The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 02, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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Saturday , Specials-
' Traveling Men's Tom Word Club
J,'"-; Will Have Great Demon- .
- stration.'
, Rival Processions . Will Bs Upon
i Streets " at - Same Hour Withy
i - iporobe Will Speak at Empire
' r- Word Rally Occurs on Seventh.
Tonight will see the and of tbe State
"'T'and "county . political "campaign. "Qov
ernor Chamberlain will deliver hie last
speech tonight", at Astoria, He will
. ( then return to .Portland to ' spend , Sen
Zv day with hie family Monday morning
h will go to Salem, h says, to work.
' . whatever, the result ef the flection
"Viney be. ; .'''..; : '
-y . Candidate Wlthyoombe , wUI - else go
.'.back to hie work on Monday morning,
bright, aad early. He will epend Bun
' day la Portlandbut will return to
- ( Corrallle to resume his duties as In
' atructor lq the agricultural college with
the beginning ef tbe weak. '
Tonight te the .night for the trans
parency. processions. The political pa
' rades have been exceedingly few this
eiiaijv but -tonight thte wlU be made
;up in a measure by twvjial prooes
stone,! which will travel-the streeta e,t
IJw nm lifir;;, ' '' i
Traveling- Men eo Taraae.
At 7 o'clock the parade ef the travel
. lng men will start from Second street
-' near ' the corner of BJark. ' All Tom
Word en ere "urged te be present tb
'swell tha' demonstration. ." The oori-V-oouree
will pass through the. principal
streets and -finally te Seventh street,
between Morrison end Alder street
"tOT th bl Tom"Word demonstration
'the gavel, while ntepnen o. wise, nwrj
' . (Special Trtspatek ts The JoataaL) -'
Phoenix. Aria., June 1. Police Judge
- Johnston' hae exiled Martin Ramasy,
i- whom leading eltlsens declare te be Prof.
Marathon Montrose Ramsey, one ef the
' most brtlllsnt of Wen of pedagoglo clr
" clee. formerly of Stanford university.
Rjrmsey waa given U hours to leave
'" Ramsey Is" the " eon of Rev.' Semtfel
Ramsey, who began teaching him San
.acrJt if the age ef elx years. - Young
' 'Ramsey- was educated at the Academy
Sof Be villa, Spain, and Gregorian college
at Roma. He graduated from Colum
bia In 1 and did his first work while
taking post-graduate course 'as-trans-"late
for : the lAmerlcaa conference . at
Washington and for. the chief clerk la
J. - V-- -Jeerae SpeeUI Bervfee.) v -'
v Berlin. June t. Reports havs ema
nated trom flpanclaj quarters that ne
g6tlarldnS ' re afoot for the "purchase
of the Krupp Iron Works "byhe Uer
, man government.
These rtporte find support In the fact
t that Irauleln Bertha Krupp, the world's
1 richest woman, who owns the eontrel-
lin Interest in' the coneern,-whlch In
""l00" waa capitalised" at 10,000.0
rniarkf i$orB00,000)r ias annotrri'ce4ner
"Ifengagement. net o a, technloal man, ae
. baa long been anticipated, but to a
l Tomorrow Is Modern Woodmen memo-
Sir afui win ba "bbsrved-y the
t- nembera of all tha camps In ths city.
'Special eervlcee will De neia a ne
fc .Taylor-street Methodist church In ths
morning, ef tar which the members of
the various camps will adjourn to the
I cemeteries and decorate the gravee of
.the deceased Modern ; Woodmen , and
..Royal neighbors. - ; ' t :
This will ba the flrat time that ths
Modern Woodmen camps of Portland
have attempted to observe their memo
i rial day. and every effort la being put
. forth to make It . sucoeasf ul In every
r v.e vetMTIa
Members of the camps and all Royal
Neighbors will meet at flit Chamber of
Cerameroe building at It o'clock sharp
tomorrow morning to receive their
badges. - Thsy will then ferm m line
: end march to the church, where special
services In honor of the dead will be
'! 'Among the many medi
cines ?or woman's ills there
are none to equal the famous
t Hostetter's Stomach Bitters.
