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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 31, 1906)
THEOREGON DAItYJOURNAIi POHTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING. MAY 31. 1803. 't ... f f I x - JATJES II. GRAHAM In PORTLAND District Man--Makaa Good Impression at Opsn- Air Meeting. , ' DECLARES FOR POPULAR " ELECTION OF SENATORS , Favor Government Ownership . of Railroad arid Eaplain How Such Course' Would Result in Central Good. ' ".'' '. ' L ismes ;TiiWeyTGrshSrn;temoerstle T eongTesstonsrndMate-freothesee- - i ond district. on Tuesoay "S" .?" tils first public appearance In Portland since the beginning of the campaign.' : Graham Spoke for J .mlsutss at the open-air meeting st ..the- corner of Fourth" end Washington? streets, being introduced firFrssds plafnerHt ts - t marks were watt-Teoelved by bla.hoar , ' ere. : He spoke In part as follows: - ; "1 helleva In ths tule Of the Ppl. .'that the rights of ths poor should have-1 ths asms protection aa tne property m Tf The 'peopH'rwSshould'ts permitted i. vnt tar our' Halted Statea senators the rich, and In bringing aaoui ine run bv a direct vote of the1 people. The people favor this amendment andTthat ja why they are asking their candidates for the legislature tf they aigned atate ment No. 1. and If not, why otTbese things the people have right to know. "It will not do to urss that the gov ernment ran not on rate a railroad. The evidence to the contrary Is overwhelm- In a. livery railroad that peaaed into the Vhsnds of a receiver through our federal courts la practlcslly operated by the government, end ws have recently mtejt itiin the aetual opecaUoa of a --- railroad in-Panama, -and - by precedent " ; already established by congress we could condemn all the common stock of .-all-in TsUrsadB.. T.Ws.wouJ4.sly . th .. government, control ' and the earnings ' ' wowl d aoon pay off thelnde bted nesa. - sxtuncol-os'rtsxshlp would ive, the nnlUi tk-iaoa . an army , of. jneBuwhomthey could-control, nor that It would mean ,the entrance of several" hundred men Into public patronage. It would. Indeed. 1 be a political peril to have an army of 17T man dependent upon the party In power 'r.for their' poaltlons. 'But thl would not be the case, for .the reason that one of the. firat condltfona of public owner . - - ship would be te place-the railroads under civil service."-, Uraliam will be. the chief speaker at a rally, to be held nest-rrtday nlght--r. 7 in Oomesr-hsllr-OTr-the: east aide. The following day he will return to Baker 'Cityv where he will spend tha jsst. two days of tits-campaign. He frankly ? laces leas Importance on his own else on thart that Of Chamberlain. "I sm- doing -what I can- for Oov ; --'!. Chamberlain." he aald today, "and '1 If I ran aid In ths election of auch a ' aplendld . man as th governor I shsll -be content with the . tints, and energy expended la this campaign."-. . .... : '.. MAYOR LANE 010 NOT MEAN THE PORTLAND COUiiClL .' Portland, May; l?Tei the Editor of ;The Journal In your report of the pre eeedtngs of the meeting called to dis cuss the merits of the railway fran chisee granted upon Front street, I am . made to say In answer to the question of Mr. RVSns ss to wheti the people rt such mattera that "It had not done so in this instance." . This Is quite different from whst I aald or Intended to say. When Mr. Ev ana asked me whether ths council did not represent the people I , understood mm to use.tne word council ss a gen eric term and did not understand that hs had reference to this council In par ticular, but rather to city councils In general, snd my reply was thst "that Is aa It may be. ..Bometlmei they do. and aometlmea ihsy dnn t ' r..nlPI councils In general, and 1 would haveTSpeclal atteotloriwa.glv --satd the samemTSrcTt6 mayors as well hadI been asked concerning them. '-I do not wleh to be placed in a falsef . position In this matter