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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 2, 1906)
VHIE-0IIEGQN3DAILY JOURNAL,' PORTIJNDATURDATNINOJUNE-fi, 190 BUSINESS CHANCES. ' WANTS!) Partner with f 1.600 to take half BBa UnilfWBI HW arwvw lie alAa mJMI.. I i n rw w atnrea wrei vD in urea" buu ti i 0. B. Clamant, BIT Chamber of Cam everal town In Oregoa and Waenlngtoa. BOMESEBKEBS' EXCURSION wrtead la llii ergaulaad to (a to Harmey county, . Oregoa, For Information lnqulr 0B Com BMrelal bine, mpiw Second and Wblng' ton ata. Mala Ml Addreaa Ariel t 0., WANTEDy-A tarty with (AM to toll charge ana run a m-ruom toogmguouoe. ., office kox 47. rOB SALE Tlet-paytng PF ator la elti doing a trlctly rub baaln, centrally lo. fW la heart of city t 14,000 caah, of tarotoa. B 100, ear Journal. . IV ma It . . m II H I. -iMitff anil aoer? to to' .: veet. I have an, koaaat propoaltloa tbat -will a fortune,' luveaiigauea pwiwu. . w urree V X, cere Journal. . A rrw BUSINESS CHANCES eboap today at iwi Morrlaoa at. .$3,608 HUTS grocery, building and lot In bt p-river town. 6.000 bur Urary stable, bora, wagon. - harneea. ate. -; , miioofl bma da I alnrt firtrk titttl) t mac terma. J. H. HETLBRONNXR CO..; ' B1S-S1B Lumbar Exchange. Second and Stark GRAHD-AVENUB " bualn property. Waahlngton at. t etoady tenant. '. - 4. HENKLX ft. HARRISON. . . - SIT Abingtoa bld. $360 82-ROOM lodglng-bon! goad - lecatloa - no g00 romiltfra; eueap rani, a amy.-, r. rucHS. i8 4 rimi t BEST boardlng-bou In city: noma; golden .' opportunity. Baa Frd Tlarack, But Third and Aah. FUR SALE Reel tat offlc: cbaap rat eaay terma. - Phono Woodlawa 81. I ,- j-jaeapn I FOR SALE REAL ESTATE, FOR SALR by owner, who aoada money, a tin aiaaai lot ueioa a- aja sx i . draaa 100 Eaat 16th at., N. INSTALLMENT HOMES EXCLUSIVELY. "Pay Bant to Youraetf. fur Immediate oecunenev on oaay monthly payment (ha Jo11nwlng-aw mom aonaea, with all modara lmprovmnlj Houa. northweat eornr Hawthorne are. and ' B. Slat at., (3,000: $230 down. $26 pot month. Gray heaae, BTB Upehur at, price $2,860) -"- (JftO down. MS per anon lb.' Yellow houae. 30 Wllaon at., toat oft M. :-r- flat., I2.8MI; (3BO down. t per atoata. riDBI-ITT TBrST CO.. 40 Commercial Mk. Phone liala 44T. . FOR SALB New T-meai konaa, pantry and - harht ylaator- waad flfaf, lax a a JbaaemanL. lot - 50x100. fj Braaawlek at., 8L Johna. Mar-totmttmttAUiiimMT1menilt of potoffic.-- - AwTLUfT ( Wiwaaa au anw aMjau aaa..v aBraxoBjaj Mala. C. nVPallett, StX featoa bld.. V.. . Sid a.aa,al tHI aa aum ST.-JOHNS Wo make a apeclalty of thla property, and w kaa at thla time exceptional bargalne to baalnaaa lota at 4X); alao 40 Tar fla realdenr Iota 'from- (22A to (ano. HA0K1LANM i BLANCUABD, - --T-.- .; - r nttfe St.. - TTI08B who want me to aeleet choice railroad land In Alberta for thorn ahoald let me know before oar next party foee, Jaa 11. B. X Brlfce. lMhi Plrat at. , . (J.aoon block. Holladay addition, cloe tat atreata Improred. aawar and water la and paid: would aeU ta ( place. . CulTer, (2S Chamber of Commerce. FOB 8 ALB OB f BADB 4 kt eentrally lo cated la the towa of Ooldeadalo, Waah. , Write twur, Jama F. Mlxoa, itorrlabart, Oregoa. . . 4. WO RANDSOMB Bona, brand bow, well ar- ranged, all owdara lmnroaementa, one - aer. Ninth and Scknyfer, Holladay' addt- Meat boat tray on market at arte. SOS Fourth, Fhooa Part So S12S. or afala SOOO. (1,200 Kleo bow d-room eottagof bath, Ka aad elertri light. Mable a treat bo can Hamilton, are. and Baymoar, 1 block from f. car and actiool. loath Pert la art; torma. Inqalra SD Fonrth Phaa Pacta ' tlS4. Bealdance. Mala BWOu WO today aad aa that beaatlfnl a-reoaa fcoa . -on Unma ar.f modora la orerr way, taclnd- In( fireplace, aad richly tinted: oaay term. Baa owner today. (AS Ualoa an, N. Phoa . Beat S408. , SBIXWOOO LOTA. SB dowa aad (S a awathi t- rrotn ara ao f "J. aoiiwooa -lowaaire "jo . H. P, Palmar, maaagor. Phoa Baat dTOt, BAR0AIN8. Whan dlagnated with old real eatata mas, glee th live . one call. WO hara cigar :- a tore. (140 p; grocery atorea. IbtoIco: r - tanranta, lodging Bonaa. all alaoa aad prleaej i all kind of land aad Iota. . TOI'NO d DEMBNT, -U3 Madlaoa at. fob aat.a rntip a and ta hiaaiai era; pert ca ah. ST0 Oarflcld are. Take Woodlawa car. Phoa a Baat AMI. HOVER, ap rlaer from Portland. Located a a. der N. P. trrlgattng ditch and on aew Berth bank railroad; fruit foe oa the market thr week earlier thaa In any other eettoa, ro - mending hlxhaet price; dally eteamer from Portland. Bale by the wans, Hotar Lead Co.,' Iloaar, Waahlngtoa. iraiKf) lota right, la th renter of St. J oh at far (l,eno ' MIc Twiflt honaa and aornae lot. lino rlTcr view, prlc (1,400; 1 200 caaa, balance (19 par montD. BUKraali, inFrJia) m rariaruavn, FOR 8ALB AT A BARGAIN , A So tock range, containing ahoat S.S00 acre; all .under fencaj alttiated aoar Boae burg, Oregon, oa 8. P. R. R. ; thla la one of the beet ateck range la th country: I alao . hire another rood etock range containing 2.47 acrea, which will be Bold at a very low price. For nartlcnlara addreaa J. R. Bother. r-Ua,. owaatt WoaaUuig, Oregon. 