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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 31, 1906)
V., THB-OREOON-DAILY JOURllAU-PORTLANlHTHURSDAV-EVENlNGE:MAY14fe- .-i 'J&h? 'r vllhVsw, -' , - protected by eontiet ABSO- . , ' lllii jjfi II pf KfllvLJ upTnwh 'nJrVtieuhlitII . fja. ""i 'II " ) -.gtfi VWfella r - I'TELT EVERYTHING IN WHITE IN ---ti J J V WaW 4 Price. ABSOLUTELY EVERT ARTI- f 7 ffA J TiCCZj i i5kV. ' ! 9J.BB Table X.lnn Oe A lot of extra, fcw'i jHlQ$hrlf : " Tnchesw;" placid" tuality ' tS& yQ f (Jk ( lrik." eTw4 bleached table linen 71 lnchea wide; . .5353"2r - sSr,jffl apodal, yard, only 0 - f y (JW?K - " c , ' "' "TaL.'' V3w. - - - - . regular value I. 26 soeclal, yd... yi7 : - f '- t4-lneh Ivory, whit and cream Crepe da. ; XOUtQ ' " a8MgT Tl laali i WortCMh Moll 10o 31 piece fin . . , , - Chene; regular BSo .. grade poctsl. . I...... 11 SV-V ffV X ' - .-. . sheer French Mull tor dresses and ; 'n' . ... yard, only .......... . ...... . : . V. 2 r - - shirt walata; regular value 60o epe- . ' Every yard of white. Ivory and cream ' f-- " " x ' ' - g '"" ' '-.clal, yard.... . -.I ? . Bilk In our atocke are reduced. ' , ' ""Jr' " ' ' ' "' a. w a w aai bb at as -. Store Opens at 8 A. M. Portland's Most Important (t White Sale1 WE- IEREHVL STORE FIFTH, SIXTH, mSHLHGlOH STREETS Portland's Original lUNE'WHITE-FfilR" Store Closes i6Pm ltoa "waTzra taib.' WOMti'-SUimERMUShltl: -jCXTHA-BPKCIAL nUDAT.- liadlea' Cambfto Cort Covera, torchon lac Inaartlon. beadlnfvand edclnct regular 5c . Epeclal .. ......! ....S7 1J dlfferenttylea oMToraet Ccrera. In full front, trimmed In raL and torchon lace or embroidery; regular price 15c. Bpeclal . . .TT.ff9 Ladiea fine Cambric Pcttlcoata. 13-inch flounce, four rowa of lace Inaertion nd,3lnr.prcluatra of hematltched tucka and deep Engliah eyelet em broidery; regular price S.?k. Special at. each ...... A ........... .$2.49 Ladlea' Petticoata of fine cambrlo, 1 4 -inch flounce, four rowa of wide valen- ciennea lace Inaertion. four cluatera of fine tucka and deep lace edging; regular price $4.76.- Special, each.................... v. 3.27 liadlea' WhiU"Cambrio Pettlooe,ta, deep lawn flounce, fourduatera of -hem-" .. atltched tuckaahd. t-lnch embroidery flounce; regular price .Jl.fcHpeclal. flLCal ee eaeeaiT e" 5TVe a V a a e--w f 1.19 THINK OF It! IHttt ACT QUICKLY I For $29.98 TOMORROW Worth Up to $t75f j - -GRAND 8ALOX8-8ECON'ri YLOOR. ,. h - . . ', V The statement eema ao unutfual .that, coming from some houtea; it might appear prepoateroueand he writer dementedr .The well-known reputation of the.Olda. Wort man -King organisation la aaauranca, however, of the anantute " veraeUyof the newa embodied in the above terae and pointed heading. ' Fact la. we've juat 26 WOaOlaT'B TAMXOBBO . UVTTB XXOBXASM M ODXZ.B WOBTK UP TO 917B.OO AS STATZD) all from makera.of national repute In the Faahlon-World buCaU -aaade.laat aeaaon for apeclal functlona at the Exposition. Ot couraw, the rntta are a' year old that's trank--but many- atorea are abbwlng 'em aa "thta aeaabh'a-andrthey'd readfly pass as such,' but Jiot" '-here. Made.for 106 that's It. Handsome, htgh-claaa Jacket atylea. in.jfancy and tight-fitting modela. blouse, Etona, etc., In broadcloths, etamlnea," Sicilians, cheviots and .Panamas, colore light to dark in plain good a or figured. Sulta TaH plaW"lallor" and handsomsly trimmed Values-to 17S. -(only- f f-!emK- tomorrow at ........... .S29. 