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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 2, 1906)
' - v . j , -'' - ...... . ' . . . ) - THE OREGON' DAILY JOURNALT, PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENING. JUNE 2, 1803. 14 MACHINERY. -I- TODAY'S MARKETS In Their Efforts to Bear Down prices. Cold Storage Egg Men Sold Stocks at Nineteen Cents and Then Were Forced to Pay More. rg H C ALHCB CO. Second hand eaachlDary, eewmllle, eta. nsud eve. , BIPPKLT A, MYERS, machinists ' trtctaae: electric tkntm, ,UL",CD..?; , ery eed geeolloe eoglnee epeclslty. ' -O.S--eJ fauna Alatu 1S31 -ill i(i)B m 20 GENTS BEING JOURNAL'S DAILY ECIG "OSTEOPATHS;- TIPS ON MARKETS PRS. ADIX A NORTnitTP. 418-18-1T lVkuis km. Third and Washington eta, "bone Mala S4B. Examination free. . PAID FDR EGGS WT BULLISH SPURTin ST. PAUL Reports of Substantial Subscrip tion Rights ' Sends Price Up Three and Five Eighths. V THB very beet osteopath Is towa. . .J UP. Johnsa.ulte la. Selllag TTurtch Ml a With ordor for naaxly 1,009 bale of hops In this markat at 'preaent. holdrra ara now aliowlDK 0 much dlapoaltlon to lot so. Moat 0 of th holdlnga ara belns hold for 4 If cents a pound or ovar. Ona falr-aled lot la of farad at that 0 ' price. Tha oontlnuatlon of un- favorablo weather In hop-produc- lng aectlona of Europe and tha 0 east la) the atlrauladng feature of DB. FIEBCB. eetcnpath. vibration and ,bI."w Sil'J'SREPOIirOIl aaxa( BaSBaBl SannW .75 .' ' THE BURLINGTON ROUTE WILL SELL TICKETS TO EASTERN ,:': . P0INT8 AND RETURN June 41h,'5th, 6th, 23d and 251h LATl GREATI-Y REDUCED RATES ZEEZ Jlghtl4 T j, 1 1 ii i mi - ORIENTAL RUGS. --- -- Receipts Are Not So Heavy and Gives Condition oUfYlnter-Sown Aimitii. nrnn renalred sad cleaned by Cold Storage Men Are Forced ;V to Bid Higher. on June Rrstat Eighty-Six and Nine Tenths. native experte; mwtM aa-igliml vegetal. J "-..! far oar repairing: til r-ll tin Oriental Hug Re . r.T,7r J, P.riric 2S6. 644 Wear., .t. the market, Growing; weather here l beif dun . 4 r' ; PRINTING. THB MOPEBW fRIrSTPIBY Artietie printing. -Bee.1 bid, ravth and Morrlaoa. ,. Phsae Pacific 162A ' - ' ANnKRSON DrNIWaT OOMPt. artatlaa. '. rutkocrapalDC. Maak books. Mala IT. Sad Alder St. WBLCH. DAVIS A' CARO!-Prti-tmt p. re the paver. Benme SOS and 804 Side- With sad Morrison. Pnoos Mala 4HT. PHOTOGRAPHS. CLOSING east efftdel rAotogrspble lrwa ef .exposition. OBTr.l- postcarde, view . boo k a. ..""etc..- greatly reduced price. . Xxnoeuloa Store. 84S Morrison ST. PLUMBERS. IKtNNERBERO A ' BADKMACUIR, removed do. No. 304 Burnalde at- . . . r BOt CO.. nltary r!naib. tSl roaa. bjt. Mala aa Salawa. Oracoa Paaaa Mala tool. riNKIOAl BROS. CO. IM Third at. Mala B500. Plnabra aal aatln amain PHYSICAL CULTURE. BfNOf.BR OVWKA!DM Prlrata claaa aa4 AlTldnal Inalraclkxt. 3oe Aldar at. PAINTS. OIL AND GLASS. r. K. BRAC'H CO. Tha Ploaww Paint Co. I window -1.H aa4 gUainc. 136 Wat at. Pboa IJtM. RUBBER STAMI P C. STAMP WORKS. S4B Aider st..paoae Mala Tlot ataoira, seals, asaawia. saanaa, trade rbarks: send foe catalogue ra 1. JLlCrSTENOGRAl A. M. RHTLCR Sa Concord eldg.i Mala 167S. ROOFING. Il" BOonSO. guttsrlng. repairing aad geaarai liibMng J. lsau. aia janeraoa sa. SAFES. CIEBOLtV SAPS ALWAYS BBLIARLB. not In TBUKT. Honon ana Bucaeya arsa. OfSoa rtztarea. Repairs. . Penac Mala leM. Joba E. Daela. Agent, nd Tblrd at. . s; ... STREET PAVING.' WARRCM Coaatncflas) Ce.. street paring, aids. walks aad crossings. TIS Oregoalaa bMg. TUB Barber. Paring Ce. eC Ofnra M Worcester klk. ' SIGN PAINTERS. ' OObD aiONg. window tettarte. cloth . aeoejoaalral alertrie slras aad slgaj aaars. aad sIcsjb of all kinds saada aalrklr. Paster Rlalaar, nrw sad BearetL. Pkoaa Exchange (a. W. r. BRBOEB SON. M TawlilU St, ef sli kinds. Paoae "Hae 128. Signs SCALP TREATMENT. 6RAT. falling batr. dandruff treated: sbaaieee. lng. ananlcurlng. rblropody. face work. ' Mrs M- v. ayae. IUD Foann, ttew. ax raaae paaao sea. SCALP and fare massage, sasuuicurtng: agent ' , for Dr. Cbrlstlson's Preajrh toilet articles. ... 11-1 Grand tbcatra bldg. Mala MTL Hour a, ' 0 to B. H SECOND-HAND ' GOODS." liOODS'S Purnlrare Haass Blgbeat ericas paid ' for ascoad-bsad furalturs. Sit Siuoai St. Pkoaa Padfla SB. -a vl I SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. ? SBOWCASES ewary gescrsptleu) bask, bar eed atara Ir tares m.4e ta erdat. a Be lain . Maaufactariog Co.. Partlsad. -, i - B. II. BIRDS A IX. designer: agent M. Wtater Launbcr Caw 7 Hamilton bldg. Mala BS3. t: " . .. , " T'TPEWRITERSr WBW liuewilleru. an mikes Tected, snld and repaired Caaat Ageecy. SSI RU.