1J the ; ;oni:GONDAiLY.:jouRWAi; pohtla:., fkiday evening, juiis i, i::3. T i netiviarKet Buy your strawberries for canning . before the and of next week. That la tbe tip given to the housewives through The Journal by the moat prominent strawberry men In tha state. The crop ' la already halt cone on account of the , . . .- unfavorable weather to data... What the ... production will be the coming week can ' only be guessed at, The rains and lack of aunahlne rotted the berrlea "just pre vtous to maturity Tbe Tory beat straw. berriee ran pe parchaeed in the retail ' market today at IS 'Cents a box..' Yes, , that'e-the price for the beat that Hood ' . River can produce. Home local heme ran be purcbaaed at even lesser figures, . hut what la wanted by the houaewlfe at thla time la the very beat m - A -few-email shipments of eurrenta have been received In the local retail ' markMe, fiuit euppllea are aa nominal prloea f str acSTrf ll be quoted at thta tlmo. Weather renditions . are expect el to Improve very much during the next . : fewdaya and thla will help the ourranta , to ripen. JSxperta aay that prlcea will . not go very low on curranta thla aeaaon on account of the heavy, demand and : email production,' o when prlcea get ; near .-to what Toj expect buy sonie. It riJ-may- be. your- last chaace.Js. 'Navel oranges have , practically dis appeared from the local retail markets, . The aeaaon -haa about closed and In their place. the Mediterranean sweets have stepped. Thcy'ie nut e td, Piicea till quite reasonable. : There haa been an advance Of 1 eente pr aack In the price of sugar In the wholesale .marketa thla week, this amount . being added likewise to the retail figures. Reason for- the advance la somewhat hard to find, outalde of the usual heavier demand for supplies when the fruit aeaaon geta Into full swing-.-- --. from Coachella the first cantaloupes of the aeaaon to arrive In tbia market h'ave made their appearance. At SO . J-rents apiece they taste much like sil- lver, but it will not be ions; before prices t ret down so that everyone can buy. .. i Nevertheless the. .first arrival tasted good, t " 'y : From Mexico come reports that ship. meets of a small number of - water , melons will soon be made to this city. ... v, Mexican pineapples are now oomtng rather regularly and tbe price Is some- what lower. v The "sraWTsTiTfiT)rrfea-s -f'-ronnectlons between thla city and Hono "lula-wlH- mens) mufhrt-eJbitJCrult-JWli T this market. Pineapples, bananas and ihr tronlcal frulta will be received I a riper atate and will taste much better tnan moss ripenea oy mrujirwi mrtnn. It will mske some airrerence in tn price, and tn your favor, too. Tbe ice cream season haa opened and already there haa been an advance In the price of butter. The greater demand for' cream for ice cream manufacture will cause a shortage in the butter sup ply. Then, look out for prices. Twenty-ftve centa remalna the price of fresh ranch eggs In the retail mar kets. Some dealers have been with drawing some of their supplies from the cold storage Institutions In order tn lower the price at wholesale, and then are being- sold aa-atrletly fresh, stock by some dealers. Tour grocer can ten you about It. Some concession .haa been made in tn i prtee f poultrybv retailers on account! Of the lower prices ruling in me wnoi ale markets. Chickens have been so hi ah for so long a period that many peo pie hardly know how they taste.' Ge. acquainted again. ( : drapes from Australia are In the mar kets.f or those , that axe after things that coat much and are willing to pay the price. Kach bunch of grapes haa the atem aealed with sealing wax In order to. atop, any decay. They taste like the A few retail prices for you: Berries Hood River, 10c; local 70 10c: gooseberries, & . ' Fruit Bananas, dosen, ioc; oranges. dosen, SOc and 60c; lemons, dosen, 20c, limes, dosen. 