98 ; ltOt TIITl PAIS." Imported Hohalra and Silk and Wool Crepe. Crpn Purln. Elyeee and Eollenne Trrrr.-rir. . , ....... AT XXTBA SPBCIA2, PBIOSS. 45- lnch Silk and Wool Dreia Gooda; regular tt-CQ gra1i. p-rial-tt-, , yard ;. a. TTr...;; fl.14 46- tnrh Silk and Wool Dreaa Gooda; regular I1.7& grade.- Special, only. - yard r-n-; ri.'s r.T. ;rr:.;TT77r; ;7.rrf 1.26 45-Inch Silk and Wool Dreaa Goods; regular 12.00 grade. Special, only. yard ' . . .i. .fl.48 ia-incn on anq: wool urep uooaa; regular graae. epeciai only. yard- . ........... .-r: . . . . 4S-lnch Silk and Wool Dress Goods; regular !. SO grade.' Special only, yard ....... '..' . . . :. . . r. t .... '. i ... ... fl. 8e .' All WtiltW Iwrn -iml Cream - Dreae-Gooda . In ouy-atocka - are radically, reduced for the June "White Snle." . Broadcloths, Poplins, Batiste. Voile. Kt amines. Nun's Veilings, Pansmas. Serges, .Cheviots. . Albatfosa, Crepe Egyptla, French Serges... Bedford Cords, etc. All Xeduoed. '- . MEN'S Bargains r EXTRA SPECIAL FRIDATT"" Kam's flJM Padsiwsaa OH . .. Whit Cotton Mesh" Undsrwear, - best make and Aniah; regular value 11.00. Special, garment...... V9f afea's BOO aderobiefs lOo. Pur White Linen Hemstitched Hand kerchief a with H and H-lnch hams; regular value JOe, Special, -each '..;iin,.10f Men's 11.00 rhite Oolf Skirts TOO. Plain' White Golf Shlrta with 1 pair .separate cuffa; beat 11.00 value. Special, each T9f Men's BOo VBderwear STHe, A line of Men's Fine White Balbrlg - gn Underwear, om bed drop stitch, best make and finish; regular too value. Special, each........37tt Msa's Summer Tests Xeduoed a ronrtk. "Hen's PlalrnWhlte' Summer Veats In all. grades. Special at Vi OPT 7 Man's lOo maDdksrehlefs ' Whits Cambrlo Handkerehlefa with taps borders. Spedalr-eaea . . .6 ltOS Children's 85c Cambric Skirts mm EXTRA SPECIAI. FRIDAT. Mothers will appreciate ths saving thla special offer affords. Make a note to Include- this item in Friday's shopping ilafc- : - . Children's White Cambric Skirts, deep Iswn flounce, t clusters of fins tucks and torchon lacs edging, slses 14 years; Tegular pries 6c Special, each ."...... 671 Rugs and Portieres -r - At Bentarkabia Badnotiom. snrou pobttjixxs abottt MAh-rm rw paxos. (So Ruga at. ........ .39 " tlO-Buga at........89v Extra, special Whlts Fair" values for Friday In ths Home-Fitting Shops, fourth floor. Ths Portieres are as stated, odd onea. In heavy tapeatry, fringed and corded. In plain effects or handaorae comblnattona of color ings. For ths day wa shall offerto close quickly a lot of Portieres worth IS a pair for, each. ...f 1.25 (Single strip.) Also a lot of Portieres that have sold at IT. 60 the pair. for. each..S1.90 (Single strip.) tl.10 values (pair), at, each.. $2.15 I values (pair), at, each 92.25 flT values (pair), at, eacn..f 4.25 ... BVOSl BPSCXAXt A aplsndid All-Wool Filled Rug, slxe ltxls inches; worth Uc Special, at. 394 10x40 Inches; worth 11.60. . . Special, at ..89 Splendid for summer homes at ths shore er 'the mountain bungalows. Many need 'em In the city bouses. ltos : "wTrrai pais.