-k. TeL 10T. TOWEL SUPPLY. CLRAN TOWKLS DAILY Comb, brasb. eaae, ff, (1 pee (Matk. Port U ad Laaadrr aad Towel Sepply Co.. yintb end Coecb. Paoae did. V- ' "' , " . i saw TRANSFER AND HAULING: SAPIta. ptaaos and rnanirere saorsd. peeked ready for eblpplng aad ablppedi afl work ' : gaaraateedj Urge, t-etorr brick, ftre-peoef I - warehunae for storage. Of flea 90S Oak St. ' C- U. Olaae. Pkoaa Mala MT. Tna baooaob a omhibcs tbanspbr oo., - , essv Blrtk. sad Oak sU.: baggage ckerked from Botel or reeldeaes direct to deatlnstloa) ,- paaasngsrs tberefnre aeoi1 rath aad aaeey a ara at depots. Prlrate Kx oka age SS. C O. PICK, afflee M riret at., between (tart aad Oak eta., phone BOd: fHanoa aad ferultare weed and parked for skipping; reajsaadiaee brick waretonss,. with - aeharaia Jrea-gnosMi groat aad Clay ata. , . ;OBPOON TRANSFKR CO.. 1M Hnrts (1rtk. Mara 08. Heaey btallng aad ataraga. POST SPKCIAL nKMTRBT Na. Soott Wash tagtoa st Phone Mala MS. CI'T ratee "a bousebnld goods to all points esar; we maks tip carloads; special room for trunks wlills (ratting. Oregon Auto-Despatch. 11 Plrst st. Pbons Mala Tl. " r TELEPHONES. THB sely aarluatea telspnoue hoase. B.-B. . Rlectrlc a Telephone Maaafactorlag eas pear. M Plftb at. WIR3 AND IRON WORKS. HASfT PORTf.AND PPNCR WIRft WORKS, j iup.31. ei net si, : I IMig HERMAN KLABER HAS LARGEST HOPYARD 'Speclst DUpatck to The Journal.) " Ckeballa. June 2. Hermaa Klsber of Her. ansa klaber 4 Co., well-kanwa bopdealara of Tacoasa, was la Cbeballs Monday. He bed just closed a deal whereby b- purckased tbs Jida Round treo place of 40 bctm. He anted that tha company bow holds 2M acres la Ixwla county, nil, under eutlivetlon. of walrh CO acrea will be In bops, lie there fore claims tba largest honrard in tha Borth wesr. Ha also baa sa additional bop yard of li scree oceth of this rlty. He ststed that bs ititemis ta build Id kilns to ksndle the crop; , also a warehnnaa, to bo SOilSO feet. . Application has been made to the govern tent to eetahlleh s postorgee near Bolstfort, whero the bulk of but holdings la, to be railed Klaberrllle. . He will open a store tn he eeenaced by J. 0. Wallace, acw af Bo l t fort, a drug atnre and phyab-laa will be (here and a blachaaltk-ssup le esw being built ou the proposed allr. A large orchard will also, b- t etit., He eat I aia tee that from I. ark) to I V0 hands will bo required tn hareest kla ernn during the Seasna, Hr will eooa begin tbe erertiun of Kti sliestlea for Ue accoaanw. dalloa ef fUksis, 1 MUDDLED SITUATION . IN -THE SUGAR MARKET Western Still Holding Back Advance Although-Eaatern Prica-It-About Thirty Cents Higher for Week-r Alaska Is Buying Butter. ' rrt airt Inn s.-i-Tha arlnrtpal. faafnraa t tb Portland wboltaala markata today aia: , Kummar fruila ara la mariat. , , . . ' Ttui onlnoa ara lower. ;! Srmar at 10a a doaaa. , Poultry markat la draccin. -Good Alaska btitler damand. , RrTcra waakoaaa la aid potatoea. Waataar la affactlns aal awrkst. i Wheat and lour (aia Brmntaa. . Sugar aituaUoa still maddlsd. Zm Ars TbaMr at Twaaty Caata. Tka aye Biarkat la again Srawr and teda arscUcallr all taa aalea wrs being msoa at jn a ainaii umhw warn aula anuar tuia vm- an. but tula -waa only la aacapUoaal caaaa. Harrlpla ara not, llbaral. bat ona or two deal ara taaTlng any graat auppllas. Tha nat of tba trada la abort "and baa beaa wpall-d to boy from tba mora for tuna to raealTara. Tba eold mssia uihpkiuis liais Inn pal la nat of them ara rscalTlng aay supplies sa eecoua: of Ualr attempt to lower prices. , Dragging Tade I sultry, Vary liberal arrirale ware abowa la the aonl rrV markat todar. Small sprlnaa are coming BnjwiaJmqra llTly tbsa damand warraats aad prices In tBal"Tiiie-Tre l-mcttaBitr tudayi I A eooaMarabla increaas Is saoara arriTau of gcase and ducks, but thus far tbere baa beaa 4 enamsslaia il sinks i n Summer TruiU Are la Market. Summer frultr are new-coming to the front. celred the Brat ablpmant ef peaebca to eonje to this markat thle -season. Btorka rat nor gree. The eama tune Pjige 4k. Sooe recelred the Brat Burba nk plums. Tba latter were: ha rather good shape and readily mored off. Both ah lu men ta came from California points. Tha arst shipment of eurranU came In this anornlag from Mount Tahor and aold at 20c per one- pound box. trawberriee Ara Tsry Soaws, Tbere waa a great scarctty ef strawbsrrt-a along Front street today. Most ef tbe aupplhw In market came from nearby-points aad were bt good snaps. The trade wsa very anxious ta buy. Prices were held closer to the top. - Texas Onions Are Lower. . ; Dealers are quoting lower prices ea' Tent onlona today. Suppllea