Every, bottle is backed ty a
8 J years' record of cures of
, Backache, Dizziness, Faint
tag Spells, Cramps, Nervous
Headaches, Biliousness, Cos
tireness. Indigestion or Dys-
H. McGinn end the sheriff will be
among the speakers.
The Republican parade , will start at
the same - hour- from in front ef the
headquarters on . Washington ' street.
Da Caprlo'e Administration band - wilt
furnish the music end the paradere will
spend an hour In the streets previous
to the final rally In the Empire theatre.
Hon. ..George H. Williams will preside
and will deliver the most extensive
speech of the evening. , He. will intro
duce Mr.- Withyeombe. whe will be fol
lowed by ex-Governor Oeer. Gear will
take occasion- to explain . more fully
what he wlU call the Inconsistencies of
Mr. Chamberlain's claims. The Repub
lican male quartet will furnish the
music. '. . ':'.-'''. .
BeJlr U Open Air.
The Democratic county central com
mittee will conduct Its final rally ln
the open air In Lownsdule square, near
the courthouse. Mayor Harry Lane end
Hon. C.1B. ft. Wood will be tbe lead
ing speakers. Oeorge 1 tiucnin, xaaao
B'wett. John Van ,zant "and; Ogleeby
Young,' leglalatlve and county candl
datea, wUI else be heard In abort talks.
The meeting ef the Democrate at
rairvtew .last night . was largely at
tended and the' oratore were enthusi
astically received. Hon. C E. 8. .Wood
delivered the principal address. Bd Ca
halln, candidate for the legislature,
else occupied the rostrum.
Another good meeting was nsia last
night at Bu Johns, K. J. McAllister
made a strong plea for the reelection
of Tom Word, William Horan spoke en
Democratic principles and Isaac nwett
dealt rn particular with the legislative
ticket aa the men Upon wnom aevoives
the making or unmaking of the laws of
tbe land. 7 - .
The employee ef the city departments,
who are divided, especially aa to the
election "of a eherfff, are elalmed to be
attached ' to the Republican tow-line.
All, It la -eelaV have promised te "vote
er eolid." -: -
A Republican rally at Newberg to-
night will be addressed by Oeorge A. :
Brown.- - ' ' - '
There will Te a meeting or me can
didates and workers at the Demoeratlo
county headquarters - toenorrow after
noon at i o'clock. "The : nnai aetaiis
thai time.
the secret service department' . .,
For seven years Ramsey was pro
fessor of Roman languages In Columbia,
beginning In ISM and serving as direc
tor of the summer school In 1(11 and
1100. - In the meantime he married..' He
then taught at Johns Hopkins end at
Iceland Stanford universities, and be
cause of bard work his strsngth gave
a way. and he became addloted to stimu
lants. - The man tstatsd ' to prominent people
here that be waa Professor Ramsey,
and gave hie career aa stated. He fell
from ..grace- and-, was- finally turned
adrift Hs told the Judge he would
.go te Old Mexico, hoping to cure him
self of his ailing.- K Is said liquor
and drugs caused .his retirement from
Stanford. - . . - .' .. . i
young diplomat and former military of
ficer of no business experience.
Since her father's death It has been
commonly understood that Emperor Wil
liam has been her matrimonial adviser.
Americans may not generally know
the tradition that Is current In Esaai and
believed by thousands, that Miss Krupp s
father, whose funeral was held in No
vember, , 10J, did not die at all, but
ts alive and hiding In a distant clime to
avoid dlsgracQncldsnt ta-a acsadal
which, if be really did die. Is popularly
suppoaad-to have led him to commit
suiclds. v .
held. Committees especially appointed
for the purpose, will go to the various
cemeteries where Modern Woodmen and
Royal Neighbors are burled after the
service and decorate their gravee In
appropriate manner.
(Jearaal Special Service.
r Washington, June I Senator Bur
rows, cusirman of -the committee on
privileges and elections. In making a
verbal, report of the oommlttee's action
regarding Senator Smoot, asked for
unanimous consent that tMa case be
conaicerea June 11.
time before the formal report la made,
saying, "I don't propose to act In re
sponse to clsmor."- ;
Unanimous consent waa ref used -for
fixing the day aa requested and the
discussion ended. .