- ' - - - -j--. Women's-HOSIERY j- . r i' t EXTRA SPECIAL. FRIDAT. """"" Woman's 5o Zdsto Moss 3c ,-' Women's fins Ingrain black lisle Hose.- with bleached -whits double sols; slaes . H snd 10; splendid 46c value. Special Sals price, ths pair ..39f " Women's TOO and 8B0 XOsls Moss 4 to. -7. Women's extra fine black lisle Hose, with white double sole. made of a very fins double strength thread; all sties; .our Hc and 5c values. Special Sale price, the patr... . . .49 Women's SSs and 7 80 Zdsls Moss 48c Women's fins black lisle thread Hone, spliced heel, double . sole; great values at too and 75c. Extra Special Sals price. the pair . 1..... .46 . Women's BOa-Xdsls Moss Sao. Women's fins medium-weight black llnle Hose, double aole, ""spliced hselr pur S0e value.- Special Sale price. he pair. 32 - Woman's to Cotton. Moss 33o, , r Women's fins soft black maco cotton Hose, with maco split sole; a big 60e value. Special Sale price, the pair 32f - Woman's 8O0 Pansy Moss too. - A splendid aaaortment of Women'a Fancy Hosiery in a fine selection of colors; all full fashioned goods and selected ' from our Imported lines; splendid SOc valus. Extra Special Sals pries, ths pair .....29 Women's Black- Oottonv Moss fe Msr Womsn's black cotton P llt)5Lr bnr'ni 1U 1: Special sals price, ths pair 25 Aa Assortment of Women's Moss In lisle, black cotton with whits line black cotton, blamrr ' sole, black - lace Hale and Maok cotton-with embroidered boots: all full fashioned. spliced heels and double soles.' Bee them for real values.' Pries, ths pair .; .35 Children's Pins Bibbed Whits Cotton Moss, seamless, all sixes. Pries, ths pair . ... 15f EMBROIDERY SALE -EXTRAORDINARY THOUSANDS OF YARDS Remaining from ths Monster Sale of Tuesaay-whlch contained values up to 12.60 a yard will be 'closed out tomorrow In ths most remark able bargain event of ths season at --r-- 15 CENTS THE YARD Many of ths Arery-beat-values remain. At this writing 'tis Impos sible to sayyust what the embroiderlea average, "but It Is safe to say arid you know how conservative ' Olds, Wormian A King are In their statements that there'a a plenty of handsome embroiderlea worth ever a -dollar a yard that -will go in- tomorrow's wonderful sale at 15, You'll find In ths offering narrow, medium, and wide cam bric edges and Insertions; also a lot of corset cover embroideries now so much In demand. The embroideries will be sold by the strip only, esch strip containing from to yards; Every yard shown in ths window Wednesday and today will be placed on counters Inside "ths more for ssle to customers on ths ruls of first come,, first served, regardless ofvalueBorjeraor.ftltty.N one reserved for any one. r ISO rWMXTS PAIS." DAINTY SUMMER JEWELRY EXTRA SPECIAL FRIDAT. - White Pearl Top Bat Pins for lOo. ... , Indestructible Whlte Pearl Top Hat-Pins, extra long pins, tops se curely fastened. -Special at. each .,.10 TU rWUtsSBMrjliaias 6aT 4 Long Chains of Whit Pearl Beads, evenly atrung on beet whits linen thread, spring cali li; reaulai valus Otc. Bpecisl, each . 