ef rbese are still eery liberal and keeping quality is not oc the Deal. Reports aay. that some good aiaea antpmenta or aew Callforalaa will be recelred during the Best few-dayy. -- - . Tbe potato market le weaker rasa erer ror old stocks. . Some sales ef good stock were reported along tbe street yesterday aa low ae 60c a sack. News are firmer with a alight In crease la supplies today. Alaska Butter Demand. Larger receipts are noted la tbe' creamery batter market. Along tbe (tract euppllee are much mora plentiful. Tbs b eerier demand rroj. Alaska is causing 'tba city ereemertse to stiffen, their quotation, and It Is quite likely that all Institutions will follow tbe adraace made by ana creamery .early la the week. ..Along front etret ae change ta prices. .... There ta agaia a demand ror country store butter. Buyere from tbe south are again pur ehaatBg and prices today are a fraction falgber: Weather Is Affecting Teal Markat. While dressed real bae aot beta eterpsratlful tbe past dsy or so en the price baa been maintained right at tbe top, tbere le gaining weakness In tbe markat today ea account ef warmer weather promised for the coming week.. 1 Teased boga came la slightly better today. but tbe market at atlll la goad ahape. Prices . Wheat aad Flour Quia Firmness, Considers ble buying ef wheat hi reported from country points around top qootstlons. Millers seem much tuore eeger tn purchase while some large holders are letting go Orleatal Sour demand continues Ilrely. with buyers aad sellers rery close ha their views (re regerda prices. agar Sltuatiea Still Muddled. While no changes were shown In tbe mm sltnatloa up to tble morning, the tone- Is very bsdly mixed. Dealers are expecting ' many things ta happen, but whether they will none are able to aay. - Tbe failure of the. .Western re- Hswsllsn haa greatly complicated - matters. Prices InObe. eastare about 30c higher fur the week end ealee being made here are oatd to ha below actual coat of product Ion. The trade paya tbe following prices ta Frnct stret. Prices paid producers ara leas regular cotnmlssloBsi Oraln, Flour aad Feel. WTIKAT flub. 72lTa: red Rnaala. en.. bln'eateru. 74l76c; valley. 7071c. . BARLEY Feed, $24.00; rolled. $23,006X00: brewing. 121.00. . k . CORK-Vbele. 124.10: ' exacked. 128.60 nar ton. RTE fl.66 per cwt. OATS Producers' price Ko. 1 white. 120.00 QMiin: grsy. $28.00ftt2.00. FLOUR New ssaters Oreron natenta. ( no R.3; strslghU, 13.406t3.60: export, $.1.16; valley, 13.66: grshsm. Via. 13.60; whole wheat, $3.T6: rye. 60a. $6.00; bales. $2.78. aiiuun rrn nrss, per ton; mld- -. V.....W. " -. ,"nniij, av.w; city, $iannt chop. ia.00 21.60. HAT Producers' price Timothy. Wlllsmetts valley, fancy. $10.00100: ordinary, $7.001 00; eaatern Oregon, $14.nrtQiA.oo; mixed, $V60l.0O: clover. lS.00axa.O0t arala. Aa &1A 1.00) cheat, MOO. Better,- Eggs aad Poultry, BCTTCB FAT F. s. b. Portia ad Sweet cream. lmtc, sour, lflU(iac. B1JTTKK City creamery, 201 2114c; outside fancy. 20c: ordinary. !7V,c; store, 1214c. KGGa No, 1 fresh Oreron. candled, touts aoc ' ' CHEEffK New Furl cream, (ata i?sieu.. Young America. 13jtl:l4c; California data. lie. I'OULTBI allied chlckena, I24e per lb; fancy hens. I2tll8c ber lb: rooaters M in. per lb; at. g a, lie per Jh: fryers. 1 20c: broil ers. ISifCJXc par lb: Id ducks. lH17c per lb: spring ducks, llataoe per lb; geeee, 104t12e per lb; turkeys, 17e per lb; dressed, 21e)22e per lb; eusbe, $2.5003.00 per doa; plgeoas. Hops, Weel aU Kidae. " HOPS Contracts. ISO creD. lorllflUe au tb; lfl"9 Oregim, 12H4II6C. WOOL lBod clip Valley, eoeree to aiedlttas. tV: fine, 2rc: esstera Oregon. S0O21e. MOHAIR New, oe. i SIIF.EPHKINS RbeaHag. 16420 each; shorn km I wool. 76c0$l.OO each. TALLOW Prims, ear lb. SUazac! Ma. a aad (nae. 22Hc. (Mil mm tiAKr. zbm per lb. KICKS Dry, Mo. 1, Id 1U aad a p. 1(4A I7e ner lb: drv kin. No. I. S ta l( lha lac dry calf. No. I, under S lha. lie; salted bides. wWelbuTT', -4eftATIrV'-'ilak Satt "BTe)t; 1 0f( f atTf CtTVeVsV tWHc; stsgs sod bulls, sound, (07e: (tp la to 10 lbs. Be; calf, sound, under 18 lha, He; grven aorael uaaaiirn. le leas; runs, le per lb leas; hides, sslted. each, ll.atiqi.76; dry, each. N.0 SESSION TODAY ; , IN NEW YORK COTTON ' sx I . . Today was a holiday In Ldrer- pool and tiondon, and there waa e no cotton market In 'New York. 4 There Is an election In Illinois on 4 .Monday, and tile Chicago market 4 will be cloaed. New York etocke win remain open. Tna raclrlo e ' coaat marketa will remain open aa uauaL y ' t a) 11.0401.60: celt bldoe. SSOc goat skins, cooimoa, each, 10 til 13c; Angora,, each. Sictf . Fralta aa4 Tagatahlaa. POTATOES BMt sorted. 