18c; pineapples, eacn, sse; apples, dosen. 40c: cherries, pound, 2 le; apricots, basket, 75c. - Vegetables Bell peppers, iqc: pep. pars, small, pound, 2Bc: peas. 8c; string beanal 20c; green onions, dosen, zoc; hiinit -intt. X- l-Ioi... radishes. 1 1-tc: asparagus, J5e; cucumbers, JJc; summer" squash, poun(t 16c; Bermuda onions. 10c: earrota, JHc,' watercress, e; eauu- flower. 16c .... . Fish (pound) Halibut, 10c; sturgeon. lBo: sole. 15c;. perch. iqc; ansa, sc; shsd -roe,- lech sea trout, lOo; salmon, 16c; striped baaa, 20c: black cod. 12 He; floundera, JOc; aea trout. 20c; rator Claras, 15c; hard shell clams, 6c; sal mon cheeks,. dosen, J Bo. Poultry "and Eggs Chickens, pound. 1110 20c: broilers, pair, 76c; fryers, pair, ft.5; tnrkeye, pound. !0of ducks. 11.50; geese. tt.SO;' squabs, pair;' 11.80; eggs. if "Onr teaflerior Saturday" HAMS! DATtlS!! nATilS!!! All grades of prime and guaranteed HAMS ARMOUR'S, : REX, i AMERICAN BEAUTY, UNION MEAT COMi PAN Y, etc, will be sold to the retail trade at wholesale .. ? .A price,, at ' . . : -15caPound No more than two hams to any one customer for this Sat urday only. The regular price on these hams is from 17c to '':'-T; ,18c per lb. , j. , y.:.:.:. BBBBBBBSBSa (' J, ,'4. in lVlarlcet 105-107 THIRD STREET ; Phone Main 2684 Exchange 63 The Popular Grocer, and where the . shrewd buyers- go for. their supplies when they want good goods at reasonable prices. Note a few prices quoted in our ad in your 'memorandum book. . .. .. . 20 .-" - S-pound package Fresh Soda Crackers. :'" ' ''4o' .;..'., Sack pure Eastern Buckwheat Flour. V.: :" 25e - ' . ;. 12 bars good Lundry Soap.- v.v . is ' - - :r:- t -pound, package- Pyramid Washing , - Powder. . .i - - V 5 .l.;. Pound Oloes or Corn Starch, -, . rgQ-iir-; - . Can Baker" a or QhirardeUl's Cocoa. :y.: .' $1.15- '-i ' Sack Rose City Flour, fancy patent 25 'Uf.'V'i-j, ; .l.ca,na. Minced Clams. ' , " - Jli,:, 81.00 ,-r--:v-: ',:-- 20 pounds Best Dry Oranulated Sugar. FELLOWS West. Park and Washington Sts. Phone Main 2596 EeBeColwell ''. rarawrty rarster'al - WBOLESALE AND RETAIL CBOCEK , . tSl. SU, M Third St., ear. Jeffenea. . Bi( Store of Little Price ROE SHAD. 5c Per Pound : ; HALIBUT, 3 pounds. .25 i Chinook Salmott-i-W. . . . ,124 I Crawfish Cooked in Wipe. T Perch1llb.. . . . . : . .... .rrv7r.8e Oysters, qt. .......... . . , , , 50 FRESH SHIPMENTSRECEIVEI DAILY- Fresh Boiled Crabs lOc, 3 for 35c . 'pi(QTy'0 presh Salmon Eggs for the Fisherman STANDARD CRAB CO. .171-173 MADISON STREET (at the Bridge) roixowma yaicri. wh.l gaTg-TOT tn 0K mT DOIXAK. QTraXITT QUAUVTXIS cHiixiiie g but aajuxa xowuxa U etui, ear lb tU xar oAjrvLATtD gnoa, na sacx.h.to n US DBT eaaJnTLATIO UOAJl......1.0 pkca-lUgaatta elesaed - earreate -,,,m .-r.l s pige aew tiwi nta renins sse lbs sew 1-eiewa leoee htascstala ........ S5e I -lb eea Bol baking pnwdee n Crae A Bwckwrll'( oIIts oil, t bottlal..eft l ib pkg Aral 4k Hesiawr soda St 1-fM cea narr udi ems Oc U-eel eea taaev table rruif. t-., an eareadea; WbMt blecnlt. m ska lot lbs LooktUsa rtee .. Peary Early Jene Peaa. pat s..,.,.KK . sare Boyal saeos soap SS ' cans beat V. sardlsas m W....,n.