45V ,m , BOo White Stone scarf pins S3o. r The-'Paea,2 he-new white Triniannmltatlon""oTlarnond, aecuraleTy-rnt and aet in best gold filled scarf pin mountings; regular value BOo, Special each fesj. 1. . v. 33t o Walts Pearl Stnds ao. - An aortment of pure White Pearl Top Studs, best quality, hand buffed, mother-of-pearl tops, with best gold filled backs; three on csrd; regular value S6e. Special ..22 I" I? l , ! fi A Remarkable Group of Shoe Barga in Friday's "Hourly Sales 9f a srxciAZ. PBAnrsa op tomossows obsat Jim wmitb pais." Of course, none Of the Shoes embraced In the offerings ara white; few shoes are. - So we'll do the best possible to add to the Intereat of the day by offering.soms very unusual values in the usual Friday "Hourly Sale" that so many have gottsn to look for aa a regular weekly event. You will understand 'that the apeclal prices quoted upon the shoea are for the -advertised hour only. Don't miss, making ths saving that's hers for TOT I 1 ! TO A. K. . ' Women's 98.00 Shoes fl.OS High out Shoes In black and tan, heavy or light aoles, for bicycling, mountain climbing, etc. ;, regular value 16.00. Special, palr7.,irm-"-... 91.98 I TO 10 A. M." Women's f4.00 Shoes. $2.00 ratent Kld Dress Shoes, hand-turned soles, leather concave heel, mat kid top. for summer wear; regular value 14.00. Special, pair ......................... .. ...f 2.69 -i-V--"-- 10-TO 11 A. M. .. l:a i4Vf- v ... rj i -4s&, ...... - ' - 1 Women's Colored Shoes New colored Shoes In tan.: brown and champsgns, welt and hand-turned soles; military, Cuban or French' heels Regulsr $3.60 to 15.00 value. Special, pair. .92.69 13.00 value. Special, pair f 1.98 Regular 12.00 to 11 T01IB- Womsn's 8.80 Shoes ll.Ts Black Kid Oxfords, Blucher or lace mat or all kid tops, all slses; regular valus Special, pair . fl.79 4 TO P. M. Misses' and Chlldrsa's Shoes A line of Misses' and Chil dren' fine Oxfords and Gibaon Ties in patent kid and deml glased leathers, light or heavy soles ; Regular II. 60 value; Regular 11.00 value. Regular 12.69 valus. Regular 11.00 value. Regular 11.76, value. Regular 1 1.10 value. Special, pair. Special, pair. Special, pair. Mpecialf pair. Special, pair. Special, pair. TO P. M. ...f 2.95 ...............1 12.69 1 11.95 111.69 111.39 41.24 Boy' Shoe Finest grade of Boys' patent or deml. glaaed - Oxfords, Blucher' cut, hand welt soles -Slses 3 to ; regular valus 13.60. ' Special, pair.. .$2.69 Slses t to I; regular value 13.00. Special, pair, .92.09 It TO 1 P. M. Men's 4.00 Shoes 9AM Men' patent or dull leather Ox forda, Blucher cut. buttort or lace, 13 styles;' regular value 14.00. - Special, pair-;7. r;.-rrr. ; . . . . : . . ; -92.99 .1 T O P. M. ' Women' Shoes 93.70 Woman's Shoes In patent kid or patont vamps and dull tops, with Louis heels, hand- turned or welt sole; regular value from $6.00 to tl.oo. special, pair f. .......... -.---V ' 1 TO P. M. ...... 93.79 Women' M-00 Shoes 91. Patent or Kid Oxfords, In but ton or lace, Blucher cut. dull tops; made ovsr neat laata, medium toe. .Goodyear wait soles; regular value 11. 0Q. Special, pair , .....91.98 "'IWI P. M, Wsmen's 91T9 Jnllets 91-S Juliets made In six stylst rubber heels, patent heels, patent or kid tops, plain toes, good comfort .styles; values to 11.76. Special, pair sTi 81.39 ISO "WBTT9 PATS." WotnWsKhit UNDERCLOTHES . EXTRA. SPECIAL FRIDAY. . Women's Mf rods. Pins Cotton TJnlen Salts, -with hlsh neck. long or short sleeve's, or "low end 'no sleeves';extrk,1tlr' trimmed. Special Whit Sal price, ths garment... ...85 Women's Marode Pin Cotton Tnlon Suits, low neck, no sleeves and knenengtn7 SpeclaT White Sals priceTThe r-- suit. j 63 Women' Merod Pins Whit lisls Tnlon Suits, with high neck, long or short sleeves, or low neck hnd sleeveless; knee. length; hand finish, silk trimming. Special White Sals price, the suit 91.05 Woman! Merode fUk aad Cotton Tnlo Salt, high .neck snd . long or short sleeves; or low neck, no sleeves, knse length. silk trimmed. Special White Sale price, the suit .