or. lo ,glva un f. neceasary effense to any one. and X wish you would maks this correction " snd obUge. Tours reirpectfully. -schooner Ms' for, San Pedro tomorrow with 176,000 .Z.feet of . lumber. : J '1 : The head of the house : can find a new headpiece T here z. that will be the crowning lory of his new suit. - Give your head a rest- here are the light weight top pieces in ever; that a good . ' Soft Hats f 1 to ?4. ' Straw - Sailors fl- to ManUa Brald?i.50 to 93.50. ' . Panamas 4 to $8. ClothinnCo GasKithnPioD .Men's and Boys' Outfitter. " "166 and 16S Third St . ; Mohawk Building. . ' . y Kina rr I SISTER SHIP WILL FOLLOW HER Offkeraof,StearntrTohenham Report the Beckenham En , . Route to Portland BIG TRAMP BRINGS NEWS FROM ORIENT Substantial Improvements Are Being Made in Harbor of Manila and City . Ia Prospering With American Rule No Hope for Missing Drumcraig. OrTtcefs of the Brttlah steamer; Tot tenham report that her sister ship, ths Beckenham, wilt corns to Portland soon to load lumber for the orient. The Tottenham arrived In the harbor early this morning and went to the mills of the Eastern and Western Lumber com pany, where she will commence loading lumber-this afternoon , for- China, - Bal four, Guthrie AY are ths charterers. Shoi la Hill In command of Captain Mann. ,-. .' " "Ws made ths run from Mororan to ths Columbia river In If days snd II hours.'' said one of ths off leers In speak- f - wtsrof the trip serosa -the Paciflej "The sea was smooth and the wind wss In our favor; but ths Tottenham Is claased amour ths swifter cargo carriers. While In Japan ws learned that the Becken ham, s sister ship of the Tottenham, will sail for this port soon to load lum ber. 'She had been engaged to carry released ftuaalsn prlsonera from Vlad Ivostock, bui.the bualneas fell through because the Beckenham waa not rtth fur ths officers. Since her visit hers last January ths Tottenham ' hss- been- to-' Shanghai,- Ma nila,1 Saigon. Yokohama and Mororan. She-delivered -lumber-at Shanghai and Manila and then went In ballaat to Saigon to load a cargo of rlca-for-Yoko hama After. discharging the rleeth stesmer went to Mororan and coaled Wr" Officer Williams sarer-rnat" gl-eaFT Improvements are being made In th1 harbor there. An Immense breakwater Ik being completed and wharves are be-Tl Ing constructed all along " the water front. 'Shipping la on the increase and American -ideas and business methods are supplanting the slow standard set during . Spanish rule. The shipping1 men of Manila havs given up. all hepe of the British bark Drumcralg ever reaching port. Laden with lumber the Drumcralg sailed from the-COIumbla? river:. In. Scptembet-laat and has never been heard from' since. Several months sgo a bottle message from one of her crew was swashed sahors on ths California coaat. atatlng that ths vessel waa sinking Its miles off the mouth of ths Columbia, river. The ahlp -went to sea In a top heavy condition and It is believed here thst she went on. -her beam enda end foundered. to a storm that raged oft the river shortly after the Drumoralgs de-' parture. ' " BACK FROM ALASKA. Colonel Boessls rinds XJglit gtaUoaa xoelleat Ooadltloa. Colonel g. W. Roeasler. United SUtes engineer, returned Isst night from his tour of inspection along tbe coast" of soatheaatern Alaska. The tour was made tn 26 day on the tender Colum bine and this, according to -Captain Lennon, la the quickest trip ever made. Exceptionally fine weather waa encoun tered on the entire trlp.-t he finest kind nsntne greeting the vlsltora every where with the exception of one rainy and two windy daya : To the surprise 01 ren ine veierana tn the service, not a particle of fog .was encountered on the entire trip. " j visuea in ine light stations in southeasterly Alaska, Including Tree roiavJiui i JSJand,auard Island, Lin coln rock. Sentinel Island, Southeast Five Finger island. Eldred rock. Point Sherman and Fairway Island All of these stations are -comparatively new and were found to be In a good atate of -repair, aa thev tr. ,r".