1T" " I H AFB a new (-room and 'tw S-ronm cottagoe, all complete, for (SBO ehcb; (30 down and (30 par month, or (M dowa aad $? per month, or (100 dowa and (19 per month, or (200 dowa and (10 per month: alas om lot or acreage: term or caah. Be owner, Jo Naah. at KaahTlll addiltoat hit. Scott ear tla. . FOR BALE By owner, modern two-atory tlx , room bona at St. Johna llelghta: bath, totlrt. electric llrht, fnll concrete baeemwt. fln latiod tneld to autt; nrlca $1,000: caah or Inatallmenta. M. E. Kclkann, ,411 Jerary at.. St. Johna. A .FOR SALE Big bargain fVir rnlck ala ( roam aahurnaa cottage, ground looxiun feet, Irolt and ehrubbery; by owner. O. W. P. Town- , aide Co., SIS Alder it., la 0. W; P. Ry. waltlagoom. FOR BALE, CHEAP NIc nearly aew (-room cottage, porch a and pantry. Bom furni ture, lot 80x100. Addreaa or -call at 1118 Eaat Harrleoa at. FOR SALE, by owner, - S-ronm modern honaa, 3S Waaco at., la Holladay Park; pried (3.000; torma ta anlt. Alan new T-room houae. oa carllne; prlc (3.S00: torma to anlt. Pboaa C. C. Going. Baat 150T. T. JOHNS - - . . The Ancat raaldenc corner la St. John for only (sod, -Lota la North St John $0 dowa aad $8 par nonth. BHEPARD. DOBIB 4 PETERSON, Phone Scott 40R1. St. Johna, Orefaa. Residence Lot ' $ J no Corner lot oa Kllllngeworth a.. -i 450 Lot n Vanooorer a.; torma $100 -caah, balance $10 month. $1,800 100x100 feet; a flne aoraav im Wll - - llama Areaoe addltioa. : $ 80 NIc lot oa Cook are., betweea Wll- .Ham aad Union are. M. B.' THOalPBON, .' B48 afbialaitppl . Phoa Woodlawa tot. $00 FARMS, mll tract aad Iota: bargalna oa ' 0. W. P. electric line. O. R. Addttna, Lenta, OreioB." Take Mount Soott car. Sc. $4on F1MI t.OT S0X100, Bear L ear Una; (5 aaah, balaac $11 a moath. . . (are) Tin lot la Waat Pteda bar a; torma to salt. at, aear car. KB. THOMPSOrt. S4S atlalatppl aaa. Phoa Woodlawa 90. HOURS ANB LOT SOxlOO for $22$) meat wll - thla week. Call 11 Morrlaoa at. $ DRSIRABLB LOTS near nbeerTltery. Port, land Ilalghta, near car Uaj prlc vary tew. CaU 1S1 Morrkma at, , . ' . , Fin lot la Highland; $X aaah, $1S a ttoatb. .- i. . (l.TOd for baataeaa property', eoaamtlBf f atora aad llTlng-rooma, aa , Cnloa are., ' aorta. . i. -. , - - - $000 Baalaow lot a Uoloa ar ala tdi loo. , - - FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. BABOAIN (1.000 baya full lot aad good be od seat f day, 4u2 Coauaervlai bldg. Pacldo Sid. Ill SL JOMS: 1 lot Mi 100 aad 1.000 feet tumberj rtox tat , Bjuet he aold at ouee: (otxt. 1 baua and lot lOuillt, aa Iranhoa at- -ajoa ia, SJ.SOO. - - " Lota (2S dowa, $10 per month, S acre, doe In, (2.if&0. ' I- - HO MM UKUKEUAOB CO., ' Boom ( Broadaa bUXf., Third and Waahlngtoa, WCB .room booa. aewly 'painted, wired for .electricity, lore lot, neatly fenced, fruit roaebuebea, garden, chlcxeu-honaai - oaay. iprnia. nv, ia layl'W .at. (aacoad houae north of aUtlua), Laurel- wood, Muunt Suott car..- , . . iSati. ATXi.hM taboalaom, can tar of Portland; buildlnga ara of no ralua, but earn , how atr 4 par oent oa taluaUun; haa Sua future, aad worth more than aekod. (2S.0U0 required to awing thla deal, balance at pr 0" lB. Taylor. (IS Marquam blK. XbUB CHOICE of bow aew S aad 4 room cot., : ff for 11,300, oa May tenna; X-roooi not aru houae with two lota. (100 dowa, (23 S10""11!.."", otlag for rant. (10. Call .""??. J'h'ewlta, at, MobUtUU. PboLa (2BO-eoiioo-rooT lots, (s mh tai n BuU Bu. w.uri'aJjolSui dXc Lo5TI "e'.'yWi 100-foot lota, S oaah' and (9 per uSSiS" ,dd't' Woclu from Un'wtt P'po Uld. an f"r??? LJ8mt iiT-TaTsooi rrc ss Sfht'ic VkIu -of Ptla and aelllna for aejbaJT th prod ta, are andabor (0 par BRAT BR REALTY O, 434 Lamha Kxehang. JJ0,sa P " n for another building ; '-r0' SOilOO Borjtbeaat corner TJnloa ar. aad Schuyler at.; prlc (1,800. hniiJl!? L?m!?r ' wd," in toaldie aad ?T. Mti,.proiw'tl, hta la all narta aj Second aad Waahlngtoa' Sta, S-BOOhf hooaa with Kk i.. a.. . aouth., Bel. Arninr and tiaada.- Prl ai an sisf". . . block, aorta of Waahtogtaa Zi might tak mat trad. "-m ! oJiJolX cnoat-or'p lolce comer, tw good I "1 ;"- r- (5.000 Nk lor. in-n. J5:00, odra cottag. er 8.800- fined S roam h.aiaa. W.n rVWmBdTr' . habkiuon, 81T Ablagtoa Bldg. '"S-1'0 " 0117 Vltw Prk Odltloa; (10 7 7' v car perrie; water StJl Zl. HeUbronnr A Co., Hood Kleor and afoalar fralt laada. S1S-51B Lumbar Bxchaag. Second and Stark.- SMALL HOTELwIth m am of aplcndld aa. Vk. . T. u Z0?17' BW ""I'", toeing thing aplcnrtldly arranged; (1.000; Ifa a rar totoafat1" 0,t, Croc,tt 84B ST. -0HNS - Large lot end rood froora bona, only 11.000. HEN K La ., HARRISON BIT Abingtoa bldg. SPLENDID FARMS NEAR CTTT , . a a era. or rjaaaaadana Imm - ...ti , I acrea, about SO roda from carlln. at 7l a xra?- ""Une, pUadldly lmprored, 88 aVa on Araano fur i, . (1W per acre. . ' So00Cr-' T'T bn,Wln' tan- acrea. apUadld hooaa, $1,600. -tSJ acre, a aplcndld home". (i.BOO. - IS acrea; aaakee a ale horn: (2,000. ' M aero. So. homa. (,0ool , $1 200er"' " 'mU kou' SO acrea; a aplcndld plae: SS.flOO. acrae, Tory ale home, (,ooo. 'SO' acrea: vara nlca kAM, x roa Splndld farma (11 along the Wllaraett valley; reCeooahlo and good term oa-all propcriy otrcrao; me aale. OTTO CROCKETT. 246it Waahlngtoa at. ' ' FOR SALE S recant lota. Stewart Park. monnt Scott ear line. Pbon Eaat 41 23. $02 NICE lot, all Improramanta, . Eaat riandcre at. Pa'rkM0rB"t,ftU ha" 1,1 wtborIM Llat roar barralne with aa. J. H. HE1LBRONNER A TO.. Hood Hirer aad Mnaler Prnlt Land. . B1X-1B lumber Exchange, Second aad Stark. 1 LOTS la St. John ,...( R23 " !u'. e'esently Iniproead (1..1V) M block on Eaat Pine .' (l.ano About 2B lota oa Slat at.. $850 each: (2S eaah. balaace (10 per month. SeTcral alee lota la CloTerdal and High. land, from (100 op. . i' acrea oa BC John carUna, $2,BO0;$l,0O0 caah. ' OTTO ft CROCKETT, ' aao waaiiingiwa at. F0RSALE-FARMS? 40 ACRR8. SO acrea aeaah ImHm, ia Ir.TiT"1 rnir, -room noua. para and other buildlnga. email family orchard, good wall " ,,"nu ""a tree inrougn piav. 600,000 1 feet yellow Br, oa north aide of croak, o good county road, 14 mile to good arhool, clow to aawmlll, S mOaa to rood atora anJ mainaiy. fetoa. H,fjQg - iw acre adloinlna im. Vw, itti,. s raltlTatlon, a good fram houa and bara and other building, good bearing orchard. mil to echool, H mil to Lewi rlrcr; prlc (1.400: would take city pro party la part. 40 acrea. 96 aero la high atat of culttra tlon, 4-room houae. nearly new, bara S0i40, In rood condition and all other neceeeary ont- buildlnga. water at hooaa and bant, alao Ha lng water In ptatnre. plenty of fruit and barrtee, land gently aloplna, 10 mile from Portland, S ml lea to Bearer Ion. 1 mile to pro poaed new electric lln. Price, (4,000. 