-.i....fte Cora oratara l ib rasa, solid, par eos...,,a,0n TT-O oata, l ib pkga, per pkg. lOe Beat nlrnle bam, sar lb... ......lla Bhredaad eeeoaaat, par lb ................ ,.1A Hare-wboat gnsr, per sack I1.0S Seotrk oata, par pkg toe rooTum eareoi, per pa g ...sur Pall's Naptka soap, par bar. ............. ...Ba Beat eoft-wbeat rvnnr, paf aack. . .,.,...11 M lava A Mocks eoftae (molar S5e) .....'..Ke 54 Dos soda crackers sboat 10 lb) ,,,....oe Jollies' Brcakfaet- too, pn lb ........lfts Paner Gunpowder tea (resnlar Ke) ........loa Brokre Jara roftse. par lb.. ......,10a trneeds Blaestt, per pkg ....,,,...,,,. bat Side Dellrerles Tsasdays sad fTllaja. rsovx naiv eat. - ,- Fraok L. Smith Meat Co. t9g AZ.D2B Ttrst and Seeomd, fil SOVTaT mil ITUIT, Seaw the , Bridge. , A FACT Central Every day sees new customers sdded -to our list Day by day that Hat grows steadily and without backsliding. Do you know whyT It's because we serve the best Keasa, Jlsh and ronltry that's to be had la the market. . , . Now a. trial order, with. ti will Market Is not a stranger to the economical housewives of Portland. They know It's here they get the best of everything' In con vince you of this fact. Standard Market ' J. IfURSBATTER and H. KA8PER, - SST . Bnrasjide St. rkome Sast TS. Washington Market ' "The rOmiB arUTCXSB aaior : - Have opened tip their new place and are . , now ready, for . bualness. . Having in t . atalled all new furniture, with cleanll f ! neaa and prompt attention, all -fild cus i tomers will surely send us their orders J snd, with the central location, will meet : the demand a of all downtown shoppers. 1 sj -- -. '- . ... 1 ' . - it- TT" CaULUI tATta, "' IIjj ( tea Washington Street, Kear Toarth St. .410.-". i Spring Chickens 25 Cents. Ench -Hens, lb . ........ 10f and .17 . Best Creamery ........... .45 Good Creamery ........... 40 - Dairy. .. .. .. .30 and35 "Best Sugar Cured Hams, lb, 15 ;'" 0 V ",1 I "'' ' ' .'" I-'--,'-.-.'. .. ' ' , " ' ' , ,., Lq Gronde Creamery S34 Yamhill Street Meat, Poultry and1 Fish Be- sure - yon are . lie, before .buying your Sunday Dinner. 1 Kindorf Bros. 130 Oread Ave. . none Seat 418. , Fresh Crabs 10c, il2!c & 15c Each Chinook Salmon, 2 lbs Halibut, 3 lb..,. 25 .25 large Shad, each.......... 15 Shad Roe, 2 lbs............ 25 Sea Trout, Perch, etc. Best Creamery Butter Per Roll 45c S SOX. BJUTOX XHM.....,......4S Columbia Fish Co. Third and Ankeny,--, Main 5 "Fighting the Beef Trust Plain name. Smith; and Smith Is a plain sort of a fellow, who la helping the plain people to . get all the good plain meat they want to eat without paying tribute to .the Beef JTrust. " - . Prime Rib Roast Beef, per lb...l2H4 Rolled--Roaat-Bef,perabiJLLLL,loi Pot Roast Beef, per lb H4 Short HibdBf, per. lb ...... n , i , iT Beef Pot lie, per lb... ............. 4 Corned Beef, per lb....... ...7 Shoulder Roast Veal, per lb.. .. ..10 Rump Roast Veal, per lb. ...... 12Vk Leg Veal, per lb......,, li Breast Veal, per lb. ... ........... .9 Veal Pot Pie, per lb. . . .-. 1 1, , .8 Spring Tamb Shoulder, per lb....lO Spring Umb, hind quarter, per lb. .15 Spring iJmb Leg. r lb. ......... 