7SBSOS par (ark nrodurara' nrtro for car lot. AO nar cat: ordl aary, a6r: prodecars' . pries. aucj aw w.t.1, or. iie. ONIONS-Jobblng Dries Aregoa. Na. L gl 60: producer.' price, tie. 1. $2.26: No. X 2.Mi Teiaa, lc par lb new Callforala. Se; garlic, adc Der lb. PRE8H FRUITS Apples. ' IXBO 00: or an sea. rnncy aarei, s.i.7Dj.oo: soeuiing. 2.10; MSditMrsneaa. gs.iBwaa; naaanaa, o lb: lemona. cbolce. SAOu14.6o Der bus: fa so. $.1 .23(03.60 per box; limes, at ex leas. $76 par Hawaiian. : strawberries. Wlllsmetts Tal ler. $1.7S4)1.00 Hood Klrer. $Z.Ottt2.26: Mount Tabor. $2.60 per crate; gooaeberrlee, Stide per in; , coerriea, mi.dojii.w. prams, a.ow pea- are. VKGBTABLES Turnlre. new. 11.60 per sark carrot a. 1 per aars; Beats, i per sscs; Oregon radiahaa, we par doe; eaooage, Calif nrala. $161.60 per cwt: bell peppers. 1641200 lb; Mexican tomatoes, $2.76S3.00; rtorlda. B4.60: naranloa. POrutll: string beans Se: raall flow sr.-11.00 ear doa: California peas. tHk,r ner lb: Oregua, MHe per lb; borso- radlsh. T7c per lb: artichokes. 76c hot bouse lettuce. 1 1 .2ft nar box: cranberries. Jerseys, 1M 00 par bbl: Oooa hay add Tilla mook. $10.00; asparagus, California, ft30r Per lb) Oreron, TOaTBe per doa bunches: Walla -aeaehai 0 Q, lainpliiaoh. 7Se per box: sreea onions. Oreeon. liWe doa bunches: cucumbers. 76cttll-00 par dos: -celery, ( per dos. DRIICp rRl ITS Apples, rraporated. 1J 15.. per 0; aprlcota. lleglBe per lb; peachea, llClSHe per lb; sacks. He per lb less; prunee. SO to 40. 7 14c; He drop ea each sixteenth 's'ler alser-fl -Sl7lb California white. c per lb; dates, goldea. per 10; tarda, gi.w per 10-10 pax. 8I'0AR8ack bests Cube. -S5.S0: Dow de red $5.16; fruit granulated. $6.16; dry granulated, . $3.06: oonf. A. I,i6t-haat araanlated. wbsUsb. 4.8A: Hawaiian. $6.06; extra C, $4 66; goldea v, fi si; v yeuow. ea.oo; ooia, lue; Vt bets, 26c ; boKea, 80e advance on aack basis, less 26e pee cwt for -eaab,- A&. days; maple,, 14 0 164 nee tK - .... - Above pricee apply 1o ealee ef lees than car tots, tar ana at special pricee su eject to nucTuationu. - .. . HON BY $ao par crate. - COPFES. packaaa brand a S1S.ML SALT Coarse Half -ground. lOOs. $g.0f per ton; ous, (a.Du; taoie. oairy, eos, (ll.oo; inos, siu. 73; importea Liverpool, sue. (lT.oo: )00a, $16 6(1: 224a, $16.00; extra One. bbla. ta. 6s. 10s, B0a, 6i78de: Liverpool lump rork, $13.30 per aoer ou-10 ocxas.tai; iuue. - GRAIN BAGS Calcutta, 914010." RICK Imperial Japan, No. 1. gc: W. e S'3814e: New Orlaaae bead, Tc AJax, 8c: Creole. oie. BEANS flman white, $4.60: large white, $4.00; pink.- $3.00; bavoo, $3,007 Limaa, $0.00: Mexican reda, 4 "Ac Nirm PeanotaA Jumhoe. ft per lb; Ttrglpla. dUclnve nef lh: , roasted. I38U. nee lh- cocoanuu. S6teoc per Horn: walnuts. 1816i(e per lb; plnennta, 10SJ12SC par lb: hickory note, lOc per lb; cheat nuts, eastern, 18Q16c per lb; Brssil nuta.. 14e per lb; fllberts, 14ai6e per lb; fancy pecaas, 1614016Hi alinonds, 14H0 l; ' Palate. Coal Otis. Xte. R0PB Pure Manila, Ue; sUndard, lc: sisal, lie. COAL OIL Pearl or Astral Caere, lHe per gai; water wmie. iron 001a, ise per gal; woodea, 17e per gall headlight. 170-deg, eaeea, ll?c per gal. 0A8OUNV eld-deg. caaaa S4He per gal, tree bbla. ISc per gal. BENZINE 6S-deg,. caaea 28c per gxl, iroa bbla lH( per gal. TCRPCNTINK la eaaeg eflc per gil; woodea bbla 0e per gat YffJl LEAD Tna lots. Te per lb: SOS-lb lots, nc 1 WIRE lh: leas lota. SUe par lb. NAII Preaaat baaie at 2 68. LINHKFD OIL Pure raw, re 6-bbl otarSdc 1-bhl lot, 63c; mtm. 6le per gal; genuine kettle boiled, caaea, 0c per gal; 6-hbl lota, 64c: 1-bbl lot 66c per gal: ground cake, car kite, $20.00 per ton; less tBsn car lota, - gao.oo per ton. Meats. Fish aad Frovlaleaa. FRESH MEATS Front street Beef steers, 406c per lb; cows, St4e per lb: bogs, fancv, Hko: ordinary. 7ViV; poor, 7e7H per jb; bulls. e34e per lh; veal, extra. Qy,Wc per lh; ordinary. 6c per lb; poor, 6c per lb; nttea, fancy, (tOH14c per Tt: lambs. Sc. HAMS, BACON, ETC. Portland psck floes 11 ha ma, 10 to 14 lbs. 14s per lb; 14 to 1( lbs, 14V.C per lb; breakfast bscoa. 18SifJ20c per lb; picnic. loue per lb; cottage, lOfce per lb; regular short clears, ansmoked, 104c per lb; smoked, lle per lb; clear backs, uaaaioked, lovte per lb; amoked, HVie per lh; Union butts, 10 to IS ThsT unamoked. Se per lb; smoked. Be ner lh: clear bellies anemoked. lie ner lb: smcksd 12c per lb:. abouldsra 1014a. per. Jb 1 AL, l.AUli nettle leal. lus. 12 Wc nor lh: 6s. 12S- per lb; 60-lb tins. 12c ner lb: et earn rendered. 10a. HHc per lb; 6a, IIsac per lb: crortound. lOei'- gHe CANNED SALMON Coluo-Ma river. 