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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 2, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, , PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING. JUNE . 1CCJ. ST-JOHHS PEOPLE T.1AKE REPLY ROYALHAWAIIAN,BANDJVJLL. mm GIVE CONCERTS IN PORTLAND As Oerect from etch cer cs c!I;!:t Is tiZmst trca nscndjy The) esN9We 1st am Plotur of the Hrriolc, the Old" that of the Moa baietc Refrl-eritor Home auid Delight of the JVtlorotae. . The "mew yM Befrlgeraeov, sold by as, U posttlTety tt Vest bs has era heea seeds aee aa OOM0 aa Bar othee, but MTTll lisetse, beoaase tt has moe a siagla aea inssissia by amy ittei sJl the speolally excellent features of ail of them aaA saaay assiatlal Xmprovecasnte ea atraly Its ewm. Tt la always so ary tnatde that manbes asm be left em aay of tea abalvas aa4 aot be tntwsd. It aewalxes less loe the any oeber mefilgaiaaos, aaa by aaeaaa ef ths ef eotea system ma4e p of 09am eemtoe AsaX pans, air auota, aad shee asleattfle eoastmotlon. It gaias a wetas waloh Is indeed oae of the most lmpeamat feaeasea of the refrlgweAos. we tefea to the elxevJatlom, Wl thorn t elienlaaiaa the Kafrlgemtor vremld be bo beta ths the aossmssi toebeau Xt la the beeteomem of thla slsonlatlnsj that has made the bona disss aepatattoa of , Do Not Agrae With Mayor and 7' C'ty Council on- Uquor ' ; . Question. SAY SALOONS HAVE . - - - HAD BAD EFFECT tt DEAD AIR & I '! er wc0sc P L ; Mora Police Officers Needed Since A License Waa Granted, They Say, 4ri- nd-Mor Jntpxicated Men Seen on Street-oflbeClty. " . The Journal, baa received a communi ' ; cation In regard to the liquor euuauen , l BL Johns, aimed by 'IT. cltlaana of that place. It waa wrttten In reply . , to a communication recently printed by . The journal and signed by tha mayor. -tt council and ether off lctals. ; After declar ing - that the law , provldea " for -' . . m m mm M , grouping precincia ana 11 o . In favor of licensing saloons, the oom- , munlcaUoa continues aa follows: . . V The ataUmeat that St. Johns was .' dumping around for the drunks that .came hers loaded with liquor procured ' at other plaoee la untrue, for before . saloons wars Ueenaed In St. Johna It , was the rarest thins to see a man who " waa even partially under the Influence tfHlmif, while today-M la aa evry-day L, tlally. but wholly under Its Influence. na police offloar: now ws bars three. - and the present chief of police feels ths aead of two more In order mat as may r eons with the worthless class of round- - era that are crowdlna Into Bt Johns, The records of ths recorder of ths Increase In Its business (arunkonnees - a lone) ox upwaroa i e par nu ainoe , tha aaloona have been licensed, sixty i per cent of these caaes are without ,. means to pay the fines imposed. . . -R.- PARK Bft,- "J. H. CANRIGHfv "A. I-tOUOLAS8. "U B. CHIPMAN. . T, W. PATTER, "H. W. BROUHAJT-i -gW, a.J.aKTHERTT- HAUAB C HEACOCK. ' "T. M. PHILLIPS. - X M. KNIGHT, TC a WRIGHT. ' TXAVK EDMANDSON, . ',' . ! "L. BttEDZER, . , "" ' ' " "W. IX WEEK", i "W. Ik CHUBCHH.U'. ExcujMoiyro seaside.- tr 7' atunday, June " "" Another popular- li lt excursion to (Seaside rla the X a C, B. tL will leave the .union depot next Sunday at I a. m. Ticket sales limited to aeattng capacity tef train.' Tickets on sale at t4( Alder street during ths week and at the anion depot Sunday morning. . For Information telephone C 4u Btew art, agent-Main 0a i . 1 mmer- 4LtiL0yuLeMure -Summers TO Let us show you our dust proof, rain-proof, , heat-proof fabrics Joe summer wearl- A- No reason in the world why you should not be neatly dressed and comfortably dressed and at small expense to you. jTalte advantage of our special early season offering. I Trousers I Neat .striped , effects. Elki Building v Seventh and Stark . I-1 . ;'4'K"V- N"v . 