-...9 1.48 Women's Merods Bilk aad Zdsl Tnlon Salts, high neck, long , sleeves, or low neck and sleeveless; n very fine garment. Special White Sale prtce, the-suit j,v. ,.u .$1.98 - Women' Merods Pin Ootton Tssta, sleeveless, long or short sleeves. Special Whit Sal price, each ............. .42 Woman' Merod Pin Whits J!sls Tests, long or' short sleeves and aleeveleaa. Special Whits Sale price, each. 63 Women' Merode Silk and Ootton Tests, long or short sleeves , or Sleeveless; extra silk trimmed. Special White Sale price, each . : . ........ .85 - Tight In knee ma ankle length to match all vests above mentioned. - " ' ' , . - - -- -, , - - Women' TOO Union Bolt 880. Women' Whit Lisle Union Suits, 'high neck, long sleeves, ankle length; our 75e value. Special Sale price, the suit. 55 Women' OOaaloaTSuIiw'tto. Women's whits Jersey, ribbed Union Suits, low necK, no e1evii,andntneo"tyngth; our OOo valus; Special Bale price, ths .iult--ujixm. . . . , . u . , . ......... . .42 Women' 00 Teats lSo, Women's whits cotton Vests,' low neck, sleeveless Tcrocheted yokrur lo valuer- Special Sale price, each. ........ 12 ' . . Womsn' OBc Tests lOo. Women's pretty light blue lists Vents, Jow neck, no sTeevee; neatly trimmed; our I60 value. Special Sal price, each. 18 Remarkable BARGMUSJor Housewives 100 "WBXTB PAZB." BARGAINS ALONG "THE TRAIL" SAVINGS IN ..,.... ; ; ' Small Wares Shops Penny-Saver BestAhierlcan" White ' for band or. machfne. 7 spools Special. - 25 lOe package Best English Whit Non- Twisting Cotton Tape. Special.. 5 White Lightweight Summer Dress Shields. -Special, pair .-lO 10c cube Best Whlte-fleaded Toilet - . Pins. Special t-, r.6 60o Whjte Side or Back. Combe. Special 25 White Pearl Buttons,-1- dosen en card. Special ........5 76c bar White Imported Italian Caatlle Soap. Special . ...... ....... .'.40 J&c bar White Jersey Lily Caatlle Soap. Special 15 lOo cake White Tar Soap. - Special 6 ISo Whit Canvaa Shoe Dressing. Special 17 too White-Bristle English Tooth Brushes. Special ............ .15 0c bottle White Petroleum Jelly. Special ..6c) 16c bdjcwhrtr swhin-Dowtrri Powder. Special ..t,,.;.,V,..,100 -0 paofcago-Whlto-Wova Commercial Envelopes. Special .5 1 So pack g orl0i) WtrtWJapsnea Cxepa Paper-Napkins. Special. .IO Package White Wood Paper for wrap ping lunches, etc. Special.... ...4 .l0j-lbpckejhlte-jofl Writing Paper! Special. . . .7 . . . 19 60o box White Cloth Fabrlo and iSmeoth-Finlsh Writing Paper. Special 15 ' - ZB TBS B10 "WBXTB PAZB" OB TBZBB PZ.OOB. China and Glassware the Attraction EXTRA SPECIAL REDUCTIONS FRIDAT. ' On our bargain China tablca you will find hundred of odd pieces of fancy China at BAX.P PBICX. 1 Great bargains In fancy decorated Vase and Ornament at OBB TSZB9 OTP BSOTTZtAB PSICXB. r White English semi-porcelain andXmerTcen seml-vfTfedur China At Special' June 8al prices. . . ' . Hotel and Restaurant Dishes at special prices. Hotel and Bar Glassware at to per cent discount. - UXXXT'B OTT OIABS. 