1-lb tails, $1.S0; 2-lb tails. $2.76; fancy, 1-lb lata. $1.B0; Mi-lb fancy flats. $1.18: fancy 1-lb ovals. $2.78: Alasks tails. plnk 86Q00c; red, $1.60; nomiaai 2s. tall. $2.00. FISH Rock end. 7c per lh; Sounders, Be per lh; ballbnt, 6c per lb; crabs, $1.00 per dos; striped bees, 12He per lb; estlsh. 7s per lb; salmon, Celumbls river chlnook. He per lb, steelbesds ( per lb: honing. Be per lb; eolee. ta per lb; shrimps, 10c per tb: perch, 6c per lh: blsrk cod. 7c per lb: torocodL 7o nee lb: sliver smelt, 7c per lh; lobsters, 16e per lb; fresh msckerel. Be per lb; era wish. 25c per dos: shad, 3c per lh; sturgeon, 10c per lb. OYSTERS Nhoalwater bay, per gal. $2.28; per aack. $3.78. ii-iB" Haroaoen. per box. gz.ooi raser 4sma, $2.00 per box. CATTLE MARKET DROPS 25 GENTS IN YARDS Hogs and Sheep In Strong Po sition With Arrivals in All Lines Today Very Small.. 4 Portland TJnloa Btockyards. . lone (.Live stock receipts: Hnca. Cattle. Sheen. Today 179 ... ... wees ago .. , ... Mouth ago S04 63 1.0B2 xear ago lzs ... Perhsna It waa planned, but la anr event t la a atrong coincidence that yoat a year ago to day tbe price of cattle dropped 2So; thla beiug the amount or tna decline today, cattle are very" weak and the lop of The market la 4c. Iioga and aheep are atlll abort, with receipts rery small. , Official livestock prices: litres Best eaatern Oreron. ' l7.26A7Jr.: blockers and China fats, $4.60; (tockere aad reeders, 4l.x.'ito.otl. Cattle Beat eaatera Orrgrm streere, $4 00; beat cows and "heifers. $3.23;. stockers and feed ers. Ct.OO; -bulla. $2.60. l Sheep Shearlings, 84c; lambs, 414Q6C. . EASTERN. HOGS ARE SLOW. Chlc-afe Markat Ball a " Sews, Ttra Oemka Chlcaso. June A Livestock receipts: e Hoca, Cattle. Sheen. Chicago 18.tav 8i0 l.nno Kansas City 4.600 100 6-aj Ojnahs 11,000 60 6o ' Hogs Slow and weak te Be lower, with 1.8.10 left over. Receipts a year ago were 21.000. Prices: Mlted, 31 36; rough, $6.160660: Light, $d.2r.XA4714. . . ' t attle Klow. ' . ; Sheep Steady, e. e - foreign Coffee Markata. lTsvre, June . Coffis sdvsnced H te H. Hamburg, holiday. Hlo receipts, g.OtlO bags; Santos receipts, 10.YWO ' bags, . market weak, prices $0 dena, . CHICAGO MARKET HAS GAIN IN ALL OPTIONS July Gains Three Eighths ' Sep- tember and December an Eighth , Cent Up Corn Ja Not Active . OaU Lose at Close, EELATITB WHEAT VALCBS. Close Close Cloee Oala Hat. Irl. looa, Hat. July .$ .81 4B $ .804 ' 9 jgu B.O044 Sep tea. ber .7'B ce-M .2I . .00 vi .0014 icscember '"-'"" .... ,w r .axk. '014A .ax LkicsgSL Jnae 2 The orlnelnal liitereat or the wheat newa today waa Snow'a report, mak ing the June 1 eondltloa 86.9 par cent against 91 per cent leat month and 88.S ner cent lait ear ea winter wheat. The set loos of - the martet saggsst It will take but little aelllag to bring about a eoaaeatad condition la tha Jnlv option. Tbe way the eaah atuff hi bald and with unlimited stocks of winter wheat, tbe bears are likely to keep close to the ehera an we eeiimg aloe.. y - Cora trade la aot nverarMve. hat tha eaOt. current of atrengfh keeps tbe (berta ea the euaJsauL. aeec t - Oata lata at fTlaaau Oats followed the other marketa. hut load tha aiaaiar parr nr na easiy aissngah Slghl In hs last few minutes. Proflt-taklng ef a weakened e as ma u no wooaereg at ea thla market, IB Provfcriona tha Backers are, enanlraMu h their ahaance. but tha eaab. situation la bullish. ania le a ract and not a theory. Further Kiesure win naturally brine some castor prices, ere Will be no aaalna of tha Dilnn of trade ea Monday awing to a Judicial election. Btaklne It a leeal holidav h. tliUnia . Offlctal quotations by Overbeck, Starr A Cooke Atr Opea. High. layer. Close. Jhly.; lo$-1-17?l-t?9,B M .SOlJ AO - .soft rWpf Dec. COR If.' JlF....a Sept..... e. .48 lZ 7 Z awe .as .S4B OATd. July..... Sept,.. .. .8114B - .sa3A Dec MXSS PORK. July...., 1S.00 Sept .. 13.90 ., 16.10 . , 1S SS . 1S.00 V6.85 -SHORT 1IM. .. 1100 16.90 . "BOTH eos i - Jnlv.... S.02U a 11U, tmu ruta.... W.r"J a. IW -. Oct...... S.76- B.1714- a. oo ,s.7r-: LARD. July..... a.SS . 8.6$ Sept..... 8.70 ... 8.70 , A4714 S. S2l - S. $214 a. 60 68 uct .a.6zi4 a.a- 66 ""- OKZOAOO CASH tFXZAT Chicago, Jane i. Cash wheat! - Batorday. -j . w HM ... a.fe. ' FH. Bid. No. S red..,. ...f .87v$... No. 8 red M . No. S hard .81 . .88- No. 8 hard. ,7$ -. .Ml No. 1 aorthara .. .88 No. 1 aorthera SI .84 No. S spring 77 ...8$ a .37 m .79 .81 .78 . .83 .(1 TT CHICAOO ORAIV CAJl LOTS, Chicago, S. Grala ear lota: Care. Crsds. Est. 1908. 12 10 13 1 ......863 171 S8 Bfta Wheat Oate rsrii-rsi -rrnvs. lHS 47 tefj 108 Wheat care todav! Mlaneannlla. ITS- Iwitnth 27. .. fear ego: Minneapolis. 