410 acre bench land, oa rood road; a great bay far th fntur; good buildlnga. hot and cold water, good team boraee, wagon, harneae. all etoch and all farming Implement, a ema1! ueemeiij email areek tLrongh th plare: u Bill from ninth grade erhonl. gee n tor , further deocrlptlon. Prlc, (4 M0; term. . 438 acrea. , mil from railroad atatlon, 00 rode from echool, ahoat DO acre timber! .but ane all clear. 200 acre farm land In one piece, no patch, land la Brat claoa and lie well, 10-room houa. nearly new, coat ll.TOO. new barn. 40x00. coet (1,200, and one other rood barn, tin wood hooaa and cooling room, water pined to bone and bara, other nece. ry utnou, Ulephon la booa. Prlc (31 per acre. 440 acre well Improrad land, fm hnrldlnra. n railway aiding, with ware boa aa. 820 acre open farm laud, 120 acrea paatnr. mile to rood lwn. Prlc (IT par er. SO acre. 88 clear, good family orrharttrTKTr honaa In good repair, good barn and other neeeaaarr onthoaara. t horaea, 8 cow, 1 yearling heifer, 1 pig. 40 rhlckena. t wagon, 1 aew bnrgy and all other farming Imple ment and email tnota. a good Jewel rang and all other bouaehold roode, t mtlea from atatlon and atorea, R. F, D. mall at th houae. Price (A 600. 160 acre At land. 40 clear, more nearly clear; lie anathweat elope, oa a good county road: fair bona, large barn, wood and milk bona, chicken-bone; good orchard; eome good timber; echoolbonae on plica; R. v. D. mall at rata; Bna crock longatde of placo; wagon, . plow, harrow, good garden, potato, good cow, all houae hold rood a. Prlc ta nnn, a... L ( mile to depot and atorea; S8 mile to city. . an near; aniau nmw IM DBrnt good water: 14 frnlt freea; excellent eoll. mn - Jeaal; ( mile weat of nty park. Prlc $1,800. 84 acre. mil weat of Tram rait. Be ear fare; a neat 8-room bona; SO rrult tree; 4A -er to herrt! rarjnr chtclran hona And yaru. lTh-a.Sl.70O: (TOO can atand. per cent. I bar a aamher of gand and Sne reaMm-a and hnalneo prnpertlea In all part of ctty ft different nrlcea. Pleaao can and eamlne llat If yoa throk of boainr: it will pay yoa. W. W. E8PET, ; -Room Sit, Commercial Bldg., Rooond aad Waahlngtoa Sta. 100 acrea. 4 mllea weat of rarttont B0 acre to enltlT.tloo. good buildlnga aad orchard, well watered and fenced: prlea. with present crop. $ZT 30 pdr acre. Addreaa Mr. S. A. Murphy. Box S. Carlton. Or. . 44-ACRB FARM for (a 100. W will aoeopt rr ear tormci w will tak Wry pevoitf part paymeat. Call 181 Morrhwa at. FarrT FARM (3. Tim 4g aeraa, u a X1 Aahland. Orrvon; , $.000 treea apple. Bear. peach and cherry. . . , HAQBMANN BLANCHABA t , si rUttaa. ... , FOR SALE FARMS. . , ASSIONFB'S sVlE. ' TlMbEB AND FARMINd LA NTS .AND CITI PUOPERTT, fn ardaa ta eloH fln aatata f muat Bell wltb fa th Beit SO dy th following deecrlbod . proiierty belonging to th aatat of U, A. . Bourie, baukruut, of Arligtoa, Oragon, to wit: ' - . tnt acre good, well Improred farmrsg land, 4AaF U$Ut- firsiglssl. 100 act timber land la Hoad Btrar Tail. 1 imllaa until of Hml Brew. 68 acraa farm ' land. 12 BifaM otb C Arltogtoo. -: i On 6-room cottage, t lota. On atora and warahoua, (0-fBot at On dwelling, 29-foot M. , - , ' , . 1 'Ik Arllnvton. Oiaaoa. An at' tli atora deacrlbed property maat ' D OMl.- - ' ' W. H. MOOR-B, ' Atolgn, For tarraa and fnll partlcnuv addraa B. L. BABNBTT, . a Baat Oak St.. Portland. Or. ira AM EJl AA n.da cultivation, aood dwal ling, teno aad orchard, oar erary fl boar wunia v mil ox u xarms vmmm amwaM, Apply 4SS 12th t. CHOir'aj nm. . 1 ' " (8.000 0 acrea ta Clark comity, Waahlng ton; (0 acre cleared. ' all Ural, all fenced ' with ( good barb wlr. -rooia houae, bara suioo. on acre xariety orcnaro, gxi apr, U silla to achoot. S mllea to country mo. mile to railroad atatlon. an - team worth (400, wagon, bamaaa. saw S-aaatad . hack, niowar. rak. all necoaaary toola that la Baoded a a farm, B bead of cattl. box, cbtcktoa, turkeya, baat of black loam eoll; will ex change for grocery, one-half caah, good torma. (2.IW0 00 acraa. lS-wolUa eaat of Van. oouror, SB acraa cleared, TO acraa fin aw a la. ' al..kA hunt .nH arfaA. ill lTaL all fenmd . with 4-barh wire, on county road, , mtlo to rachaol and church, a, r. u, ana teiepnoae. ( bow T-room, S-atory boos, am a 11 bara, 1 bona, bead cattle. Bna Bull; one-half eaah, J balanc n good torma. 1$l.2Mr S era, on mtla from Jaaooaaer. $1,00020 aer, 114 mile from Vancoarorl a one cleared, all leral land, mall eraee. n eoll; or will wll 10 acrw.a.thl tract for (coo. " . ; - $30010 acrea 1H mile from Tancoorer. ' 200 acre. 4M mile from Colombia rltoe, ' Clark county, Waahlngtoa; 20 mile from Portland; B0 aeree fa fln etata of eultlTatloo; .ii rA . 1 . aii Ural : m- tore. 12-room hooaa. la Bn hap: aw benr aoxTal aarvaty orcnaro; ev acraa im b -40 acre meadow, 2 St acre fn0: mil to acbool; B. F. D.f good team, pony, milk cowl. belfera. B calrea, S bull, on S-year-Id tor. S warona, ham, craa m eepar a tur, mowr, rake, dlae, aprlng tooth, t ptow, 3 - niiinhn kna. ahlckan. otha Bcary toola that 1 edd oav o-raachs thl to the beat buy a th maraati omn ot au, m io eprlnga, good well at door, aoma timber, bal- nc of Taad aally cleared: taaaatlrat thl plae before boring: go iran teed aa adrarttaed. THR WAfHWOTON AND ORBOON REALTY ' CO.. 238V, Waahlngtoa St, Portland, Or, and 800 Mala St, VaacouTW. Wwb. NEAR W0ODLAWN, WASHINGTON ' loo acre lanaj gooa auoae, umrm - . Vfllltuoaa, O OCPll ww., m , ' z mucking Mtr- aoaa-yewna; .- ! chlckaua, S wagona, 1 boggy, hayfork. mower,- raav, m ii i i-. , - - - r-- -and about (100 email farm toola; Bn orchard, from wbS waa aold (.342 worth apple laat r-bii""- Wlt tajatat trenm oa placa; wlU trada to amaltor plae near city. - , .. HENKLB ft HARRISON, . . . 21T Abingtoa bldg. .