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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 31, 1906)
THE OREGON! .. P AIL-'VLJOURIt AUlPOTTTT A NT. TmiSSDA.YL-EVENIMOr-MAY-l.-lg -i Toivn Topics TOHIOHT'S AJfUSEMXVTS. Bakor . I..rle... .,"Hnde Acroee the ."A Bouthera Olrl'e Lara" ..-Too Mux rrieadi" mar I'tnU(e .Grand ,., TSUOOTIIIO Vavdafllle " With the feature o badly decom posed by the action of the water as to make Identification absolutely lmpoa--elble, the body of an unknown man waa .found floating' In the river near Swan Islands yeaterrurr afternoon- by Millard Blseel and Ernest llockenberg of l Olrard street The eoroner'a office waa notified and the body removed to Tln 1vs undertaking parlors. ' Owing to the advanced state, of decomposition. It wss necessary to bury th. remains yf, '1rday. The description, talliee exact ly with the unknown who.waa drowned off the steamer Charles R. '. Spencer about It days ago. . j Oertrude Ahearn, the young -stenog-rapher who waa reported missing yes-' terday. waa found wandering about the streets last night by Dick Meyer, a submarine diver. He took the young aiolhe.Denver house. and-secured accommodations for her. Meyer then communicated with the. police and Miss Ahearn waa removed to the city prison and placed In the care of Matron 'Sim mons, Rev. ' Father T MeDevIlt took charge of the woman today and will plaoe her In the care of friends. . . . Harry Fehd In the circuit .court this morning pleaded not guilt to the charge of beating his wife, who is being held In jail as a witness against him. Fehd asked the court to appoint an attorney to defend? him, and Judge Sear named John F. Sedgwick. -The trial was set for June I. Fehd Is charged with hav ing beaten his wife two weeks ago and her eyes are still discolored from the blows. . The Daughters of - the -Confederacy will celebrate Texas day at their next meeting tomorrow evening) at Rlngler's hall. o Alder street. There will be a BntaTaaaflZTJXity-hUtofy, with good music, and an old-time southern dunce will close the evening's entertainment All Texas women are expected to act as hostesses. A cordial welcome la ex tended to all southern men and women. 3. Lee company has purchased the Sterling goldmlfleaU Hungry Creek mining dlatrlct, Siskiyou county, California, for $(0,000 .cash, . The mine Is equipped with a 10-stamp -mill, tramway- sawmill t and all neces- ssry accessories and Is running day and - night. The new owners will immediate ly Install a new mill that will Increase the eaparlty In at laat En Inn, dally, !Tarirrwttia.rffhTh-Myr Fred Haynee. youths about 18 years old, were a treated on benoh warrants ..from . the circuit court., charged, -with giving whiskey to 1 (-year-old Ruby Potts. The boya admit giving the girl - whiskey, but say she asked for It They "will be arraigned before Judge Scars In a dayor two. ' ".' Moonlight ride. . Evening of musto and recitation. Arranged by Miss Louise Forsyth, benefit St Andrew's Episcopal " chapel. Rev. W. R. . Powell chaplain, at Artisans' temple, Portsmouth, Friday, -June 1. Tickets It cents, at Woodsrd eV-Oarke'a and at door. 'Take St Johns car-. 7:I or 7:40 p. m. t . A class' of five confessed faith In Judalem yesterday -at the cenflrmatlon servlco at Temple Ah aval Bholom, The riruarwas read bjTDrr Abrahamson and RabM - Wlllner - waa the eonflrmator. The class -consisted of Misses Edith Abrahamson. Eva H. Cohen,- Daisy P. Ostrow, Julius Jacob and Albert B. Levy. - . ..'The case of-M. F. Copley against the Southern Pacific was begun before' Judge Wolvertorr thl morning. Copley was Injured at Henderson station on "October 24. 