1 ft 1 .... .,v , X1 X, iaia. Madame AlapaL The famous . Royal Hawaiian band from Honolulu, which mads so profound success last year at ths exposition. s to eome to Portland next Thursday for a series of concerts at the Hell! g theater, - - - - - , Arthur A. Lotto, business manager of the band, arrived In Portland this morn ing- from San .Francisco and- reported that the band waa giving open-air con certs In the Greek theater.. University of California, In aid of the relief funds for ths , sufferers from ths recent dis aster in 8an Franciaco. In speaking of ths Royal Hawaiian band. Manager Lotto said: ' - "The band has been Increased to 60 members, and ths enterprise Is under the management of representatives of the Hawaiian government This is the first time that the band has been al lowed to leave Hawaii for any length of time and the tour will embrace the entire United Statea and Europe. The fact that Portland gave so generous a welcome to the band last-year at the exposition carried weight , with, the ter ritorial government and we have 1 oured. permission for the present tour to be made. The Hawallane are look ing forward -with, extreme pleasure to their visit to Portland, as they rente besthelnsny kind acta of ths people in this city. When I left the band on Thursday all the boys' gathered around' ma and aald, Give our- aloha to the people in Portland."' . THOSE-WtfO PROMISE-TO STAND BY STATEMENT NO. 1 Of the SO Republicans and Deraoor ate who are asking the votere of Mult nomah county to support their candidacy for the legislature 21 have taken statement No.' I. The men who are pled g'd to support the people's choice for United" States, senator. Irrespective o t party are as follows: REPUBLICAN'S. DEMOCRATS. Ballot No. BaUot No. IS A A. BAILEY joint senator. 60 A F. FLEGEL, Joint senator. 1 JAMES IT.- CAMPBELL.lolnt ren- 5 FRANCIR CLARNO. senator. reeentative. .M Af P. NELSON, Joint representative. 18 I H. ADAMS. . 0-r-Wi iVADAMB. 82 T. J." CONCANNON. 83 JOHN DANNELLS. M B. N. EMERY, ( J. C. BATER. Tl JOSEPH W.- BEVERIDGE. 72 DA V ID-C--BURNS. 74 JOHN B. COFFEY. . 71 JOHN DRI8COLL. ' 76 ROBERT 8. FARRELU " 85-E Ar-OES8EtL. WILLIAM HORAN. T GEORGB L. HUTCH IN. -7" tt FRED C. KING. - r'-' t " S9 H. I KREIDT.- , 0 ISAAC 8WETT. .-..! 91 D. M. WATSON. The-jnen who have refused to take statement No. 1 and who believe that 'they know what the people want better than "the people, themselves, are iniiPTWUgAMH DEMOCRATS. Ballot Na : 4 B. C. Beach, senator. 70 N. D. Beutgen. 7( Wlllard H. Chapln, 77 Frank F. Freeman. 78 Harry E. Northup. 7 Robert W. Wilson. Ballot No: ' 1 E, IL Cahalln, representative. THINGS THAT OCCUPY PUBLIC V - - EYE OF PORTLAND'S. EAST SIDE "Clty Engineer Goodrich of St Johns In surveying Richmond street In that city discovered that several new buildings were partly In that street Because of an error made ta a former survey of this street the city docks of, St John occupy a few feet of privets property. This mistake may be adjusted without the necessity of tearing put the docks, but the buildings that lap over into Richmond etreet will have to be moved, according to the report of the city engi neer. .. The Modern Machine works . Is the latest factory addition to Bt. Johns. This plant la located on the river front near Jobe'a mllL A D. Gregory. J. W. Marriott and I O. M. Crulkshank are the awiieia. each of whnm Is a praetloal mechanical engineer. The work of In stalling the machinery Is under way. The plant will be In operation In about twe weeke. East" Waehrngtoh" street "between Bant Sixth and East Eighth streets has been 'temporarily closed to traffic. It was discovered that some of the bee me sup porting the elevated roadway had been pushed out of line by--earth . being dumped through the surface. The nec essary repairs are under way and will be completed la a short time. Six thousand dollars was paid by L. Tt Smith to Samuel Lowenateln for 1(0 acres of isnd on Mount Scott This Is a part of ths tract offered to 'ths city of Portland several ytars sgo for park purposea, but the deal failed to go through, being defeated in the council by one vote. . . . The Inman-Poulsea Lumber eompeny brfekf 'U reeerds- In 4ts output of lum ber oSirlnirVthe month of May. The plant sawed' 11.100,000 feet The owners aX UUs alii believe that tae bare sat the mark eo high that It will not be reached by any miU In the world for a long time. Every log eawed during the month waa Oregon pine. The de mand In San Francisco was so great that practically none of (his lumber remains In the company's yards. It was shipped on steamers, sailing vessels and railroads as last as it was turned out by the saws. ' As an evldenoe of the activity of the lumber market this company ehlpped 600,000 feet In the month, of May more than their' plant sawed. - In order to accommodate the heavy erdera received by this company from Its Ban. Franoleco