Commissioners Neill and Reynolds to
day handed In their report on the Chi
cago parking-house conditions to- the
president It contains fl.oot words.
. . ' .. .
(Jonrttal Special Sn-rV.)
Madrid. June a. Four more deathe
of victims of the dynamite bomb out
rage occurred here today. The report
that General Weyler waa injured hae
proved -untrue. It waa a son of Weyler
whe was Injured. '
(Jooraal Special Service.) - .
Madrid, June S. Robert Hamilton,
who wis arrested on suspicion of being
accomplice - of the - anarchist bomb
thrower,' was released this morning. He
proved to be a tourist. The gsneral re
ception haa been substituted for a stats
ball today. i ;
' ' ' v-
' (JeaiBal Spertal SarvlM.l
Dublin, June I. Michael Davltt's fu
neral waa .held today. The burial was
at Btralds. Ceenty Ms ye. Thou sandal
cams rrem ail, parte of the 'country to
attend - , - ,
Letter Carrier Meet In Annual
Session in lights of
V Pythiaa Hall.;
Meeting Is Addressed by Mayor Lane
and Judge Webster Officers Will
Be Elected This Afternoon and
Routine Business Trtnsacted.
" Delegates from evefy section ef Ore
gon ' are ' attending ' the , fourth annual
session of the Oregon Rural Letter Car
riers' association which mat this morn
ing in Knights of Pythias hall, Eleventh
and Alder streets, . .
The forenoon session todsy was de
voted almost exclusively te the tram
action of routine business. - At I o'clock
this afternoon the gtesslon was opened by
sirsdaressrstrweicoms inxisotmrtt
Lane, Hs wae eucceeded by Judge
Lionel R. Wbbeter, who spoks on "Good
Roads." . s -
At the conclusion of ths eddressee the
president of the association delivered
bis annual aaarsss. Ths election or or
fleers for the ensuing year also took
place this ef ternoon, Officere who have
eerved during the past year are: - A. K.
Tower, Junction City, president; K. P.
Loop. McMlnnvllle.' first -vice-president;
K. P. Loop.
J. 1L. Coins, secretary and treasurer. Al
bany, and J. A. Remington, orgsnlser,
Sal nm, - " '
Members In attendance at the session
are: J. H. Schra m, Cleone; J. K. Cut
forth, Oervals; Frans Kraxberger, Au
rora; J. H. Klcne, Qervala; J. F. Mc
Donough. Holbroolc; Arnold Dysls, Port.
land; John H. Von Low, Cornelius; II.
A. - Waidron, -Oregoir Cltyr William 'A.
Bayslngor, Carlton; W, It Boyd, Beav-
erton; E. . B. Cornett, Albany; Charles
H. Kelly, McMlnnvllle: W. T. Kber-
d. MoMnnvllle M. B. OranCTaHs;
J. C. Turner, Alrlle; Archie Parker,
Independence; Fred Spooner, Lents; Rs
O. Tweed, Lents; Lew Davles, Warren;
S. A7 Mills-Newberg.'
On request of Deputy District Attor
ney H. B. Adams, the Information charg
ing Larry Hyland. Fred Haynes and
Charles ilayhew with- giving whiskey to
a minor, was dismissed this morning
tnd a new one flld charging them with
contributing to tha delinquency of a
child. The boys were arrested for giv
ing whiskey to 11-year-old Ruby Pott a
They were brought before Judge Seers
In ths circuit court and pleaded guilty
to tha charge filed against them this
morning. .., .
They were" Sentenced to six months In
the county Jail, and sentenc suspended
during good behavior. They will havs
to rsport to Detective H. II. Hawley of
the Juvenile court twice a aenfe during
the time of their sentence. .
-s; ! : . .... ..
Fenjnjableseirtr a.s4te"Ofsinareamons
im aunaay journal mat win appeal to tne motnerg and miners and
grandparent ef Oregon and Washington. The pictures ef the boys and
girls prove what has been said: That the Oregon country has the bend
somest children In the world. . -
The babies , are among those entered In The Sunday Journal's greet
prise contest. Hundreds of pictures of children In all parte of Oregon
and Washington have been received, end meny hundreds more will come
In before the contest closes on June 10. . '
. i Nothing that hss been suggested te arouse Interest In newspaper
resdnrs hss had such a ready response as this baby eotatest; everybody
le tslklng babies, and baby pictures ere .raining In. .