1965, by falling from a wheelbarrow. Incline- He clalma neglt- . gene on the part of the Southern Pa ciflo and aaka for $18,000 damages. Mrs. D. At Belsgan of Hasalwild eta tlon Was seriously Injured yesterday - afternoon by '.being -hnwked Uuwn by a horse an'd-feuggy driven by Blane Da mon and William Schmall. The drivers arrested by Patrolman Anderson and booked at the city prison on a charge of reckless driving. ... - It will be ladles' night at the Con cordln club tonight Those In charge of the affair have arranged to give on of the most enjoyable events of the JHiaaan. Jlmra.-wtU be muatcal munl 'bars, nve hundred will be played, re- ana otiur xeaiure. ' . Water through ho Tor sprinkling yards or sidewalks, or washing porches or windows, niuat be paid for -in advance . and used only between the hour of I -and t a. m. and S and f p. m-It must not be used for sprinkling street. ' If ruuy, it will be anut-ol t- Oeranluma, Asters, Etc Improve your yard by planting a few dosen of some kind of flowering plant. Results will please you and lmprovethgen- eral looks of your city. We have all kind of atrong, hardy flowering planta ' at low prices. Portland Seed Co., Front J and Yamhill streets. Articles of Incorporation of the Northwestern- Tile and Brick company "have been filed In th county clerk' offlc by E. W. Holcomb, A. L. Morris and C. M.Morrir -The object are to manufacture and aell brick, tile and terra cotta. Capital stock, $15,000. By agreement of counsel for both .jartlen. the bearing of the petition of '- the heir ofrth estate of A. H. John- son for the removal of William Ladd , as administrator waa continued this morning to Jun I. -- . Screen door and -windows, messurod -and fitted to th opening. F. K. Beach Co., 115 First at Tel. Main 1.314. May K. Purrler has begun ault In th circuit court for a divorce from Edgar Portland A I way sWIn The water's doln' bneinaae ee soMsg the rwky faille; There' river flovrln' there today where formerly were rills; Jut whatever be the damage wa'lt be Sappy Jorfbe same, '- - --r 'Caw over at Seattle .Pnnlfl Kelly wee th gam. Oar Pansy aalled along th track as If k were on wins. As' nonntalna, a be paaaed em by, inert tiny Utile thln. Bat th mania' of Seattle to the people seemed en tame That they hip hurrahed for Denial aa be boldly won the gam. ,4 On, there I ne a of talkla', Portland Is th real old thin. Is everything he aadertike she make the vrelkla ring: Uke the.tnloe Lauaitry pelbher, aet heated by a aama, W " thinga to prfctloa sa' we -always ' wla the game, . I 'union laundry Tel. Mala IM. Seaeaa aaa Calaahia. "AH family washing ' Se, posed. rTEOPLARS CHOOSE nEVCHIEF r Dr. W. F. Amos Elected to Head . New District Lodge in ; This State. CLASS OF TWENTY FOUR TAKE DISTRICT. DECREE Reorganization of Order Effected by National Grand Chief JTemplax-. ' New Diitrict Takes in All Western Oregon. Including The Dalles. I . - ; '. :. " . Th Independent Order of Good Tem plars, which formerly had an organisa tion here that failed., haa . now . reor-ganlsed-tn a district lodg Pursuant to the call of th national grand chief Templar the local, lodgea In the district met yesterday at th hall of Good Hope Lodge, No, ;1, Portland, and war pre sided over v by Grand Chief Templar George F. Cottrell. . Th new district lodge waa formed to Include tha terri tory of .western Oregon, Including The Dallea. Tha district lodge degree was conferred on a clasa of 24: R- M. John son. O. Jentegaard, C. Larson, Mlaa Prang, - Andrew Johnson, Anshelm Nel son. Charles H. Boderlon, C. A. Partlow, J. E. Knox, W. F. Amoa. Isaac M. Pol lock, Mabel Rush, Minnie Klncald, M. C. Starr, Raymond Huder, Wlllard Hayea, A. A. Luce, W. W. MeLalty, R. C. Black well, Albert Rile, Alfred Nelson, John Arotaon, O. Hegrlnea, O. Foose. L II. Amos, a IL Caiklna. F. J., McUanry, E. Hen rich son and Mr. Larson. Th officers elected were: D. C. Tv Dr. -W. F. AmoiNo. 