly In ths employ of the Pacific
Coast Steamship company.
Messrs.- Edwards and Fuller inspect
ed the steamer Poloma this morning.
The steamer Senator left Seattle for
Alaska yesterday with a full cargo of
freight and many passengers.
Captain H. W. Baker and his crew
of dlvere will leave for Detroit. Michi
gan, this evening, according to the pro
gram today. -
A bargeload of rock in tow of the
tug Samson was dumped into the river
off Cape Horn yesterday. The barge
The oriental liner Numaatta sails
this afternoon for Japan and China,
and the lumber-laden eteamer JEllbura
laavea for Genoa. Italy.
The steamers Redondo. Captain Ahlln.
and Barracoota. Captain
for San Francisco this evening. 7
William Moor, who was drowned tn
th Tamhlll Hvr yeaterday while try
ing to deliver a crate of crawfish from
a small boat onto the dc" of The
steamer Elmore, was IB years old and
was employed at crawfishing near the
ran -of the aoctdeot by a Portland
firm. Officers of the Elmore report
that every effort was mad to save
the drowning boy.
The Saa Francisco liner Costa Rica
will be at Alnaworth wharf at t o'clock
this evening.
' Astoria, Juns I. Arrived, at :$ and
left np at 10:18 a. ra- steamer Costa
Rica, from San Francisco; sailed, at t:ie
a. nu, schooner Mabel Gale, for San
Francisco; salltd. at 11:1$ a. m.r steam
sr Elmore, for Tillamook.
Ban VniwIuA June 1 Sailed. St 11
a. bl, schooner Monterey, la tow of tag
Athletic Parfcr
. OotBsc Tangaa and Tweaty-femrtTi
Portland vsaOakland
' AamH Called StSO a. TV XMfly. -
r BOX SEATS. 18a
Baker Theatre
See. L. Baber. ate
Tk, mt Wkrknaaa Bteek
Knalhih nrana la Five Art. ..
Baaatlral aceaery, rn.folBo.nt Mttlaga, sag
aiaated eaet, a tnleadld prodaetioe.
f Birga Kve.. M. as. SOet MAT.. IS. SM.
lul Waafe. Btartlaa 1
PANTAOC& xoumT"- s.
tVMI JfOVUlO riOTUaiS. saewns wars
ef Peetraetiea at Its Went ia Saa rssa4wa.
yaaarama ef Olty ia ITasiaa .
rsTHn ELwiLL. .tofst mavT teio.
)0m a ITUUlOr suae uixuu
: PerforsisBecs oaiiy at xnn. ana w .
Onattnuona Bandars. Adnilsalee. 10a sad Sue:
bases, tAe.- Ladlaa . end cblldrea aay seat
at weekday atattaeea, lOe,
BIO osyHztnc
: 90th Century
Otaaaease Sretaase. i
, Tea SiBley.
S SaHeee Xaleey, -Snadway
Barald SUffc -
"TOO many rw2ro$"
la eesaeetton wltfe a
a streag' eTio, lachalBg
Aradel. the Oreat Bales,
Evans sod Evans.
Jaeale Orr and Stamens.
Bargains in Real Estate
taSOO 7-room. new, modern homo. East
JOth and Stark, full lot; liberal terms
BSSOOi'-roorn, new house, with fur
nace, fire place,, electric and gas flx-
- tures I full cement basement, with ee
jnent floor, corner lot , one block
- of Hawthorne avenue. -This Is one ef
the finest homes In the olty aad la a
bargain; term a, half cash.
S35O0 8-room house, Eaat 1 4th street:
lot 100x100, with street Improvements
Kid; liberal terms.
7-room modern house, lot $0x1 td,
" Eaat $4ta st. close to avenue; a good
SsvsX-e-roorn, new house." S$th aad
TarahUl; terms $B0 down, balaaee to
suit purchaser. -
fleoo -7-room, new, modem home, lot
100x100, cloee te can easy terms ef
payment . . .
Saeoo 1$H acres, 18 el eared, eloee to
city, on ear Un; half cash.
BS500 IS aorss, 14 cleared, with 4-room
. bouse and barn, good orchard. SH
miles of Oregon City; half cash, bei
anoe at i per, cent .
7608)4 acres, 4 acres cleared, with
house and bam, . near eleotrio ear;
half oash.
Sboo 8 acres near Lents. S acres
cleared, with small house; terms, halt
cash, '
Desirable building lots en easy month
ly payments. ; r -
Stevenson-Brown Co.
no noom stsusst.
Xm the Rerikweet Is Ooaameted at the
Talks' TBldg Seremth aad Stark Bta.
CaVdStaiSl - -; ;
WIoniSAT aad
. FBZDAT. 1.
No better investment than a Course
In our Departments ef
Booxxxxwrjio) ea
' We have the moat modern equipment
ef any college in toe west, ah our de
partments are in cnarge oi experta.
T,intlaaa. for Portland: arrived. ' at
10:80 a. m ateamer Asuncion, froaa
Astoria, June 1. -Arrived down, at
4:80 p. m., schooner Mabel Oale; ar
riad dnwn. at T lO. and sailed it I a m
steamer Caartna, for Ban Francisco.
Astoria, June 8. coni. .on or ta eer
it I l m, i -oev;, air ssa'.t; l.t
weather; t ...-.
Dzclarcticn cf
t Statement No. 1, Irrespective n
. party.
8. Municipal ownership of all nubile
- Ittgid enforcement cf all state
- health laws.
4. An eight-hour law for men and
woman employ.
I, A ststed salary for the State
- PrlnUr. .. ;.,
. An editable adjustment ef rraa
ehlsea . , . ..
TT Taxation ef the gross earnings ef
corporations. 4 .,
I. Local eelf-governmeat aad private
' bank examiner. ,
. Repeal of convict labor law that
bring prison labor la eompetltleei
with honest tollers.
10. Requiring corporations te grant '
equitable pensions to all persona
, seriously Injured while in their
employ, during the eontlauanoe
Z of he.dlsabUlty. ... ..-,,.---,-..,
Francis Clarno
.. . BVatOOTsATJO 8TO:
TEo Portland
Everything to eat and cMak. aad
it costs no more in the -
FortUn Motel RetbsksOer -than...
elsewher In Iha city. serp
weekday night from 8:80 te If.
. sr. &
fiLAiit ca
Artistic anas
lauaw. C'eanauv
aad aaBdia wetS
fraaa the beet ef
Barbie aad graaHe.
Cetta aaoaiaaf. aad
areata eraauXlf
attaaded to.
East EaS Msdlsss
Street Bridie .
For Sloeaach and
IWwel trouetss, Uv
rand Kidneys, and
all dsjimi due to sa
(tablets) 25cr
siss. 8100.-- At Drug
gists' (in Mack
i not sand ax FImJS
trial boa to
fUsaetfs Nadive
- Herbs Ceenpeuty
Saa y,aarlateliat
Open for the Seascn
Wsshinctoo Street, Near Otf Park
"Strictly first-clAtt msnsgement.
I:-. t ....-. t .... c.n.
wiches and Cigars.
CHAS. PILTZ. Proprietor.
Hotel Tourainc
Oakland, cat.
1 Comer Clary and Fourteenth St.
Strictly flrst-clsss hotel, right la the
, t 1. . anitsa r
rooms, with bath. Sample rooms. Mod
erate ratea. nest American ana rio
cooking on th coast ..
m . a f tr
All work guaranteed f-e "".T'
Lady atundant a I way e
work dene absolute'-'
seciaUateef from 11
Celd FT"" , "
Crewna A-
State Senator
Park Inn