-t.- signal machinery and all the innlianr... were found to be In successful opera- it tlon. ..-. mi. nrrroy. - uoennxenaent rar constructlonr Mrr-Shrrman, tnpectorcr the fog signals, and Mr. Wright, ss- ium id ir. ennrman. remained at in operation jn inree daya and I believe '"-Jn' tne aate aei in the light- J ho,,., bulletin. " j "In addition to the enlnr' av thf rnlumhlna did aulu llttla work ror the Inspector's department In way f resetting displayed buoya replacing others that had been lost. the and "We also looked Into the matter of . selecting a site for the loostlon of . a I DUr "d .storage, depot In southeastern I Alaska. Ketchlcan, Wrangle Narrows, Sitka and Juneau were all prominently mentioned and Commander Werllch and r myself -win- make a-reioinrrrendatlon upon hla return to the city tomorrow." j LINE TO HONOLULU. , Mateoa Traasportattoa Company WU1 j Transfer Business to rortland. I W Mear"- eecrelary of the trans portation committee nf ti, .h..k.. . j commerce, addressed a letter thlsmornt,,m,! ??,mpUn Isunchee were "coining I rresioeiii noge or the chamber, asking that advertisements be Inserted iln Hawaiian papers announcing that, commencing July 1, the Matson Trans portation company will operate a line ! of steamers between Portlsnd and Hon olulu and other ports Jn the islands. j That Portland will have a direct line I to the Inlands la now assured, i Th. tm was sen I mi yssisrdav n'snA at a conference between the transports uon . commutes ana -Captain Mat son. owner of the steamers Hilnin ir . i terpriae, both of which hsve heretofnra been plying between Ban Frsnclsco and Honolulu. . . -, - - . The Illlolan will la've Portland July 1 for Honolulu snd HHo and shs Will be followed by the .Enterprise If trairt conditlona warrant a second steamer on the route. The- steamers - will carry lumber and all sorts of merchandise to the Islands snd return via San Fran. Cisco' with sugar, raw and refined. The Matson Transportation company had Intended to operate Us vsaaels out of Seattle,' bat found such encouraflng Inducements hers that the Hlloian will receive Instructions at Honolulu to sail for Portland Instead of Seattle on her return from the islands Ths Hlloian left Seattle for Honolulu Isst Saturday en her first voyags from the sound. Shs has espselty for about- ,eOO tons of cargo and. Is well equipped f 4 passen ger traffic. Ths Hlloian will "sail out of Portland once a month. , Arrange ments are being mads to establish sn efflcs la this city Immediately, and it The Best Qzxnnty of Merit 7 "' Tlf Open .Publicity Every bottle of Dr. Plsroe's worta fasted medicines lea vtnr the great labo ratory at Buffalo, N. Y., has printed upoa It wrapper all the . Ingredients so taring Into its composition. This fact alone places Dr. Pierce's Family Medi cines in a claSk oil bv IAsmervef..They ' cannot be classed with patent or secret medicines Because tney ars neuner. l nit Is why so many unprejudiced physicians Breecribe them ana recommend them to jelr patients. They know what they ars composed of, and that the Ingredients are those endorsed by the most eminent, medical authorities. The further fact that neither Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, the great stomach tonic, liver lnvlgorstor, heart regulator and blood partner, nor his Favorite Prescription forweak, over worked, broken-down, nervous women. contains any alcohol, also entitles them. to a piaee all by themselves- -Manr vears aa-o. Dr. Pierce discovered that chemically pure glycerine, of proper strength, is a better solvent and preserv ative of the medicinal principles resid ing In -onr Indigenous, or native, medi cinal plants than Is alcohol; arid, further more, tbat It possesses valuable medicinal properties of Its own, being demulcent, nutritive, antiseptic, and