4; D. Coun., Rev. A. A, LuceotP. V, i;., JPaulln Prsng, tia. 1' II I J ,T- O, g, Jan I a. sard, Nor 11 D. 8ec Jt E. Knoa, No. 4; D. A. See., O. H. Calkins. No. 4; D. T. A , Alfred Nelson, No. $; D. Chap.. Rev. N. C. -Starrr.No.- S;- !.- M, O.- Jentegaard, No. 1; D. D. M T Emma Thompaon, No. 4; D. guard. Isaac M. PoUock. No. 11; D; Sent, W. W. MeGarty, No. 11; D. Migsafinei:" Anar-w-jnh n a dnTTToT" tTY: D. C. T., Rev. R. C. Blackwell. Aaslst Ing In the ceremony of -organisation were National Grand Chief Templar O. T. Cottrell of Tacoma and Grand Elec toral Superintendent - N. M. Tempi of Kalama, Washington. A banquet waa given at the T- M 3 Ai by he Portland lodge to the vlslUi Ing members, which waa well attended. "&-. Cottrell wa toaatmaater and af tor an address of 40- minute called for notea from the field and a number of werkere responded encouragingly L H. Amos and O. H. Caiklna were chosen a delegates to the national grand lodge. which will meet Irt Boston, July I. At the evening aesslon the district degree waa conferred on another class of 11. Th Dalles waa chosen aa th next place of meeting. LETTER MAIL RECORD BROKEN ON TUESDAY X Tuesday, Msy It, broke all X 4 records In the Portland post- 4 offtoe for amoonf letter mart 4 received. On that day the letter- 4 4 stamping' ' machine registered 4 100.400 letters.- Adding to this a totsl of 10,000 letter that were registered by hand, th day's receipts were 110.400. The average I about 46,000 dally. - i 'The - reason -for thl sudden Increase In our letter -receipts." said C. P. Holloway, auperin- j tendent of malls, "I th strenu ous political campaign. Our tables are stacked with thou-. . sands of political circular letter. The day when the advertising of the fair waa at It height did not compare with tbla wealth of - political .1 mall " - B Purrler. who ah say 1 aervtng a entenee of IS year In the California state penitentiary - for robbery. Mrs. Purrler allegea that her husband waa convicted In Redding, California, In 101. under the nam of Edward Wil son 8he.-aska that hsr msldsn name,.! Branch, be reatored to herrThejTwerS married In Portland In 181. Penney Bro.' Friday Special. Five bargain In wine: $1.60 grade of Whit or Red Port, Angelica, Tokay and -ZIn-fandel at $1 per gallon. Phone Eaat !8T.:Z-Free dllveryt$7-B$l East Mor rison. At. St. David's rectorjTf tonight Dr. and Mn. .George, H,,,y an Waters will give a reception to the parishioner and their friends. The hours are from I to 11. - - j'- '-7-- Coficret Construction Co.. 701 fcharn ber of Commerce, manufacturer of concrete stone blocks. Contractor for all kind of cement work. Tel Main 1$0. Butser's seeds won gold modal at th exposition. HI lawn graea and eweet pea were declared the best. 1S8 Front street, between xamniu and, Taylor. t CarglhgcrueltyrHeeteF'wWley haa begun ault In the circuit court for a divorce from William J. Worley. They were married In thla city In lltt. W are still selling eye glasses at fl; a perfect fit guaranteed or money re funded. Metsger 4V Co.. Ill Sixth strt Acme Oil Co. sell tbe beat safety eoal oil and fine gasolines. Phone Baat 7I. C. E. Walborn, furniture repairing, pol ishing, packing, shipping. TeL Eaat 4161. To the Voters of East Side. "Voter who wish to cast a