Ths sgs limit Is sufficiently elastic to give nearly every family a
chance to enter a baby; any child under six yea re la eligible.
The. prises ere worth winning. The first le a deposit of fit In a
eevlnge bank; to three others beautiful silver Cups will be presented.
Every chjld in Oregon and Wsshlngton hss a chance te win one
ef the prises, and the. Judgment .will 'be fslr end impartial. Another
page f beautiful babies Will be printed next week. -
Former Governor T.'T. Oeer resorted
to deliberate misrepresentation last
night in his speech In East Portland
whan la mentioning the fact that W. B.
Thomas, the law partner of .Governor
Chamberlain, is agent for the state land
board In the lending of funds, be gave
the Impression that' the state pays Mr.
Thomas and that Governor Chamber
lain as the partner of Mr. Thomas gets
part of the money paid for this work.
After giving thle false Impression, Mr.
Geer cunningly, said: "Of course, the
partnership has nothing to de with the
Mr. Gear knew the facta, but aa they
contained bo point, concealed the truth.
Today Mr. Thqmaa exposes his detractor
in the following plain statement: ;
1 am thaagect- ol the st 'and
board In Multnomah county, . and have
Commission's Work Will Be Ab
rogated If Initiative Acts .
Ara Passed. -
Commission, After Year of Study,
Better Qualified to Decide Issue
"'Than Cltisens Who , Havo- Given
Matter No Crest Consideration.
I '""g'l .uHion" tlia respective
ths acts proposed by Initiative which
the -people -era required to vote upon
next Monday will. If carried, practically
abrogate tbe purpose for which the
State tax' commission was brought Into
t,lten"r This la the nplnlnn nf tha
members of ths tax commission them
selves. The propositions referred to are
"For an act requiring eleeplng car
companlaa, refrigerator.,
r- -
and oil companies to pa?- an annual
cense upon gross earnlnge.
"For an act requiring express eom-
panics, '. telegraph companies and tele
phone companies to pay an annual 11-
oense upon gross earnlnge." k
Tax Commission Appelated.
Last year .the Oregon legislature em
powered tbe governor, secretary ef state
and state treasurer to appoint a( com
mission, consisting of throe members,
to constitute a board of commissioners
for tbe purpose of examining and report
ing upon mattera or assessment and
taxation, ths: collection, of revenue In
taxes, and ths framing of 4aws on that
subject, to be - submitted u the. legis
lative assembly ef the stati at its next
regular session. . The board was in
structed to complete its labors by the
first day of July. 10. -
Nothing is said relating to.aorpos-
atlohe. But everybody knows that there
are no ehortcomlnga of the tax laws
ss they relate to private eltlsens, that
ths difficulties are all in regard to the
assessment. and' collection .of taxes on
corporations. It la generally understood
that tne atate tax commission waa
brought into existence for the purpose
of making a close study of condition
with a view to compelling the corpor
ations to besr their share of the bur
den of government.
Before tbe- commission - hss .finished
Its 'labors, however, here come well
meaning eltlsens who propose to settle
the whole question by two laws drawn
without the benefit of the closer study
msde by tbe commissioners.
Statement by Mulxey.
.That thle Is the situation as viewed
by the nommlssionsrs themselves Is evl
denced by!lhe following significant
statement made by F. W. Mulkey, chair,
man of the commission, in an Interview
today! - , - .-
-' "If the propositions do pass, the tax
commission will regard their passage as
a revocation of their powers to that
extent, and will therefore not submit
any further proposed legislation for the
taxation of the .companies covered by
tbe bills."
upon ths subject, since the commission
had not made any official declarations
on the matter. It wae plain, neverthe
less, that he considered tha proposed
acts an Infringement upon the function
of tbe commission, and believed that
their passage would be. rather a hin
drance upon the movement to secure e
Just taxation. of ths corporations, espe
cially" corporations of a distinctly public
nature. - .