6-inch Footed Comports. JH-Ib. high: regular value 11.76. Special, -Inch Footed Comports. Mn. high; regular valuo 3.0. . Special. 6-inch Footed Whip Cream Bowls, 6-In. high; regular Special ... Watr Bottle: regular value 14.00. Special 1. Sugar and Creams, eut handles; regular value 14.00. Special, pair Sugar and Creams, cut handles, large else; regular value 1 7.00. " pair ""v-. '. . . iTrrlH rttrfiioi .... .... ... . . . . . Spoon Tray; regular value 11.60. Special 6- Inch Olives, handled or unhandled; regular value 11.60. Special.. 7- Inch Nappies; regular value 13.76. Special 0-inch Nappies) regular valwo li.50. Spatial 11.25 I3.00 value- 14.00. . 94.15 ..93.00 ..93.0O Special. !5.50 2.00 1.15 2.50 fl.O(L ............ .ei.o .....84.25 t-lnch Salad-or Berry Bowl; regular valus 14.60. Special -Inch Salad or Berry Bowlt regular value 6.l. Special t-lnch Salad or Berry Bowl; regular value 14. SO. Special ............ .$5.25 Hundreds of arc)es In Cut Glass. Almost everything for tabla or orna mental ua at Special June Sale prices. Hsvlland Whit China. Ranacn, Marseilles and Derby shapsa. at special' prices. ' , .y--. Versalls Austrian China. In sets or separate pieces, at Special June price. Closing out odd pieces ifavllar.dTflanonWh1t China at MAXP PBZOB. Great bargains In Art Pottery, Louelsa hand-decorated Jardinieres and Vaaes kt IUI PBZOB - Chocolate Pot and Chocolate Sets at OBB TSZBB OPP. Comb and Bruah Trays at OSS TSISS OPP. Mayonnala Boats st OSS TBZSS OTP. V Creama, Sugara. Teapots, Salads, Jelly Plates. Bon Bons. Pudding Sets, Salad and Berry Bowls and Set. Relish Dishes. Comports. Cake Plate, etc, at rsducad prlcss. n - . .,;..' '" , . TABZ.B lUMWAIA m- ' ( Berry Sets. H-lnch bowl and nappiea. Special ,., ,r... ....28 Berry Sets, best quality. Special, sst of 7 pieces ....65 Berry Sets In plain engravsd glass. Special, sst of 7 pieces. ............ .95 Largs glaas Barry Bowls. Special, each '. .. ............. ....15 Individual Glaas Nappies. BpectaH dosen J... .....2ft Glass Pickle Dishes.- Special, each 5 I.H-lnch' Footed Jelly Stands. Special, each' ... IO 4-Inch Glass Ro Bowls. Special, each , ...19 -gallon Glaas Water Pitcher.' Special, each . .' J. . . .ii . . ... . r ( Chic "ShirtwaisK Sailors -A "Whit Pair" MlllUsry Svsnt.v , SPECIAL FOR FRIDAT. . . Ws havs arranged to offer Friday pa trons a-most unusual valus In Whits Milan Straw Sailors, smart, new . blocks, cleverly trimmed with whits wings, quills, ribbons and pretty chiffon rosettes. - A typical and 7 Jaunty Shirtwaist Hst for the swag ger "Summer Girl." One of the greatest values offered this aeaaon for tomorrow only at..... ...$2.49 1W4 "WB1TS PAXS." White KID BELTS and Vhile Bags 7 EXTRA 8PECIAL FRIDAY. JillJrVhlt Kid Belt Regular. tOo value. - Special, each 42 Regular 6o value. Special. esch 95 Regular 76o valus. Spsclst, each .J.... .68 Regular 11.00 value. Special, esh , ..,;... .... .-85 Rsgulsr 11.31 value.' Special, each $1.C5 White Wash Bags , Reamlar io value. SpeHal; each I, $S Regular l.t value. Sperlal, - each t;i.C"5 ; Regular 11.60 value. Bpecisl, j each fl,"""J Whit Lestber Has: rgulsr II ' "value. Special, eacli