good cttl sen's ballot, and vote for the man, will make no mistake by voting Tor Charlea B. Brown, the People' Independent can didate for oonatabl. for th eaat aid district. Mr. Brown ha the aupport of the non-partlaan political club of Eaat Portland and la indorsed by th Demo cratic party, who made no nomination for constable," 1 - " - M'lwaukle Country Club, Memphl and Louisville race. Take Sellwood and Oregon City car at First an.1 Aldr. i . Parsats' sf eetlaar Oallad. Under the auspices of th Home Training . circle of Couch school, a psrents' meeting will .be held In th school assembly hall on Friday, Jun 1, at :$ p. m. aharp. Th annual election of officer will iak place. A largw attendance of th patron of th district I desired. ' . . ' . Appointed Asalatoat Bnglaeer. ' Fred M, Randlett haa been appointed asalatant nglner of the elty ; water Meier Q Frank's 853d Friday Fancy Greeks and Stripes this -i' Meier (S Frank's 853d Friday 300 Bonne For tomorrow's 853d Friday Arahian Bonne Femmes. a aro. and which you bought , . . . nunarea OI mem.ior tomorrow;, six patterns; ucavii vuiucu wnu gj . i - a ,i 1 - m m i ii i ' ' ln-T 1 Tonlerat ttie uonuni; $z.ou Every housewife js interested in this matchless bargain.- Jeier O Frank's 853d Friday 30 New Silk IPetocaits $S.5 Vate $4.5 . . 1 - 300 able :MricrCV'PrankV 35t5 Sheer 1 -1 For tomorrow's 853d Friday usually low price." Material ' etc., including dotted Swiss, dotted dimity, fancy stripe lTnons, etc.; styles the very best-assortmenrlargejTegular 25c and 36c values j jour choice tomorrow at, yard. Z During the "June White Days" we are offering our entire stock of plain and fancy-White Goods at greatly "reduced "pricesMaiI ordersnIIed "at sale-prices. , ZZZ BIO OKPHIVK TAITDXVILLE. GRAND tin MAT St. BROTHERS LUTZ, 20th Cmturjr -Marvels Olamesae Brethen. Tata Slplay. S Stotere Kaloey. Braa4wav Trla. " Haral Hoff. Oraaliaeape. L,YRIC THEATRE Ivery Aftanwe - aa lmh rwtlaal'a Foynlaa Staok Ooapaay. A Saatbera MUltory Siaaw la rear Aet. A Southern Girl's Love Follow th Crowd OonHnoone Pern . ASMISSIOX. le SESXATSO SKATS. Sa. STAR THEATRE COUatlNrtNO MOltTtAT. May SS !, rOIItTH WFFK. TAS STOCK OSMPAST . i : . , TOO MANY FRIENDS tn n 1-tfaai Wltk a elle. laeladtng tiis aad Evana, Aradal, J.mIo Orr and atannoor. threat Mtiao. Hotel Touraine OAKLAND, CAU . Comer Clary and Fourteenth St Strictly flrat-claa hotel, right In th btialne part of Oakland.- Suite of room, with bath. Sampl roomi. Mod erate ratea. Best American and French cooking on the coast. department He wa th only-, man to paaa th recent examination. TJhe posi tion ha been vacant for a long time. Mr.- Randlett, who "Is an engineer ef . ... .' . ST. , Portland'a Leading Cloak and Salt Store annonncet for tomor row' 631d Friday Surprise Stile a very unusual bargain In Women's 4tjnch Coats of the newest and best styles shown season A special lot made pd leading manufacturers in the country Tweeds and homespuns in black end white-checks-gray checks,-lisht gray invisible-plaids end dark gray stripes A garment that has style as well as being the most practical all-round coat for traveling, driving; opting, wear cool evenings, etc. Well made end finished throughout and all sixes Every coat regular $14.00 value Your choice tomorrow only at the phenomenally low price of, ea"cS S riftli-St Whxtow Display No MaH Orders Ffll4 Femmes at surprise we will plkctonIsafeari?thcir great special lot of Corded duplicate of the splendid bareain we gave you about-two months us out "of "before : the 'day "'was half " j. i vaiucs, on saie tomorrow at, handsome, new Silk Petticoats at half their value for to morrow's 833d Friday Surprise desirable styles In an immense assortment of plain and change colors Made of the superior piality-Jaff eta., silk Deep flounce,-two -rows of shirring-and three of hemstitching Plaited and tacked ruffles Deep flounce and tucked ruffles i 1 ...... . . .