To vote for these measures the voter
will stamp a cross after the numbers
111 and IJ(L!To vote against them he
will stamp a cross after the numbers
111 and 111 on the official ballot.
(Joemsl Seeds! Bervtes.)
Madrid, June 8. A reward of 15,900
pesetas is offered for the arrest or dis
covery of men who contemplate another
bomb outrage.
How . poor - Mr. Bourne -hae - been
abused, to be eirre. And how meek he la
S Mvet
bean. for II years continuously. My last
notice of reappolntmsnt same before
Mr. Chamberlain was elected. It wae
from the state land board of which Gov
ernor Geer was a member. During the
IS years I have, served I have never
drawn a cent from the state. I pass
upon the value of the landa and gtvsr-e
personal guarantee that the title le per
fect. . My compensation cornea from the
borrower . and not from the state.- The
agency le my own private business, and
Governor Chamberlain has never shared
la what I have received- Ha did not ap
point me. , The state land board has aa
agent In each county, and can remove
that agent whenever It eees fit The
governor is only one member of the
boarl."i8iice Governor Chamberlain has
been In office no one baa been appointed
In- myplace, and-T -have-slmplyeoor-
ttnued In the position."
Evening O. H., & M, Train Will
. 1 .- j ' f ' .j
; Possibly Be Able to Pass "
Through Flood Disrlct. '
-; ;v:v '- : - - r: '
-tKrL1ZED im workt
Construction Gan(aL Labor Night and
Dsy to Repair Damage Caused by
Water Between Echo and Mea
chamManager O'Brien Talks.
There . Is . this afternoon a atrong
pruspect 'that -the inalnHner J1ba
KAN..Co. from Portlaad east will
be open to "through trafflo tomorrow
and that train o. from Portlaad, to
morrow night will go through to Hunt
Ingtnn By atraauous work eu the pait
of General Manager O'Brien, Chief En
gineer Boschka, General Superintendent
Buckley and Division w Superintendent
Campbell and a force of 600 men great
prtupreaa has been made 4a -the-work- ef
repairing the damage done by tbe floods
between Echo and Meaoheun. . t
Mr. O'Brien arrived home at noon to.
day. from the flooded district. To. The
Journal he said: v
"I cannot be . positive, but in my
opinion the line will be open tomorrow
and train No. t. leaving Portland to
morrow night.' will get through. - We
have five pile drlvera at work and 100
men along the line rushing repair work
aa fast as possible. The flood was very
severe, and did great damage at points
between Echo and Pendleton and from
Cayuse to Meaeham. On Wednesday
the water waa coming down at Meaeh
am in a volume ao heavy that It waa
runiCng six feet deep through the
Mealham tunneL" v -
Mr. O'Brien - said, he waa expecting
further advloee late today from M. J.
Buckley, - general- - superintendent, - who
Is still on -the ground. If tomorrow
evening's train from Portland doee not
get through, a train will be made up
at Pendleton and sent east A further
statement ' from Mr. O'Brien on the
situation will be forthcoming in Sunday
morning's Journal. , .
Bring Reports From . Thalr
Teachers Regarding Deport-
ment and Scholarshlp.r
-"Eighty-four boys, from I to 11 years
of age, reported to Judge Fraxer in the
Juvenile court this morning and broucM
with them reports from their school
teachers on thslr deportment and schol
arship during the last month. .
Tbe reporte of the teachere ahow that
ItP bwiIuHiw - mymtmmm the Invent'
court is helpful to ntany boya, and that
10 of the 14 are doing batter work In
school and behaving themselves bstter
since they became wards of the court
than thay did before.. Each boy's re
port Is sent by the teacher in a sealed
envelope and is opened by Judge Fraser
In the presence of all the boye and
read. ' None ef the boys knows what
hie report le until he heara It read by
the Judge. ..