$2.T80 -40-aer farm. Bear Hlltahoroj good Baiiatnga, acre ox urnij - - hToEMANsT ft "BLAlfCHABBr"- . ai ruin ax. WOULD yoa lnvetlrt our propoaltlon If wa offarad yoa a lKO-aere highly Improved . ... .l... Mmnndlna I arm icw aai an "" . r farma ar bald at $00 aad SOB aa aert We bare coch a propoaltloa and th farm is la Yamhill county, 40 mllea from Portland. . - - HAQKMANN ft BLA N CHARD, 01 Fifth at. -:JFarms: for Sale -at acrea, IV4. mile from Camaa. -Clark ountyi 2S acre under cultivation flrat-elaaa frnlt and vegetabl toad, remainder paaturei 10 acre orchard, all ander fence, o-roora houae; frultdryer. i-toa capacity; bara, llo, poultry-booae and aheda, d good wylto oa place. acbool and church Bear. Price $08 acraa, $ mne weat or IfW, In KUekltot county, oa county road; 88 acre ander cultivation, about 1.800 bearta fruit Ha. ala grapaa and amall frnlt: abundance of watar? good paatur. Ideal location. 8-roem bona, bard Bnlahed, porch, fl rap I ace, good cellar: water piped to th houae aad bara. ala for Irrigating th garden y Bear acbool, 1H mile to atora; horaea and farm Imple 'xnenta aad machinery. Prlc (4,800; term. T6 acrea, T mile from Sberldan, Polk county; 00 acrea level, remainder rolling; 10 acre under cultivation, t creek aad good wall oa plaoa, amall bearing orchard. 0-roora houae. barn and other bnlldlnra, good soil, all ander fane;. Mock and farm Implement go with the pUc. Prlc $1.R0. 10 acrea, lu mile from Hogan ati tlcn, n th O, W P alcctrio lln; about S acre ander cultivation, abundance of water, old and young orchard, amall hooaa and bara. ino acre. In Tamblll aonntr. d mllea from WllUmin and mile from Bherldea; 10 acre nnrter cultivation. TO acrea aaw tim ber and piling, good eoll. abundance of water, larg booa and outbuilding. Prlc $1,200; V LAMOILLE ft RAND, TS Sixth (. MAKE MONET RAISINO APPLES AND STRAWBERRIES AT HOOD RIVER. 40 acrea. TV4 mllea from Hooa Kiver, to aeree hearing fruit, new houa. good oat bulldlage $4,000, $1,000 eaah, balance loaf TlttltBl 40 acre. 4 mile "fro mHood Rtm, larg laaav . toambocaea, wagon, harnroa, hack, 1 4 cow. 45 chicken end all ether loiple- " men' neceeeary to running a farm, .acre in full bearing apple, new ireee, . leieauy et out. (f.laiO; eaay term. SB acre. i mil from Hood River. T acre beerlng- orchard, eO acre In 1 and t-year-old tree. 1 acre trwberrle. fre water for Irrigating the eaitlr plec. good T-room bona, hot and cold water, bath, torg barn. n Ideal country borne. $7,300; Qt0iT -ttJf 01 rV 10 acrea. 8"mtle ttrrHood Rlvev, S acre to young apple, d acre wheat, $1,800; B ay term. Will ahew -ether pronertlee, l . EPPING. 1 Hotkey bldg. Second and Morrlaoa. FOR SALE OR TRADE A fln farm of 12TH aeree, raai mm-biioh ib mi. . W. B. Lord, Irving, Oregon. FOR SALB CHEAP 1,000 acre. 200 uadr cul tivation. WItB crop, tooia ana eioca, w'W K. L. Smith. SprlnxBeld. Oregoa. FOR SALR (IB per acre IdB-acre etock farm. a miie rrom m" a. on j n.n i"" and BtF. D.: !0 acre plow land, good crop, orchard, gaTelirrnrtd hoaeei 8-korn. good paatnre. Qolnry E. Qenma. Carlto. Or. IMPROVED-farm. $30 to $100 pC acre: 8 to ... , . . g D A,ti41 I a n 1 W in wine mil, ' . . h.ji.i.v , - - Take Mt. Scott ear, B cent. 10 ACRES or mor beat land. B mllea out. 1 minute wa ix io car. cneap iar-, i mun tkin and crop. A TT, car Journal. 10 OR 11 ACRES NO STONE t aeraa la frnlt aad garden, pew. o-mnm nouev, nam anu nu outhiilldlnga. living trem oa placa, fronta oa car lln, Sv mllea to Portland; muat be aeen to be appreciated. - Addreaa owner,- B . 78, rare journal FOR SALE TIMBER. CERTIFIED acrtp,' any to ple Weet prloea. W. . At Cbambar at Coat- FOR SALB A vary nlc togging Job right a the beak of the near, nmoer ran an oa banked for $230 per M. About 11.000,000; lot mora Journal. WANTED Timber land; muat b wall located tor lugging el t bar oy ran or waier; targe tract preferred; do not a aawar unleaa yoa can deliver dreda; no tiro to waala. Ad dree Yellow Fir. Box B SB, ear Journal. FOB SALB 40.000.000 . feat of - merchantable timber, rloea ta uolumnia nvri a aaa togging propoaltloa; If yoa waat something good, don't delay. Call oa Tylor, SIB Marquam bldg. HORSES AND CARRIAGES. ' 30 Ranse Horses 30 At a actio and without fall at th TJnloa torkyarde, Portland, Oregon, oa Taeaday, Jun 8, at 1 p. m. aharp, on .carload rang bonee from 14 to IB be tide high, to reere; II win max fin aaddtor. drlrere. ipra, delivery aad milk waroa horaea; aonie mar wltb foal, 'net th thing for farmri torma made know gt time of ala. JOHN TWADDLE, Aartlooeer. - FOB SALB Team, 000 pnaad 1 team, t ao Pmntla, and I caeap noree, I aw poanaat baua Eaat S348. 230 Boaaelt at. HORSES AND COWS at all kind for aale at pear giaaaaisio aatoai. laair ara gxwaa aa. HORSES AND CARRIAGES. FOR S ALB Top buggy with ateel tire, for half price. Ad draaa U 111, care Journal, TO EXCHANGE. FARMS FOB 8ALB OB TRADE loo acraa of land, nearly all eoltable for r tlllagh, all wall lauoed; M acraa la crop, 00 -acraa aaatura. -kcxm Umbar: Uaum vf water, good f -room houa, now oaru,' 4dxbd - real l gooo orroardr- yaia -wun noweia and auruba; -guud acbool to rod from Ui - tioaa; o goaia, 4 ahoap, 4 head cattle, d boga, 1 waaou, 1 plow, 1 barrow, 1 aower, 1 rak, 1 aat haruea; d mil to railroad atatlon; -nkia to 2 aawmllla, 1 griauulll, tor, blackamlth (hop, church; la leanioa ; countyl will trail; caaii price (or all. (o.oo'J. 1ft . acre, all rich black loam, all fere! and highly cultivated; good, new, modern houae, wall hulahed; new bara of dreaee! lumbar I ciilckaa park and barnai 100 cboic fruit tree beginning to bear, atrawbarriaa, blackherrlee, raapberrl, guoaauerrw. cur rauta, plaplaata, tc; nlc lawn, with eholca nrlaty ofroaea; front on main highway; Bice, lerat road leading Into Portland, con venient to railroad elation. On account of ekknaaa. muat li. A cholca bom ( call al - 440 acraa. ahaep, goat and cattl ranch, nearly all fenced; Ml acrea cultivated, 60 acraa mor nearly cleared; gbod houae, 2 large (oac barn, bora barne, orchard, watered by , aprliira and brooka: good rolling hill land; acboulhrmaa on th farm; 2 mtlea to railroad; . In Benton county, Oregon. Might trad. A H bargain at (ti,000. --lfava-aeraa,- all good taedt-nearly-laral; wall drained; - ball black loam; no wai land: nearly all under plow; crop rlad, wbat, oat, aetch, ' clover, corn, potatoee: good (-room bona, wall Onlahed; 9 to barna, and all onthulldlnga; fruit and barrier; fin well of water, with mill and fore pumol B. P. D. and telephone good eoadi half mlU to echool, half mile to railroad, Bill to tatlon, B mile to Albany, Oregon; 1 epaa good work and brood maree, 1 colta, IS hlxli- rd Jeraey. cowa, 8 balfer. 