23; Duluth. a. - BAhT rAJICrC0 LOC AX STOCKS, ' Baa Fraaclaco, June 2. Official eloalng: Bid. Asa. 1314 il Contra Oata Wafer.... wing Talley Water.... utusl Electric ...irti 1$ r ..... 8114 Psrlflc Lighting......... Giant Con. Co Hawaiian Commercial... Honohea Sugar Makawall -Sugar......... ... 82 unomee sugar. "8 62 46 90 Paauhan Sugar.......... 114 4$ . . .. .. . 6114 40 iUaloa Sugar. ........... Alasks Packers' AaerHrlatsd Oil. allfornia Frulteanners'... 64 " California Wine SOU PaciSc States Telephone TB BOSTOB 00PPXR XARJCZTa. Boston. Jsne X OfScisI capper closing: Bid. Bid. adventure ..9 .2S .. 86 no Old Dominion.. $ 41 60 Osceola ...... 100.2S Parrot ...... 98.60 Qulncy ........ P8.00 Koyal ....... 19.26 Shannon 8.76 Tamarack . ... 100 OOA Trinity ...... 9.00 1,'tah ..-..... SI.7S Victoria ..... T.7S - Wlnoaa .... T.09 Wolverine ... 183.(a I'. S. Mining.. 69.7$ Term. Copper. Ely 8.60 Boetoa Cea... 27.66 Allones Arcsdlaa rv 8.8714 Atlantic 12. ZS 82.00 SH6.00 Bingham Calumet Centennial 23.00 'oppi f)aly per Range, 78.76 West 16.76 Franklin 18.6214 24.1214 Greene Cea... Granby ..... Butte Coals . 83.00 12.60 IS 00 92.00 East Butte Nevsda Coo.. North Butte. TirnTD STATES OOVXXBalZaT aXJsTDS. Hew ' Tork, Jane K Govern man t beads: Dste. Bid. Ask Twos, registered. .......... inns 103 loiu 1021 1021 102 V 102 103. 123 1261 117 10T. do coupon lung Threes, registered......... 19ne de con Don IBuB 103 108 Twos, small bonds. ........ .... trjura, registered........... loot dojponpon ,. 1607 Fours, cytlatared. ........'.". 102S 102 1T13T( 120 129 oo eoupoa wo rMstrlct of Columbia, 148.. .... nuuppine as., 109 BTW TOXX BAJTX rrATTXEirT. New Tork, June 8X Bank gtateBsnt: IlMTPtMSs!- Reserve ............. .,...,..,..,....$ 121.876 Less I; tilted states "170.176 Ixjens 1.162.400 Specie 2.124. 6"0 Lege la V.'S 997.600 ueoosiTB d.oio.sno circulation ..... 96,700 Decrease. ', rOBTZAHS BAJTX TATEaTXeTT. Clearlnea .9620.104.98 Balaaees , , r.i wrfrto,. - ,6.81 "' V Tork-teadea BUver.' New York. June A Ber silver, (7 lie; Lea do a, lis l-ldd. - ' NEW TOM POTTO KAJtXrT. - New- York, Jane A feoffee- talures clns.d 1 points lower With ,2.138 baga sold. Ofdclsl prices: . , Bid. Aak. , Bid. Ask. June ......$6.90 $5.05 December ..$6.88 $l.fO Jnlv ...... 66 .0o;jannary ... (40 B.46 August .... 6 00 1 0". rehroary .8.60 6.86 Heptemoer e.iu r in iuarca ..... a ou October ... .I6 , 8.2":May ....... S 10 $.70 November . 6 26 a.exa CANFIELO PURCHASES HOME NEAR HARRIMAN'S (Joarnsl Special Service.) .- . New Tork, June 1. Richard Canfleld, tha gambler, tiaa purchased for $t0.0$ tha reeldenca at No. 9 East Fifth atraet, ona door from B. H. Ttarrlman'a home. Tha fashionable neighborhood la atlrred. It la (aid that John D. Rockefeller owned tba property. Tha home will not be used aa a ambllnf-houa , SALES ON EXCHANGE J , ; r VERY SMALL AGAIN Colorado Fuel ft Iron Has Verv Ag- trjv Buyfaf JryhichResultBin Small . Net a(pAii--Good .' Rise in Texas ft Pacific. l, :A:...C '' NBT GAINS. 1 .... iilkaty pfd. Anaconda ... Amalgamated Atchlaoa .... I Jxwwoiotlve oseiwr yt t eopiaa taa ....... '4 Baltimore v'a . . . . ..e 1, Preaa Steel Car,.... H Brooklyn .......... HlReadlng ! Canadian ......... 1 Rep. Steel ....... H St. faul .T..84 Southern Pacific...., 14 C. A N. W ,.Vii Southern Railway.. U Cheaaneaka ' ....... I Texas A" Pacific. ...IvS Colo, Fuel. ...... ..Hi Tenn. .Coel '4 Com. A South i4i Unton Pacific. ..... U Erie 1st, pfd...... 14 Cent. Leather "i Mex. Central ClU. A Steel Z Northera Pacific... jaj de pfd........... 14 net Car A Foundry J SSKS. red. Smelter pfd... , Icke wanna - .....$ uni. a. mwivrm... . Ye Denver lil Pen nay I van la ...... U Y.t fZlUn.k I.l.. XT Rock lalaad, . Illlnola Central.. tteeiea ..... ...e Cotton oil Wall Street. New York. June 2. Although. ouu ana proreasioaai, ue stocg martet aaa been quite strong today. Jha bsnk statsasent was net ea axaid aa expected, shewing aa In- ereaee. la loana. a decrease la eurplus and only a email gala In cash. Tbere wss no Im portant newa. St. Paul's (purt was baaed oa rumors of substantial subscription rights An other strong feeture waa Colorado Fuel, In which there waa rather aggressive buying. At w close the martet area nrxe -ena-ejuiet.-1 Official aootatkous by Over beck. Surg A Cooks . company t t. ..- , ' - -BESCXIPTI0X. Anaconda Mining Co,.. 