1 5 Spring Lamb Ixiln. ner lb. ...... .1 Kf' Ig Mutton, per lb Shoulder Mutton, per lb . Ht Pork-8aunage,per lb. . . . . , ....... XO0 Bologna Sausage, per lb....... .... .8 Frankfurters, per .lb ....lOd) Breakfast Bacon, per lb. ...... .17H Lard, per lb..... .......12t THE r--HIGHEST GRADES OF COFFEE ROASTED INiTHE )RAINII3R MARKET Best Meats to be had at reasonable . prices. Pure Honey, 5ar. ...... .SO and 50d Fresh Ranch Eggs, dosen, 2Sf, two dosen 4f Finest Creamery Butter r. SOI and SBd Freah lot Dairy Butter, per roll.,.40a Columbia Drippings, large can.,..2f Humpty Dumpty Flakes, pkg...... 15 Two packages ror .25 Freeh-4reesed -Chlehene-Satarday A Fall Use of Oaaaed oqdg. ruBX timw mmr wsssragoAT AT1 FKCDAT. - A OOUU LINli OF SOAP. BUTTER. E005 AND CHEESE , O. BlUat, tb aaid aavler Sts. Paone leaa. i AT YOUR ' GROCERS. to: Pone Main 1413 AUWAYS TOTTHE PRQNT ON BARQAINO - Pcople'-s-nicrM-Li-Grccsiy'Co." WHOLESALE Manufacturers of Pure Food Products AND RETAIL. FIRST AND TAYLOR STS. GROCERIES, y MEATS, PROVISIONS AND - FRESH VEQETABLES Phone ' Main 1-413 SPECIAL ALL WEEK S lbs. Soda .Crackenu-.. J '.k........ 20 Mr. Williatns' Home-made Jell ice, 3 for..25 3' package Crespo... w. ,,,2S 1 lb, Royal Baking Powder.............. 40 1 lb. G. W, Baking Towder. .,35 Large package R. S. V. P. Salt. ..10 I qt. pure Vanilla or Lemon Extract..... 65 1 pt. Vanilla or Lemon. Extract.. ...... ..-0 7 lb. White or Red Beans..-..:..; .25e 7 lb. box Maccaroni or Spaghetti. 35f 7 lbs. Rolled Oats..... 25 'A ,gaL Golden Drip Svrnp.r.,.254 10 lbs. Yellow or White Cornmeal......30d) i bars tilt boap, , , .asof 3 bottles Catsup, pints.. ..s. 25 2 cans any brand Cream . . i .............. 1 5 Qt. bottle Luoca Oil y, ,..., 25 Blueing and Ammonia, per bottle 5d 1 Oai. Molasses .,.... . . , . .............. , . .SOa Evaporated eara.-t ibs .- . ..aSf . Fancy Looeo Muscatel Raisins, Jt lbs. for... 25 Bromangelon,' any flavor; per'pkge;.- ". . ,10! Jello, any flavor, 3 packages...,..,. ".. 25a? Baker's Cocoa, per can.' . : i. X .. . . . .'. . .20 Baker's ChocoUtCr-tinsweetened, per lb, ,.35- ivagie condensed Milk, per can..., Pearl Condensed Milk; per can. ,...10 MAIL, ORDERS Promptly attended to. Send up a post card; our salesman will call and submit prices. Egg Noodles, white or yellow, 3 lbs.! .. ..25? Vermicelli, 3 lbs.......... ..250 Pure Oregon Cider Vinegar, per gal... 25c MONARCH PURE LARP, 10-lb. pail, f 1.10: 3-lb. pail .................. ,.;.,65 ESSENCE OF PURITY. : Monarch Sugar Cured Breakfast Bacon. " per lb. ..17? Monarch Brand Oregon Butter; per lb... 20 Gold Medal Creamery Butter, 2-lb. roll. .-.50 Sun Creamery Butter. 2-b. roll.. ........ ..5 Ranch Butter I5c Per Pound i Oregon Vegetables Asparagus, per bunch ...... White Turnips, 3 bunches. Head .Lettuce, i heads isu r ly Lettuce. rrvT .--r. . New Cabbage,' oer lb.. . . . . . . Vw Pntatna. ft lha. for1 Onions' and Radishes, 4 bunches for ;,5 Cucumbers. Tomatoes, Cauliflower. Wax and Green-B ean ' " ' .. ; 1 : ...5 5 ....5 ...B .......2 Meat Department ' : Royal Roast Pork. Prime Roast Beef, Choice Roast Mutton, Spring Lamb,- Porterhouse Steaks, Sirloin .Steaks. Choicest : Selection of Made in Oregon Meats to Select From. u . - Special-Saturday snd Monday 20 lbs. Sugar, dry granulated. : . . .$1.00 1 sack fancy Burbank Potatoes, ........ .75 1 sack hard wheat Flour.. l.OO IS lb. pail K. K. K. Herring........ .....OO . 15 lb. pail Mackerel...., .,,.,..'..1.50 25 lbs. dry granulated Sugar.' . . . . $1.00 ;'. With $5 order..',,'..-. t. , ' 2 lbs. famous Town Talk Coffee, 50c value 35f 2 lbs. Monarch Mocha and JavaCoffee, Portland's pride, 6Qc value.. w. ...... ..-45 2 lbs. full Cream Cheeie. ............... .25 JtJh, Monarch blended Ceyloa-Te7Q3-vak 45 :t lb. Spider Leg Japan Tea, 70c value.... 