agents it was found necessary to run the mill night and day, both shifts working overtime. The "City Beautiful" brigade left sev eral plies of trash, ths result of ths cleanup aiang East Clinton street The residents along that street hsve made several efforts to have this garbage re moved by the street-cleaning depart ment, but so far without success. The Congregational church - at Bt Jobne will be dedicated tomorrow at Vie 11 o'olock service. Rev. E. L. House ef Portland will pretch the dedication ser mon. . .The church Is ths building that waa used by the National Cash Register company at ths Lewis and Clark fair, and was donated by that company to the Congregational society of Bt Johns. The Church Extension society of New York .contributed 11.200 toward remov ing and remodeling the building. The two stained glass windows, "Ths Bible" snd "Ths Cross and Crown" wers pre sented by Portland friends. Rev. Fred J. Warren la the pastor. The mayor and mldsrmsa ef St Johns ere ' out in a letter pretesting against the unlofof, Bt Johne and precinct (, city of Portland, in a local option dis trict'' These gentlemen claim that they have bee, treated unfairly by the Pro UblUonlsu la licking then up wita a Th most perfect Rafrlgerator that trcr held pound of lea. '" Its eqaal was nerer made It Is not likely that its aaperior will ever be known FAMILY, RESTAURANT. AND HOTKL REFRIGERATORS OF ALL CAPACITIES AT VERY LITTLE COST. Telephone Main 1383 We : Havra $1J family lypeDf etsrfiejrlcrslcrs Cat Is a carvel Do net lniy-tss-styIgcatUjoaJiay this cae mm mmsmm Odd Fellows Tec;Ie First sad Alder Sis. DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF HARDWARE, GARDEN AND CARPENTERS'-TOOLS AND CUTLERY. LqiiqUduo iriioSIl MM Pleasant to taUe and does not gripe or nauseate Cures Chronic Constipation, Stomach andXivr"rTroublo Stimulation Without Irritation. Oanro Laxatire Fruit Syrup is a new laxative By rup combined with the deli cious flavor of fruits, and is very pleas ant to takeT lt will not gripe or sicken. It is much more pleasant and effective HhanmiTFTaM s it does nolQeraa;eeBtOmacIl05r irritate the Kidneys, Liver or Bpweli. Constipation. tively cure chronio constipation as it re stores the natural action of the intestinal tract. Ordinary cathartics may give tem porary relief but the stomach is npset and the bowels are irritated without any permanent benefit 'having been derived. The condition of the patient remains un changed. The Stomach, Liver and Bowels have not been stimulated and in a few days a stronger purgative may have to be taken. This is why Pills and Aperient Waters never give permanent ; relief. Thirriolent-actioTrTCBults in an unnate For Biliousness and SicK, " Headache. " ' 1 Take Oanro Laxative Fruit Syrup. It ' Bweetenithe-BtomachTalto ural movement 01 the bowel and It is neT fccWM 'Wgsatu stimTiUnlroiitha liTerand essary to keep taking them indefinitely. Why ORINO Is different. tireFrnitfly rup wilFpsi-OBnro- Laxative- Fraii syrup is theonlyj-aiso Laxative Fruit Syrup stimolai preparation that really acts upon all of the digestive organs. Other prepar ations act upon the lower bowel only and do not touch the Liver. It can very read ily be seen that a preparation that does not act upon all of the digestive- organg can not cure Chronic Oonstipation.Torpid Liver, Indigestion, Sour Stomach,eto. bowlririthouHmtating'thesrt)rgansr Clears the Complexion. the liver and thoroughly cleanses the system. and dears the complexion of pimples and blotches. It is the best lax ative for women and ohildren as it is mild and pleasant, and does not gripe or : sicken, lvefuse substitutes. OUR GUARANTEE Take ORINO Laxative Fruit Syrup and if lyou are not satisfied your money will be refunded. ;-" '1; - freparad only by FOLEY CO., Chloaae, In. . . : - y v CT" SOLO AND RECOMMENDED 0f"r------ WOODARD. CLARKE CO. AND AND SKIDMORE . DRUG CO. : part of Portland 4or the. jurpoce of forcins local option upon" an nnwllllns people. They assert that St. Johns Is opposed- to local option by more- than S to 1. but with a part of Portland com bined with them, their local majority sralnst local option may be overcome. P. T. Sandy, whose residence on Bam boldt street and Patton avenne, waa re ported to Dr. C. H. Wheeler, olty health officer. as belnir la an unsanitary con dition, denlee that his seven children sleep In