2rt6Vk2fl7 ami, uopper V9...... Atchison, com. de preferred Am. Car A Found., esss do preferred ...... Am. Burir. com Am. Smelt., com do nrefarred ..... IIS lliat, jMiumore at uus, coat nraf erred .... -. . , Brooklyn Rapid Transit Canadian Pacific, coot. Chi. A Alton, com... de preferred.. Tl 184 IT41? ObL. A Gt. West., com 1S1A Chi.. Mil. A -St. Paul... 171 ;aii4 Chi. A Northwest, coat. uu. j ktisiui aj, ,,,,,, Cheaapeake Ohle Colo. Fuel A Iron, eon. Colo. Booth., com 12 68 6 SSI do ad preferred do let ore f erred Dela.. Lacka. A- West.. V at at. u., com, do Dreferred. ......... ea Ea-le, co ib 4614 TO o xa prererred da 1st nref erred Illlnola Central Louisville A Nashville.. Metrepoiltaa Street By. Mexican Central Ry.... Minn, St, P. A Ate. M. 179 16014 HW14 17BX 141i 1601. 3214 2314 2214 Preferred .......... Mleaonri - Pectfie, . . . ,T . . K. A T.. com do are erred New York Central 140 Am, Cotton Oil........ TfJ5 ".'.'.'.I (11 Locomotive. . ..... 70 Federal Smeltere Norfolk A W cetera, com. Norfolk A Western, pfd. North American ....... 972 Y.. Ontario A West. Pennsylvania Railway.. People s Gss A Coke CO. re. eed Steel Car. com.. Preaeed Steel Car, pfd.. Reading, com.'... '. Heading, second pfd.... Readlns. Brat nfd Ben. Iroa A SteeL com. I 28 Rep. Iron A SteeL pfd. .110814110814 noes iMUi com .......... Bock Island, preferred. I I..... Boutnera Kan way, com. as Boutnern tiaiiway, pio. ftonthera Pacific 6ou there Pacific. pfd..-.i Bt. L. A 8. F, d pfd... do let preferred ItTtT A t. WW., com.-. oo iwf r rn5 . iiiittMi Texan A Pacific........ Tenn. Coal A Iron...... T.. St. !. W., com. do nrererrea , Cnloa Pacific, coca..... 150 116014 do prererred. ....... , 'Tia'1 Central Leether, coat... do nrererrea. ...... m..J. C. S. Rubber, 61 I 61141 61 Total ealee for day, 220,600 abaroev- SXOWS eXAOf XATTkLATX, rtnrlnitatl. Ohio, June A 8 new makes tbe following eondltloa of the winter wheet crop: Condition June 1, 8S.S par ceat, against 91 r cent last month and S8.SB par sent last TOST. - M OFFICIALS EXPECTED TROUBLE TO COME (Jen real pedal Service.) Tucson, Aria., June 2. Epea Ran' dotpn,-president of tha CananeaV" Taqul River a Paclfla railroad, and Superin tendent McOovarn of tha Southern Pa cific, left at 11 o'clock thla morning on a apecial train for Cananea. . ' Accordine; to advloea received bare only four Americana and a (core of Mezlo&na have been Killed in tna note to data, but graver dlaturbancaa ara threatened.,. ' It la rumored that official of tha Cananea country - have - expected - tha trouble, for norne time and hoped that when it eama It .would lead to annexa tion of tha territory In which tha prop, erty la located to tha United Btatee. The family of w. J. ureene naa aeen re- movod to tha United fitatea Bid. The Mexican rlotera ara well eupplled 111 1 dynamite, and seen ne areat dam. go unleee checked. They number 6,009. There ara 2,900 Americana In tha camp. WILL PROTECT AMERICANS. fnaWment That XrVwry Bffori wiU Be - Kade Ao Oaard Olttaana at Oanaaea. (Journal Special Service.) Blabee, Arlx, June 2. Edward Buch ner. who returned to Blsbca at 9 o'clock thla loornlnx, waa (hot In the right arm In a (kirmlah near Naco last night He wbb on of a party of 1$ who left Blabee on horeeback in advance of the (ptclal train to guard the -railroad at tha border. . A report la received here that tha ettuatlon In Cananea le well In hand and It lg entpecied that every protection wlH he grantecf Americana at Cananea. Gov ernor Taabel and the Blabee party had Juet arrived In a apecial from Naoo. No United Btatea troopg ara at that point. , Thla la evidently tha year when tha Portland team aaa play ball, ' BEST SERVICE yif LOWEST RATES . FOR PARTICULARS R.W. I ill Ulilillill I iililili: TAATTTX, tha OA&DI-XBlVAirS In tha UOVTM BAB. la a mogt at- tractive place to apend ono'a auramer vacation. BV B. MA MTTOBA (alia irom nan r rancieco, uiy j, witn to wltneaa tbe unique native fetee MARIFOBA will remain over in "time td-ttaKTrraa-TrTp--BTon- , Clement Wragga, the famoua writer, tn hla "Romance of tha South Sena, " aays "Tahiti la ona epot worth While In a tour of tbe world." $121 la tha flret-claee.rate Ban Franclaco to Tahiti and back. Good botela In Tahiti at 92-60 to 9$ per day. Write for eiroulax to ' , OCEANIC S. ..oCOKE .1 n Verve mm 'jraeakaefc. ,1 ?is km ' ' :: -- -fB-aha - i effc A""1 4 1 ... a-Ai.: ' a) A LOAt WE ASSURE OUR CUSTOMERS PR0TEl'CTi0l'EGAllV "LESS OF "COMBINE- OR COMPETITION GENERAL 6. FJ. PARSONS DIES . jt. boise,. Idaho Prominent Lawyer and Attorney General r During Governor McCoinefl's Admlnistrational (Special Diana tch te The JoaraaLV ' Bolae, Idaho, June 2. Geuornl George H, Pareona, attorney-general of Idaho during Governor McConnell'a - ad' ministration, died at noon today aftor an tllneae of