45 1 lb. No. 2 Spider Leg Japan Tea, 60c vaL 36 1 lb. G. P. Tea, value 60c. 45 1 lb. G. P. Tea, value S0c....i.i.. .25 1 Ibi- E. B. Tea, value 40c. .............. .20 6 Ibr box Gloss Starch .', r, r; ,45 2 lbs.l Seedless Raisins . ,". , , , f . .....'. .' . . . 15 25 double sheets Tanglefoot Fly Paper, .30 Bhredded Wheat, per package ....... .....lo Poat urn Cereal,- per package 20 I Packagea Riverside Corn Starch ,: ...15 . Suburban Deliveries ST. JOHNS DELIVERY WEDNESDAY; SELLWOOD SATURDAY-- ARLETA FRIDAY. t - ' - NEW YORK MMKEMMD GROCERY "THB BIG STORE OP LITTLE PRICES m-m WILLIAMS AVE. Phone East 460 m47?mLmhi$jivE- Are"duTmm your 1fea and Coffee see our special blendT They have ho superior. If you are looking for the best fruits, vegetables, etc., thia is the place for you to buy'. Our business has grown so fast in the short time we have been open we are greatly surprised ourselves, and of course lour gooJs. ar fresh and nw ttt TTTV AT T- T1 A T5TlO OO TUP fTTV -'..-.. ' UOiXjX V fin I X J- ti rnnta v- a lid w a a .: . .: ,.,',- ',.' ; Special for Saturday The-best -hard -wheatFlour..'everypound guaranteed r. .... . .ejl.10 ""A fine Family- Floar-(ruaranteed', too) .5e 10-lb, sack hard wheat Flour..... ..25 10-lb- sack whole. wheat Flour. ...... ....25 10-lb. sack Graham Flour rv. ... ....25 10-lb. sack yellow or white Cornmeal.... 25 . TEAS AND COFFEES ' With every pound of Tea or Coffee-bought Saturday you get a 10c can of pure pepper absolutely free.- r"z : 35c M. J. Coffee, per lb... ,;.......... 30 30c M. J. Coffee, per lb........ i25 A good Coffee at... ........ .20 SOc a-rade E. B. Tea. at. per lb..... 25 125 :2o .20 50c grade Spider Leg, per lb.. ..... .50c grade. Ounppwder, per id.. 40c grade Ounpowder. per id. 40c grade E. B. Tea, per lb, - COCOA AND CHOCOLATE 3-lb! carf Ghirardelli's Chocolate......... 75 1-lb. can Ghirardelli's Chocolate. 1 can Chirardelli's Cocoa, vt;.; . . 25 20 FINE BURBANK-POTATOES Per sack, special for Saturday, at.T.".r. j.75 25 POUNDS OF SUGAR FOR $U0 With a purchase f $5.00 worth of groceries we give 25 pounds of sugar for jhe. $6.00. 100-Tb. sack Sugar 4.T5 21 "'ibs.ugar...;.";:;7;;;:;T."77.T.7:f i.Qtf ' r -V - WE-CARRY- A FULL LINE 7 Of Lard. Hams, Bacon, Picnic Hams and Fresh Meats, and a good grade, too, FOR CAMPERS AND PICNICKERS It will be well to come and buy your supplied here, as we have, a complete line and pack' and ship all orders carefully. ; ; "' . We invite comparison and defy compe tition. Telephone and Mail Orders promptly filled and shipped.: - Oef the Habit and Do Your Shipping at the . Wew YorkMarketo Grocery '"-.'The, Big 8tor at , . 477-479 WILLIAMS AVENUt Sef. PagtandEugmn St. Pho Eat 460 Remember,.weretail at wholesale J prices and keep our competitors guessing. ; A FEW SPECIALS Deviled Ham, per dozen... Deviled Tongue, per dozen Him Loat, percan Veal Loaf, per can Bottled Olives and bottled Pickles Same,, per .dozen. 25e package Crac 8 lbs. pink Beans. Qt. bottle Crosse & 10 lbs. Broken RiCe.. X-.CANNED COOPS 45. .vr.Trr;7rr:ioe- t 1 iA ...... a aa ......,,,,,... , . m.vv 25 package Crackers.. 30 .'.25 bottle Crosse & Black well Oil...... 65 ..........35 ........10 at a ac ............ 75 SZa ....... -T Tomatoes, per can.'. Same, per dozen.... Can Sweet Corn. 2 cans...... Same, -per. dozen.....,..,-. Canned Sweet Peas, 3 cans. ,. Same, oer dozen...'. ....1... 