an attle, or that the distance between the- floor and' roof of their sleeping; apartment Is but It Inches. Mr, Sandy says that his children sleep on a kind of baloony, which Is at least four feet below the roof. He refutes the statement that his children hsvs to crawl through a hole In the celllnc to et to their beds, by statins that his house is not celled. : YOUNGEST FORGER IN STATE ELEVEN YEARS OLD Youthful , Criminal! Appears Be- fore Judge Frazer in the ' JuvenUeCourtr The youngest foraer In Oregon was brought before Judge Fraser In the Juvenile court yesterday evening. A boy 11 years or ago was enargea witn zorg- ing his father's name to two checks, one for ill snd one ror is. 1 ne cnecas wers passed by the boy on R. I Voelker, 791 Mississippi avenue, and the money BDent for a bicycle, a salt of clothes, a pair of shoes ana can ay ror ins neignoor boys.- : r- ; ;-.. The complaint was maas by tne core father, who recovered 15 of the money from the boy and made good the balance. The little fellow admitted forging the checks, and aald he did It because some older boys told him he eould get money that way. . The boy's mother ana rather are fla vored, and he keeps oacneior nan wun hie father. While thr-father worke all day the boy goes to school, prepares his own luncheon and usually gete supper readv. " The father was in ins court room ana aaked the Judge not to punish ths boy as he had promised not to repeat the offanaa. Judge Fraser replied that ne was not so much concerned ever what tha boy had done aa over tne innuenoe surrounding htm at home, snd told ths father It would be necessary to rind a nlace for his son to board In some good home. ; This was promised and the boy sent home with his xatner. The Political ClirriM The present political campaign closes tonight In Oregon. Oratorical pyro technics will mark with a blase ef glorythe strenuous contest. As cham plons of ths Democretlo hoete. Mayor Harry Lane, George I Hutchln, candi date for the legislature, snd C E. 8. Wood will speak upon the plasa near the Multnomah county courthouse. Mayor Lane's forenalo abllltlea are well known. Mr. Hutchln Is sn eloquent and impassioned orator. Mr. Wood -has a matchless styls that needs ne encomium here. This triune will andoabtedly at tract a tremendoue , throng ef eager listeners. . Building .rmlt. Ellsa E. Hartneaa has received a Per mit to erect a two-story residence en Multnomah Street at the eomer of Or and avenue. Its eoet Is given aa Other permits Issued are as follows: 8. L. Brown, one-story store. East Mad. lean, eomer Seat Water, oost 11,100 mm It Draws the Bar--No Push ; W ' HOLDS THE WHEELS TTJ ' Vl -TO THE GROUND. IN- :7f" Jrlrv Jj- CREASES TRACTION, Sai tTWl -ADDS-TO7THE CUT' fy , , r . hjj 11 irirrrJPjsSgS- TINQ POWER. kvvyV7Vy JSSy : : - Thi H al fill ItO M- Hai ulit' that means satisfactory work every day I II w vflrl If 1 livJl you use it few repairs and long lifeTa quality made pos sibleonly by the rwUcyf-employingonlyejbest-nateri'l aqd wftrlfTnanshipaquality you cannot obtain elsewhere, t quality you cannot afford to overlook. . , Champion Rakes SELF DUMPHAND DUMP ARE AS PERFECT IN CON STRUCTION -AND- OPERA. TlON-AS-Ii: -IS-POSSIBLE- FOR HAY-RAKES TO BE.- GET A FACTORY CATALOGUE AND A TESTIMONIAL CIRCULAR first an4 Taylor W. O. Stltt, two-story dwelling. Beech, corner - Grand avenue, cost ll.toe; Mra. Ik - Cuneo, . . oce-storr dwelj- ing. East Twenty-sixth, ' corner East Taylor, cost 900: O. Bedding, repalra to dwelling. Bast '-Ninth near Brook lyn, cost 1190; U. . Blakney, two-story dwelling. East Fifteenth, corner Bast Stark, oost 13,000; II. E. Wood, two- story dwlllng, East "rnnth,eoTner Wy gant, coat 11. (50; .Marls Vaa fltrelea, two-story dwelling, A dame, near East Harrison, coat 1700; O. M. Valo, addi tion to dwelling, Oantanbeln. avenue, between Russell and Knott, coet 1100: H, W. Burdln, two-story dwelling. Park avenue, between East Seventh, and Eaat Ninth, oost 11,000. Grand Rally. At Marquatn Orand theatre Saturday evening, June I, p. m., under the aus pices Traveling Men's Tom Word club. for good government. Speakers, Stephen 8. wise, Hon. Henry XL MoOlnn. Tom Word and others. .' Oood musto. Come, everybody. . ' r . .-. Ptefeired Stoek Oaamed Oeoda, AUem Lrwll' Beat Bread, . Amn 'it- - . ' 1. The Best Scooring Soap Made A Scouring Soap A Metal Polish A Glass Cleaner 11 is