Before the reading of the reports.
the boye were addressed by Mr. Oeorge
Spencer Clapmanv a lecturer from New
Zealand, who gave them an Interesting
description of hie home and of tbe
natlvea there. i ' ;
After all the . reporte were read, the
boys were taken for a free ride on
Hale's scenle railway by Clerk Marion
R. Johnson and Detective H. H. IXawley
The . franchise ordinance of tha
United Railways company baa bean eo
amended that the city may buy the
Front street Una of the United Bail
ways company at any time In the fu
ture without, buying the entire system
The council at -the special meeting
yestsrdsy afternoon passed the amend
ing ordinance for which the Initiative
One Hundred has been contending, and
hB-TrmnTs or thecoTrfmrttss or thai
organisation express themselves as sat
isfied that the interests of the elty are
now protected.
Judge Seneca Smith drew up the or.
dlnance amending the franchise .ordi
nance passed at tha last council meet
ing, and this wae passed, under suspen
sion of ths rules, with only four dls
seating votes, those of Gray, Kellaher,
Preston arur Shepherd. . Thle ordinance
authorises the mayor te enter Into . a
contract with the United Railways com
pany which provldea that, the city may
buy the Front street line at any time
It deeme expedient. A resolution wae
also passed ordering-a new franchise
ordinance to be drawn which will em
body the new contract. -
Flans foe Florida.
Philadelphia capitalists are planning
to make St. Petersburg, Florida, one of
the most important seaports In the
South Atlantic states. .Tha town te in.
rated on "Tampa bay, which has -water
St snet deep, sufficient for all coastwise
OfilORilOW ;
' 'I ll 1 II
w75lttair'CI4.' '"''' (
a 1
Value 80c
VtJtrj' 'V W SALE ALL DAY. : .
J . . . .J - ..
7 By tbe explosion ef a 1-gaJloa can of
lacquer In ' tbe basement , of Otllen
Chambers companye asbestos factory,
I Front street, this moralng.t a blase
waa started that for a time thceatened
to assume serious proportions. An
alarm from box-tl brought a large por
tion of the department and the fireboat
Iff)) W E
must be properly digested and assimilated to be of . v
any value to you, otherwise It la a aooroe of harm' ;
instead of rood, x t . !v-- -, :-.;.,-,!vV-.'1 .'!'')
disreeted. lt ferments' and deoaVe. oatutn
sour etornaclCeart
flatulence, bad breath and
.compels proper digestion of the food' and eende the '
J food nutriment through the blood into all parts ef -'
the body. .
AThhseee are thus
restored to health and atrength and put m perfeel
' condition. . :. , - . , ' ,. .....
, ' Disease is driren out to stay oat ths cause
is removed. , ' r
.' ' ' '" Plaatersvms, Mtos.
. I havs srsscrlbei Kedol eilts eft en la say praetice,
and fcavt fens it a very eiBdeat remedy for sUr
.stomach allaesta. It ass always gives the .eat f
results. - J. X. HAT, ICO.
Usms as BMt a (a
Msl, er SS Mat sin.
peld by Weedaed, Clarke a Co.
ke Fasteee Beat Tbat vse Massed, tbe Wesers ef the WUlaemetee ejU
.j: Xolbla mtverc. axe.nlsltely Fturstsbea..--: '
Leaves Aider Street Dock, Port-'
land I a. m.
.Arrive at AetoVIa at........l p. m. .
Leave Astoria for home at. .1 p. m.
Arrive In Portland at,... ..I p. m.
a U Carte. ,' Carry
A delightful Sunday trip a charming ride en the greatest livers;
.of western America the beat eteamboat on the Pacific coast Polite.,
.attention to every en - . . ,. -v . '1 ,,. .
:. .' "' .. 'i "... ' ' ' , , ',.';
See thetlty bythe Sea at Little Cost
i.'t '
a Regular
Value 80c
Acme Flour Siller
Regular Value 20c
ttt the scene.- Quick- work prevented
the spread ef the flames and the dam
age to the basement la email, fully oov
tred by Insurance.
When yon vote, remember that TX C
Burns, Republican candidate for the leg-" ...
ialature, oame to this country in Hsl,
became candidate for thet leglalature ,
February is, lies, became a eltlsen Feb-roary-
IT, - llOSY----"- - - --4r -t .--
' Ought such a man so make eer IsrwsT
other dieoomforta, '
built tin and evwrr organ la-
sewn I
I min ef 1.0-toWtw
aad Ski l store Dnf Oomjamj.
Tow Zrfiach U Tea Wish,