95e Table Apricots, per can...... ............15 Same, per dozen.; ................. . ..e)1.60 25c grade 'canned. Peaches... ........... .15 Same, per dozen . . . . J; . . fl.TS This is a snap and we haven't may cases left. : 1 ' 11 I 1 '. i mi it - ii , i Come and get your monthly supply of Groceries here and save your pocketbook from being strained by some othermeri"' chant. ; 7". : " Don't Forget Sunday Dinner Poultry' la In - nne condition and we can supply your wants both In Fish and Poultry.' . G. Covach D Co. tTS rire . rhoae ataaa aart TaUure XJkely. From the Philadelphia North American If the house Is going to paaa the rate bill Just as It Is, somebody had better get a doctor for Aldrlch, quick. There are join things he let get Into that bill Just for the fan of taking tbsm out In conference, ' STAR rlraRI(ET & GROCERY THE STORE OFQUALrTY We Qive 23 Pounds of Suga r for $ 1 .00 With tir r Purchase of $4.00 Worth of Qrocerlet - FLOUR AND MEALS Premium, fine" family flour 95 10-lb. sack Cornmeal. yellow or white 25 10-lb. sack Whole Wheat Flour ,..25 . SOAPS i 7 lbs. oink Beans..... 25 " 8 bars Lenox Soap...... .25 Gold Dust, per pkge.:....20 :4 pkgs Corn Starch.. .....25 ,4 pkgs Gloss' Starch... ....25 . TEAS AH our35c grades.....; ..30 All our 40c grades... 35 . All our SOc grades. ,..... 45 All our 75c grades........ 60 COFFEE 10-lb. sack "W" Flour, hard -. wheat v,.,.... 25 ' 10-lb sack Graham Flour, coarse or fine. ..25 - " CANNED GOODS Preminm TorrratorT,-3-ran j 25 "W".' Tomatoes, 2 cans.... 25 2 cans Table Peaches.... ..25 2 cans Pears ........... . . . 25 cans Wadco P.;."::7. .TT.25 3 cans Carnation Cream. . .25 20 lbs..-v. .-7r-.T-?Tvrt-.W-.f LOO 100-lb. mack............. 54.85 Flrsl-Class Oregon Burbank Potatoes, per sack ....... ,80o Telephone orders promptly filled and delivered. ---;' We also carry the best of fresh; smoked and salt Meats, Fish and Our. Coffees are guaranteed; if you don't like them bring them back and we will refund o your" money. -;:--. 25c grade... .............. 20 30c Vgrade. ...... .f..;..25 40c grade .35 Poultry. PHOINB EAST 633 ENORMOUS DIVIDENDS TO SHAREHOLDERS Idmlted allotment of stock now offe red 1J pr . cent guaranteed. Will ...... pay over JO per oent when etores are established. - - ornoaii aaro BrucVroma. COtONEt, J. B. FULLKR. President (Egallfornla Bank Commlaeloner). HON. TRUMAN REEVES, Seo and Trees.- (Treasurer of the State of r Calif omit), r--. - . -. . ,( p, ; - . CAPTAIN K. BL CAINS. Director (Capitalist and Shipowner, BeetUe. " Wash.). ..r,, ...... ....... '. - . I;.?; ,8TAT!LBR. rHrector (Oeneral Agent. Northern Paelflo R. It). Cent Stores 5,10 and 15 50 Stores Now Being Established on Pacific Coast MANAGERS WANTED who can Influence capita. Share of profits and sal ary to right party. , PACIFIC SYNDICATE STORES CO. Head Of floe: Union Savings Bank Building, Oakland. Cel. .Prospectus and Information free. Write today. ' ' iThe Chicago IVHarliet 187,Third Street, Near Yamhill Have just installed their new Cooling Plant and Hygienic; Cooling Counter, preventing all dust and flies from coming in contact with the meats, thereby, preventing disease 'FRESH KETTLE-RENDERED LARD FRESH SALTED AND SMOKED MEATS BEEF, PORK, MUTTON or LAMB VEAL SAUSAGE made fresh EVERY SATURDAY v . , PHONE MAIN 413 Ke n m sr orrr lD U U r: - U ZS ;fn CEYLON TEAS. 9x; DIRECT PROM THE GARDE A J 1 - - The Great Hit of the Portland Fair The Cheapest Tea to Buy IRC M"VJ. One Pound ' Equals Three . . V . . , . i T . - No. t Ceylon and India, 1-lb. can, T5.. VTort C. and i.7 1 IK. .5at ; No. 1 Ceylon and India -lb. can, 40f. Nov a C. and L. H lb...35d SOLD B Y ALL GROCERS