1 Jeraay bull, doaea full-blood Brown Lax horn eblckenei 1 wagon, 1 aprlng wagon, J aeeder, 1 eloaner,. 1 aiower. 1 hay rake. 1- prlng-tooth barrow, 1 hayfork and earrlera, 1 cream eaparator. 1 grin da ton, 1 aaddle, 1 plow, 1 garden plow, 1 tl harrow a aplcndld farm, and wall cralppd. RENKLB ft HARRISON, tlT Abingtoa Bldg. 1004 Third St. FOR SALR or exchange, land for rlty prop erty. SOS B. 7th u north. WILL ax change for either good timber bind, farm ar city property, on of th very baat grocery atoraa ta th city; atork complete, all eaah bnalneaa; location th beat; fin ahow window. Thl atora la not a a bop with llv- - 1ng -room, but a flnt-claaa buala boa. A SO, ear Journal. WB have theaa .. placa to trad for ranch property - . .- Houae, 2 lota, Mt. Scott lln.... ...... .8 830 Hon and lot. t ldoiur,... ..,.....( "0 Houaa. 8 lota. Mootavllla ...(1.0O0 Hooa, 8 lot, on St. John line. ...... ll.rViO . Houa, ( lota, Willamette atatroo. JUouee and kit, very fln. lrylngtoa.,..(4.ta0 Alao 80-acre reach for city property.. $1, .000 U1KIH tlKKFllKU It Boom T, 181 H Firat, cor. XamhlU. FOB EXCHA-aihV Orocery at oca la good location. In city! fn vole $ZBoO; fond leaee oa,. building; 1 nicely ftirnubed living-room above atora; Will trade for farm. "-HENKLH"'U HARTfTSUN, tt'r-AMngteo-bMg. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. BILLARD AND POOL tablaa for rant or for aale oa eaay par men ta. a-uat aai;tin'ii. Bltlfll COIXENDER CO. 4B Third at, Porttoad; WESTERN OREGON MINING ft MILLING CO. beadqnartera; etock for aale and tnformatloa at 208 Firat at. Pbon Mala 1028. BOOKS bought, cold and -mebaiured at tba Old Book Stor. 22B Yamhill at. FOB SALE OR RENT NEW AND SECOND HAND SEWtVO MACHINES. STANDARD SEWINA MACHINE AGENCY. H. D. JONfcS, , 280-YAMmU, ST. WB need fRvnltnr aad wlH pay fnll alna, Pbon PaclSo "T0S . Weatarn-Salvage Co- " 827 Waahlngtoa atj SHOWCASES AND PIXTCRES made to enter ; econd-hand good for sale. Carlaon ft Kall atrom, 280 Conch at. Phone Clay 8TI. SHOWCARKS, mnntera, flittrre bought, Bold or exchanged. " Weatern Salvage Co., S2T Wab- miw iu nniiB 1y. . HOLDEN'S RHEFMATIO CD RE Sore cara for rheumattom. Sold by all drugglat. SPLENDID lot of damaged' eewtfig merhtniar, wneeier 4t wtiaou. xingar. uomeatia enn other. H. S. Slgel. S33 Morrtooat,, Mar qua ra bldg. - PIANO, Mathnahek - squire grand, tin wood ".. vni ' ; pnee fio u riggvH awyr, 4 Mulkey bldg. WE print your nam oa fn calling card a, proper ala and etyle. She; fiV bnalneaa earda, (1. A. W, Sehmala Co, 22 Firat, Portland, Or, FOR SALR OR EXCHANGE All kind of honeebold roode. Rora ft Friedman, 241 Front at Paclflo 20. FOR SALE Aa legant large circular ahow can, at aa exrremciy low rirure. Apply to Mr. O. II, Lowltt. Goldan Eagle. Third and Yamblll ata. HOUSEHOLD, leataorant and hotel fnrnltnr at one third of coat. We will clear ont th fnr nltnr bought by ua after th Iwla and Clark fair at yonr owa price and on your owa term. Apply at once. Time Auction Co., third floor of Ganld ft Co, anntheaat corner Firat and Burnild. Aak for John Ok. FREE manor at 637 Jeffrraoa at. T3-SWLD baa anttagea e UB. Jlck, contractor and bullder( have aoma falr ground lnmbar; can aave you money oa re pair work. Phone Woodlawa 200. 1208 AIMna- av. ... B. HENDERSON Carncnterlnr and Jobbing -promptly attended to. Bceldenca . B38 Alii- waukl at. Eaat 20M. , FOR SALE Jewel gia atora, cheap. B74 Eaat Salmon rt. FOR BALE A toax cm 10-aer plae; good crop thl. year. Call 182 Third at. FOR SALB New nn-to-date honachoat, wltb . onthonae. Call foot of Montgomery at. PERSONAL. MADAME ANNA LUCKET Principal of the American Beauty Parlor, glvea eclenttfle treatment for removing wrinkle and facial Memlahea with th French paate; alao Mme. Karrow'e famoua remedle. Eleetrlo and tenor hatha given. Patlenta received, with treatment, board and room. Sa tie faction marantead. Teatl I motilala from leading phyeictane. Srrita 18 ting norai. rrrxxji aaa weening aia. Phot Mala 2011. SrfTS prieaed while yon wait, SO. Ladle klrta preeaed. 0c. Gilbert. 108U Sixth t, Beit to Quell. Thon 1 aetfle jOM. DR. WORT.ET BENJAMIN, th Pont Snedallat, 80H Waahlngtoa at Boob Bo. Bore feet made Bound. ANT mas cv woman eaa. b tmg and harpy ., by aalng Sexlne Pllla. th great tonlri price (la box. boxea $3. with fell jnaraetae. Addreaa or call J. A. Clemenao. drugglat, or. Second and TamhlTI era, Portland. Or. DETECT! TB AOENCT Oonfldeatlal tovaett. gatloaei reporta made on any Indtvtdaat baat. Ka or property; m lairing relatlvea locatedi d dehta collected; chargea reeaoaahlai ee. reepondeBee aollclted. Oregon Itettva : Service, office 814-818 Colnnthla bldg. Bet Waahlngtoa rt. Phone Mala 8618. BIOR-OBADS porfralta: eperlal offer for few day; cabinet elaa, card or folder, IB for 5s; llty and work th beat. u. ,m, LADIES' Tnrklett bath, maaaara, bydrlatrl parlor; atrVrtly Brat-claae place for ladle only. Flat A, B3I Waahlagtoa at, be twee Idtk and ITth ta. HOLDEN'S RHEI'MATIO CtjnB ric car for rheumatlam. Sold by o,ll drngglat. CR O. V. KETTHCM cara pro rapt If private dleeaeee. tldaey, nervnae, eala and apeclal feinalo trouble. Call or Vrit. Offlc 170H Third t, anr. Tamblll. I' boo Paelfl 2220. Tt'RKISn RATH, no Orernnlaa Mdg.i todlea r days, gantlemea algktr. Mala IB3S, DB. M. T. CO I.E. 848 Eaat S7d at. I maternity, eaaaa; dlaoaaoa of wo me