- : -, - - Colors Include black, white, pink, gray, red, navy, reseda, Alice blue, old rose, green, etc. Silk Petticoats, that are well made and finished and of full width All have dust ruffles Every skirT in the lot Sfl.30 valee Your choice to morrow only at th aioptkwially low prio ef, a. Better-planto come early if you want one See Fifth street window display No mail or phone orders filled. White -Goods 1 9c Yard - - surprise sale, 100 pieces of fancy, for graduation dresses, not weather apparel, waists ' AMCUnKXMTS. BASEBALL AtUctic Park Oorawt Taugba and Twemt7-f ourtk . Portland vs. Oakland 4am Called StSO p m. Daily. Oames OaUd St30 p. m. SuadSTS. Xjadlea' Say Yrldaj. ADMISSION 25 CENTS GRAND STAND, 'ISO. CHILDREN. lOo. BOX SEATS. :so. Baker Theatre Oragea Thaati Oe ee. L. aher. Ks Th Mom ef Xlgk-Claea Steak Vteduetleae. ALL THIS WFKK MATtNEB SATURDAY, BAKEB-THEATRE COMPANY In the. Great Eniltoh Drama la n Arts. "HANDS ACEOSS THE SEA." Baaatlral aeeaar, aiaaatSml axtlag. aog atantnl raat, a aplaadla predartkm. PRICES la.. fc, M. torn MAT.. IS, SB. Beat Weak "Tae Xtaraal City." PA NT AO Eft """.tSk sts. AVOTRXB 01 EAT SEEITS T)r XABTK ftUAEE MOTIxa PICTURES, Showing War f Saatraetlaa at Ite Want la Baa fraaeiaee. Panarama af City la llaaiaa. HOLMES HOLMES. DOWLAW 00. ARTHUR ELWELL. .TOUT TURVT TRIO. JONES STERLIVO. MISS MOHITOR. Pvrforaiaana dally at t V. T:S0 and p. a. Caetlaaoaa-. Saadaya. Adailaatna, 10a aa R0e aaiaa. Me. Udte and caUdraa aay aeet at waakday Btatlua 10c. many yeara' experience, wa formarty with, tha Warren Construction oom- Surprise Sale to our order by one of the WAS Surprise Sale $2.6? over r three ...:t. o :.u .......... Sunri$e Sale Sale All the newest and most sheet. White Goods at an un Heilig TONIGHT Grand 'MTSg? EVA BgNNETTS MM. afVJ V9Q CHA8. CUTTER Th famous Indian Barlton - - t-. Chorui SO Vole. Orchtitra SS Pc - W. ft. BOYER, Director SEATS 50 MID 25 CEtlTS ON SALE AT The Meier O Jmie WSike Sale'1 1 Interesting Thonsands of Shrewd Bayers 1 Great June White Sale is interesting thousands of sgerhuy ers. From far and near economical folks will come to profit byvthe splendid saving to be. effected on seasonable merchan dise of every description. Never before -have we supplied Such large and attractive assortments Never have you had the opportunity to share in such Frank s "June White Days ' Sale is planned and carried out on a very liberal scale. Every white article in the establishment -is reduced in price -(few contracts goods alone- excepted).- i in ... : . x- .. '. i i.iu. - W mtc -wearing applet iur woryci, men nu uuiwch, wiulc hoUehoideffects of every, description. Mail: orders filled at June White Sale prices. A few of the lines Tepresented are; Corsets, . , Infants' Wear,.'.' Aprons,' . V " Children's Hats, Corset Covers, . Gowns, .. , Chemise, , Sldrtsr Drawers, Infants' Dresses, French Lingerie, Men's White Coats, It T?thKnn, Gloves, Handkerchief s, ; Art Goods, White Robes, ' White Oxfords,' White Slippers, : White Suits, White Skirts, - Men's, Suspenders, White' Lawns, Swiss, NainsookrXinens ' Table Linens. Toweling, Flannels, , Towels, ' Napkins," ' Sheets, " Pillow Cases, Stationery, White Sundries, White Notions, r" Lace Curtains, -Curtain Materials, ; ? ' Blankets, - ' Pillows, - Dotted Swiss Muslins Dolls, Baskets, -White Furniture, -White China, Glassware, June Sale of TableLinens Entire stock at Jtin Sal Prteeei Space permit Hating only a few of th extra apeclal valuee. 