a most exholent an ti ferment. - Neither of the above medicine con tains alcohol, or any harmful, habit forming drug, aa will he seen from a glance at the formula printed on each bottle wrapper. They are safa to use and potent to cure. - Not only, dd physicians prescribe the above, non-secret medictnee largely: but the most Intelligent people employ them, people who would not think of using the ordinary patent, or secret medicines. verv Ingredient entering into the, com position of Dr. Pierce's medicines has the strongest. Jcind ofn endorsement from leading -medical writers of the several schools of practice. No other medicine put Op for like purposes has any such profetaLonal endorsement. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellet enitr'corf Stlpstlon. - Constipation Is the canto of many diseases.- Cure the cause and yoq eure the disease. One "Pellet Is a gentle, laxative, and two a mild cathartic Drug gists tell them, and -nothing is 'Just as good.. Ey to take as candy. - Harry Qurr - Candidate for Constable West Side v Harry, Ourr , a perhaps ths ' widest- known werklnr tnsn In Portland today. He la brickmason by trade, a resident of this city, for nearly SO years, and Is everywnere recognized sa an intelligent, conservative, yet fesrless and-outspoken champion of the right of the masses. While In no sense a labor agitator, he has for many year occupied a prom I nent place in the ranks of labor. Of unquestioned honssty and possessing more ; than average ability, if elected constable he will serve the people faith fully and welL To know. Harry Gurr Is to admire. .Aim: for bis trsnk honesty, He ought 'to be elected. Is understood that Mr. Llndsey, who Is now representing the' company In Seat tle, will be given charge of the local office. , , SOOT CAUSES TROUBLE.- Captain Amos of ths Zva Toses Ttfty nollara oa Aooount of a agin e. Captain Amos, owner of the gasoline schooner Eva, Is entertaining a serious grudge against himself for being out about 110, which he declares hs should havs earned last Sunday on his Invest- Iw the seat. . j h Captsht Amos-' recently Installed-a new gasoline engine of Increaaed capac- Uaml.for t-lont time Hfi-JDS Dflajar earns- of aprosperous business and large profits with the arrival of Admiral Goodrich and" his flagship. Last Sunday was the time deck bright and early to prepare for the .k. e h. ..m. .. V. dfcke of the warship ss soon as vle- the privileges of the hlp Passengers by the dosen were at tracted to ths Eva by a large and cpn aplcuoue slgn-and everything was I In readlnesa for the flrat trip when, to the energetio -aklpper's surprise, ths new engine refused to make more than half a doaen revolutions at a lick. It would go "chuck-chuck" and then waver back and' forth and stop. Repeatcit trials brought no. improve-' merrt- and - blg-rjeedn - of perspiration trickled down over ths skipper's bronsed forehead while In deep despair lie turned the crank ' time and again.. Assuring, his passengers thst every thing would be O. K. In a few seconds, he persisted In trying to get the pro peller started, but as often It balked, until finally he had to give up ex hausted and distrusted, in the mean- money Investigation led to . the discovery that soot In ths cylinder wss ths cause of the trouble, And now the Eva. Is resdy for business, for It took only a faw moments to remedy the defect. ALONG THE WATERFRONT. . The steamer Alllsnce sailed for Eu reka snd Coos Bsy last night. Charles P. Does of the North Pacific Steamship company left for San Fran cisco yeaterday. He will reach no con clusion relative to hla intention of pur chsslng a half Interest In the steamer S0Z0D0UT TOOTH FOER is of benefit as a deodoriser, antiseptic cleansing agent and preservative. Ask r-7 'V,; i your dentist "t -1 .,?