a. Pboba Tabor Ilk FORBIDDBN FRUIT." "A Oaf .Utbarto," Story of a Slave," ''Faany mil" "Aga." "Wemea of Fire.' Bfle eechi Uat fre. A. w. BCBmaM oa., X3B nrat ax. , DOM.' 8 HOSPITAL Kt.palrltar aad drenatng. (SI . TamhlTI at, BALM OP FIOS for all female dtaiaaaa. Bam Sum PERSONAET B1NO cnooNO. Importor f nine root aaedl. cine; eella China ta that a cert era car ' for all dleeaeee. m faaauad bek XaatolU ' aad Tayloc. DR. PIEHl'B, aperlallat dlaraaea of women; all . lrregularlile corrected ; ao expomr; advice free. CaU or write. Boom 1. MM Third, at. DISEASE OF WOMEN Prlvato maternity hoapltal; quiet locatloa and aiclal car. Dr. "AIwixmI 3vi Morrlaoa at,, room (, Pboaa Paclflo 1788. TES, Palm Tablkt make yoar'aleep perfectly! they en re aervouanaa aad make yoa etrongi price Sue a box, boxea (1 30 go ara a taad. All drugxtate, r addreaa Brooke Drug Co, hiortb Third at,, PortUnd. Oregoa, EXINR PILLS cur all form of aervoo or niuacular weakneae. For me or woman. - Price $1 a box, boxea (3, with full goaran te. Addreaa or call J. G. Clem en eon. drug gtat. Second nd Yamhill SU, Portland. Or. HOLD ON There to sne thing that wll cur rheamatiam. Aak your drugglat for bark tonle ar addreaa or call I. Q. fharaxa, dru glet. Portland, Or. PROP. O-NEIL. teacher of .dermatology, mani curing and beauty culture: aelentlAo treatment of the compleiion, hair, acalp and akin; face ' bleaching; manual aud eleetrlo maaaaae given; - auperfloua hair and all facial blemlahee per manently removed without leaving arara; all work poaltlrely guaranteed; beat reference given. Par lore 141 Elaventb at, oornor Aider. Phone MalB oSST. "PR EVBNTION- tl Rirtter Than -Cor' AntV . aeptlc. barmleaa, aever-falllng, antl-trouhle tableta for ladle. Call and ae me. Mr. L. Bllaa 478 Willlama ava.. bat. 1 and p. m., Taeadaya. and Saturdaya. DOCTOR nnlocatad can make term la a walk HUlpped, paying offlc. B BO, r JoarnaL WANTED To meet eome rapcthh yoong . lady of good character, with intention to call ' en Sunday evening... F.. C. Byttor, 234 Co lumbia t, city. DB, WALKER.. Dlaaaaae of woman a rpeclaltyl lady phy aicla in attendance. 181 Flrrt St 'ART EMPORIUM. - PROrESHOR R. MAX -MEYER, S4S Aider. .Portrait and landeeap art let and toacbar. ATTORNEYS. A. H. TANNER, attorney, 000 Oonimerclal blk , Second and Waahlngtoa ata. Phoo Mala (42, ARCHITECTS. H. H. MBNOES. Architect. 4 IS AUTOMOBILES. COVET ft COOK Motor Car Co., Ptftomirh and Waahlna-toa Acenta for- Cadillac. Ptoroe, Great Arrow and Stevena-Dnry motor-ca ra; I. rrxclTjoB Tarrtad. niualid aa- turdi-7'M"r' jASSAYRSe. CYANIDal - EXTRACTION CO,u Montana Aaaay Offlc. liHJ Morrlaoa at. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES. S. BIRKBNWAI.D CO., 8O4-30 Evwwtt rt. Lrgaet butcher rapply houae oa th coat. BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. HOWE, DAVIS ft KII.RAM, 100-111 Second at. ilank book manutacturerai agent tor jone reproved Loe-Laf todgcr; ae tba new urea leat, tna neat oa to marxi. BATHS MASSAGE. YOL'NO tody give vapor, alcohol aad aiad leaked - bat h. Parlor 27, 2B8H .Stark at. t LADIES Bath, fee aad acalp maaaag. ton Fifth.-et. Taylor and Salmon. TWO yoong ladle give' maasag, tab and vapnv - bath. llOVi Fourth at, cor. .Waahlngtoa. TTIB SNOWDEN BATHBOOMS, SH7H Alder at., between 4th and Btb Tub aad vapor bath, maaaaga. lctrlclty. Pboaa Mala liOSB. TOCNO lady give maaaag trtmnt for rbenmeUam. 268 Stark at, parlor 21-22, Taoom houa. MISS RAYMOND gtvee bath and treatment!. Th Coamoa. 248H Morrlaoa at. LADY from tba eait give actontlfle 'vapor aad tab btha.-201H Third it. TOTJNG. STIRNTiriO MASSEUSE gtvaa aleo trlcal, thermal, alcoholic and medicated traat mmt. Corner Sixth and Waahlngtoa ata., 12 l.anre notei. COLLECTION AGENCY. ftora any onstowe Yon monett wb COLLECT BAD DEBTS OF ALL KINDS. NORTHWESTERN LAW ft COLLECTION CO, 122-GRAND AYE.. 'ROOMS 14 AND 13, CITIZENS' BANK" BLDG. CUT THIS OCT. PHONE BAST 0048. CLAIRVOYANTS AND-PALMIST. A SPECIAL (6 reading for $1. St, George Ormonde. tJonault him oa ov. puainaa, Chang, marrlag. divorce; toll aamee, date, aoereta. how to gat well, be magnetic. phyaically and mentally vlgorose, overoomee bad hablta. give good rack, cure vital loaa, !! lnflnence. epall. deafnc, abaent traatc ment, lncxtrr mlaalne artenda. .naricq traaanr. mine, ore vein: telle you axactly what yox wlah to know. 110H Fourth at, corner - waaningtou at. 3 READINGS B0c.J For the firat time daring hie profceelonal career. Prof. Norman, the world' famon dead trance clairvoyant, will gtv (H . read ing for 30 eanta; this weak only; bring thl d. 228 Fifth at. Aiwa ye Con anlt th Beat. PROF, B. KniMO. ' Oecateet living aatral dead-traae gtalr. voyant of the age; advtoer on hualneax and all affaire of lire; telle yonr full name and what you called for. whom yoa will marry, how to control th on yoa lov. even thou in mile away; reunite th eepa rated ; glvea eecret powere to control; no long delaya la waiting. Honra 10 to 8. dally and Sunday. Permanently located In bio own home. 238 Fifth jit, corner Madlaoa at. MRS. STEVENS,- Portland' leading palmiet. atrologer and clairvoyant. -108 Itmu at, epp. Hotel Portland. JOHN SLATER of San Franclaeo. th Auditor. Inm. 208H Third at.; eoaauitatioaa aoar FROFVWALLACBV the great palmlat, .tell you vryuiing rrom ino paina; rearne. palmlatry; ahont marriage, lov, bnelneeei complete reading 60c; accurate and truth ful. BSH Sixth at, near Stark. MADAME ANNUVB. th wonderful rhalrvoy- ant and franca medium i eonanlt Bar Hero re an gering In any undertaking of nay nature; pt. prevent and future given;, palmlatry reading, 23a, 17 Weat Park It, near Morrteon. JOHN - SLATER of San Franciaca, platform teat medium, will Bald a grand teat nco Stvnday evening. 8:18 aharp, Audltorlnm hall, 2"f)t4 Third at, bet. Taylor and Salmon; evening devoted entirety to teat and me. age; llao aealed written aneetlnn anewertd. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. "EVRRDING ft FARRELL. nroduc aad eemmto. fna axercnenu. lev groat at, raruaaa. u. b. M.I. 1TB. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. WHOI.ESALB crockery and glassware. Prael Begele Co., loo to Tie rirta. eov. ntera at CmROPRACTIC;- DRS. MARSH AND EYA HOGAN. Selling. Illrach bldg, aulte IB and 20. Phon Mala 200. boura 18 a. m. to 8 p. m. CIGARS AND TOBACCO. M, A. OUNST ft COc Dtotrlhator cf FIRB CI0ABS. Poft tafrcf . 1wbT,j. CAFES. n QPFICB 18 Waahlagtoa gt, TTI. Bam eel Vlgeeeaa. CHIROPODISTS. CniROPODT AND PEDICURING. Mra. M. TJ. AtUA, Ball a. Biiinarrllraas Blag, FadSd Ada, -I-lNANCiAL m,m.m m, a. . K a,. . w. ii-aaasaaaa w -mtmmmrm-m f TaTTXD BTATZB BATI0BAL BASK OF VORTLAaTD, 0RI00V. ' . J Northweat Co. Third and Oa Ota. ' ' Traiaata a Beneval Vnhlng Btiatoea. DRAF1H IHSIED Avaftabl to Ati ClrVe at toetraUed BUtoa and Aaron. Hongkong and Manila. Callaatiaaa Mad a Fa vara a la Xaraa. wS!U"L,r,:"''vE aISV?ORTH Vlco-Praalaeat AW'.".i,i,Il J Y,Tfrf,ini-. LEA tABNSS Cahtor B, W. BCHMB Aaalatant Caahlar A.. M. WUUUT AaaUunt Caahler W. A. UoLt T1" 9 ' OAlJFOBJriA Xatahllahed 104. - Read Offloa. Baa Fraaatoe, 9;'u ),,, P TV. . .14.000. laio Out Surphia and undivided rrodta SB.TTO Gnral Banking and Exchange Bnalnee Trnnaacted. BAT1NOS CEPABTMaNE. """v ! dapoaiu,. Aoaooou opened for nam nf $10 and apward, fartlaad aUaaaAv-. Wli. A, MACRAR Cast BATI0NA1 v.irw 1 ' . Daalgaated Depoaltory and Ptaanrlal Agent of th Catted --, ' -r4rt?V.- A. U MUM Caahler J. W. U"! f?;"iII,!aCi"hl, 0- ALVORD Second Aoelatant Chlr B. F. STBVBNS Ltter of fVerflft I , e i i , l i , . . . ...... . . . . - - . -. 1 1 i ,,. . e,imriw ana in, .-'- maim ae" V, I ehng an Talearapbla Tranfar cold a New York. Boatoa. Chlcaf St. T. I ell . Omaha. Sen W. n ... ,h. I ,1 n.l ln. 1 the kfartliweat .rh d tlrna bllla drawn la aoma to anlt n ReiVi!!'' X,ko"". Cipanhagea. tV'oUaala. LD tTrLT01'- BANKERS (Eetobllahed fa 188B. Tranaaoto a General Banking Bnalaeea. COIIeetten mad at all aatnto ea .avoaw ,.,,BI'1 Letter, of credit leaned Avallabl In rirop and all wnlnte to the VmtUt Zl JzL."Xht Exchange and Teleerapble Tram fere aold bn New York. Waahlngtoa. fwteago. Bf, Lento,. Denver. Omaha, Ban raneleeo and Montana and Brltleb Oolombl. Exehaag eol a London. Parla. Berlin. Frankfort. Hongkong. Yokohama.' Manila and Honolulu. MKBOTAarrr kational bank, portlakd.' oreoow, 111 WATBON Preaddent R, L. DURHAM .. tvPeteJllt R. W., .. Caahler GEfiRGS W. HOTT. .altnt Oaehto ?Zm5T 0"mr-' Banking Bnalneaa. Drafto and Lettar ef Credit Iaarad Araltobto to All Part f the World. Cnlleetlona a Mn.e4.lta. "TRUST COMPANIES. P TRtrST 00 MT NT OF OREGON "Th Oldeat Tract Oe 'T ta 0r-aa." mF2?rtn orieK SLOOO.OOO. - Oeneral hanking. Exchange ea all part, of th world. , SAYINGS ACCOUNTS. Tim eertlflcate. 8 to 4 per cent; hort-eall enoctol eetl8rat.a, (BOO r over, 8 K to 4 pee cent. Call tut hook of ILLUSTRATIONS Bonthaaat aara Third : owwa a BBd Oak at. Phone Private , Exchange 78. - . . REJfJ. I rjjr t.......,....PTeldr.t H. U PITT OCR .Vfi, B. LEB PAGET , Secretary J. O. 0OLTRA.........,.Aaatotat Beevetary SEOrRITT SATIMOS ft, TRUST COMPART MS Morrlaoa Street. Portland, Oragaa. . Tranaaeta a General - nkiaa1 Bualaea. ' SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Interact AitoweS a. Tim aad Bavliig. .ta. Acta a Tree tee tor Eatate. .Drafto r 4 Latter i Oredlt ' . Available In All Part of th World. .. . ... . -J.. 0.11. -ADAMS Preeldent L. A. LEWIS ... ...Flra. Ttaa-rVaalAwBt m. a Mil Second Tfee-P.ealdeat . 1 GEO. F. RUSSELL...- HE MORTGAGE OTJABAKTIX ft TBTSt C0MPAJIT BANK, General Banking and Truat Buala Traaaactad. Inter eat Paid am Ttm ;' CAPITAL .. . 41 00,000. 00 W. WATERS CRT.,.. Prealdont 0. W. MIIXER a. LcFU te HAIB..., N 0RTHW ESTEEM OUAKAVTEX ft TBTST ' bambcr Axxbange. a. SL corner d. wiruar. n A a o. ,.,..... ahhiidi iiiuik aTrta Temple. Seventh and Stark Street. .Phone . FISCAL AOBNT FOR CORPORATIONS. ' . Sta to, Cbrxnty, Mrjaletpal and Oorporatlaa Bond bonght and old. - New aatorartoea aad- financed. Stocka and bond guaranteed. ' BONDS AND M ORBTf BROS IBS ilia xrt Portland. Oregoa. Offer Ollt-S l-Edg Invtmnto ta ' Mnalclpal ' I 'IT1.E OTTABAVTEX ft TBTST OOMPAKT I - M0RTGAGB LOANS ea Portland Real a ....,. D .'JWBlJfi-aUPKiBS WMPAxTT-aExtob BTOCKB. BONDS, GRAIN Bought Prlvato WTr. BOOM 4 CHAMBER x- i x. i iiiva ra j. j"t "-rwA-ATv jr"rt U VCI UCCJfx. dlatrr X UUHUAe WUa 6MryrTaUTIBlURS, ttlTTW-STOCrKS AND BOKDfk- WI DO A STRIOTLT Ooattoriori Markto bt" Prlvato Wire. Quick , era, and United Stole National Bank or roruana, y . UnexcePad faejlHIea for handlloS Tonopah. Gold flald,L-danhattoB and other Beted atlntof awjcaa. -LOUIS. MUNICIPAL SCHOOL AND . CORPORATION JBQNBS .".HIat Botarne to Tb after PORTLAND ft NORTHWESTERN BOMS3 - COAL AND WOOD. CSrRCrTLEY BROS, -420 KarBy at..' ftena Main 831. Now the largeet wood yard In to city, carrying all kind of wood and coaL Dry aawed wood a apeclalty. ALRINA FUEL CO. Dee tore la eaedw.aA.oal and tree and dry alabwood. B, - bin ava.. t bloeka eaat of ferry. Eaat MA ravaaa A A, real Or, eaa Front- bet we Gltaaa and Boyt, dealer la H klad f bona coal and btockamlth ola. . Phoa Mala 101a. Ten. BtRinne rt'rr. CO. Dealer la eeal ordwsod aad dry alabwood. Pbon Eaat 484 OREGON FUEL CO All klada ef oal Mod. SOS Alder ex. Phono Mala OB. BOX nd ptanor-wood. Standard JWood yO. . tmmeoiai oeiivery. rmw t.--- -FOOT enrdwood $8.BO per coed -cawed, (3.73 ad $4, with a reduction ef 23 centa until June 4, to aave handling. 