three weeka from dlabetea General Parsons waa ona of tha moat prominent lawyers tn the atate; ha waa oirector in several banks and prom' Inently connected with a number of Ir rigation enterprises. - OSHKOSH PROSECUTION : ASKS FURTHER TIME , tSpedal Dlapatcb te The Journal.) OShkoah, wis., June 2. Court Com missioner McDonald announced yester day that no further ground existed for holding the aocused Oehkoth men for oompllclty In -the Oregon- land -frAuds, and that ha muat discharge them. The United States district attorney asked continuance for three weeks in order to secure additional evidence In Oregon against ini uvsictea men, it tne authori ties in that atate can supply any fur ther testimony. If none la secured the men will be discharged. .- YEARS IN PRISON FOR , THEFT OF SMALL SUM Vancouver, B. C, June 2. In the new trial for the train robbers ordered by Justice Irving, tha Jury at Kamloopg after being out 20 mlmitea brought lo verdict of guilt- The Justice sen tenced Miner and Dunn to life impris onment and Colquohoun to 2S yearn In tha penitentiary. It has - since been learned that tha total eaah taken in the holdup amounted to 91$.' CHINESE PLEASED TO . - FIND AN HONEST MAN Pur Sheong la the moat grateful per son In Portland. He Is grateful be cause he found an honest man who re- urried to hlrnJjfSwh pern mat. Sheong went into , the O. K. coffee house, 261 Bumslde street, Isst night and In settling hlf bill gave the cashier a $9 gold piece - under- tha Impression that-lt was aiekefc Ha left and had walked quite a distance -when Re wss called back and the money" returned.-" Big Irrigation Vrojeot. One of the largest private irrigation projects In the United Btatea le being eatabllstied near Graham, Texas, by a Chicago syndicate which has closed contracts for $0,000 acrea of land, it Is announced that 91,000.000 will bo spent In constructing a water storage dam and In building the mhtn canal and laterala. wrogreeg of Mealoo. The Mexican government haa ap proved plana for a anion terminal for rallroada ox,, the warterfront f Vera Crux, to cost 11,000,000. Tha terminals will be used by the Mexican railway, the Interoceanle railway and tha Vera Cms Paolfle railway. ' ' ... :--y ... QUICKEST TIME CHOICE OF ROUTES CALL UPON , OR , WRITS FOSTER, Ticket AgU No. 100 Third St., Corner Stark. . : PORTLANDOR. 1 a party ot nappy people on tneir war that take place July- 14. -Tha . . the harbor alx days, affording ample S. CO. tooS Broadway. Oakland. CaL . .itirrisori v Phone Eastr244n C. GEE WO Portland's ". Widely Known and Successful Chinese Medicinal,.: Root and Herb Doctor . B , I I l fiSL-ttS.- - Hla - famous remedies, the Ingredients ef which we Import direct from the Orient in Urge quantities end prepare aad put ap for use tn bis up-to-date labatrsnr. No axerenrv, poisons or drugs of ear kind ated. Purely . Vegetable. r The Doctor tresis successfully and guaranteea to cure all stomach troubles, catarrh, asthma, k""ny!ti?'!!!!!A!!!!jiL fTao,i' rZXALX rXOTSBLES AWT),. ALL BITATX . . . DIBEASIS. . . No false or misleading statements te the - -afflicted. A aafa and laatlng cure in tha enlch eat possible time and st tbe lowest cost pee. slbls for honest treatment. If yon cannot call, write for symptom blank and circular. Inclose 4 cents In stamps. CONSULTATION FXR. The 0. Oee We Chinese Medicine Co., laH first St., Cor. Merriasn, Port lead, 0. YUEN mo. sot ran btn romTXAwo, oa. CHINESE PHYSICIAN j Raring etedled atedV 4 cine tor many rears aw. " der noted doctera ef Chine. He cares all ni ne, chronic end private diseases. of Ba . end . Woman. He eemponade end pot a up for . nee kle renxdlee, the ingredi. ents of which gee ears. fully selected. My rem ediee will not destroy your stomach or en ds nger your life with sn oneratlon. ' tea take ae rlskS.. as I see ae poiaona or drnga. I Insurs auick results at tha lowest Boa. (tble cost. Call and aee me If rnu are afflicted. - COaTgTJIiTATIOW rXIX, For Kldnsy and Bladdtr ; EELTEVE3 IK 2d Hours iU 111 HSiaiiBY m at aew n age eneewe-wew w CISCHARCEI Bach Cap. NMiiiprtj rsule bssrsfMiny For sals rait druggists. I - rS-- m pi-v-iA ssxe'-ena, ramsaansif J.tsi 1 IAItkCb'd HAIR BALSAM Clean aw and. beaettnas Ola kaSt. v Promotes a IBanrteat fiuera. Kevee rails ta Beetore Ovay Batr to ita Youthful Color, Oaraa smb. dlaeuae hair , "j' w,and 1 on at Drnrelela $L L. j gfrweweeaaaaaeaaaaaaaj EXAMINATIONS FOR ADMISSION TO BAR ' 1 '. Se (Special Dlapatcb to tbe Journal.) 1 Salem, Or., June I. Kxamlnatiotig fop admission to tha Oregon bar will be held June 19. . . ," i. . ' , ,- .4 . 'iv.r' ' - i ' - ,l e '