-.. - . v,r.di;-';A-'-.. , . if .! si - L t . . J- ' " 7 "" ' 'MCHAILD Am LVCCBBSL 1 " ', ' Illar Piano Housa, Cantleman: tht tlma honored tandlng, and reputation,. but X novar had found an inttrunont vhich so naturally asats tho'daaianda as tha suporb and raaUy vondarful (eMokoringiano. Z haTS-known uany artlata vho wara paid fabuloua-ausa to-andorsa and publicly pUy certain ukii of pianos tuV etudios-it-was acala of-any maks, with a graataat : purity brilliancy and and such marvaloue repeating qualitlea nakeS oecupie th same enviable pogition with artiaU, ingjer and prof eional Tieopl th world over whrvr artitirtriL alon is considered and the selection i not influenced bj a cash or other consideration. Now is th tiro to seenr one of these incomparable instrument during our great e losing out aal a. Price hav been loT ight of. W most ell everything, and eH quicklymiere tOI remain aTfew very choio Baby" Grand and Upright at tinprecedented .price. - . . . , , . . ' . ' ' . EILERS PIANO HOUSE, 351 Washington Street TJeor Vy"MBrder "until a survey hss been made of ths damaged hull. The steamer .Redondo aalls for- Sao Francisco Saturday night. The ateamer Csarlna aalls tomorrow for Ban Francisco with s cargo of wheat destined for the South Vallejo mills. She cleared today but will hot finish loading until tomorrow morning. Ths officers -of ths steamer Totten ham complain of having been detained from l:3w until I o'clock off the bar yeaterday morning. There was no pilot In sight and at last -ths steamer ran up cloae and signaled "to the lighthouse keeper, who aent word to Astoria that a pilot was wanted. . Preparations srs being made at the foot of Ash street to move to the upper dock because of the high water. This la the loweif dcWU'lri the city "and it usually flooded by the June freshet. District Forecaster Heals ssys there la no reason to fsar a flood, this ss moat of the surplus water has al ready found Its way to ths ocean. - MARINE NOTES. Astoria. May L Left up st 4 a. m., United States gunboat Princeton. Ar rived down st f :30 and sailed at 8:10 a. m., steamer Alliance, for Coos bay and Eureka. Outside at I a. m., a three masted schooner. . . ' . ' -. Ssn Francisco, May . tt. Arrived, schooner Louis, from Astoria. Hailed at 7 a. m., tjnlted States stssmsr Perry. Astoria, May 10. Arrived at 11 a. m., barkenttne Amelia, from San Franclaco. Arrived at 2:10 p. m., United States gun boat 1 Princeton, from San Francisco. Left up at p. m., British steamtr Tot ten ham. t ' . San Franclaco. May 10. Sailed at 1:19 p. m., stsamer Cos fa Rica, for Portland. Aatorls, May II. Condition nf the bar at a. nr. smooth: wind northwest: ( arsather cloudy. " . Port land rOra Allow th plaaaur of axproatlng ayaalf 'In ragard to"th old Chiekering piano. In I-found irton thoy purohasad a -invariably andightfully a lhaaickaring, piano, In ny individual character . Thle Yours .truly. Mr l.TTnesf-writa. from r. intimata and waetical knowledge of th subject Th time-honored Chickerintr Plana Saturday Specials ALL DAY SATURDAY Prominent San Francisco Musician Talks Piano FACSIMILE OFjUNSQLICITED AND 7 MOST INTErmSTING LETTER FROM AN EMINENT AUTHOR- ' . TTTf . "nTz-NTTr TTVT Portltitl, 0rT,. By-travoU I hv had'eocuion to um piano f or ' thansalTas for .thalr-hosr Chicks ring. ' . and carryinf powarof-tonaaboautlful .feature, together with avouch so elastic. tha-Chickering ny. ideals TILL 10 P. M.' OR AS LONG AS THEY LAST ' 34x34 INCH STOPS v , Square, roflnd and melon ' shapes. Beautiful quarter-sawed golden oak, mahogany and birds eye maple. Extra hand-polish finish. Of course, we cannot pffersuch bargains every day.inthe. weett, dui serves 10 remind you 01 uevuriz c Sons,-and you'll remember us with other orders.' We wish to also remind you of our Great Ex tension Table Sale now on. You are able to save 20 per cent, on Dining Tables by making your; purchase now. . r "Cevurtz UM75 First sired i T. TkTnrT A WT ' . ! t Uay 29. 106 .. Chokorlagt w-'VsV --i-'' -7' Sells It for Less" . 219-227 T.r.t,.:i StmX i T