488 Commercial at, , Phon Eaat B1B0. CARPET CLEANING. STANDARD Carpet Oeaalnf Oe.. largeet plant - an th eoaat Lorlng and Harding at., tela- . vbone Baat 2S0 Carpt cleaned, refitted. owed and laid: both (team aad latest r recced air peoeeaa; r tvatlroj aiattreaaa rather a epeclalty. SANITARY carpet cleaning. octton end com preeaed err eomninen: earnera aie.nn on mi without removal. Mala 8334. Mala 8200. J. HUNTER, teem carpet and mittrea. dee nee. HBO Jefferene, mono maia aiv. r4CAlElITERS AND BUILDERS. WASHBUBN ft IXOTTV -Carpenter., tolrexr and carriage work. 88 Bth at. foa racinc aio. CLEANING AND DYEINGr WHITE LILY TAILORING CO. Cleaning, preealng, repairing; Prencb dry cleaning. Phon a sewered promptly, racin ia. .iorr ana ra, Portland Steam Cleaning A Dyeing Worka; prac tical hatter la connection. 211 4th. Paclflo 807. CLOTHES cleaned and preeaed (1 per month Unlqu Tailoring Co, $47 Waahlngtoa t. H. W. TURNER, pmfeoalonal dyer aad cleaner, BOS Jefferson et. Phon Mern 2318. DANCING. BAI.L BOOM and fncy, eorrecr method. Pre- feeaor Rlngier, academy .siw ainer ai. ELECTRICAL SUPLIES. PACiriO EI.ECTRI0 CO. Enaluaaia. eeatrae. tor. rplrr. letrle wiring, euppllea. 84 Ftrat. cor. Stark. Mala 030. R. H. Tat, mgr. FURNACES. BOYNTON fnrnaee aave foeL 2. O. Beyer Fernaee Co., 230 Second. Mala 41. FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. PORTLAND WIRR ft IRON WORKS BBS . Pleader, et, cor. Bd. Phoa Mela xooo. FURNITURE FACTORIES. OREGON rnmltura Manufacturing Compr Mannfacturer f luraltur for-- the trad. Partlaad. Or. FURNITURE mannfacturtng and epaelal rdra, t Raveaaky' fnrnltnr factory, B70 Froat al . GROCERS.. f-i.. -,. i.e. . WADHAMS ft CO.. whole! grocer, met fertarer and amailatoa marcaaata. Fearto aad Oak ata. ALLEN ft LEWIS, eomrntealoa and pre dace mac chant. Front and Da via at, Pirtlartd. Or. GASOLINE ENGINES. Stationary aad mriat "Little SprcteP g-aaelln lannoti, (13; aecoad haad atoeuto baacbee aad holla. , BE1EBSON MACHINXRTCO, 1S2-4-S Morrtooa at. HAY AND GRAIN. B. U COOPER ft CO. Potato, feed near, 42S Unlaa ava. Phone Eaat 131T. HOTELS. HOTEL ForttaBd. American plan; $8. SB par day. BBLVBDRRBi EaropMa plaai 4th aad Alia Ma. KSJi BROWN Oraad aad lUwthorna ara. BANKS. T Chamler ef Commeo building... , .... i. .Manager. J. T. BLRTt nAELt Amtotowt Maaagor T London. Parle. B-rMn. PMnkee- aTaTata. Stockholm. St- Patacabarg. MoewW. Sortca. R. O. JPRITS.... Aaatataat Beevetary Jfcaaiaians naoreuirr Main 1B4, COxTPAKT PorUand. Oragaa. Second and Stark Street V INVESTMENTS. and Batlroed Bond. WTtto OaH, 240 Waahlngtoa Street. Pornov Secead. Batata at Lowaat Rata. Title laawradi - Aa. rnnllh.1 BRGXXBS- and Sold" for" CaK"S4 aw axarttafc-" OF COMMERCB. Phon MataST, tt lulien -fajliar Board ed-8 102 Third St.. McKay Bldg, Portland. Oraaaaw COMMJSalOX BDalBESS. Servlc. REFERENCES Ladd ft nitoav Boom (. d and S La Fayette bldg, ear. aad Waah. Sta, Fertlaad. Oragoa. DlYIDBND Israels' BANK AND CORPORATION Conabrtoot Wltb Abeotote Safety. - T ELEPHOK-B ft TELEGRAPH SBCTJBTTTBS - HARDWARE. Fortlaad Hardware Oa. aoHetto wot prleee, 133 tat at., cor. A law. Mala 1 HAT FACTORIES. HATS c leaned. Mocked. ad Ilk new Bar SOr expert Panama bleacher. 84 Third, Bear Flaaa - orancn, z ami, racino is. INSURANCE. ' "tox-B. T " Vtvpitpjejal BJ nBDltlV at illax4lala.l ft Iw A- a tx vji vi aaaa 7--lviv , BUrtll IMieaftaTS ajaj (JkAal rmomm mi. tvus mctLuy DlOgf. ' LOCKSMITH. J. H. RICHARDSON, loekamltr tST Buraelde. Padflr 10BS. MUSICAL. EMIL THIELHORN, pupil et SBVCIK. vtotta toacbar. aiuoio two aixta, Tel. Mala Baaa. LESSONS BOci piano, guitar, banjo, mandolin. vKuin ineirumenta ror axia. airn. atartla. 241 H Firat, near Mala. MAGNETIC HEALINO. SEXUAL dlaeaeee at both mra and wjcbcbj curvni convuiraiioB rrea. Mam ais. 4. fjL Diamond, L. H. Heart, IBB Seventh et. MONEY JTO LOAN. SONET TO -tiOAN- fra I m pre red city property or Bar balldtag purpoaea, for from 8 to 10 year' time, with -repay ail-or pari at. loaa arte. Loan! a d Droved frona aiaa aad drahced aa building proareaaea I - rtgagea taken ap Bd replaced. FUkD H. STRONG, Flnanctol Ageat. 242 Stark at. . THB STAR LOAN CO. Any ularled employ, waga-eeraa, aaa $ a hi aota, without mortgag Month. H Montb, Week. rw.fto Repay to aa $13.88 or $0 80 or (313 Jl 00 Repay to aa $ B .60 or $3.83 or $1.6$ (13.00 Repay to ua $ 4.00 ar $2XW er $1.M I tlO McKay bldg. CONFIDENTIAL loan a aatoriea. tnraraaw poiirie, piano, rurnlfura, warehtiuae re ceipt, etc. ; any aervlng pcraoa may aeewro a liberal 'advance, repaying; by easy weekly. . or monthly Inetallmenta. HEW, ERA LOAN ft TRrST COMTABT, SOS Abingtoa bldg. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE And other upon their owa aamee without ecurlty: cheapest rateat etot paymentai offlcea In 38 principal el t leat aav jrouraaif money bV (ctttng ow term Brat. . . TOLMAN. 32 Abingtoa bldg, 10614 ThkeTei. HEADQUARTERS FOR SALARY LOANS Money eaa b borrowed ea aay parmaaS plan, luweat .ratea: atrlrtly eonftdeatlaL, CRESCENT LOAN CO, ' 42S Mohawk bldg, cor. Third and Murilaea. tteveoea ecurlty; apeclal attentloa to chattel awrt. . gage; note bonght. C W. Pallet, B04-S Fentna bldg, S4 Sixth t. HIGHLY rapeetoble place where ladle ad gea'a ean borrow money oa aiamono a Jewelry. Collateral Loaa Rank, SOB Waah ingtoa at Phone Black Tl. MONEY to loan on Clackama county 'lande. m. r. and F. j. alllag. au I hambac ex kmo merca. LOWEST rate fnrnltnr and piano. Fact era ijoea t.o, Bncrwca wag. racioa aaia. MONEY TO LOAN ea "all kind T-eBxtl- Willlam Holl, room 8. Waahlngtaa bldg. TO LOAN Soma to ult a caatto: e.larlty. R. A. rrnm. 614 th Marijuam. WILL loan $3,000 r leva oa real tat aeeurltr at a per cent. .j rarrUgtoavIiS tnamoef ex .CumiBcrce, ---. WANTED Note, ajortgngee or coatrarr a ny kind et real eatate ia trregoa ev a lua to i; aproad mortgagee porchaaed tf well aa cured. H. X. Nob., 81$ ComaMTclal blk. MONEY TO LOAN AT 0 PER CENT Fire and caanelty Inauraae, lieary o. rrwaami x Chamber at? ComaMcea. Phone Mala l-i-A PRITATR money to loan aoar Portland reaannahl rate. Bol vwom, aoo uu of Commerce, - flesey to Iczi Frera art rata Diad oa. Im. . J. L, WXIXS I 04 Grand ava. . monumc::t2. pi KIT ft RINlfI,gY. xeal t Aeedlag aoaibi aaft nx ISAAC la WHrTB. tw Uawaaa. SOB Defcaal bld(V klada: V