71-Inch bleached aatln damaak Table Linen, beat patterns;, recular $1 rrad on al at. . 84 HlV blVac'h'ed "atln damaik" OTk Table Linen, yard U4S7 11.75 double aatln damaak m-t A SI Table Linen, yard. . r. . . ? All II.&0 cradea double aatln mn a damaak Table Linen, yd.. P-S-. 11.60 -aatln damaak Table 1 ft Napkin, doaen p.XW IJ.00 aatln damask Table i Ka Nankin, doaen ?X.a -wnue ntratuitt-1 aDreada.-ach........ fl;78 heavy whit Marseille f2 (to . Bedspread.-. 16c hemmed linen Hack Tow-a . els. each ? IBc knotted fringe Damaak f aj- " Towel, each J- Hemstltched linen Huek Tow-- r . ele: 25o valuee, each 4 T Bleached -Turklah Bath Tow-nj, ele; ISc values, each. . .rrrri -WC? -Tte bleached Turklek Bath f V j.- Towala for, each. . , ,T. '. . . . . 7 , 10c bleached Turklah Bath r- - Toweta for, each x7 Entire stock ' of Tabls Linens, Sheets, Pillow Cases, Sheetings. Cot tons, To waling, white Cotton Oooda, to., eto on sal at Jun Sal prices. Look to your need at once. Theatre AT 8:30 Concert - tFrrrm u n n . ,r -Soprano - BOX OFFICE . ' Frank Store wonderful values. Meier & White Waists, . Children's Dresses, Costumes, , Kimonos, - Silk Waists, . Lace Waists, Lingerie Waists, -.Graduation Dresses, White Coats, Men's Trousers, , . " Waiters' Aprons, Embroideries, "Trf'TT"rnmingr- . White Silks. Dress Goods, Men's Ties, Men's Shirts, " Men'aHosiet Men's Handk'rch'fs, Men's Hats, - ; "Men's Collars, -: Men's Neckwear. Silverware, Knit Underwear,-" -White-Hosiery,- -Children's Hosiery "Winter Beits," Parasols, Veilings, Handbags Purses, . .Ruchings, - Neckwear, - , ' Linings, Sweaters, Wash Goods, ' Boys' Waists, ; Boys Suits, . '.i Muslin Underwear, Children's White Foot wear, Shoes, Oxfords, Books, Stationery, ... Bedspreads, . '. Laces, Neckwear, Handkerchiefs 40 dozen women's embroid ered - and " lace-trimmed Handkerchiefs, all pure Jinen, choice, patterns and. designs-; reg.-40c, 50c vals.,on sale7. C Women's hand-embroidered, unlaundered Handker ' chiefs, handsome patterns ; " 25c vals., onsale at, , 25 Japanese linen hemstitched and drawnwork Handker- I chiefs-7fgv717 Women's- hand-embroidered all pure-linen Handker- chiefs, in individual boxes, exquisite designs ; 75c and $1.00 values 53 All lines of whi kerchiefs, bilks. Dress Goods,. Dress: Trimmings, etc.,- on sale at low prices duringthejM JuneVVhite Days." - WhatlsJhtPrimary Cause of Disease? i W ay r there ao ataay ahronio Why do drag sot ear thewe ehroale diaaaaur Simply awaaaaa they do aoi renaov tae ea use. Tour ease commanoed In the acuta form, you conaulted your phyel clan, he breacrlbed for you, you took th drug aa preacrthed with no re sult, until now your case haa grown chrome ' and nothing gives you any relief. Mare, reason -with yoarself, Have you not been treating symptom Instead or having th aa,aae anovedf Bsaibv there 1 a cu.ue for v ery 111 that aRUct th human body, and that pane muat h removed IMifrira yna pair look for- BeraaaaeBt reUaa. Bo, taaa, wop Arnaa. aalag Com and let u show you why-you bv not been cured by ehowlng yeu that you have fua ated vertebra In your spinal, column, causing nana vtraeaare and ls .' terfereae of elrewlatlea. let ti reduc thee luaatlona, thereby removing th nerv praaeur and re eetabllahlng your elronlallon, and ynu will And youreelf on the rnl to r'iT. ery efter a very few Ckiwpraeti Dcctcri Crira Ctcr. -r t a i-il fcK'ms i COe MOre te It. I:S " ealcphone Maia ( ,1 ' ' ' rev.